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海河流域作为中国水资源最为紧张的流域,其水资源对气候变化非常敏感.以海河流域中受人类活动影响较小的伊逊河流域为对象,基于海河流域未来气候变化研究成果构建了20种气候变化情景,应用具有物理机理的分布式流域水文模型模拟了不同气候变化情景下的流域水循环情景,对气候变化对伊逊河流域水资源量的影响进行了分析,结果表明气温升高1℃将使流域内3.8mm的径流转化为蒸散发,降水的增加将使流域的蒸发和径流都有所增加,其中新增降水50%转化为蒸发,30%转化为径流.同时径流和蒸散发对于高温和强降水更为敏感.未来气候变化的不确定性使未来水资源量的变化也有很大的不确定性,在以升温为主、降水变化存在很大不确定性的情况下,伊逊河流域天然径流量可能进一步衰减. 相似文献
Parisa Sarzaeim Omid Bozorg-Haddad Elahe Fallah-Mehdipour Hugo A. Loáiciga 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2017,76(14):498
Iran is a developing country with arid and semiarid regions. Poor management of water resources combined with the effects of climate change is leading to the drying of several rivers and wetlands. Several planned water development projects, primarily for agricultural expansion, will be implemented in the coming years which could worsen impacts on vulnerable aquatic ecosystems. Proper water resources management is essential to meet present and future residential, environmental, industrial, and agricultural demands in semiarid regions. This paper presents projections of how the availability of water resources will change in the Karkheh river basin of Iran for the period 2010–2059 employing sustainability criteria in the form of time-based reliability, volumetric reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability. This paper’s results show that consideration of environmental receptors as a stakeholder of water use places limitations on agricultural development within the Karkheh river basin. 相似文献
Forest fire can modify and accelerate the hydrological response of Mediterranean basins submitted to intense rainfall: during the years following a fire, the effects on the hydrological response may be similar to those produced by the growth of impervious areas. Moreover, climate change and global warming in Mediterranean areas can imply consequences on both flash flood and fire hazards, by amplifying these phenomena. Based on historical events and post-fire experience, a methodology to interpret the impacts of forest fire in terms of rainfall-runoff model parameters has been proposed. It allows to estimate the consequences of forest fire at the watershed scale depending on the considered burned area. In a second stage, the combined effect of forest fire and climate change has been analysed to map the future risk of forest fire and their consequence on flood occurrence. This study has been conducted on the Llobregat river basin (Spain), a catchment of approximately 5,000 km2 frequently affected by flash floods and forest fires. The results show that forest fire can modify the hydrological response at the watershed scale when the burned area is significant. Moreover, it has been shown that climate change may increase the occurrence of both hazards, and hence, more frequent severe flash floods may appear. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - This study investigated the variation of extreme precipitation on a catchment under climate change. Extreme value analysis using generalized extreme value distribution was used to... 相似文献
研究神府东胜矿区煤炭开采对水资源的影响机制,对于保护当地水资源及脆弱的生态环境具有重要意义。以窟野河为例,分析了煤炭开采对该流域水资源量与水质的影响机制,并计算出吨煤开采的基流损失量约为2.038 m3(1997—2005年)。研究结果表明,煤炭开采时形成的裂隙将萨拉乌苏组含水层中的水导入矿坑中,导致潜水由水平径流、排泄为主转化为以垂向渗漏为主,引发地下水位大幅下降,河流基流量减少以及泉流量衰减甚至干枯;煤炭开采使含水层中的水进入到矿坑,在物理作用和化学作用下形成硬度更大、矿化度更高的矿坑水,矿坑水排入河流后对河流造成污染。 相似文献
水资源是支撑粮食生产的重要因素之一,气候变化驱动下的水资源变化及对粮食产量的影响是当前研究的国际前沿和热点问题。以汾河流域冬小麦和夏玉米2种主要粮食作物为研究对象,利用线性回归、人工神经网络、支持向量机、随机森林、径向基网络、极限学习机等6种机器学习算法构建粮食产量模拟模型,基于气候弹性系数法分析水资源量对气候变化响应关系,在流域尺度上研究粮食产量对气候变化驱动水资源变化的综合响应。结果表明:①机器学习算法能够较好地模拟汾河流域的冬小麦和夏玉米产量;②降水增加10%导致汾河流域水资源量增加19.4%,气温升高1℃导致水资源量减少4.3%;③当降水减少10%~30%时,冬小麦产量减少6.4%~19.3%,夏玉米产量减少4.0%~15.0%;④当气温升高0.5~3.0℃时,冬小麦产量预计增加1.8%~17.1%,夏玉米产量预计增加1.2%~7.9%;⑤汾河流域冬小麦产量对降水和气温变化的敏感性大于夏玉米。相关成果对于区域水资源管理和农业生产策略制定具有重要的科学意义和实用价值。 相似文献
Based on the actual meteorological data that characterize statistically significant changes in the air temperature and the amount of precipitation in the southwest of the Moscow artesian basin, the conditions that form the water balance and groundwater recharge are modeled. The comparison of the calculated longterm average values for the previous (1965–1988) and recent (1989–2012) periods made it possible to estimate the climate changes in the elements of water balance and groundwater recharge. Based on the maps of longterm average groundwater recharge for these periods, which were constructed using the results of modeling, the estimation of the change in natural resources of groundwater in the territory was performed, showing an increase of 9% (780000 m3/day). 相似文献
Vaibhav Garg S. P. Aggarwal Prasun K. Gupta Bhaskar R. Nikam Praveen K. Thakur S. K. Srivastav A. Senthil Kumar 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2017,76(18):635
The sustainability of water resources mainly depends on planning and management of land use; a small change in it may affect water yield largely, as both are linked through relevant hydrological processes, explicitly. However, human activities, especially a significant increase in population, in-migration and accelerated socio-economic activities, are constantly modifying the land use and land cover (LULC) pattern. The impact of such changes in LULC on the hydrological regime of a basin is of widespread concern and a great challenge to the water resource engineers. While studying these impacts, the issue that prevails is the selection of a hydrological model that may be able to accommodate spatial and temporal dynamics of the basin with higher accuracy. Therefore, in the present study, the capabilities of variable infiltration capacity hydrological model to hydrologically simulate the basin under varying LULC scenarios have been investigated. For the present analysis, the Pennar River Basin, Andhra Pradesh, which falls under a water scarce region in India, has been chosen. The water balance components such as runoff potential, evapotranspiration (ET) and baseflow of Pennar Basin have been simulated under different LULC scenarios to study the impact of change on hydrological regime of a basin. Majorly, increase in built-up (13.94% approx.) and decrease in deciduous forest cover (2.44%) are the significant changes observed in the basin during the last three decades. It was found that the impact of LULC change on hydrology is balancing out at basin scale (considering the entire basin, while routing the runoff at the basin outlet). Therefore, an analysis on spatial variation in each of the water balance components considered in the study was done at grid scale. It was observed that the impact of LULC is considerable spatially at grid level, and the maximum increase of 265 mm (1985–2005) and the decrease of 48 mm (1985–1995) in runoff generation at grid were estimated. On the contrary, ET component showed the maximum increase of 400 and decrease of 570 mm under different LULC change scenario. Similarly, in the base flow parameter, an increase of 70 mm and the decrease of 100 mm were observed. It was noticed that the upper basin is showing an increasing trend in almost all hydrological components as compared to the lower basin. Based on this basin scale study, it was concluded that change in the land cover alters the hydrology; however, it needs to be studied at finer spatial scale rather than the entire basin as a whole. The information like the spatial variation in hydrological components may be very useful for local authority and decision-makers to plan mitigation strategies accordingly. 相似文献
以三川河流域为例,应用WEP-L分布式水文模型和集总式流域水资源调配模型偶合而成的二元水循环模型,模拟了不同情景下流域水循环过程.在此基础上,定量分析了降水、人工取用水以及下垫面条件这三个主要驱动因子对流域水资源演变的影响.在模型中保持其它条件不变,仅以改变降水、人工取用水及下垫面条件来模拟种不同情景的水循环:情景1,1956-1979年降水系列、2000年下垫面、无人工取用水;情景2,190-2000年降水系列、2000年下垫面、无人工取用水;情景3,1956-2000年降水系列、2000年下垫面、无人工取用水;情景4,1956-2000年降水系列、2000年下垫面、有人工取用水;情景5,1956-2000年降水系列、1956-2000年系列模拟下垫面、无人工取用水;情景6,1956-2000年降水系列、2000下垫面、无人工取用水;情景7,1956-1979年降水系列、1956-1979年系列模拟下垫面、无人工取用水;情景;190-2000年降水系列、2000年下垫面、有人工取用水.情景2和情境1比较,发现降水单项因子减少4.5%引起各种口径水资源量的减少,地表水资源量减少1.4%,地下与地表水资源不重复量15.%,狭义水资源量1.3%,有效蒸散发量2.1%,广义水资源量4.6%.情景4和情境3比较得出,在人工取用水单项因子作用下,地表水资源量减少4.6%,而地下与地表水资源不重复量增加113.5%,在狭义水资源量减少0.4%的同时,伴随有效蒸散发量增加0.9%,广义水资源量增加0.7%.情景6和情境5对比,发现在下垫面条件单项因子作用下,狭义水资源量及其构成地表水资源量和地下与地表水资源不重复量分别减少4.3%、4.3%和2.%,有效蒸散发量增加7.1%,广义水资源量增加5.3%.情景和情境7对比分析得出,三个因子对水资源量的综合影响是,地表水资源量减少30.6%,地下与地表水资源不重复量增加114.5%,狭义水资源量减少25.%,有效蒸散发量增加6.7%,广义水资源量增加1.1%.研究成果对于其它流域水资源演变规律研究具有参考价值. 相似文献
Xu Changchun Chen Yaning Li Weihong Chen Yapeng Ge Hongtao 《Environmental Geology》2008,53(7):1465-1474
Two data sets, annual temperature and precipitation time series from 19 observation stations in the Tarim River basin covering
1958 through 2002, were investigated by non-parametric tests to detect the trend and features of climate change and variability.
Based on these data, the snow cover area (SCA) in situ for the period 1982–2001 was further analyzed to examine the effect
of climate change on snow. The results showed that both the temperature and precipitation had a jump in the mid 1980s and
significantly increased in winter and summer, respectively. The SCA of the entire basin showed a slowly increasing trend.
Responses of the SCA to temperature and precipitation in the northern, western and southern regions showed that the effect
of precipitation on SCA is larger than that of temperature. In vertical direction, the SCA in the zone below 2,500 m a.s.l.
kept a slow increase, but that in the zone above 2,500 m a.s.l. was inching down. Comparatively, the lower altitude zone was
apt to be affected by precipitation, while the higher altitude zone tended to be influenced by temperature. The mid zone from
2,500 to 5,000 m was the area most sensitive to and affected by climate change. Compared with that in the 1980s, both the
snowing and melting rates were higher in the 1990s. Correlation analysis implied that the SCA change in the cold season was
positively correlated with the contemporary precipitation change, but had no strong correlation with the contemporary temperature
change. 相似文献
气候变化下的水资源脆弱性和适应性管理研究成为全球和国家应对气候变化和保障水资源安全重点关注的问题,也是中国可持续发展面对的重大战略问题。介绍了水资源脆弱性和适应性管理的国内外最新研究进展;针对国家重大需求和国际科学前沿问题,综述了气候变化下水资源脆弱性和适应性管理存在的问题与挑战。提出了气候变化下水资源脆弱性与适应性管理理论与方法研究以应对气候变化的无悔为准则,与社会经济可持续发展、成本效益分析、利益相关者的多信息源的分析与综合决策相结合为原则,对适应性管理与脆弱性组成的互联互动系统及其风险与不确定性进行分析的新认识。 相似文献
Weili Duan Bin He Kaoru Takara Pingping Luo Daniel Nover Maochuan Hu 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2017,76(14):490
Evidence for climate change impacts on the hydro-climatology of Japan is plentiful. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the impacts of possible future climate change scenarios on the hydro-climatology of the upper Ishikari River basin, Hokkaido, Japan. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool was set up, calibrated, and validated for the hydrological modeling of the study area. The Statistical DownScaling Model version 4.2 was used to downscale the large-scale Hadley Centre Climate Model 3 Global Circulation Model A2 and B2 scenarios data into finer scale resolution. After model calibration and testing of the downscaling procedure, the SDSM-downscaled climate outputs were used as an input to run the calibrated SWAT model for the three future periods: 2030s (2020–2039), 2060s (2050–2069), and 2090s (2080–2099). The period 1981–2000 was taken as the baseline period against which comparison was made. Results showed that the average annual maximum temperature might increase by 1.80 and 2.01, 3.41 and 3.12, and 5.69 and 3.76 °C, the average annual minimum temperature might increase by 1.41 and 1.49, 2.60 and 2.34, and 4.20 and 2.93 °C, and the average annual precipitation might decrease by 5.78 and 8.08, 10.18 and 12.89, and 17.92 and 11.23% in 2030s, 2060s, and 2090s for A2a and B2a emission scenarios, respectively. The annual mean streamflow may increase for the all three future periods except the 2090s under the A2a scenario. Among them, the largest increase is possibly observed in the 2030s for A2a scenario, up to approximately 7.56%. Uncertainties were found within the GCM, the downscaling method, and the hydrological model itself, which were probably enlarged because only one single GCM (HaDCM3) was used in this study. 相似文献
分布式水文模型PRMS可为气候与土地利用变化对流域水资源影响的研究提供技术和理论支撑.对Trent流域产流过程采用PRMS模型进行模拟检验,结果表明,Nash模型确定性系数达到0.8以上.水文响应单元(HRU)划分尺度减小,可以有效地提高PRMS模拟精度达7%左右,划分尺度缩小到71个HRU时,模拟精度不再提高.流域蒸... 相似文献
青藏高原若尔盖生态区水资源对气候变化的响应 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
利用1980-2012年若尔盖水文站径流量资料、若尔盖及周边20个站同期气象观测数据,通过分析径流量演变规律及与气候因子的关系,研究了若尔盖生态区水资源对气候变化的响应.结果显示:近30 a该区域地表水资源整体呈波动下降趋势,气候倾向率为1.4×108 m3·(10a)-1;径流量的年际分布较均匀,年内分配呈双峰型,主要集中在6-9月,同期径流量集中度、集中期及丰枯率均呈现下降趋势,峰型度呈上升趋势,这与全球气候变暖及降水量减少相关.降水量是影响该流域径流量的最主要因子,夏季降水量很大程度决定着径流量的丰枯,而秋季径流量对降水量的响应最为敏感.气温的升高导致高山冰雪消融量的增大,进而使非汛期径流量增加;同时,流域蒸发量的加大,增加了地表水资源的消耗. 相似文献
Yingdong Yu Jiahong Liu Zhiyong Yang Yongqiang Cao Jing Chang Chao Mei 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2018,11(11):270
The Yuanshui River Basin is one of the most important river basins ensuring food production and livelihoods in the Hunan and Guizhou Provinces of China. Based on digital elevation model, land use, soil, and meteorological data, the soil and water assessment tool was used to analyze the response of water resources in the basin to climate change. Specifically, the monthly runoff from the Yuanshui River Basin was simulated. Runoff measurements from the 1961–1990 series were used to calibrate model parameters, and measurements from the 1991–2010 series were used for model validation. The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient, correlation coefficient, and water balance error were used to evaluate the simulation results; the values obtained for these parameters were 0.925, 0.929, and 2.0%, respectively, indicating that the established model can be applied successfully to runoff simulations. To evaluate the effects of climate change and human activities on runoff, 24 different climate scenarios were modeled. By comparing the model simulation results with the baseline scenario, the effects of climate change were analyzed by year, during the dry season, and during extremely dry conditions. The results showed that runoff decreased with increasing air temperature and decreasing precipitation, and that the effects of rainfall on runoff were greater than those of air temperature. Under the same baseline conditions, the effects of climate change on runoff were most pronounced during extremely dry months. 相似文献