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The nutritional value of natural particle diets on egg production of Acartia tonsa from subtropical East Lagoon was studied from April to November 1981. During the summer, monospecific blooms of dinoflagelates and chloromonads dominated the natural particle assemblages. But during the spring and fall, the inorganic fraction was dominant and chlorophyll concentrations were lower. At ambient concentrations of natural particles from East Lagoon, specific egg production rates were correlated in stepwise multiple regressions with temperature, salinity, and C:N ratio but not phytoplankton pigment concentrations. For stepwise multiple regression including all natural particle concentrations, specific egg production rates were correlated with C:N ratio, average particle diameter, percent nanoparticles (5–20 μm), and percent phytoplankton picoparticles. A nonlinear regression developed for the entire data set revealed that above the critical chlorophyll concentration (∼ 5 μg 1−1 at all temperatures), an increase in temperature of 4°C caused about the same increase in specific egg production rates as a decrease in salinity from 30 to 10‰, or a decrease in C:N ratio from 10 to 5. On a seasonal scale, temperature is the dominant influence on egg production of A. tonsa in East Lagoon where temperature ranges from 10 to 30°C but on shorter time scales food quality, food quantity or salinity may influence egg production rates as much as temperature.  相似文献   

Changes in phytoplankton abundance and size brought on by changes in water-column stratification are shown to affect copepod fecundity. The response of copepods to changes in their food environment, as manifested by changes in rates of egg production, is compared for two different time-scales: seasonal-to-weekly in Long Island Sound, New York, and event-scale-to-daily off the coast of central Chile. The data sets discussed include a time-series of hydrographic and chlorophyll samples along with measurements of copepod egg production (made using an incubation technique) carried out each week in Long Island Sound during 1985 and a 25-day time-series of daily measurements of the same variables at a fixed station in the nearshore coastal upwelling zone off Concepción, Chile, in January 1986. Egg production was often low, suggesting food-limitation. Temporal variations in the fecundity of the copepods Temora longicornis and Acarlia tonsa in Long Island Sound did not follow changes in total phytoplankton biomass, but rather changes in the concentration of chlorophyll in the > 10 μm and > 20 μm size fractions. Off Chile, changes in fecundity of Calanus chilensis mirrored changes in both total phytoplankton biomass and the > 20 μm size fraction. This fact demonstrates that herbivorous copepods follow closely changes in their food environment and suggests that there is a close coupling between food quality of phytoplankton (in terms of particle size), ingestion and egg production by adult females.  相似文献   

Egg production, egg viability and fecal pellet production were determined for individual Acartia omorii, which were fed diets of two species of diatoms (Skeletonema costatum and Phaeodactylum tricornutum) and three species of dinoflagellates (Scrippsiella trochoidea, Heterocapsa triquetra and Cochlodinium polykrikoides). Diets were analyzed for fatty acid content as an indicator of food quality. Depending on the diet, egg production of A. omorii varied over time, diminishing with some diets (S. trochoidea, C. polykrikoides, P. tricornutum). This rate of reduction was much more rapid for a diet of C. polykrikoides, which caused egg production to decrease to ca. 2.4 eggs f−1 d−1 in only four days. As for all diets, egg viability was high at the beginning but with the C. polykrikoides and P. tricornutum diets, it rapidly decreased with time. Fecal pellet production also varied with time, depending on the diet. Egg production rate was closely correlated with fecal pellet production. There was no direct relationship between egg viability and egg production rate, but both egg production and viability were affected by the nutritional quality of food. Egg viability was also highly dependent on the composition of fatty acids in the eggs. Egg viability showed positive correlation with the ratio of ω3:ω6 groups among egg fatty acids, and negative correlation with the ratio of 20:5 (n−3) : 22:6 (n−3). While comparing several diets, egg production rate was higher on diets (H. triquetra and S. trochoidea) containing ample amounts of essential fatty acids such as 18:4 (n−3) and 22:6 (n−3). The results suggest that fertility of A. omorii was dependent upon the quality of the food, and dinoflagellate diets, with the exception of C. polykrikoides, were preferable to diatom diets.  相似文献   

Information on life cycle strategies and reproductive parameters of Metridia pacifica is scarce, despite its importance in the zooplankton of the subarctic Pacific. In many regions it occurs in high abundance, but reproductive rates, when reported, are usually low. This discrepancy was studied in Dabob Bay, Washington, USA, in the context of an investigation of the effect of diatom blooms on the reproductive success of copepod grazers.In situ egg production rates of M. pacifica were measured in spring and mid-summer with standard methods (multi-wells) and a new incubation chamber (spawning towers) that separates the spawning female from its eggs and allows the eggs to develop undisturbed. Many females did not produce eggs, possibly due to a high fraction of immature individuals. Egg production rates were variable, but clutch sizes were higher in spawning towers, and estimates of female egg cannibalism revealed that females consume many eggs shortly after their release. Thus, a separation of females and eggs is mandatory for accurate measurements of M. pacifica egg production rates. The maximum clutch sizes recorded in our study were comparable to measurements for other calanoids. However, unviable eggs were a large fraction of those spawned, independent of incubation method, especially in late winter and early spring. In order to assess whether the diatom effect may be responsible for low viability of embryos and nauplii, we also measured in situ grazing. Adult females were omnivorous, but they ingested some diatoms that rank among the strongest anti-mitotic toxin producers known so far. Although M. pacifica’s vertical migration behavior suggests opportunistic feeding on abundant food during their short stay in the phytoplankton-rich surface, they often ignored the food items that contributed most to microplankton carbon concentrations. Thus, their feeding strategy remains ambiguous. Due to severe reproductive failure early in the season, recruitment was impaired in spring, while the population increased, reaching high abundance in mid-summer when reproductive output was low. While advection and interannual variability in bloom conditions might compensate for the losses described here, the paradox of high Metridia abundance versus low reproductive success still requires further investigation, and methodological constraints need to be ruled out in future studies.  相似文献   

During France JGOFS campaign ANTARES 2 (R.V. Marion Dufresne), samples were taken along a section of the 62°E meridian from 49° to 66°S. The high temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO) method was used to determine the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The analyses were conducted both on-board ship and after the cruise in the laboratory. Collecting and storing acidified samples for post-cruise analysis induced no significant differences. The use of two separate but identical channels on the carbon analyzer increased the number of samples analysed per day and allowed independent monitoring of the instrument blank and the calibration of the detector response. The mixed layer concentrations of organic carbon varied from about 52 μM C in the Antarctic Divergence (64°S) to about 63 μM C in the Polar Frontal Zone (49°S). Vertical profiles showed a slight, but significant, decrease in organic carbon below the mixed layer, to about 42 μM C below 2000 m across the transect. The homogeneity and low concentration of organic carbon in deep water is consistent with values recently reported for the equatorial Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and supports the evidence for a constant deep water DOC concentration. In addition, this provides a verification of the instrument performance, thus validating observed DOC data trends and allowing a comparison with the ‘modern' DOC literature. In general, the organic carbon concentration in the mixed layer was lower than previously published data of the main ocean basins, which might -reflect the low chlorophyll a concentration (<0.5 μg/l) encountered in this region. Along the 62°E meridian section, organic carbon showed a trend with corresponding measurements of phytoplankton biomass and bacterial production, underlining the dependence of bacterial growth on a pool of ‘freshly' produced DOC. Organic carbon was found to exhibit a weak inverse trend versus apparent oxygen utilization (AOU). This suggests that only a small part of the oxygen consumption is due to the mineralisation of DOC.  相似文献   

Hypotheses regarding temperature, food abundance and food size were tested to explore niche separation between Calanoides carinatus, an abundant copepod in the cool and food-rich southern Benguela upwelling system, and Calanus agulhensis, the dominant copepod on the warmer, relatively food-poor Agulhas Bank off the south coast of South Africa. Under non-limiting food conditions, egg production by both species increased linearly with temperatures between 9°C and 18°C. Egg production by C. carinatus was relatively faster at 21°C, but was offset by greater mortality. Both species showed similar functional responses to food concentration in the field, reaching satiation at ~15mg Chl a m?3, or ~3–4ppm. Food abundance was the most important predictor of egg production, whether measured as Chl a or as particle volume. Both species preferred larger particles that dominated the biomass peak, but particle size appeared more important for C. carinatus, with increasingly faster rates of egg production as the proportion of large cells (>10μm) exceeded 50%, and slower ingestion of small (<10μm) cells. Omnivory may be more important to C. agulhensis. Niche separation between the two species appears unrelated to temperature, food abundance or diel vertical migratory behaviour, and is more likely a function of variability in food availability, although food size may also play a role.  相似文献   

The catchability of western rock lobsters (Panulirus cygnus) during the spawning season (October and November) may be affected by their reproductive state. In this study, movement and food consumption of males and females of different reproductive states held in laboratory tanks were measured as proxies for catchability. Density of lobsters was found to influence both movement and food consumption. Solitary animals and, to a lesser extent, two lobsters per tank, were more sedentary and consumed significantly less food than animals at a density of three or four specimens per tank. Tests using three animals per tank confirmed that mature, unmated, and ovigerous females carrying early stage eggs moved more frequently away from their shelters than males or females carrying late stage eggs (P < 0.0001, d.f. = 3). Further, unmated females and females with early stage eggs recorded significantly higher food consumption (P < 0.0061, d.f. = 3) compared with males or females carrying late stage eggs. The greater time spent away from shelter and also food consumption make unmated females and females with early stage eggs likely to be more catchable than males or females with late stage eggs. As catchability is commonly used to obtain population estimates from survey data, these results have implications for surveys which use catch rates of breeding animals as indicators of egg production.  相似文献   

Appropriate conditions have been achieved for the accurate, rapid, and highly precise shipboard simultaneous determination of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in seawater by high temperature catalytic oxidation. A nitrogen-specific Antek 705D chemiluminescence detector and a CO2-specific LiCor Li6252 IRGA have been coupled in-series with a Shimadzu TOC-5000 organic carbon analyser. Precision of both simultaneous measurements is ≤1.5%, i.e. ±1 μmol C l−1 and ±0.3 μmol N l−1, respectively. Quality of analysis is not compromised by vibrations associated with ocean going research vessels.  相似文献   

Acartia bifilosa (Copepoda: Calanoida) is a common species in offing of global waters and it often becomes dominant species in some estuaries. This species develops different strategy according to variation of environment. Despite its ecological role, Acartia bifilosa also has been concerned as live feeds in aquaculture, but study on egg production rate of this species in saturated diet in different temperature and different diet is so far not available. In order to interpret the importance of temperature and diet on natural population variation and also on aquaculture as foods of larval fish, the functional response of reproductive success of Acartia bifilosa was quantified in the laboratory using different temperatures and diets. Acartia bifilosa was captured in Jiaozhou Bay and acclimated to corresponding temperature for 3~4 days. In order to reduce the effect of large extent temperature range on organism, we captured Acartia bifilosa from March to June and acclimated them to temperature which is adjacent to natural temperature. Daily egg production rate (EPR, eggs female-1day-1) was detected for 11~15 days at 5 different temperatures ranged from 8.0 to 23 °C and all the females was feed on saturated diet all through the experiments. EPR on first day was not calculated in the mean EPR to eliminate the effect of different diets. This result showed that Acartia bifilosa spawned continuously during the experiment days and no obvious regulation was found. EPR was positively correlated with temperature from 8.0 to 23 °C. The highest mean EPR was observed at 23 °C (7.3 eggs female-1day-1), and the lowest value was found at 8 °C (3.8 eggs female-1day-1). The effect of diets on EPR was evaluated at two different temperatures (8.0 °C and 12.5 °C). Same trends were found at the two temperatures: mean EPR fed on Chaetoceros sp. was higher than that fed on Skeletonema costatum, and during the 14-day experiments, EPR was higher for females fed on Skeletonema costatum than chaetoceros sp. in the first few days (3~5 days), but it changed reversely in the subsequent days until the end of the experiments. Hatched eggs were observed in the two experiments at temperature 8°C and 12.5 °C and no diapause eggs were found. The hatching success rate was low at 8°C but reached 93.2% at 12.5 °C. According to the results in this paper, we detected the comfortable temperature range for EPR, and evaluated the effect of Skeletonema costatum which often brings out red tide in natural waters. These results are beneficial to ecological research for explaining population variation and population recruitment of this species, These data also can be used in Acartia bifilosa aquaculture.  相似文献   

The spawning habitat of Emmelichthys nitidus (Emmelichthyidae) in south-eastern Australia is described from vertical ichthyoplankton samples collected along the shelf region off eastern through to south-western Tasmania during peak spawning in October 2005–06. Surveys covered eastern waters in 2005 (38.8–43.5°S), and both eastern and southern waters in 2006 (40.5°S around to 43.5°S off the south-west). Eggs (n = 10,393) and larvae (n = 378) occurred along eastern Tasmania in both years but were rare along southern waters south and westwards of 43.5°S in 2006. Peak egg abundances (1950–2640 per m−2) were obtained off north-eastern Tasmania (40.5–41.5°S) between the shelf break and 2.5 nm inshore from the break. Eggs were up to 5-days old, while nearly 95% of larvae were at the early preflexion stage, i.e. close to newly emerged. Average abundances of aged eggs pooled across each survey declined steadily from day-1 to day-5 eggs both in 2005 (97-18) and 2006 (175-34). Moreover, day-1 egg abundances were significantly greater 2.5 nm at either side of the break, including at the break, than in waters ≥5 nm both inshore and offshore from the break. These results, complemented with egg and larval data obtained in shelf waters off New South Wales (NSW; 35.0–37.7°S) in October 2002–03, indicate that the main spawning area of E. nitidus in south-eastern Australia lies between 35.5°S off southern NSW and 43.5°S off south-eastern Tasmania, and that spawning activity declines abruptly south and westwards of 43.5°S around to the south-west coast. In addition, quotient analyses of day-1 egg abundances point to a preferred spawning habitat contained predominantly within a 5 nm corridor along the shelf break, where waters are 125–325 m deep and median temperatures 13.5–14.0 °C. Spawning off eastern Tasmania is timed with the productivity outburst typical of the region during the austral spring, and the temperature increase from the mixing between the southwards advancing, warm East Australian Current and cooler subantarctic water over the shelf. Overall, ichthyoplankton data, coupled with reproductive information from adults trawled off Tasmania, indicate that E. nitidus constitutes a suitable species for the application of the daily egg production method (DEPM) to estimate spawning biomass. This finding, together with evidence in support of a discrete eastern spawning stock extending from southern NSW to southern Tasmania, strengthens the need for DEPM-based biomass estimates of E. nitidus prior to further fishery expansion.  相似文献   

Macroalgae biomass and concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll a were determined weekly or biweekly in water and sediments, during the spring-summer of 1985 in a hypertrophic area of the lagoon of Venice. Remarkable biomass production (up to 286 g m−2 day−1, wet weight), was interrupted during three periods of anoxia, when macroalgal decomposition (rate: up to 1000 g m−2 day−1) released extraordinary amounts of nutrients. Depending on the macroalgae distribution in the water column, the nutrients released in water varied from 3·3 to 19·1 μg-at litre−1 for total inorganic nitrogen and from 1·8 to 2·7 μg-at litre−1 for reactive phosphorus. Most nutrients, however, accumulated in the surficial sediment (up to 0·640 and to 3·06 mg g−1 for P and N respectively) redoubling the amounts already stored under aerobic conditions, Phytoplankton, systematically below 5 mg m−3 as Chl. a, sharply increased up to 100 mg m−3 only after the release of nutrients in water by anaerobic macroalgal decomposition. During the algal growth periods, the N:P atomic ratio in water decreased to 0·7, suggesting that nitrogen is a growth-limiting factor. This ratio for surficial sediment was between 6·6 and 13·1, similar to that of macroalgae (8·6–12·0).  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected at stations along cross-shelf transects in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, during two cruises in 1984 and 1985. Station depths ranged from 11 to 285 m. Sediment chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0·06 to 1·87 μg g−1 sediment (mean, 0·55), or 2·6–62·0 mg m2. Areal sediment chlorophyll a exceeded water column chlorophyll a a at 16 of 17 stations, especially at inshore and mid-shelf stations. Sediment ATP concentrations ranged from 0 to 0·67 μg g−1 sediment (mean, 0·28). Values for both biomass indicators were lowest in the depth range including the shelf break (50–99 m). Organic carbon contents of the sediments were uniformly low across the shelf, averaging 0·159% by weight. Photography of the sediments revealed extensive patches of microalgae on the sediment surface.Our data suggest that viable benthic microalgae occur across the North Carolina continental shelf. The distribution of benthic macroflora on the North Carolina shelf indicates that sufficient light and nutrients are available to support primary production out to the shelf break. Frequent storm-induced perturbations do not favour settling of phytoplankton, an alternative explanation for the presence of microalgal pigments in the sediments. Therefore, we propose that a distinct, productive benthic microflora exists across the North Carolina continental shelf.  相似文献   

The dynamics of benthic primary production and community respiration in a shallow oligotrophic, marine lagoon (Fællestrand, Denmark) was followed for 1·5 years. The shape of the annual primary production cycle was explained primarily by seasonal changes in temperature (r2 = 0·67-0·72) and daylength (r2 = 0·63), whereas temperature almost explained all variation in benthic community respiration (r2 = 0·83-0·87). On a daily basis the benthic system was autotrophic during spring and summer supplied by 'new' and 'regenerated' nitrogen and predominantly heterotrophic during fall and winter caused by light and nutrient limitation. The linear depth-relationship between porewater alkalinity and ammonium indicated that the C:N ratio of mineralized organic matter is low in spring and summer (3-6) and high in fall and winter (9-16). This is inversely related to net primary production and thus the input of labile, nitrogen-rich algal cells. Accordingly, mineralization occurred predominantly in the upper 2-5 cm of the sediment. The pool of reactive material (microalgal cells) was estimated to account for 12% of total organic carbon in the upper 3 cm, and had an average turnover time of less than 1 month in summer. Assimilation of organic carbon by benthic animals was equivalent to about 30% of the annual gross primary production. Grazing reduced chlorophyll a concentration in the sediment during summer and spring to values 30-40% lower than in winter, but maintained a 3-4 times higher specific microalgal productivity. The rapid turnover of organic carbon and nitrogen, and important role of benthic microalgae showed that the benthic community in this oligotrophic lagoon is of a very dynamic nature.  相似文献   

Concentrations of bacteria, chlorophyll a, and several dissolved organic compounds were determined during 11 tidal cycles throughout the year in a high and a low elevation marsh of a brackish tidal estuary. Mean bacterial concentrations were slightly higher in flooding (7·1 × 106 cells ml−1) than in ebbing waters (6·5 × 106 cells ml−1), and there were no differences between marshes. Mean chlorophyll a concentrations were 36·7 μg l−1 in the low marsh and 20·4 μg l−1 in the high marsh. Flux calculations, based on tidal records and measured concentrations, suggested a small net import of bacterial and algal biomass into both marshes. Over the course of individual tidal cycles, concentrations of all parameters were variable and not related to tidal stage. Heterotrophic activity measured by the uptake of 3H-thymidine, was found predominantly in the smallest particle size fractions (< 1·0 μm). Thymidine uptake was correlated with temperature (r = 0·48, P < 0·01), and bacterial productivity was estimated to be 7 to 42 μg Cl−1 day−1.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton community composition, productivity and biomass characteristics of the mesohaline lower Neuse River estuary were assessed monthly from May 1988 to February 1990. An incubation method which considered water-column mixing and variable light exposure was used to determine phytoplankton primary productivity. The summer productivity peaks in this shallow estuary were stimulated by increases in irradiance and temperature. However, dissolved inorganic nitrogen loading was the major factor controlling ultimate yearly production. Dynamic, unpredictable rainfall events determined magnitudes of seasonal production pulses through nitrogen loading, and helped determine phytoplankton species composition. Dinoflagellates occasionally bloomed but were otherwise present in moderate numbers; rainfall events produced large pulses of cryptomonads, and dry seasons and subsequent higher salinity led to dominance by small centric diatoms. Daily production was strongly correlated (r = 0·82) with nitrate concentration and inversely correlated (r = −0·73) with salinity, while nitrate and salinity were inversely correlated (r = −0·71), emphasizing the importance of freshwater input as a nutrient-loading source to the lower estuary. During 1989 mean daily areal phytoplankton production was 938 mgC m−2, mean chlorophyll a was 11·8 mg m−3, and mean phytoplankton density was 1·56 × 103 cells ml−1. Estimated 1989 annual areal phytoplankton production for the lower estuary was 343 gC m−2.  相似文献   

Rates of transformation, recycling and burial of nitrogen and their temporal and spatial variability were investigated in deep-sea sediments of the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP), NE Atlantic during eight cruises from 1996 to 2000. Benthic fluxes of ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3) were measured in situ using a benthic lander. Fluxes of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and denitrification rates were calculated from pore water profiles of DON and NO3, respectively. Burial of nitrogen was calculated from down core profiles of nitrogen in the solid phase together with 14C-based sediment accumulation rates and dry bulk density. Average NH4 and NO3-effluxes were 7.4 ± 19 μmol m−2 d−1 (n = 7) and 52 ± 30 μmol m−2 d−1 (n = 14), respectively, during the period 1996–2000. During the same period, the DON-flux was 11 ± 5.6 μmol m−2 d−1 (n = 5) and the denitrification rate was 5.1 ± 3.0 μmol m−2 d−1 (n = 22). Temporal and spatial variations were only found in the benthic NO3 fluxes. The average burial rate was 4.6 ± 0.9 μmol m−2 d−1. On average over the sampling period, the recycling efficiency of the PON input to the sediment was 94% and the burial efficiency hence 6%. The DON flux constituted 14% of the nitrogen recycled, and it was of similar magnitude as the sum of burial and denitrification. By assuming the PAP is representative of all deep-sea areas, rates of denitrification, burial and DON efflux were extrapolated to the total area of the deep-sea floor (>2000 m) and integrated values of denitrification and burial of 8 ± 5 and 7 ± 1 Tg N year−1, respectively, were obtained. This value of total deep-sea sediment denitrification corresponds to 3–12% of the global ocean benthic denitrification. Burial in deep-sea sediments makes up at least 25% of the global ocean nitrogen burial. The integrated DON flux from the deep-sea floor is comparable in magnitude to a reported global riverine input of DON suggesting that deep-sea sediments constitute an important source of DON to the world ocean.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of low water temperature on development, walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) eggs from the Bering Sea were reared at −0.6°C, 0.4°C, 2.0°C, and 3.8°C. One group of eggs was reared at 3.9°C under a diel light cycle (14 h light, 10 h dark) to observe the effect of light on development and hatching. Development was normal for all temperatures except −0.6°C; abnormal development of the tail and lack of development of eyes occurred in some embryos. Time to 50% hatch was 820, 620, and 424 h at 0.4°C, 2.0°C, and 3.8°C. Eggs incubated in diel light at 3.9°C developed at the same rate as eggs incubated in constant dark at 3.8°C, but required an additional 72 h to reach 50% hatch. A piece-wise regression model was generated to predict egg age for incubation temperatures of −0.6°C to 3.8°C. For temperatures recorded in the southeastern Bering Sea 1995–1998, the model predicted incubation periods for walleye pollock eggs that varied by 13 days between the warmest and coldest years.Walleye pollock eggs from Shelikof Strait, Alaska, were incubated at 0.2°C, 1.8°C, and 2.8°C. Development was normal for all temperatures. A piece-wise regression model (as above) was generated for incubation temperatures 0.2–2.8°C. When the regression models were compared, Bering Sea eggs (1.4–1.7 mm in diameter), required more time for development prior to hatch than Shelikof Strait eggs (1.2–1.3 mm in diameter) at 1.8°C and 2.8°C. However, for temperatures 0.2–2.0°C, Bering Sea walleye pollock began hatching earlier and at a developmentally younger age than Shelikof Strait walleye pollock.  相似文献   

The marine biogeochemistry of pure pentachlorophenol was studied relative to a control treatment at a scale which provided a good model for the pelagic planktonic environment (70 m3 polyethylene bags). Pentachlorophenol that was dispersed at concentrations of 10 and 100 μg/litre showed identical relative rates of decrease over 25 days to concentrations 32·8% and 31·1%, respectively, of the initial concentrations. No bioaccumulation by phytoplankton or zooplankton was observed and pentachlorophenol removal by adsorption (by particulates, zooplankton or the enclosure walls) was insignificant. The log of the pentachlorophenol concentration was significantly correlated to the hours of bright sunshine up to Day 18, after which the photolysis efficiency decreased as the proportion of pentachlorophenol exposed to sunlight decreased. The results imply a long residence time for pentachlorophenol in deeper waters outside the photolysis zone. A persistent reduction in the primary production and production per unit carbon was observed at 100 μg/litre and, when coupled to the reproducible demise of the centric diatom Skeletonema costatum in culture and the spiked enclosures, suggests that pentachlorophenol inhibits phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

Suspended particle dynamics were investigated in the Ogeechee River Estuary during neap tide in July 1996. Samples were operationally separated into ‘ truly suspended ’ (settling velocity <0·006 cm s−1) and ‘ settleable ’ (settling velocity >0·006 cm s−1) fractions over the course of a tidal cycle to determine whether these two fractions were comprised of particles with differing biological and chemical characteristics. Total suspended sediment, organic carbon and nitrogen, chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentrations were measured in each fraction, as well as rates of bacterial hydrolytic enzyme activity [β-1,4-glucosidase (βGase) and β-xylosidase (βXase)]. The majority of the suspended sediment (by weight) was in the truly suspended fraction; all measured parameters were largely associated with this fraction as well. When compared to the settleable material, the truly suspended material was significantly higher in % POC (5·7±0·6 vs. 3·9±1·8), % chlorophyll (0·07±0·02 vs. 0·03±0·01), % phaeopigment (0·030±0·006 vs. 0·018±0·012), and weight-specific maximal uptake rates (Vmaxper mg suspended sediment) of both enzymes (1·8±0·4 vs. 0·7± 0·2 nmol mg−1 h−1βGase and 1·1±0·3vs . 0·3±0·2 nmol mg−1 h−1βXase), providing clear evidence for a qualitative distinction between the two fractions. These results are interpreted to mean that the more organic-rich, biologically active material associated with the suspended fraction is likely to have a different fate in this Estuary, as ‘ truly suspended ’ sediments will be readily transported whereas ‘ settleable ’ sediments will settle and be resuspended with each tide. These types of qualitative differences should be incorporated into models of particle dynamics in estuaries.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the composition, abundance and distribution of ichthyoplankton in the inner shelf area off Bahía Blanca Estuary on the SW Atlantic Ocean during late spring. Eggs and larvae of Brevoortia aurea, Engraulis anchoita, Parona signata, Sciaenidae spp. – such as Cynoscion guatucupa and Micropogonias furnieri –, and Odontesthes argentinensis were found. Species richness was low probably as a result of season and shallow depths. Ichthyoplankton abundance reached values close to 10 000 per 10 m−3 (eggs) and 4000 per 10 m−3 (larvae) and displayed a spatial distribution pattern with maximum abundance values restricted to a band parallel to the coast. Differences between egg and larval patterns, probably derived from a different displacement and hydrodynamic behavior, were observed. Egg and larvae distribution patterns were found related with spawning areas and to directly depend on salinity and mesozooplankton. The larvae distribution pattern, in particular, was found to inversely depend on particulate organic carbon. In addition, the geographic location of egg and larvae maxima strongly coincided with a saline front reported for this area in springtime, thus suggesting a direct relationship with it.  相似文献   

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