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This paper describes an operational application of AVHRR satellite imagery in combination with the satellite-based land cover database CORINE Land Cover (CLC) for the comprehensive observation and follow-up of 10000 fire outbreaks and of their consequences in Greece during summer 2000. In the first stage, we acquired and processed satellite images on a daily basis with the aim of smoke-plume tracking and fire-core detection at the national level. Imagery was acquired eight times per day and derived from all AVHRR spectral channels. In the second stage, we assessed the consequences of fire on vegetation by producing a burnt-area map on the basis of multi-annual normalised vegetation indices using AVHRR data in combination with CLC. In the third stage we used again CLC to assess the land cover of burnt areas in the entire country. The results compared successfully to available inventories for that year. Burnt area was estimated with an accuracy ranging from 88% to 95%, depending on the predominant land cover type. These results, along with the low cost and high temporal resolution of AVHRR satellite imagery, suggest that the combination of low-resolution satellite data with harmonised CLC data can be applied operationally for forest fire and post-fire assessments at the national and at a pan-European level.  相似文献   

高分辨率立体测绘卫星技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹海翊  刘付强  赵晨光  戴君 《遥感学报》2021,25(7):1400-1410
本文针对高精度立体测绘卫星设计和实现中的关键技术难点,在充分分析国内外测绘卫星的发展历程和技术特点的基础上,结合测绘卫星的设计关键——高图像定位精度技术实现,对高分辨率立体测绘卫星的设计约束条件、测绘体制选取、卫星载荷和平台关键产品的设计重点难点等进行了分析研究。分析指出了三线阵测绘体制、两线阵测绘体制和单线阵测绘体制的技术特点、实现约束和在测绘卫星不同发展阶段的工程实现优势;明确了基于目前工程技术水平,两线阵测绘体制在大范围、高分辨率、高精度测绘卫星中应用的特有优势。提出了测绘卫星高定位精度关键技术的设计要素和解决途径。结合国内首颗亚米级高精度立体测绘卫星——高分七号(GF-7)卫星的设计状态,说明卫星在保证测绘任务要求方面所提出的多项技术创新,并给出卫星用户对卫星在国土测绘及其他扩展应用中的测试结果。在轨数据表明,依照本论文提出的高分辨率立体测绘卫星系统设计方法,高分七号卫星在轨性能全面满足且部分优于设计指标,达到了世界的领先水平。论文的研究成果为后续更大比例尺的立体测绘卫星设计提供了有力参考。  相似文献   

With the high deforestation rates of global forest covers during the past decades, there is an ever-increasing need to monitor forest covers at both fine spatial and temporal resolutions. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Landsat series images have been used commonly for satellite-derived forest cover mapping. However, the spatial resolution of MODIS images and the temporal resolution of Landsat images are too coarse to observe forest cover at both fine spatial and temporal resolutions. In this paper, a novel multiscale spectral-spatial-temporal superresolution mapping (MSSTSRM) approach is proposed to update Landsat-based forest maps by integrating current MODIS images with the previous forest maps generated from Landsat image. Both the 240 m MODIS bands and 480 m MODIS bands were used as inputs of the spectral energy function of the MSSTSRM model. The principle of maximal spatial dependence was used as the spatial energy function to make the updated forest map spatially smooth. The temporal energy function was based on a multiscale spatial-temporal dependence model, and considers the land cover changes between the previous and current time. The novel MSSTSRM model was able to update Landsat-based forest maps more accurately, in terms of both visual and quantitative evaluation, than traditional pixel-based classification and the latest sub-pixel based super-resolution mapping methods The results demonstrate the great efficiency and potential of MSSTSRM for updating fine temporal resolution Landsat-based forest maps using MODIS images.  相似文献   

Land cover change information is crucial to analyse the process and the change patterns of environments and ecological systems. Recent studies have incorporated object-based image analysis for its ability to generate meaningful geographical objects into studies of change detection. In this research, we developed a systematic methodology to realise multi-type land cover changed object detection with medium spatial resolution remote sensing images in Beijing, China. Optimum index factor (OIF) was applied to determine the best change indicators and the chi-square transformation was carried out to determine the change threshold of the 4 classes of changed object. The clustering change vectors in the feature space were proposed to discriminate the change types. According to the accuracy assessment, the overall accuracy of changed/unchanged object detection was approximately 93.9% with an overall kappa of 0.824, and the change type discrimination also achieved an overall accuracy of 81.67%, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested whether the inclusion of the red-edge band as a covariate to vegetation indices improves the predictive accuracy in forest carbon estimation and mapping in savanna dry forests of Zimbabwe. Initially, we tested whether and to what extent vegetation indices (simple ratio SR, soil-adjusted vegetation index and normalized difference vegetation index) derived from high spatial resolution satellite imagery (WorldView-2) predict forest carbon stocks. Next, we tested whether inclusion of reflectance in the red-edge band as a covariate to vegetation indices improve the model's accuracy in forest carbon prediction. We used simple regression analysis to determine the nature and the strength of the relationship between forest carbon stocks and remotely sensed vegetation indices. We then used multiple regression analysis to determine whether integrating vegetation indices and reflection in the red-edge band improve forest carbon prediction. Next, we mapped the spatial variation in forest carbon stocks using the best regression model relating forest carbon stocks to remotely sensed vegetation indices and reflection in the red-edge band. Our results showed that vegetation indices alone as an explanatory variable significantly (p < 0.05) predicted forest carbon stocks with R2 ranging between 45 and 63% and RMSE ranging from 10.3 to 12.9%. However, when the reflectance in the red-edge band was included in the regression models the explained variance increased to between 68 and 70% with the RMSE ranging between 9.56 and 10.1%. A combination of SR and reflectance in the red edge produced the best predictor of forest carbon stocks. We concluded that integrating vegetation indices and reflectance in the red-edge band derived from high spatial resolution can be successfully used to estimate forest carbon in dry forests with minimal error.  相似文献   

Water is the most important natural resource which forms the core of the ecological system. The advent of remote sensing has opened up new vistas in groundwater prospect evaluation, exploration and management. The groundwater resources of the study area, Rishikesh region of Garhwal Himalayas, are under threat due to population pressure caused by expanding tourism in this region. This entails sustainable and judicious use of this precious resource. The groundwater prospect evaluation in Rishikesh region has been attempted based on hydrogeomorphological mapping of the area consisting of thematic maps of hydrogeomorphology, geology, drainage, lineament, slope and relief using high resolution IRS-1C LISS III and PAN merged satellite images. The Rishikesh region exhibits diverse hydrogeomorphological conditions where the groundwater regime is controlled mainly by topography and geology. A probability-weighted approach has been applied during overlay analysis in ArcMap GIS environment. The overlay analysis allows a linear combination of weights of each thematic map with respect to ground water potential. Good groundwater prospects dominate in the area with more than 50% of the study area showing moderate to excellent potential. The study shows that the remote sensing and geoinformatics techniques can be applied effectively for groundwater prospect evaluation.  相似文献   

In recent decades, there is an increasing need for harmonised and accurate information on the status and extent of forests. However, delineating the extent of forest areas is a complex task, since the existence of more than 100 definitions of forest worldwide causes considerable discrepancies in forested area estimates. The aim of this work was to examine the potential of geographic object based image analysis (GEOBIA) and very high spatial resolution imagery to discriminate forest areas following two different definitions of forest in northern Greece. In particular, we examined the definition of forest under the Greek law as well as the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation definition. Our findings suggest that the developed GEOBIA approach not only performed remarkably well for the discrimination of forest areas but also allowed to estimate rapidly and reliably forest extents when the two aforementioned forest definitions were employed.  相似文献   

A major challenge is to develop a biodiversity observation system that is cost effective and applicable in any geographic region. Measuring and reliable reporting of trends and changes in biodiversity requires amongst others detailed and accurate land cover and habitat maps in a standard and comparable way. The objective of this paper is to assess the EODHaM (EO Data for Habitat Mapping) classification results for a Dutch case study. The EODHaM system was developed within the BIO_SOS (The BIOdiversity multi-SOurce monitoring System: from Space TO Species) project and contains the decision rules for each land cover and habitat class based on spectral and height information. One of the main findings is that canopy height models, as derived from LiDAR, in combination with very high resolution satellite imagery provides a powerful input for the EODHaM system for the purpose of generic land cover and habitat mapping for any location across the globe. The assessment of the EODHaM classification results based on field data showed an overall accuracy of 74% for the land cover classes as described according to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) taxonomy at level 3, while the overall accuracy was lower (69.0%) for the habitat map based on the General Habitat Category (GHC) system for habitat surveillance and monitoring. A GHC habitat class is determined for each mapping unit on the basis of the composition of the individual life forms and height measurements. The classification showed very good results for forest phanerophytes (FPH) when individual life forms were analyzed in terms of their percentage coverage estimates per mapping unit from the LCCS classification and validated with field surveys. Analysis for shrubby chamaephytes (SCH) showed less accurate results, but might also be due to less accurate field estimates of percentage coverage. Overall, the EODHaM classification results encouraged us to derive the heights of all vegetated objects in the Netherlands from LiDAR data, in preparation for new habitat classifications.  相似文献   

Changes in forest composition impact ecological services, and are considered important factors driving global climate change. A hybrid sampling method along with a modelling approach to map current and past land cover in Kunming, China is reported. MODIS land cover (2001–2011) data-sets were used to detect pixels with no apparent change. Around 3000 ‘no change points’ were systematically selected and sampled using Google Earth’s high-resolution imagery. Thirty-five per cent of these points were verified and used for training and validation. We used Random forests to classify multi-temporal Landsat imagery. Results show that forest cover has had a net decrease of 14385?ha (1.3% of forest area), which was primary converted to shrublands (11%), urban and barren land (2.7%) and agriculture (2.5%). Our validation indicates an overall accuracy (Kappa) of 82%. Our methodology can be used to consistently map the dynamics of land cover change in similar areas with minimum costs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the combined use of multispectral/hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR data for habitat mapping across parts of south Cumbria, North West England. The methodology adopted in this study integrated spectral information contained in pansharp QuickBird multispectral/AISA Eagle hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR-derived measures with object-based machine learning classifiers and ensemble analysis techniques. Using the LiDAR point cloud data, elevation models (such as the Digital Surface Model and Digital Terrain Model raster) and intensity features were extracted directly. The LiDAR-derived measures exploited in this study included Canopy Height Model, intensity and topographic information (i.e. mean, maximum and standard deviation). These three LiDAR measures were combined with spectral information contained in the pansharp QuickBird and Eagle MNF transformed imagery for image classification experiments. A fusion of pansharp QuickBird multispectral and Eagle MNF hyperspectral imagery with all LiDAR-derived measures generated the best classification accuracies, 89.8 and 92.6% respectively. These results were generated with the Support Vector Machine and Random Forest machine learning algorithms respectively. The ensemble analysis of all three learning machine classifiers for the pansharp QuickBird and Eagle MNF fused data outputs did not significantly increase the overall classification accuracy. Results of the study demonstrate the potential of combining either very high spatial resolution multispectral or hyperspectral imagery with LiDAR data for habitat mapping.  相似文献   

Quantification of forest cover is essential as a tool to stimulate forest management and conservation. Image compositing techniques that sample the most suited pixel from multi-temporal image acquisitions, provide an important tool for forest cover detection as they provide alternatives for missing data due to cloud cover and data discontinuities. At present, however, it is not clear to which extent forest cover detection based on compositing can be improved if the source imagery is firstly corrected for topographic distortions on a pixel-basis. In this study, the results of a pixel compositing algorithm with and without preprocessing topographic correction are compared for a study area covering 9 Landsat footprints in the Romanian Carpathians based on two different classifiers: Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Results show that classifier selection has a stronger impact on the classification accuracy than topographic correction. Finally, application of the optimal method (SVM classifier with topographic correction) on the Romanian Carpathian Ecoregion between 1985, 1995 and 2010 shows a steady greening due to more afforestation than deforestation.  相似文献   

The advent of very high-resolution satellite programs and digital airborne cameras with ultra high resolution offers new possibilities for very accurate mapping of the environment. With these sensors of improved spatial resolution, however, the user community faces a new problem in the analysis of this type of image data. Standard classification techniques have to be augmented with appropriate analysis procedures because the required homogeneity of landuse/landcover classes can no longer be achieved by the integration effect of large pixel sizes (e.g., 20–80 m). New intelligent techniques will have to be developed that make use of multisensor approaches, geographic information system (GIS) integration and context-based interpretation schemes.The ideal goal should be that GIS ‘intelligence’ (e.g., object and analysis models) should be used to automate the classification process. In return, GIS objects can be extracted from a remote sensing image to update the GIS database. This paper presents the development of an automated procedure for biotope type mapping from ultra high-resolution airborne scanner data (HRSC-A). The hierarchical procedure incorporates a priori GIS information, a digital surface model (DSM) and multispectral image data. The results of this study will serve as a basis for a continuous environmental monitoring process in the tidally influenced region of the Elbe River, Germany.  相似文献   

Various image processing techniques were experimented with in this study to evaluate their efficiency for geological mapping in the Eljufra area of northwest Libya. Remote sensing data including multi-spectral optical Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+), Synthetic Aperture Radar (ERS-2 SAR) and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) extracted from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data were used to trace different lithological units as well as extracting geological lineaments in the study area. The study area is located in an arid environment mostly devoid of any vegetation. Most lithological and structural units are distinguishable based on their topographic form and spectral properties. Fusion of ETM+ and ERS-2 images was experimented with to further identify lithological units. Shaded relief techniques were implemented to enhance terrain perspective views and to extract geological lineaments. The results discriminated different rock units and modified formation boundaries and revealed new geological lineaments. Nine rock units were identified and plotted in the new geological map defined by the new boundaries. The dominant lineaments tend to run in the NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW directions. Analysis and interpretation of the lineaments provided information about the tectonic evolution of the study area.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of the large scale LAI inversion algorithms using red and near infrared reflectance obtained from high resolution satellite imagery. Radiances in digital counts were obtained in 10 m resolution acquired on cloud free day of August 23, 2007, by the SPOT 5 high resolution geometric (HRG) instrument on mostly temperate hardwood forest located in the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence forest in Southern Quebec. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), scaled difference vegetation index (SDVI) and modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) were applied to calculate gap fractions. LAI was inverted from the gap fraction using the common Beer–Lambert's law of light extinction under forest canopy. The robustness of the algorithm was evaluated using the ground-based LAI measurements and by applying the methods for the independently simulated reflectance data using PROSPECT + SAIL coupled radiative transfer models. Furthermore, the high resolution LAI was compared with MODIS LAI product. The effects of atmospheric corrections and scales were investigated for all of the LAI retrieval methods. NDVI was found to be not suitable index for large scale LAI inversion due to the sensitivity to scale and atmospheric effects. SDVI was virtually scale and atmospheric correction invariant. MSAVI was also scale invariant. Considering all sensitivity analysis, MSAVI performed best followed by SDVI for robust LAI inversion from high resolution imagery.  相似文献   

A tree survey and an analysis of high resolution satellite data were performed to characterise the woody vegetation within a 10 × 10 km2 area around a site located close to the town of Dahra in the semi-arid northern part of Senegal. The surveyed parameters were tree species, height, tree crown radius, and diameter at breast height (DBH), for which allometric models were determined. An object-based classification method was used to determine tree crown cover (TCC) from Quickbird data. The average TCC from the tree survey and the respective TCC from remote sensing were both about 3.0%. For areas beyond the surveyed areas TCC varied between 3.0% and 4.5%. Furthermore, an empirical correction factor for tree clumping was obtained, which considerably improved the estimated number of trees and the estimated average tree crown area and radius. An allometric model linking TCC to tree stem crosssectional area (CSA) was developed, which allows to estimate tree biomass from remote sensing. The allometric models for the three main tree species found performed well and had r2-values of about 0.7–0.8.  相似文献   

C-band dual polarization (HH, HV) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from Radarsat-2 were used to discriminate and characterize mangrove forests of the Sundarbans. Multi-temporal data acquired during winter and rainy seasons were analysed for the segregation of mangrove forest area. A decision rule based classification involving combination of three-date HH (range −11 to −2 dB) with single-date cross-polarization ratio (2–8) was applied on the datasets for discriminating mangrove forests from other land cover classes. Application of textural measures (entropy and angular second moment) in the aforesaid decision rule based classification produced three broad homogeneous mangrove classes. The area covered by the most homogeneous class increased from January to March and decreased from July to September, and correlated well to the change in the phenological status of the mangroves. Extent of homogeneous areas was more in the eastern region of the Sundarbans than that of the central and western side. Thus, the study revealed that textural measures combined with multi-temporal HH backscatter and single-date cross-polarization ratio in a decision rule classification could be satisfactorily used for characterization of the mangrove forests.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among Earth's most dynamic, diverse and varied habitats as the balance between land and water surfaces provide shelter to a unique mixture of plant and animal species. This study explores the changes in two Mediterranean wetland delta environments formed by the Axios and Aliakmonas rivers located in Greece, over a 25-year period (1984–2009). Direct photo-interpretation of four Landsat TM images acquired during the study period was performed. Furthermore, a sophisticated, semi-automatic image classification method based on support vector machines (SVMs) was developed to streamline the mapping process. Deposition and erosion magnitudes at different temporal scales during the study period were quantified using both approaches based on coastline surface area changes. Analysis using both methods was conducted in a geographical information systems (GIS) environment.Direct photo-interpretation, which formed our reference dataset, showed noticeable changes in the coastline deltas of both study areas, with erosion occurring mostly in the earlier periods (1990–2003) in both river deltas followed by deposition in more recent years (2003–2009), but at different magnitudes. Spatial patterns of coastline changes predicted from the SVMs showed similar trends. In absolute terms SVMs predictions of sediment erosion and deposition in the studied area were different in the order of 5–20% in comparison to photo-interpretation, evidencing the potential capability of this method in coastline changes monitoring. One of the main contributions of our work lies to the use of the SVMs classifier in coastal mapping of changes, since to our knowledge use of this technique has been under-explored in this application domain. Furthermore, this study provides important contribution to the understanding of Mediterranean river delta dynamics and their behaviours, and corroborates the usefulness of EO technology and GIS as an effective tool in policy decision making and successful landscape management. The latter is of considerable scientific and practical value to the wider community of interested users, given the continued open access to observations from this satellite radiometer globally.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an image-based integrated method for determining and mapping aerosol optical thickness (AOT). Using the radiative transfer (RT) equation, a methodology was developed to create a Geographical Information System (GIS) model that can visually display the AOT distribution over urban areas. In this paper, the model was applied to eleven Landsat Thematic Mapper/Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (TM/ETM+) satellite images of Limassol, Cyprus during 2010 and 2011 to determine the AOT levels in Limassol Cyprus during satellite overpass. The study is innovative and unique in that the RT equation, satellite images, the darkest pixel (DP) method of atmospheric correction and GIS were integrated to derive AOT from satellite images and display the AOT distribution over an urban area without the input of any meteorological or atmospheric parameters. The accuracy of the algorithm was verified through statistical analysis by the strong agreement between the AOT values derived using the algorithm and the in situ AOT values from the ground-based sensors.  相似文献   

This study aims to prepare a detailed GIS-based geomorphological map accompanied with landfill sites of Dhaka city area which can be used for multipurpose functionality. Attainment of the geomorphological map is based upon interpretation of the oldest available aerial photographs (1:40,000) and contemporary topographic maps (1:8000) which reflect almost pre-urban ground of Dhaka. Randomly distributed 160 boreholes have been used to prepare representative soil profiles (RSP) to identify the near-surface lithology of the geomorphological units. The study reveals that 13 out of 18 low-lying geomorphic units, comprising 65% of the total area demand landfill practices for urban development. Landfill sites have been merged with urban growth on each low-lying geomorphic unit using a spatially enhanced fused image of IRS-1D PAN and ETM+ bands 5, 4 and 3, acquired February 2000 and 2002, respectively. We found that 43% area of the total low-lying geomorphic units experience fill practices so far. The fill sites have been differentiated into four classes based on their relative thickness. Integration of fill classes with geomorphological map shows the urban dynamics of Dhaka city area till 2002. Due to GIS integration, this map can be rapidly updated to demonstrate temporal modifications in urban ground. It can be used effectively in different geomorphological hazard mapping and urban land-use practices.  相似文献   

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