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Eleven surface soil samples from calcareous soils of industrial areas in Hamadan Province, western Iran were analyzed for total concentrations of Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu and Pb and were sequentially extracted into six fractions to determine the bioavailability of various heavy metal forms. Total Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu and Pb concentrations of the contaminated soils were 658 (57–5,803), 125.8 (1.18–1,361), 45.6 (30.7–64.4), 29.7 (11.7–83.5) and 2,419 (66–24,850) mg kg−1, respectively. The soils were polluted with Zn, Pb, and Cu to some extent and heavily polluted with Cd. Nickel values were not above regulatory limits. Copper existed in soil mainly in residual (RES) and organic (OM) fractions (about 42 and 33%, respectively), whereas Zn occurred essentially as RES fraction (about 69%). The considerable presence of Cd (30.8%) and Pb (39%) in the CARB fraction suggests these elements have high potential biavailability and leachability in soils from contaminated soils. The mobile and bioavailable (EXCH and CARB) fractions of Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu, and Pb in contaminated soils averaged (7.3, 40.4, 16, 12.9 and 40.8%), respectively, which suggests that the mobility and bioavailability of the five metals probably decline in the following order: Cd = Pb > Ni > Cu > Zn.  相似文献   

Cadmium, Co, Cu, Ni and Pb adsorption is measured on montmorillonite as a function of pH (3–11), ionic strength (0.001–0.1 M NaNO3), and sorbate concentration (0.1–10 μM metal on 0.5 g/L solid). Sorption of all metals shows strong dependence on ionic strength and sorbate concentration, as well as a break in the slope of the edge, indicative of a 2-site interaction with montmorillonite. The resulting adsorption edges are used to parameterize diffuse layer surface complexation models (DLMs) for each metal. A 2-site DLM with a bidentate variable charge surface hydroxyl site and a bidentate permanent charge exchange site produced good fits for the individual experiments, but lacked the robustness to accurately predict adsorption across the entire experimental range. Other models, such as CCM, TLM, or CD-MUSIC may be required for more accurate predictions across broad ranges of solution conditions.  相似文献   

为查明济南市近地表大气降尘中元素的含量特征及污染来源,评价环境质量,在济南市城区范围内采集400件大气降尘样品。分析结果表明:大气降尘中As、F、Ni的平均含量分别为9.5×10-6、512×10-6、26.0×10-6,略低于济南市城市土壤背景值;而Cd、Cr、Hg、Pb、Se、Zn、Ca O含量均值分别为0.33×10-6、101×10-6、191×10-9、38.0×10-6、0.79×10-6、119.0×10-6、13.31%,明显高于城市土壤背景值。相关分析和主成分分析结果说明,大气降尘中Cd、Pb、Zn、Se可能来源于燃煤,Cr、Ni来源于土壤粉尘,Ca O、As来源于建筑尘,F主要来源于汽车尾气排放,Hg则受燃煤、冶炼及交通等因素影响。大气降尘中重金属Cd、Pb、Zn、Cr、Ni、As、Hg地累积指数变化范围分别为-2.46~4.53、-1.81~2.75、-2.02~3.48、-2.38~3.48、-2.95~1.96、-3.45~2.58及-3.04~6.87,污染程度排序依次为HgCdZnPbCrAsNi。  相似文献   

The limitation of plant growth in the polluted mediums can be used as a factor to determine of plant tolerance and the toxic effect of these mediums. In this work, the effect of Pb2+, Cd2+, Ni2+and Znsu2+ (individually) on Azolla filiculoides growth in the aqueous solution and using this method to water post treatment were studied. During 15 days the biomass the fresh Azolla with initial mass of 20 g was grown on the nutrient solution containing these metal ions, each in a concentration 4 mg/l. The presence of these ions, caused about 25%, 42%, 31% and 17% inhibition of biomass growth, respectively, in comparison to Azolla control weight which had not heavy metals. The water salinity of 1, 2 and 4 g. NaCl/l decreased the removal of these heavy metals about 4–7%, 20–24% and 40–55%, respectively. The addition of total dissolved solids (TDS) from 50 to 300 ppm. (as CaCO3) into the samples of containing heavy metals increased Azolla growth, but decreased the control Azolla growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the surface sediments collected from Dongping Lake in China for speciation and distribution of toxic heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd) in different grain size fractions, and for the factors that need to be considered in potential hazard of metals to the environment. Four grain size fractions (<63, 63–78, 78–163 and 163–280 μm), divided in wet condition, and bulk samples less than 280 μm in diameter were analyzed for their distribution, density and appearance. A three-stage extraction procedure following the BCR protocol was used to chemically fractionate metals into “acid soluble”, “reducible”, “oxidizable” and “residual” fractions. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the datasets. The results showed that <63 μm grain size part constitutes the major proportion of the sediments, but its density is the smallest among the four grain size fractions. In general, the metal content curve against grain size presents “S” distribution, and the highest concentrations do not exist in <63 μm grain size. Appearance observation indicates that the adsorbed substance increases gradually along with the decreasing grain size. The dominant speciation of elements and the extent of pollution are responsible for the metal distribution in different grain size sediments. While studying bioavailability and mobilization of metals, it is advisable to take metal speciation, grain size distribution and density into consideration.  相似文献   

原子吸收法连续测定铋及氧化铋中铜铅铁镉镍   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
张耀春 《岩矿测试》2003,22(1):70-72
HNO3分解样品后,直接用火焰原子吸收法测定铋及氧化铋中铜、铅、铁、锡、镍。方法的检出限分别为Cu 0.22μg/g,Pb1.5μg/g,Fe0.39μg/g,Cd0.11μg/g,Ni0.34μg/g。与国标方法进行比较,分析结果基本一致,精密度试验,各元素的RSD(n=6)≤5.2%。  相似文献   

The contents of As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn have been determined in sediment and water samples from Valle de las Garzas estuary and Port Manzanillo (Colima, Mexico) using ICP-AES. The concentrations of these elements were used for a comparative study to determine the distribution of heavy metals and to evaluate which elements reflect natural or anthropogenic backgrounds. For this purpose, seven sampling points were selected: Four of them correspond to the lagoon, and three were situated in the port. Statistical analysis of the mineral content was assessed. Initially, data comparison was assessed by statistical tests for each variable. Principal component analysis was then applied considering the influence of all variables at the same time by obtaining the distribution of samples according to their scores in the principal component space. In this way, four studies were carried out: (1) study of sediments collected during the dry season; (2) study of sediments collected during the rainy season; (3) comparative study between sediments from rainy and dry season; and (4) study of water composition collected during rainy season. From the results of the performed analyses, it can be concluded that metals distribution pattern reflected natural and anthropogenic backgrounds (e.g., sediments from the lagoon, situated at the beginning of the rain channel, presented high contents of Zn and Cu, perhaps related to anthropogenic activities or the influence of igneous sediments).  相似文献   

最新的流行病学研究表明,空气中较高浓度的悬浮细颗粒可能对人类的健康有不利的影响。根据该项研究显示,由于心脏病、慢性呼吸问题和肺功能指标恶化而导致死亡率的升高与细尘粒子有关。这些研究结果已经促使欧盟于1999年4月出台了限制空气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、氧化氮、铅和颗粒物含量的法案(1999/30/EC),对各项指标包括对可吸入PM10颗粒的浓度提出了新的限制性指标。PM10颗粒是指可以通过预分级器分离采集的气体动力学直径小于10 μm的细颗粒。目前研究的兴趣重点逐步偏向PM2.5这些更细微颗粒物,PM2.5这种颗粒物对健康有明显的不利影响。在欧盟指令2008/50/EC中,对PM10和PM2.5都提出了具体测定要求。  相似文献   


基于2019年5月在云南剑湖进行50个点位的野外调查和采样,分析了其水体与沉积物总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、总有机碳(TOC)、有机质(OM)含量及C/N等指标的空间分布特征及其污染状况。结果表明:剑湖水体TN、TP平均含量分别为0.64 mg/L、78.65 μg/L,在空间分布特征上均表现为西部>中部≥东部。利用内梅罗污染指数法分析表明,水污染评价指数均大于1,水体处于Ⅳ类。沉积物TN含量介于2148~9550 mg/kg,平均值为4609 mg/kg,其空间分布特征表现为西部>东部≥中部。沉积物中TP含量变化范围在757~1744 mg/kg,平均值为1223 mg/kg,其空间分布特征与TN类似。相关性分析结果表明,沉积物TN与TOC(r=0.929,p < 0.01)、OM(r=0.945,p < 0.01)之间显著正相关。综合污染指数表明,剑湖不同湖区沉积物富营养物质含量均达到重度污染程度,是潜在的N、P释放源,剑湖水体存在较大污染和富营养化风险。


Through systematic sampling and analysis of water and soil in the planning area of Langfang City, employing national environmental quality standards, the qualities of groundwater and surface-water was overall evaluated. On the whole, the quality of deep-level groundwater was better and hazardous substances were not superstandard, F is higher, Fe and Mg was superstandard in several sites. The quality of shallow groundwater was general worse and COD, Fe, Mn, NH4^+-N, F, total hardness, total dissolved solids etc. overstep drinking water standard; the quality of surface water was worst and many indices were evidently higher, which was very worst in the east of downtown. Main pollution way of water body was lixiviation type of primary pollution groundwater and infiltration type of secondary pollution groundwater. Environmental quality assessment of plough layer soil indicated that it was better in the northwest and worse in the southeast, furthermore from Xiwu, Daguanzhang, Zhougezhuang to Pengzhuang, Dazhaolin and the north of Jingshan railroad, the environmental quality is worst.  相似文献   

Air pollution is the main environmental issue in Mexico City, where ozone is one of the most damaging pollutants for human health. In this work we present a retrospective health impact assessment (HIA) study split up by age groups for evaluating the benefits of ozone regulatory strategies from 1991 to 2011 in Mexico City. Since people move from one place to another during the day, which may affect their potential exposure to pollutants, we consider time-dependant spatial population distributions during the day. Ozone data is made up of observations taken with hourly frequency from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2011, at approximately 22 stations of the monitoring network of Mexico City. Interpolated values for unknown locations are also taken into account in the HIA. The Cressman objective analysis method is applied for interpolating the observed ozone concentrations from monitoring stations to grids of convenient resolution. We demonstrate that different age groups present different spatial patterns of exposure, being the working-age people (between 18 and 64 years) the most benefited. We also confirm the hypothesis that, in general, people move to less polluted regions during the day.  相似文献   

为探究绿洲城市道路积尘重金属污染风险,在新疆库尔勒市采集54个代表性道路积尘样品,分析其中Hg、Cd、As、Pb、Cr和Cu等6种元素含量,基于GIS技术与地学统计法,采用污染负荷指数法和US EPA健康风险评价模型,对道路积尘中重金属污染及潜在健康风险进行评价。结果表明:库尔勒市道路积尘中Hg、Cd、As、Pb和Cu等元素含量的平均值均小于土壤环境质量—建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准(GB 36600—2018)中的筛选值,但Cr元素含量平均值为相应筛选值的9.90倍。污染评价结果表明,研究区道路积尘中Cr呈现重度污染,Hg、Cd、As、Pb和Cu呈无污染。道路积尘中重金属元素的污染负荷指数介于0.0142~0.0522,平均值为0.0266,处于无污染水平。从道路积尘重金属污染空间分布格局来看,库尔勒市东北部和北部区域出现污染高值区。健康风险评估结果表明,经手-口摄入途径是库尔勒市道路积尘重金属日均暴露量及健康风险的主要途径,儿童受到的健康风险高于成人。库尔勒市道路积尘中Hg、Cd、As、Pb、Cr与Cu等元素的非致癌风险及致癌风险处于安全范围内,As对非致癌风险的贡献最大,Cr对致癌风险的贡献最大。  相似文献   

沈阳市土壤铅的空间分布及风险评价研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
经测定,沈阳市土壤铅含量范围为22~2910.600mg/kg,平均值是270.297mg/kg。铅污染比较严重且空间变化大,局地污染非常严重。利用地统计方法研究了沈阳市土壤铅的空间结构和分布特征。结果显示,沈阳市土壤铅具有较好的空间结构性,利用半方差函数的结果进行克里格插值得到土壤铅含量的分布图。沈阳市有6个土壤铅污染中心,其中以铁西区和太原街的污染比较突出。工业排放、汽车尾气和污灌是沈阳市铅污染的三大污染源。风险评价结果表明,铁西区属于极高风险区,儿童铅中毒的潜在风险非常大。  相似文献   

侯鹏飞  江冶  曹磊 《江苏地质》2019,43(1):166-170
采用无高氯酸常压酸溶分解土壤样品,利用等离子体质谱法可以1次溶矿测定As、Cd、Pb、Cr、Zn、Cu、Ni 7个重金属元素,具有较高的分析效率、较好的分析质量、较低的分析成本。实验表明,试样溶液中氯的含量对分析元素信号有较大影响。采用硝酸-氢氟酸-硫酸-过氧化氢分解样品以避免引入氯离子,从而能有效避免Cr、As元素在样品分解过程中的损失和氯离子产生的质谱干扰。Cd的测定需采用干扰校正公式扣除Sn的干扰。对于As元素,若试样溶液中不含或仅含微量的氯离子,采用标准模式测定即可得到理想的分析结果,否则必须采用CCT模式进行测定。除As以外的其他元素不论在标准模式或CCT模式下均能得到理想的分析结果。  相似文献   

The adsorption of Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd on goethite (αFeOOH) from NaNO3 solutions and from major ion seawater was compared to assess the effect of the major ions of seawater (Na, Mg, Ca, K, Cl, and SO4) on the adsorption behavior of the metals. Magnesium and sulphate are the principal seawater ions which enhance or inhibit adsorption relative to the inert system. Their effect, as determined from the site-binding model of Davis et al. (1978), was a combination of changing the electrostatic conditions at the interface and decreasing the available binding sites.The basic differences between the experimental system of major ion seawater and natural seawater were examined. It was concluded that: 1) although the experimental metal concentrations in major ion seawater were higher than those found in natural seawater, estimates of the binding energy of Cu, Zn, and Cd with αFeOOH for natural seawater concentrations could be made from the data, 2) Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd showed little or no competition for surface sites on goethite, and 3) the presence of carbonate, phosphate, and silicate had little or no effect on the adsorption of Zn and Cd on goethite.  相似文献   

王高  华明  郑俊  朱佰万 《江苏地质》2006,30(4):294-298
江都市土壤重金属含量分布及污染现状评价结果显示,江都市土壤环境质量总体良好,但局部地区土壤污染严重,其中通扬运河以北地区土壤环境质量优于通扬运河以南地区。土壤中镉、汞、锌含量空间分布不均匀,局部土壤含量超过国家土壤二级标准,由点源污染所致,其中镉、汞为江都市土壤主要致污染因子,导致局部土壤严重污染。建议对不同污染程度土壤土地采取不同利用方式,需进行合理调整规划。  相似文献   

鲁静  李广玉  叶思源 《地球学报》2006,27(6):603-608
本文首先利用同站位多介质同采的资料分析研究了各环境介质中的不同痕量金属对生物富集的贡献,提出孔隙水中Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr对生物体中同名组分富集的贡献较大;进而采用PHREEQC软件模拟了孔隙水中Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr四种元素的组分存在形态,结果表明:PbCO3、Zn2 、CdCl2、Cr(OH)3分别为孔隙水中Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr的优势态,但其生物有效形态依次为PbSO4、ZnOHCl、CdCl 、Cr(OH)2 。最后作者提出生物对其所处环境介质中痕量金属的富集并不取决于痕量金属的总量或其相应的优势态浓度的多寡,而是取决于痕量金属的生物有效态的浓度大小。  相似文献   

Groundwater pollution is a major global environmental issue especially in the large cities and trace metals are considered as most important aquatic pollutants. The present study is based on the measurement and characterization of various physicochemical parameters (pH, EC, TDS, DO, alkalinity, hardness, and chloride), major cations (Ca, Mg, Na and K) and selected trace metals (Sr, Li, Fe, Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Ag, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb) in the groundwater of Lahore, Pakistan during summer and winter (2017–18) seasons. Groundwater is the main source of drinking water in urban areas of Lahore. Seasonal comparison of the data indicated that majority of the metals showed relatively higher concentrations during winter than summer. Most of the metals exhibited significant spatial variability during both seasons; relatively higher metal levels were found in the old settlements and thickly populated areas of the city. Average concentrations of Pb, Ni, Cd and Co in the groundwater were found to be higher than the national and international guideline values. Factor analysis and cluster analysis revealed major anthropogenic contributions of Ni, Co, Cd, Cu, Cr and Pb in the groundwater while rest of the metals showed mixed and/or natural contributions. Evaluation of human health risks for the metal contents in groundwater revealed that Pb, Co, Ni and Cd were associated with significantly higher non-carcinogenic risks (HQing > 1); the calculated risk for children was considerably higher than the adults. Moreover, the carcinogenic risk associated with Ni, Cr, Cd and Pb exceeded the safe limits. The present study revealed significantly higher anthropic pollutants in the groundwater which imposed considerable risks to human; therefore, it is recommended to implement immediate remedial measures to ensure safe drinking water.  相似文献   

The concentrations of n-alkanes, unresolved complex mixture (UCM), petroleum molecular markers, other tracers of cooking and burning emissions, and natural background in atmospheric particles and roadside dust particles were measured at eight locations in the city center and the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Atmospheric particles were collected using high-volume filtration (PM-10, GFF) over 24 h average periods. Road dusts were swept up, dried and sieved. Both types of samples were extracted with dichloromethane/methanol mixture (3:1 v/v) by ultrasonic agitation. The extracts were then fractionated by column chromatography and the alkanes subjected to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Total extracts were also analyzed directly by GC–MS after silylation. The molecular distributions of compounds as well as diagnostic geochemical ratios were determined in order to identify the sources of the organic compounds. Samples collected from a rural area and lubricating oils were also analyzed for comparisons. Anthropogenic and biogenic sources such as vehicular emissions, waxes of higher plants, food cooking operations, and biomass and domestic refuse burning processes contributed to the organic matter content of atmospheric and to lesser extent, roadside dust particles.  相似文献   

China’s manganese resources are usually associated with the valuable elements such as silver, lead, zinc, cobalt, nickel, scandium, etc which should be comprehensively recovered during the manganese beneficiation. A manganese ore from western China contains Mn 23.18%, Co 0.073%, Ni 0.21% and Sc 0.013%. The mineralogy composition of ore and the occurrence of associated elements of Sc, Co as well as Ni are studied in this paper. According to the results, the manganese minerals in this ore are mainly lithiophorite and a little secondary pyrolusite. The lithiophorite in this ore is rich in aluminum and actually it is the generic name for the multi-mineral aggregates mixed by silicon, aluminum and iron, which is quite different with the ordinary psilomelane. There is not any Sc, Ni or Co mineral in this ore and more than 98% of Sc, Ni and Ni exists in lithiophorite and pyrolusite. The distribution of Sc, Co and Ni in lithiophorite is further studied by EPMA and the results indicate that Sc and Co in lithiophorite is sparse and dispersed distribution while Ni usually distributes in the argillaceous lithiophorite and is local enrichment. Reduction-sulfuric acid leaching tests show that the dissolution of Sc and Co happens before lithiophorite dissolves; the dissolution rate of Sc and Co is almost the same, which is significantly higher than the dissolution rate of manganese. However, the dissolution rate of Ni is extremely low with the dissolution of manganse, which indicates that Ni is hard to dissolve and its dissolution rate obviously lags behind that of Mn, Sc and Co. The conclusion can be drawn that Sc and Co exist in the lithiophorite crystals as interface adsorption while Ni exists in the clay (kaolinite) mixed up with lithiophorite as interface adsorption. The conclusion indicates that Sc and Co can dissolve before the dissolution of manganese at a high dissolution rate in the hydrometallurgical process while Ni is also into the solution through desorption from the interface of clay but its dissolution rate is rather slow because of the insoluble nature of clay.  相似文献   

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