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Combination of flotation and magnetic separation methods is widely used for enrichment of feldspar ores by purifying from dark-colored gangue minerals such as iron and titanium. In this study, the removal of dark-colored minerals from feldspar ore (Aydin Cine region of Turkey) was studied using a dry magnetic separator. The effect of several parameters such as feed particle size, blade angle, and roll speed on the removal efficiency was investigated in detail. In addition, the gangue contents of the magnetic and non-magnetic products were determined by a digital image processing (DIP) method in terms of using color differences between the feldspar sample and gangue minerals. The results obtained from this study clearly indicated that the dry magnetic separation method can be successfully applied in enrichment of feldspar. Meanwhile, the particle size of the sample showed no significant influence on the separation recovery. According to the results obtained from the digital image processing process, the sample with 0.04% cross sectional area of dark-colored minerals can be obtained at roll speed of 100 rpm and 130° of blade angle using the original particle size of 500×106 μm. Additionally, most importantly, these results showed that digital image processing method can be used to determine gangue content (dark-colored minerals) of the magnetic separation products compared to conventional methods as a simple, a reliable, and a repeatable method.  相似文献   

一种适用于沉积有机质族组分分离的微型柱色谱法   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
徐世平  孙永革 《地球化学》2006,35(6):681-688
硅胶-氧化铝柱色谱是广泛采用的沉积有机质组分分离方法。但在常规柱色谱分离方法中,存在吸附剂、溶剂使用量过大、烷烃/芳烃组分交叉严重等问题。介绍一种微型柱色谱分离法,其分离效果与常规方法的效果基本相同或略有改善,吸附剂用量与样品的比例由100~250降低为25~50,洗脱溶剂与样品的比例由1800~4600降低至250~500。同时,操作程序进一步简化,分析成本和对环境的污染程度大幅度降低。  相似文献   

通过对铜陵凤凰山铜多金属矿不同部位的磁铁矿单矿物的稀土元素配分分析,发现从矿体的底板经过中部到顶板,磁铁矿中稀土元素总量平均值不断升高,依次为11.30×10-6,29.34×10-6和86.15×10-6,δ(Eu)平均值依次为0.62,1.23和2.04.与超覆于矿体之上的花岗闪长岩体和矿体下伏的围岩(灰岩)的稀土...  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of bulk organic matter is the most commonly used method for establishing chronologies of lake sediments for palaeoclimate reconstructions on the Tibetan Plateau. However, this method is likely to be problematic because the dated material often suffers from old carbon contamination. Recently, advances in luminescence‐based chronological techniques have provided new options for dating lacustrine sediments. In the current study, we tested for the first time the applicability of a new post‐IR IRSL (pIRIR) measurement protocol for dating fine‐grained polymineral material from a deep‐lake sediment core from the central part of Tangra Yumco, on the southern Tibetan Plateau. Our results show that: (i) radioactive disequilibria in the uranium decay chain were observed in the studied lake sediments, and thus taken into account for dose rate calculation by using a dynamic modelling approach; (ii) the suitability and robustness of the pIRIR protocol measured at 150°C (pIRIR150) for our samples are confirmed by a set of luminescence characteristic tests as well as the agreement with an independent age control; (iii) turbidite deposition partly caused an insufficient resetting of luminescence signals and thus apparent overestimation in luminescence dating; (iv) compared with the luminescence‐based age‐depth model, the 14C ages of bulk organic matter from the studied core generally yielded an age difference of ~2 ka, which is attributed to hardwater reservoir effects in Tangra Yumco. This study highlights the need for multi‐dating approaches of lake sedimentary archives on the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

JANE K. HART 《Sedimentology》2006,53(1):125-146
The subglacial processes at Briksdalsbreen, Norway, are examined by a combination of sedimentology, thin section and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of till samples from an exposed subglacial surface and from beneath the glacier. Studies of a fluted surface indicate that subglacial deformation is occurring on a field scale with flutes forming behind most clasts 0·6 m high. At the thin section scale (0·014–2·0 mm) it is seen that deformation is by rotation and attenuation and is dependent on till texture. At the SEM scale (0·1–0·4 mm) it is seen that erosion is controlled by abrasion and percussion which produces distinct grain ‘styles’ as part of an erosional continuum. Overall it is shown that rotation and attenuation is a dominant process at all scales and that the clast interactions associated with different scale perturbations within the shear zone control erosion and deposition, as well as landform and fabric production.  相似文献   

The aim of the submitted paper is to identify the lower limit of Stokes’ law for calculating the deposition rate of soil microparticles. The authors’ hypothesis on the lower limit of Stokes’ law is based on the idea that with the gradual formation of the colloidal dispersion system, both the particle size and the sedimentation rate decrease. It is assumed that under the lower particle size limit, Stokes’ law does not apply. As a result of the diffusion, the state of the sedimentation equilibrium gradually emerges. The results of the experiment showed that in laboratory conditions, Stokes’ equation ceases to be valid for sedimentation of the particles sized d(90)?<?2 μm. During the experiment, a dynamic sedimentation equilibrium was reached at the particle size d(90)?=?0.27 μm. The scientific contribution of this knowledge is the accuracy of the determination of hydropedological characteristics dependent on the texture of the soil. In this context, the results stated in the paper define the lower limit of the validity for the laboratory procedures determining soil texture on the basis of the sedimentation methods. To identify the textures below this limit, it is necessary to choose the methods based on other principles. Determination of the lower limit is particularly important in clay soils containing a high proportion of clay particles (clay particles <?2 μm).  相似文献   

A loop of soft iron wire or a paper clip or a ferromagnetic grid mounted between the poles of an electromagnet picks up and allows further magnetic separation of zircons previously found to be non-magnetic on a Frantz Isodynamic Separator. Tests on previously analysed samples indicate that most such zircons that are fairly discordant (say ~10%) can be picked up and isolated from associated grains that are more concordant. Tests on new samples indicate that even when most grains can be picked up the last few percent of the sample contain less uranium, and are more concordant than the bulk sample.The degree of discordance is the dominant factor affecting the uncertainty of U-Pb zircon ages both because of the error amplification in projections, and because the assumption of a simple two-stage system may not be valid. Only by eliminating or reducing discordance can errors approaching the uncertainty in a single analysis, say ±2 m.y. for 2700 m.y. rocks, be achieved.Rutile normally concentrated with zircon as non-magnetic has been successfully removed from a small amount of low uranium zircon, using the high intensity separation technique.  相似文献   

The properties of nano- and microparticles (60 nm-200 μm) of the dust formed by mass blasting in the iron ore open pit of the Lebedinsky Mining and Concentrating Combine have been studied. Data on the morphology of particles, their magnetic properties, mineralogy, and dimensions have been obtained. Quartz, magnetite, and mica were identified among these particles. The dust mostly consisted of fragmented iron ore formation from the rock massif involved in the blasting.  相似文献   

A model for the composition of meteoritic nanodiamonds is suggested based on analysis of the concentrations and isotopic compositions of C, N, and Xe in the nanodiamond-rich grain-size fractions, which were separated for the first time from the Orgueil CI chondrite. According to the model, meteoritic nanodiamond consists of two populations of grains (denoted CHL and CN). The size distributions of grains in populations in the CHL and CN populations are different: the CHL population is finer grained than CN. The grains of the CHL population are characterized by a radial gradient in the carbon isotopic composition, and they contain implanted anomalous noble gases (HL component) and the heavy nitrogen isotope 15N. Following (Clayton et al., 1995), the probable astrophysical source of this population of nanodiamond grains is thought to be the mixing helium and hydrogen shells of a Type-II supernova, and the mechanism that produced these grains was the slow CVD process. The CN population grains have homogeneous isotopic compositions of carbon (δ13C ≡–100‰) and nitrogen (δ15N ≡–400‰) and contain almost all nitrogen of the nanodiamond-rich fractions. This population of nanodiamond grains was likely formed by a fast unequilibrated process, when shock waves affected organic compounds or gas rich in C- and N-bearing compounds during the early evolution of the protosolar nebula. Calculations within the framework of the model show that the nanodiamond-rich fractions separated from the Orgueil meteorite have the CN/CHL ratios varying from 1 in the finest grained fraction to 10 in the coarse-grained one. At these proportions of the populations, weighted mean δ13C values of CHL grains in the fractions lie within the range of 42 to 394‰, and the concentrations of 132Xe-HL and 15N are (49–563) × 10–8 cm3/gC and (1.1–6.2) × 10–5 cm3/gC, respectively.  相似文献   

 A total of 121 bed sediment samples were collected from a 5.8-km stretch of Manoa Stream, Hawaii. Samples were physically partitioned into two grain-size fractions, <63 μm and 63–125 μm, acid digested and analyzed by ICP-AES and FAAS. Non-parametric matched-pair statistical testing and correlation analysis were used to assess differences and strengths of association between the two fractions for Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti and Zn. Results indicated statistically significant differences between fractions for all elements except Mn. Concentrations were significantly greater in the <63 μm fraction for Al, Cu, Pb, Ti and Zn, while Ba, Fe and Ni were higher in the 63–125 μm fraction. Though some elements had statistically significant differences between fractions (Al, Ba, Fe and Zn) percentage differences were in the range of analytical precision of the instrument and thus differences were not practically significant. Correlation analysis indicated strong positive associations for all elements between the two fractions (p<0.0001). Three contamination indices indicated similar degrees of pollution for each size fraction for four elements having an anthropogenic signal (Ba, Cu, Pb and Zn). The environmental information obtained from the 63–125 μm fraction was essentially equivalent to that from the <63 μm fraction. In this system it is clear that both bed sediment fractions indicate anthropogenic enrichment of trace metals, especially Pb, and further supports previous research that has found that aquatic sediments are critical median for tracing sources of pollution. Received: 17 August 1998 · Accepted: 30 October 1998  相似文献   

本文以油酸钠作为捕收剂,研究了磷酸氢二钠、柠檬酸和硅酸钠等抑制剂对粉石英与红柱石浮选分离效果的影响.结果表明,磷酸氢二钠是红柱石与粉石英浮选分离的一种优良的抑制剂;在其最佳浓度0.47×10-2 mol /L,浮选液pH值为8.5时,粉石英与红柱石浮选回收率差高达47.86%.红外光谱及Zeta电位分析结果表明,油酸钠对红柱石兼有物理和化学吸附作用,对粉石英仅有物理吸附作用,因而对红柱石有更强的捕收能力;磷酸氢二钠对粉石英表面起解吸作用,能有效抑制粉石英起浮,从而实现粉石英与红柱石的分离.  相似文献   

S. Malomo 《Chemical Geology》1987,60(1-4):101-109
The mineralogy and chemical composition of different laterite samples from Paraíba (NE Brazil) have been studied in order to improve our understanding of the laterite forming process. Determinations on size-fractionated samples of concretions and fines show that kaolinite (b-axis disordered form), haematite, goethite and quartz are the dominating minerals.

Laterisation process leads to the propagation of small-sized fractions (fines) into larger-sized ones (concretions). The propagation only involves the cementation of quartz and clay minerals by goethite and/or haematite and no segregation of alumina is involved. The larger sizes of the fines are similar in composition to the concretions, of which they are small-scale expressions.  相似文献   

Whereas high-grade dolomites and limestones find extensive use in the refractory and steel industries, high-silica dolomitic limestones are of little use and can cause disposal problems as mining rejects. The removal of silica and magnesia to certain specified limits can make them suitable for cement manufacture. Magnesia can be removed by a carbonation process after semi-calcination of dolomite but the removal of a large amount of silica prior to MgO separation, by the flotation process alone, is uneconomical. Here the results are presented of the investigations of hydrocyclone separation of silica from one such type of mining rejects. The results show that after grinding the feed material to suitable levels of liberation of quartz and carbonate grains, two cycles of operation in a 4′′ hydrocyclone, can recover about 45% of the limestone feed material with a lime/silica ratio adequate for cement manufacture.  相似文献   

研究了采用石灰中和+化学絮凝沉淀、有机复合脱氮剂分质处理钽铌钨锡多金属矿分离加工产生的酸性和碱性废水,氟化物、氨氮去除率可达到99.9%以上,重金属离子去除率可达到99%以上,氨回收率可达到98%以上。该处理工艺可实现废水资源化,回收的稀氨水可返回生产工艺再利用,具有良好的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

Eleven samples of crude oil from the Molasse Basin of Southern Germany were fractionated and their contents of sulfur and nitrogen as well as the stable isotope compositions of these elements (34S32S and 15N14N, resp.) investigated.According to the δ34S determinations, all crude oils from the Tertiary base of the Western and Eastern Molasse belong to one oil family and differ significantly from the Triassic and Liassic oils in the Western Molasse.An enrichment of 34S was observed with increasing polarity of crude oil fractions. The isotope distributions of sulfur in the polar constituents of the biodegraded oils from the sandstones of Ampfing, however, approach a homogeneous distribution.The nitrogen isotope distribution is rather uniform in Southern German oils. A regional differentiation can be recognized, although the overall isotopic variation is small. The δ15N values of the crudes and asphaltenes do not correlate.  相似文献   

Far-from-equilibrium batch dissolution experiments were carried out on the 2000–500, 500–250, 250–53 and 53–2 μm size fractions of the mineral component of the B horizon of a granitic iron humus podzol after removal of organic matter and secondary precipitates. The different size fractions were mineralogically and chemically similar, the main minerals present being quartz, alkali and plagioclase feldspar, biotite and chlorite. Specific surface area increased with decreasing grain size. The measured element release rates decreased in the order 53–2>>>2000–500>500–250>250–53 μm. Surface area normalised element release rates from the 2000–500, 500–250 and 250–53 μm size fractions (0.6–77×10−14 mol/m2/s) were intermediate between literature reported surface area normalised dissolution rates for monomineralic powders of feldspar (0.1–0.01×10−14 mol/m2/s) and sheet silicates (100×10−14 mol/m2/s) dissolving under similar conditions. Element release rates from the 53–2 μm fraction (400–3000×10−14 mol/m2/s) were a factor of 4–30 larger than literature reported values for sheet silicates. The large element release rate of the 53–2 μm fraction means that, despite the small mass fraction of 53–2 μm sized particles present in the soil, dissolution of this fraction is the most important for element release into the soil. A theoretical model predicted similar (within a factor of <2) bulk element release rates for all the mineral powders if observed thicknesses of sheet silicate grains were used as input parameters. Decreasing element release rates with decreasing grain size were only predicted if the thickness of sheet silicates in the powders was held constant. A significantly larger release rate for the 53–2 μm fraction relative to the other size fractions was only predicted if either surface roughness was set several orders of magnitude higher for sheet silicates and several orders of magnitude lower for quartz and feldspars in the 53–2 μm fraction compared to the other size fractions or if the sheet silicate thickness input in the 53–2 μm fraction was set unrealistically low. It is therefore hypothesised that the reason for the unpredicted large release rate from the 52–3 μm size fraction is due to one or more of the following reasons: (1) the greater reactivity of the smaller particles due to surface free energy effects, (2) the lack of proportionality between the BET surface area used to normalise the release rates and the actual reactive surface area of the grains and, (3) the presence of traces quantities of reactive minerals which were undetected in the 53–2 μm fraction but were entirely absent in the coarser fractions.  相似文献   

Conventional biomarker studies typically interpret the distribution, structure and stable isotopic (e.g. 13C, D) composition of sedimentary hydrocarbons and polar compounds. However, compound and compound class specific 14C analysis (CSRA) is becoming increasingly relevant for characterising millennial scale residence and mobilisation of sedimentary organic carbon (OC). Here, the 14C content of the aliphatic and bulk fractions from shallow cores from the hypersaline playa, Lake Tyrrell, southeast Australia were compared. The aliphatic hydrocarbon fractions (predominantly n-alkanes) were substantially older than the corresponding bulk fractions, indicating the presence of active reservoirs of ancient carbon, likely derived from aeolian reworking of sediments. The 14C ages of the aliphatic hydrocarbons in the core revealed two noticeable shifts in age and source of ancient OC that were not apparent using biomarker composition and sedimentology alone. The study shows that aliphatic hydrocarbons are relatively simple to isolate, even from organically lean (ca. 0.05% TOC) terrestrial sediments, and their 14C ages yield information about carbon mobilisation and preservation not amenable to conventional analysis.  相似文献   

The conventional saponification method could result in lower recoveries and artificial changes of long-chain fatty acids. The main reason is the error judgment of the intermediate layer suspended between the aqueous and organic layer during the liquid–liquid extraction process. This study shows that the intermediate layer consists of lots of medium- to long-chain carboxylic salts for their special physical and chemical properties. An improved saponification extraction method is also developed and the results show that the carboxylic salts distributed in the intermediate layer could be obtained completely, which greatly enhances the authenticity and accuracy of fatty acid analysis. Additionally, the possible reasons of formation of the intermediate layer are also discussed.  相似文献   

The methods and results of logging the oil reservoirs in the crystalline basement of the White Tiger field are characterized. The data on 46 wells that exposed the basement of the Central arch were used to determine the values and to establish the regularities of the changes in the general and secondary cavitation (porosity).  相似文献   

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