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Molecular orbital calculations completed on fluoride molecules containing first and second row cations have generated bond lengths, R, that match those observed for coordinated polyhedra in crystals to within ~0.04 Å, on average. The calculated bond lengths and those observed for fluoride crystals can be ranked with the expression R=Kp ?0.22, where p=s/r, s is the Pauling strength of the bond, r is the row number of the cation and K=1.34. The exponent -0.22 (≈ -2/9) is the same as that observed for oxide, nitride and sulfide molecules and crystals. Bonded radii for the fluoride anion, obtained from theoretical electron density maps, increase linearly with bond length. Those calculated for the cations as well as for the fluoride anion match calculated promolecule radii to within ~0.03 Å, on average, suggesting that the electron density distributions in the vicinity of the minima along the bond paths possess a significant atomic component despite bond type. Bonded radii for Si and O ions provided by experimental electron density maps measured for the oxides coesite, danburite and stishovite match those calculated for a series of monosilicic acid molecules. The resulting radii increase with bond length and coordination number with the radius of the oxide ion increasing at a faster rate than that of the Si cation. The oxide ion within danburite exhibits several distinct radii, ranging between 0.9 and 1.2 Å, rather than a single radius with each exhibiting a different radius along each of the nonequivalent bonds with B, Si and Ca. Promolecule radii calculated for the coordinated polyhedra in danburite match procrystal radii obtained in a structure analysis to within 0.002 Å. The close agreement between these two sets of radii and experimentally determined bonded radii lends credence to Slater's statement that the difference between the electron density distribution observed for a crystal and that calculated for a procrystal (IAM) model of the crystal “would be small and subtle, and very hard to determine by examination of the total charge density.”  相似文献   

The power law regression equation, <R(M–O)> = 1.46(<ρ(r c)>/r)?0.19, relating the average experimental bond lengths, <R(M–O)>, to the average accumulation of the electron density at the bond critical point, <ρ(r c)>, between bonded pairs of metal and oxygen atoms (r is the row number of the M atom), determined at ambient conditions for oxide crystals, is similar to the regression equation R(M–O) = 1.41(ρ(r c)/r)?0.21 determined for three perovskite crystals at pressures as high as 80 GPa. The pair are also comparable with the equation <R(M–O)> = 1.43(<s>/r)?0.21 determined for oxide crystals at ambient conditions and <R(M–O)> = 1.39(<s>/r)?0.22 determined for geometry-optimized hydroxyacid molecules that relate the geometry-optimized bond lengths to the average Pauling bond strength, <s>, for the M–O bonded interactions. On the basis of the correspondence between the equations relating <ρ(r c)> and <s> with bond length, it seems plausible that the Pauling bond strength might serve a rough estimate of the accumulation of the electron density between M–O bonded pairs of atoms. Similar expressions, relating bond length and bond strength hold for fluoride, nitride and sulfide molecules and crystals. The similarity of the expressions for the crystals and molecules is compelling evidence that molecular and crystalline M–O bonded interactions are intrinsically related. The value of <ρ(r c)> = r[(1.41)/<R(M–O)>]4.76 determined for the average bond length for a given coordination polyhedron closely matches the Pauling’s electrostatic bond strength reaching each the coordinating anions of the coordinated polyhedron. Despite the relative simplicity of the expression, it appears to be more general in its application in that it holds for the bulk of the M–O bonded pairs of atoms of the periodic table.  相似文献   

The resonance bond number n, as defined in this paper, is designed to describe the strength of an XO bond as a function of the kinds of atoms present and which atoms are bonded. The calculation of n is made on a fragment extracted from the crystal encompassing the XO bond. If this fragment consists of only the X atom and its coordinating O atoms, then n is numerically equal to the Pauling bond strength, s. In this study a graph-theoretic algorithm is developed permitting the calculation of n using fragments including up to 50 atoms. This algorithm was used to calculate n for all of the bonds in ten silicate crystals. Since bond strength is be inversely related to bond length, we examined the relationship between these two variables and found that n can be used to explain over 70 percent of the variation of XO bond lengths from their average values in the crystals. A fit of the parameter n/r, where r is the row number in the periodic table of the metal atom X, to the observed bond lengths in these crystals yielded the equation R(XO)=1.39(n/r)?0.22 which explains over 95.5 percent of the variation of bond lengths in the crystals. The fact that the same formula with s replacing n was found in an earlier study to be a good estimator of average bond lengths in crystals shows that n relates to individual variations in bond lengths in crystals in the same way that s relates to average bond lengths in crystals. Using minimum energy SiO, AlO and MgO bond lengths and harmonic force constant data calculated for these bonds in hydroxyacid molecules, theoretical equations similar to those used by Pauling to explain bond length variations in hydrocarbons are derived. Bond lengths calculated with these equations for the 10 crystals shows that 95 percent of the variation of the observed bond lengths in these crystals can be explained in terms of n by this purely theoretical model.  相似文献   

Molecular orbital calculations have been completed on sulfate monomers and a dimer in a determination of minimum-energy geometries and electron density distributions. SO bond lengths calculated for the monomer and dimer correlate linearly with the fractional s-characters of the bonds, as observed for sulfate groups in crystals. With increasing coordination number of S, the bonded radii of S and O, as determined from electron density maps, increase at the same rate. This is at variance with the assumption that the radius of the oxide ion is nearly constant and that bond length variations arise primarily from changes in cation radii. The dimer shows a relatively large change in energy as its SOS angle is deformed from its minimum-energy value (125.6°) to 180°, in conformity with the small variation among observed angles. This is in contrast to the wide variation of bridging angles observed for silicate and phosphate dimers in crystals and molecules, and may imply that significant differences should be expected in the behavior of sulfates with respect to polymorphism and glass formation. The reaction energy of SO3 + H2O → H2SO4, calculated with second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, agrees with the experimental value. Other properties of H2SO4 are also calculated and compared with experimental observations and previous calculations.  相似文献   

Ab initio STO-3G molecular orbital theory has been used to calculate energy-optimized Si-O bond lengths and angles for molecular orthosilicic and pyrosilicic acids. The resulting bond length for orthosilicic acid and the nonbridging bonds for pyrosilicic acid compare well with Si-OH bonds observed for a number of hydrated silicate minerals. Minimum energy Si-O bond lengths to the bridging oxygen of the pyrosilicic molecule show a close correspondence with bridging bond length data observed for the silica polymorphs and for gas phase and molecular crystal siloxanes when plotted against the SiOSi angle. In addition, the calculations show that the mean Si-O bond length of a silicate tetrahedron increases slightly as the SiOSi angle narrows. The close correspondence between the Si-O bond length and angle variations calculated for pyrosilicic acid and those observed for the silica polymorphs and siloxanes substantiates the suggestion that local bonding forces in solids are not very different from those in molecules and clusters consisting of the same atoms with the same coordination numbers. An extended basis calculation for H4SiO4 implies that there are about 0.6 electrons in the 3d-orbitals on Si. An analysis of bond overlap populations obtained from STO-3G* calculations for H6Si2O7 indicates that Si-O bond length and SiOSi angle correlations may be ascribed to changes in the hybridization state of the bridging oxygen and (dp) π-bonding involving all five of the 3d AO's of Si and the lone-pair AO's of the oxygen. Theoretical density difference maps calculated for H6Si2O7 show a build-up of charge density between Si and O, with the peak-height charge densities of the nonbridging bonds exceeding those of the bridging bonds by about 0.05 e Å?3. In addition, atomic charges (+1.3 and ?0.65) calculated for Si and O in a SiO2 moiety of the low quartz structure conform reasonably well with the electroneutrality postulate and with experimental charges obtained from monopole and radial refinements of diffraction data recorded for low quartz and coesite.  相似文献   

Bond critical point properties of electron density distributions calculated for representative Si5O16 moieties of the structure of coesite are compared with those observed and calculated for the bulk crystal. The values calculated for the moieties agree with those observed to within ∼5%, on average, whereas those calculated for the crystal agree to within ∼10%. As the SiOSi angles increase and the SiO bonds shorten, there is a progressive build-up in the calculated electron density along the bonds. This is accompanied by an increase in both the curvatures of the electron density, both perpendicular and parallel to each bond, and the Laplacian of the electron density distribution at the bond critical points. The cross sections of the bonds at the critical points become more circular as the angle approaches 180o. Also, the bonded radius of the oxide anion decreases about twice as much as that of the Si cation as the SiO bond length decreases and the fraction of s-character of the bond is indicated to increase. A knowledge of electron density distributions is central to our understanding of the forces that govern the structure, properties, solid state reactions, surface reactions and phase transformations of minerals. The software (CRYSTAL95 and TOPOND) used in this study to calculate the bond critical properties of the electron density and Laplacian distributions is bound to promote a deeper understanding of crystal chemistry and properties. Received: 23 February 1998 / Revised, accepted: 16 July 1998  相似文献   

Bond critical point properties calculated for the MN bonds in a number of geometry optimized nitride molecules containing first- and second-row M cations are compared with those calculated for a number of oxide molecules. As reported for the oxides, the value of the electron density, ρ(r c ), at the bond critical points, r c , increases with decreasing bond length while for the more electronegative cations, the local energy density, H(r c ) decreases nonlinearly in value as the relative electronegativities of the M-cations, χ M , tend to increase. In the majority of cases, χM, |λ1|/λ3 and ∇2ρ(r c ) increase with decreasing minimum energy bond lengths. The bond lengths adopted by the molecules are indicated to be an important determinant of the critical point properties of the electron density distributions. The relative electronegativities derived from the electron density distributions of the nitrides agree with those derived for the oxides and Pauling’s electronegativities to within ∼5%, on average. Received: 3 February 1997 / Revised, accepted: 11 July 1997  相似文献   

The topological properties of the electron density distributions for more than 20 hydroxyacid, geometry optimized molecules with SiO and GeO bonds with 3-, 4-, 6- and 8-coordinate Si and Ge cations were calculated. Electronegativities calculated with the bond critical point (bcp) properties of the distributions indicate, for a given coordination number, that the electronegativity of Ge (∼1.85) is slightly larger than that of Si (∼1.80) with the electronegativities of both atoms increasing with decreasing bond length. With an increase in the electron density, the curvatures and the Laplacian of the electron density at the critical point of each bond increase with decreasing bond length. The covalent character of the bonds are assessed, using bond critical point properties and electronegativity values calculated from the electron density distributions. A mapping of the (3, −3) critical points of the valence shell concentrations of the oxide anions for bridging SiOSi and GeOGe dimers reveals a location and disposition of localized nonbonding electron pairs that is consistent with the bridging angles observed for silicates and germanates. The bcp properties of electron density distributions of the SiO bonds calculated for representative molecular models of the coesite structure agree with average values obtained in X-ray diffraction studies of coesite and danburite to within ∼5%. Received: 18 August 1997 / Revised, accepted: 19 February 1998  相似文献   

The strength of a bond, defined as p=s/r, where s is the Pauling bond strength and r is the row number of an M cation bonded to an oxide anion, is related to a build-up of electron density along the MO bonds in a relatively large number of oxide and hydroxyacid molecules, three oxide minerals and three molecular crystals. As p increases, the value of the electron density is observed to increase at the bond critical points with the lengths of the bonds shortening and the electronegativities of the M cations bonded to the oxide anion increasing. The assertion that the covalency of a bond is intrinsically connected to its bond strength is supported by the electron density distribution and its bond critical point properties. A connection also exists between the properties of the electron density distributions and the connectivity of the bond strength network formed by the bonded atoms of a structure. Received: 20 August 1997 / Revised, accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

A modified rigid-ion model is developed based on coordination polyhedra as the fundamental modelling units in a crystal structure. A crystal structure is represented by its constituent coordination polyhedra that are treated as three-dimensional elastic continua. Elastic moduli, experimentally determined or otherwise assumed, are ascribed to these coordination polyhedra. Finite element analysis is applied to retrieve the interatomic force information implicit in the elastic moduli of these polyhedra. The polyhedral approach provides a framework to model noncentral and many-body forces in a conventional lattice calculation because the elastic moduli contain much information on the nature of static interatomic forces within a crystal structure. The polyhedral model of the single-crystal elastic moduli of forsterite compares very well with the observed data; the average deviation of the calculated elastic moduli from the measured elastic moduli is within 6 percent.  相似文献   

Minimum energy theoretical bond lengths R t obtained with robust split-basis molecular orbital calculations for 27 hydroxyacid molecules containing first- and second-row cations X n+ reproduce XO bond lengths in crystals. Plots of ln(R t ) vs. ln(s), where s is the Pauling bond strength, define two different but essentially parallel trends (for first- and second-row cations, respectively) as observed for crystals. A new bond strength parameter p=s/r is defined where r=1 for first- and r=2 for second-row main-group cations. When a ln(R t ) vs. ln(p) plot is prepared with these theoretical bond lengths, a single trend is obtained. A regression analysis of this data set shows that more than 99 percent of the variation of ln(R t can be explained in terms of a linear dependence on ln(p), yielding R=1.39 p ?0.22 as an estimator of the bond lengths. A comparison of 153 mean XO bond lengths compiled by Shannon (1976) for main-group closed-shell X-cations from all 6 rows of the periodic table with those estimated with this formula for r=1, 2, ..., 6, respectively, shows that these bond lengths are estimated within 0.05 Å on average with nearly 85 percent estimated within 0.10 Å of the observed value. More than 97 percent of the variation of these observed bond lengths can be ranked in terms of a linear dependence on the estimated bond lengths. The success of these calculations is further evidence that the forces that govern bond length variations in oxide crystals behave as if they are short-ranged.  相似文献   

 For the fibrous zeolites natrolite, Na2[Al2Si3O10]·2H2O, mesolite, Na2Ca2[Al2Si3O10]3·8H2O, and scolecite, Ca[Al2Si3O10]·3H2O, with topologically identical aluminosilicate framework structures, accurate single-crystal X-ray diffraction data have been analyzed by least-squares refinements using generalized scattering factor (GSF) models. The final agreement indices were R(F ) = 0.0061, 0.0165, and 0.0073, respectively. Ensuing calculations of static deformation [Δρ(r)], and total, [ρ(r)], model electron density distributions served to study chemical bonding, in particular by topological electron density analyses yielding bond critical point (bcp) properties and in situ cation electronegativities. The results for 32 SiO, 24 AlO, 14 CaO, and 12 NaO unique bonds are compiled and analyzed in terms of both mean values and correlations between bond lengths, bonded oxygen radii, bcp densities, curvatures at the bcps, and electronegativities. Comparison with recent literature data obtained from both experimental electron density studies on minerals and model calculations for geometry-optimized molecules shows that the majority of the present findings conforms well with chemical expectation and with the trends observed from molecular modeling. For the SiO bond, the shared interaction is indicated to increase with decreasing bond length, whereas the AlO bond is of distinctly more polar nature, as is the NaO bond compared to CaO. Also, the observed ranges of the Si and Al in situ electronegativities and their mean electronegativities agree well with both Pauling's values and model calculation results, and statistically significant correlations are obtained which are consistent with trends described for oxide and nitride molecules. Received: 10 May 1999 / Revised, accepted: 14 September 1999  相似文献   

Molecular orbital calculations on a variety of silicate and aluminosilicate molecules have been used to explore the bonding forces that govern tetrahedral bond length variations, r(TO), in framework silicates and aluminosilicates. Not only do the calculations provide insight into the variety of structural types and the substitution limits of one tetrahedral atom for another, but they also provide an understanding of the interrelationships among r(TO) and linkage factors, bond strength sum, coordination number, and angles within and between tetrahedra. A study of these interrelationships for a theoretical data set shows that r(SiO) and r(AlO) are linearly correlated with (1) p o, the bond strength sum to a bridging oxygen, (2) f s(O), the fractional s-character of a bridging oxygen, and (3) f s (T), the fractional s-character of the T atom. In a multiple linear regression analysis of the data, 92% of the variation of r(SiO) and 99% of the variation of r(AlO) can be explained in terms of a linear dependence on p o, f s (O), and f s (T). Analogous regression analyses completed for observed r(Al, SiO) bond length data from a number of silica polymorphs and ordered aluminosilicates account for more than 75% of the bond length variation. The lower percentage of bond length variation explained is ascribed in part to the random and systematic errors in the experimental data which have a negligible effect on the theoretical data. The modeling of more than 75% of the variation of r(Al, SiO) in the framework silicates using the same model used for silicate and aluminosilicate molecules strengthens the viewpoint that the bonding forces that govern the shapes of such molecules are quite similar to the forces that govern the shapes of chemically similar groups in solids. The different regression coefficients calculated for f s (T) indicate that SiO and AlO bond length variations in framework structures should not be treated as a single population in estimating the average Al, Si content of a tetrahedral site.  相似文献   

Ab initio STO-3G molecular orbital calculations completed for various silicon sulfide molecules have reproduced bridging bond length and angle variations of molecular and solid state thiosilicates. Calculated potential energy curves for SiSSi and SiOSi bonds conform with the narrow range of angles (106°–115°) observed for thiosilicates and the wide range (120°–180°) observed for silicates. In addition, the limited range of angles of the SiSSi bond agrees with the limited range of topologies and configurations exhibited by molecular and solid thiosilicates as compared to the wider range of angles, topologies and configurations exhibited by siloxanes and silicates. Quadratic stretching and bending force constants calculated for the silicon sulfide molecules agree with experimental values. The close correspondence of bond length and angle variations in molecular and solid thiosilicate systems indicates that the local bonding forces in both systems are practically the same notwithstanding the long range forces of the solid.  相似文献   

The electron localization function, η, evaluated for first-principles geometry optimized model structures generated for quartz and coesite, reveals that the oxide anions are coordinated by two hemispherically shaped η-isosurfaces located along each of the SiO bond vectors comprising the SiOSi angles. With one exception, they are also coordinated by larger banana-shaped isosurfaces oriented perpendicular to the plane centered in the vicinity of the apex of each angle. The hemispherical isosurfaces, ascribed to domains of localized bond-pair electrons, are centered ~0.70 Å along the bond vectors from the oxide anions and the banana-shaped isosurfaces, ascribed to domains of localized nonbonding lone-pair electrons, are centered ~0.60 Å from the apex of the angle. The oxide anion comprising the straight SiOSi angle in coesite is the one exception in that the banana-shaped isosurface is missing; however, it is coordinated by two hemispherically shaped isosurfaces that lie along the bond vectors. In the case of a first-principles model structure generated for stishovite, the oxide anion is coordinated by five hemispherically shaped η-isosurfaces, one located along each of the three SiO bond vectors (ascribed to domains of bonding-electron pairs) that are linked to the anion with the remaining two (ascribed to domains of nonbonding-electron pairs) located on opposite sides of the plane defined by three vectors, each isosurface at a distance of ~0.5 Å from the anion. The distribution of the five isosurfaces is in a one-to-one correspondence with the distribution of the maxima displayed by experimental Δρ and theoretical ??2ρ maps. Isosurface η maps calculated for quartz and the (HO) 3 SiOSi(OH) 3 molecule also exhibit maxima that correspond with the (3,?3) maxima displayed by distributions of ??2ρ. Deformation maps observed for the SiOSi bridges for the silica polymorphs and a number of silicates are similar to that calculated for the molecule but, for the majority, the maxima ascribed to lone-pair features are absent. The domains of localized nonbonding-electron pair coordinating the oxide anions of quartz and coesite provide a basis for explaining the flexibility and the wide range of the SiOSi angles exhibited by the silica polymorphs with four-coordinate Si. They also provide a basis for explaining why the SiO bond length in coesite decreases with increasing angle. As found in studies of the interactions of solute molecules with a solvent, a mapping of η-isosurfaces for geometry-optimized silicates is expected to become a powerful tool for deducing potential sites of electrophilic attack and reactivity for Earth materials. The positions of the features ascribed to the lone pairs in coesite correspond with the positions of the H atoms recently reported for an H-doped coesite crystal.  相似文献   

Several computer models of quartz were developed and tested. A simple model based on a potential energy function, derived in large part from quantum mechanical calculations on the molecule H6Si2O7, was found to reproduce the compressibility curve for quartz up to pressures of 8 GPa. The potential includes quadratic expressions for the SiO bond lengths, the OSiO angles and a parameter spanning the SiOSi angle together with an exponential OO repulsion term for non co-dimer O atoms. The variations in the cell edges and in the SiOSi angle, as a function of pressure, parallel observed trends when the bond lengths and angles calculated for the molecule are used as rgressor values. Poisson ratios calculated using the model match those observed. Two configurations for quartz related by the Dauphiné twin law are generated as minimum energy structures of the model with about equal frequencies as observed in nature. It is shown that the model, devised for quartz, can also be applied to the silica polymorph cristobalite, giving reasonable estimates of its compressibility curve, structural parameters and its negative Poisson ratio. When the observed bond lengths and angles are used as regressor values, the model generates the absolute coordinates of the atoms and the cell dimensions for quartz to within 0.005 Å and those of cristobalite to within 0.001 Å, on average, both at zero pressure. When applied to coesite, the model yields a zero pressure structure that is close to that observed but which is significantly softer than observed. The resulting SiO bond lengths are linearly correlated with f s (O), as observed for coesite, despite the use of a single bond length and a single SiOSi angle as regressor values in the calculation. When the structures are optimized assuming P1 space group symmetry and triclinic cell dimensions, the resulting frameworks of silicate tetrahedra exhibit the translational, rotational and reflection symmetries observed for quartz, cristobalite and coesite. The fact that the resulting frameworks exhibit observed space group symmetries is evidence that the symmetry adopted by the silica polymorphs can be explained by short ranged forces.  相似文献   

Electron density distributions, bond paths, Laplacian and local-energy density properties have been calculated for a number of As4S n (n = 3, 4 and 5) thioarsenide molecular crystals. On the basis of the distributions, the intramolecular As–S and As–As interactions classify as shared bonded interactions, and the intermolecular As–S, As–As and S–S interactions classify as closed-shell van der Waals (vdW) bonded interactions. The bulk of the intermolecular As–S bond paths link regions of locally concentrated electron density (Lewis-base regions) with aligned regions of locally depleted electron density (Lewis-acid regions) on adjacent molecules. The paths are comparable with intermolecular paths reported for several other molecular crystals that link aligned Lewis base and acid regions in a key–lock fashion, interactions that classified as long-range Lewis acid–base-directed vdW interactions. As the bulk of the intermolecular As–S bond paths (~70%) link Lewis acid–base regions on adjacent molecules, it appears that molecules adopt an arrangement that maximizes the number of As–S Lewis acid–base intermolecular bonded interactions. The maximization of the number of Lewis acid–base interactions appears to be connected with the close-packed array adopted by molecules: distorted cubic close-packed arrays are adopted for alacránite, pararealgar, uzonite, realgar and β-AsS and the distorted hexagonal close-packed arrays adopted by α- and β-dimorphite. A growth mechanism is proposed for thioarsenide molecular crystals from aqueous species that maximizes the number of long-range Lewis acid–base vdW As–S bonded interactions with the resulting directed bond paths structuralizing the molecules as a molecular crystal.  相似文献   

The O 1s spectrum is examined for 19 uranyl minerals of different composition and structure. Spectra from single crystals were measured with a Kratos Axis Ultra X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer with a magnetic-confinement charge-compensation system. Well-resolved spectra with distinct maxima, shoulders and inflections points, in combination with reported and measured binding energies for specific O2− species and structural data of the uranyl minerals are used to resolve the fine structure of the O 1s envelope. The resolution of the O 1s spectra includes, for the first time, different O2− bands, which are assigned to O atoms linking uranyl with uranyl polyhedra (UOU) and O atoms of uranyl groups (OUO). The resolved bands in the O 1s spectrum occur at distinct ranges in binding energy: bands for (UOU) occur at 529.6-530.4 eV, bands for (OUO) occur at 530.6-531.4 eV, bands for O2− in the equatorial plane of the uranyl polyhedra linking uranyl polyhedra with (TOn) groups (T = Si, S, C, P, Se) (TO) occur at 530.9-532.2 eV; bands for (OH) groups in the equatorial plane of the uranyl polyhedra (OH) occur at 532.0-532.5 eV, bands of (H2O) groups in the interstitial complex of the uranyl minerals (H2Ointerst) occur at 533.0-533.8 eV and bands of physisorbed (H2O) groups on the surface of uranyl minerals (H2Oadsorb) occur at 534.8-535.2 eV. Treatment of uranyl minerals with acidic solutions results in a decrease in UOU and an increase in OH. Differences in the ratio of OH OUO between the surface and bulk structure is larger for uranyl minerals with a high number of UOU and TO species in the bulk structure which is explained by protonation of underbonded UO, UOU and TO terminations on the surface. The difference in the ratio of H2Ointerst OUO between the bulk and surface structures is larger for uranyl minerals with higher percentages of H2Ointerst as well as, with a higher number of interstitial H2O groups that are not bonded to interstitial cations, resulting in easier dehydration of interstitial H2O groups in uranyl minerals during exposure to a vacuum.  相似文献   

Crystals of a high-pressure phase of MnTiO3 have been synthesized at pressures of 60 kbar using the SAM-85 cubic-anvil high pressure apparatus. Although all crystals examined were twinned on (10 \(\bar 1\) \(\bar 2\) ), a set of diffraction intensities that are essentially unaffected by the twinning were obtained. Three possible structure models were considered: (1) the corundum (completely disordered Mn and Ti), (2) the partially-disordered ilmenite, and (3) the LiNbO3 structures. The R factors of the corundum and the disordered ilmenite models were much larger than that of LiNbO3. Using structure factors unaffected by twinning, the final LiNbO3-type refinement gave R w=0.037 and R=0.034. The averaged bond lengths for Mn-O and Ti-O were consistent with ones calculated using Shannon and Prewitt's (1969) radii. The study concludes that MnTiO3 II actually has an ordered LiNbO3-type structure rather than the disordered one as reported previously. From the analysis of the two MnTiO3 structures, the transition can be related to a cation reordering process, in which half of the cations participate, accompanied by the rotation of oxygens to accommodate the cations.  相似文献   

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