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美国外商直接投资区域分异特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
八十年代以来,大量外商直接投资流入美国,逐步使美国成为国际直接投资的净流入国,文章分别以美国大区和洲为研究地域单元,多角度地分析了美国外商直接投资区域分异特征,主要研究结论如下;在大区层面上,各大区的投资比例具有不平衡性,高投资比例的大区与低投资比例的大区之间的不平衡性具有稳定性,且低投资比例的大区比高投资比例的大区的稳定性强,在洲际层面上,外商直接投资分布有沿海性倾向,呈“U”型分布状态;投资密度以密西西兹河为界,东西对比格局强烈;制造业带所在地区整体位次上升快,显示了制造业带的较强的聚集效应,一般而言,人口少,面积大的洲,人均投资额高。  相似文献   

美国外商直接投资区域分异动态变化与成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国地域广阔,各地区的投资环境产生分异变化必然导致美国外商直接投资产生区域分异的动态变化。本文借助定量分析方法对美国外商直接投资区域分异动态变化特征和成因进行了研究。主要研究结论如下:美国外商直接投资有向沿海沿边集中的趋势,外商直接投资区域分布差距在持续扩大;外商直接投资分布与美国人口和产值分布之间的匹配呈加强趋势,外商直接投资的市场导向性进一步明显;外商直接投资与基础设施建设之间有很强的互动关系;美国制造业分布区位对外商直接投资区位选择具有较强的刚性,其聚集作用一般不会随外界环境的改变而发生较大的改变;外商技术导向性投资要付出较高成本;美国矿业分布对外商直接投资吸引力降低,外商资源导向性投资进一步弱化。  相似文献   

中国外商直接投资的区域分异及其变化   总被引:49,自引:3,他引:49  
本文分析结果表明,中国的外商直接投资主要分布于沿海地带省区和沿长江流域省区的“T”型轴线上,90年代以来呈现由南向北以及沿长江向中西部地带转移的趋势。从传统因素、集聚因素、风险因素三方面分析了我国外商直接投资区域差异形成及其演变的原因,并得到一系列结论与启示。  相似文献   

国际上通常认可邓宁的折衷理论作为解释外商直接投资的范式,但是该范式主要是针对制造业外商直接投资提出,并不完全适用于服务业外商直接投资.随着服务业外商投资比重的日益扩大,对于服务业外资的研究成为经济学、管理学和地理学研究的热点.本文结合国际投资理论和贸易理论综述了国际上关于服务业外商直接投资区位理论的理论发展,分析了服务业外商直接投资的特点和国际化模型,比较了服务业与制造业外商直接投资的差异,探讨了服务业外商直接投资的决定因素,描绘了在华服务业外商直接投资研究现状,并展望了服务业外商直接投资的研究动向.  相似文献   

中国外商直接外资的区域分异及其变化   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
贺灿飞  梁进社 《地理学报》1999,54(2):97-105
本文分析结果表明,中国的外商直接投资主要分布于沿地带省区和沿长江流域省区的“T”型轴线上,90年代以来呈现由南向北以及沿长江向中西部地带转移的趋势。从传统因素、集聚因素、风险因素三方面分析了我国外商直接投资区域差异形成以及演变的原因,并得到一系列结论与启示。  相似文献   

利用1997-2006年我国分省区分年度数据,实证分析劳动力质量对外商直接投资区位选择的影响。采用广义最小二乘法拟合混合数据模型的结果表明,在控制了劳动力成本、市场规模、基础设施和开放度等变量后,劳动力质量与外商直接投资总额存在显著的正相关,这说明劳动力质量已成为决定外商直接投资区位选择的重要因素。20世纪90年代中期以来,在外商直接投资技能升级的背景下,区域比较优势已由低成本劳动力转变为高质量劳动力,大力提高劳动力质量是吸引新一轮外商直接投资的重要战略措施。  相似文献   

在经过改革开放20多年利用外商直接投资的实践历程后,人们关注的重点已经由外商直接投资的数量转向了质量。分析和研究外商直接投资的结构将是判断外商直接投资质量的重要途径之一。文章对重庆市利用外商直接投资的基本特征和地位进行了总结,并对外商直接投资的结构从5个方面进行了研究。在此基础上,提出了重庆市今后进一步积极、合理和有效地利用外商直接投资的对策建议。  相似文献   

余慧  贺清云 《热带地理》2007,27(6):543-547
以我国东、中、西部有典型代表的10省市与湖南省为研究对象,设定有代表性的区位因素指标,运用灰色关联对各省市外商直接投资区位进行实证分析,通过相关因素的横向分析和对比来探讨湖南省外商直接投资区位条件。结果表明:经济规模和市场容量、区域的全球化水平和外贸依存度、信息化发展程度和基础设施状况、地理区位和区位惯性基本上决定了外商直接投资在我国的区位选择;工业化水平、劳动力成本、城市化水平、市场化程度、第三产业发展水平对外商直接投资的区位选择有一定的影响。湖南省在信息化发展水平和基础设施、人力资源、科技、第三产业发展水平上有一定的优势,劣势则表现在外贸依存度、融资能力、工业化发展水平等。  相似文献   

在“一带一路”倡议下,中国与土库曼斯坦的投资合作成为“中国—中亚—西亚经济走廊”建设的重要内容。土库曼斯坦油气资源丰富,已成为各国投资商的重要关注点。不过,该国较为封闭,相关数据资料相对匮乏。在此背景下,本文基于土库曼斯坦自然资源、经济、社会文化和投资管理等条件,借助熵权法对土库曼斯坦各州和直辖市的投资环境进行了综合评价。研究表明,自然资源是各州和直辖市投资环境演变的核心推动力量,同时投资管理特征和经济发展也发挥重要作用,社会文化特征的影响则不显著。因此,由于资源在空间上分布不均衡,土库曼斯坦各地区的投资环境也存在较大差异,从而导致油气资源不足的地区对投资管理形成较大依赖。总体来看,巴尔坎州和莱巴普州投资环境较好,而马雷、达沙古兹等地区仍有待提高。  相似文献   

焦华富 《地理科学》1998,18(2):106-112
阐述了国际对外直接投资的基本形势和我国面临的挑战,剖析了对华直接投资的资金市场地域结构现状和变化特点,针对资金市场地域结构所的问题提出了基本对策。  相似文献   

Fifteen years of academic concern about the extent, causes, and implications of the explosion of service activities as a proportion of regional and national employment and income have verified the increased proportion of employment in these activities, their tendencies toward concentration, their structural role in local economies, their potential to form part of a region's economic base, and their importance in assisting other activities in the regional economy. There has been some progress in modeling the locational needs of intermediate or producer services. Beyond this progress, however, lies much uncharted territory. This paper makes recommendations for the direction of basic research and of policy-oriented work.  相似文献   

This county-level study examines the locational concentrations of membership in a sample of national environmental organizations. Maps of location quotients indicate distinct regions of high and low membership concentrations, with membership most concentrated in the Northeast, West, and Rocky Mountain states. The results may be helpful in identifying general patterns of environmental concern in different U.S. regions.  相似文献   

Religion continues to play an important role in the public and private lives of Americans. Therefore, a reexamination of U.S. religious regions is necessary in light of the rapid demographic changes that have occurred in the past few decades. This article presents a new regionalization of religion in the United States for 1980 and 2000, produced using multivariate cluster analysis. Comparing this new regionalization with earlier attempts, it demonstrates that religious regions continue to exist today and have undergone various levels of stability and change. Furthermore, religious regions continue to be relevant because they provide scholars with a method for identifying and characterizing the societal context in which individual religious communities function.  相似文献   

美国的区域政策及其对我国西部开发的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了美国区域政策的特点:区域政策的核心是提高受援地区的社会福利;致力于改善落后的投资环境;突出重点,实施增长中心战略;注重培育欠发达地区的自我发展能力;依靠法制化管理,保障援阻工作顺利进行。在此基础上,提出解决我国地区发展不平衡问题的一些措施。  相似文献   

The U.S. Geological Survey periodically makes appraisals of the oil and gas resources of the Nation. In its 1995 National Assessment the onshore areas and adjoining State waters of the Nation were assessed. As part of the 1995 National Assessment, 274 conventional oil plays and 239 conventional nonassociated-gas plays were assessed. The two datasets of estimates studied herein are the following: (1) the mean, undiscovered, technically recoverable oil resources estimated for each of the 274 conventional oil plays, and (2) the mean, undiscovered, technically recoverable gas resources estimated for each of the 239 conventional nonassociatedgas plays. It was found that the two populations of petroleum estimates are both distributed approximately as lognormal distributions. Fractal lognormal percentage theory is developed and applied to the two populations of petroleum estimates. In both cases the theoretical percentages of total resources using the lognormal distribution are extremely close to the empirical percentages from the oil and nonassociated-gas data. For example, 20% of the 274 oil plays account for 73.05% of the total oil resources of the plays if the lognormal distribution is used, or for 75.52% if the data is used; 20% of the 239 nonassociated-gas plays account for 76.32% of the total nonassociated-gas resources of the plays if the lognormal distribution is used, or for 78.87% if the data is used  相似文献   

Increases in U.S. income inequality are driven primarily by rapidly rising incomes of the top 1%. At the national scale, rising inequality is associated with negative consequences for economic growth and stability, a range of social problems and declining social mobility. To date, there is no or little work on the geography of the top 1% and their impact on the cities they inhabit. Using individual income data from the U.S. Census, the paper offers the first detailed analysis of the spatial distribution of the top 1% in the United States. The paper makes use of the range of socio-demographic variables attached to individual records to illustrate that the large majority of the top 1% lives in large cities and that women and ethnic minorities are largely excluded from membership in the top 1%. The widening gap between incomes at the top and bottom will thus lead to increasing gender and ethnic income inequalities. Exploratory analysis of the impact of the top 1% on the bottom 99% suggests that cities with large shares of the top 1% are characterized by higher levels of skill polarization, higher labour force participation rates and lower unemployment rates for those with little formal education and higher median incomes for the better educated. However, the paper shows that higher incomes are outstripped by higher housing costs indicating that any potential advantage trickling down from the top 1% to the bottom 99% is eroded by higher living costs. Preliminary analysis also suggests that cities with a higher share of the top 1% tend to be more segregated with potential implications for the supply, quality, access to and distribution of public local services.  相似文献   

In irrigated agricultural landscapes, land-use conversion may have landscape-level social, hydrological, and ecological effects. We used geographic information systems (GIS) and interviews to analyze development effects on irrigation in the Henry's Fork Watershed, Idaho. Farmers developed irrigation there in the 19th century, and incidental recharge from canal seepage and flood irrigation raised groundwater levels and expanded wetlands. Cohesive culture in agricultural communities sustained irrigation systems until amenity-driven demographic shifts beginning in the 1970s led to development approved by local governments with land-use planning but no water-management authority. Although only 5% of irrigated land has been converted, development has fragmented irrigated landscapes and made canal-system operation more difficult, potentially reducing groundwater levels, wetland extent, and return flows critical to downstream irrigators and fish and wildlife. We discuss future scenarios, highlighting the need for increased communication among local and state governments regarding land use and water management in irrigated landscapes across the West.  相似文献   

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