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Supervised and unsupervised satellite image classifications have progressed greatly in recent years. However, discrimination difficulties still remain among classes that directly affecting data extraction and surface mapping accuracy. The Ouargla region in southeastern Algeria is intersected by wadis, where direct communication between the shallow groundwater table and these dry, overlying ephemeral stream beds exists. Underflowing groundwater exfiltrates into low-lying aeolian blowouts or endorheic basins forming oases, chotts, and sebkhas, commonly known as saline wetlands. These wetlands are becoming increasingly vulnerable to anthropogenic stress, resulting in significant water degradation. Wetland microclimates are very important to arid regions, as they promote oasis ecosystem sustainability and preservation. High water salinity in these ecosystems, however, directly affects flourishing habitat and undermines successful desert oasis development. The objective of this work is to choose the best classification method to identify saline wetlands by comparison between the different results of land use mapping within the Ouargla basin. Landsat ETM+ (2000) satellite imagery, using visual analysis with colored compositions, has identified various forms of saline wetlands in the Ouargla region desert environment in southeast Algeria. The results show that supervised classification is validated in the identification of Saharan saline wetlands, and that support vector machine (SVM) algorithm presents the best overall accuracy.  相似文献   

In Algeria, the climate change in recent decades has a negative impact on water resources. The goal of this study is to determine the influence of these hazards on surface water resources in the basin of Macta (Northwest of Algeria). The study of climatic pulsations is implemented from the climate coefficient changes and its moving averages over 3 years. Variations of this coefficient based on years, for the period 1949–1973, show an alternation of wet and dry years. Starting from 1973, a very dry period of more than 20 years was installed in the basin, with deficits ranging from 22% to 72%. The consequences of the surface water deficit can damage the environmental balance and consequently affect the various human activities that are directly or indirectly related to the use of these resources.  相似文献   

利用遥感技术进行干旱半干旱区找水的方法和实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着遥感技术和地面物探技术的发展和深入应用,产生了一种现代的综合勘探方法。本文介绍了在内蒙古锡林浩特市胜利煤田露天矿区供水水文地质普查中运用综合水文地质勘察方法的情况、遥感方案的选择、技术思路,以及利用遥感方法进行区域水文地质调绘所取得的成果,对遥感水文地质的发展提出了作者的看法。  相似文献   

Hydrogeomorphology and lineament studies have been completed by using satellite data for the Pageru river basin, Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, India through visual interpretation of IRS-1B-LISS II FCC (57J/6, J/7, J/10 and J/11) on a 1:50,000 scale. The area has been visually interpreted to delineate various hydrogeomorphic units and lineaments for the development of groundwater. From these studies, various geomorphic units were classified as favourable, moderately favourable and poor zones of groundwater. The integration of geomorphology and lineament studies reveal that shallow groundwater occurrence is controlled by geomorphological characteristics whereas faults/fractures control the yield of groundwater at intermediate depths.  相似文献   

Fossiliferous Upper Vendian strata are discovered in the Upper Proterozoic to Lower Paleozoic Fore-Yenisei sedimentary basin under a thick Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover in southeastern West Siberia. Two depositional systems are recognized based on sedimentological features: (1) wave- and current-agitated shoreface-forereef-biohermal reef system (Vostok-3 Borehole section) and (2) tidal flat-evaporite basin (Averinskaya-150 Borehole section). The forereef facies yielded fossilized tubular calcareous skeletons of reef-building metazoans Cloudina riemkeae, Cloudina hartmannae and Cloudina carinata, phosphatized Namacalathus-like fossils, and a diversity of tubular phosphatized and agglutinated tubular fossils. The fossil assemblage can be interpreted as the evidence of ecological complexity of the reef system. Paleontological characteristics suggest correlation of the Vendian strata with the lowermost Purella antiqua Assemblage Zone and the boundary interval with the underlying Anabarites trisulcatus Assemblage Zone of the Siberian Platform. Therefore, at least in the late Proterozoic, the Fore-Yenisei sedimentary basin was part of a larger pericratonic depositional system on the western margin of the Siberian Craton.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Despite the controversy regarding their use, school buildings are often assigned as emergency evacuation shelters, temporary accommodation and aid distribution hubs following...  相似文献   

Land and water resources development plans are generally adopted at watershed level. Delineation of watersheds and their prioritization within large river basins requires host of terrain parameters to be studied and analysed. Chopan watershed in Central India has been studied for sub-watershed delineation and prioritization based on drainage morphometry, land use/land cover and sediment yield index analysis using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The watershed was demarcated into five sub-watersheds on the basis of drainage flow directions, contour value, slope, elevation. Geocoded satellite data of 1989 and 2001 on 1:50 000 scale were visually interpreted to prepare land use/land cover and drainage maps which were later digitized using Arcview/ArcGIS. Linear and shape aspects of the sub-watersheds were computed and used for prioritization. The results show widespread variation in drainage characteristics, land cover changes and sediment yield rates across sub-watersheds. On the basis of morphometric, land use/land cover change and sediment yield index, sub-watersheds were grouped into low, medium and high priority. A correlation of results show that SW1 and SW5 are common sub-watersheds falling under high and low priority based on morphometric, land use change analysis and SYI. The priority list of sub-watersheds will be crucial for decision making and implementation of land and water resource conservation projects.  相似文献   

The Ouarsenis area is one of the most developed karstic systems of Algeria. It is a karst reservoir drinking water with a population of more than 50,000 people taking fully benefit from it. To understand the development of this karstic system, the local tectonic history of the four main mountain ranges of this culminating area (Ouarsenis) has been analyzed. Although previously identified primarily Cenozoic tectonic activities have been observed, a set of NW-SE joints intersecting the Jurassic limestone has been associated to a post-nappes tectonic events. Moreover, numerous joint sets oriented NNE/SSW have been identified almost over the entire culminating area. These joints are the direct consequence of the following stress history: (i) a NW/SE shortening responsible for a major overlap and the first fold (P1) phase, (ii) a second NNE/SSW shortening stage responsible for the second folding (P2) phase associated with 70° N sinistral strike-slip trend, (iii) a WNW/ESE extension phase resulting from the change of σ 3 stress vertical axis, and (iv) a shearing stress creating a 120° N sinistral strike-slip fault. Only the late phases are responsible of the development of joints, which have been karstified later on. Indeed, significant families of karstified joints, i.e., 20° and 70° N have been found. These joints are related to the extensional and shearing modes, respectively, and linked to a particular in situ karstogenesis. Moreover, this study suggests an ancient establishment of the karstic systems in the Ouarsenis region in at least two stages: pre-figured and activated behaviors during the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Monitoring of mine waste on sulphide deposits through hyperspectral remote sensing data contributes to predicting surface water quality, quantitatively estimating acid drainage and metal contamination on a yearly basis. The mineralogy of surface crusts loaded with highly soluble salts is a record of available humidity and temperature along the year. A temporal monitoring of salt efflorescence on mine wastes at a mine site in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain) has been mapped in this work using hyperspectral airborne Hymap data. Climate change estimations are made based on oxidation stages derived from well-known sequences of minerals tracing sulphides oxidation intensity, using archive spectral libraries. Therefore, mine-waste weathering products of sulphide mapped from airborne hyperspectral remote sensing data can be used as a short-term record of climate change, providing a useful tool for assessing environmental geoindicators in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

以河北省围场地区的SPOT-6和OLI,ETM+作为数据源,依据该区80余天的气象条件,分别利用降雨前3景、降雨后3景遥感数据提取了蚀变遥感信息、岩石类型、环形构造、线性构造等遥感地质信息,并实测雨前雨后不同岩石类型的波谱.认为降雨后获取的遥感数据源能够有效反映研究区遥感地质信息.工作区线性纹理发育,降水能提高地物含水...  相似文献   

Bentekhici  Nadjla  Bellal  Sid-Ahmed  Zegrar  Ahmed 《Natural Hazards》2020,104(1):811-831
Natural Hazards - Forest fires are one of the major environmental problems that cause harmful economic and ecological damage. The Algerian forest and in particular the Tlemcen forest massif where...  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - The agriculture in Biskra, southeastern Algeria, is based on traditional practices and characterized by small irrigated fields. In the last decades, the increasing demand in water...  相似文献   

Glacial hazards relate to hazards associated with glaciers and glacial lakes in high mountain areas and their impacts downstream. The climatic change/variability in recent decades has made considerable impacts on the glacier life cycle in the Himalayan region. As a result, many big glaciers melted, forming a large number of glacial lakes. Due to an increase in the rate at which ice and snow melted, the accumulation of water in these lakes started increasing. Sudden discharge of large volumes of water with debris from these lakes potentially causes glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in valleys downstream. Outbursts from glacier lakes have repeatedly caused the loss of human lives as well as severe damage to local infrastructure. Monitoring of the glacial lakes and extent of GLOF impact along the downstream can be made quickly and precisely using remote sensing technique. A number of hydroelectric projects in India are being planned in the Himalayan regions. It has become necessary for the project planners and designers to account for the GLOF also along with the design flood for deciding the spillway capacity of projects. The present study deals with the estimation of GLOF for a river basin located in the Garwhal Himalaya, India. IRS LISSIII data of the years 2004, 2006 and 2008 have been used for glacial lake mapping, and a total of 91 lakes have been found in the year 2008, and out of these, 45 lakes are having area more than 0.01?km2. All the lakes have been investigated for vulnerability for potential bursting, and it was found that no lake is vulnerable from GLOF point of view. The area of biggest lake is 0.193, 0.199 and 0.203?km2 in the years 2004, 2006 and 2008, respectively. Although no lake is potentially hazardous, GLOF study has been carried out for the biggest lake using MIKE 11 software. A flood of 100-year return period has been considered in addition to GLOF. The flood peak at catchment outlet comes out to be 993.74, 1,184.0 and 1,295.58 cumec due to GLOF; 3,274.74, 3,465.0 and 3,576.58 cumec due to GLOF; and 100-year return flood together considering breach width of 40, 60 and 80?m, respectively.  相似文献   

杨娟  黄燕  陈有明 《华东地质》2019,(4):273-279
利用MSS、ETM+、CBERS-2、BJ-2、02C和TH1多时相卫星遥感数据,分别提取1975年、2000年、2007年和2016年皖江经济带湿地现状及变化的遥感信息,研究皖江经济带湿地遥感现状及变化规律.结果 表明:皖江经济带湿地类型主要为河流湿地、湖泊湿地、沼泽湿地和人工湿地,市县级地域湿地分布不均、类型不全;19752016年,人工湿地面积增加,增长率为55.32%;沼泽湿地面积减少,减少率为69.97%;湖泊湿地和河流湿地面积较稳定,增长率分别为1.80%和2.06%.湿地变化分两个阶段:第一阶段(1975-2007年),湿地面积总体增加,河流湿地、湖泊湿地和沼泽湿地面积减少,人工湿地面积增加;第二阶段(2007-2016年),湿地面积总体增加,但河流湿地和湖泊湿地面积增加,沼泽湿地面积继续减少,人工湿地面积继续增加,湿地面积增减受人类活动影响较大.  相似文献   

The Laguna Lagunillas basin in the arid Andes of northern Chile exhibits a shallow aquifer and is exposed to extreme air temperature variations from 20 to ?25 °C. Between 1991 and 2012, groundwater levels in the Pampa Lagunillas aquifer fell from near-surface to ~15 m below ground level (bgl) due to severe overexploitation. In the same period, local mean monthly minimum temperatures started a declining trend, dropping by 3–8 °C relative to a nearby reference station. Meanwhile, mean monthly maximum summer temperatures shifted abruptly upwards by 2.7 °C on average in around 1996. The observed air temperature downturns and upturns are in accordance with detected anomalies in land-surface temperature imagery. Two major factors may be causing the local climate change. One is related to a water-table decline below the evaporative energy potential extinction depth of ~2 m bgl, which causes an up-heating of the bare soil surface and, in turn, influences the lower atmosphere. At the same time, the removal of near-surface groundwater reduces the thermal conductivity of the upper sedimentary layer, which consequently diminishes the heat exchange between the aquifer (constant heat source of ~10 °C) and the lower atmosphere during nights, leading to a severe dropping of minimum air temperatures. The observed critical water-level drawdown was 2–3 m bgl. Future and existing water-production projects in arid high Andean basins with shallow groundwater should avoid a decline of near-surface groundwater below 2 m bgl and take groundwater-climate interactions into account when identifying and monitoring potential environmental impacts.  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS的乌江流域生态安全度变化评价   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
易武英  苏维词 《中国岩溶》2014,33(3):308-318
乌江流岩溶地貌发育,水土流失、石漠化问题均较突出,生态环境极其脆弱,为了了解乌江流域生态安全状况及存在问题,文章基于RS和GIS技术,在分析流域土地利用/覆盖变化和景观格局时空变化特征基础上,从自然环境、社会经济、景观生态3方面构建生态安全度评价指标体系,将熵权法与属性识别模型相耦合,对流域41个地区进行生态安全度评价。结果显示:2000年贵州省乌江流域生态安全度属于差、较差、中等、较好的面积分别为745.8 km2、15 212.2km2、40 670.7km2、9 361.4km2,所占比重分别为1.13%、23.05%、61.63%、14.19%;2010年属于差、较差、中等、较好所占面积分别为4 330.5km2、12 254.1km2、42 804.0km2、6 591.4km2,所占比重分别为6.58%、18.57%、64.86%、9.99%;2000年和2010年乌江流域均缺少生态安全等级为好的地区,而2010年较2000年生态安全等级较差的地区面积增加,较好的面积却减少,表明流域生态环境整体呈恶化趋势;流域上游、中游地区较下游地区的生态安全状况偏差,生态本底脆弱、人地矛盾突出、水土流失、石漠化等是影响上游地区生态安全度的主要原因,中游地区受矿产资源开采及大城市人口聚集的影响,下游地区受水电资源过度开发影响。   相似文献   

El Mdaouar subcircular structure is located in the eastern Saharan Atlas (Algeria) at 35° 05′ N and 4° 19′ 30″ E, about 20 km southwest of the town of Bou Saada. Its diameter is about 3.2 km and shows a raised rim that stands high above the surrounding terrain. We have carried out a combining remote sensing (Landsat 8 OLI image and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data) and geological field investigation of the El Mdaouar subcircular structure in order to study its morphology and to determine its origin. In the absence of evidence of magmatism, diapirism, and impact on this structure, a tectonic deformation is the most likely in the origin of this subcircular feature. The counterclockwise rotational motion of the layers explains the morphology of the structure. This rotational motion is probably the result of a combination of the movement of the faults which pass through the structure, in particular two NE-SW strike-slip faults and a NW-SE fault, which marks the eastern limit of the El Mdaouar structure. The NE-SW trending of the structure indicates a NW-SE compressional event, which corresponds to that of the Atlasic phase. This event occurred in the Late Eocene (35 Ma), which is the best estimation of the age of the El Mdaouar structure.  相似文献   

根据影响沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地的地质地貌、植被、气候和人类活动等特征,通过确定地域分异、发生学、多级序列等区划原则,建立了以地质地貌类型组合、气候为沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地区(Ⅰ级区)划分和以沙质荒漠化土地类型空间分布特征为沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地亚区(Ⅱ级区)划分的指标体系。采用遥感方法,将中国北方沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地划分为贺兰山以西干旱沙漠、沙质荒漠化区;贺兰山-大兴安岭干旱、半干旱沙漠、沙质荒漠化区和大兴安岭以东半干旱、半湿润沙质荒漠化区等3个区和17个亚区。并对沙漠、沙质荒漠化土地区进行了现状分析。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Ougda magmatic complex occurs within platformal carbonate rocks in the western part of the Pan-African fold belt of the Tuareg shield (NW Africa). It is composed of - 800 Ma old, relatively high P-T (i.e., Grt + Cpx-bearing: P > 5 kbar; T≈900'Q, tholeiitic mafic/ultramafic cumulates and related rocks intruded by intermediate to mafic calcalkali plutons (e.g., Cpx+Hbl-bearing gabbro) and dikes. Apparent contrasts in structural level of crystallization indicate that the calc-alkali rocks are significantly younger than the tholeiites, which temporally correlate with a period of regional extension in this part of Africa. Intrusion of the calc-alkali rocks may have occurred during the formation of an arc after the tholeiitic rocks had been (diapirically?) emplaced within the shelf carbonates, and prior to (> 630 Ma) the Pan-African orogeny. Data reported herein indicate that the Ougda complex records the inception and demise of a Neoproterozoic ocean basin. Similar crustal sections have been described from collisional (e.g., Aleutian islands) and extensional (e.g., Ivreä-Verbano zone) settings, indicating that processes operating in both environments can generate nearly indistinguishable igneous suites; the prevalence of shallow-level calc-alkali rocks in both settings may mask the presence of more mafic, tholeiitic rocks at depth.  相似文献   

基于RS的鄂尔多斯北部盆地地表蒸发量的计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢娜  万力 《地质通报》2008,27(8):1165-1167
蒸发是鄂尔多斯北部盆地地下水排泄的重要途径,是水资源评价中的一项重要内容。为了计算鄂尔多斯北部盆地的蒸发量,为地下水数值模型的建立提供参数,采用了遥感方法计算蒸发量。应用美国国家海洋与大气管理局的NOAA/AVHRR卫星图像数据,根据SEBS模型计算了研究区的日蒸发量,并用气象站的蒸发观测数据对遥感计算结果进行标定,得到全年的蒸发总量。这种方法使遥感计算蒸发量由科学研究向应用前进了一步。  相似文献   

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