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Water samples from 72 wells tapping the Jilh aquifer were collected and analyzed for 10 different water quality parameters. Using these data, a regional irrigation water quality was assessed using three techniques: (i) United States Department of Agriculture method (USDA), (ii) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) guidelines for water quality assessment, and (iii) Water-Types approach. The USDA method revealed that the aquifer water salinity, as represented by electrical conductivity, ECw, ranges from high salinity (C3: ECw > 0.75–2.25 dS/m) to a very high salinity (C4: ECw > 2.25 dS/m). The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) varied from low (S1) to very high (S4) sodicity. Therefore, the water of the Jilh aquifer is dominantly of the C4–S2 class representing 56% of the total wells followed by C4–S1, C4–S3, C3–S1 and C4–S4 classes at 19%, 14%, 8%, and 3% of the wells respectively. The FAO system indicated moderate to severe restriction on the use for irrigation and slight to moderate ion toxicities for Na+, Cl, B+, NO3 and HCO3. It is clear that, both USDA and FAO systems condemn the Jilh groundwater as hazardous for irrigation due to its high salt content, unless certain measures for salinity control are undertaken. The dominant salt constituents in the water are Mg–Cl2, Na–Cl and Ca–Cl2 as per the Water-Types method. However, due to the complexity in classifying the aquifer groundwater for irrigation, a simplified approach acknowledging three class groups (I-suitable water, II-conditionally suitable water and III-unsuitable water) adopted from the three methods, is suggested in this paper. The simplified approach combines C–S classes of the USDA method among these three groups according to the lowest ratings. The salinity of the FAO method has been split arbitrarily into slight and moderate subclasses with values of 0.7–2.25 and >2.25 dS/m, respectively; to match with the C3-class of the USDA system. The Water-Types were classified assuming that Ca–Cl2 is the least hazardous salt, followed by Mg–Cl2 and Na–Cl. Using this integrated hydrochemical method, the majority of the wells (92%) contain unsuitable water for irrigation (Group III) while the remaining wells (8%) are in Group II with water considered conditionally suitable for irrigation.  相似文献   

地下水脆弱性概念的发展过程与评价现状及研究前景   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
地下水脆弱性概念的发展过程是一个由简单到复杂,由单纯考虑内因到综合考虑内外因,由分以趋同的不断丰富、完善与发展的过程。评价方法由应用图件定性描述发展到应用模型定量表达。本文指出了目前地下水脆弱性评价中存在的若干问题,并指出应用灰色系统理论、模糊数学理论、AHP与GIS技术进行地下水脆弱性评价将是地下水脆弱性研究的一个主要的发展方向。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between groundwater flow and water quality of different ground and surface water basins in the southwest Turkey. In addition, groundwater vulnerability is assessed taking into consideration groundwater flow and quality. The autochthonous Beydaglari limestone is the major karstic aquifer in the region. According to the groundwater level map of alluvium aquifers in the basins, groundwater discharge toward the carbonate aquifer is direct and indirect. The hydrogeological connection between ground and surface water basins occurs via the karstic aquifer located at the bottom of the alluvium bottom. In Egirdir lake, water also discharges in the karstic aquifer via karstic sinkholes at the western border of the lake. In the research area, general groundwater discharge is toward the Mediterranean Sea by means of autochthonous carbonate system, according to hydrogeological investigations, research of lineament and hydraulic conductivities. This result is supported by the locations of lineaments and shore springs discharging from the limestone. In addition, spreading of contaminants via karstic aquifer to great distance has been clearly identified.  相似文献   

The stable isotopic characteristics were used together with the total chloride to assess changes in groundwater from recharge zones into the carbonate aquifer in an arid environment. The aquifer under study represents a major source of groundwater and thermal springs in Al-Ain city, which are located at the northern part of Jabal Hafit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The relationship between oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of groundwater is established and is described by δD?=?2.2δ18O???9.96. The lower slope and y-intercept of groundwater samples relative to the local meteoric waterline suggests that the isotopic enrichment is due to the evaporation of shallow groundwater after recharge occurs. The majority of the shallow groundwater samples have a negative deuterium excess (d-excess) which might be ascribed to high a degree of evaporation, while most of the groundwater samples from deep wells, have a positive value of d-excess which may be related to a low degree of evaporation. The δ18O values of the thermal waters suggest enrichment towards δ18O of the carbonate rocks because of the exchange with oxygen at higher temperatures. A possible mixing between thermal or hot water and shallow groundwater is evident in some samples as reflected by δD vs. Cl and d-excess vs. δ18O plots.  相似文献   

With the increased demand for groundwater resulting from fast demographic growth, accelerated urbanization, economic and agricultural activity diversification, and the increase of per capita consumption, ground water resources, in particular in coastal regions, remain relatively low, compared to demand. The groundwater quality and piezometric variations result mainly from intensive exploitation, agricultural activities and the intrusion of seawater. This phenomenon is observed mostly in semi-arid areas, such as the oriental Sahel of Tunisia, where an apparent reduction in rainfall in recent years can be seen. Groundwater becomes overexploited especially as its natural recharge by rainwater does not succeed in maintaining the hydrologic balance. The imbalance between water demand and resources induces the degradation of the water quality. In such a case, the artificial recharge of water-table aquifers by water from dams is a credible alternative to improve the hydrodynamic and physicochemical conditions of the groundwater. Like most coastal aquifers, the Teboulba water-table aquifer is threatened by overexploitation for at least three decades. This threat appears by a considerable piezometric level drop and by water salinisation, due to seawater intrusion. Given this alarming situation, since 1971, artificial recharge through wells with surface water from a dam was tested in order to restore the water levels and to improve water quality. The piezometric and chemical surveys of the Teboulba aquifer permitted one to describe the temporal and spatial piezometric and geochemical conditions of the aquifer and to show the effect of the artificial recharge. Indeed, the artificial recharge undertaken since 1971 made the geochemical and piezometric conditions of the Teboulba aquifer improve. This example is a rare, well-documented case-study of the benefits of artificial recharge in a coastal aquifer, over the long term.  相似文献   

The studied area is in the south of Algeria. Chemical data are used to determine the status of water quality in the Albian sandstone aquifer of Ain oussera, as well as to clarify the hydrological regime in the study area, to identify spatial and temporal variations of water quality and sources of contamination (natural and anthropogenic). Waters in sandstone are dominated by a magnesium chloride type and sodium chloride type. Interpretation of chemical data with thermodynamic calculation suggests that the chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water–rock interactions. Piezometric map suggests that water is moving from the south toward north. The agricultural irrigation effluent and domestic effluents have largely contributed to contamination of groundwater.  相似文献   

Groundwater of the Tafilalet oasis system (TOS) is an important water resource in the lower Ziz and Rheris valleys of arid southeastern Morocco. The unconfined aquifer is exploited for domestic consumption and irrigation. A groundwater flow model was developed to assess the impact of climatic variations and development, including the construction of hydraulic structures, on the hydrodynamic behavior of the aquifer. Numerical simulations were performed by implementing a spatial database within a geographic information system and using the Arc Hydro Groundwater tool with the code MODFLOW-2000. The results of steady-state and transient simulations between 1960 and 2011 show that the water table is at equilibrium between recharge, which is mainly by surface-water infiltration, and discharge by evapotranspiration. After the commissioning of the Hassan Addakhil dam in 1971, hydraulic heads became more sensitive to annual variations than to seasonal variations. Heads are also influenced by recurrent droughts and the highest water-level changes are recorded in irrigated areas. The model provides a way of managing groundwater resources in the TOS. It can be used as a tool to predict the impact of different management plans for the protection of groundwater against overexploitation and deterioration of water quality.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(9):1471-1482
Ground-water chemistry data from coastal plain environments have been examined to determine the geochemical conditions and processes that occur in these areas and assess their implications for aquifer susceptibility. Two distinct geochemical environments were studied to represent a range of conditions: an inner coastal plain setting having more well-drained soils and lower organic carbon (C) content and an outer coastal plain environment that has more poorly drained soils and high organic C content. Higher concentrations of most major ions and dissolved inorganic and organic C in the outer coastal plain setting indicate a greater degree of mineral dissolution and organic matter oxidation. Accordingly, outer coastal plain waters are more reducing than inner coastal plain waters. Low dissolved oxygen (O2) and nitrate (NO3) concentrations and high iron (Fe) concentrations indicate that ferric iron (Fe (III)) is an important electron acceptor in this setting, while dissolved O2 is the most common terminal electron acceptor in the inner coastal plain setting.The presence of a wide range of redox conditions in the shallow aquifer system examined here underscores the importance of providing a detailed geochemical characterization of ground water when assessing the intrinsic susceptibility of coastal plain settings. The greater prevalence of aerobic conditions in the inner coastal plain setting makes this region more susceptible to contamination by constituents that are more stable under these conditions and is consistent with the significantly (p<0.05) higher concentrations of NO3 found in this setting. Herbicides and their transformation products were frequently detected (36% of wells sampled), however concentrations were typically low (<0.1 μg/L). Shallow water table depths often found in coastal plain settings may result in an increased risk of the detection of pesticides (e.g., alachlor) that degrade rapidly in the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   

For ensuring both optimal sustainable water resources management and long-term planning in a changing arid environment, we propose an integrated Assessment-, Prognoses-, Planning- and Management tool (APPM). The new APPM integrates the complex interactions of the strongly nonlinear meteorological, hydrological and agricultural phenomena, considering the socio-economic aspects. It aims at achieving best possible solutions for water allocation, groundwater storage and withdrawals including saline water management together with a substantial increase of the water use efficiency employing novel optimisation strategies for irrigation control and scheduling. To obtain a robust and fast operation of the water management system, it unites process modeling with artificial intelligence tools and evolutionary optimisation techniques for managing both water quality and quantity. We demonstrate some key components of our methodology by an exemplary application to the south Al-Batinah region in the Sultanate of Oman which is affected by saltwater intrusion into a coastal aquifer due to excessive groundwater withdrawal for irrigated agriculture. We show the effectiveness and functionality of a new simulation-based water management system for the optimisation and evaluation of different irrigation practices, crop pattern and resulting abstraction scenarios. The results of several optimisation runs indicate that due to contradicting objectives, such as profit-oriented agriculture versus aquifer sustainability only a multi-objective optimisation can provide sustainable solutions for the management of the water resources in respect of the environment as well as the socio-economic development.  相似文献   

The dynamics of artificial recharge of winter surface flows coupled with increased summer groundwater use for irrigation in the Sokh aquifer (Central Asia) have been investigated. Water release patterns from the giant Toktogul reservoir have changed, as priority is now given to hydropower generation in winter in Kyrgyzstan. Winter flows have increased and summer releases have declined, but the Syr Darya River cannot pass these larger winter flows and the excess is diverted to a natural depression, creating a 40?×?109m3 lake. A water balance study of all 18 aquifers feeding the Fergana Valley indicated the feasibility of winter groundwater recharge in storage created by summer abstraction. This modeling study examines the dynamics of the process in one aquifer over a 5-year period, with four scenarios: the current situation; increased groundwater abstraction of around 625 million (M) m3/year; groundwater abstraction with an artificial recharge of 144 Mm3/year, equivalent to the volume available in low flow years in the Sokh River; and with a larger artificial recharge of 268 Mm3/year, corresponding to high flow availability. Summer surface irrigation diversions can be reduced by up to 350 Mm3 and water table levels can be lowered.  相似文献   

A linguistic fuzzy logic system (LFLS)-based expert system model has been developed for the assessment of aquifers for the location of productive water boreholes in a crystalline basement complex. The model design employed a multiple input/single output (MISO) approach with geoelectrical parameters and topographic features as input variables and control crisp value as the output. The application of the method to the data acquired in Khondalitic terrain, a basement complex in Vizianagaram District, south India, shows that potential groundwater resource zones that have control output values in the range 0.3295–0.3484 have a yield greater than 6,000 liters per hour (LPH). The range 0.3174–0.3226 gives a yield less than 4,000 LPH. The validation of the control crisp value using data acquired from Oban Massif, a basement complex in southeastern Nigeria, indicates a yield less than 3,000 LPH for control output values in the range 0.2938–0.3065. This validation corroborates the ability of control output values to predict a yield, thereby vindicating the applicability of linguistic fuzzy logic system in siting productive water boreholes in a basement complex.  相似文献   

Both sulfate and conductivity are useful indicators of acid mine drainage (AMD) contamination. Unlike pH, they are both extremely sensitive to AMD even where large dilutions have occurred. The advantage of using sulfate to trace AMD is that unlike other ions it is not removed to any great extent by sorption or precipitation processes, being unaffected by fluctuations in pH. These two parameters are also closely associated as would be expected, as conductivity is especially sensitive to sulfate ions. Therefore, as sulfate analysis is difficult in the field, conductivity can be used to predict sulfate concentration in both AMD and contaminated surface waters using regression analysis. Most accurate predictions are achieved by using equations given for specific conductivity ranges or AMD sources. There is also potential to use conductivity to predict approximate concentrations of key metals when the pH of the water is within their respective solubility ranges.  相似文献   

煤矿区地下水环境影响评价工作等级确定方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据煤炭开采工程的环境影响特点及环境保护的最新发展趋势,提出了结合矿床勘察类型,确定煤矿区地下水环境影响评价工作等级的方法及基本工作要求.  相似文献   

We used two semi‐permanent GPS receivers with differential configuration to measure the hydrological subsidence of an aquifer used for water supply, located on a fractured granitic area. The time series of the vertical deformation measurements of the ground surface show a variation of 2 cm between winter and summer. We investigate the relationship between this vertical deformation and hydraulic head variations. We show that this kind of GPS survey allows characterizing part of the hydrological properties of such a heterogeneous aquifer. This is thus a new approach of time continuous monitoring of the deformation related to hydrogeological processes.  相似文献   

 This paper was mainly initiated to estimate some parameters of the quality and hydraulics of water in the vicinity of a proposed dam site in Jordan. The assessment of the chemical character was carried out to examine the suitability of the groundwater for domestic, municipal, industrial or irrigation use. Also, the anticipated problems associated with the quality of the reservoir water were delineated. Pumping tests were conducted at some wells that were drilled within the dam site zone and drawdown-time curves were constructed, by means of which the transmissivity and storage coefficients were assessed using two different methods. Total dissolved solids and electrical conductance were also measured and the relationship between them established. In addition, sodium ion concentrations at different piezometric tip elevations were measured in a number of wells that were previously drilled inside the dam site zone. This data indicates that the water quality as expressed in terms of total dissolved solids, electrical conductance, and sodium ion concentration limits do not comply with internationally recommended standards. The usage of this water for usual domestic purposes is therefore not viable, while the utilization of this water for irrigation purposes is very restricted. Received: 1 September 1995 · Accepted: 2 April 1995  相似文献   

针对一般模拟退火算法收敛速度慢的缺陷,本文提出了含水层参数识别的快速模拟退火算法。它以广义Boltzmann-Gibbs统计理论为基础,采用依赖于温度的似Cauchy分布产生新的扰动模型,通过改变模型扰动、接收概率和降温方式来加快模拟退火算法的收敛速度。实例的计算结果表明,快速模拟退火算法不仅可行,而且求解精度高,收敛速度比其他算法快得多,是一种值得在实际中推广应用的高效的含水层参数识别方法。  相似文献   

The Las Vegas Valley Water District in Nevada, USA, has operated an artificial recharge (AR) program since 1989. In summer 2001, observations of gas exsolving from tap water prompted a study that revealed total dissolved gas (TDG) pressures approaching 2?atm with a gas composition that it is predominantly air. Measurements of TDG pressure at well heads and in the distribution system indicated two potential mechanisms for elevated TDG pressures: (1) air entrainment during AR operations, and (2) temperature changes between the winter recharge season and the summer withdrawal season. Air entrainment during pumping was investigated by intentionally allowing the forebay (upstream reservoir) of a large pumping station to drawdown to the point of vortex formation. This resulted in up to a 0.7?atm increase in TDG pressure. In general, the solubility of gases in water decreases as the temperature increases. In the Las Vegas Valley, water that acquired a modest amount of dissolved gas during winter artificial recharge operations experienced an increase in dissolved gas pressure (0.04?atm/°C) as the water warmed in the subsurface. A combination of air entrainment during AR operations and its amplification by temperature increase after recharge can account for most of the observed amounts of excess gas at this site.  相似文献   

Tertiary fractured permeable confined aquifer, which covered about 70 % of the studying area, played an important role in alleviating drinking water shortages. However, about 58 and 79 % of the groundwater samples exceeded the desirable limits for fluoride (1.5 mg/L) and TDS (1,000 mg/L). Two multivariate statistical methods, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA), were applied to a subgroup of the dataset in terms of their usefulness for groundwater classification, as well as to identify the key processes controlling groundwater geochemistry. In the PCA, two principal factors have been extracted, which could explain 73 % of the total data variability. Among them, factor 1 revealed the source of groundwater salinity and factor 2 explained the elevated fluoride. Two major groups were classified by HCA and Group 1 was near the groundwater recharge zone and Group 2 was mainly distributed over the groundwater discharge zone. Inverse modeling (NETPATH) results indicated that the hydrochemical evolution was primarily controlled by (1) the dissolution of mirabilite, gypsum and halite for the source of groundwater salinity; (2) the release of the adsorbed fluoride through desorption or through competition with HCO3 ? under alkalinity condition for the elevated fluoride in the groundwater.  相似文献   

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