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Kenshiro  Otsuki  Takayuki  Uduki  Nobuaki  Monzawa  Hidemi  Tanaka 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):22-36
Abstract   The seismic slip that occurred during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan showed contrastive behaviors in different regions along the Chelungpu Fault: A large and smooth slip occurred in the north, while a relatively small slip associated with high-frequency seismic wave radiation occurred in the south. The core samples from shallow boreholes at northern (Fengyuan) and southern (Nantou) sites penetrating the seismic Chelungpu Fault were analyzed. The fault zones at the northern site are characterized by soft clayey material associated with clayey injection veins. This suggests that the fault zones were pressurized during ancient seismic slip events, and hence the elastohydrodynamic lubrication occurred effectively. In contrast, the fault rock from the southern site is old pseudotachylyte that has been shattered by repeated ancient seismic slip events. Statistical analysis of many pseudotachylyte fragments reveals that the degree of frictional melting tended to be low. In this case, the seismic slip is restrained by the mechanical barrier of a highly viscous melt layer. These contrastive fault rocks were produced by repeated ancient seismic slip events, but the two corresponding mechanisms of friction are likely to have also occurred during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, thus causing the contrastive slip behaviors in the north and south.  相似文献   

On September 6, 2002, a ML = 5.6 earthquake, occurring some tens of kilometres offshore from the Northern Sicilian coast (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea), slightly damaged the city of Palermo and surroundings (degree 6 in the European Macroseismic Scale 1998). The macroseismic investigation of the shock and a detailed study of effects of the main earthquakes which affected Palermo in the past have been performed in order to evaluate the seismic response of the city. Moreover, the comparison of the recent event, which is instrumentally constrained, with historical earthquakes allows us to infer new insights on the seismogenic sources of the area, that seem located offshore in the Tyrrhenian sea.In the last 500 years, Palermo has never been completely destroyed but has suffered effects estimated between intensities 6 and 8 EMS-98 many times (1693, 1726, 1751, 1823, 1940, 1968, 2002). The damage scenarios of the analysed events have shown that damage distribution is strongly conditioned by soil response in the different parts of the city and by a high building vulnerability, mainly in the historical centre and in the south-eastern zone of the modern city. As a matter of fact, Palermo has always suffered greater effects than those reported for other nearby localities. The hazard assessment obtained using observed site intensities has shown that the probability of occurrence for intensity 8 (the strongest intensity observed in Palermo) exceeds 99% for 550 years, while the estimated mean return period is 152 ± 40 years. These results, in connection with building vulnerability due to the urban expansion before the introduction of seismic code, suggest that the city is exposed to a relatively high seismic risk.This paper has not been submitted elsewhere in identical or similar form, nor will it be during the first 3 months after its submission to Journal of Seismology.  相似文献   

A typical agricultural water reservoir (AWR) of 2400 m2 area and 5 m depth, located in a semi‐arid area (southern Spain), was surveyed on a daily basis for 1 year. The annual evaporation flux was 102·7 W m?2, equivalent to an evaporated water depth of 1310 mm year?1. The heat storage rate G exhibited a clear annual cycle with a peak gain in April (G ~ 45 W m?2) and a peak loss in November (G ~ 40 W m?2), leading to a marked annual hysteretic trend when evaporation (λE) was related to net radiation (Rn). λE was strongly correlated with the available energy A, representing 91% of the annual AWR energy loss. The sensible heat flux H accounted for the remaining 9%, leading to an annual Bowen ratio in the order of 0·10. The equilibrium and advective evaporation terms of the Penman formula represented 76 and 24%, respectively, of the total evaporation, corresponding to a annual value of the Priestley–Taylor (P–T) coefficient (α) of 1·32. The P–T coefficient presented a clear seasonal pattern, with a minimum of 1·23 (July) and a maximum of 1·65 (December), indicating that, during periods of limited available energy, AWR evaporation increased above the potential evaporation as a result of the advection process. Overall, the results stressed that accurate prediction of monthly evaporation by means of the P–T formula requires accounting for both the annual cycle of storage and the advective component. Some alternative approaches to estimating Rn, G and α are proposed and discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Pollino Range area represents the mostprominent gap in seismicity within thesouthern Apennines. Geomorphic andtrenching investigations along theCastrovillari fault indicate that thisnormal fault is a major seismogenic faultwithin the southern part of this gap. Atleast four surface-faulting earthquakeshave occurred on this fault since latePleistocene age. Radiocarbon dating coupledwith historical consideration set thetime of the most recent earthquake as mostlikely to be between 530 A.D. and 900 A.D.,with the possible widest interval of530–1100 A.D. No evidence for this eventhas been found in the historical records,although its age interval falls within thetime spanned by the seismic catalogues.Slip per event ranges between 0.5 and1.6 m, with a minimum rupture length of13 km. These values suggest a M 6.5–7.0 forthe paleoearthquakes. The minimum long-termvertical slip rate obtained from displacedgeomorphic features is of 0.2–0.5 mm/yr. Avertical slip-rate of about 1 mm/yr is alsoinferred from trenching data. Theinter-event interval obtained from trenchdata ranges between 940 and 7760 years(with the young part of the intervalpossibly more representative; roughly940–3000 years). The time elapsed since themost recent earthquake ranges between aminimum of 900–1100 and a maximum of 1470years. The seismic behavior of this faultappears to be consistent with that of othermajor seismogenic faults of thecentral-southern Apennines. The Pollinocase highlights the fact thatgeological investigations represent apotentially useful technique tocharacterize the seismic hazard of `silent' areas for which adequate historical andseismological data record are notavailable.  相似文献   

Strong site effects were observed during the two M W 5.7 and M W 6.0 main shocks of the Colfiorito seismic crisis which occured on September 26, 1997 in Umbria-Marche (Central Italy).The most obvious indications of these effects are the dramatic differences in damage shown by buildings of similar construction in neighboring villages.Such observations were specifically made in the Verchiano valley in the fault area, 15 km south of Colfiorito where the Verchiano village and the Colle and Camino hamlets were heavily damaged (MCS intensity IX-X) since the first main shock of 1997/09/26,while in contrast, the Curasci village located 2 km eastwards remains almost intact.In order to study the anomalous ground motion amplifications in this area, an array of 11, 3-components seismo- and accelero-meters was set up during the 1997/10/20-24 period, extending from the western side of the valley, up to the top of Mount San Salvatore, going accross the Colle and Curasci hamlets.During the experiment, 67 aftershocks enlightened the valley from the Colfiorito (10 km north) and the Sellano (6 km south) active swarms.Seismic refraction experiments were conducted at the same time in the 500 m wide, 1500 m long Verchiano valley in order to determine the thickness and main characteristics of the alluvial infilling.The main results are: (i) compared to the valley side ground motion, and for all the events, recordings in the central part of the valley (piana di Verchiano) show relative amplification of 10 with a clear lengthening of the seismogram duration by a factor of 2 – (ii) broad band relative amplification of 6–8 is also clearly identified at the top of the Mount San Salvatore overhanging the valley – (iii) any of the site effect measurements done explains by itself the strongly contrasted damage observed at Colle and Curasci: i.e. the modification of the near-field radiation pattern by interaction with the free heterogeneous surface may have induced local shadow zones that saved Curasci.  相似文献   

The earthquakes of Calabria are among the strongest in the whole Mediterranean, and they all occurred between the disruptive sequences of 1638 and 1908 (6.7 ≤ M ≤ 7.2). Recent paleoseismological studies show that the return time of these events on their causative fault are larger than 1 ky, thus making ancient earthquakes not recognizable through ‘conventional’ historical research. On the other hand, in those areas characterized by highly erodible deposits, the identification and paleoseismic trenching of active seismogenetic faults has remained a challenge. In order to overcome these issues, we took an archaeoseismological approach for casting light on earthquake occurrence in one of these regions, i.e., the SE area of central Ionian Calabria (Marchesato region). The extensive traces of simultaneous and abrupt collapses in the Roman settlement of Capo Colonna (in the area of the sixth and fifth b.c. sanctuary of Hera Lacinia, near the town of Crotone) are evidence of a disruptive earthquake, which occurred possibly in the third century a.d. To the same event we ascribe the definitive collapse of the Hera Lacinia temple. Considering the seismotectonic framework of the region, this event could be tentatively associated with the active fault system which cuts from NW to SE the whole Sila massif and its Ionian slope, and which should be responsible for all the others known M > 6 earthquakes in the area.  相似文献   

Following the increase in seismic activity which occurred near Isernia (Molise, Central Italy) in January 1986, a digital seismic network of four stations with three-component, short-period seismometers, was installed in the area by the Osservatorio Vesuviano. The temporary network had an average station spacing of about 8–10 km and, in combination with permanent local seismic stations, allowed the accurate determination of earthquake locations during an operating period of about one month. Among the 1517 detected earthquakes, 170 events were selected with standard errors on epicentre and depth not greater than respectively 0.5 and 1.5 km. The most frequent focal depths ranged between 4 and 8 km, while the epicentres distribution covered a small area NE of Isernia of about 10 km2. A main rupture zone could not be clearly identified from the spatial distribution of the earthquakes, suggesting a rupture mechanism involving heterogeneous materials. The activity was characterized by low energy levels, the largest earthquake, on January 18, 1986, havingM D =4.0. The time sequence of events and pattern of seismic energy release revealed a strong temporal clustering of events, similar to the behaviour commonly associated with seismic swarms.  相似文献   

We analyze data from three seismic antennas deployed in Las Cañadas caldera (Tenerife) during May–July 2004. The period selected for the analysis (May 12–31, 2004) constitutes one of the most active seismic episodes reported in the area, except for the precursory seismicity accompanying historical eruptions. Most seismic signals recorded by the antennas were volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes. They usually exhibited low magnitudes, although some of them were large enough to be felt at nearby villages. A few long-period (LP) events, generally associated with the presence of volcanic fluids in the medium, were also detected. Furthermore, we detected the appearance of a continuous tremor that started on May 18 and lasted for several weeks, at least until the end of the recording period. It is the first time that volcanic tremor has been reported at Teide volcano. This tremor was a small-amplitude, narrow-band signal with central frequency in the range 1–6 Hz. It was detected at the three antennas located in Las Cañadas caldera. We applied the zero-lag cross-correlation (ZLCC) method to estimate the propagation parameters (back-azimuth and apparent slowness) of the recorded signals. For VT earthquakes, we also determined the S–P times and source locations. Our results indicate that at the beginning of the analyzed period most earthquakes clustered in a deep volume below the northwest flank of Teide volcano. The similarity of the propagation parameters obtained for LP events and these early VT earthquakes suggests that LP events might also originate within the source volume of the VT cluster. During the last two weeks of May, VT earthquakes were generally shallower, and spread all over Las Cañadas caldera. Finally, the analysis of the tremor wavefield points to the presence of multiple, low-energy sources acting simultaneously. We propose a model to explain the pattern of seismicity observed at Teide volcano. The process started in early April with a deep magma injection under the northwest flank of Teide volcano, related to a basaltic magma chamber inferred by geological and geophysical studies. The stress changes associated with the injection produced the deep VT cluster. In turn, the occurrence of earthquakes permitted an enhanced supply of fresh magmatic gases toward the surface. This gas flow induced the generation of LP events. The gases permeated the volcanic edifice, producing lubrication of pre-existing fractures and thus favoring the occurrence of VT earthquakes. On May 18, the flow front reached the shallow aquifer located under Las Cañadas caldera. The induced instability constituted the driving mechanism of the observed tremor.  相似文献   

During the ML = 5.6 and 5.8 earthquakes occurredin central Italy on 26 September 1997 the historiccentre of Nocera Umbra, lying on top of a 120 m highhill, was diffusely damaged (VII-VIII degrees of MCSintensity). Some recently built houses in the modernpart of the town suffered an even higher level ofdamage. A temporary seismic array was deployed toinvestigate a possible correlation between localamplifications of ground motion in this area and theobserved pattern of damage. After a geologic andmacroseismic survey, eight sites were selected asrepresentative of different local conditions, such astopographic irregularities, sharp hard-to-softlithology transitions, alluvium-filled valleys, andboth undisturbed and deformed rocks.Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios for bothmicrotremor and earthquake recordings, as well asspectral ratios referred to undisturbed rock sites,were used to quantify local variations of groundmotion. In spite of the diffuse damage in the historiccentre of Nocera Umbra, a small amplification isobserved at the stations on the hill's top. Thissuggests that the higher vulnerability of the ancientbuildings mainly accounts for the diffuse damage inthat part of the town. In the frequency band ofengineering interest (1 to 10 Hz) the largestamplifications of ground motion are found at softsites: in the Topino river valley, where many episodesof severe structural damage occurred, spectralamplification is significant over a broad frequencyband ranging from 2 Hz to more than 20 Hz. Inparticular, in the central part of the valley highamplification (> 4) is found from 3 to 10 Hz,reaching a maximum of 20 around 4 Hz. At the edge ofthe valley, close to the soil-to-rock transition,amplification is as large as 10 in a frequency bandranging from 4 to more than 20 Hz. A significantamplification (by a factor of 10 around 10 Hz) isobserved also at one of the rock sites, possibly dueto the presence of a cataclastic zone related to theactivity of a regional fault that altered themechanical properties of the rock.  相似文献   

 The relationships between soil gas emissions and both tectonic and volcano-tectonic structures on Mt. Etna have been studied. The investigation consisted of soil CO2 flux measurements along traverses orthogonal to the main faults and eruptive fissures of the volcano. Anomalous levels of soil degassing were found mainly in coincidence with faults, whereas only 49% of the eruptive fissures were found to produce elevated CO2 soil fluxes. This result suggests that only zones of strain are able to channel deep gases to the surface. According to this hypothesis, several previously unknown structures are suggested. Based on our geochemical data, new structural maps of different areas of Etna are proposed. The soil CO2 fluxes observed in this study are higher than those measured in a 1987 study, and they are consistent with the higher level of volcanic unrest during the current study. Received: 20 March 1998 / Accepted: 17 June 1998  相似文献   

Floodplain wetlands are dynamic systems undergoing frequent hydro-sedimentological changes. Tropical/subtropical wetlands have even more pronounced climatic and biological influences on the sediment dynamics. In the current study, a protected subtropical wetland in Bihar(India) has been assessed for its sedimentary and mineralogical status. Sediment characteristics and associated granulometric parameters are discussed to highlight the wetland’s hydrogeomorphic character, energy dimension, and th...  相似文献   

对福建省水温分层型富营养化山仔水库夏季大坝断面垂向水体的物理化学参数进行了监测分析,并应用荧光分析法结合显微镜细胞计数法,对垂向分层水体和沉积物中的浮游植物生物量、群落组成及丰度进行了分析.结果表明,水库的水温分层能够引起水化学指标的分层.夏季大坝断面水体中的浮游植物以蓝藻门微囊藻属占绝对优势,垂向分布表现为表层的浮游植物细胞数量高于底层,温跃层以下细胞数急剧减少,水温分层可能决定着浮游植物的垂向分布,底泥中的浮游植物将为水体的水华提供"种源".  相似文献   

Gas samples from some fumaroles at ‘La Fossa' crater and Baia di Levante on Vulcano Island and from a diffuse soil gas emission were analysed during 1995–1996, along with water samples from thermal wells in the area of Vulcano Porto. During 1996, we observed a significant increase both in the gas/steam ratio and in the CO2 concentration, as well as strong variations in δ13CCO2, δDH2O and δ18OH2O of fumarolic gases. These variations are probably related to an increased inflow of deep fluids of magmatic origin. The temperatures of fumaroles did not show remarkable variations except for fumarole F11. In this case, temperature increased by about 80°C from February to August 1996. During the same period, remarkable variations in temperature, phreatic level and chemical and isotopic composition of water were also recorded in one of the geothermal wells in the Vulcano Porto area (Camping Sicilia; T60°C). The observed variations in this well are probably related to a pressure build-up, occurring at least in the surficial part of the system, because of increased gas flux and/or decreased permeability of the fumarolic degassing system. Chemical and isotopic composition of the water showed that during this evolutionary phase, the content of fumarolic condensate in this well was about 80 to 90%. Based on the observation of physical and chemical variables of the Camping Sicilia fluids, during this phase of activity, it is concluded that this area is affected by a phreatic eruption hazard if a volcanic episode with high energy discharge in a limited time span occurs. It follows that this well may be considered as a preferential point for volcanic activity monitoring, both in the case of normal routine surveillance and in the case of inaccessibility to the crater area.  相似文献   

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