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An investigation into the movement of the water surface in a surge tank following rapid valve opening is described. At the instant the valve is opened an allowance is made for some flow from the supply pipeline in addition to that from the surge tank and therefore the theory is altered only in the initial conditions. A program was written for a small desk-top calculator linked to a graph plotter to give a visual presentation of the finite difference solutions. Comparison was made with experimental values of the maximum downsurge observed in a model surge tank.  相似文献   

The effects of wave–current interactions on ocean surface waves induced by Hurricane Hugo in and around the Charleston Harbor and its adjacent coastal waters are examined by using a three-dimensional (3D) wave–current coupled modeling system. The 3D storm surge modeling component of the coupled system is based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM), the wave modeling component is based on the third generation wave model, Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN), and the inundation model is adopted from [Xie, L., Pietrafesa, L. J., Peng, M., 2004. Incorporation of a mass-conserving inundation scheme into a three-dimensional storm surge model. J. Coastal Res., 20, 1209–1223]. The results indicate that the change of water level associated with the storm surge is the primary cause for wave height changes due to wave–surge interaction. Meanwhile, waves propagating on top of surge cause a feedback effect on the surge height by modulating the surface wind stress and bottom stress. This effect is significant in shallow coastal waters, but relatively small in offshore deep waters. The influence of wave–current interaction on wave propagation is relatively insignificant, since waves generally propagate in the direction of the surface currents driven by winds. Wave–current interactions also affect the surface waves as a result of inundation and drying induced by the storm. Waves break as waters retreat in regions of drying, whereas waves are generated in flooded regions where no waves would have occurred without the flood water.  相似文献   

Typhoon-induced waves and surges are important when predicting potential hazards near coastal regions. In this paper, we applied a coupled modeling system for ocean–wave interaction to examine prediction capabilities for typhoon-induced waves and surges around the Korean Peninsula. To identify how ocean–wave coupling impacts wave and surge simulations during typhoon conditions, a set of comparative experiments was performed during Typhoon Bolaven (2012): (1) a fully coupled ocean–wave model, (2) a one-way coupled ocean–wave model without surface current feedback and ocean-to-wave water levels, and (3) a stand-alone ocean model without considering wave-based sea surface roughness (SSR). When coupled with the ocean model, the surface current reduced significantly the wave height on the right-hand side of the advancing typhoon track and improved prediction accuracy along the southern coast of Korea. Compared with the observed surge levels, the simulated surge height yielded improved results for peak height magnitude and timing compared with the uncoupled model. For wave-to-surge feedback, we found that wave-induced SSR plays an important role by modulating wind stress in the surface layer. The modulated wind stress directly affected the surge height, which improved surge peak prediction during the typhoon.  相似文献   

River-ocean coupled models are described for the evaluation of the interaction between river discharge and surge development along the Orissa coast of India. The models are used to study the effect of fresh water discharge from the Mahanadi River on the surge response along the Orissa coast due to the October 1999 super cyclone which led to severe flooding of the coastal and delta regions of Orissa. The so-called 1999 Paradip cyclone was one of the most severe cyclones; causing extensive damage to property and loss of lives. The present study emphasizes the impact of the Mahanadi River on overall surge development along the Orissa coast. Therefore, we have developed a location specific fine resolution model for the Orissa coast and coupled it with a one–dimensional river model. The numerical experiments are carried out, both with and without inclusion of fresh water discharge from the river. The bathymetry for the model has been taken from the naval hydrographic charts extending from the south of Orissa to the south of west Bengal. A simple drying scheme has also been included in the model in order to avoid the exposure of land near the coast due to strong negative sea-surface elevations. The simulations with river-ocean coupled models show that the discharge of fresh water carried by the river may modify the surge height in the Bay, especially in the western Bay of Bengal where one of the largest river systems of the east coast of India, the Mahanadi River, joins with the Bay of Bengal. Another dynamic effect of this inlet is the potentially deep inland penetration of the surge originating in the Bay. The model results are in good agreement with the available observations/estimates.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional vertically integrated hydrodynamic finite-element model of the west coast of Britain is used to examine the response of the region to extreme meteorological forcing. The extent to which tide–surge interaction modifies the computed surge elevation and current distributions is examined in detail. The nature of the finite-element model with its ability to refine the mesh in nearshore regions is ideal for examining the influence of non-linear effects upon surges in these regions. Calculations using spatially uniform orthogonal wind stresses show that the surge elevation and current in shallow water are particularly sensitive to the method used to remove the tide as a result of the highly non-linear nature of the tide–surge interaction in these regions. The most accurate means of de-tiding the solution is by subtracting a tide derived by harmonic analysis of the tide and surge time series at the time of the surge. Subtracting a tide-only solution (the usual approach) leads to tidal energy leaking into the surge solution. Calculations show that this arises because the surge modifies the tidal amplitude and phase in shallow-water regions to such an extent that they are appreciably different to those found in the tide-only calculation. Results suggest that this problem becomes more important, as nearshore meshes are refined in an attempt to improve surge prediction. This suggests that in the future, highly accurate fine-mesh models will be required to compute total water levels without the present linear separation into tidal and surge signal used in operational surge prediction.  相似文献   

Qi Shu  Hongyu Ma  Fangli Qiao 《Ocean Dynamics》2012,62(8):1195-1200
The drift trajectory of a floe near the North Pole (87° N, 175° W) was observed during 8–19 August, 2010 based on the fourth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. The trajectory of the floe showed circular motions superimposed on straight drift. Each cycle had a period of about 12?h. The circular motion is inertial oscillation. The largest amplitude of inertial oscillation speed can reach 20?cm/s. After removing the inertial oscillation, the floe drift direction is about 40° on average to the right of the observed 10-m wind which is much larger than previous reports on the angle between sea-ice velocity and the geostrophic wind, and floe drift moves with a speed of about 1.4?% of the observed 10-m wind speed throughout the whole observation period. A simple dynamic sea ice-ocean coupled model and a three-dimensional sea ice-ocean coupled model are employed to simulate the floe drift. Both numerical models are with the widely used quadratic water-drag formulation, i.e., the stress is proportional to the square of the ice velocity relative to the ocean surface current. The inertial oscillation of the floe is successfully simulated by the simple passive drag model, while the floe drift amplitudes simulated from the three-dimensional model are relatively small.  相似文献   

Oscillation of the peat surface is an important mechanism for hydrological self‐regulation in bogs. As the water table rises in the wet season, the peat body expands, raising the bog surface and increasing water storage. With seasonal drying, the water table declines, the peat loses volume, and the bog surface drops, thereby keeping Sphagnum mosses in close contact with the water table. The oscillation of surface elevation in a Pacific coastal temperate raised bog was monitored at multiple sites for 4–12 years in 8 different plant communities of both peat‐harvested and unharvested sites to determine how bog surface oscillation relates to site conditions. The multiyear averages of bog surface oscillation for the different sites ranged from 2 to 34 cm (mean: 10.8 cm). In harvested sites, surface oscillation was linked to a larger water level amplitude and a shallower water table. In unharvested sites, a shallow water table was also a strong predictor of surface oscillation, but water level amplitude was negatively correlated to surface oscillation. This discrepancy was attributed to rewetting and regeneration of harvested sites, as well as historic drainage in many of the unharvested sites that reduced the elasticity of the peat. Surface oscillation differed significantly between some of the plant communities, generally between drier and wetter sites. In disturbed bogs, regeneration of a more elastic surface peat can increase the magnitude of peat volume change and bring about the return of self‐regulating mechanisms. Bog surface oscillation may be an important metric for assessing the restoration success or storage capacity of raised bogs in similar climatic settings.  相似文献   

This study utilizes ultrasonic water tank modelling to examine the complexities which can result when seismic energy is diffracted by even a simple 3D interface structure. Ultrasonic laboratory modelling is carried out in our in-house water tank, using an aluminum block to simulate very simple ocean-bottom topography. The topography consists of parallel depressions which simulate valleys running parallel to a mid-ocean spreading ridge. This study shows that the phase and amplitude of primary ocean-bottom reflections can vary strongly with the azimuth of propagation. The trailing energy coda also varies dramatically as a function of propagation direction, showing the importance of developing a seismic model which includes the full 3D azimuthal distribution of interface structure.  相似文献   

A hydrological model (YWB, yearly water balance) has been developed to model the daily rainfall–runoff relationship of the 202 km2 Teba river catchment, located in semi‐arid south‐eastern Spain. The period of available data (1976–1993) includes some very rainy years with intensive storms (responsible for flooding parts of the town of Malaga) and also some very dry years. The YWB model is in essence a simple tank model in which the catchment is subdivided into a limited number of meaningful hydrological units. Instead of generating per unit surface runoff resulting from infiltration excess, runoff has been made the result of storage excess. Actual evapotranspiration is obtained by means of curves, included in the software, representing the relationship between the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration as a function of soil moisture content for three soil texture classes. The total runoff generated is split between base flow and surface runoff according to a given baseflow index. The two components are routed separately and subsequently joined. A large number of sequential years can be processed, and the results of each year are summarized by a water balance table and a daily based rainfall runoff time series. An attempt has been made to restrict the amount of input data to the minimum. Interactive manual calibration is advocated in order to allow better incorporation of field evidence and the experience of the model user. Field observations allowed for an approximate calibration at the hydrological unit level. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this research, an analytical model is developed to estimate the hydrodynamic damping ratio of liquid sloshing for wall bounded baffles using the velocity potential formulation and linear wave theory. Here, an analytical solution approach and experimental investigations are conducted for describing the hydrodynamic damping which is provided by vertical and horizontal baffles in partially filled rectangular liquid tanks. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the analytical solution which is developed in present work, a series of experiments are carried out with a rectangular liquid tank excited by harmonic oscillation. The parametric study is conducted on the damping efficiencies of both vertical and horizontal baffles with various dimensions and locations. According to the results of the present investigations, the hydrodynamic damping is significantly affected by the size and location of baffles. Furthermore, the validity of the developed analytical approach as well as the effectiveness of various baffle configurations are discussed. Finally, a simple approach is proposed for estimating the damping ratios of the baffles during earthquake motions.  相似文献   

The storm surge period of 13–16 November 1977 when there was a major positive surge followed by a negative surge in the Irish Sea is investigated using a two-dimensional unstructured mesh model of the west coast of Britain. The model accounts for tidal and external surge forcing across its open boundaries which are situated in the Celtic Sea and off the west coast of Scotland. Although this period has been examined previously using a uniform finite-difference model, and a finite element model, neither of these could resolve the Mersey estuary which is the focus of the present study. By using a finite element model with very high mesh resolution within the Mersey, the spatial variability of surge elevations and currents within the Mersey to rapidly changing surge dynamics can be examined. The mesh in the model varies from about 7 km in deep water, to the order of 100 m in the Mersey, with the largest mesh length reaching 17 km in deep offshore regions, and smallest of order 26 m occurring in shallow coastal regions of the Mersey estuary. The model accounts for wetting/drying which occurs in shallow water coastal areas. Calculations showed that during the positive surge period, the amplitude and speed of propagation of the surge was largest in the deep water channels. This gave rise to significant spatial variability of surge elevations and currents within the estuary. As wind stresses decreased over the Irish Sea, a negative surge occurred over Liverpool Bay and at the entrance to the Mersey. However, within the Mersey there was a local positive surge which continued to propagate down the estuary. This clearly showed that although the large scale response of the Irish Sea to changing wind fields occurred rapidly, the response in the Mersey was much slower. These calculations with a west coast variable mesh model that included a high-resolution representation of the Mersey revealed for the first time how elevations and currents within the Mersey responded to Irish Sea surges that rapidly changed from positive to negative.  相似文献   

We revisit the surge of November 1977, a storm event which caused damage on the Sefton coast in NW England. A hindcast has been made with a coupled surge-tide-wave model, to investigate whether a wave-dependent surface drag is necessary for accurate surge prediction, and also if this can be represented by an optimised Charnock parameter. The Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal Modelling System-Wave Model (POLCOMS-WAM) has been used to model combined tides, surges, waves and wave-current interaction in the Irish Sea on a 1.85 km grid. This period has been previously thoroughly studied, e.g. Jones and Davies [Jones, J.E., Davies, A.M., 1998. Storm surge computations for the Irish Sea using a three-dimensional numerical model including wave-current interaction. Continental Shelf Research 18(2), 201–251] and we build upon this previous work to validate the POLCOMS-WAM model to test the accuracy of surge elevation predictions in the study area. A one-way nested approach has been set up from larger scale models to the Irish Sea model. It was demonstrated that (as expected) swell from the North Atlantic does not have a significant impact in the eastern Irish Sea. To capture the external surge generated outside of the Irish Sea a (1/9° by 1/6°) model extending beyond the continental shelf edge was run using the POLCOMS model for tide and surge.  相似文献   

An unstructured mesh finite element model of the sea region off the west coast of Britain is used to examine the storm surge event of November 1977. This period is chosen because accurate meteorological data to drive the model and coastal observations for validation purposes are available. In addition, previous published results from a coarse-grid (resolution 7 km) finite difference model of the region and high-resolution (1 km) limited area (namely eastern Irish Sea) model are available for comparison purposes. To enable a “like with like” comparison to be made, the finite element model covers the same domain and has the same meteorological forcing as these earlier finite difference models. In addition, the mesh is based on an identical set of water depths. Calculations show that the finite element model can reproduce both the “external” and “internal” components of the surge in the region. This shows that the “far field” (external) component of the surge can accurately propagate through the irregular mesh, and the model responds accurately, without over- or under-damping, to local wind forcing. Calculations show significant temporal and spatial variability in the surge in close agreement with that found in earlier finite difference calculations. In addition, root mean square errors between computed and observed surge are comparable to those found in previous finite different calculations. The ability to vary the mesh in nearshore regions reveals appreciable small-scale variability that was not found in the previous finite difference solutions. However, the requirement to perform a “like with like” comparison using the same water depths means that the full potential of the unstructured grid model to improve resolution in the nearshore region is inhibited. This is clearly evident in the Mersey estuary region where a higher resolution unstructured mesh model, forced with uniform winds, had shown high topographic variability due to small-scale variations in topography that are not resolved here. Despite the lack of high resolution in the nearshore region, the model showed results that were consistent with the previous storm surge models of the region. Calculations suggest that to improve on these earlier results, a finer nearshore mesh is required based upon accurate nearshore topography.  相似文献   

A computational fluid dynamics (CFD)‐based methodology is proposed to derive convective mass‐transfer coefficients (wind functions) that are required for estimating evaporation of water bodies with the mass‐transfer method. Three‐dimensional CFD was applied to model heat transfer in two water bodies: a Class‐A tank evaporimeter and an on‐farm artificial pond. The standard k–? model assuming isotropic turbulence was adopted to describe turbulent heat transport, whereas the heat and mass transfer analogy was assumed to derive the wind functions. The CFD‐derived wind functions were very similar to those empirically derived from the experimental water bodies. The evaporation rates calculated with the synthetic wind functions were in good agreement with hourly and daily evaporation measurements for the tank and pond, respectively. The proposed CFD‐approach is generalisable and cost effective, because it has low input data requirements. Besides, it provides additional capability of modelling the spatial distribution of the evaporation rate over the water surface. Although the application of CFD to water bodies evaporation modelling is still in development, it looks very promising. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science (Texas A&M University––Corpus Christi) has conducted numerous petroleum experiments at the Shoreline Environmental Research Facility (Corpus Christi, Texas, USA). The meso-scale facility has multiple wave tanks, permitting some control in experimental design of the investigations, but allowing for real-world conditions. This paper outlines the evolution of a materials balance approach in conducting petroleum experiments at the facility. The first attempt at a materials balance was during a 1998 study on the fate/effects of dispersant use on crude oil. Both water column and beach sediment samples were collected. For the materials balance, the defined environmental compartments for oil accumulation were sediments, water column, and the water surface, while the discharge from the tanks was presumed to be the primary sink. The “lessons learned” included a need to quantify oil adhesion to the tank surfaces. This was resolved by adhering strips of the polymer tank lining to the tank sides that could be later removed and extracted for oil. Also, a protocol was needed to quantify any floating oil on the water surface. A water surface (oil slick) quantification protocol was developed, involving the use of solid-phase extraction disks. This protocol was first tested during a shoreline cleaner experiment, and later refined in subsequent dispersant effectiveness studies. The effectiveness tests were designed to simulate shallow embayments which created the need for additional adjustments in the tanks. Since dispersant efficacy is largely affected by hydrodynamics, it was necessary to scale the hydrodynamic conditions of the tanks to those expected in our prototype system (Corpus Christi Bay, Texas). The use of a scaled model permits the experiment to be reproduced and/or evaluated under different conditions. To minimize wave reflection in the tank, a parabolic wave dissipater was built. In terms of materials balance, this design reduced available surface area as a sink for oil adsorption.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the study of an earthquake protection system, the tuned liquid damper (TLD), which can, if adequately designed, reduce earthquake demands on buildings. This positive effect is accomplished taking into account the oscillation of the free surface of a fluid inside a tank (sloshing). The behaviour of an isolated TLD, subjected to a sinusoidal excitation at its base, with different displacement amplitudes, was studied by finite element analysis. The efficiency of the TLD in improving the seismic response of an existing building, representative of modern architecture buildings in southern European countries was also evaluated based on linear dynamic analyses.  相似文献   

Significant seismic events have occurred around the world during winter months in regions where cold temperatures cause ground freezing. Current seismic design practice does not address the effects of cold temperatures in the seasonally frozen areas. Since many elevated water tank structures in cold regions are located in seismic active zones, determining the effect of seasonally frozen soil on the stochastic response of elevated water tank structures subjected to random seismic excitation is an important structural consideration. A three dimensional finite element model, which considers viscous boundaries, was built up to obtain the stochastic seismic behavior of an elevated water tank–fluid–soil interaction system for frozen soil condition. For this model, the power spectral density function represents random ground motion applied to each support point of the three dimensional finite element model of the elevated water tank–fluid–soil interaction system. Numerical results show that the soil temperature affects the seismic response of the elevated water tank; whereas the variation in the thickness of the frozen soil causes insignificant changes on the response. In addition, the effect of the variation in water tank’s fullness on the stochastic response of the coupled system is investigated in the study. As a result, the seasonal frost changes the foundation soil stiffness and may impact seismic behavior of the water tank.  相似文献   

The transport of non-indigenous species (NIS) with ship ballast water is a major environmental problem. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) have recommended that ballast tanks are flushed through with sea water to remove NIS contaminants. The flushing efficiency is studied using mathematical models and a scaled experimental model of a ballast tank. The density contrast between the ballast water and water used for flushing is important when the Froude number Fr(w)=U(w)/sqr rt|g(')|H < 1 (defined in terms of average horizontal flow U(w), reduced buoyancy g', and H the vertical dimension in the tank). When denser water is used to flush a ballast tank, from below, it efficiently displaces lighter ballast water; but flushing through with light water creates a buoyant gravity current which effectively short circuits part of the tank. When Fr(w)>1, the density contrast between the ballast water and water used for flushing is not important and flushing is controlled by a bulk Péclet number, Pe(w). For Pe(w)<1 perfect mixing occurs, while for Pe(w)>1 displacement flushing occurs. Laboratory experiments of flushing were performed using a model two-dimensional ballast tank employing dye attenuation to measure the whole concentration field and these experiments confirm the essential features of the mathematical models. The results of this study are discussed in the context of current IMO flushing protocols.  相似文献   

In this study,we analyze the co-seismic response of water levels in the Jiaji well to strong earthquakes(MS≥7.8) from 2001 to 2010 at an epicentral distance less than 8000km.We investigated the co-seismic variation form of water levels,and analyzed the relationship between the amplitude of water level variation and the magnitude and the epicentral distance.We then checked the seismic wave phases when the changes of water level occurred.It was shown that:(1) the water level’s co-seismic response is mainly characterized by escalation with no oscillation;(2) the amplitude of water level change has a certain connection with epicentral distance and magnitude;(3) co-seismic response of water levels in the Jiaji well shows a certain directivity;(4) most of the co-seismic responses were caused by surface waves,and some by long-period S waves.  相似文献   

The 1953 North Sea floods, the Big Flood, was one of the worst natural disasters in Europe in modern times and is probably one of the most studied severe coastal floods. Several factors led to the devastating storm surge along the southern North Sea coast in combination of strong and sustained northerly winds, invert barometric effect, high spring tide, and an accumulation of the large surge in the Strait of Dover. However, the storm waves and their roles during the 1953 North Sea storm surge are not well investigated. Therefore, the effect of wave setup due to breaking waves in the storm surge processes is investigated through numerical experiments. A coupled process-based tide-wave-surge model was used to investigate and simulate the storm surge in the North Sea during January 31–February 1, 1953 and validated by comparing with historical water level records at tide gauges and wave observations at light vessels in the North Sea. Meteorological forcing inputs for the period, January 27–February 3, 1953 are reproduced from ERA-20C reanalysis data with a constant correction factor for winds. From the simulation results, it is found that, in addition to the high water due to wind setup, wave setup due to breaking waves nearshore play a role of approximately 10% of the storm surge peaks with approximately 0.2 m. The resulting modeling system can be used extensively for the preparedness of the storm surge and wave of extreme condition, and usual barotropic forecast.  相似文献   

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