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Groundwater discharge is increasingly recognized as a significant source of nutrient input to coastal waters, relative to surface water inputs. There remains limited information, however, on the extent to which nutrients and organic matter from each of these two flowpaths influence the functional responses of coastal microbial communities. As such, this study determined dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nutrient concentrations of surface water runoff and groundwater from both an urbanized and a relatively pristine forested drainage basin near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and quantified the changes in production rates and biomass of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton in response to these inputs during two microcosm incubation experiments (August and October, 2011). Rainwater in the urbanized basin that would otherwise enter the groundwater appeared to be largely rerouted into the surface flowpath by impervious surfaces, bypassing ecosystem buffers and filtration mechanisms. Surface runoff from the developed basin was most enriched in nutrients and DOC and yielded the highest production rates of the various source waters upon addition to coastal waters. The metabolic responses of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton were generally well predicted as a function of initial chemical composition of the various source waters, though more so with bacterial production. Primary and bacterial productivities often correlated at reciprocal time points (24-h measurement of one with the 72-h measurement of the other). These results suggest human modification of coastal watersheds enhances the magnitude of dissolved constituents delivered to coastal waters as well as alters their distributions between surface and groundwater flowpaths, with significant implications for microbial community structure and function in coastal receiving waters.  相似文献   

Estuarine and coastal marine sediment-water fluxes are considered to be important ecological features, but a global-scale assessment has yet to be developed. Goals of this work were to assemble a global-scale database of net sediment-water flux measurements, examine measurement techniques, characterize the geographic distribution and magnitude of sediment fluxes, explore the data for controls on sediment flux magnitude, and assess the importance of sediment fluxes in ecosystem-level metabolism and primary production. We examined 480 peer-reviewed sources and found sediment flux data for 167 estuarine and coastal systems. Most measurements were made in North America, Europe, and Australia. Fluxes varied widely among systems, some by several orders of magnitude. Inter-annual variability within sites was less than an order of magnitude but time series flux data to evaluate this were rare. However, limited time series data exhibited large and rapid responses to decreased external nutrient loading rates, climate change effects (possible temperature effects), and variability in trophic conditions. Comparative analyses indicated organic matter supply to sediments set the upper limits of flux magnitude, with other factors playing secondary roles. Two metrics were developed to assess ecosystem-level importance of sediment-water fluxes. Sediments represented 30% or more of depth-integrated rates of aerobic system respiration at depths of <10 m. An annual phytoplankton production data set was used to estimate N and P demand; sediments supplied an average of 15–32% of N and 17–100% of P demand and, in some cases, was as large or larger than external nutrient inputs. The percent of demand supplied by sediments was highest in temperate latitudes and lower in high and tropical latitudes.  相似文献   

孙晓梁  杜尧  邓娅敏  陶艳秋  马腾 《地球科学》2021,46(7):2555-2564
地下水排泄在湖泊水量及营养盐均衡中发挥着重要作用,其中地下水向湖泊排泄的量化是关键,但目前对其时间变异性的研究却十分薄弱.针对这一科学问题,以长江中游重要调蓄湖泊-洞庭湖为例,通过收集1996~2017年洞庭湖流域的水文和气象数据,基于质量平衡模型,查明地下水排泄对洞庭湖水量均衡的贡献以及地下水向洞庭湖排泄强度随时间的变化.结果显示:(1)枯水期时地下水排泄量为(0.17~1.51)亿m3/d,地下水排泄强度为38.74~207.26 mm/d,地下水排泄对湖泊水量均衡的贡献为8.70%~30.37%;(2)地下水排泄量、地下水排泄强度、地下水排泄对湖泊水量均衡的贡献在1996~2017年间均呈现出明显的先降低再升高的变化趋势,三峡水库蓄水后至三峡工程全面竣工初期的地下水排泄相较于三峡水库蓄水前和三峡工程全面运行后显著降低;(3)三峡工程运行对长江水位及地下水位的改变可能是引起湖底地下水排泄时间变异性的重要原因.为洞庭湖区域的水量均衡提供了新的认识,也为今后洞庭湖区域水资源开发利用和区域生态安全管理提供了理论支撑.   相似文献   

Measurements of groundwater-dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrate?+?nitrite?+?ammonia) and phosphate concentrations were combined with recent, radium-based, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) fluxes and prior estimates of SGD determined from Darcy’s Law, a hydrologic model, and total recharge to yield corresponding SGD nutrient fluxes to Ninigret, Point Judith, Quonochontaug, and Winnapaug ponds, located in southern Rhode Island. Results range from 80 to279 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 4 to 15 mmol P m?2 year?1 for Ninigret, 48 to 265 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 4 to 23 mmol P m?2 year?1 for Point Judith, 31 to 62 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 1 to 2 mmol P m?2 y?1 for Quonochontaug, and 668 to 1,586 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 29 to 70 mmol P m?2 year?1 for Winnapaug ponds, respectively. On a daily basis, the SGD supply of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus is estimated to represent ~1–6 % of the total amount of these nutrients in surface waters of Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds and up to 84 and 17 % for Winnapaug, respectively, which may reflect a greater SGD nutrient supply to this pond because of the proximity of fertilized golf courses. With regard to the total external input of these essential nutrients, SGD represents 29–45 % of dissolved inorganic nitrogen input to Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds and as much as 93 % for Winnapaug pond. For phosphorus, the contribution from SGD represents 59–85 % of the total external input for Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds and essentially all of the phosphorus input to Winnapaug pond. Estimated rates of primary productivity potentially supported by the average supply of dissolved inorganic nitrogen from SGD range from 10 g C m?2 year?1 for Ninigret, 13 g C m?2 year?1 for Point Judith, 4 g C m?2 year?1 for Quonochontaug, and as high as 84 g C m?2 y?1 for Winnapaug pond. The imputed SGD-derived rates of primary productivity represent 4–9 % of water column primary production for Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds, and 74 % for Winnapaug pond, a result that is reasonably comparable to several other coastal environments where estimates of SGD nutrient supply have been reported. The implication is that SGD represents an ecologically significant source of dissolved nutrients to the coastal salt ponds of southern Rhode Island and, by inference, other coastal systems.  相似文献   

镭同位素示踪隆教湾的海底地下水排泄   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
福建省漳州市降教湾海水中镭同位素的研究,目的是评价海底地下水排泄量.在2007年6月的航次中,垂直于岸线的9 km剖面上布置15个站位,每个站位用潜水泵采集表层海水样60L于塑料桶中.水样运回实验室后,立即用装有锰纤维的PVC管以虹吸的方式富集水样中的镭同位素,水通过PVC管的流速小于300 ml/min.224Ra活度用连续射气法测定,测完224Ra后密封7d以上,然后用汽接射气法测定226Ra活度.224Ra和226Ra活度都呈现自岸向海逐渐降低的规律,表明扩散控制镭同位素的分布,由224Ra获得68.83 km2d-1的扩散系数,同时226Ra形成-0.963dpm1001-1km-1的活度梯度.用扩敞系数和活度梯度建立的226Ra的离岸通最为6.62×1011dpmkm-2d-1,这个通量一定是得到SGD输入的镭支持,从而获得隆教湾的海底地下水排泄量是3.03×109m3km-2d-1.该排泄量包括陆源地下淡水排泄量和再循环海水排泄量,绝大部分可能足再循环海水,有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

The nearshore land-water interface is an important ecological zone that faces anthropogenic pressure from development in coastal regions throughout the world. Coastal waters and estuaries like Chesapeake Bay receive and process land discharges loaded with anthropogenic nutrients and other pollutants that cause eutrophication, hypoxia, and other damage to shallow-water ecosystems. In addition, shorelines are increasingly armored with bulkhead (seawall), riprap, and other structures to protect human infrastructure against the threats of sea-level rise, storm surge, and erosion. Armoring can further influence estuarine and nearshore marine ecosystem functions by degrading water quality, spreading invasive species, and destroying ecologically valuable habitat. These detrimental effects on ecosystem function have ramifications for ecologically and economically important flora and fauna. This special issue of Estuaries and Coasts explores the interacting effects of coastal land use and shoreline armoring on estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems. The majority of papers focus on the Chesapeake Bay region, USA, where 50 major tributaries and an extensive watershed (~ 167,000 km2), provide an ideal model to examine the impacts of human activities at scales ranging from the local shoreline to the entire watershed. The papers consider the influence of watershed land use and natural versus armored shorelines on ecosystem properties and processes as well as on key natural resources.  相似文献   

Previous work has documented large fluxes of freshwater and nutrients from submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) into the coastal waters of a few volcanic oceanic islands. However, on the majority of such islands, including Moorea (French Polynesia), SGD has not been studied. In this study, we used radium (Ra) isotopes and salinity to investigate SGD and associated nutrient inputs at five coastal sites and Paopao Bay on the north shore of Moorea. Ra activities were highest in coastal groundwater, intermediate in coastal ocean surface water, and lowest in offshore surface water, indicating that high-Ra groundwater was discharging into the coastal ocean. On average, groundwater nitrate and nitrite (N + N), phosphate, ammonium, and silica concentrations were 12, 21, 29, and 33 times greater, respectively, than those in coastal ocean surface water, suggesting that groundwater discharge could be an important source of nutrients to the coastal ocean. Ra and salinity mass balances indicated that most or all SGD at these sites was saline and likely originated from a deeper, unsampled layer of Ra-enriched recirculated seawater. This high-salinity SGD may be less affected by terrestrial nutrient sources, such as fertilizer, sewage, and animal waste, compared to meteoric groundwater; however, nutrient-salinity trends indicate it may still have much higher concentrations of nitrate and phosphate than coastal receiving waters. Coastal ocean nutrient concentrations were virtually identical to those measured offshore, suggesting that nutrient subsidies from SGD are efficiently utilized.  相似文献   

苏春利  张雅  马燕华  刘文波 《地球科学》2019,44(9):2829-2838
岩溶地下水的水化学特征及其水岩作用过程研究对岩溶地下水合理开发利用和污染防治具有重要意义.综合利用水化学分析、主要离子比值、锶含量和87Sr/86Sr比值分析和反向水文地球化学模拟,深入分析了贵阳市地下水和地表水不同季节的水化学特征变化和水文地球化学演化过程.水化学特征分析表明,贵阳市地下水以HCO3·SO4-Ca型和HCO3-Ca·Mg型为主,水化学组成在季节和空间分布上存在一定的规律性变化,地表水与地下水的直接混合对地下水化学组成有一定的影响.锶同位素比值和水文地球化学反向模拟表明,地下水水化学组分主要受岩石风化作用的控制,以方解石和白云石为主的碳酸盐的溶解-沉淀作用以及硫酸盐和岩盐的溶解是控制研究区地下水水化学特征的重要过程,并受上覆孔隙含水层硅酸盐矿物水解的影响.   相似文献   

This paper characterizes major ion distributions and investigates whether groundwater exerts a major control on the chemical functioning of Mangueira Lagoon, a large (90 km long), shallow (∼4–5 m deep), and fresh coastal lagoon in southern Brazil. Water volumes equivalent to ∼80% of the total annual input are used in the summer for irrigating nearby rice plantations, the most important regional economic activity. While Na+ and Cl are the major ions in local groundwater, Na+ and HCO3 are the most enriched ions in lagoon water. The ion concentrations measured in Mangueira Lagoon were homogeneous, except for a few samples affected by rainwater and groundwater inputs. A shore-normal transect starting at the pump house of a rice irrigation canal indicated strong groundwater input at this canal. In spite of the small volume contribution (∼2% of precipitation), groundwater discharge accounts for 50–70% of major ion inputs into the lagoon, with ∼70% of the groundwater inputs being anthropogenically derived (e.g., from the rice irrigation canals). This may have serious implications for the management of the coastal water resources from Mangueira Lagoon and other similar areas as groundwater associated with agricultural systems may be contaminated by fertilizers and pesticides. The results imply that groundwater should not be neglected in dissolved species’ budgets even when its volume contribution is small.  相似文献   

基础设施建设对地下水资源的破坏或影响日益加重.以某公路采用大跨度高架桥方案跨越地下水源地工程为例,通过综合分析,结合Modflow软件数值模型模拟地下水中污染物的迁移过程,获得了开采井中的污染物质量浓度,预测桩基施工期间对地下水水质有一定影响,影响程度取决于设计方案和保护措施;公路运营期间的影响程度取决于工程保护措施及隔离设施.这为工程的建设和地下水源地的保护提供了必要的参考.  相似文献   

Benthic oxygen, dinitrogen, and nutrient fluxes (NH4+, NO3, and PO43−) were measured monthly during a 1-year period at two locations in Weeks Bay, a shallow (1.4 m) and eutrophic estuary in Alabama. Gross primary productivity (GPP), ecosystem respiration (R), and net ecosystem metabolism were determined from high-frequency dissolved oxygen measurements. Peak water column NO3 (55 μM) and chlorophyll a (138 μg/l) concentrations were measured during spring and fall, respectively. Sediments were a net source of NH4+ (102 μmol m−2 h−1) and PO43− (0.9 μmol m−2 h−1) but a sink for NO3 (−30 μmol m−2 h−1). Benthic N2 fluxes indicated net N fixation (12 μmol N m−2 h−1). Sediment oxygen demand (0.55 g O2 m−2 day−1) accounted for <10% of R (7.3 g O2 m−2 day−1). Despite high GPP rates (4.7 g O2 m−2 day−1), the estuary was net heterotrophic. Benthic regeneration supplied, on average, 7.5% and 4% of primary productivity N and P demands, respectively. These results contrast with the conventional view that benthic regeneration accounts for a large fraction of phytoplankton nutrient demand in shallow estuaries.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Redox Sensitive Elements (RSE) were measured in groundwaters along a transect of the forest-marsh interface of a surficial aquifer system in North Inlet, SC. The well transect extended from a forest recharge area across the marsh and tidal creek to a tidal recharge area of beach ridge. The concentrations of the RSE (Fe, Mn, and U) were consistent with reducing conditions through the transect. Fe was present at concentrations ranging from a few micromolar to greater than one hundred micromolar in most wells. U was depleted with respect to salinity predicted concentrations, indicating removal with respect to the seawater endmember. Dissolved Mn concentrations were generally low in all wells, indicating no significant solid source of Mn (as MnOx) in this system. When extrapolated to a global scale, estimates of U removal during seawater exchange with the aquifer solids equaled 10–20% of the total riverine dissolved U input flux. REE concentrations in the forest recharge area were high in shallow wells, and showed a light enriched fractionation pattern, characteristic of soil leaching by Natural Organic Matter (NOM) rich waters. A decrease in REE concentration with depth in the forest wells coupled with a trend towards Heavy REE (HREE) enriched fractionation pattern indicated removal of the REE coincident with NOM and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) removal. The saline waters of the beach ridge wells show a Light REE (LREE) enriched fractionation pattern and have the highest overall concentrations of the REE, indicating a significant REE source to the seawater endmember waters. The concentration gradients along the beach ridge flow path indicate a large source in the deep wells, and net export of dissolved REE to the tidal creek system and the coastal ocean. Ultrafiltration experiments indicate a transition from a colloidal dominated reservoir for the REE in the forest wells to a colloidal and dissolved reservoir in the beach ridge wells. The ultrafiltration data coupled with a correlation with Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) release suggest that there is diagenetic mobilization of an REE rich organic carbon phase in the saline endmember wells. We suggest here that degradation of this relic terrestrial organic carbon and REE rich phase results in the export of dissolved REE equal to or exceeding river inputs in this region.  相似文献   

Metasedimentary migmatites from the Archean charnockitic terrain of South India contain the five phase equilibrium assemblage spinel-cordierite-garnet-corundum-sillimanite. The assemblages is a result of anatexis which has generated a silica-deficient anhydrous restite. Peak metamorphic conditions are defined by the intersection of two divariant reactions in the A12O3-SiO2-FeO-MgO system at which the five phases coexist. These reactions are univariant and their intersection invariant if the Fe/Mg ratio of at least one femic phase is fixed.The location of the invariant point in P/T space is derived from extracting standard stage thermodynamic data from published equilibria experiments in the system Al2O3-SiO2-FeO. Microprobe analyses of coexisting spinel, almandine and cordierite specify the Fe/Mg distributions between phases and allow the computation of the five phase invariant point for =P total (770° C, 5.9 kb) and =O (740° C, 4.8 kb). A low , implied by evidence of extreme anatexis, indicates a P/T field of T=740±20° C and Ptotal=4.8±0.5 kb which is consistent with the field of equilibration of interlayered charnockites computed from garnet-hypersthene and garnet-plagioclase pairs.  相似文献   

While many coastal ecosystems previously supported high densities of seagrass and abundant bivalves, the impacts of overfishing, eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and habitat loss have collectively contributed to the decline of these important resources. Despite improvements in wastewater treatment in some watersheds and subsequent reduced nutrient loading to neighboring estuaries, seagrass and bivalve populations in these locations have generally not recovered. We performed three mesocosm experiments to simultaneously examine the contrasting effects of nutrient loading and historic suspension-feeding bivalve densities on the growth of eelgrass (Zostera marina), juvenile bivalves (northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria; eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica; and bay scallops, Argopecten irradians), and juvenile planktivorous fish (sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus). High nutrient loading rates led to significantly higher phytoplankton (chlorophyll a) levels in all experiments, significantly increased growth of juvenile bivalves relative to controls with lower nutrient loading rates in two experiments, and significantly reduced the growth of eelgrass in one experiment. The filtration provided by adult suspension feeders (M. mercenaria and C. virginica) significantly decreased phytoplankton levels in all experiments, significantly increased light penetration and the growth of eelgrass in one experiment, and significantly decreased the growth of juvenile bivalves and fish in two experiments, all relative to controls with no filtration from adult suspension feeders. These results demonstrate that an appropriate level of nutrient loading can have a positive effect on some estuarine resources and that bivalve filtration can mediate the effects of nutrient loading to the benefit or detriment of different estuarine resources. Future ecosystem-based approaches will need to simultaneously account for anthropogenic nutrient loading and bivalve restoration to successfully manage estuarine resources.  相似文献   

A new classification of coastal wetlands along the coast of China has been generated that is compatible with the Ramsar Convention of 1971. The coastal wetlands have been divided into two broad categories with overall nine subcategories. On this basis, a series of coastal wetland maps, together covering the coast of mainland China, have been produced based on topographic maps acquired in the 1970s and satellite images acquired in 2007. These document substantial wetland losses over this period. In the 1970s, the total coastal wetland area in China was 5.76?×?104?km2, whereas in 2007, it was 5.36?×?104?km2, indicating a loss of 7 %. Over this approximately 40-year period, the area of natural coastal wetlands decreased from 5.74?×?104 to 5.09?×?104?km2, while that of artificial coastal wetlands increased from 240 to 2,740 km2. Due to shoreline and sea-level changes, newly formed coastal wetlands amounted to 2,460 km2, while coastal wetland loss amounted to 6,310 km2 in the period from the 1970s to 2007. When excluding shallow coastal waters (depths between 0 and ?5 m), nearly 16 % of Chinese coastal wetlands have been lost between the 1970s and 2007.  相似文献   

K, Rb, Ba, Sr, Y, Zr and Nb have been determined in samples of MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalt) from the mid-Atlantic ridge at 45 °N by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. This suite is characterised by higher concentrations of K, Rb, Ba and Nb (and lower K/Rb, K/Ba and Zr/Nb) than low-K tholeiites (typical MORB) previously described in the literature. Available data from other sources also shows that the 45 °N suite has higher Cs and U contents, rare earth-patterns enriched in the light REE, and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios relative to typical MORB. The inter-element and isotopic ratios of typical MORB have been previously interpreted to imply that these samples have been derived from source areas which have undergone earlier differentiation and/or melting episodes. The 45 °N MORB samples are considered to be derived from more primitive or relatively undepleted mantle. It is noteworthy that these samples have inter-element ratios very similar to those obtained for oceanic island basalts associated with the mid-ocean ridges.The significance of the relative enrichment or depletion of Nb in MORB has not been previously noted and the use of the Zr/Nb ratio to illustrate these effects is emphasised. The abundances of Zr and Nb are apparently unaffected by sea-water alteration and thus the Zr/Nb ratio is potentially a more useful measure of depletion than ratios involving K and Rb, which are very sensitive to sea-water alteration. Brief mention is made of the variation of Zr/Nb in other MORB samples to demonstrate the existence of varying degrees of depletion in the respective source areas of these samples.  相似文献   

New fossil remains of the proboscidean genus Anancus are described. Among them, a complete skull allows us to revisit for the first time the entire Chadian Anancus fossil record. This genus occurred in the Old World from the late Miocene up to the early Pleistocene. The analysis of dental and cranial characters was allowed individual variations from specific characters to be distinguished. In this study we show that Anancus kenyensis and Anancus osiris are very likely synonym taxa which leads us to emend the diagnosis of A. kenyensis. In addition, this study shows that dental characters in anancines lineage are of little significance for biostratigraphical inference, by contrast to previous works. This study brings new data about the phylogenetical and palaeobiogeographical history of the African anancines.  相似文献   

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