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华北平原地下水脆弱性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对华北平原地域广阔,地貌和水文地质条件复杂、地下水开发利用程度高,地下水位埋深、包气带和含水层岩性差异性大等特点,基于大量钻孔和地下水位监测资料,厘定了包气带岩性和地下水位埋深变化对脆弱性评价影响,进而建立适宜华北平原的DRITC评价指标体系,并应用于华北平原地下水脆弱性评价。评价中,根据华北平原水文地质条件,划分4评价分区,剖分2 km×2 km单元34 253个,采用地下水位埋深、净补给量、包气带岩性、含水层累积厚度和渗透系数5个因子作为评价指标,求得地下水脆弱性综合指数及脆弱性分布图。结果表明,华北平原山前冲洪积扇和古黄河冲洪积平原的现代黄河影响带地下水脆弱性高或较高。野外采样7 472组地下水有机污染测试分析结果佐证,脆弱性高或较高区有机污染检出项数多,其他地区较少,由此验证评价结果的客观性。  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most economic natural source of drinking in urban and rural areas which are degraded due to high population growth and increased industrial development. We applied a GIS-based DRASTIC model in a populated urban area of Pakistan (Peshawar) to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution. Six input parameters—depth to phreatic/groundwater level, groundwater recharge, aquifer material, soil type, slope, and hydraulic conductivity—were used in the model to generate the groundwater vulnerable zones. Each parameter was divided into different ranges or media types, and ratings R?=?1?–?10 were assigned to each factor where 1 represented the very low impact on pollution potential and 10 represented very high impact. Weight multipliers W?=?1?–?5 were also used to balance and enhance the importance of each factor. The DRASTIC model scores obtained varied from 47 to 147, which were divided into three different zones: low, moderate, and high vulnerability to pollution. The final results indicate that about 31.22, 39.50, and 29.27% of the total area are under low, moderate, and high vulnerable zones, respectively. Our method presents a very simple and robust way to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution and helps the decision-makers to select appropriate landfill sites for waste disposals, and manage groundwater pollution problems efficiently.  相似文献   

地下水脆弱性和风险性评价研究进展综述   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
地下水脆弱性和风险性评价与区划是区域地下水资源保护的重要依据。本文回顾了各国地下水脆弱性评价与编图研究工作以及地下水污染风险评价研究的最新进展,提出地下水污染风险评价的框架及其指标体系,最后指出今后需要深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

张集地区地下水易污性及污染风险评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
文章在地下水易污性和污染风险评价方法的基础上,根据张集地区的水文地质状况和土地利用情况,建立了地区地下水易污性和污染风险评价的指标方法:GRADIC法和GRADICL法,并利用GIS/Arcinfo软件对地区地下水易污性和污染风险进行评价,得到张集地区地下水易污性指数和污染风险指数及其分布图。评价结果对于张集地区地下水合理开发利用、科学管理和有效保护,实现地区地下水资源的可持续利用具有实际意义。  相似文献   

地下水防污性能评价方法探讨   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
钟佐燊 《地学前缘》2005,12(Z1):3-13
地下水防污性能评价是环境规划和决策的有用工具,国外已有许多研究,也提出了各种计算防污性能指数模型。文中着重介绍使用最广泛的DRASTIC模型,并指出其不足之处。根据中国情况,提出用DRTA模型评价潜水的防污性能,用DLCT模型评价承压含水层的防污性能。DRTA模型包含有地下水埋深、包气带评分介质、包气带评分介质的厚度和含水层厚度4 个因子;DLCT模型包含有承压含水层埋深、隔水层岩性、隔水层的连续性和隔水层厚度4个因子。  相似文献   

Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution is an effective tool for the delineation of groundwater protection zones. DRASTIC approach was used to determine vulnerability zones in Dire Dawa groundwater basin, a semiarid region of Ethiopia. Maps of the seven DRASTIC parameters were prepared. GIS-ArcView was used for mapping and performing weighted-overlay analysis. The result of the analysis indicated that eastern part of the study area, in which Dire Dawa town is located, is highly vulnerable. A low aquifer vulnerability class was determined for the western portion of the study area as a result of greater groundwater depths, higher relative soil-clay content, and relatively low recharge rates for this area. The area between the two zones is of medium vulnerability. Observed nitrate concentrations in boreholes are in accordance with the vulnerability map. Some of the boreholes in the Sabian well field (Dire Dawa area) already deliver groundwater with nitrate levels significantly exceeding health standards set by the World Health Organization, while boreholes in the western part (low vulnerability zone) contain almost no nitrate. The result of this study is useful for risk assessments and for the development of effective groundwater management strategies for this region and others like it.  相似文献   

Based on the dynamic analysis and research of pollution risk of groundwater sources, this paper creates the dynamic assessment method of pollution risk of groundwater source area under the theory of “source-pathway-receptor”, and applies this method to one typical fissure karst groundwater source area in northern China. Following the 30-year petroleum pollutant migration simulation and pollution risk assessment of groundwater source area, this study finds that the very high risk zone is mainly located in Q Petrochemical Company and the surrounding area and the area adjacent to River Z. Within this period of thirty years, the pollution risk of groundwater source area has showed a dynamic trend that features an inverted “V” shape. The ratio of very high risk zone to the total area will be 18.1%, 17.47% and 16.62% during the tenth year, the twentieth year and the thirtieth year separately, and will reach the highest level of 19.45% during the fifteenth year. Meanwhile, the vertical migration distance of pollutant centre concentration changed from the surface soil at the outset to the deepest point of about 250 meters underground during the tenth year. The results of this risk assessment indicate the dynamic feature of pollution risk. The dilution, degradation and migration of petroleum pollutants in groundwater system contribute to an ultimate decline in pollution risk.  相似文献   

Safeguarding groundwater from pollution is largely a global political decision. These decisions are basically supported by DRASTIC (D=Depth to water, R=Recharge, A=Aquifer media, S=Soil media, T=Topography, I=Impact of vadose zone, C=Hydraulic conductivity) analysis. Furthermore, water quality index (WQI) is an effective tool for groundwater quality evaluation and management. This study identifies the relationship between these two indices [i.e., pollution vulnerability index (PVI) and WQI]. The DRASTIC index of the study area was found to be from 60.4 to 178 characterized by very low, low, medium high, and very high vulnerability constituting of 12.88, 24.38, 34.11, 21.99, and 6.63% of the study area, respectively. In addition, the WQI of the area according to the analyzed parameters is between 10.19 and 55.63. It was established that a good correlation (61%) was found to exist between the two indices; which may be an indication that most pollutants present in the groundwater are likely due to anthropogenic activities on the land surface.  相似文献   

Arsenic pollution in groundwater from Hetao Area,China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
. Hetao Area, China is a district where arsenic concentrations in drinking water are elevated. The 180,000 people that inhabit the 6,100 km2 of the seven counties in the area show symptoms of arsenic poisoning. In this paper, the distribution and origin of arsenic in groundwater were studied. The results demonstrate that the affected district boundaries encompass an area with high contents of As in well water, which the local inhabitants drink and use in daily life. This district is labeled as a population pathological change area. The isotope ratios of 87Sr/86Sr (0.7100–0.7164), 206Pb/204Pb (18.3817–19.1871), and 207Pb/204Pb (15.7581–15.9578) in groundwater of the population pathological change area are close to the ratios measured in water from mine areas (87Sr/86Sr=0.7196, 206Pb/204Pb=19.1940, 207Pb/204Pb=15.9574), and are somewhat close to ratios in Yellow River, water which is used to irrigating in Hetao Area (87Sr/86Sr=0.7168, 206Pb/204Pb=18.3495, 207Pb/204Pb=15.5969). The average content of As in the drinking water is as high as four times more than the environmental standard of As in drinking water. The study suggests that the origin of the As in groundwater of the population pathological change area in Hetao Area is transported from higher elevations where mineral deposits exist. Mining of some of the deposits has occurred for a long time. Mining practices can result in release of toxic elements, which can then be transported from the mining district down gradient.  相似文献   

Groundwater management has a prominent role in the world especially in arid and semi-arid areas which have a shortage of water, and due to this serious problem, many researchers work on that for prevention and managing the water recourses to conserve and monitor sources. DRASTIC index can be put forward for estimating of groundwater vulnerability to such pollution. The main purpose of using the groundwater vulnerability model is to map groundwater susceptibility to pollution in different areas. However, this method has been used in various areas without modification, disregarding the effects of pollution type and characteristics. Thus, this technique must be standardized and approved for Kerman plain. Vulnerability evaluation to explain areas that are more vulnerable to contamination from anthropogenic sources has become a prominent element for land use planning and tangible resource management. This contribution aims at evaluating groundwater vulnerability by applying the DRASTIC index as well as employ sensitivity analyses to evaluate the comparative prominent of the model parameters for groundwater vulnerability in Kerman plain in the southeastern part of Iran. Moreover, the potential of vulnerability to pollution is more accurately assessed by optimizing the weights of the DRASTIC parameters with the single-parameter sensitivity analysis (SPSA). The new weights were calculated. The result of the study revealed that the DRASTIC-Sensitivity analysis exhibit more efficiently than the traditional method for a nonpoint source pollution. Observation of ultimate nitrate showed the result of DRASTIC-SPSA has more accuracy. The GIS method offers an efficient environment for carrying out assessments and greater capabilities for dealing with a huge quantity of spatial data.  相似文献   

In many regions the use of groundwater for water supply is limited by the increase in contamination of aquifers. The problem of contamination requires the development of new approaches in assessing areas in which groundwater is vulnerable to contamination. A brief analysis of the present day level of methods for regional evaluation and mapping of areas in which groundwater is vulnerable is presented.  相似文献   

Water balance components of the North China Plain (NCP) were analyzed, indicating the decrease both in precipitation and evaporation. The decreased precipitation and expansion of water use for agriculture, industrial and domestic purposes have caused a water crisis, which was managed until now by diverting water from the Yellow River and over exploitation of groundwater. The groundwater resource was assessed by estimating its recharge in both upper unconfined and lower confined layers, yielding a total value of 1.65 × 1010 m3/a. Total groundwater use was estimated and judged by the actual water table drawdown. Salt accumulation, water table decrease, fluoride and nitrate pollution were all found to be major regional environmental problems. Furthermore, heavy metals were found in high content in the soil and surface water in suburbs of large cities, posing a potential risk of pollution in the groundwater. It has been verified by isotropic data that dry conditions have occurred since 10 ka and are therefore part of the natural process. Possible solutions for water crises in the NCP are proposed.  相似文献   

Confined groundwater system in Tokyo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Musashino Terrace and the Shitamachi Lowland, the main urban areas in the Tokyo metropolis, are in the eastern part of Tokyo and are underlain by thick Quaternary sediments. The geologic structrue of these sediments has a general strike of WNW—ESE, with a gentle dip to the east in the western part of the Musashino Terrace, and strikes generally to the E—W with a gentle dip to the north in the eastern part of the terrace and strikes WNW—ESE to N—S with a very gentle dip to the east in the Shitamachi Lowland. The basal sediments in this area consist chiefly of massive thick silty layers, whereas the sediments overlying them consist of alternating layers of silt, sand, and gravel, which act as confined aquifers throughout the Musashino Terrace and the Shitamachi Lowland. Confined groundwater systems are being developed in the Tama District, the western part of the terrace, and are mainly recharged with river water from the Tama River. The unconfined groundwater system is being developed in the surface layers such as terrace sand and gravel formations and the Kanto Loam Formation. These confined aquifers that are being developed throughout the terrace and the lowland have been exploited for household water supplies and industrial and air-conditioning use for nearly seven decades. The heavy utilization of the confined groundwater, however, has caused a major lowering of groundwater levels. As a result of the lowering of groundwater levels, land subsidence has occurred all over the Lowland and the terrace. At this time the national government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government restricted groundwater withdrawals for industrial, air-conditioning use and the others except for household supply. Owing to these restrictions, not only have the water levels recovered, but land subsidence has rapidly declined since around 1973.  相似文献   

基于不确定性的地下水污染风险评价研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地下水污染风险研究在工程决策中具有重要意义。但地下水系统本身具有各种不确定性,基于这些不确定性的地下水污染风险评价也因此具有不确定性,而且贯穿整个地下水污染风险评价过程。所以,进行不确定性分析是对地下水污染风险进行评价时的必要步骤。一般来讲,基于不确定性分析的地下水污染风险评价结果更可靠,因此也更具有实用价值。本文在对不确定性进行分类(随机不确定性和模糊不确定性)的基础上,通过大量文献调研和分析,对目前国内外用于地下水污染风险评价分析的不确定性分析方法(包括随机理论方法、模糊理论方法、随机-模糊耦合方法等)进行了归纳总结,并基于各种方法目前的研究现状,分析了不确定性理论在地下水污染风险评价研究中的发展前景。  相似文献   

结合从事取水工程环评及管理工作的经验,简要介绍了北方地下水资源的特点,及不同勘探程度工作成果的基本内容,同时介绍了该类工程环境影响评价的进展;就该类项目与规划的协调性、不同类型水源地的评价深度及卫生防护带划分等方面的评价方法、评价内容等进行了讨论;以已完成的该类工程的环境影响评价成果作为案例,说明实际工作中应根据项目类型及所处地区的不同,确定相应的评价重点与评价内容,最后简要展望了此类项目的发展趋势,并提出了今后工作的建议。  相似文献   

Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta,China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta, China is an important issue related not only to nitrate dispersion and health concerns but also to mass transport and interactions of groundwater, sea, and river waters in the coastal area. The spatial distribution of nitrate, nitrate sources, and nitrogen transformation processes were investigated by field surveys and geochemical methods. Nitrate occurred mainly in shallow layers and had a spatial distribution coinciding with geomorphology and land/water use. Irrigation water from the Yellow River and anthropogenic waste are two main nitrogen sources of nitrate in the delta, and both denitrification and mixing processes could take place according to characteristics identified by ionic and isotopic data.  相似文献   

Arsenic pollution of groundwater has become a serious health problem in several regions of the world. Wuyuan County located in the central part of the Hetao Plain, Inner Mongolia, is one of the most severely arsenic polluted areas. Peoples of the county have used groundwater of shallow (12-25 m) tube-well as drinking water. The groundwater is Na-HCO3 and Na-Cl type on the piper plots and aligns with steady Ca : Mg ratio on cation diagram. The arsenic content in the water is more than 0.2 mg/L and the highest value reaches up to 0.52 mg/L. Drilling data show that Holocene sediments are divided into three zones on the basis of their color appearances; brown, grey and dark gray zones. The strata from 2m to 9-14m under the surface are mainly composed of clay and silt which are impermeable layers. The grey and dark grey zones composed of sand underlie the impermeable bed and the condition of their zones is reductive. At the depth of 30 m near the bottom of drilling, ORP of the groundwater is -300- -400 mV. The dark grey sand changes to yellow in color under the atmosphere. Under reducing environment, the color returns to its original dark grey. The characteristic color is due to amorphous or low-crystalline Fe sulfide coating sand grains. The sediments are of fluvial origin by the Yellow River. The arsenic content in the sediments is rich in fine-grained part and its values are more than 20 mg/kg in clay layer. The highest is 38 mg/kg. X-ray diffraction and macroscopic observation show that the clay layer is made of minerals such as chlorite and illite and contains high quantities of organic matter.  相似文献   

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