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伊朗是地震灾害频发的国家之一,有丰富的历史地震记载。按照构造特征与地震活动性的差异可将伊朗划分为6个地震构造区,包括北部的厄尔布尔士构造区、南部的扎格罗斯构造区和莫克兰构造区、中部的中伊朗块体构造区、大不里士构造区以及科佩特构造区,本文简要介绍了各构造区主要活动构造的基本特征和相应地震活动。受新生代阿拉伯板块与欧亚板块碰撞控制,伊朗地区处于挤压构造环境,活动构造以走滑和逆断-褶皱变形为主。根据活动构造特征和地震记录,伊朗地区的主要活动(断裂)构造具有发生7~7.5级地震的发震能力,莫克兰俯冲带具有发生≥8.0级地震的发震能力。伊朗北部主要城市德黑兰和大不里士面临着严峻的地震灾害风险,德黑兰北断裂带和大不里士断裂分别是威胁2个城市的主要活动断裂。伊朗的活动构造研究和防震减灾工作较为薄弱,可进一步加强历史地震与古地震研究、城市活动断层 探测、活断层避让等工作。伊朗高原是研究青藏高原新生代演化的参照模型,中-伊两国都面临着长期的地震风险,两国之间有必要加强防震减灾国际合作,中国研究者可以更广泛地参与伊朗地区的活动构造研究。 相似文献
从活动构造角度讨论1605年大震的"余震"地点问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从重、磁场、断裂构造、地震活动以及地震影响场、发震机制等多方面分析,认为1605年琼山大震的几个6级左右"余震"置于雷州半岛东侧是与活动构造带吻合的,基本上合理,赞成1995年版《中国历史强震目录》所确定的地点.但认为这些"余震"属"地震迁移"活动性质. 相似文献
3D P-wave Velocity Structure and Active Tectonics in the Xinfengjiang Area of Guangdong 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this paper,we determined an earthquake sequence location in the Xingfengjiang area from June,2007 to July,2014 and the 3 D P-wave velocity structure by a simultaneous inversion method. On that basis,we studied the occurrence features of active tectonics and the earthquake source mechanism. The results show that the reservoir fracture system has a tendency to increase with gradual depth from southeast to northwest,consistent with gravitational field research results. There are 4 high velocity zones( HVZ) under the depth of the 7 km-12 km crust between the Xinfengjiang Reservoir dam and Xichang District,Dongyuan. The max velocity of the biggest HVZ which is under Xichang is 6. 3 km/s. Under the reservoir dam there is a strong tectonic deformation zone,as the center exit Renzishi fault( F_2),Nanshan-Aotou faults( F_4),Heyuan fault( F_1) and Shijiao-Xingang-Baitian fault( F_5),7 earthquakes with M_L≥ 5. 0( including M 6. 1 in March,1962) occurred at the high gradient zone of the HVZ Ⅲ and HVZ Ⅳ edge which has been under the reservoir dam since 1960, with relativity energy releasing more thoroughly. Moderate seismic activity occurred at the HVZ Ⅰ edge which has been under Xichang since 2012,and is a danger zone for M5. 0 earthquakes in the future. 相似文献
本文通过整理和分析青藏高原西北于田地区强震后,地震迁移的空间分布,迁移特征,同时整理和分析与迁移地震相关的青藏高原主要活动构造的结构和地震活动,分析两者之间的关系。得到以下结论:①迁移地震空间分布具有不均匀性,主要分布在活动地块边界,受大型活动构造带控制;②迁移路径主要有三条,第二条路径更为重要,主要沿着昆仑山脉向唐古拉山、巴颜喀拉山及阿尼玛卿山,在若尔盖盆地东北侧折向东南,向岷山、龙门山迁移;③未来5年内在青藏高原西北于田地区可能发生1~2次6.5级左右地震,在龙门山南段等地震空区内可能发生迁移强地震;④1900年以来发生的地震沿先前存在的地震空区分布。 相似文献
Ran Yongkang 《中国地震研究》2005,19(3):317-326
INTRODUCTIONAlong-line engineering site refers to the one that is linearly distributed such as the oil or gaspipelines,water conveyance pipeline,railways and high-grade highways,etc.The Chinese Code forSeismic Safety Evaluation of Engineering Site,GB17741… 相似文献
Research on the relationship between faults and seismicity in the junction area of China's north-south seismic belt and central orogenic belt based on the Geography Information System (GIS) has been done.For each of the 16 faults in this area,we build a 25km buffer zone and use overlay analysis to investigate the seismicity and its characteristics on each fault.The results unveil the main seismic faults as follows:the western segment of the northern-edge of the west Qinling fault,the southwestern segment of the Lixian-Luojiabao fault,the southeastern segment of the Lintan-Dangchang fault,the southwestern segment of the Wenxian fault,the Huya fault,and the Xueshan fault.The most active faults are the Huya and Xueshan faults,then the Tazang fault,the Lixian-Luojiabao fault and the northern piedmont of the Guanggaishan-Dieshan fault.The research zone can be divided into four areas according to focal depth,which gets deeper from north to south.The profile of focal depth indicates the geometry and mechanical property of faults,and further reveals the movement model of eastward extrusion of the Tibetan plateau and southeastward escape of masses,thus providing basis for the protection against earthquakes and hazard mitigation in this area. 相似文献
We present results of a geomorphological and morphotectonic analysis of the northeastern part of the Rif. We show that the present day kinematics of the Rif is characterized by active deformation along the Trougout and Nekor faults in the North-East. Digital Elevation Models of offset drainage features (streams, fluvial terraces) allow determining a normal-left-lateral motion along the Trougout fault and a left-lateral strike-slip motion along the Nekor fault. Preliminary 3He cosmogenic dates of tectonic markers yield vertical and horizontal slip rates of ∼0.9 mm/yr and ∼0.5 mm/yr, respectively along the Trougout fault. The present-day localized transtension seen in the north-eastern Rif morphology (Ras Tarf) is coeval with uplifted marine terraces near the Al Hoceima Bay. U/Th dating of shells yield an average uplift rate of ∼0.2 mm/yr during the past 500 ka. These data show that active transtension in the northeastern Rif is also associated with uplift. These new morphotectonic constraints are consistent with the GPS measurements showing southwestward overall motion of most of the Rif belt with respect to stable Africa. 相似文献
This paper reviews the history and progress of research on active tectonics in China and overseas.By giving a brief introduction on the history of active tectonic research in China and other countries,the paper sums up the process and development of quantitative investigation of active tectonics since the 1980s.The focus is on the main efforts and progress made in China on certain aspects of research,such as basic surveys and applied investigation of active tectonics,the study of theories related to regional active tectonics and their kinematics and geodynamics,surveys on coupling relations between deep and shallow structures,active fault surveys and prospecting and seismic hazard assessment in urban areas,as well as the efforts made using Quaternary geochronology.Furthermore,the paper looks back on Chinese quantitative investigation of active tectonics in China and sums up cognitions derived from studies on the determination of several basic and measurable parameters of active tectonics.These parameters include the length of fault and fault segmentation,coseismic slip and cumulative slip,fault slip rate,the sequence of paleoearthquake events and the time elapsed since the most recent event.At the same time,efforts and progress made in China on assessing the long-term seismic potential for active faults and evaluating the risk from potential active fault movement have been reviewed by summarizing research on developing theories,models,methods and the application of time-dependent seismic potential to probabilistic assessment,magnitude estimation for potential earthquakes on active faults,and the forecast of potential risk caused by active fault movement.Finally,in consideration of the realities and problems in the research of active tectonics in China,the authors put forward several suggestions for issues worthy of more attention for further investigation in the future. 相似文献
阜南-霍邱地区地处华北和华南活动地块区边缘构造带,通过对其进行地震地质调查和综合分析研究,发现晚更新世以来该区存在强度较弱的构造变形现象,即:小震沿着主要断裂呈线性条带状分布;研究区南部及断裂近侧的上更新统中发育共轭剪节理;1970年代,研究区固始、霍邱和阜南等地陆续发生过长度不一、宽窄不等、方向不同的地裂缝,展布与肥中断裂或王老人集断裂近乎一致。本文认为,研究区局部小震丛集、上更新统中赋存共轭剪节理、裂面充填物显微揉皱变形和现代地裂缝的生成等现象,反映出地壳能量被缓慢释放和相应断裂发生微弱活动;研究区曾发生过一次破坏性地震(江口集Ms43/4地震)。综上所述,研究区地壳晚第四纪以来具有微弱活动性,且主要表现为蠕滑活动方式。 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONWestern Sichuan and its vicinity are in the juncture of three big blocks,the Chuandian,theBayan Har andthe South China blocks,whicharelocated onthe eastern margin of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau(Fig.1).Three groups of active block boundaryfault zones that generate destructiveearthquake occurrence,whichtrend NW-,NE-and nearly SNrespectively,have been developedthere(Zhang Peizhen,et al.,2003).Western Sichuan and its vicinity have such basic tectoniccharacteristics tha… 相似文献
石嘴山市活断层数据库是石嘴山市活断层一期探测与断层活动性初步鉴定项目中形成的重要成果之一,该数据库按照活动构造数据库模版建成。数据库包含6个专题数据库和一个专业数据库,记录了活断层探测与活动性鉴定过程中所获得的全部资料和成果,包括活断层地球物理勘探、地层样品年龄测试、钻孔联合地质剖面探测、槽探、断层活动性鉴定、地震地质调查以及地质填图等方面的内容;对石嘴山市活断层数据库建库规范、数据库内容及数据库的建库技术路线、数据符号化制图等方面作了简要介绍,可供城市活断层数据库建设和管理参考借鉴。 相似文献
本文依据深部地球物理场、区域大地构造、地表活动断裂、地震活动等,划分了中国大陆的地震构造带,同时分析了地震构造带的活动特征和孕震构造条件,在此基础上,具体地把地震构造带的概念应用于地震危险区分析之中,探讨了地震危险区及地震前兆异常与地震构造带的关系,本文提出以地震构造带研究作为地震监测和预报工作的基础,将地震构造带作为系统性的活动构造条件应用于地震危险区划分之中。 相似文献
"磁暴基础数据库"项目组 《国际地震动态》2006,(9):9-12
本文详细介绍了“磁暴基础数据库”项目的立项背景、目标、所开展的主要工作、取得的成果、研究成果的社会效益和对该领域研究未来工作的展望。 相似文献
东莞市区震害预测基础数据库是东莞震害预测与防御系统建设的组成部分,该数据库共存储了50张基础电子地图或专题图、198个数据表,涵盖了地震地质、地理环境、社会经济及震害预测的各种调查数据和分析结果数据。在数据库建设中,针对其中35 km2的电子地图进行的成批更新处理技术,解决了无属性数据的空间数据更新的难题。由于引用了震害预测基础数据库管理系统,建库工作方便、快捷,提高了建库效率。 相似文献
主要介绍了“防震减灾重点地区遥感数据库”项目的立项背景、目标、所开展的主要工作、取得的成果及研究成果的社会效益,并展望了该领域未来的研究工作。 相似文献
中国大陆现今实测地应力场的状态与板块构造环境、活动断裂带分布、地形地貌以及地壳结构呈现一定相关性. 在中国大陆西缘,印度洋板块与欧亚板块陆发生陆碰撞,在中国大陆东缘,菲律宾海板块、太平洋板块俯冲到欧亚板块之下. 中国大陆内部被大型活动断裂带分割为多个块体,各个块体的地壳结构和厚度呈不均匀分布,地形地貌起伏具有很大的差异. 笔者以中国大陆块体模型为基础,把板块构造作用和重力势作为主要影响地应力状态的两个主要要素,在现今活动构造、GPS和实测地应力等成果的约束下,利用线性黏弹体球壳有限元模拟分析了中国大陆现今地应力场的分布特征和控制因素. 结果表明: (1)构造应力场总体上呈现出西部挤压,东部拉张的特征,印度板块与欧亚板块的持续碰撞形成了青藏高原及其周缘的挤压性质的构造应力场,而东部菲律宾板块与太平洋板块的俯冲形成了黄海、东海和环渤海区域的拉张性质的构造应力场,中间为拉张环境和挤压环境的过渡,最大主应力的方向受到板块构造环境和活动构造分布的控制;(2)重力的影响主要体现在地形梯度大和地壳厚度结构变化大的地壳浅部区域,在藏南、滇西北局部地区的地壳浅部由于受到重力势控制,呈现为张性应力场,在塔里木地区由于重力势引起的应力场与构造应力场同为挤压性质,因此该区的挤压强度得以增加;(3)中国大陆浅部地应力场的状态主要受到区域板块构造环境、块体边界活动构造带的展布和地形的控制,总体上以南北构造带为界,西部以较强的压性构造环境为主,东部为较弱的压性构造环境,藏南和滇西北局部地区存在有张性构造环境;构造应力对地应力的贡献比重随着深度增加而增加;(4)采用黏弹性模型的构造应力场模拟结果比完全弹性模型的模拟结果能够更好地与实测地应力场相吻合,利用完全弹性模型分析由地震等诱发的地应力瞬时变化是有效的;(5)青藏高原东南缘最大主应力方向发生了较大的偏转,其主要控制因素有:印度板块持续的碰撞、中下地壳对上地壳拖曳以及印度板块通过实皆断裂对欧亚板块的剪切拉伸作用. 中国大陆现今地应力场是整个地壳岩石黏弹特性长期演化和断裂活动的结果,是地应力场动态演化过程中在现今时间点上的状态,受到板块构造环境、大陆内部活动断裂分布、地形地貌和地壳结构等因素不同程度的控制,模拟结果为中国大陆地应力场提供了一个定量的参考模型. 相似文献