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针对采用GPS定时的设备提出了基于GPS射频信号模拟的定时方法,在不更改原有设备的情况下,可利用外部时间基准进行同步。首先建立卫星的轨道模型,模拟出卫星的导航电文;然后根据设备的位置模拟产生观测数据;再将导航电文调制到卫星的伪随机码上,根据观测数据计算出伪距,对调制的信号进行延迟;最后,通过正交射频调制得到GPS模拟信号。已建立的实验模型能实现以上模拟过程。测试表明,该方法可达到10ns级的定时精度。  相似文献   

在对卫星所受的非保守摄动力研究中,对太阳辐射压摄动建模的研究发展迅速,而对地球辐射压摄动的研究相对缺乏,特别是其对中高轨卫星轨道影响的研究。在高精度人造卫星轨道确定中,地球辐射压摄动对于具有大面质比的导航卫星的影响越来越不可忽略。针对中国北斗导航卫星,基于地球辐射压的原理和影响机制,探讨了地球辐射压摄动建模的方法。针对北斗导航系统特点,利用地球表层的反照率和红外发射率的分布格网数据,建立了精确的地球辐射压模型,并利用全球MGEX站观测数据和中国区域监测站数据,进行了对北斗卫星引入地球辐射压模型的验证试验,分析了其定轨精度,检验了模型的正确性和可靠性。试验表明,对北斗卫星来说,在加入地球辐射压模型ERPM2(Earth radiation pressure model 2)后,轨道精度比不加入地球辐射压模型提高约4 mm;加入ERPM1模型则相应提高约2 mm。对部分卫星,加入地球辐射压模型后,其轨道精度修正量可达5~10 mm。通过卫星激光测距(satellite laser ranging,SLR)检核发现,加入ERPM2模型后,北斗中轨道地球卫星正常姿态时的轨道径向精度提高3.1 cm,GPS 036卫星轨道径向精度改善0.8~1.4 cm。因此,地球辐射压摄动模型在北斗导航卫星高精度轨道确定研究中具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

中高轨卫星广播星历精度分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
GPS广播星历参数具有物理意义明确、参数少、精度高等优点,可以考虑将它应用于其他卫星导航系统。但是GPS系统的卫星构成比较单一,而其他卫星导航系统可能包含中地球轨道 (MEO)、倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)和地球静止轨道(GEO)等多种不同类型的中高轨卫星。分析了采用GPS广播星历参数时,MEO、IGSO和GEO卫星的广播星历拟合精度,特别讨论了轨道倾角接近于0的GEO卫星的广播星历拟合精度,并给出了相应的改进措施。计算表明,对于 MEO卫星,2 h的广播星历拟合精度(三维位置)可达厘米级;对于IGSO卫星和轨道倾角较大的GEO卫星,4 h的广播星历拟合精度约为0.1 m,径向位置误差在厘米量级;而对于轨道倾角接近于0的GEO卫星,若不采取特殊措施,由于轨道倾角和升交点经度统计相关,其广播星历拟合精度很差,为此提出了一种坐标转换方法。采用此方法后的广播星历拟合精度可达0.1 m,径向位置误差为厘米量级。  相似文献   

甘庆波 《天文学报》2012,53(4):355-356
卫星自主定轨是卫星自主导航中的关键技术,其概念是指卫星在不借助地面站系统测控情况下直接在星上实现轨道参数的自主确定,实时确定卫星飞行的位置和速度.国际上已提出了诸如利用星敏感器测量、地球磁强计测量、利用掩星时刻测量以及近年来非常热门的利用X-ray脉冲星信号相位测量等多种算法来实现卫星自主导航.其中利用星敏感器测量的自主导航方法具有成本低、研制周期短、可观测条件强以及观测设备技术成熟等优点,其可行性和经济效益比较突出,是一种非常值得采用的自主导航方法.国内外对星敏感器自主导航的研究,基本还是原理方法的论述以及简单仿真验证研究.本论文对卫星利用星敏感器的自主导航算法进行了研究,通过建立逼真的卫星运行平台,充分考  相似文献   

精度是北斗卫星导航系统(Beidou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)服务指标体系的重要内容.给出了北斗卫星导航系统精度指标的含义及精度指标的评估方法,利用实测数据分析了北斗系统实际实现的精度指标,并将其与GPS系统实际实现的精度指标作比较分析.DOP(几何精度因子)值由卫星导航系统空间星座分布决定,是影响用户定位授时精度的重要因素,比较了北斗与GPS在中国区域DOP值分布的差异.GPS系统PDOP(定位几何精度因子)分布均匀,随用户经度和纬度变化不大,在1.0–2.0之间.而受混合星座影响,北斗系统PDOP分布随着测站经度和纬度变化较大,变化范围为1.5–5.0;且随测站纬度增加而变大,由中心经度(东经118?)向两侧不断变大.对于影响用户等效距离误差的空间信号精度进行了比较分析.利用IGS(国际GNSS服务组织)提供的事后精密轨道、激光跟踪数据和北斗双向时频传递测量的卫星钟差评估了北斗基本导航电文的精度.结果表明:北斗IGSO(倾斜地球同步轨道)卫星和MEO(中轨道)卫星轨道径向误差约为0.5 m,大于GPS卫星轨道小于0.2 m的径向误差.北斗GEO(地球同步轨道)卫星激光残差约为65 cm,IGSO卫星和MEO卫星激光残差约为50 cm.受卫星钟差数据龄期影响,MEO卫星钟差参数误差明显大于IGSO卫星和GEO卫星,约为0.80 m.最后,采用MGEX(多GNSS系统试验项目)多模接收机进行了定位试验,分析了北斗系统和GPS在定位精度上的差异.结果表明:受星座构型影响,北斗卫星导航系统定位精度与GPS系统定位精度相比有所差异,但满足水平定位精度优于10 m、高程定位精度优于10 m的设计要求,双系统组合定位精度好于单一系统定位精度.  相似文献   

GPS定轨中的太阳辐射压模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈俊平  王解先 《天文学报》2006,47(3):310-319
对于GPS这样的高轨卫星轨道的确定,最大的误差源为太阳辐射压摄动.近年来IGS各个数据处理中心提供的GPS星历精度越来越高,其中很重要的一个因素就是太阳辐射压摄动模型的不断完善.详细阐述了目前主要的7种太阳辐射压摄动模型后,给出了各种光压摄动模型的计算模型,并利用不同的摄动模型积分卫星轨道,得到不同模型在GPS卫星轨道积分中的精度.结果表明,Bern大学提供的3种模型对太阳辐射压的模拟较为准确,相对于其他4种模型,由其得到的GPS轨道精度有将近一个量级的提高.  相似文献   

为了研究低轨通信卫星多普勒定位性能,首先分析了低轨卫星的对地覆盖特性、信号传输特性以及多普勒频移特性,推导了多普勒定位原理和方法,提出了适用于多普勒定位的精度因子.基于已在轨的铱星和全球星系统,解算了全球范围可见卫星数和定位精度因子,并对相应测站进行了定位仿真实验和误差分析.结果表明:对于铱星和全球星系统,随着纬度降低,卫星可见数减小,多普勒几何精度因子变大;多普勒定位结果精度同时受到频率测量精度、卫星位置误差以及卫星速度误差影响,当卫星位置误差小于10 m、卫星速度误差小于0.1 km·s-1时,对定位结果影响不大,此时频率测量精度成为影响定位精度的决定性因素,且当频率测量精度为0.01 Hz时,定位精度可达1.18 m.  相似文献   

针对导航卫星自主运行低功耗、高精度的需求,在综合考虑卫星本身物理性质和光压产生机理的基础上,提出一种适用于卫星自主运行时在轨计算的光压模型。利用精密星历反解太阳光压模型参数的方法,分析三种典型光压模型的参数特性及其精度。通过对轨道拟合和轨道预报的精度分析比较,在传统球模型的基础上,提出一种3参数的改进球模型。以GPS卫星为例的仿真结果表明,改进球模型以3个待估参数达到Bern模型(9参数)短期轨道预报精度的80%,其长期轨道预报精度也呈现出较好的特性,模型性能满足卫星自主运行的需求。  相似文献   

越来越多的LEO卫星装载了高精度的星载GPS接收机,星载GPS定轨已成为LEO卫星精密定轨的重要手段之一。星载GPS精密定轨精度依赖于GPS星历及钟差精度,采用CODE(Center for Orbit Determination in Europe)官方网站提供的GPS精密星历及钟差数据,基于瑞士伯尼尔大学开发的Bernese 5.0软件,采用非差减缩动力学定轨方法,解算了60天的CHAMP卫星和SAC-C卫星轨道,并将所得轨道与JPL和GFZ事后科学轨道比较,得出的轨道位置三维精度优于20 cm量级,速度三维精度约为0.20 mm/s。  相似文献   

1993年中国科学院同步卫星观测网同步接收亚洲一号卫星的电视信号,进行了多台站时差法定轨及共视法时刻同步试验。试验表明:时差法定轨在经度、纬度方向精度较高,在卫星高度方向误差较大。不进行卫星位置修正时,时刻同步误差小于3μs;进行卫星位置修正时的时刻同步误差小于0.9μs,可应用于局部或大范围网络时刻同步及同步卫星轨道研究。  相似文献   

A pulsar has the very stable rotation and can be used as the time standard. The astrometric parameters and astrophysical parameters of many pulsars, such as the spatial position, proper motion, distance, rotation period and its derivative, etc., can be all accurately determined. Since the pulsar can provide the time signal and the coordinates of its spatial position simultaneously, the pulsar navigation system installed on a spacecraft enables the autonomous navigation of the spacecraft to be realized. Firstly, the position of the spacecraft is predicted based on the equation of orbit dynamics of the spacecraft and then the Kalman filtering is applied to calculating the estimation error of the spacecraft position through the difference between the pulse arrival time observed on the spacecraft and the predicted pulse arrival time, thereby modifying the position of the spacecraft. Finally, the effects of the initial error, measuring accuracy of the pulse arrival time and number of pulsars on the navigation accuracy are analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper the extended H filtering algorithms for the design of the GPS-based on-board autonomous navigation system for a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite are introduced. The dynamic process models for the estimation of position, velocity and acceleration from the GPS measurements are established. The nominal orbit of the small LEO satellite is determined by using the 7th–8th order Runge—Kutta algorithms. Three filtering approaches are applied to smooth the orbit solutions, respectively, based upon the simulated GPS pseudo range observables using the Satellite Navigation Tool Box. The simulation shows that the observed orbit errors obtained by using the extended H filtering algorithms can be reduced to a lower level than the observed orbit errors in the sense of RMS within 12 h of tracking time by using the H filtering algorithms and the extended Kalman filtering algorithms under the appropriately designed parameters. Based upon the position errors predicted by the three filtering algorithms after the last observation, we find that the extended H filtering algorithm provides the least position errors of the user satellite.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

北斗卫星导航系统SISURE初步评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北斗导航系统自2018年12月27日提供全球服务以来,其服务性能受到了极大关注.以上海天文台iGMAS (International GNSS MonitoringAssessment System)分析中心发布的精密轨道、钟差产品作为基准,评估了2019年年积日3–12 d的北斗二号、北斗三号以及GPS广播星历的轨道、钟差和空间信号用户测距误差(Signal in Space User Ranging Error, SISURE,简称为URE),并且对北斗卫星导航系统结果进行了详细的分析.结果表明:在评估时间段内,北斗三号广播星历轨道精度、URE均明显优于北斗二号,且部分结果优于GPS.北斗三号广播星历轨道径向精度最高,优于0.2 m.北斗三号全部卫星URE均值优于0.4 m, URE RMS (root mean square)优于0.5 m.北斗二号每颗卫星URE均值、95%URE (置信度为95%的URE)、URE RMS小于2 m,北斗三号每颗卫星URE均值、95%URE、URE RMS小于1 m,均达到了系统公开承诺的服务性能标准.  相似文献   

研究了多模卫星导航系统的RAIM(接收机完好性自主检测)算法,根据多模卫星导航系统的定位模型,基于最小二乘法的原理计算伪距残差,构造奇偶矢量进行故障检测和故障排除。在只有一个观测量出现粗差的前提下,仿真了GPS与多模GPS/GLONAss/Galileo系统下的卫星可见数和DOP(精度因子),对比了衡量RAIM算法可用性的水平保护门限值(HPL)及这2种系统下的故障检测率与故障排除率。仿真结果表明:与GPS相比,多模导航系统具有更多的可见星,RAIM算法的可用性更高,并且其故障检测和故障排除的性能更好。因此,多模卫星导航系统不仅能为用户提供更高的定位精度,还能为用户提供更好的完好性保障。  相似文献   

介绍一种嵌入式GPS/DR(全球定位系统/航位推算)车载组合导航(它通过GPS与DR的优势互补,提高了车辆导航系统定位数据的可靠性)的EKF(扩展卡尔曼滤波)算法软件设计方法。采用统计学原理剔除导航数据的粗差点,用扩展卡尔曼滤波进行导航参数的实时求解,采用EKF算法的GPS/DR组合导航系统有利于导航信息的稳定性、可靠性和实时性。  相似文献   

LP估计在星载GPS运动学定轨中的应用及精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为得到高精度的星载GPS运动学定轨,必须利用观测精度高的相位观测值,但是相位观测值预处理后,仍然存在残余小周跳.在残差服从正态分布情况下LS法是最佳参数解算方法,但该方法不能解决资料的系统误差消除问题,LP估计是处理资料残差分布含有系统误差的有效方法之一.基于LS、LP方法的有效条件和GPS数据预处理的特性,将LP估计方法引入星载GPS运动学定轨数据处理中,以CHAMP卫星资料为例,研究了LP估计在星载GPS运动学定轨中的应用及其精度分析.实践表明:在处理含有残余小周跳的相位观测值时,LP估计比LS更有效,提高了星载GPS运动学定轨精度,但随着残余周跳的进一步修复,LP估计相对于LS估计的优越性越来越弱,在资料完全没有系统误差,残差服从正态分布的情况下,LP估计不能很好地体现其优越性,精度反而低于LS估计.  相似文献   

It is an objective fact that there exists error in the satellite dynamic model and it will be transferred to satellite orbit determination algorithm, forming a part of the connotative model error. Mixed with the systematic error and random error of the measurements, they form the unitive model error and badly restrict the precision of the orbit determination. We deduce in detail the equations of orbit improvement for a system with dynamic model error, construct the parametric model for the explicit part of the model and nonparametric model for the error that can not be explicitly described. We also construct the partially linear orbit determination model, estimate and fit the model error using a two-stage estimation and a kernel function estimation, and finally make the corresponding compensation in the orbit determination. Beginning from the data depth theory, a data depth weight kernel estimator for model error is proposed for the sake of promoting the steadiness of model error estimation. Simulation experiments of SBSS are performed. The results show clearly that the model error is one of the most important effects that will influence the precision of the orbit determination. The kernel function method can effectively estimate the model error, with the window width as a major restrict parameter. A data depth-weight-kernel estimation, however, can improve largely the robustness of the kernel function and therefore improve the precision of orbit determination.  相似文献   

The bounded quasi-periodic relative trajectories are investigated in this paper for on-orbit surveillance, inspection or repair, which requires rapid changes in formation configuration for full three-dimensional imaging and unpredictable evolutions of relative trajectories for non-allied spacecraft. A linearized differential equation for modeling J 2 perturbed relative dynamics is derived without any simplified treatment of full short-period effects. The equation serves as a nominal reference model for stationkeeping controller to generate the quasi-periodic trajectories near the equilibrium, i.e., the location of the chief. The developed model exhibits good numerical accuracy and is applicable to an elliptic orbit with small eccentricity inheriting from the osculating conversion of orbital elements. A Hamiltonian structure-preserving controller is derived for the three-dimensional time-periodic system that models the J 2-perturbed relative dynamics on a mean circular orbit. The equilibrium of the system has time-varying topological types and no fixed-dimensional unstable/stable/center manifolds, which are quite different from the two-dimensional time-independent system with a permanent pair of hyperbolic eigenvalues and fixed-dimensions of unstable/stable/ center manifolds. The unstable and stable manifolds are employed to change the hyperbolic equilibrium to elliptic one with the poles assigned on the imaginary axis. The detailed investigations are conducted on the critical controller gain for Floquet stability and the optimal gain for the fuel cost, respectively. Any initial relative position and velocity leads to a bounded trajectory around the controlled elliptic equilibrium. The numerical simulation indicates that the controller effectively stabilizes motions relative to the perturbed elliptic orbit with small eccentricity and unperturbed elliptic orbit with arbitrary eccentricity. The developed controller stabilizes the quasi-periodic relative trajectories involved in six foundational motions with different frequencies generated by the eigenvectors of the Floquet multipliers, rather than to track a reference relative configuration. Only the relative positions are employed for the feedback without the information from the direct measurement or the filter estimation of relative velocity. So the current controller has potential applications in formation flying for its less computation overload for on-board computer, less constraint on the measurements, and easily-achievable quasi-periodic relative trajectories.  相似文献   

The traditional least square estimation (LSE) method for orbit determination will not be optimal if the error of observational data does not obey the Gaussian distribution. In order to solve this problem, the least p-norm (Lp) estimation method is presented in this paper to deal with the non-Gaussian distribution cases. We show that a suitable selection of parameter p may guarantee a reasonable orbit determination result. The character of Lp estimation is analyzed. It is shown that the traditional Lp estimation method is not a robust method. And a stable Lp estimating based on data depth weighting is put forward to deal with the model error and outlier. In the orbit determination process, the outlier of observational data and coarse model error can be quantitatively described by their weights. The farther is the data from the data center, the smaller is the value of data depth and the smaller is the weighted value accordingly. The result of the new Lp method is stabler than that of the traditional Lp estimation and the breakdown point could be up to 1/2. In addition, the orbit parameter is adaptively estimated by residual analysis and matrix estimation method, and the estimation efficiency is enhanced. Finally, by taking the Space-based Space Surveillance System as an example and performing simulation experiments, we show that if there are system error or abnormal value in the observational data or system error in satellite dynamical model and space-based observation platform, LSE will not be optimal even though the observational data obeys the Gaussian distribution, and the orbit determination precision by the self-adaptive robust Lp estimation method is much better than that by the traditional LSE method.  相似文献   

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