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Hyperspectral sensing can provide an effective means for fast and non-destructive estimation of leaf nitrogen (N) status in crop plants. The objectives of this study were to design a new method to extract hyperspectral spectrum information, to explore sensitive spectral bands, suitable bandwidth and best vegetation indices based on precise analysis of ground-based hyperspectral information, and to develop regression models for estimating leaf N accumulation per unit soil area (LNA, g N m−2) in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Three field experiments were conducted with different N rates and cultivar types in three consecutive growing seasons, and time-course measurements were taken on canopy hyperspectral reflectance and LNA under the various treatments. Then, normalized difference spectral indices (NDSI) and ratio spectral indices (RSI) based on the original spectrum and the first derivative spectrum were constructed within the range of 350–2500 nm, and their relationships with LNA were quantified. The results showed that both LNA and canopy hyperspectral reflectance in wheat changed with varied N rates, with consistent patterns across different cultivars and seasons. The sensitive spectral bands for LNA existed mainly within visible and near infrared regions. The best spectral indices for estimating LNA in wheat were found to be NDSI (R860, R720), RSI (R990, R720), NDSI (FD736, FD526) and RSI (FD725, FD516), and the regression models based on the above four spectral indices were formulated as Y = 26.34x1.887, Y = 5.095x − 6.040, Y = 0.609 e3.008x and Y = 0.388x1.260, respectively, with R2 greater than 0.81. Furthermore, expanding the bandwidth of NDSI (R860, R720) and RSI (R990, R720) from 1 nm to 100 nm at 1 nm interval produced the LNA monitoring models with similar performance within about 33 nm and 23 nm bandwidth, respectively, over which the statistical parameters of the models became less stable. From testing of the derived equations, the model for LNA estimation on NDSI (R860, R720), RSI (R990, R720), NDSI (FD736, FD526) and RSI (FD725, FD516) gave R2 over 0.79 with more satisfactory performance than previously reported models and physical models in wheat. It can be concluded that the present hyperspectral parameters of NDSI (R860, R720), RSI (R990, R720), NDSI (FD736, FD526) and RSI (FD725, FD516) can be reliably used for estimating LNA in winter wheat.  相似文献   

In this study, field-based spectroradiometer measurements were carried out in 72 plots with eight rice varieties along with three nitrogen applications. The critical wavelengths for the studied rice varieties at which the effects of nitrogen applications on spectral reflectance response were found significant, are ρ550, ρ560, ρ655, ρ750, ρ755, ρ780, ρ810, ρ840, ρ900, ρ920, ρ1000, ρ1010, ρ1020. Using the critical wavelengths, three derived vegetation indices were compared with established indices (VI and GRI) sensitive to nitrogen. VI1 and VI2 were efficiently able to discriminate the level of nitrogen treatments for most of the rice genotypes whereas VI and GRI were unable to find significant difference in nitrogen treatments for rice genotypes except two. Furthermore, nitrogen difference plots exhibited that the paddy crop growth has started earlier with N3 (150 kg/ha) than N2 (100 kg/ha) application. Quantitative analysis of rice genotypes revealed that VI2 can be applied functionally for the assessment of nitrogen stress in rice agriculture system.  相似文献   

Advanced site-specific knowledge of grain protein content of winter wheat from remote sensing data would provide opportunities to manage grain harvest differently, and to maximize output by adjusting input in fields. In this study, remote sensing data were utilized to predict grain protein content. Firstly, the leaf nitrogen content at winter wheat anthesis stage was proved to be significantly correlated with grain protein content (R2 = 0.36), and spectral indices significantly correlated to leaf nitrogen content at anthesis stage were potential indicators for grain protein content. The vegetation index, VIgreen, derived from the canopy spectral reflectance at green and red bands, was significantly correlated to the leaf nitrogen content at anthesis stage, and also highly significantly correlated to the final grain protein content (R2 = 0.46). Secondly, the external conditions, such as irrigation, fertilization and temperature, had important influence on grain quality. Water stress at grain filling stage can increase grain protein content, and leaf water content is closely related to irrigation levels, therefore, the spectral indices correlated to leaf water content can be potential indicators for grain protein content. The spectral reflectance of TM channel 5 derived from canopy spectra or image data at grain filling stage was all significantly correlated to grain protein content (R2 = 0.31 and 0.37, respectively). Finally, not only this study proved the feasibility of using remote sensing data to predict grain protein content, but it also provided a tentative prediction of the grain protein content in Beijing area using the reflectance image of TM channel 5.  相似文献   

Reduced availability of plant nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) has detrimental effects on plant growth. Plant N:P ratio, calculated as the quotient of N and P concentrations, is an ecological indicator of relative N and P limitation. Remote sensing has already been widely used to detect plant traits in foliage, particularly canopy N and P concentrations and could be used to detect canopy N:P faster and at lower cost than traditional destructive methods. Despite the potential opportunity of applying remote sensing techniques to detect canopy N:P, studies investigating canopy N:P remote detection are scarce. In this study, we examined if vegetation indices developed for canopy N or P detection can also be used for canopy N:P detection. Using in situ spectrometry, we measured the reflectance of a common grass species, Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus L.), grown under different nutrient ratios and levels. We calculated 60 VIs found in literature and compared them to optimized VIs developed specifically for this study. The VIs were calculated using both the original narrow band spectra and the spectra resampled to the band properties of six satellite sensors (MSI – Sentinel 2, OLCI – Sentinel 3, MODIS – Terra/Aqua, OLI – Landsat 8, WorldView 4 and RapidEye) to investigate the influence of bandwidths and band positions. The results showed that canopy N:P was significantly related to both existing VIs (r2 = 0.16 - 0.48) and optimized VIs (r2 = 0.59 – 0.72) with correlations similar to what was observed for canopy N or canopy P. Existing VIs calculated with MSI and OLI sensors bands showed higher correlation with canopy N:P compared to the other sensors while the correlation with optimized VIs was not affected by the differences in sensors’ bands. This study might lead to future practical applications using in situ reflectance measurements to sense canopy N:P in grasslands.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) and biomass are important indicators of crop development and the availability of this information during the growing season can support farmer decision making processes. This study demonstrates the applicability of RapidEye multi-spectral data for estimation of LAI and biomass of two crop types (corn and soybean) with different canopy structure, leaf structure and photosynthetic pathways. The advantages of Rapid Eye in terms of increased temporal resolution (∼daily), high spatial resolution (∼5 m) and enhanced spectral information (includes red-edge band) are explored as an individual sensor and as part of a multi-sensor constellation. Seven vegetation indices based on combinations of reflectance in green, red, red-edge and near infrared bands were derived from RapidEye imagery between 2011 and 2013. LAI and biomass data were collected during the same period for calibration and validation of the relationships between vegetation indices and LAI and dry above-ground biomass. Most indices showed sensitivity to LAI from emergence to 8 m2/m2. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the red-edge NDVI and the green NDVI were insensitive to crop type and had coefficients of variations (CV) ranging between 19 and 27%; and coefficients of determination ranging between 86 and 88%. The NDVI performed best for the estimation of dry leaf biomass (CV = 27% and r2 = 090) and was also insensitive to crop type. The red-edge indices did not show any significant improvement in LAI and biomass estimation over traditional multispectral indices. Cumulative vegetation indices showed strong performance for estimation of total dry above-ground biomass, especially for corn (CV  20%). This study demonstrated that continuous crop LAI monitoring over time and space at the field level can be achieved using a combination of RapidEye, Landsat and SPOT data and sensor-dependant best-fit functions. This approach eliminates/reduces the need for reflectance resampling, VIs inter-calibration and spatial resampling.  相似文献   

The direct estimation of nitrogen (N) in fresh vegetation is challenging due to its weak influence on leaf reflectance and the overlaps with absorption features of other compounds. Different empirical models relate in this work leaf nitrogen concentration ([N]Leaf) on Holm oak to leaf reflectance as well as derived spectral indices such as normalized difference indices (NDIs), the three bands indices (TBIs) and indices previously used to predict leaf N and chlorophyll. The models were calibrated and assessed their accuracy, robustness and the strength of relationship when other biochemicals were considered. Red edge was the spectral region most strongly correlated with [N]Leaf, whereas most of the published spectral indexes did not provide accurate estimations. NDIs and TBIs based models could achieve robust and acceptable accuracies (TBI1310,1720,730: R2 = 0.76, [0.64,0.86]; RMSE (%) = 9.36, [7.04,12.83]). These models sometimes included indices with bands close to absorption features of N bonds or nitrogenous compounds, but also of other biochemicals. Models were independently and inter-annually validated using the bootstrap method, which allowed discarding those models non-robust across different years. Partial correlation analysis revealed that spectral estimators did not strongly respond to [N]Leaf but to other leaf variables such as chlorophyll and water, even if bands close to absorption features of N bonds or compounds were present in the models.  相似文献   

江海英  柴琳娜  贾坤  刘进  杨世琪  郑杰 《遥感学报》2021,25(4):1025-1036
植被冠层含水量CWC(Canopy Water Content)和植被地上部分含水量VWC(Vegetation Water Content)对于植被健康状况和土壤干旱监测具有重要意义.本文联合PROSAIL辐射传输模型和植被水分指数NDWI(Normalized Difference Water Index),发展了...  相似文献   

Leaf and canopy nitrogen (N) status relates strongly to leaf and canopy chlorophyll (Chl) content. Remote sensing is a tool that has the potential to assess N content at leaf, plant, field, regional and global scales. In this study, remote sensing techniques were applied to estimate N and Chl contents of irrigated maize (Zea mays L.) fertilized at five N rates. Leaf N and Chl contents were determined using the red-edge chlorophyll index with R2 of 0.74 and 0.94, respectively. Results showed that at the canopy level, Chl and N contents can be accurately retrieved using green and red-edge Chl indices using near infrared (780–800 nm) and either green (540–560 nm) or red-edge (730–750 nm) spectral bands. Spectral bands that were found optimal for Chl and N estimations coincide well with the red-edge band of the MSI sensor onboard the near future Sentinel-2 satellite. The coefficient of determination for the relationships between the red-edge chlorophyll index, simulated in Sentinel-2 bands, and Chl and N content was 0.90 and 0.87, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the capacity of vegetation indices derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) reflectance products to characterize global savannas in Australia, Africa and South America. The savannas were spatially defined and subdivided using the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) global ecoregions and MODIS land cover classes. Average annual profiles of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, shortwave infrared ratio (SWIR32), White Sky Albedo (WSA) and the Structural Scattering Index (SSI) were created. Metrics derived from average annual profiles of vegetation indices were used to classify savanna ecoregions. The response spaces between vegetation indices were used to examine the potential to derive structural and fractional cover measures. The ecoregions showed distinct temporal profiles and formed groups with similar structural properties, including higher levels of woody vegetation, similar forest–savanna mixtures and similar grassland predominance. The potential benefits from the use of combinations of indices to characterize savannas are discussed.  相似文献   

水稻冠层氮素含量光谱反演的随机森林算法及区域应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用地面实测数据构建高精度的水稻冠层氮素含量光谱反演点模型并将其进行尺度转换,实现了水稻冠层氮素含量准实时、大区域监测。以氮素光谱敏感指数作为输入变量,冠层氮素含量数据为输出变量,利用随机森林算法构建水稻冠层氮素含量高光谱反演模型,并用苏州市水稻农田验证区数据,检验模型的普适性和有效性;利用准同步的Hyperion数据,采用对输入、输出变量进行线性变换的简单尺度转换方法实现了点模型的区域应用。结果表明:基于随机森林算法的水稻冠层氮素含量高光谱反演模型可解释、所需样本少、不会过拟合、精度高(模型在实验区的预测精度为R2=0.82,验证区检验精度为R2=0.73)且具有普适性;点模型基于高光谱遥感卫星影像和尺度转换进行区域应用,精度较高(R2=0.81)。  相似文献   

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) remote sensing has opened the door to new sources of data to effectively characterize vegetation metrics at very high spatial resolution and at flexible revisit frequencies. Successful estimation of the leaf area index (LAI) in precision agriculture with a UAV image has been reported in several studies. However, in most forests, the challenges associated with the interference from a complex background and a variety of vegetation species have hindered research using UAV images. To the best of our knowledge, very few studies have mapped the forest LAI with a UAV image. In addition, the drawbacks and advantages of estimating the forest LAI with UAV and satellite images at high spatial resolution remain a knowledge gap in existing literature. Therefore, this paper aims to map LAI in a mangrove forest with a complex background and a variety of vegetation species using a UAV image and compare it with a WorldView-2 image (WV2).In this study, three representative NDVIs, average NDVI (AvNDVI), vegetated specific NDVI (VsNDVI), and scaled NDVI (ScNDVI), were acquired with UAV and WV2 to predict the plot level (10 × 10 m) LAI. The results showed that AvNDVI achieved the highest accuracy for WV2 (R2 = 0.778, RMSE = 0.424), whereas ScNDVI obtained the optimal accuracy for UAV (R2 = 0.817, RMSE = 0.423). In addition, an overall comparison results of the WV2 and UAV derived LAIs indicated that UAV obtained a better accuracy than WV2 in the plots that were covered with homogeneous mangrove species or in the low LAI plots, which was because UAV can effectively eliminate the influence from the background and the vegetation species owing to its high spatial resolution. However, WV2 obtained a slightly higher accuracy than UAV in the plots covered with a variety of mangrove species, which was because the UAV sensor provides a negative spectral response function(SRF) than WV2 in terms of the mangrove LAI estimation.  相似文献   

Crop monitoring during the growing season is important for regional management decisions and biomass prediction. The objectives of this study were to develop, improve and validate a scale independent biomass model. Field studies were conducted in Huimin County, Shandong Province of China, during the 2006–2007 growing season of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The field design had a multiscale set-up with four levels which differed in their management, such as nitrogen fertilizer inputs and cultivars, to create different biomass conditions: small experimental fields (L1), large experimental fields (L2), small farm fields (L3), and large farm fields (L4). L4, planted with different winter wheat varieties, was managed according to farmers’ practice while L1 through L3 represented controlled field experiments. Multitemporal spectral measurements were taken in the fields, and biomass was sampled for each spectral campaign. In addition, multitemporal Hyperion data were obtained in 2006 and 2007. L1 field data were used to develop biomass models based on the relation between the winter wheat spectra and biomass: several published vegetation indices, including NRI, REP, OSAVI, TCI, and NDVI, were investigated. A new hyperspectral vegetation index, which uses a four-band combination in the NIR and SWIR domains, named GnyLi, was developed. Following the multiscale concept, the data of higher levels (L2 through L4) were used stepwise to validate and improve the models of the lower levels, and to transfer the improved models to the next level. Lastly, the models were transferred and validated at the regional scale using Hyperion images of 2006 and 2007. The results showed that the GnyLi and NRI models, which were based on the NIR and SWIR domains, performed best with R2 > 0.74. All the other indices explained less than 60% model variability. Using the Hyperion data for regionalization, GnyLi and NRI explained 81–89% of the biomass variability. These results highlighted that GnyLi and NRI can be used together with hyperspectral images for both plot and regional level biomass estimation. Nevertheless, additional studies and analyses are needed to test its replicability in other environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In this study we combined selected vegetation indices (VIs) and plant height information to estimate biomass in a summer barley experiment. The VIs were calculated from ground-based hyperspectral data and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based red green blue (RGB) imaging. In addition, the plant height information was obtained from UAV-based multi-temporal crop surface models (CSMs). The test site is a summer barley experiment comprising 18 cultivars and two nitrogen treatments located in Western Germany. We calculated five VIs from hyperspectral data. The normalised ratio index (NRI)-based index GnyLi (Gnyp et al., 2014) showed the highest correlation (R2 = 0.83) with dry biomass. In addition, we calculated three visible band VIs: the green red vegetation index (GRVI), the modified GRVI (MGRVI) and the red green blue VI (RGBVI), where the MGRVI and the RGBVI are newly developed VI. We found that the visible band VIs have potential for biomass prediction prior to heading stage. A robust estimate for biomass was obtained from the plant height models (R2 = 0.80–0.82). In a cross validation test, we compared plant height, selected VIs and their combination with plant height information. Combining VIs and plant height information by using multiple linear regression or multiple non-linear regression models performed better than the VIs alone. The visible band GRVI and the newly developed RGBVI are promising but need further investigation. However, the relationship between plant height and biomass produced the most robust results. In summary, the results indicate that plant height is competitive with VIs for biomass estimation in summer barley. Moreover, visible band VIs might be a useful addition to biomass estimation. The main limitation is that the visible band VIs work for early growing stages only.  相似文献   


The effect of terrain shadow, including the self and cast shadows, is one of the main obstacles for accurate retrieval of vegetation parameters by remote sensing in rugged terrains. A shadow- eliminated vegetation index (SEVI) was developed, which was computed from only red and near-infrared top-of-atmosphere reflectance without other heterogeneous data and topographic correction. After introduction of the conceptual model and feature analysis of conventional wavebands, the SEVI was constructed by ratio vegetation index (RVI), shadow vegetation index (SVI) and adjustment factor (f (Δ)). Then three methods were used to validate the SEVI accuracy in elimination of terrain shadow effects, including relative error analysis, correlation analysis between the cosine of solar incidence angle (cosi) and vegetation indices, and comparison analysis between SEVI and conventional vegetation indices with topographic correction. The validation results based on 532 samples showed that the SEVI relative errors for self and cast shadows were 4.32% and 1.51% respectively. The coefficient of determination between cosi and SEVI was only 0.032 and the coefficient of variation (std/mean) for SEVI was 12.59%. The results indicate that the proposed SEVI effectively eliminated the effect of terrain shadows and achieved similar or better results than conventional vegetation indices with topographic correction.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) management is important in sustaining oil palm production. Remote sensing-based approaches via spectral index have promise in assessing the N nutrition content. The objectives of this study are; (i) to examine the N classification capability of three spectral indices (SI) such as visible (Vis), near infrared (NIR) and a combination of visible and NIR (Vis + NIR) from the SPOT-6 satellite, and (ii) to compare the performance of linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and support vector machine (SVM) in discriminating foliar N content of mature oil palms. Nitrogen treatments varied from 0 to 2 kg per palm. The N-sensitive SIs tested in this study were age-dependent. The Vis index (BGRI1) (CVA = 79.55%) and Vis + NIR index (NDVI, NG, IPVI and GNDVI) (CVA = 81.82%) were the best indices to assess N status of young and prime mature palms through the SVM classifier.  相似文献   

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