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Inclusions consisting of clinopyroxene, amphibole, Fe-Ti oxides and apatitc are abundant in the Roque Nublo volcanics, a unit of Late Tertiary age that is widespread on Gran Canaria Island. The unit includes alkalic basalts and breccias. Mafic minerals in several inclusions and in one basalt host have been analysed with the electron microprobe. Although the inclusions vary in size, texture and mineralogy, they show certain common teatures. The pyroxenes analyzed are all salites-augites and their position in the Ca-Fe Mg quadrilateral suggests that they are early formed representatives of the pyroxene crystallization trend characteristic of alkaliolivine basalt. The amphibole is invariably kaersutite. A common variety of inclusion is composed largely of kaersutite and titaniferous clinopyroxene. The kaersutite (TiO2 5.27%, K2O 1.58%) is homogeneous, except for slight iron enrichment in the margins of crystals. The clinopyroxene is an hourglass-zoned, brownish titansalite, Ca 50 Mg 35 Fe 15, TiO2 3.08%, with a green core of Ca 49 Mg 38 Fe 13, TiO2 2.15%. Compositions of coexisting titanilerous magnetite and ilmenite, Usp 44 Mt 56 and Ilm 85 Hem 15, respectively, indicate they formed at approximately 975°C and pO, 10?10.5 atm. In another type of inclusion and its host basalt, pyroxene relations are more complex. Inclusion pyroxene is markedly but diffusely zoned. Predominant is a green salite, Ca 47 Mg 38 Fe 15, TiO2 1.11%, which has small, patchy core zones of brownish. Ti-rich salite. Ca 48 Mg 35 Fe 17, TiO2 1.94%. Cores of crystals in the host basalt are Ca 47 Mg 41 Fe 12, TiO2 2.23%; rims are pale green, Cr-rich diopsidic augite, Ca 44 Mg 45 Fe 11, TiO2 1.32%, Cr2O3 0.48%. This «reverse» Fe-Mg zoning is attributed to increasing partial pressure of oxygen as crystallization proceeded. Kaersutite similar to that mentioned above occurs in both the inclusion and its host, in which it is highly resorbed. The available field and analytical evidence strongly suggests that the inclusions and the associated basalts are genetically related. Resorption of the kaersutite at depth may have given rise to the alkalic basalts of the Roque Nublo series.  相似文献   

It is well-known that South China experienced suc- there are also the Indosinian granitoids in Jiangxi, cessively two important tectonic movements during Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and so on[4], most of Mesozoic time, i.e. Indosinian and Yanshanian move- them, in the mass, are fairly concentrated in Hunan ment[1], which yield widely-distributed granitoids and Province, in which the Indosinian granites outcrop abundant mineral resources[2]. Therefore, the geologic over an area of ca. 5000 k…  相似文献   

The wide variety of basalt types, tholeiitic to basanite, dredged from Loihi Seamount have minor and trace element abundances that are characteristic of subaerial Hawaiian basalts, thereby confirming that Loihi Seamount is a manifestation of the Hawaiian “hot spot”. Within the Loihi sample suite there are well-defined positive correlations among abundances of highly incompatible elements (P, K, Rb, Ba, Nb, light REE and Ta) and moderately incompatible elements (Sr, Ti, Zr and Hf) and between MgO, Ni and Cr. However, within the Loihi suite abundance ratios of geochemically similar elements (Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta and La/Ce) vary by factors of 1.2–1.5 and abundance ratios of highly incompatible elements such as P/Ce, P/Th, K/Rb, Ba/Th and La/Nb vary by factors of 1.2–2.5. These abundance ratios are not readily changed by different degrees of fractionation and melting. Therefore, we conclude that these samples are not genetically related by different degrees of melting of a compositionally homogeneous source.On the basis of K/P, K/Ti, P/Ce, Zr/Nb, Th/P and La/Sm abundance ratios, the twelve samples studied in detail can be divided into six geochemical groups. Samples within each group are similar in 87Sr/86Sr [1], and intra-group compositional variations may reflect low-pressure fractionation and different degrees of melting. In addition, crossing chondrite-normalized REE patterns within the alkalic basalt groups reflect equilibration of the magmas with garnet. In ratio-ratio plots involving abundance ratios of highly incompatible elements, e.g., La/P, Nb/P, K/P, Rb/P, Ba/P and Th/P, the geochemical groups define linear arrays suggestive of mixing. However, these data combined with the isotopic data are not consistent with two-component mixing.  相似文献   

The Indosinian Orogeny plays a significant role in tectonic background and magmatic evolution in Indochina and surrounding regions. Being a part product of the Indosinian magmatism in northwest Vietnam during late Permian–middle Triassic period, Muong Luan granitoid pluton dominantly consists of granodiorite, less diorite and granite. This pluton is located in the Song Ma suture and assigned to the Dien Bien complex. Geochemically, the Muong Luan granitoid rocks are characterized by a wide range of SiO2 contents (59.9–75.1 wt%) and high K2O contents. They display typical features of I‐type granites. The presence of hornblende and no muscovite and cordierite in the rocks further supports for I‐type character of granitoids. The emplacement age of the Muong Luan pluton obtained by LA–ICP–MS U–Pb zircon is at 242–235 Ma, corresponding to Indosinian time. Zircon εHf values of –5.6 to –10.4, in combination with moderate Mg values of 34–45 suggested that the Muong Luan granitoid was derived from partial melting of mafic crustal source rocks, which are probably Paleoproterozoic in age as revealed by Hf model ages (TDM2 = 1624–1923 Ma).  相似文献   

Ten surtseyan tuff cones on Marion island (46° 54 S, 37° 46 E) and seven on Prince Edward island (46° 38 S, 37° 57 E) were erupted on shallow submerged coastal plains related to normal faulting. They range from Pleistocene to Holocene in age and exhibit a variable degree of erosion by the sea. Fundamental differences, irrespective of age, exist between two types: Type I cones have diameters of 1–1.5 km, rim heights of about 200 m and steep (27°) outer slopes. Deposits are plastered against nearby cliffs. Beds are thin, including layers of accretionary lapilli and less than 10 % lithic clasts. Numerous bomb sags, soft sediment deformation structures and gravity slides occur. On one of these cones mudflows formed small tunnels which resemble lava tubes, associated with channels sometimes having oversteepened walls. These cones reflect comparatively low energy conditions and probably resulted from extremely wet surges interspersed with mudflows and ballistic falls. Type II cones have smaller diameters (0.5 km) but widespread fallout/surge aprons. Rim heights are about 100 m and average slope angles are 18°. Bedding is massive with variable lapilli/matrix ratio and more than 10 % lithic clasts without bomb sags. These cones formed under drier, perhaps hotter and more violently explosive conditions than Type I, though not as energetic as the phreatomagmatic eruptions of terrestrial tuff rings. The two types of surtseyan eruptions are explained by invoking not only different water/magma ratios in the conduit but also different mechanisms of water/magma interaction. The slurry model of Kokelaar is favoured for Type I and a fuel-coolant model for Type II. The decisive factor is considered to be rate of effusion, with rim closure and exclusion of sea water playing a secondary role.  相似文献   

中地壳的水和水岩相互作用实验及其地球物理涵义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文重点报道了高温高压下流体与流体-岩石相互作用实验结果,提供了中地壳条件下流体性质和水岩反应速率数据.这些数据有助于理解中地壳的一些地球物理现象.作者进行了25℃~435℃和22~39 MPa条件下水-岩相互作用反应动力学实验.同时,研究水在近临界区至超临界区的性质.一般地说,中地壳大致位于10(15)至25 km的深度范围.各地的地壳厚度不同,但是中地壳高导-低速层的深度范围十分相似.中地壳的顶界温度处于300℃,底界大致为450℃范围,压力高达200 MPa以上.流体-岩石相互作用实验表明:硅酸盐矿物和岩石的硅最大溶解速率出现在300℃~400℃.此时,硅酸盐矿物格架解体.通常,地壳里普遍存在水、流体.地壳构造活动导致断裂空隙、减压、流体流动.这时,有可能导致中地壳处于300℃~450℃流体的压力减低,由超临界区进入临界态、亚临界态.这会引发强烈流动的水与岩石相互作用.溶解反应导致岩层的硅淋失,硅的强烈淋失又会导致硅酸盐矿物格架解体,岩石崩塌.同时,进一步促进流体的流动.实验表明300℃~400℃下的强烈水岩相互作用促进了岩石破坏,并有可能影响岩层的地球物理性质,如高导层出现.另外,实验和理论研究表明处于300℃~400℃流体具有高电导率性质.这些水岩相互作用会使中地壳出现高导-低速层.  相似文献   

There exists extensive basic-acidic volcanic rock series in the middle section of the Okinawa Trough. Different types of these volcanic rocks have their own average strontium ratios of 0.704 749, 0.705 062, 0.708 771, 0.704 840 and 0.720 301 with average143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.512 820, 0.512 673, 0.512 413, 0.512 729 and 0.512 034. These ratios of Sr and Nd isotopes all fall on a theoretic hyperbolic curve of mixing between two end-members of MORB and rhyolitic magma. So we infer that these different kinds of volcanic rocks in the middle Okinawa Trough are the erupted product in different stages of formation and evolution of the trough crust. MORB magma, which had suffered assimilation, mixed with the early-formed crust-derived rhyolitic partial melt mass at different ratios; then, these mixed magma erupted and formed volcanic rock types of the trough. This study indicates that the Okinawa Trough is coming into a stage of submarine spreading from the stage of continental rift.  相似文献   


地震前岩石圈存在可观测的磁场前兆异常, 岩石破坏过程的磁场效应规律却鲜有研究.本文设计建立了岩石破坏磁场效应监测实验系统, 测试分析了岩石破坏过程磁场与载荷、声发射、电磁辐射之间的关系, 探讨了岩石破坏磁场产生机制与岩石破坏磁场效应对地震预报的意义.结果表明: 岩石在受载破坏过程能够产生磁场, 磁感应强度与载荷变化存在良好的对应关系.在受载前期, 磁感应强度波动增加, 受载中后期, 磁场强度显著增加; 主破坏发生时, 磁场强度快速增加并达到最大值.磁感应强度与累积声发射计数平均相关系数达到0.825, 呈高度相关, 表明磁场变化能够反映岩石的变形破坏阶段和状态.岩石破坏磁场的产生主要与电性变化有关, 运动电荷或电流的变化产生了磁场.岩石破坏磁场与电磁辐射同属于电磁信号, 磁场是一种极低频、连续、脉冲式的信号, 信号频率一般为0~20 Hz; 电磁辐射是一种瞬态、阵发性的电磁波, 信号频率一般为kHz~MHz.相对于电磁辐射, 磁场前兆异常先出现, 岩石破坏的磁场监测结果对于评估地震的临震预报具有显著的意义.


松辽盆地北部徐家围子断陷火山岩分布及天然气富集规律   总被引:24,自引:12,他引:24  
提出一个新的带通滤波器——延拓回返垂直二次导数,该滤波器可通过调节延拓回返高度及次数来达到调频目的,以突出勘探目标层段的信息.利用该技术对松辽盆地深层勘探程度最高的徐家围子断陷的航磁资料进行目标处理,与钻井资料对比表明,经处理后的航磁资料可以较好地反映火山岩的分布特征.以航磁资料为主结合钻井、地震资料预测了徐家围子三套火山岩的平面分布.指出航磁异常梯度带是火山岩储层的发育区带,近烃源岩或沟通烃源岩的航磁异常梯度带是火山岩天然气的富集区带.该认识对今后松辽盆地的勘探部署有着十分重要的指导意义,对我国其他地区的火山岩勘探也具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The NE-trended Mesozoic granodioritic intrusions are spatially and temporally associated with the copper multi-metal mineralization in southeastern Hunan Province, South China. U-Pb dating result of single-grained zircons of four samples respectively from Shuikoushan, Baoshan, western Tongshanling and eastern Tongshanling intrusions reveals that their crystallization age spans a range from 172 Ma to 181 Ma, which also represents the oldest age of the regional copper multi-metal mineralization. Some of the zircon grains give an upper intercept age of about 1753 Ma and 207Pb/206Pb apparent age of (1752 ± 4) Ma, implying the involvement of the pre-Cambrian metamorphic (possible Middle Proterozoic) basement in their genesis. The presence of such a kind of zircon grains in these granodiorites indicates either that the parental magmas were assimilated by basement rocks during magma ascent or that lower/middle crustal rocks were one of the important components during the melting process.  相似文献   


Detailed studies indicate that the main rock type of the Neogene high-potassium calc-alkaline volcanic rock association from north Qiangtang is andesite, dacite and rhyolite. They belong to typical crust-generation magmatic system and originate from the special thickened crust of the Tibetan Plateau by dehydration melting. This group of rocks exhibits LREE enrichment but no remarkable Eu anomaly that shows their source region should be a thickened deep crust consisting of eclogitic mass group, implying that the crust had been thickened and an eclogitic deep crust had been formed during the Neogene period in Qiangtang area. This understanding is important and significant to making further discussion on the uplift mechanism and continental dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau.


Detailed studies indicate that the main rock type of the Neogene high-potassium calc-alkaline volcanic rock association from north Qiangtang is andesite, dacite and rhyolite. They belong to typical crust-generation magmatic system and originate from the special thickened crust of the Tibetan Plateau by dehydration melting. This group of rocks exhibits LREE enrichment but no remarkable Eu anomaly that shows their source region should be a thickened deep crust consisting of eclogitic mass group, implying that the crust had been thickened and an eclogitic deep crust had been formed during the Neogene period in Qiangtang area. This understanding is important and significant to making further discussion on the uplift mechanism and continental dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

The coefficient of variation for grain-by-grain fission track uranium analysis of apatites from igneous rocks seems to reflect the temperature of crystallization and the cooling rate. For metamorphic rocks the coefficient represents a complex record of the homogeneity of the source and of metamorphic neocrystallization. As a test case 41 West Carpathian rocks have been examined and the coefficients of variation for U in apatites found to be: granitic rocks 0.30–0.79, paragneisses 0.35–0.95, migmatites 0.55–0.87, and volcanic rocks 0.30–0.40. Most of the frequency distributions are lognormal, though for some cases a normal distribution gives a better fit, and some are incompatible with either of the two distributions.  相似文献   

Aromatic hydrocarbons are generally main distillation of crude oil and organic extract of source rocks. Bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can be purified by two-step method of chromatography on alumina. Carbon isotopic composition of individual aromatic hydrocarbons is affected not only by thermal maturity, but also by organic matter input, depositional environment, and hydrocarbon generation process based on the GC-IRMS analysis of Upper Ordovician, Lower Ordovician, and Cambrian source rocks in different areas in the Tarim Basin, western China. The subgroups of aromatic hydrocarbons as well as individual aromatic compound, such as 1-MP, 9-MP, and 2,6-DMP from Cambrian-Lower Ordovician section show more depleted 13 C distribution. The 13 C value difference between Cambrian-Lower Ordovician section and Upper Ordovician source rocks is up to 16.1‰ for subgroups and 14‰ for individual compounds. It can provide strong evidence for oil source correlation by combing the 13 C value and biomarker distribution of different oil and source rocks from different strata in the Tarim Basin. Most oils from Tazhong area have geochemical characteristics such as more negative 13C9-MP value, poor gammacerane, and abundant homohopanes, which indicate that Upper Ordovician source rock is the main source rock. In contrast, oils from Tadong area and some oils from Tazhong area have geochemical characteristics such as high 13C9-MP value, abundant gammacerane, and poor homohopanes, which suggest that the major contributor is Cambrian-Lower Ordovician source rock.  相似文献   

Abstract The Molucca Sea is a narrow basin located south of Mindanao (Philippines) and underlined by a north-south ophiolitic ridge. This ridge represents the outer ridge of the Sangihe subduction zone and emerges by uplift in the central part of the basin, in the Talaud Islands. Field studies indicate that forearc sediments rest uncomformably on (i) a dismembered ophiolitic series and (ii) thick melanges. Structural analysis indicates two deformation events, one of which is oriented east-west coaxial with the present state of strain. We interpret the earlier (N20°E) direction as a thrusting event that affected an ophiolitic basement associated with the edge of the Celebes Sea. Thrusting within the oceanic crust and sediments also generated olistostromes (melanges). The style of deformation is characterized by flattened rhombs of peridotites which exists in situ in the upper section of the crustal sequence and were also found inside the melange. Incipient Sangihe subduction around 15 Ma uplifted the deformed crust and buried the melanges beneath the forearc sediments. Recent east-west shortening during subduction of the Snellius Plateau reactivated the melanges within thrusts cutting the forearc series.  相似文献   

运用测井信息研究烃源岩进展及其资源评价意义   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
运用测井信息评价烃源岩自开始以来已取得了长足进步,从定性的分析、识别发展到现在可定量计算地化指标,为克服因取芯不足而在区域范围内进行资源评价的难题创造了有利条件,烃源岩中有机质、粘土矿物是影响其测井响应的两个重要变量,测井对岩石中有机质和粘土矿物的类型、丰度、压实程度及富集状态不同而产生的岩石物理、电化学性质的差异,是利用测井信息识别和评价烃源岩的基础,随着油气勘探形势的严峻,烃源岩的测井研究将向更深层次的方向发展,烃源岩的地球化学特征与测井响应特征对应关系的机理研究、发展利用电化学性质进行烃源岩评价的方法、进行烃源岩的岩石物理实验与测井数值模拟将是今后开展烃源岩测井评价研究的新方向.  相似文献   




An earthquake sequence took place on March 20, 1992, in Milos island (Greece) and lasted for about ten days. The main shock registered a magnitudeM s =5.3 and a depth of 9.6 km. The majority of the events were shallower than 5 km. Theb value of the sequence (b=0.96) is characteristic for tectonic rather than volcanic activity. Geological, tectonic and seismological observations show that in the island of Milos the seismic energy is mainly released along fault zones. Minor swarm activity was also detected.Recent seismic activity is due to the reactivation of the tectonic graben which traverses the central part of the island in NW-SE trend.  相似文献   

Relationships between riverbed morphology, concavity, rock type and rock uplift rate are examined to independently unravel the contribution of along-strike variations in lithology and rates of vertical deformation to the topographic relief of the Oregon coastal mountains. Lithologic control on river profile form is reflected by convexities and knickpoints in a number of longitudinal profiles and by general trends of concavity as a function of lithology. Volcanic and sedimentary rocks are the principal rock types underlying the northern Oregon Coast Ranges (between 46°30′ and 45°N) where mixed bedrock–alluvial channels dominate. Average concavity, θ, is 0·57 in this region. In the alluviated central Oregon Coast Ranges (between 45° and 44°N) values of concavity are, on average, the highest (θ = 0·82). South of 44°N, however, bedrock channels are common and θ = 0·73. Mixed bedrock–alluvial channels characterize rivers in the Klamath Mountains (from 43°N south; θ = 0·64). Rock uplift rates of ≥0·5 mm a−1, mixed bedrock–alluvial channels, and concavities of 0·53–0·70 occur within the northernmost Coast Ranges and Klamath Mountains. For rivers flowing over volcanic rocks θ = 0·53, and θ = 0·72 for reaches crossing sedimentary rocks. Whereas channel type and concavity generally co-vary with lithology along much of the range, rivers between 44·5° and 43°N do not follow these trends. Concavities are generally greater than 0·70, alluvial channels are common, and river profiles lack knickpoints between 44·5° and 44°N, despite the fact that lithology is arguably invariant. Moreover, rock uplift rates in this region vary from low, ≤0·5 mm a−1, to subsidence (<0 mm a−1). These observations are consistent with models of transient river response to a decrease in uplift rate. Conversely, the rivers between 44° and 43°N have similar concavities and flow on the same mapped bedrock unit as the central region, but have bedrock channels and irregular longitudinal profiles, suggesting the river profiles reflect a transient response to an increase in uplift rate. If changes in rock uplift rate explain the differences in river profile form and morphology, it is unlikely that rock uplift and erosion are in steady state in the Oregon coastal mountains. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

台风是全球最具破坏力的气象灾害之一,由于台风过境时现场海洋观测资料相对匮乏,与目前对台风的监测、预报和防灾减灾的迫切需求尚不相匹配。近年来,利用地震学观测资料与技术手段,通过台风激发的地震背景噪声,对台风进行监测的新方法逐渐兴起。本文对近年来有关台风激发地震背景噪声机理、源区分布以及基于地震背景噪声的台风定位追踪、海浪参数反演等研究进展进行综述,分析已取得的研究成果及可能存在的问题,讨论并展望基于地震学的台风监测研究思路与热点。基于地震学的台风监测有望为传统台风观测与研究提供跨学科的观测资料与技术支持。  相似文献   

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