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In GIS field, great varieties of information from different domains are involved in order to solve ac- tual problems. But usually spatial information is stored in diverse spatial databases, manipulated by different GIS platforms. Semantic heterogeneity is caused due to the distinctions of conception explanations among various GIS implements. It will result in the information obtaining and understanding gaps for spatial data sharing and usage. An ontology-based model for spatial information semantic interoperability is put forward after the comprehensive review of progress in ontology theory, methodology and application research in GIS domain.  相似文献   

The interoperability of geographic data sets is required between geo-information system applications to use geographic data sets effectively. Thus, international standardisation organisation/technical committee 211 standards supporting model-driven architecture were examined to test the ability of producing interoperable geographic data sets. With Turkey case, unified modelling language application schemas were designed for base geographic data themes and encoded to data interchange model based on geography markup language. To test the applicability of the open data models, extract-transform-load (ETL) tools were developed and applied for case applications such as topographic map and web urban atlas. This study gives a methodology and indicates that ETL tools should be created to enable multiple uses of geo-data sets without spending time and labour. However, data model design should be refined and kept as simple as possible because data transformation is laborious to use the models in the applications.  相似文献   

Web Service与地理信息互操作   总被引:37,自引:9,他引:28  
结合当今主流IT将互联网带入Web Service的趋势,以GIS工作者的视角剖析、审视这一发展趋势对GIS互操作的重要意义。文章在介绍Web Service的设计理念及相关技术的基础上,分析了传统空间地理信息互操作技术的局限性,概括总结了Web Service在空间地理信息的共享、互操作和集成上的良好支持和适应性,指出Web Service是未来实现GIS互操作的最佳解决方案。  相似文献   

杨之江  方建明 《测绘科学》2015,(10):133-137
针对不同地理网络GIS应用间信息集成和功能共享难于实现的问题,该文提出地理网络互操作模型OpenNet。该模型通过定义一系列与平台无关的地理网络对象和方法,扩展和完善了开放地理信息协会简单要素规范,并解决地理网络GIS互操作问题。OpenNet包括对象模型和操作模型两部分,前者定义网络对象并规范对象方法,后者定义网络类和网络对象两个层次的修改操作。该文以ARCGIS和MapGIS两种主流GIS平台上的地理网络互操作为例,验证了OpenNet模型的可行性,证明它能够实现数据和功能的互操作,并支持与平台无关的通用地理网络应用系统的开发。  相似文献   

丛琳  ;娄明珠 《东北测绘》2013,(4):130-131
介绍了GIS互操作技术,对FME平台体系结构和语义转换技术进行了分析,并概括了FME平台的特性和优势。  相似文献   

开放式地理信息系统(OpenGIS)与互操作技术分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
冯琰  施一民 《测绘工程》2002,11(4):22-24
地理信息系统技术在取得巨大发展的同时,其孤立性、封闭性的缺陷越来越不适合现代信息社会的要求,开放式地理信息系统(OpenGIS)规范和互操作技术的提出,不仅为数据共享提供了崭新的思路,而且将GIS带入了开放的时代,从而使得各个系统间实现不同类型地理数据和地理处理方法的透明访问成为可能。本文主要就OpenGIS规范和互操作技术作了一些探讨,最后结合我国的实际情况,分析了OpenGIS在我国的应用现状与未来展望。  相似文献   

1 TheconceptoftheintegrationofRSwithGISTheintegrationofremotesensing (RS)withgeo graphicalinformationsystem (GIS)isahotspotingeographicalinformationscience .TheconceptoftheintegrationofRSwithGIS ,intheviewofProf.LiDeren ,isthatRSisthewaytoobtaintheinforma ti…  相似文献   

The integration of remote sensing (RS) with geographical information system (GIS) is a hotspot in geographical information science. A good database structure is important to the integration of RS with GIS, which should be beneficial to the complete integration of RS with GIS, able to deal with the disagreement between the resolution of remote sensing images and the precision of GIS data, and also helpful to the knowledge discovery and exploitation. In this paper, the database structure storing the spatial data based on semantic network is presented. This database structure has several advantages. Firstly, the spatial data is stored as raster data with space index, so the image processing can be done directly on the GIS data that is stored hierarchically according to the distinguishing precision. Secondly, the simple objects are aggregated into complex ones. Thirdly, because we use the indexing tree to depict the relationship of aggregation and the indexing pictures expressed by 2-D strings to describe the topology structure of the objects, the concepts of surrounding and region are expressed clearly and the semantic content of the landscape can be illustrated well. All the factors that affect the recognition of the objects are depicted in the factor space, which provides a uniform mathematical frame for the fusion of the semantic and non-semantic information. Lastly, the object node, knowledge node and the indexing node are integrated into one node. This feature enhances the ability of system in knowledge expressing, intelligent inference and association. The application shows that this database structure can benefit the interpretation of remote sensing image with the information of GIS.  相似文献   

简介GIS互操作和本体理论,以及本体建模语言DAML+OIL。讨论了本体理论在解决GIS互操作中的作用,并给出了使用DAML+OIL构建地理本体在GIS中简单应用实例。  相似文献   

Although the fast development of OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) WFS (Web Feature Service) technologies has undoubtedly improved the sharing and synchronization of feature-level geospatial information across diverse resources, literature shows that there are still apparent limitations in the current implementation of OGC WFSs. Currently, the implementation of OGC WFSs only emphasizes syntactic data interoperability via standard interfaces and cannot resolve semantic heterogeneity problems in geospatial data sharing. To help emergency responders and disaster managers find new ways of efficiently searching for needed geospatial information at the feature level, this paper aims to propose a framework for automatic search of geospatial features using Geospatial Semantic Web technologies and natural language interfaces. We focus on two major tasks: (1) intelligent geospatial feature retrieval using Geospatial Semantic Web technologies; (2) a natural language interface to a geospatial knowledge base and web feature services over the Semantic Web. Based on the proposed framework we implemented a prototype. Results show that it is practical to directly discover desirable geospatial features from multiple semantically heterogeneous sources using Geospatial Semantic Web technologies and natural language interfaces.  相似文献   

多种数据源地理信息处理的Internet GIS方法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
介绍了多种数据源获取、管理和地理信息处理的Internet GIS方法和用这种方法设计的Internet GIS的原理及功能特征。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for constructing an extensive wireless GIS network by utilizing Java cellular phone as GIS terminal for environmental monitoring through dynamic location disaster-emergency notification management of spatial databases. An experimental case study is demonstrated to show its potential in the application field.  相似文献   

本文介绍了几种空间数据模型以及传统数据模型的不足,提出了面向对象的数据模型,并以公交数据建模为例说明了面向对象技术在GIS数据建模中的应用。  相似文献   

异构地理信息处理环境互操作的Internet GIS方法   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
提出了异构地理信息处理环境互操作的Internet GIS方法和基于互操作性的Internet GIS构造模型,即分布式超图模型,阐述了其具体实现过程,并以自主开发的Internet GISGeoSurf为例验证了此方法。  相似文献   

三维GIS中建筑物的若干问题探讨   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
随着GIS向三维领域的不断发展,三维GIS中实体目标的数据获取和建模显得越来越重要。以三维GIS中的建筑物作为研究对象,分别从建筑物的各类数据的获取方法和模型建立技术等方面进行了深入分析,并着重介绍了基于数字地图资料的数据获取和建模方法。  相似文献   

适合共享的面向对象的地理数据模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了地理信息的特点,提出了一个解决地理信息共享的面向对象的数据模型。  相似文献   

集成和互操作一直是GIS发展的热点问题,而在互联网时代背景下产生的Web服务(Web Service)技术为GIS的集成和互操作提供了全新的、有效的解决途径。在介绍和分析Web服务技术的基础上,提出并实践了一种将地图服务的基本功能包装成Web服务进行发布的思路。通过将GIS的基本功能包装成Web服务,可以实现使用一种标准的协议来实现各GIS应用系统的交互和集成,屏蔽了系统间软、硬件平台的不同。  相似文献   

The ever‐increasing population in cities intensifies environmental pollution that increases the number of asthmatic patients. Other factors that may influence the prevalence of asthma are atmospheric parameters, physiographic elements and personal characteristics. These parameters can be incorporated into a model to monitor and predict the health conditions of asthmatic patients in various contexts. Such a model is the base for any asthma early warning system. This article introduces a novel ubiquitous health system to monitor asthmatic patients. Ubiquitous systems can be effective in monitoring asthmatic patients through the use of intelligent frameworks. They can provide powerful reasoning and prediction engines for analyzing various situations. Our proposed model encapsulates several tools for preprocessing, reasoning and prediction of asthma conditions. In the preprocessing phase, outliers in the atmospheric datasets were detected and missing sensor data were estimated using a Kalman filter, while in the reasoning phase, the required information was inferred from the raw data using some rule‐based inference techniques. The asthmatic conditions of patients were predicted accurately by a Graph‐Based Support Vector Machine in a Context Space (GBSVMCS) which functions anywhere, anytime and with any status. GBSVMCS is an improved version of the common Support Vector Machine algorithm with the addition of unlabeled data and graph‐based rules in a context space. Based on the stored value for a patient's condition and his/her location/time, asthmatic patients can be monitored and appropriate alerts will be given. Our proposed model was assessed in Region 3 of Tehran, Iran for monitoring three different types of asthma: allergic, occupational and seasonal asthma. The input data to our system included air pollution data, the patients’ personal information, patients’ locations, weather data and geographical information for 270 different situations. Our results showed that 90% of the system's predictions were correct. The proposed model also improved the estimation accuracy by 15% in comparison to conventional methods.  相似文献   

The combined powers of Web-based geographic information systems (GIS) and on-line remote sensing tools can significantly reduce the high cost and labor associated with environmental monitoring and natural resource management. This paper introduces an integrated Web-based GIS architecture by combining three levels of geographic information services (GIServices): data archive, information display, and spatial analysis. A prototype Web site, WGAT (Web-based GIS and Analytic Tools), has been developed to provide easy access of geospatial information and to facilitate Web-based image analysis and change detection capabilities for natural resource managers and regional park rangers. The Web-based integration framework emphasizes user-oriented services, distributed network environments, metadata standards, communication protocols, client/server computation, and ubiquitous access.This paper forms a portion of the Integrated Mobile GIS and Wireless Image Web Services for Environmental Monitoring and Management project supported by NASAs Affiliated Research Center (ARC) at San Diego State University. Funding by the NASA ARC program and matching funds from the San Diego State University Foundation are acknowledged and greatly appreciated. The author wishes to thank John Kaiser, the ARC program coordinator, and Dr. Douglas Stow, the ARC program Principle Investigator, for their coordination efforts on this project. Java programming was provided by Liang Guo, a geography graduate student at San Diego State University.  相似文献   

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