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Food habits of the dominant fishes collected from 1974 to 1980 at eight locations in Elkhorn Slough, California, and the adjacent ocean were investigated. Epifaunal crustacea was the major prey group identified from stomach contents of more than 2,000 fishes, followed by epifaunal and infaunal worms, and molluscs. Overall, 18 fish species consumed 263 different prey taxa, ranging from 10 taxa to 125 taxa per fish species and including 99 crustacean, 56 polychaete, and 39 molluscan taxa. Mean prey richness was greatest at stations near the ocean and lowest at inshore stations. Detailed dietary data for all prey taxa were summarized as trophic spectra for each fish species. Trophic spectra represented functional groups of prey and were used for comparisons of dietary similarity. Cluster analyses, based on trophic spectra, resulted in four feeding guilds of fishes. Of 18 fish species, seven (Amphistichus argenteus, Leptocottus armatus, Embiotoca jacksoni, Clevelandia ios, Gillichthys mirabilis, Cymatogaster aggregata, andCitharichthys stimaeus) fed principally on epifaunal crustacea. Four species (Pleuronectes vetulus, Platichthys stellatus, Phanerodon furcatus, andMyliobatus californica) consumed mostly molluscs and infaunal worms. Two species (Psettichthys melanostictus andTriakis semifasciata) fed on mobile crustacea, and five species (Hyperprosopon anale, Engraulis mordax, Clupea pallasi, Atherinopsis californiensis, andAtherinops affinis) fed largely on zooplankton and plant material. Our results suggest that high food availability enhances the nursery function of imshore habitats, and emphasize the importance of invertebrate prey populations and the indirect linkage of plant production to the ichthyofaunal assemblarly marine immigrant species that are likely ‘estuarine dependent’.  相似文献   

Assemblages of ichthyofauna of shallow inshore habitats along Californía’s central coast are described in terms of species composition, abundance, and life-style categories. A total of 22,334 fishes from 65 species and 27 families was collected with otter trawls at six sites in the main channel and tidal creeks of Elkhorn Slough, a tidal embayment and seasonal estuary, and two nearshore ocean stations in Monterey Bay during 44 months between August 1974 and June 1980. Greater than 90% of the catch comprised 10 species. The four dominant species,Cymatogaster aggregata, Leptocottus armatus, Phanerodon furcatus, andEmbiotoca jacksoni, occurred during most or all seasons and were classified as residents or partial residents. Several abundant species were marine immigrants that seasonally use the slough as spawning and nursery grounds; this resulted in higher abundance and species richness during summer. Species collected during winter largely were slough residents. Species compsosition and richness varied with distance from the slough entrance. The ocean assemblage was most different, and its similarity to other stations decreased progressively with distance inland and into the tidal creeks. During our study, 5,074 fishes were collected by beach seine in Bennett Slough, a remote shallow marsh basin adjacent to the entrance of Elkhorn Slough. Species richness was relatively low and three euryhaline species accounted for >80% of the total catch. The species assemblage was most similar to those at the tidal creek and most shallow stations of Elkhorn Slough. Resident species numerically dominated assemblages in Bennett Slough and the most inland areas of Elkhorn Slough. The high relative abundance of marine-related fishes (classified as marine, marine immigrant, and partial resident), entering Elkhorn Slough early in life or as spawning adults indicates the importance of this habitat to nearshore fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Elkhorn Slough is a shallow, tidally forced estuary that is directly connected to Monterey Bay. It is ebb-dominated and, due to continued erosion, the tidal prism has tripled over the past 40 years. Water level measurements at four locations are used to examine tidal and nontidal oscillations in Elkhorn Slough. The tidal response of Elkhorn Slough differs from that of Monterey Bay primarily due to the generation of a relatively large number of shallow-water tidal constituents that are due to tidal distortion caused by friction along the bottom and lateral boundaries, intertidal storage, and nonlinear advection. The shallow-water constituents range from 3 to almost 15 cycles per day (cpd) and include a rich variety of overtides and compound tides, whose amplitudes generally increase toward the head of the slough. The tidal harmonics are seasonally dependent, with lower amplitudes during the fall and winter and higher amplitudes in summer. The tidal constituents were examined using two types of spectral decomposition, the conventional power spectrum and the more recent Hilbert spectrum. Unlike the power spectrum, the Hilbert spectrum does not reveal any harmonic structure in the data. Energy associated with tidal distortion in this case appears to be broadly distributed across the spectral continuum. At least four nontidal oscillations occur in Elkhorn Slough with frequencies of 26.0, 39.7, 52.7, and 66.9 cpd. The Hilbert spectrum reveals maxima at 26, 39.7, and 66.9 cpd, but not at 52.7 cpd, suggesting that it is harmonically related to the oscillation at 26.0 cpd. The nontidal oscillations fall into the range of frequencies associated with the natural oscillations of Monterey Bay. However, evolutionary power spectra indicate that they appear to be permanent features of the system and thus are not necessarily consistent with seiche-like oscillations that are often transient and subject to damping. These oscillations could be caused by several factors including edge waves along the coast of Monterey Bay, long-period surface waves of atmospheric origin that enter the bay from offshore, or breaking internal waves in and around the Monterey Submarine Canyon. In conclusion, detailed hydrodynamic models are needed to provide a better understanding of how tidal harmonics are generated and preserved in Elkhorn Slough, and to determine the origin of the natural oscillations in Monterey Bay.  相似文献   

Nitrate and water quality parameters (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and depth) were measured continuously with in situ NO3 analyzers and water quality sondes at two sites in Elkhorn Slough in Central California. The Main Channel site near the mouth of Elkhorn Slough was sampled from February to September 2001. Azevedo Pond, a shallow tidal pond bordering agricultural fields further inland, was sampled from December 1999 to July 2001. Nitrate concentrations were recorded hourly while salinity, temperature, depth, oxygen, and turbidity were recorded every 30 min. Nitrate concentrations at the Main Channel site ranged from 5 to 65 μM. The propagation of an internal wave carrying water from ≈100 m depth up the Monterey Submarine Canyon and into the lower section of Elkhorn Slough on every rising tide was a major source of nitrate, accounting for 80–90% of the nitrogen load during the dry summer period. Nitrate concentrations in Azevedo Pond ranged from 0–20 μM during the dry summer months. Nitrate in Azevedo Pond increased to over 450 μM during a heavy winter precipitation event, and interannual variability driven by differences in precipitation was observed. At both sites, tidal cycling was the dominant forcing, often changing nitrate concentrations by 5-fold or more within a few hours. Water volume flux estimates were combined with observed nitrate concentrations to obtain nitrate fluxes. Nitrate flux calculations indicated a loss of 4 mmol NO3 m?2 d?1 for the entire Elkhorn Slough and 1 mmol NO3 m?2 d?1 at Azevedo Pond. These results suggested that the waters of Elkhorn Slough were not a major source of nitrate to Monterey Bay but actually a nitrate sink during the dry season. The limited winter data at the Main Channel site suggest that nitrate was exported from Elkhorn Slough during the wet season. Export of ammonium or dissolved organic nitrogen, which we did not monitor, may balance some or all of the NO3 flux.  相似文献   

This research investigates the dynamics of the axial tidal flow and residual circulation at the lower Guadiana Estuary, south Portugal, a narrow mesotidal estuary with low freshwater inputs. Current data were collected near the deepest part of the channel for 21 months and across the channel during two (spring and neap) tidal cycles. Results indicate that at the deep channel, depth-averaged currents are stronger and longer during the ebb at spring and during the flood at neap, resulting in opposite water transport directions at a fortnightly time scale. The net water transport across the entire channel is up-estuary at spring and down-estuary at neap, i.e., opposite to the one at the deep channel. At spring tide, when the estuary is considered to be well mixed, the observed pattern of circulation (outflow in the deep channel, inflow over the shoals) results from the combination of the Stokes transport and compensating return flow, which varies laterally with the bathymetry. At neap tide (in particular for those of lowest amplitude each month), inflows at the deep channel are consistently associated with the development of gravitational circulation. Comparisons with previous studies suggest that the baroclinic pressure gradient (rather than internal tidal asymmetries) is the main driver of the residual water transport. Our observations also indicate that the flushing out of the water accumulated up-estuary (at spring) may also produce strong unidirectional barotropic outflow across the entire channel around neap tide.  相似文献   

In Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (Grand Bay NERR), Mississippi, we used quantitative drop sampling in three common shallow estuarine habitats—low profile oyster reef (oyster), vegetated marsh edge (VME), and nonvegetated bottom (NVB)—to address the dearth in research comparing nekton utilization of oyster relative to adjacent habitats. The three habitats were sampled at two distinct marsh complexes within Grand Bay NERR. We collected a total of 633 individual fishes representing 41 taxa in 22 families. The most diverse fish family was Gobiidae (seven species) followed by Blennidae and Poeciliidae (three species each). We collected a total of 2,734 invertebrates representing 24 taxa in 11 families. The most diverse invertebrate family was Xanthidae (six species) followed by Palaemonidae (five species). We used ordination techniques to examine variation in species relative abundance among habitats, seasons, and sampling areas, and to identify environmental gradients correlated with species relative abundances. Our resulted indicated that oyster provided a similarly complex and important function as the adjacent VME. We documented three basic trends related to the importance of oyster and VME habitats: 1) Oyster and VME provide habitat for significantly more species relative to NVB, 2) Oyster and VME provide habitat for rare species, and 3) Several species collected across multiple habitats occurred at higher abundances in oyster or VME habitat. We also found that salinity, temperature, and depth were associated with seasonal and spatial shifts in nekton communities. Lastly, we found that the relative location of the two marsh complexes we studied within the context of the whole estuary may also explain some of the temporal and spatial differences in communities. We conclude that oyster habitat supported a temporally diverse and spatially distinct nekton community and deserves further attention in research and estuarine conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Backwater tidal sloughs are commonly found at the landward boundary of estuaries. The Cache Slough complex is a backwater tidal region within the Upper Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta that includes two features that are relevant for resource managers: (1) relatively high abundance of the endangered fish, delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), which prefers turbid water and (2) a recently flooded shallow island, Liberty Island, that is a prototype for habitat restoration. We characterized the turbidity around Liberty Island by measuring suspended-sediment flux at four locations from July 2008 through December 2010. An estuarine turbidity maximum in the backwater Cache Slough complex is created by tidal asymmetry, a limited tidal excursion, and wind-wave resuspension. During the study, there was a net export of sediment, though sediment accumulates within the region from landward tidal transport during the dry season. Sediment is continually resuspended by both wind waves and flood tide currents. The suspended-sediment mass oscillates within the region until winter freshwater flow pulses flush it seaward. The hydrodynamic characteristics within the backwater region such as low freshwater flow during the dry season, flood tide dominance, and a limited tidal excursion favor sediment retention.  相似文献   

The standing stocks of ciliates and phytoplankton together with physical variables (temperature and density) were measured biweekly from March 6, 1999, to March 22, 2000, in the marine-dominated region of the South Slough, the southern arm of the Coos Bay estuary (Oregon, United States). The abundance and biomass of naked ciliates correlated significantly with phytoplankton <5 μm (ultraphytoplankton) biomass throughout the sampling periods and with total phytoplankton biomass between October and march; possibly due to a compositional shift in the >5 μm phytoplankton fraction from diatoms in the spring-summer period to flagellates during this fall-winter period. Temperature could explain 49% of the variation of ultraphytoplankton and naked ciliate biomass across seasons and may be important in determining the rate of the ciliate numerical response to increases in ultraphytoplankton and its assimilation into ciliate biomass. High standing stocks of ciliates, their strong coupling with ultraphytoplankton across seasons, and the relatively higher contribution of ciliate carbon to the ciliate and >5 μm phytoplankton carbon pool in the October–March period suggest that ciliates are a significant component to the South Slough food web and may be particularly important during seasons of reduced phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

Low-relief environments like the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) have complicated hydrologic systems where surface water and groundwater processes are intimately linked yet hard to separate. Fluid exchange within these low-hydraulic-gradient systems can occur across broad spatial and temporal scales, with variable contributions to material transport and transformation. Identifying and assessing the scales at which these processes operate is essential for accurate evaluations of how these systems contribute to global biogeochemical cycles. The distribution of 222Rn and 223,224,226Ra have complex spatial patterns along the Shark River Slough estuary (SRSE), Everglades, FL. High-resolution time-series measurements of 222Rn activity, salinity, and water level were used to quantify processes affecting radon fluxes out of the mangrove forest over a tidal cycle. Based on field data, tidal pumping through an extensive network of crab burrows in the lower FCE provides the best explanation for the high radon and fluid fluxes. Burrows are irrigated during rising tides when radon and other dissolved constituents are released from the mangrove soil. Flushing efficiency of the burrows—defined as the tidal volume divided by the volume of burrows—estimated for the creek drainage area vary seasonally from 25 (wet season) to 100 % (dry season) in this study. The tidal pumping of the mangrove forest soil acts as a significant vector for exchange between the forest and the estuary. Processes that enhance exchange of O2 and other materials across the sediment-water interface could have a profound impact on the environmental response to larger scale processes such as sea level rise and climate change. Compounding the material budgets of the SRSE are additional inputs from groundwater from the Biscayne Aquifer, which were identified using radium isotopes. Quantification of the deep groundwater component is not obtainable, but isotopic data suggest a more prevalent signal in the dry season. These findings highlight the important role that both tidal- and seasonal-scale forcings play on groundwater movement in low-gradient hydrologic systems.  相似文献   

Examination of Winter Circulation in a Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerical model experiments were conducted to examine how estuarine circulation and salinity distribution in the Calcasieu Lake Estuary (CLE) of southwest Louisiana respond to the passage of cold fronts. River runoff, local wind stress, and tides from December 20, 2011, to February 1, 2012, were included as input. The experiments showed an anticyclonic circulation in the eastern CLE, a cyclonic circulation in West Cove, and a saltwater conduit in the navigation channel between these circulation cells. Freshwater from the river and wetlands tends to flow over the shallow shoals toward the ocean, presenting a case of the conventional estuarine circulation with shallow water influenced by river discharge and with weak tidally-induced motion, enhanced by wind. The baroclinic pressure gradient is important for the circulation and saltwater intrusion. The effect of remote wind-driven oscillation plays an important role in circulation and salinity distribution in winter. Unless it is from the east, wind is found to inhibit saltwater intrusion through the narrow navigation channel, indicating the effect of Ekman setup during easterly wind. A series of north-south oriented barrier islands in the lake uniquely influenced water level and salinity distribution between the shallow lake and deep navigation channel. The depth of the navigation channel is also crucial in influencing saltwater intrusion: the deeper the channel, the more saltwater intrusion and the more intense estuarine circulation. Recurring winter storms have a significant accumulated effect on the transport of water and sediment, saltwater intrusion, and associated environmental and ecosystem effects.  相似文献   

中国降水与暴雨的季节变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
论述了与水利水电工程设计和运行密切相关的降水和暴雨季节变化的地域分布,其中包括旬降水量和最大1d暴雨量多年平均值、暴雨年际变化、时-面-深关系等要素的季节变化;提出了降水季节集中系数分布图;讨论了降水、一般暴雨和稀遇暴雨季节变化的异同。  相似文献   

Coastal managers and policy-makers are concerned with tracking improvements to water quality linked to management changes. Long-term water quality data acquired from two wetland areas in the upper reaches of the Elkhorn Slough estuary in central California were analyzed for signatures of land restoration or water control structure management. Post-restoration averaged NO3, NH3, and PO4 concentrations were 50–70% less than before-restoration concentrations. Assessment of watershed-scale effects revealed that proximity of restoration to sampling locations had almost as strong an effect on water quality as the percentage of land restored relative to watershed size. Results also suggest that restoration of even 1% of an agriculturally intensive watershed such as that of the Elkhorn Slough may result in improvements to water quality. Finally, results indicate that tide gate function can dominate water quality in managed wetlands and must be carefully tracked and managed in the context of estuarine conservation targets.  相似文献   

Rao  A. D.  Dash  Sujata  Babu  S. V. 《Natural Hazards》2004,32(2):219-237
The Mahanadi River is one of the largest river systems in the east coast of Indiaand the estuary drains and communicates with the Bay of Bengal. The seasonallyvarying fresh water river discharge and the intrusion of salt water from the baydepend on the flow associated with the semi-diurnal component of the astronomicaltide (dominated by M2 component). A numerical model has been developed tosimulate and study the salinity structure, velocity profile, flow and circulation patternand have been compared with the observed data. A reasonably good agreement isnoticed between the model simulations and the observations. The model result hasbeen utilised to compute sediment load transport to the estuary channel over a tidalcycle as well as on a monthly time scale. The sediment load transport owing to monthlyclimatological rainfall is discussed and it is inferred that a dynamic equilibrium existson a long-term over good/bad monsoons.  相似文献   

Estuaries located in the northern Gulf of Mexico are expected to experience reduced river discharge due to increasing demand for freshwater and predicted periods of declining precipitation. Changes in freshwater and nutrient input might impact estuarine higher trophic level productivity through changes in phytoplankton quantity and quality. Phytoplankton biomass and composition were examined in Apalachicola Bay, Florida during two summers of contrasting river discharge. The <20 μm autotrophs were the main component (92?±?3 %; n?=?14) of phytoplankton biomass in lower (<25 psu) salinity waters. In these lower salinity waters containing higher dissolved inorganic nutrients, phycocyanin containing cyanobacteria made the greatest contribution to phytoplankton biomass (69?±?3 %; n?=?14) followed by <20 μm eukaryotes (19?±?1 %; n?=?14), and phycoerythrin containing cyanobacteria (4?±?1 %; n?=?14). In waters with salinity from 25 to 35 psu that were located within or in close proximity to the estuary, >20 μm diatoms were an increasingly (20 to 70 %) larger component of phytoplankton biomass. Lower summer river discharges that lead to an areal contraction of lower (5–25 psu) salinity waters composed of higher phytoplankton biomass dominated by small (<20 μm) autotrophs will lead to a concomitant areal expansion of higher (>25 psu) salinity waters composed of relatively lower phytoplankton biomass and a higher percent contribution by >20 μm diatoms. A reduction in summer river discharge that leads to such a change in quantity and quality of estuarine phytoplankton available will result in a reduction in estuarine zooplankton productivity and possibly the productivity of higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

In 1995, an extensive investigation was carried out in the Elbe Estuary in Germany. Special attention was paid to organisms, including bacteria, amoebae, ciliates, flagellates, rotifers, larvae ofDreissena polymorpha, and nematodes, dispersed in the water column and associated firmly or loosely with different types of aggregates. The abundance, size, and colonization by microorganisms of the aggregates varied during the seasons. The largest aggregates were found during spring and summer, when diatoms, rotifers, and crustaceans were present. The most aggregates were encountered in spring and from summer to autumn. Most of the species observed during the study were more common in pelagic habitats than in benthic ones. However, the presence of ciliates in the groups Hypotrichida and Sessilida as well as as flagellates in the groups Biosoecida, Cercomonadida, Choanoflagellida, Chrysomonadida, Kinetoplastida, and amoebae and some nematodes in the open water depends, upon the availability of surfaces, because they are sessile or poor swimnters, and some flagellates and amoebae need to attach themselves to an object to feed. Most organisms were much more abundant in or on aggregates than in the surrounding water during spring and summer, which indicates that aggregates enhance the habitat and promote the development of the organisms. From spring through autumn, the structure of the community associated with the aggregates is influenced by the pelagic environment. The presence of the species in the benthic community was detected only during summer.  相似文献   

Concentrations of CO2 in soil atmosphere and CO2 efflux were measured across a marine terrace soil chronosequence near Santa Cruz, California. Soil development, specifically the formation of an argillic horizon, has created a two-tier soil gas profile in the older terrace soils. The soil above the argillic horizon has seasonal variations in soil CO2 associated with plant respiration. The older soils with dense argillic horizons maintain a year round ~1%CO2 below the argillic horizon. The CO2efflux during the growing season is higher on the older terraces.  相似文献   

北欧海的锋面分布特征及其季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何琰  赵进平 《地球科学进展》2011,26(10):1079-1091
利用多年月平均格点数据分析了北欧海主要锋面的分布特征和季节变化规律,并讨论了月平均数据分析锋面适合使用的方法。月平均数据显示的锋面出现间断或多重的现象是锋面侧向摆动造成的,这是月平均数据的一大特点。北欧海各锋面主要水文和季节变化特征差异很大。东格陵兰极地锋在夏季锋面强度大,锋面较连续完整,而冬季强度小,锋面结构零散。9月由于东格陵兰寒流势力最强,可观察到温度梯度较大且连续的东格陵兰锋。北极锋的季节变化在水平方向呈"哑铃型"分布,中段摆动较南北两端小。由于挪威海流在冬季出现的最大流量引起挪威海流的流幅在该处加宽,莫恩海脊锋冬季向西北移动,对前人文章中基本上没有季节性移动的说法进行了修正和补充。冰岛—法罗群岛锋随深度增加向南移动,锋面强度增强,这是溢流造成的。  相似文献   

Salinity profiles and meteorological data were analyzed during February, May, and September 2006 in Chetumal Bay, a large, shallow estuary of the Western Caribbean. Local meteorological conditions revealed three seasons: (1) a dry season (March–May); (2) a wet season (June–October); and (3) the nortes season, with northerly wind events (October–February). During the nortes and wet seasons, salinity ranged between 13 and 16 psu, and salinity was highest in the dry season, ranging between 18 and 22 psu over most of the area; a strong stratification and a significant contribution of salty water characterized this season. Strong horizontal gradients were observed near Rio Hondo during the three seasons. Deep and narrow peculiar bathymetric features called the pozas showed a strong stratification and a relatively high salinity. The northern part of Chetumal Bay and probably the entire system are far from being homogeneous.  相似文献   

Large-scale human-built infrastructure is shown to alter the salinity and subtidal residual flow in a realistic numerical simulation of hydrodynamic circulation in a coastal plain estuary (Tampa Bay). Two model scenarios are considered. The first uses a modern bathymetry and boundary conditions from the years 2001–2003. The second is identical to the first except that the bathymetry is based on depth soundings from the pre-construction year 1879. Differences between the models' output can only result from changes in bay morphology, in particular built infrastructure such as bridges, causeways, and dredging of the shipping channel. Thirty-day means of model output are calculated to remove the dominant tidal signals and allow examination of the subtidal dynamics. Infrastructure is found to steepen the mean axial salinity gradient $ \partial \overline{s}/ dx $ by ~40% when there is low freshwater input but flatten $ \partial \overline{s}/ dx $ by ~25% under more typical conditions during moderate freshwater inflow to the estuary. Deepening of the shipping channel also increases the magnitude of the residual Eulerian circulation, allowing for larger up-estuary salt transport. Local bathymetry and morphology are important. Some regions within the estuary show little change in residual circulation due to infrastructure. In others, the residual circulation can vary by a factor of 4 or more. Major features of the circulation and changes due to infrastructure can be partially accounted for with linear theory.  相似文献   

Estuarine ecosystem diversity and function can be degraded by low oxygen concentrations. Understanding the spatial and temporal patterns of dissolved oxygen (DO) variation and the factors that predict decreases in DO is thus essential to inform estuarine management. We investigated DO variability and its drivers in Elkhorn Slough, a shallow, well-mixed estuary affected by high nutrient loading and with serious eutrophication problems. Long-term (2001–2012), high-resolution (15 min) time series of DO, water level, winds, and solar radiation from two fully tidal sites in the estuary showed that hypoxia events close to the bottom are common in the summer at the more upstream estuarine station. These events can occur in any lunar phase (spring to neap), at any time of the day, and both on sunny or cloudy days. They are, however, short-lived (lasting in average 40 min) and mainly driven by momentary low turbulent diffusion around slack tides (both at high and low water). Tidal advective transport explains up to 52.1% of the daily DO variability, and the water volume (or DO reservoir) contained in the estuary was not sufficient to avoid hypoxia in the estuary. Solar radiation was responsible for a positively correlated DO daily cycle but caused a decreased in the averaged DO in the summer at the inner station. Wind-driven upwelling reduced the average DO at the more oceanic station during spring. The approach we employed, using robust techniques to remove suspect data due to sensor drift combined with an array of statistical techniques, including spectral, harmonic, and coherence spectrum analysis, can serve as a model for analyses of long-term water quality datasets in other systems. Investigations such as ours can inform coastal management by identifying key drivers of hypoxia in estuaries.  相似文献   

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