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A field experiment was carried out in which wind speed and direction were measured over flat terrain at a height of 10 m using 13 identical instruments spaced logarithmically along two perpendicular 10 km lines. Station separations ranged from 312 m to 10 km. One-minute data from 11 sampling periods of duration 6 to 10 h were studied. p ]The statistics showed little dependence on whether the line of instruments was oriented along the wind or across the wind. The correlation coefficients between wind fluctuations at two stations separated by distance x were found to vary exponentially with x, with an integral distance scale on the order of 1 km. The integral time scale derived from the variation of the single station variances with averaging time was found to equal several minutes. At a station separation of 10 km, the correlation coefficients between the wind components at the two sites were calculated to be 0.24, 0.37, and 0.47 for averaging times of 1, 10, and 60 min, respectively. These values for the correlation coefficients correspond to root-mean-square differences in wind speed at the two stations of about 1.3, 1.0, and 0.7 m/s, respectively.Exponential formulas based on dimensional analysis are suggested for fitting these observations. It is found that the observations of spatial correlations are best fit if two independent integral distance scales are used — a boundary-layer distance scale of about 300 m that best applies to small station separations and a mesoscale distance scale of about 10 km that applies to larger station separations.  相似文献   

利用WRF模式分别对沿海及山地条件下风电场风速进行高分辨数值模拟,并对其误差特征进行分析,结果表明:1)WRF模式对复杂地形条件下的风速模拟性能良好,模拟值较好地体现天气尺度的周期变化;2)沿海及山地条件下模拟与观测的误差特征各不相同。模式静态数据未能显现沿海的小岛,并且低估了山地测风塔所在的海拔,导致沿海平均模拟风速偏大,山地平均模拟风速偏小;3)分析不同风向的归一化均方根误差,沿海陆风情况下,下垫面相对复杂,误差明显增大;沿海海风情况下,下垫面均一,误差明显减小;4)仅作单个风电场周边数百平方千米的模拟,采用一台12核的服务器进行WRF模式的并行计算可满足48 h短期预测的时效性。仅仅提高模拟的网格分辨率,并不一定能提升模拟的准确性。  相似文献   

受城市化、探测环境变化等人为因素影响,部分气象站风速序列存在不均一性,在使用这类气象站的风速资料时必须进行订正。本文以东山气象站为例,应用测站受建筑物影响前后各5 a的风速资料及探测环境历史沿革资料,利用计算流体力学方法(CFD)研究建筑物对气象站测风数据的影响。结果表明:建筑物与测风杆的相对位置不同,建筑物对测风的影响程度亦不同,测站北面建筑物是影响该站偏北风风速观测的主要因素;研究不同风速下建筑的影响,可得模拟结果与输入风速间呈线性关系,并由此建立风速订正关系式,订正后基本消除了建筑物对N方位风速的影响;订正受建筑物影响较小的NNE方位风速需考虑其他障碍物的影响。本文通过试验,验证了CFD方法可用于定量评估建筑物对测风的影响,从而重建受建筑物影响台站的风速序列。  相似文献   

The report presents the results of a wind-tunnel study of the flow of the natural wind over complex terrain. A 1:4000 undistorted scale model of Gebbies Pass in the South Island of New Zealand was prepared and tested in the boundary-layer wind tunnel in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Canterbury.Three forms of construction, viz., terraced, contoured and roughness-added, were compared. Velocity and turbulence profiles, Reynolds stresses and spectra were measured, and correlation of results between different types of construction was calculated. The terraced form was much simpler to construct but was found to be unsatisfactory. The correlation between the contoured and roughness-added models was as high as 0.94, although the roughness-added model made a significant difference to the results in the lower 20%; of the boundary layer. The results of these tests will be compared with results from the field in a future report.  相似文献   

In 2008, Burlando et al. proposed a two-stage clustering technique for the classification of mesoscale wind regimes. The first stage of this classification scheme is based on a hierarchical cluster analysis, according to Ward’s minimum variance technique applied to an Euclidean distance, for a first-guess subdivision of the events into groups. In the second stage, a partitional k-means clustering for the optimal reassignment of the events among clusters is performed. Following this methodology, in the present paper, the synoptic-scale wind fields over the Mediterranean Sea have been analysed in order to check the suitability of this technique to a higher-dimensional phase space. The study is based on a 30-year-long data set of wind speed and direction at 10 m above sea level obtained from the reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts. The cluster analysis has been performed on wind speeds only, while wind directions have been used to show the existence, in the spatial structure of the wind climate regimes, of particular regions which correspond to the main topographic and/or thermal forcing of the Mediterranean. These regions are the peaks of the probability density function in the climatological phase space of wind speed patterns recognised by the clustering algorithm. The final classification has been able to identify, for instance, the surface circulation patterns corresponding to Mistral events in the western Mediterranean sub-basin and Etesian winds in the eastern sub-basin.  相似文献   

利用风洞试验方法,以上海陆家嘴金融贸易区建筑群及上海中心大厦为研究对象,讨论了不同粗糙度、不同风向条件下,高密度建筑群和超高建筑物对风环境的影响。结果表明:1)地表粗糙度越小,大风区范围越大。此外,建筑群的分布、排列形式会明显改变来流走向。2)超高建筑物由于其形态上下不一致,在一定条件下,不同高度处的风矢量存在明显差异。3)参照国外建筑物风环境舒适度评估标准,对模拟区域内行人高度处的舒适度进行了评估,并给出了3个风环境较差的区域。  相似文献   

本文利用WRF模式及其3DVAR同化系统,以2008年4月20日00时—23日00时的江苏近海10 m风场为研究个例,对Quik SCAT、Wind SAT、多源测风融合数据进行同化试验,通过比较WRF-3DVAR同化系统对模拟风场初始场和预报场的改进,检验了同化不同类型资料后WRF模式对研究区域内单点及区域近地层风速的预报效果。结果表明:同化试验对初始场有改进,且对预报场的改进较FNL资料明显;不同资料对风场模拟的影响不同,同化星星、星地多源融合资料效果最佳,Quik SCAT次之,Wind SAT最差。此外,在模式分辨率一定的情况下,提高观测资料的分辨率并不一定能够改善模拟效果,资料的稀疏分辨率存在最佳选择。  相似文献   

数值模拟技术在风电场宏观选址上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
现有气象站分布稀疏,难以全面反映潜在大风区域。数值模拟技术通过提高分析区域的空间分辨率,弥补气象站点分布稀疏的缺陷。利用中尺度天气预报模式WRF对吉林省西部地区风能资源进行了数值模拟。结果表明:数值模拟结果反映了实际风速日变化和年变化规律,10 m、50 m、70 m高度模拟值与实际观测值相关系数分别达到0.889、0.862和0.865,均达0.001 的显著水平;模拟结果揭示了地面观测资料未反映出来的潜在大风区。经实际立测风塔观测证实,数值模拟技术可以用于风电场宏观选址。同时揭示了模拟的风速较实际风速大,且模拟风速空间分布差异小于观测的风速,说明现有数值模式模拟的精确度还存在着局限性,风电场微观选址仍依赖于立测风塔进行实地观测。  相似文献   

根据贵阳探空站1990-01-01—2002-06-30地面风资料统计结果,本站地面风向若按东西方向分,偏东风风向出现次数的频率为60.4%,因此偏东风是盛行风向为重点考虑风向;按南北方向来分,偏北风风向出现次数的频率为46.9%,偏南风风向出现次数的频率为36.0%,因此偏北风和偏南风风向都要考虑;同时考虑到东南西北等16个基本方位风向出现次数的频率,结合本站地理位置和周边建筑物等环境情况,就能够在本站施放场地找到最好的施放点,而且在正常施放条件下,找到最小的施放距离。  相似文献   

ALow-orderModelofTwo-dimensionalFluidDynamicsontheSurfaceofaSphereMozhengWei(CRCforSouthernHemisphereMeteorology,CSIRODivisio...  相似文献   

Nonperiodic vertical and temporal variations in wind direction in the lower 500-meter air layer related to synoptic conditions are studied using the long-term data of acoustic remote sensing by the MODOS sodar at Moscow State University. Average values of wind shear to the right (clockwise) with time as a result of the passage of atmospheric fronts are 55° for cold fronts, 40° for warm fronts, and 45° for occlusion fronts. In some cases the clockwise wind shear may reach 180° per 30 minutes and 720° per several hours. The wind shear to the left with time is usually observed if the northern periphery of anticyclones or the ridge axis pass by. It takes more time than the clockwise wind shear does. Dramatic variations in wind direction with height including synchronous opposite air flows at different heights are observed in the zones of fronts, axes of ridges and troughs (if they are inclined), and cols. The vertical wind shear may reach 250° in the lower 300-meter air layer. Thunderstorms in Moscow are usually accompanied by the average wind speed increase by 1 m/s during 30-40 minutes after their beginning.  相似文献   

During the passage of a front, data from a light-weight cup anemometer and wind vane, sited in a steep-walled glacial valley of the Mt Cook region of the Southern Alps of New Zealand, were analysed to derive a power spectrum of the wind velocity for periods between 0.5 and 16 min. The energy spectrum roughly followed a -5/3 power law over the range of periods from 0.5–4 min — as might be expected in the case of an inertial subrange of eddies. However, any inertial subrange clearly does not extend to periods longer than this. We suggest that the observed eddies were generated in a turbulent wake associated with flow separation at the ridge crests, and large eddies are shed at periods of 4–8 min or more.A compressible fluid-dynamic model, with a Smagorinsky turbulence closure scheme and a law of the wall at the surface, was used to calculate flow over a cross section through this area in neutrally stratified conditions. A range of parameters was explored to assess some of the requirements for simulating surface wind gusts in mountainous terrain in New Zealand.In order to approximate the observed wind spectrum at Tasman aerodrome, Mount Cook, we found the model must be three-dimensional, with a horizontal resolution better than 250 m and with a Reynolds-stress eddy viscosity of less than 5 m2 s-1. In two-dimensional simulations, the eddies were too big in size and in amplitude and at the surface this was associated with reversed flow extending too far downstream. In contrast the three-dimensional simulations gave a realistic gusting effect associated with large scale cat's paws (a bigger variety of those commonly seen over water downstream of moderate hills), with reversed flow only at the steep part of the lee slope. The simulations were uniformly improved by better resolution, at all tested resolutions down to 250 m mesh size.The spectra of large eddies simulated in steep terrain were not very sensitive to the details of the eddy stress formulation. We suggest that this is because boundary-layer separation is forced in any case by terrain-induced pressure gradients.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the simulation of tropical cyclone(TC) size to microphysics schemes is studied using the Advanced Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting Model(WRF). Six TCs during the 2013 western North Pacific typhoon season and three mainstream microphysics schemes–Ferrier(FER), WRF Single-Moment 5-class(WSM5) and WRF Single-Moment6-class(WSM6)–are investigated. The results consistently show that the simulated TC track is not sensitive to the choice of microphysics scheme in the early simulation, especially in the open ocean. However, the sensitivity is much greater for TC intensity and inner-core size. The TC intensity and size simulated using the WSM5 and WSM6 schemes are respectively higher and larger than those using the FER scheme in general, which likely results from more diabatic heating being generated outside the eyewall in rainbands. More diabatic heating in rainbands gives higher inflow in the lower troposphere and higher outflow in the upper troposphere, with higher upward motion outside the eyewall. The lower-tropospheric inflow would transport absolute angular momentum inward to spin up tangential wind predominantly near the eyewall, leading to the increment in TC intensity and size(the inner-core size, especially). In addition, the inclusion of graupel microphysics processes(as in WSM6) may not have a significant impact on the simulation of TC track, intensity and size.  相似文献   

选取2016年1月至2018年12月ECMWF(简称EC)细网格10 m风资料,与大连地区8个国家气象观测站地面各类实况风速资料进行对比分析,得出EC 10 m风速预报与最大风速最为接近,与极大风速相关性最好,EC 10 m风速对大连地区8站整体预报平均偏大.通过对EC 10 m风速各预报时限资料与其对应的最大风速误差...  相似文献   

风沙流中风速廓线的数值模拟与实验验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何描述风沙流中被风沙运动改变了的风速廓线是风沙相互作用研究中的关键问题之一.该文中将跃移风沙流视为一种颗粒拟流体,将跃移颗粒对气流产生的阻力用颗粒流的阻力系数来表达,建立了描写两场相互作用的数学模型.颗粒流的阻力系数采用了前人在液态流化床研究中得出的阻力系数表达形式,通过引入一个修正系数,使其适用于风沙流(气-固两相流).将风沙边界层划分为跃移颗粒所产生的阻力不可忽略的内边界层和跃移颗粒阻力可以忽略但受内边界层影响的外边界层,分别建立了内边界层和外边界层的风速廓线表达式.应用所建立的数学模型,根据由风洞实验测定的跃移风沙流的浓度分布和速度分布资料,计算了跃移风沙流中的风速廓线,并与风洞实测结果进行了对比.结果表明,计算风速廓线与实测风速廓线吻合得比较好,在半对数图上均为上凸的曲线,有别于无风沙运动时的直线.跃移边界层外风速分布可较好地用对数函数来描述.对风沙流中风速廓线的进一步分析证实了风沙物理学奠基人Bagnold在其早期观测风沙流中的风速廓线时提出的"结点现象"(Bagnold结),该结点的高度随风速的增大而升高,随颗粒粒径的增大而降低.根据数值模拟和模拟实验,可以认为有风沙运动的动床剪切风速是综合反映风场与跃移层以及地表之间相互作用的物理量.  相似文献   

The effects of large-scale wind forcing on the bimodality of the Kuroshio path south of Japan, the large meander (LM) and non-large meander (NLM), were studied by using a historical simulation (1948–2007) with a high-resolution Ocean general circulation models (OGCM). The Kuroshio in this simulation spent much time in the NLM state, and reproduced several aspects of its long-term path variability for the first time in historical OGCM simulation, presumably because the eddy kinetic energy was kept at a moderate level. By using the simulated fields, the relationships between wind forcing (or Kuroshio transport) and path variation proposed by past studies were tested, and specific roles of eddies in those variations were investigated. The long-term variation of the simulated net Kuroshio transport south of Japan was largely explained by the linear baroclinic Rossby wave adjustment to wind forcing. In the simulated LM events, a triggering meander originated from the interaction of a wind-induced positive sea surface height (SSH) anomaly with the upstream Kuroshio and was enlarged by cyclonic eddies from the recirculation gyre. The cyclonic eddy of the trigger meander was followed by a sizable anticyclonic eddy on the upstream side. Subsequently, a weak (strong) Kuroshio favored the LM (NLM). The LM tended to be maintained when the Kuroshio transport off southern Japan was small, and increasing Kuroshio transport promoted decay of an existing LM. The supply of disturbances from upstream, which is related to the wind-induced SSH variability at low latitudes, contributed to the maintenance of an existing LM.  相似文献   

An aerosol dynamics model, AEROFOR2, is developed in the context of the BIOFOR project focussing on boreal forest aerosol. It is the second version of a Lagrangian type box model AEROFOR for investigating the formation and growth of particles under clear sky atmospheric conditions. Particles can consist of soluble and insoluble material and the particle population can be externally or internally mixed. AEROFOR2 includes gas phase chemistry and aerosol dynamics, and calculates the number and composition distributions of particles as functions of time. Observed growth rates of the nucleation mode particles after a typical nucleation event are 2–3 nm/h. The model simulations predict that 3·107 molecules cm−3 of insoluble organic vapour and less than 6·106 molecules cm−3 of soluble vapour condensing onto particles are enough to make them grow in good agreement with the observed growth rates. Then the source rate of the organic vapour must be an order of 105 molecules cm−3 s−1, and its saturation vapour density should be below 106 molecules cm−3. If the aerosol was initially an internal mixture of soluble (70%) and insoluble (30%) constituents it transformed to an externally mixed aerosol during the simulation. By applying the externally‐mixed aerosol based on measured soluble volume fractions, it was concluded that the modelled soluble fraction of the nucleation mode was too low in comparison with the measurements, and thus, a part of the condensable organic vapour must be water soluble.  相似文献   

风电场流场特性及风机布局数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对风电场流场特性研究对风力机工作性能提高的重要意义,采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法在单机风力机模拟验证的基础上,对某风电场单风力机和三种布局条件下的风电场流场特性进行了数值模拟研究.考察了不同布局条件下风电场速度、叶轮表面压力以及湍流涡的分布特性.结果表明:叶轮后方尾流效应明显,速度损失随着相对距离的增加而逐渐减小,...  相似文献   

四川地形谱特征及中尺度模式水平网格分辨率选取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
四川地形复杂多样,暴雨频发,常诱发山洪、泥石流等灾害。在利用中尺度模式对复杂地形区域的暴雨进行研究时,模式水平分辨率的选取缺乏定量依据。为了揭示四川地形的复杂特征和给中尺度模式水平网格分辨率的选取提供定量依据,利用二维离散余弦变换,对四川地形高度场和暴雨分布场进行谱分解,根据暴雨分布特征分区讨论了四川盆地地形特征,同时利用地形谱方差和数值试验定量讨论了数值模式水平分辨率的选取问题,得到主要结论有:(1)二维离散余弦变换能较好地表现出研究区域各向异性的复杂特征;(2)雅安地区和四川盆地西北部的地形谱与降水谱有较好的同相关系,盆地东北部和盆地中部的地形谱与降水谱在波长较大处出现反相关系;(3)针对某个区域的地形特征,可以通过计算模式能分辨的地形方差与总地形方差的比值来确定合适的中尺度模式水平网格分辨率。  相似文献   

WRF模式对福建沿海风电场风速预测的效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杨光焰  吴息  周海 《气象科学》2014,34(5):530-535
在WRF模式中选取不同的边界层、近地面层以及陆面过程参数化方案,设计了4种不同物理过程参数化方案,组合模拟福建沿海某测风塔站2010年1月1—11日和7月1—11日的逐时风速,将数值模拟结果和同期测风塔观测数据进行对比,以寻求最佳参数化方案。经分析比较,采用MYJ边界层方案,Monin-Obukhov近地面层方案以及Noah陆面过程方案的方案2模拟效果最好。使用该方案对2010年1月和7月的风速进行模拟,按不同风速级别分别对数值模拟结果进行对比分析,结果表明:方案2对6~15m/s风速模拟的平均相对误差在20%左右,能够满足风电预测的精度需求;而对0~6m/s风速模拟的误差相对较大,这可能是由于模式地形分辨率不够精细以及风塔所处海陆交界处的特殊位置,使低风速容易受地面扰动以及海陆气流影响所致。  相似文献   

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