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The distribution of atomic hydrogen in the thermosphere and exosphere is computed taking into account the upward flow which balances the escape flux. Because of the upward flow the number-density gradient is much steeper than it would be in a static atmosphere. Attention is drawn to the fact that the ratio of the amount of hydrogen above the 100 or 110km levels to the amount of hydrogen above the 200 or 300 km levels is a sensitive measure of the temperature of the exosphere. The evidence on the absolute abundance of atomic hydrogen is examined. It is concluded that the number density at the 120km level is probably about 5 × 105/cm3. The Ly. absorption line at this level is beyond the linear part of the curve of growth.

Consideration is also given to the steady-state distributions of O+ and H+ ions. In the lower part of the exosphere the number density of O+ ions falls with increase in altitude (the associated scale height being twice that of the O atoms) and the number density of H+ ions rises at the same rate (as was first pointed out by Dungey). The altitude at which the number densities of O+ and H+ ions become equal is calculated on various assumptions regarding the temperature and hydrogen content of the exosphere. It is found to be about 1200 km when the temperature is 1250° K and the hydrogen content corresponds to the number density cited near the end of the preceding paragraph. The gradient of the predicted electrondensity distribution at several Earth radii is much less than that deduced from whistler studies.

The passage from charge transfer to diffusive equilibrium is discussed in an Appendix.  相似文献   

We compute the big bang nucleosynthesis limit on the number of light neutrino degrees of freedom in a model-independent likelihood analysis based on the abundances of 4He and 7Li. We use the two-dimensional likelihood functions to simultaneously constrain the baryon-to-photon ratio and the number of light neutrinos for a range of 4He abundances Yp = 0.225–0.250, as well as a range in primordial 7Li abundances from (1.6 to 4.1) ×10−10. For (7Li/H)p = 1.6 × 10−10, as can be inferred from the 7Li data from Population II halo stars, the upper limit to Nν based on the current best estimate of the primordial 4He abundance of Yp = 0.238 is Nν < 4.3 and varies from Nν < 3.3 (at 95% C.L.) when Yp = 0.225 to Nν < 5.3 when Yp = 0.250. If 7Li is depleted in these stars the upper limit to Nν is relaxed. Taking (7Li/H)p = 4.1 × 10−10, the limit varies from Nν < 3.9 when Yp = 0.225 to Nν 6 when Yp = 0.250. We also consider the consequences on the upper limit to Nν if recent observations of deuterium in high-redshift quasar absorption-line systems are confirmed.  相似文献   

It is greatly expected that the relic neutrino background from past supernovae will be detected by Superkamiokande (SK) which is now under construction. We calculate the spectrum and the event rate at SK systematically by using the results of simulations of a supernova explosion and reasonable supernova rates. We also investigate the effect of a cosmological constant, Λ, on the spectrum, since some recent cosmological observations strongly suggest the existence of Λ. We find following results. (1) The spectrum has a peak at about 3 MeV, which is much lower than that of previous estimates (6–10 MeV). (2) The event rate at SK in the range from 10 MeV to 50 MeV, where the relic neutrinos from past supernovae are dominant, is about 25h502(RSN/0.1 yr−1)(nGh50−3/0.02 Mpc−3) events per year, where RSN is the supernova rate in a galaxy, nG is the number density of galaxies, and h50 = H0/(50 km/s Mpc), where H0 is the Hubble constant. (3) The event rate is almost insensitive to Λ. The flux increases in the low energy side (< 10 MeV) with increasing Λ, but decreases in the high energy side (> 10 MeV) in models in which the integrated number of supernovae in one galaxy is fixed.  相似文献   

The behaviour of O2+ at L = 3 in the plasmasphere is studied. Starting with a low O2+ flux-tube content to characterize post-magnetic-storm conditions the time-dependent equations of continuity and momentum for O2+ are solved to give densities and fluxes for a period of several days using both sunspotmaximum and sunspot-minimum parameters. Our results show large amounts of O2+ near the equator at sunspot maximum but relatively little at sunspot minimum, and emphasize the key role of the collisional process between O2+ and O+. It is the combined effects of O2+---O + collisions and thermal diffusion that lead to the large O2+ densities near the equator at sunspot maximum. Both of these mechanisms have less influence at sunspot minimum. At sunspot maximum the O+ layer acts as a collisional barrier below the O2+ production region preventing O2+ from sinking towards regions of high recombination rate. In this production region the effects of thermal diffusion are small and upward flow of O2+ results from the action of the O2+ pressure gradient and the polarization electric field. When the upward flowing O2+ reaches regions in which thermal diffusion has a strong influence it is accelerated to even higher altitudes. The O + barrier is so effective that the diurnal variation of the O+ layer is reflected in the diurnal variation of O2+ near the equator at sunspot maximum. Our sunspot maximum results also indicate that certain types of temperature profiles are more likely to enhance equatorial O2+ densities. The existence of large temperature gradients below 1000 km altitude does not help the flow of O2+ towards the equator. The associated changes in the O+ layer lead to more O2+-O +collisions and a smaller O2+ thermal-diffusion coefficient, the latter being sensitive to the ratio n(H+)/n(O+).  相似文献   

A numerical analysis of cyclotron instabilities is carried out by computing the dispersion relation for a three component cold plasma-beam system. Rates of growth and damping for various values of the stream density are calculated from the dispersion relation. The rates of growth and damping increase monotonically as the number density of the proton stream increases. It is found that the frequencies at the rates of maximum growth and the damping decrease slightly to lower frequencies and a sharp peak at these frequencies becomes blunt. The minimum e-folding times of an ion cyclotron wave for (a) σs = 10−4, σi = 10−2 and (b) σs = 10−1, σi = 10−2 are about 3·84 and 0·16 sec respectively in the vicinity of the equatorial plane at 6 Re, where σs and σi are the ratios of the beam density Ns and the helium ion (H6+) density Ni to the total positive ions in the plasma-beam system.  相似文献   

Vertical fluxes of ionization in the F2 region have been measured by the incoherent scatter technique over Millstone Hill in 1969. The results obtained near midnight for the region above hmaxF2 have been examined to determine whether there is a significant flux of ionization from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere that serves to maintain the F-layer. It is found that H+ ions are a minor constituent over the altitude range in which useful measurements can be made, so that any conclusion must rest upon properly interpreting the observed O+ fluxes. By selecting periods when the layer did not appear to be decaying rapidly it was hoped to find cases where the O+ flux did not vary with altitude in the range 500 h 800 km (i.e. where losses are unimportant), since this would imply that the flux is of magnetospheric origin.

While three cases exhibited this behaviour, the majority exhibited a decrease in the O+ flux with height, indicating that the layer was descending. Attempts to correct for this were made, and the average flux from the magnetosphere was estimated as 3 × 107 el/cm2/sec. This is in fair agreement with other recent estimates, and implies that at this latitude the ionosphere is not maintained solely by the magnetospheric flux. Moreover, large increases in flux that could give rise to nocturnal increases in the total content of the layer do not appear to have been seen.  相似文献   

The ionospheric and protonospheric regions of the plasmasphere, which are dominated by the O+ and H+ ionic species, respectively, interact by means of proton fluxes within tubes of magnetic force. The present study is concerned with the determination of these fluxes by the beacon satellite technique as used in the ATS-6 experiment in relation to three observing sites: Boulder, Colorado; Lancaster, U.K.; and Fairbanks, Alaska. From plasmasphere models based on solutions of the time dependent O+ and H+ momentum and continuity equations, it is shown that the time differential of the “residual content” as measured at Lancaster, provides a good estimate of the protonospheric flux at 4000km altitude in the L = 1.8 magnetic shell under quite geomagnetic conditions. The effect of the neutral thermospheric wind on the protonospheric flux is also investigated. Fluxes determined by the beacon technique for the period from September 1975 to July 1976 are shown, and these are compared with typical results derived from other techniques.  相似文献   

Measurements of the density at the F2 peak (NmF2) were obtained by the Boulder, Colorado, ionosonde as part of the SUNDIAL-86 campaign. The measurements were made during a period of low to moderate geomagnetic activity following a “disturbed” day. These measurements were then used to estimate the height of the F2 peak (hmF2). A three-dimensional time-dependent model of Earth's ionosphere was used to calculate NmF2 and hmF2 using the vertical plasma drift as a free parameter. Since the plasmasphere-ionosphere exchange flux can remain upward during the night for these conditions, different feasible flux scenarios were inputed to the ionospheric model. These different flux scenarios had a large effect on the “induced” vertical plasma drifts required to match the measurements (i.e. at times greater than a factor of 2 in speed or a difference in direction). Futhermore, uncertainty in the O+---O collision frequency changes the required vertical plasma drift at night. Despite knowledge of hmF2, interpretation of the vertical plasma drifts as meridional neutral winds is compromised by a lack of knowledge of the plasmasphere-ionosphere exchange flux following disturbed days.  相似文献   

Continuous records of the electron content of the ionosphere, from 1965 to 1970, are used to obtain power spectra covering periods from 30 sec to 2 yr at latitudes of 34°S and 42°S. At periods up to 5 min, amplitudes were less than 0.2 per cent of the total electron content. Variations produced by gravity waves were very common in the range 20–80 min, with no preferred periods. The r.m.s. amplitude per octave A0 was about 1015 electrons/m2, or 0.6 per cent of the mean electron content. The amplitude increased during the day, particularly in winter when periodic components predominated. The cut-off at about 17 min was sharply defined, giving a mean scale height for the neutral atmosphere (at 300 km) of about 43 km in summer, 47 km on winter days and 42 km on winter nights.

From 12 hr to 1 month A0 was about 12 per cent of the mean electron content in both summer and winter at 34°S, and 10 per cent at 42°S. The 24 hr and 27 day peaks were largest just before sunspot maximum, and almost disappeared near sunspot minimum. Variations between 1 and 27 days reflect the random occurrence of ionospheric storms and show no consistent peaks. Day to day and night to night variations were both about 10 per cent of the background content for periods from 2 days to 2 yr, apart from a slight decrease between 1 and 6 months.  相似文献   

We have constructed a one-dimensional model of the nightside ionosphere of Venus in which it is assumed that the ionization is maintained by day-to-night transport of atomic ions. Downward fluxes of O+, C+ and N+ in the ratios measured on the dayside at high altitudes are imposed at the upper boundary of the model (about 235 km). We discuss the resulting sources and sinks of the molecular ions NO+,CO+,N2+,CO2+ and O2+. As the O+ flux is increased, the peak density of O+ increases proportionally and the altitude of the peak decreases. The O2+ peak density is approximately proportional to the square root of the O+ flux and the peak rises as the O+ flux increases. NO+ densities near the peak are relatively unaffected by changes in the O+ flux. If the ionosphere is maintained mostly by transport, the ratio of the peak densities of O+ and O2+ indicates the downward flux ofO+, independent of the absolute magnitudes of the densities. The densities of mass-28 ions are, however, still considered to be the most sensitive indicator of the importance of electron precipitation. We examine here the inbound and outbound portions of six early nightside orbits with low periapsis and use data from the Pioneer Venus orbiter ion mass spectrometer, the retarding potential analyzer and the electron temperature probe to determine the relative importance of ion transport and electron precipitation. For most of the orbits, precipitation is inferred to be of low to moderate importance. Only for orbit 65, which was the first nightside orbit published by Taylor et al. [J. geophys. Res. 85, 7765 (1980)] and for the inbound portion of orbit 73 does the ionization structure appear to be greatly affected by electron precipitation.  相似文献   

New measurements of the Herzberg I emission height profile in the night airglow are reported and indicate a peak emission height near 96 km in agreement with previous measurements. Using an atomic oxygen concentration profile determined from the oxygen green line profile measured on the same rocket it is concluded that the O2(A3Σu+) state is not excited in the direct three body recombination of atomic oxygen. It is suggested that the excitation mechanism is a two step process, similar to the Barth mechanism for the atomic oxygen green lineand that the excited intermediate state is C3Δu.  相似文献   

The dependence of geomagnetic activity during a recurrent magnetic storm on the solar-wind magnetic field and plasma parameters has been studied. According to variations of solar-wind magnetic field strength B, a recurrent magnetic storm is divided into two stages: the first proceeding during the peak of B, and the second proceeding after the return of B to quiet level. The Kp index vs solar-wind parameters scattering diagrams for stages I and II differ significantly. In particular, the random scattering for stage I is much larger than for stage II. It was found that for stage I the Kp index correlates with B, with the sign and value of northsouth field component Bz and with the magnitude ΔB of field fluctuations, the situation being similar to that during sporadic magnetic storms, though the scale of the event is smaller. For stage II, the Kp index does not correlate with B, but strongly correlates with ΔB and weaker—with Bz. So geomagnetic activity at stage II is supported mainly by solar-wind magnetic field fluctuations. The dependence of the Kp index on plasma parameters (concentration of protons n, bulk velocity v and temperature T) is weak for both stages.  相似文献   

Neutral density data were obtained near 400km (1600 LT) from a microphone density gauge on OGO-6 from 0°G to 40°N magnetic latitude for 25 September–3 October 1969. Several geomagnetic storms occurred during this period (ap varied from 0 to 207). Least-squares fits were made to data points on density-ap and density-Dst scatter diagrams, where the density values selected were delayed in time behind ap and Dst. An equation representing the least-squares fit was computed for each delay time. The equation of best fit (and the corresponding time delay between the density and the magnetic index which resulted in this best fit) was found by choosing the equation that gave the minimum standard error. For example, the best fit at 10°N geomagnetic latitude occurred for ap at t — 3 hr, where t is the time of the density values. The implications of the time differences associated with the best fits at various latitudes and longitudes are discussed with regard to the time delays involved in geomagnetic heating of the neutral upper atmosphere.

A low-latitude density bulge has been found between 0°N and 40°N whose magnitude varies with ap. DeVries (1972b) has independently discovered this daytime phenomenon. If the bulge is a semi-permanent feature near the equinoxes because of the enhanced geomagnetic activity, this may help explain the semi-annual effect in density, which was uncovered first in the drag data from low inclination satellites.  相似文献   

We use a 1-D chemical diffusive model, in conjunction with the measured neutral atmospheric structure, to analyze the Voyager RSS electron density, ne, profiles for the ionospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. As with previous studies we find serious difficulties in explaining the ne measurements. The model calculates ionospheres for both Jupiter and Saturn with ne peaks of 10 times the measured peaks at altitudes which are 900–1000 km lower than the altitude of peaks in the RSS electron densities. Based on our knowledge of neutral atmospheric structure, ionization sources, and known recombination mechanisms it seems that, vibrational excitation of H2 must play some role in the conversion of slowly radiatively recombining H+ ions to the relatively more rapidly recombining H2+ and H3+ ions. In addition, vertical ion flow induced by horizontal neutral winds or electric fields probably also play some role in maintaining the plasma peaks observed both for Jupiter and Saturn to be at high altitudes. For the ionosphere of Saturn, the electron densities are affected by a putative influx of H2O molecules, ΦH2O, from the rings. To reproduce the RSS V2 exit ne results model requires an influx of ΦH2O 2 × 107 molecules cm−2 s−1 without invoking H2f vibrational excitation. To maintain the model ne peak at the measured altitude vertical plasma drift maintained by meridional winds or vertical electric fields is required. The amounts of H2O are consistent with earlier estimates of Connerney and Waite (1984) and do not violate any observational constraints.  相似文献   

Inspection of recent spectra presented by Sivjee (1983) show evidence of the 0–4 and 0–5 bands of the N2(c41Σu+a1Πg) Gaydon-Herman system. In conjunction with earlier spectra, it is now possible that this band system is a significant auroral component, with an intensity approx. 7% that of the N2 2P system. The absence in aurorae of the potentially far stronger N2(c41Σu+X1Πg) system is discussed. It is that the O2(A3Σu+X3Σg) band system is indiscernible in Sivjee's auroral spectra, under conditio the foreground nightglow is expected to be clearly visible. On the other hand, at least one relatively strong O2(A3Δua1Δg) band appears to be present in these spectra.  相似文献   

Electric and magnetic fields and auroral emissions have been measured by the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite on 10–11 January 1983. The measured distributions of the plasma drift velocity show that viscous convection is diminished in the evening sector under IMF By < 0 and in the morning sector if IMF By > 0. A number of sun-aligned polar cap arcs were observed at the beginning of the period of strongly northward IMF and after a few hours a θ-aurora appeared. The intensity of ionized oxygen emission [O+(2P), 7320 Å] increased significantly reaching up to several kilo-Rayleighs in the polar cap arc. A complicated pattern of convection and field-aligned currents existed in the nightside polar cap which differed from the four-cell model of convection and NBZ field-aligned current system. This pattern was observed during 12 h and could be interpreted as six large scale field-aligned current sheets and three convective vortices inside the polar cap. Sun-aligned polar cap arcs may be located in regions both of sunward and anti-sunward convection. Structures of smaller spatial scale correspond to the boundaries of hot plasma regions related to polar cap arcs. Obviously these structures are due to S-shaped distributions of electric potential. Parallel electric fields in these S-structures provide electron acceleration up to 1 keV at the boundaries of polar cap arcs. The pairs of field-aligned currents correspond to those S-structures: a downward current at the external side of the boundary and an upward current at the internal side of it.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the D-region ion composition measurements performed by Zbinden et al. (1975), during a winter day of high ionospheric absorption, has been carried out. The study examines the interactive mesosphere-D-region processes which occur in such anomalous conditions and their implication for water cluster ion chemistry. Two clustering regimes for NO+ have been observed in the data. Association with N2 is identified as the dominant process below 76 km. Between 76 and 78 km altitude the effective loss rate of NO+ drops by two orders of magnitude. Above 77 km, the three-body reaction NO+ + CO2+M→NO+CO2+M seems to be the main NO+ loss. A mesospheric temperature profile could be derived from the ion composition data. This indicates the presence of a strong inversion above 76 km altitude. The wavelike structure obtained, is shown to be consistent with in situ winter temperature measurements. The sharp suppression of the N2 association reaction could, thus, be explained by an increase in the collisional break-up of the NO+N2 ion because of the enhanced temperature. In conclusion, our study indicates that, besides the increase in the production of NO+ and O2+, due to an enhancement in the minor ionizable constituents, an additional thermal mesosphere-D-region interaction seems necessary to explain this winter anomalous ion composition data.  相似文献   

Rocket results are presented on the OI 6300 Å line and on the N2+ 3914 Å band in the dayglow. An altitude range of 78–335 km is covered. Theoretical interpretations are given, using results of simultaneous measurements of electron density and electron temperature. The apparent brightness of the 6300 Å line at the base of the emitting region is found to be 13 kR, of which 5.5 kR are ascribed to excitation through the Schumann-Runge dissociation of O2 by the solar UV radiations, 0.55 kR to the dissociative recombination of O2+ and NO+ ions, and 0.03 kR to the excitation of O by thermal electrons. An additional source of excitation above 280 km is suggested. The deactivation of O(1D) by O2(X3Σg) is found to be appreciable below 200 km, and its rate coefficient is estimated to be 2 × 10−10 cm3/sec. The apparent brightness of the 3914 Å band at the base of the emitting region is found to be 6.5 kR, decreasing to 3.2 kR at 330 km. Assuming that fluorescent scattering of solar radiation is the mechanism involved the distribution of N2+ ions is calculated. The rate coefficients for the loss of these ions are hence calculated.  相似文献   

Small-scale spatially periodic distortions of auroral forms have been studied utilizing low-light level television observations made at various locations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The most commonly observed features were folds and vortex-like curl formations. The curls, identified here with the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability due to fluid shear, invariably had a counterclockwise rotational shape and motion when viewed in a direction anti-parallel to the Earth's magnetic field. The typical measured wavelength (5 km) and measured growth rate (4.2 sec−1) were used to evaluate the Kelvin-Helmholtz dispersion relation for the apparent shear ωs = ∂ νx/ ∂y (28 sec−1). The apparent horizontal velocities of both folds (0–5 km/sec) and curls (0–22 km/sec) were invariably observed to be counterclockwise with respect to the multiple arc centre when viewed antiparallel to B. Consistent agreement between rotational shape and rotational motion suggests that the apparent growth rate and the apparent horizontal velocities closely approximate the actual values. If the shear results from E×B drifts in a space charge field, the calculated value for ωs, implies an unneutralized electron density 0–1 cm−3 and a ΔE across the arc element 500mV/m. The velocity measurements indicate that the ΔE values for individual elements can combine to produce transient electric fields at the edges of multiple arcs as high as 1000 mV/m.  相似文献   

The absorption of solar ionizing radiation during twilight is investigated. Ion production rates are obtained as a function of altitude and twilight intensities and altitude profiles of emissions arising from the fluorescence of solar ionizing radiation are calculated for various solar depression angles. For an atmosphere with an exospheric temperature of 750°K, the predicted overhead intensity from fluorescence of the O+(2P2D) lines at 7319–7330 diminishes from 175 R at dusk to 10 R at a solar depression angle of 10°. The predicted overhead intensities from fluorescence of the N2+ Meinel and first negative systems are respectively about 175 R and 20 R at dusk diminishing to respectively 1.5 R and 0.1 R at a solar depression angle of 10°.

It is suggested that a charge transfer reaction of O+2D in N2 is a significant source of N2+ ions. This reaction offers a possible explanation for the high apparent rotational temperatures in the first negative system observed by Broadfoot and Hunten. Other excitation and ionization mechanisms are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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