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Multi-refractor imaging with stacked refraction convolution section   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multi‐refractor imaging is a technique for constructing a single two‐dimensional image of a number of refractors by stacking multiple convolved and cross‐correlated reversed shot records. The method is most effective with high‐fold data that have been obtained with roll‐along acquisition programs because the stacking process significantly improves the signal‐to‐noise ratios. The major advantage of the multi‐refractor imaging method is that all the data can be stacked to maximize the signal‐to‐noise ratios before the measurement of any traveltimes. However, the signal‐to‐noise ratios can be further increased if only those traces that have arrivals from the same refractor are used, and if the correct reciprocal times or traces are employed. A field case study shows that multi‐refractor imaging can produce a cross‐section similar to the familiar reflection cross‐section with substantially higher signal‐to‐noise ratios for the equivalent interfaces.  相似文献   

The award of £2.1m for UK seismology has resulted in a powerful new suite of field instruments and the data management structure necessary for their efficient use. Peter Maguire reports, on behalf of the SEIS-UK team.  相似文献   

Characterization of shallow structures was performed by using different approaches analysing both P- and S-wave seismic data with different resolution. The refraction tomography provided P and S velocity models of the first 80 m, while the reflection seismic processing gives a reasonable stacking velocity field until 300 m depth for both P- and S-wave data. So, we estimated the Vp/Vs ratio and an empirical relationship between the two velocities. We characterised the shallow layers using tomographic velocity models and the deeper layers using seismic images with different resolution. The seismic images were obtained by conventional CMP reflection seismic processing and by a novel multi-refractor imaging technique.  相似文献   

IntroductionBoth traveltimes and ray paths are vital information for seismic theoretical research and practice such as stack migration, traveltime inverse, calculation of covering time and so on (Xu, et al,1992). At present, they are obtained usually by either ray shooting (Liu, el al, 1986) or finite difference solution of the eikonal equation (Vidale, 1988; Zhang, et al, 1996). The ray shootingmethod can be understood and programmed easily. However, it is difficult for the method to treatc…  相似文献   

非均匀介质中地震波走时与射线路径快速计算技术   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一种基于惠更斯原理和费马原理求取地震波走时及其反射波射线路径的新方法 .该方法具有原理简单、易于实现、能适应较为复杂地质模型以及易于将其推广到各向异性介质等优点 .为了克服基本算法速度较慢的缺陷 ,提出了一种地震波走时和反射波射线路径计算的改进方法 .在保证精度的条件下 ,该改进算法的计算速度显著提高 .  相似文献   

Summary Existing gravity and seismic refraction data are used to deduce a crustal cross section across the Eastern Alps along the meridian 11°.4 East. The results suggest that a high density body of the Ivrea type is present under the southern margin of the Alps, that the Apennines do not have a crustal root extending to a depth of 50 km and that a profound discontinuity extending to the base of the crust exists between the Apennines and the Po Valley.Lamont-Doherty Contribution No. 1590.  相似文献   

Wang  Xu  Chen  Ling  Ling  Yuan  Gao  Yifan  Zhang  Jianyong  Yao  Huajian 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(11):1819-1831
A new method is developed to constrain S-wave velocity structures of the shallow crust based on frequencydependent amplitudes of direct P-waves in P-wave receiver functions(P-RFs). This method involves the following two steps:first, the high-frequency approximate amplitude formula of direct P-waves in P-RFs of individual stations is used to fit the observed amplitude distribution against the ray parameters at different frequencies, and second, the S-wave velocity depth profile beneath each station is constrained according to an empirical correlation between frequency and depth. Unlike traditional inversion techniques, the newly developed method is not dependent on initial velocity models, and the lateral and vertical resolutions of the results are controlled by the interstation distance and the data frequency, respectively. The effectiveness of the method is verified by synthetic tests on various models. The method is then applied to teleseismic P-RF data from a NW-SEtrending linear seismic array extending from the northeastern Tibetan Plateau to the central Sichuan Basin to construct an S-wave velocity image of the shallow crust along the array. The imaged velocity structure is further analysed and compared with the regional geology. In particular, the structural differences of sedimentary basins in the cratonic area of the stable Sichuan Basin and tectonically active belts in northeastern Tibet are investigated. By combining our results with previous observations, the relationship between the surficial geology and deep processes in the study region is also discussed.  相似文献   

Near-surface seismic refraction and surface wave data were collected at a site to determine the feasibility and limitations of using these seismic methods to detect and localize a shallow tunnel in unconsolidated sediments. Data sets were collected both before and after the construction of the tunnel. We were able to detect the air-filled cavity using multichannel analysis of surface waves. The refraction tomography results showed the tunnel location in the raypath coverage plots, but only small velocity variations were observed. In tandem the two methods would reduce false positives, but individually the false alarm rate would likely be high due to non-uniqueness of the results. In this geologic setting, these methods are not the best choice of geophysical methods to detect clandestine tunnels and should be combined with other geophysical techniques to improve and constrain interpretations.  相似文献   

The ultimate specific yield, i.e. the specific yield under steady‐state condition, is generally dependent on the water table depth in the shallow groundwater systems. This paper presents a new expression to describe this relationship. The expression is based on the relationship between soil water content–soil depths below ground surface near the saturation zone, i.e. water content profile, which can be fitted by the van Genuchten model. Because this model is highly nonlinear, a Taylor series expansion was used to solve the integral equation for specific yield in our study. The new expression was verified by a drainage experiment, and the results demonstrated that the new expression is reliable for eolian sand when the range of water table fluctuation is less than 30 cm. The expression is easily applicable because knowledge of the water content profile near the saturation zone is the only requirement. Compared with the expression obtained from the Brooks–Corey model, the new expression can be used for a variety of aquifer and soil media. The improved accuracy of the specific yield provides a better estimate of discharge rates in shallow groundwater systems with water table fluctuations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In highly populated urban centers, traditional seismic survey sources can no longer be properly applied due to restrictions in modern civilian life styles. The ambient vibration noise, including both microseisms and microtremor, though are generally weak but available anywhere and anytime, can be an ideal supplementary source for conducting seismic surveys for engineering seismology and earthquake engineering. This is fundamentally supported by advanced digital signal processing techniques for effectively extracting the useful information out from the noise. Thus, it can be essentially regarded as a passive seismic method. In this paper we first make a brief survey of the ambient vibration noise, followed by a quick summary of digital signal processing for passive seismic surveys. Then the applications of ambient noise in engineering seismology and earthquake engineering for urban settings are illustrated with examples from Beijing metropolitan area. For engineering seismology the example is the assessment of site effect in a large area via microtremor observations. For earthquake engineering the example is for structural characterization of a typical reinforced concrete high-rise building using background vibration noise. By showing these examples we argue that the ambient noise can be treated as a new source that is economical, practical, and particularly valuable to engineering seismology and earthquake engineering projects for seismic hazard mitigation in urban areas.  相似文献   

银川盆地是华北克拉通西部构造活动较为强烈的一个新生代断陷盆地.为了研究银川盆地的地壳浅部结构和活动断裂特征,我们利用2014年在银川盆地完成的深地震反射剖面数据,采用初至波层析成像方法得到了银川盆地高精度的基底P波速度结构和构造形态;考虑到仅根据速度结构剖面还难以确定断裂的准确位置、断层上断点埋深、断层的近地表构造组合样式等特征,研究中还采用浅层地震反射波勘探方法对银川盆地内的隐伏断裂和1739年平罗8.0级地震的地表破裂带浅部结构进行了高分辨率成像.研究结果表明:银川盆地与两侧地块的浅层P波速度结构和沉积盖层厚度差异较大,银川盆地总体呈现出明显的低速结构特征,盆地基底面起伏变化较大,基底最深处位于芦花台断裂和银川断裂之间的银川市下方,其深度约为7000~7200 m;贺兰山隆起区显示为明显的高速特征,地表出露中-古生代基岩地层,缺失新生代地层;鄂尔多斯地块西缘的浅层P波速度明显高于银川盆地,基底埋深相对较浅,推测其新生界地层厚度小于2500 m.浅层地震反射剖面揭示的地层反射界面形态和断裂的浅部构造特征非常清楚,黄河断裂、贺兰山东麓断裂、银川断裂和芦花台断裂不仅是错断盆地基底的断裂,而且还是第四纪以来的隐伏活动断裂,这些断裂的交替活动形成了"堑中堑"的盆地结构,并对银川盆地的形成、盆地内的新生代地层厚度和第四纪沉降中心具有重要的控制作用;在近地表这些断裂表现为由2~3条断层组成的"Y字形"断裂构造,且主断裂的最新活动可追踪至晚更新世末期或全新世,是构造继承性活动的结果.本文的研究结果不仅可为进一步分析银川盆地的基底结构、隐伏断裂特征和活动构造研究等提供新的地震学证据,而且还可为该区城市规划中避让活动断层提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Chromite in the mantle section of the Oman ophiolite: A new genetic model   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Hugh  Rollinson 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):542-550
Abstract   This paper reviews the compositional data (major elements, platinum group element [PGE] concentrations, Os- and O-isotopes) for chromites from the mantle section of the Oman ophiolite. Chromites in chromitite from the Oman ophiolite lie on a compositional spectrum between high-Cr♯, boninite-like and low-Cr♯, mid-oceanic ridge basalt-like end-members. The high-Cr♯ end-member is low in Ti, has a fractionated PGE pattern and is enriched in iridium group-platinum group elements (IPGE). The low-Cr♯ end-member has higher Ti and an unfractionated PGE pattern. The compositional variation in the chromitites reflects their crystallization from a range of different melt compositions. It is proposed that this wide variation in melt compositions was produced by the process of a melt–rock reaction, whereby a basaltic melt has reacted with harzburgitic mantle to yield successively more Cr-rich melts. In contrast to previous models, this approach does not require a change in the tectonic environment to explain the different chromite types.  相似文献   

The devastating 05/12/2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Mw7.9) in Sichuan Province of China showed very few precursory phenomena and occurred on a fault system once assigned to be of moderate long term seismic risk. Given the existing coverage of seismograph stations in Sichuan Province, real-time seismology could have been effective in avoiding some earthquake damage and helping post-earthquake emergency response. In a retrospective view, we demonstrated that the epicenter can be located with 20 km accuracy using just two broadband stations with three-component, which takes only about 10 s after the onset of the earthquake. Initial magnitude is estimated to be M7 with the Tc measurement over first 4 seconds of P waves. Better magnitude estimate can be obtained within 2 min by modeling Pnl waves for stations about 500 km away where the S waveforms are clipped. The rupture area is well revealed by teleseismically-recorded >M5 early aftershocks within two hours after the mainshock. Within a few hours, teleseismic body waves were inverted to derive a more detailed rupture process and the finite fault model can be readily used to calculate ground motions, thus providing vital information for rescue efforts in the case where no real-time strong motion records are available. Supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-116-1) and National Key Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006BAC03B00)  相似文献   

最短路径射线追踪方法是计算地震波走时的主要方法之一,该方法基于惠更斯原理和费玛原理,具有稳健、适于复杂介质模型的优点.为处理方便,最短路径方法中的介质模型通常以规则网格进行剖分,界面节点(界面与网格的交点)以其邻近的模型单元节点(即边界单元节点)近似表示.界面近似将导致计算误差,对于反射波尤为严重.反射波的走时精度可通过减小网格的尺寸提高,但这样会大大增加计算时间,为高精度和高效率地计算地震反射波走时,我们提出了一种基于规则网格的走时校正技术.地震波传播至或起始于边界单元节点的走时校正为地震波传播至或起始于该边界单元节点所对应的界面节点的走时.数值模型计算结果表明,走时校正方法可使反射波的走时精度提高约1~2个数量级,而其计算时间则和常规算法基本上在相同量级.  相似文献   

Shallow reflection and refraction seismic studies were carried out in Greece in the eastern leg of the Chalkidiki peninsula, in order to test the validity of reports in history books which describe a legendary canal built by the engineers of King Xerxes during the major Persian invasion of Europe through Greece in the 5th century B.C.   In the narrowest part of the Athos peninsula, where it is 2 km wide, an 85 m profile was topographically defined almost centrally between the two coastlines. The position of this profile was based on palaeogeographical, geomorphological and topographic studies and observations. A sledgehammer was used as the seismic source for the shallow target. Despite the presence of significant urban and coherent noise, a final stacked section was produced by a suitable choice of acquisition and processing parameters.   Both the reflection and refraction seismic studies illustrated clearly the existence of a channel-like structure of trapezoid cross-section, almost midway between the two opposite sides of the peninsula.  相似文献   

An experimental study on concrete filled steel tube columns with rectangular section subjected to compressionflexure-torsion combined action has been carried out. The failure modes and load-deformation hysteretic relations were obtained. Based on the principles of classical material mechanics, the relations between the torsion curvature of the section and the shear strain of the fiber on the section were established. Then the strain distribution on the rectangular section of concrete filled steel tube columns subjected to torsion was analyzed. The three-dimensional refined finite element model was also built, in order to make the precision verification. The matrix forms of the relation between the torsion curvature of the section and the shear strain of the fiber on the section were derived, and introduced into the fiber beam model considering nonlinear torsion effect on the section. The comparison between test results and calculation results showed that the fiber beam model considering nonlinear torsion effect had high modeling efficiency and solution precision for predicting the torsion behavior of concrete filled steel tube columns with rectangular sections, and was suitable for analyzing the dynamic response of various structures subjected to the combined cyclic load caused by the earthquake load.  相似文献   

Science China Earth Sciences - As the two largest cratonic basins in China, the Ordos Basin and the Sichuan Basin are of key importance for understanding the evolutionary history of the Chinese...  相似文献   

浅部频率域电磁勘探方法综述   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
适用于近地表(2000m以内)勘探的频率域电磁法主要有音频大地电磁法(audio-frequency magnetotellurics, AMT), 无线电大地电磁法(radio-magnetotellurics, RMT), 可控源音频大地电磁法(controlled source audio-frequency magnetotellurics, CSAMT), 广域电磁法(Wide Field Electromagnetic Method, WFEM).本文拟从最新的数据采集技术、数据处理技术、正反演算法、实例等四个方面, 论述适用于浅部勘探的AMT, RMT, CSAMT和WFEM方法的国内外最新进展, 总结目前AMT, RMT, CSAMT和WFEM方法遇到的困难, 对潜在的发展方向提出建议.综述表明:(1)张量测量、多站阵列、多站叠加可提高AMT、RMT和CSAMT数据的质量.利用近区数据WFEM法可获得良好的效果.国产与国外仪器在质量方面的差距正在逐步缩小.(2)数学形态滤波技术、Hilbert-Huang变换等可有效分离出有用的数据, 局部畸变仍然是亟待解决的难题, 需要更为深入的研究.(3)矢量有限元与非结构网格的出现大幅度提高了有限元处理复杂电磁问题模拟的精度与应用范围, 成为目前电磁正演的首选工具.完全非线性反演算法仍然局限于1D、2D问题, 共轭梯度法和高斯牛顿算法等为解决3D问题的发展趋势.地质约束的引入和多数据联合反演可以减小反演的非唯一性.各向异性的反演为目前反演研究的热点之一.(4)野外数据解释的正确性严重依赖于对地下结构先期的维性判别, 在2D特性不明显、3D特性明显时, 需要采用3D进行反演解释.  相似文献   


郯庐断裂带是中国东部最大的一个活动构造带,其内部结构非常复杂,不同区段表现出不同特征的构造样式.本文采用浅层地震反射波成像技术对郯庐断裂带宿迁段的近地表结构进行了高分辨率成像,利用该区已有的深地震反射剖面数据,采用初至波层析成像方法获得了郯庐断裂带的浅层P波速度结构.结果表明,郯庐断裂带宿迁段是一个由多条断裂以及凹陷和隆起构成的复杂构造带,且新生代地层厚度和地震波速分布明显受到断裂的影响与控制.郯庐断裂带的东、西两侧为基底隆起区,近地表速度结构呈现为明显的高速特征,新生代地层厚度小于200 m.郯庐断裂带总体显示为低速凹陷结构,新生代地层厚度在300~600 m之间变化,最厚处位于宿迁市的陵城镇附近.郯庐断裂带宿迁段主要由5条断裂构成,从这些断裂的上断点埋深和第四纪活动特征来看,郯庐断裂带的东边界断裂F1和西边界断裂F4的活动性相对较弱,为第四纪早期活动断裂.断裂F2和F3控制了郯庐断裂带内部的新生代凹陷,两者的活动时代分别为中更新世和晚更新世.安丘-莒县断裂F5位于断裂F1和F2之间,由2条相向而倾的分支断层F5和F5-1构成,其活动时代分别为全新世和晚更新世.研究结果为进一步认识郯庐断裂带宿迁段的近地表特征及其活动性提供了新证据.


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