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Benthic fluxes of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were measured in situ using autonomous landers in the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea, on four expeditions between 2002 and 2005. These measurements together with model estimates of bottom water oxygen conditions were used to compute the magnitude of the yearly integrated benthic SRP flux (also called internal phosphorus load). The yearly integrated benthic SRP flux was found to be almost 10 times larger than the external (river and land sources) phosphorus load. The average SRP flux was 1.25?±?0.56?mmol?m?2?d?1 on anoxic bottoms, and ?0.01?±?0.08?mmol?m?2?d?1 on oxic bottoms. The bottom water oxygen conditions determined whether the SRP flux was in a high or low regime, and degradation of organic matter (as estimated from benthic DIC fluxes) correlated positively with SRP fluxes on anoxic bottoms. From this correlation, we estimated a potential increase in phosphorus flux of 0.69?±?0.26?mmol?m?2?d?1 from presently oxic bottoms, if they would turn anoxic. An almost full annual data set of in situ bottom water oxygen measurements showed high variability of oxygen concentration. Because of this, an estimate of the time which the sediments were exposed to oxygenated overlying bottom water was computed using a coupled thermohydrodynamic ocean?Csea and ecosystem model. Total phosphorus burial rates were calculated from vertical profiles of total phosphorus in sediment and sediment accumulation rates. Recycling and burial efficiencies for phosphorus of 97 and 3%, respectively, were estimated for anoxic accumulation bottoms from a benthic mass balance, which was based on the measured effluxes and burial rates.  相似文献   

Distribution of the major and trace elements in ferromanganese nodules, which are buried or exposed on the seafloor, and in host sediments was studied in ten concretion/sediment pairs by various physical and chemical methods. It has been established that, in addition to Fe and Mn, a limited number of the major and trace elements (P, Ca, Sr, Ba, Mo, Co, Zn, Ni, As, Pb, Sb, Tl, U, W, Y, and Ga included) is accumulated with a variable degree of intensity (relative to sediments) in the concretions. As compared to host sediments, the maximal content of Mn in concretions is 100 times higher, whereas maximal contents of all other elements listed above vary from more than one to 10–20 times. Manganese and, to a lesser extent, Ba and Sr are concentrated in the buried concretions. Other elements are primarily concentrated in concretions exposed on the sea-floor. The occurrence mode of concretions and compositional data on interstitial water suggest that metals in the concretions were derived from seawater and suspended particulates, in addition to sediments. Burial of concretions in the sediment pile is accompanied by the alteration of their composition, accumulation of Mn (relative to Fe), and loss of several associated metals.  相似文献   

Shoreline displacement in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland during the past 9000 radiocarbon years was reconstructed by studying a total of 10 isolated lake and mire basins located in Virolahti in southeastern Finland and on the Karelian Isthmus, and in Ingermanland in Russia. Study methods were diatom analyses, sediment lithostratigraphical interpretation and radiocarbon dating. In southeastern Finland, the marine (Litorina) transgression maximum occurred ca. 6500–6200 14C yr BP (7400–7100 cal. yr BP). In areas of the slower land uplift rate on the Karelian Isthmus and in Ingermanland, the transgression maximum occurred ca. 6400–6000 14C yr BP (7300–6800 cal. yr BP). The highest Litorina shoreline is located at ca. 23 m above present sea-level in southeastern Finland, whereas in the eastern part of the Karelian Isthmus, near St. Petersburg, it is located at ca. 8 m above present sea-level. The amplitude of the Litorina transgression in Virolahti area is ca. 4 m, whereas on the Karelian Isthmus and in Ingermanland the amplitude has varied between 5 and 7 m. The regional differences between areas are solely due to different glacio-isostatic land uplift rates. The seven basins studied in this research were connected to the Baltic Sea basin during the Litorina Sea stage and their diatom and lithostratigraphical records indicate a single, smooth Litorina transgression.  相似文献   

In order to quantify the reservoir age in Baltic Sea sediment, one sedimentary sequence from an isostatically isolated basin was subject to high-resolution AMS radiocarbon dates. Diatom analysis confirmed deposition during the Litorina Sea stage and later, in a freshwater lake. Macrofossils from well preserved seeds and other remnants from terrestrial plants were used for AMS datings. It is assumed that these fragile plant remains are not redeposited or affected by internal ages. The ages obtained from the macrofossils range from 6460±125 to 5580±75 14C yr BP. By comparing these radiocarbon ages with those obtained by bulk sediment dates, it was obvious that the bulk samples were affected by reservoir ages, resulting in too old ages. The reservoir ages varied within the sediment column; during the most saline phase, the reservoir age was approximately 750 yr, shortly after the isolation ca 400 yr and in the freshwater lake, the age differences between the two series were neglectable.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Finland lies in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea. The surface area is 29,700 km2 and the average depth of the basin is 38 m. Groundwater discharge to the Gulf of Finland equals 0.6 km3/year and this discharge is composed of many different chemical compounds. Groundwater discharge into the Gulf of Finland is dispersal. The coastal area of the Gulf of Finland can be divided into four zones with different geological, hydrogeological and discharge properties. The amount of direct groundwater discharge to the sea may be estimated using several geological and hydrogeological methods.  相似文献   

 The areal distribution of oil products and various trace metals have been studied in bottom surface deposits from the harbors of Neva Bay. The data of contents were normalized to natural background concentrations. Also the size and biomass of benthos groups were analyzed. The results show clearly that industrial discharges have elevated levels of contamination in the sediments. Few efficient measures against environmental contamination have been taken. The sediments contain very high concentrations of oil products and such heavy metals as Hg, Pb, Cu, and Zn. The benthic organisms most sensitive to heavy metal contamination are Chironomidae. The dredging and dumping of the contaminated deposits can lead to secondary contamination of the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic proper. Received: 18 November 1996 · Accepted: 17 March 1997  相似文献   

The occurrence of seals in the Finnish prehistoric fauna and in the Baltic since the end of the last glaciation is discussed on the basis of subfossil remains in refuses at cultural sites, and stray finds. The species represented are the harp ( Phoca groenlandica Müller), the ringed seal ( Phoca hispida Schreb.), and the grey seal ( Halicoerus grypus (Fabr.)), of which the latter two are native in the recent fauna, whereas the former has since become extinct in the Baltic. The earliest seals, which probably immigrated to the Yoldia Sea, were ringed seals, whereas the subfossil harp seals are solely found in sediments of the Litorina Sea stage.  相似文献   

One of the most discussed stages in the history of the Baltic Sea is the Ancylus Lake phase. This paper presents detailed information from the Darss Sill threshold area as well as the adjacent basins, i.e. the Mecklenburg Bay and Arkona Basin located in the southwesternmost Baltic. The threshold area was transgressed at the Baltic Ice Lake maximum phase and during the following regression about 10.3 ka BP a river valley was incised in the Darss Sill to a level of 23-24 m below present sea level (b.s.l.). Preboreal sediments in the study area show lowstand basin deposition in the Arkona Basin and the existence of a local lake in Mecklenburg Bay. The lowstand system is followed by the Ancylus Lake transgression that reached a maximum level of 19 m b.s.l. Thus, at the maximum level the water depth was about 5 m over the threshold, and the shore level fall during the Ancylus Lake regression must be in the same range. The Darss Sill area is the key area for drainage of the Ancylus Lake, and if the previously suggested regression of 8-10 m in southeastern Sweden is to be achieved, isostatic rebound must also play a role. The existence of the so-called Dana River in the Darss Sill area cannot be supported by our investigations. We observed no signs of progressive erosion of the Darss Sill area in the Early Holocene, and there are no prograding systems in Mecklenburg Bay that can be related to the Ancylus Lake regression. On the contrary, local lakes developed in Mecklenburg Bay and in the Darss Sill threshold area. In the Darss Sill area, marl was deposited in a lake in the valley that developed after the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake. Studies of diatoms and macrofossils, combined with seismic interpretation and radiocarbon dating, provide detailed information about the chronology and the relative shore level of these lake phases as well as about environmental conditions in the lakes.  相似文献   

The Lateglacial and postglacial sequence in the northern Gulf of Riga is sedimentologically subdivided into nine distinctive layers. In the seismo‐acoustic sequence these layers are correlated with seven seismic/acoustic units, which largely reflect different stages in the development of the Baltic Sea. A uniform layer of the Late Weichselian till, a layer of waterlain glacial diamicton (WGD), a varved succession of the Baltic Ice Lake, a brackish‐water/freshwater sandy/silty clay of Yoldia Sea, a FeS‐rich layer of Ancylus Lake and discordantly bedded sand of the Litorina Sea and present‐day gyttja are revealed both in sediment cores and in acoustic recordings. In general, the lateral extent of the distinguished sediment layers is gradually shrinking upwards in the Quaternary sequence towards the deepest, central depression of the gulf. Two distinguished regional discontinuities divide the Lateglacial and postglacial sediment sequence into three allounits: glacial diamicton deposits in the lower part; ice‐proximal WGD, glaciolacustrine and postglacial lake/marine deposits in the middle; and brackish‐water marine deposits in the uppermost part of the sequence. The presented detailed seismostratigraphic subdivision of the Quaternary sediment sequence of the Gulf of Riga permits a correlation/comparison with similar sequences across the Baltic Sea and in other former glaciated basins.  相似文献   

Hutri, K.-L., Heinsalu, A., Kotilainen, A. T. & Ojala, A. E. K. 2007 (January): Dating early Holocene palaeoseismic event(s) in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea. Boreas , Vol. 36, pp. 56–64. Oslo. ISSN 0030–9483.
Deformation structures in submarine Holocene sediments caused by palaeoseismicity have recently been found in the Olkiluoto area, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, within old fracture zones of bedrock. In this study, the palaeoseismic event(s) was dated and the palaeoenvironment was characterized using palaeomagnetic, biostratigraphical and lithostratigraphical methods, thereby enhancing the reliability of the chronology. The variations in the inclination and declination of the Olkiluoto sediment core showed very good correlation with the palaeosecular variations recorded in the annually laminated long lake sediment record from Lake Nautajarvi in central Finland. Combined litho-, bio- and palaeomagnetic stratigraphy revealed an age estimation of 10 650 to 10 200 cal. yr BP for the palaeoseismic event(s), which coincides with postglacial bedrock faulting in northern Fennoscandia.  相似文献   

Sediment sequences retrieved from Lake Medvedevskoye (60°13'N; 29°54'E) and Lake Pastorskoye (60°13'N; 30°02'E), Karelian Isthmus, northwestern Russia, were analysed for lithology, pollen and diatom stratigraphy, total organic carbon content and mineral magnetic parameters. Age control for both sequences was provided by AMS 14C measurements and the Vedde Ash tephra. The reconstructed climatic and environmental development shows the deglaciation of the sites and the establishment of sparse shrub and herb/grass vegetation before 12650 cal. yrs BP ('Allerød'; GI-1a). Steppe tundra and cold, dry conditions prevailed until about 11000 cal. yrs BP, i.e. throughout the 'Younger Dryas' (GS-1) and the earliest Holocene. The establishment of open Picea-Pinus-Betula forest around the lakes at about 11 000 cal. yrs BP coincides with the first distinct change towards gradually warmer and more humid climatic conditions. Boreal forest with Picea, Pinus, Betula, Alnus incana and Corylus was present at the lower altitude site between c. 10700 and 10200 cal. yrs BP, while open Betula-Pinus forest continued to dominate the vegetation around the higher altitude site. After a short, possibly colder, phase around 10200-10000 cal. yrs BP, which is expressed by a marked reduction in vegetation cover and decreased lake productivity, climatic conditions became significantly warmer and possibly more humid. Boreal forest with Pinus, Betula, Picea, Alnus incana, Corylus and Ulmus became widespread in the region after 10000 cal. yrs BP. The delayed environmental response of the lakes and their catchment to hemispheric warming at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary may be explained by a sustained blocking of westerly air masses due to the presence of the Scandinavian ice sheet and associated strengthened easterlies and anticy-clonic circulation and/or extensive permafrost.  相似文献   

The role of metamorphic processes (including postmagmatic ones) in the origin of mineral assemblages is estimated for the layered unit (LU) and barren rocks (BR) in the Pana Intrusion. Numerical simulations indicate that metamorphic processes simultaneously modified the mineralogical composition of the rocks, Pt and Pd compounds, and the fluids. The process resulted in systematic changes in the mineralogical and fluid composition and is realistically reproduced by physicochemical numerical simulations. Our results make it possible to estimate the effect of P-T parameters on the composition of metallic Pt and Pd and their sulfides, selenides, and tellurides and the composition of the fluid phase during the transformations and localization of the PGE ore mineralization.  相似文献   

Sediment profiles were obtained, from the basal sections of two mire basins located above the highest Litorina shore in the Helsinki region, for pollen, diatom and Cladocera analyses and radiocarbon dating with the aim of exploring the relative sea-level changes during the Litorina stage of the Baltic Sea. Both profiles provided indications of 'long-distance effects' of the Litorina transgression around 7500–6100 BP, in the form of eutrophication, inundation, increased Pediastrum abundances, declined chydorid diversity and the presence of saline water diatoms. The results support the idea that sea level rose during the Litorina stage in the Helsinki region and suggest that this transgressive event had considerable effects on natural conditions in the coastal ecosystems. The findings contradict earlier accounts of a shore level stillstand during the Littorina stage in the Helsinki district.  相似文献   

The easternmost sector of the Gulf of Corinth, the Beotia area in Central Greece, is an area with active normal faults located between the two major rift structures of Central Greece, the Gulf of Corinth and the North Gulf of Evia. These active normal faults include WNW to E–W and NE to ENE-trending faults affect the landscape and generate basin and range topography within the Beotia. We study four normal fault zones and drainage basin geometry in the easternmost sector of the Gulf of Corinth to document the impact of active tectonics on the landscape evolution. Fault and drainage geometry are investigated based on detailed field mapping and high-resolution digital elevation models. Tectonic geomorphic analysis using several parameters of active tectonics provides information concerning the relative tectonic activity and fault growth. In order to detect areas of lateral stream migration that could indicate recent tectonic activity, the Transverse Topographic Symmetry Factor and the Asymmetry Factor are used to analyse drainage basin geometry in six large drainage basins and a drainage domain covering the study area. Our results show that vertical motions and tilting associated with normal faulting influence the drainage geometry and its development. Values of stream-gradient indices (SL) are relatively high close to the fault traces of the studied fault zones suggesting high activity. Mountain-front sinuosity (Smf) mean values along the fault zones ranges from 1.08 to 1.26. Valley floor width to valley height ratios (Vf) mean values along the studied fault zones range between 0.5 and 1.6. Drainage basin shape (BS) mean values along the fault zones range from 1.08 to 3.54. All these geomorphic parameters and geomorphological data suggest that the analyzed normal faults are highly active. Lateral fault growth was likely produced by primarily eastward propagation, with the WNW to E–W trending faults being the relatively more active structures.  相似文献   

Integrated palaeoecological studies of two fiord sediment sequences in the province of Blekinge, SE Sweden, covering the time span 11,000–5000 cal BP, reveal the timing and the environment for the Ancylus Lake/Littorina Sea transition 9800–8500 cal BP. The first ingression of saline water into the Baltic Sea through the Danish Straits occurred earlier than formerly assumed. New evidence, particularly mineral magnetic and palaeobotanical analyses, demonstrate that on the general trend of the eustatically caused Littorina transgression several minor fluctuations of the water level can be identified between 8500 and 5000 cal years BP. A distinct regression phase around 8100 cal BP is correlated with the Greenland ice-core cold event dated to 8200 ice-core years BP. This is described as a regional climatic catastrophe for the Baltic Sea region. The coastal stratigraphy is compared with the offshore stratigraphy earlier studied. A tentative shore displacement curve for Early and Middle Holocene is presented.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea has experienced a complex geological history, with notable swings in salinity driven by changes to its connection with the Atlantic and glacio‐isostatic rebound. Sediments obtained during International Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 allow the study of the effects of these changes on the ecology of the Baltic in high resolution through the Holocene in areas where continuous records had not always been available. Sites M0061 and M0062, drilled in the Ångermanälven Estuary (northern Baltic Sea), contain records of Holocene‐aged sediments and microfossils. Here we present detailed records of palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental changes to the Ångermanälven Estuary inferred from diatom, palynomorph and organic‐geochemical data. Based on diatom assemblages, the record is divided into four zones that comprise the Ancylus Lake, Littorina Sea, Post‐Littorina Sea and Recent Baltic Sea stages. The Ancylus Lake phase is initially characterized as oligotrophic, with the majority of primary productivity in the upper water column. This transition to a eutrophic state continues into the Initial Littorina Sea stage. The Initial Littorina Sea stage contains the most marine phase recorded here, as well as low surface water temperatures. These conditions end before the Littorina Sea stage, which is marked by a return to oligotrophic conditions and warmer waters of the Holocene Thermal Maximum. Glacio‐isostatic rebound leads to a shallowing of the water column, allowing for increased benthic primary productivity and stratification of the water column. The Medieval Climate Anomaly is also identified within Post‐Littorina Sea sediments. Modern Baltic sediments and evidence of human‐induced eutrophication are seen. Human influence upon the Baltic Sea begins c. 1700 cal. a BP and becomes more intense c. 215 cal. a BP.  相似文献   

Concentrations and rates of uptake of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON, free amino acids, and urea) and inorganic nitrogen (DIN, nitrate, and ammonium) were measured along two transects in the Gulf of Riga, a sub-basin of the Baltic Sea, during May and July 1996. Concentrations of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) were 23±3 μg-at N 1−1 in the northern region (mouth) and 41±5 μg-at N 1−1 in the southern region (head) of the Gulf. Rates of nitrogen uptake, determined with15N-labeled substrates, reflected differences in TDN concentration between the regions. In May, uptake of DIN+DON measured 0.17 and 0.43 μg-at N 1−1 h−1 in the northern and southern parts of the Gulf, respectively. In July, DIN+DON uptake measured 0.38 and 0.68 μg-at N 1−1 h−1 in the north and south, respectively. Most of the variability in total nitrogen flux between the northern and southern regions was due to heterogeneity of DON utilization. Uptake of urea and dissolved free amino acid were up to 6 and 3 times greater in the south compared to the north. As evidenced by size-fractionation, plankton size structure appeared to play a role in the uptake of DON. The community in the southern part was largely composed of cells <5 μm, while up to 67% of the community in the northern part was composed of cells >5 μm. Our results indicate that DON was a major source of nitrogen to phytoplankton, particularly in the southern part of the Gulf.  相似文献   

Trends in phytoplankton monitoring data (1976–2008) from the Gulf of Riga were investigated and linked to environmental factors. Annual means of spring phytoplankton biomass correlated to phosphorus input from land and shifts between diatoms and dinoflagellates were attributed to potential Si limitation and time of sampling relative to the spring phytoplankton succession. The summer phytoplankton biomass, which more than doubled over the study period, was related to the abundance of summer copepods that similarly declined. Cyanobacterial blooms proliferated in summer and the proportion of diatoms similarly declined when the winter–spring inorganic N/P ratio was low. The chlorophyte proportion in summer increased over the study period, and this was linked to increasing temperatures favoring their higher growth rates. The dinoflagellate proportion appeared to decrease with temperatures above a threshold of 15.5°C. Although nutrient inputs and their ratios are important factors for the phytoplankton community, this study suggests that climate change and overfishing could be equally important.  相似文献   

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