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高光谱遥感以其超高的光谱维数据优势,使对地物的精细识别和区分能力较传统多光谱遥感数据有质的提升.以HyMap高光谱数据和高分五号高光谱数据为数据源,选择中国西部基岩区区域开展了高光谱遥感岩性-构造解译工作.通过图像增强处理后,对研究区地层单元、岩体/脉、构造等进行了遥感地质解译.对比已有的地质调查结果,发现高光谱遥感数...  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing data has significant potential use in analysis of natural hazards such as landslides. Relying on the recent advances in satellite remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, this paper aims to map landslide susceptibility over most of the globe using a GIS-based weighted linear combination method. First, six relevant landslide-controlling factors are derived from geospatial remote sensing data and coded into a GIS system. Next, continuous susceptibility values from low to high are assigned to each of the six factors. Second, a continuous scale of a global landslide susceptibility index is derived using GIS weighted linear combination based on each factor’s relative significance to the process of landslide occurrence (e.g., slope is the most important factor, soil types and soil texture are also primary-level parameters, while elevation, land cover types, and drainage density are secondary in importance). Finally, the continuous index map is further classified into six susceptibility categories. Results show the hot spots of landslide-prone regions include the Pacific Rim, the Himalayas and South Asia, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Alps, and parts of the Middle East and Africa. India, China, Nepal, Japan, the USA, and Peru are shown to have landslide-prone areas. This first-cut global landslide susceptibility map forms a starting point to provide a global view of landslide risks and may be used in conjunction with satellite-based precipitation information to potentially detect areas with significant landslide potential due to heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

This study estimates fire risk in Swaziland using geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing data. Fire locations were identified in the study area from remotely sensed Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) active fire and burned area data for the period between April 2000 to December 2008 and January 2001 and December 2008, respectively. A total of thirteen biophysical and socio-economic explanatory variables were analyzed and processed using a Bayesian network (BN) and GIS to generate the fire risk maps. The interdependence of each of the factors was probabilistically determined using the expectation-maximization (EM) learning algorithm. The final probabilistic outputs were then used to classify the country into five fire risk zones for mitigation and management. Accuracy assessments and comparison of the fire risk maps indicate that the risk maps derived from the active fire and burned area data were 93.14 and 96.64% accurate, respectively, demonstrating sufficient agreement between the risk maps and the existing data. High fire risk areas are observed in the Highveld particularly plantation forests and grasslands and within the Lowveld sugarcane plantations. Land tenure and land cover are the dominant determinants of fire risk, the implications of which are discussed for fire management in Swaziland. Limitations of the data used and the modeling approach are also discussed including suggestions for improvements and future research.  相似文献   

高光谱分辨率遥感在地质应用中的关键技术及前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
遥感技术应用于地质中的目的之一是分辨和识别出不同的岩石和矿物等地质体。宽波段遥感只能分辨不同岩石类型,而难以识别含不同成分的岩石和矿物。高光谱分辨率遥感则可通过诊断性光谱特征对岩石或矿物成分及结构进行识别。通过对高光谱分辨率遥感应用于地质中的关键技术进行分析,对未来高光谱分辨率遥感在地质中的应用进行了预测。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to investigate the application of the probabilistic-based frequency ratio (FR) model in groundwater potential mapping at Langat basin in Malaysia using geographical information system. So far, the approach of probabilistic frequency ratio model has not yet been used to delineate groundwater potential in Malaysia. Moreover, this study includes the analysis of the spatial relationships between groundwater yield and various hydrological conditioning factors such as elevation, slope, curvature, river, lineament, geology, soil, and land use for this region. Eight groundwater-related factors were collected and extracted from topographic data, geological data, satellite imagery, and published maps. About 68 groundwater data with high potential yield values of ≥11 m3/h were randomly selected using statistical software of SPSS. Then, the groundwater data were randomly split into a training dataset 70 % (48 borehole data) for training the model and the remaining 30 % (20 borehole data) was used for validation purpose. Finally, the frequency ratio coefficients of the hydrological factors were used to generate the groundwater potential map. The validation dataset which was not used during the FR modeling process was used to validate the groundwater potential map using the prediction rate method. The validation results showed that the area under the curve for frequency model is 84.78 %. As far as the performance of the FR approach is concerned, the results appeared to be quite satisfactory, i.e., the zones determined on the map being zones of relative groundwater potential. This information could be used by government agencies as well as private sectors as a guide for groundwater exploration and assessment in Malaysia.  相似文献   

新疆乌什塔拉地区位于中亚天山成矿带的东南部,该成矿带上已发现众多矿床。在乌什塔拉地区开展地质矿产调查时,为快速确定找矿靶区,以遥感技术为先导,利用ETM+自然彩色合成、最小噪声分离等方法解译岩体、断层;之后对ETM+数据采用掩膜技术剔除干扰后,利用主成分分析法提取矿化蚀变信息;并将地质、化探、遥感等多元信息叠合进行综合分析。结果表明,利用主成分分析法提取的蚀变信息与化探异常、岩体、断层吻合较好,蚀变信息在工作区西北部、北部(喀拉塔格附近)及南部(阿拉塔格附近)具有面状、带状分布特征,而在工作区西南部、中部(阿勒格乌拉西)及东南部(扎合布拉格北沟附近)等地具有线状特征。经综合分析、筛选,共圈定了19处找矿靶区,对其中5处重点部位进行野外检查,发现利用主成分分析法提取的蚀变异常多由岩脉、断层、夕卡岩化、黏土化、褐铁矿化等引起。对蚀变带取样化学分析,确定了金、铜、铁矿化点3处。  相似文献   

为推进航空高光谱遥感矿物信息提取技术及其在地质工程化中的应用,2010—2015年,以我国西部成矿带为调查区,使用CASI/SASI/TASI航空高光谱数据,在进行矿物光谱特征分析、高光谱影像数据预处理、矿物信息提取、蚀变异常信息筛选及区域找矿预测基础上,编制了矿物种类分布图、单矿物丰度分布图和找矿预测图等高光谱地质调查系列专题图件; 建立了一套高光谱遥感矿物填图技术体系,解决了高光谱数据预处理与矿物提取等方面的技术问题,推进了地质填图向精细化和微观化方向发展。该研究为高光谱技术在地质工程化中的应用奠定了基础,丰富了地质填图的产品类型和内容,并服务于地质找矿等地质工作。  相似文献   

目前,利用航磁数据圈定磁性地质体边界的方法主要有航磁ΔT化极法、航磁ΔT化极垂向一阶导数法、总梯度模法和斜导数法等4种。云南宣威—贵州赫章地区火山岩分布面积广泛,下二叠统峨眉山玄武岩具有强磁性,而其他地层岩石磁性很低;为了圈定研究区内磁性地质体的目的,利用该区1∶5万航磁测量数据,阐述了ΔT化极法、化极垂向一阶导数法、斜导数法和总梯度模法等4种数据处理方法的地质应用效果,认为应根据有效磁化方向与地磁场方向是否一致来选用不同的航磁数据处理方法,以达到有效圈定地质的目的。  相似文献   

李新萍 《地质与勘探》2024,60(3):552-562
为探明洛宁盆地地热资源范围,为后期科学合理开发地热资源提供数据支撑,本文提出多源多时相遥感技术的综合预测方法。分别使用大气校正法、发射率归一化法对Landsat 8、ASTER数据进行地表昼夜温度反演,提取温度异常区。结果表明:此方法能够消除太阳辐射的影响,昼夜温度二者呈负相关;温度高异常区主要分布在水体、城镇区域,呈线状延伸。再结合多时相卫星数据对蚀变、构造信息进行提取,叠加温度、蚀变、构造图层,并结合已有地质资料综合分析,最终圈定3处靶区。其中金家庄-广武庙一带、霍家岭-岭东一带通过实地踏勘发现7处温泉点,验证了方法的可靠性。本文以地热形成理论为背景,结合遥感技术,综合利用地质资料,圈定地热靶区,其结果具有较高的精度。所采用的方法能够快速预测地热资源分布范围,具有低成本、周期短的特点以及较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

Intracratonic South Rewa Gondwana Basin occupies the northern part of NW–SE trending Son–Mahanadi rift basin of India. The new gravity data acquired over the northern part of the basin depicts WNW–ESE and ENE–WSW anomaly trends in the southern and northern part of the study area respectively. 3D inversion of residual gravity anomalies has brought out undulations in the basement delineating two major depressions (i) near Tihki in the north and (ii) near Shahdol in the south, which divided into two sub-basins by an ENE–WSW trending basement ridge near Sidi. Maximum depth to the basement is about 5.5 km within the northern depression. The new magnetic data acquired over the basin has brought out ENE–WSW to E–W trending short wavelength magnetic anomalies which are attributed to volcanic dykes and intrusive having remanent magnetization corresponding to upper normal and reverse polarity (29N and 29R) of the Deccan basalt magnetostratigrahy. Analysis of remote sensing and geological data also reveals the predominance of ENE–WSW structural faults. Integration of remote sensing, geological and potential field data suggest reactivation of ENE–WSW trending basement faults during Deccan volcanism through emplacement of mafic dykes and sills. Therefore, it is suggested that South Rewa Gondwana basin has witnessed post rift tectonic event due to Deccan volcanism.  相似文献   

地表风化产生的表面覆盖层、风吹送的尘埃、胶结物或附着物在岩矿表面形成的外壳是影响地表高光谱遥感识别和反演的重要和关键因素。本研究区位于干旱缺水的新疆西准噶尔包古图地区,对岩矿表面的风化面、胶结物形成的荒漠漆、附着于岩面的地衣和原岩的新鲜面进行了波谱测定分析、X射线荧光元素分析和光薄片镜下观察。结果表明:该地区的大部分岩石表面有风化层覆盖,主要为物理风化,少部分岩石表面发生了化学风化;荒漠漆波谱在可见光波段改变原岩本身的波谱形态,但在短波红外波段,保持原岩波谱特征只改变了反射率大小,并不影响对原岩矿物质的高光谱探测;地衣附着于岩表的波谱特征不仅改变了波谱反射率,还完全改变了原岩的波谱形态,对原岩表面波谱有混淆干扰作用。岩矿表面的研究是波谱测量从实验室走向野外实际应用的基础,也是利用高光谱遥感技术直接进行矿物识别、相似矿物的区分以及提取矿物含量和化学成分研究的最初和关键一步。  相似文献   

The Paleozoic massif of Tichka in the southern part of the Western High Atlas of Morocco constitutes a structural transition between the Meseta and the Anti-Atlas domains. It was affected by a complex network of fractures noticeable at different scales. Using Landsat ETM+ imagery permits detecting the main fracture directions. Various techniques of lineament’s extraction were applied, including the colored compositions, spectral band ratios, and directional filters applied to the principal component analysis. Lineament’s extraction is based on visual interpretation and completed by field observations. The resulted map allows recognizing at least four trending fracture system, with average N-S, NE-SW, E-W, and NW-SE orientations. The surrounding rocks of the granitic massif show a high fracture density. Tectonic indicators show that this massif is initially affected by NW-SE Variscan tectonic extension, followed by NW-SE Variscan compression. This regime is being maintained until the late Variscan period corresponding to the relaxation of the NW-SE major Variscan stress. A clockwise rotation of the latter stress, which became N-S to NNE-SSW, related to the late Variscan deformation, is responsible for reworking preexisting faults.  相似文献   

通过对青海调查矿区多种高分辨率卫星数据处理后形成的图像进行解译和编图,掌握了合理选择遥感数据信息源、利用制图软件计算遥感影像图比例尺及编制野外调查和成果解译图的技术方法。得出在选择遥感数据时要考虑不同数据的技术参数、性价比及调查区面积;明确了当图像的出图分辨率确定后,其比例尺与图像的空间分辨率、像素大小、文档大小有直接关系,同时建立了计算遥感图像最佳比例尺和最佳出图比例尺的公式和方法;介绍了利用Photoshop和Mapgis软件,编制矿山野外调查用图和遥感解译成果图件的流程及方法。这些工作的完成对青海矿业开发地质环境效应调查起到了积极的指导作用,也充分体现了高分辨率遥感图像在工作条件艰苦地区的优势作用。  相似文献   

Remote sensing is the most practical method available to managers of flood-prone areas for quantifying and mapping flood impacts. This study explored large inundation areas in the Maghna River Basin, around the northeastern Bangladesh, as determined from passive sensor LANDSAT data and the cloud-penetrating capabilities of the active sensors of the remote imaging microwave RADARSAT. This study also used passive sensor LANDSAT wet and dry images for the year 2000. Spatial resolution was 30 m by 30 m for comparisons of the inundation area with RADARSAT images. RADARSAT images with spatial resolution of 50 m by 50 m were used for frequency analysis of floods from 2000 to 2004. Time series images for 2004 were also used. RADARSAT remote sensing data, GIS data, and ground data were used for the purpose of flood monitoring, mapping and assessing. A supervised classification technique was used for this processing. They were processed for creating a maximum water extent map and for estimating inundation areas. The results of this study indicated that the maximum extent of the inundation area as estimated using RADARSAT satellite imaging was about 29, 900.72 km2 in 2004, which corresponded well with the heavy rainfall around northeast region, as seen at the Bhairab Bazar station and with the highest water level of the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna (GBM) Rivers. A composite of 5 years of RADARSAT inundation maps from 2000 to 2004, GIS data, and damage data, was used to create unique flood hazard maps. Using the damage data for 2004 and the GIS data, a set of damage maps was also created. These maps are expected to be useful for future planning and flood disaster management. Thus, it has been demonstrated that RADARSAT imaging data acquired over the Bangladesh have the ability to precisely assess and clarify inundation areas allowing for successful flood monitoring, mapping and disaster management.  相似文献   

采用改进的遥感异常提取方法,以甘肃金川地区的LandSat 8遥感影像数据为基础,结合主成份分析方法及低通滤波后期处理,得到空间规律性较强的烃基及铁染异常;进而对测区的土壤地球化学取样分析数据,利用统计学方法寻找不同元素异常(或地球化学指标)的内在关联,并建立土壤地球化学指标比值与遥感异常之间的关系模型.继续构建出基于...  相似文献   

Gilgit-Baltistan region is covering the northern most part of Pakistan where the rocks of the Kohistan-Ladakh island arc and Karakoram plate are exposed. The area has greater potential for precious and base metals deposits which are needed to be explored through spectroscopy and remote sensing techniques. Minerals and rocks can nowadays be identified through the measurement of their absorption and reflectance features by spectroscopic analysis. Spectral reflectance analysis is also very important in selecting the appropriate spectral bands for remote-sensing data analysis of unknown or inaccessible areas. In this study, reflectance spectra in the spectral range of 0.35–2.5 μm of different types of unaltered and altered rocks found in the Machulu and Astor areas of northern Pakistan were obtained using an ASD spectroradiometer. The fresh rock samples showed low spectral reflectance as compared to the altered rock samples. The minerals jarosite, goethite, and hematite showed depth of absorption minima in the range of 0.4–1.15 μm due to the presence of iron (Fe), while jarosite and limonite showed absorption depth at 2.2 μm due to the presence of hydroxyl ions (OH¯). The clay minerals montmorillonite and illite showed absorption depth at 1.93 and 2.1 μm, respectively. Muscovite showed depth of absorption minima at 1.4 and 1.9 μm in some samples. Calcite showed deep absorption minima at 2.32 μm, while anorthite showed absorption features at 1.4, 1.9, 2.24, and 2.33 μm. Olivine showed a slight depressed absorption feature at 1.07 μm. The copper-bearing phases malachite, chrysocolla, and azurite showed, respectively, a broad absorption feature in the range of 0.6–0.9 μm, a small absorption at 1.4 μm, and a deep absorption at 1.93 μm. The unmineralized samples exhibited high reflectance in the wavelength ranges of 0.6–0.8, 1.6–1.9, 2.0–2.3, 2.1–2.25, and 2.4–2.5 μm, respectively, while the mineralized samples showed reflectance bands in the wavelength ranges of 0.4–0.6, 1.3–1.8, and 2.1–2.2 μm. On this basis, the band ratio combinations 7/5–4/3–6/3 and 7/5–6/3–4/3 of Landsat 8 and 4/7–4/3–2/1 for ASTER data were found to be very effective in the lithological differentiation of major rock units.  相似文献   

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