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We propose a numerical method that couples a cohesive zone model (CZM) and a finite element‐based continuum damage mechanics (CDM) model. The CZM represents a mode II macro‐fracture, and CDM finite elements (FE) represent the damage zone of the CZM. The coupled CZM/CDM model can capture the flow of energy that takes place between the bulk material that forms the matrix and the macroscopic fracture surfaces. The CDM model, which does not account for micro‐crack interaction, is calibrated against triaxial compression tests performed on Bakken shale, so as to reproduce the stress/strain curve before the failure peak. Based on a comparison with Kachanov's micro‐mechanical model, we confirm that the critical micro‐crack density value equal to 0.3 reflects the point at which crack interaction cannot be neglected. The CZM is assigned a pure mode II cohesive law that accounts for the dependence of the shear strength and energy release rate on confining pressure. The cohesive shear strength of the CZM is calibrated by calculating the shear stress necessary to reach a CDM damage of 0.3 during a direct shear test. We find that the shear cohesive strength of the CZM depends linearly on the confining pressure. Triaxial compression tests are simulated, in which the shale sample is modeled as an FE CDM continuum that contains a predefined thin cohesive zone representing the idealized shear fracture plane. The shear energy release rate of the CZM is fitted in order to match to the post‐peak stress/strain curves obtained during experimental tests performed on Bakken shale. We find that the energy release rate depends linearly on the shear cohesive strength. We then use the calibrated shale rheology to simulate the propagation of a meter‐scale mode II fracture. Under low confining pressure, the macroscopic crack (CZM) and its damaged zone (CDM) propagate simultaneously (i.e., during the same loading increments). Under high confining pressure, the fracture propagates in slip‐friction, that is, the debonding of the cohesive zone alternates with the propagation of continuum damage. The computational method is applicable to a range of geological injection problems including hydraulic fracturing and fluid storage and should be further enhanced by the addition of mode I and mixed mode (I+II+III) propagation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The deleterious effect of moisture in the microstructure of asphalt mixtures, usually referred to as moisture damage, has been recognized as a main cause of early deterioration of asphalt pavements. The initiation and evolution of moisture‐related deterioration is strongly influenced by the internal air void structure of asphalt mixtures. Despite its importance, the majority of works conducted on the micromechanical modeling of asphalt mixtures overlook the role of the air void structure, mainly because of its high complexity and variability. This paper explores the influence of air void variability on the performance of asphalt mixtures subjected to moisture diffusion processes. A stochastic modeling technique based on random field theory was used to generate internal distributions of physical and mechanical properties of the asphalt matrix of the mixture that depend on probable air voids distributions. The analysis was conducted by means of a coupled numerical micromechanical model of moisture damage. The results showed that the variability and distribution of air voids are decisive in determining the moisture‐dependent performance of asphalt mixtures. Furthermore, it was also shown that a stochastic characterization of the diverse air void configurations is a feasible and useful approach to better represent and understand mechanically related deterioration processes in asphalt mixtures. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional phenomenological model is developed to describe the long‐term creep of gypsum rock materials. The approach is based on the framework of continuum damage mechanics where coupling with viscoelasticity is adopted. Specifically, a local damage model based on the concept of yield surface is proposed and deeply investigated. Among the many possibilities, we choose in this work its coupling with a generalized Kelvin–Voigt rheological model to formulate the whole behavior. Long‐term as well as short‐term relaxation processes can be integrated in the model by means of as many as necessary viscoelastic processes. The numerical discretization is described for an easy integration within a finite element procedure. Finally, a set of numerical simulations is given to show the possibilities of the presented model. It shows good agreement with some experimental results found in the literature. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High‐performance concrete is a widely used building material for tunnels, high‐rise buildings, nuclear plants etc. When these structures are exposed to fire, high‐performance concrete is prone to spalling. Moisture migration is believed to be one of the processes directly related to this phenomenon. In this paper, moisture profiles measured experimentally from neutron radiography on heated concrete are compared with results from a numerical model implemented in the finite element code Cast3M. The water loss measured experimentally, and the numerical results suggest that the commonly used constitutive laws for dehydration and water retention curves need to be reconsidered. The influence of these constitutive laws on the moisture migration is investigated. The dehydration constitutive law plays an important role on the dehydration front but has negligible effect on the moisture accumulation behind this front. By contrast, the water retention curves do not influence the dehydration front but affect the quantity and location of water condensation. The role of the permeability is also discussed.  相似文献   

柿竹园多金属矿床开采方案确定的数值模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对柿竹园多金属矿,在形成200万方大空区,部分矿柱跨塌,最大顶板连续暴露面积达8000 2,且不能采用充填法的情况下,如何立足矿山实际情况,合理规划矿产资源的整体开发,确保矿山企业的可持续发展问题,对该矿床的各种可能的开采方案进行了弹塑性有限元、离散元数值模拟研究,模拟研究的结果,对开采方案的确定具有积极的指导意义.  相似文献   

In quasi‐brittle material the complex process of decohesion between particles in microcracks and localization of the displacement field into macrocracks is limited to a narrow fracture zone, and it is often modelled with cohesive crack models. Since the anisotropic nature of the decohesion process in separation and sliding is essential, it is particularly focused in this paper. Moreover, for cyclic and dynamic loading the unloading, load reversal (including crack closure) and rate dependency are essential features that are included in a new model. The modelling of degradation is based on a ‘localized’ version of anisotropic continuum damage coupled to inelasticity. The concept of strain energy equivalence between the states in the effective and nominal settings is adopted in order to define the free energy of the interface. The proposed fracture criterion is of the Mohr type, with a smooth transition of the failure and kinematics (slip and dilatation) characteristics between tension and shear. The chosen potential, of the Lemaitre‐type, for evolution of the dissipative processes is additively decomposed into plastic and damage parts, and non‐associative constitutive equations are obtained. The constitutive equations are integrated by applying the backward Euler rule and by using Newton iteration. The proposed model is assessed analytically and numerically and a typical calibration procedure for concrete is proposed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

泥岩隧道施工过程中渗流场与应力场全耦合损伤模型研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在连续损伤力学理论基础上,将塑性损伤演化及渗流相互耦合的概念引入Mohr-Coulomb 破坏准则,用于分析在孔隙压力和塑性损伤演化共同作用下岩石损伤演化机制,建立了相应的有限元损伤数值分析模型,并应用于比利时核废料库开挖过程中泥岩隧道附近围岩发生损伤演化、渗流场和应力场耦合过程分析中,得到了开挖引起的围岩损伤特性、孔隙压力以及渗透性的变化规律,为进一步研究隧道流变过程水力耦合特性合理的数值计算模型建立方法提供基础。  相似文献   

The stability of integration is essential to numerical simulations especially when solving nonlinear problems. In this work, a continuum damage mechanics model proposed by the first author is implemented with an integration method named cutting plane algorithm (CPA) to improve the robustness of the simulation. This integration method is one type of return mapping algorithm that bypasses the need for computing the gradients. We compare the current integration method with the previous direct method, and the result shows that the cutting plane algorithm exhibits excellent performance under large loading rate conditions. To enhance accuracy of the new method, a control procedure is utilized in the implementation of the algorithm based on error analysis. Thereafter, the theory of poromechanics is utilized with the damage model to account for the effects of fluid diffusion. Laboratory tests simulated with finite element method illustrate distinct behaviors of shale with different loading rates and indicate the development of microcrack propagation under triaxial compression. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Strain gradient implies an important characteristic in localized damage deformation, which can be observed in the softening state of brittle materials, and strain gradients constitute the basic behaviours of localization failure area of the materials. The most important point in strain gradient is its damaging function including an internal length scale, which can be used to express the scale effects of mechanical responses of brittle rock mass. By extending the strain gradient theory and introducing an intrinsic material length scale into the constitutive law, the authors develop an isotropic damage model as well as a micro‐crack‐based anisotropic damage model for rock‐like materials in this paper. The proposed models were used to simulate the damage localization under uniaxial tension and plain strain compression, respectively. The simulated results well illustrated the potential of these models in dealing with the well‐known mesh‐sensitivity problem in FEM. In the computation, elements with C1 continuity have been implemented to incorporate the proposed models for failure localization. When regular rectangle elements are encountered, the coupling between finite difference method (FDM) and conventional finite element method (FEM) is used to avoid large modification to the existing FEM code, and to obtain relatively higher efficiency and reasonably good accuracy. Application of the anisotropic model to the 3D‐non‐linear FEM analysis of Ertan arch dam has been conducted and the results of its numerical simulation coincide well with those from the failure behaviours obtained by Ertan geophysical model test. In this paper, new applications of gradient theories and models for a feasible approach to simulate localized damage in brittle materials are presented. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The damage model presented in this article (named ‘THHMD’ model) is dedicated to non‐isothermal unsaturated porous media. It is formulated by means of three independent strain state variables, which are the thermodynamic conjugates of net stress, suction and thermal stress. The damage variable is a second‐order tensor. Stress/strain relationships are derived from Helmholtz free energy, which is assumed to be the sum of damaged elastic potentials and ‘crack‐closure energies’. Damage is assumed to grow with tensile strains due to net stress, with pore shrinkage due to suction and with thermal dilatation. Specific conductivities are introduced to account for the effects of cracking on the intensification and on the orientation of liquid water and vapor flows. These conductivities depend on damage and internal length parameters. The mechanical aspects of the THHMD model are validated by comparing the results of a triaxial compression test with experimental measurements found in the literature. Parametric studies of damage are performed on three different heating problems related to nuclear waste disposals. Several types of loading and boundary conditions are investigated. The thermal damage potential is thoroughly studied. The THHMD model is expected to be a useful tool in the assessment of the Excavation Damaged Zone, especially in the vicinity of nuclear waste repositories. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

线源二维瞬变电磁场的正演计算新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先应用有限元直接迭代法,在频域中实现了线源二维电磁场正演计算,然后利用频时转换中较为简便且有效的数字滤波法,实现了频域到时域的转换,从而实现了线源二维瞬变电磁场的正演模拟。该方法具有编程简单,占用内存小,运算速度快和模型输入方便等特点。模拟结果与理论计算结果对比表明,该方法具有较高的计算精度。另外,该方法对复杂条件下的瞬变电磁勘探方法的研究和二维瞬变电磁反演有重要意义。  相似文献   

孙红  赵锡宏  杨群兴 《岩土力学》2002,23(2):133-136
在Biot固结理论基础上,引入弹塑性损伤本构关系,建立了固结分析有限元方程。对某试验路堤进行了损伤模型计算与弹塑性模型计算的结果比较。结果表明:损伤模型的计算结果大于弹塑性模型的计算结果;损伤随着加荷时间的增长而增大;路基中心线和路基坡脚下的土损伤程度较大。  相似文献   

In the small strain domain, asphalt mixes (AM) have a linear viscoelastic (LVE) behavior that is strongly dependent on frequency and temperature. The maximum ratio of modulus values can be up to 1000, and traditional elastic analyses are not pertinent. The possibility to characterize AM from frequency response functions (FRFs) was studied. A new optimization process using the finite element method (FEM) has been developed to back-calculate the LVE properties of AM from FRFs. The numerical optimization process was applied to a reference material with averaged LVE properties determined from tension-compression tests performed on a wide variety of AM types. The LVE properties were modeled considering the 3-Dim version of the model 2S2P1D (2 Springs, 2 Parabolic elements, and 1 Dashpot). Reference FRFs for the considered reference material were obtained from FEM simulations. Three different configurations that may be of interest for practical tests were studied at five different temperatures. The proposed numerical optimization method consists in performing separate optimizations at each temperature to obtain the LVE properties for the considered temperature. Then values obtained at each temperature are considered to optimize 2S2P1D and Williams Landel Ferry (WLF) Equation constants to simulate the global LVE behavior of the material. The accuracy of the process was assessed regarding both the calculated FRFs and the complex modulus evaluation. Results indicate that the proposed optimization process converges almost perfectly towards the reference FRFs. The simulated complex modulus values are also in very good agreement with the values of the reference material.  相似文献   

Based on the continuum damage mechanics, a general and comprehensive thermodynamic‐based framework for coupling the temperature‐dependent viscoelastic, viscoplastic, and viscodamage behaviors of bituminous materials is presented. This general framework derives systematically Schapery‐type nonlinear viscoelasticity, Perzyna‐type viscoplasticity, and a viscodamage model analogous to the Perzyna‐type viscoplasticity. The resulting constitutive equations are implemented in the well‐known finite element code Abaqus via the user material subroutine UMAT. A systematic procedure for identifying the model parameters is discussed. Finally, the model is validated by comparing the model predictions with a comprehensive set of experimental data on hot mix asphalt that include creep‐recovery, creep, uniaxial constant strain rate, and repeated creep‐recovery tests in both tension and compression over a range of temperatures, stress levels, and strain rates. Comparisons between model predictions and experimental measurements show that the presented constitutive model is capable of predicting the nonlinear behavior of asphaltic mixes under different loading conditions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on the damage mechanism of rock during excavation, the maximum tensile strain criterion for pinpointing relaxation region or excavation‐disturbed (damage) zone (EDZ) is introduced. To simulate the deformation and stress redistribution caused by the deterioration of the deformation and strength parameters in the EDZ, the ‘restraint‐relaxation’ finite element algorithm is formulated using the deformation and strength parameters of pre‐and post‐relaxation. The Xiaowan arch dam project (292 m high) is studied by the proposed method, in which the permissible tensile strain and fluidity parameter are evaluated using back analysis. The computation results have good agreement with the field monitoring. An important inference from the study is the necessity of considering the relaxation effects on the dam/foundation system during the construction and operation period. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

大冶铁矿露天转地下开采的离散元数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘辉  陈文胜  冯夏庭  陈清润 《岩土力学》2004,25(9):1413-1417
离散单元方法特别适合于节理比较发育的岩体。对于模拟和分析矿山中因采矿引起的围岩松动和冒落等力学行为是比较有效的。用离散单元法研究了大冶铁矿狮子山采区露天转地下开采,采用充填法、崩落法采掘对露天边坡和围岩的影响及围岩变形规律,并得出了相应的结论,为设计和方案的选用提供了一些有益的根据。  相似文献   

The objective of the present paper is to present a numerical study on the penetration performance of concrete targets with 2 different water contents. Numerical analysis has been performed by using the finite element code Abaqus/Explicit, in which a coupled elastoplastic damage model has been developed for saturated/unsaturated concrete under a wide range of confining pressures. The performance of proposed model has been firstly verified by simulating the triaxial compression tests and penetration tests realized with saturated/dry concretes. Comparisons of available experimental results and numerical simulations show that the proposed model is able to reproduce satisfactorily the mechanical behavior of saturated and dry concretes. A higher failure stress and a more important pores closing are generally obtained in dry concrete samples with respect to saturated ones. Furthermore, the main observed patterns of penetration test realized with saturated concrete targets are also satisfactorily simulated by the numerical results. Therefore, the proposed model is used to numerically predict the penetration performance of dry concrete target, and the penetration performance of dry/saturated concrete target is discussed. We observe that in dry concrete target, the penetration of projectile is strongly declined, and a smaller damage zone is created. The numerical predictions and discussions can help engineers to enhance their understandings on the influence of hydraulic conditions on structural vulnerability of concrete structures subjected to near‐field detonations or impacts.  相似文献   

郑利涛  胡志强  唐洪祥 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2771-2780
对于超固结黏土和密实砂土等软化材料或非关联塑性材料组成的地基、边坡及挡土墙墙后土体,在其破坏过程中,会产生应变局部化现象,使得控制方程的类型发生改变,从而导致出现数值解不惟一和解的网格相关性等现象。为了克服这些数值困难,基于强间断分析方法,及单元内嵌不连续面的有限元模型,对地基、土坡、墙后土体的渐进破坏过程进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明,单元内嵌不连续面模型可以有效地模拟土工结构失稳破坏过程,并且能够明显地改善采用常规有限元方法所产生的网格尺寸相关性问题。这一方法可作为传统极限平衡法进行稳定分析、承载力分析的有益补充。  相似文献   

直流电法勘探中,三维点源正演计算复杂、计算量大,虽进行傅里叶变换可转化为二维点源,但相比二维线源计算还是复杂。基于Matlab编程,采用第一类边界条件,给出了线源直流电法二维有限元数值解法,通过与均匀半空间理论值比较,验证了计算结果的正确性;再建立高阻、低阻地电模型,并采用单边供电和双边供电分别对其响应进行比较和分析,得到了相应的视电阻率断面图。结果表明单边供电可以准确反映异常体在纵向上的位置,而双边供电更能准确反应异常体的横向位置和形态。论文研究为生产实际提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

黄土洞穴是晋西黄土高原发育的一种特殊地质灾害。文章在晋西黄土区调查基础上得出,黄土洞穴对公路的危害主要包括对路基路面的破坏、对路堤路堑边坡的破坏及对排水设施的破坏。文章运用三维有限元法分析黄土洞穴在自重环境下对公路路基路面的危害情况及洞穴周围剪应力的变化,得出基于洞穴位置与洞径大小双变量情况下的洞顶临界埋深求解方法,为公路洞穴的有效防治措施提供依据。  相似文献   

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