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The presence of marl deposits belonging to the Lateglacial period in a former lake basin at Lundin Tower in Fife, Scotland has allowed palaeoenvironmental investigations by means of carbonate δ13C and δ18O, and organic matter δ13C, in addition to palynology. The variations that emerge reveal strong similarities between the pollen and isotope records and these are interpreted as reflecting climatic shifts. The classic Late-glacial pattern of Oldest Dryas–Bølling–Older Dryas–Allerød–Younger Dryas may be evident and other climatic oscillations are shown to have occurred not only during the Allerød but also in the Preboreal. The problem of the time discordance between isotopic change and pollen representation is addressed through explanations involving lags in plant colonization. A comparison of the δ18O records from 43 sites across Europe reveals two different regional patterns, which raises fundamental questions over the nature of Late-glacial palaeoclimates.  相似文献   

Mid-Holocene stable isotope record of corals from the northern Red Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a study based on X-ray chronologies and the stable isotopic composition of fossil Porites spp. corals from the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea) covering the mid-Holocene period from 5750 to 4450 14C years BP (before present). The stable oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of five specimens reveal regular annual periodicities. Compared with modern Porites spp. from the same environment, the average seasonal δ 18O amplitude of the fossil corals is higher (by ca. 0.35–0.60‰), whereas annual growth rates are lower (by ca. 3.5 to 2 mm/year). This suggests stronger seasonality of sea surface temperatures and increased variability of the oxygen isotopic composition of the sea water due to changes in the precipitation and evaporation regime during the mid-Holocene. Most likely, summer monsoon rains reached the northern end of the Red Sea at that time. Average annual coral growth rates are diminished probably due to an increased input and resuspension of terrestrial debris to the shallow marine environment during more humid conditions. Our results corroborate published reports of paleodata and model simulations suggesting a northward migration of the African monsoon giving rise to increased seasonalities during the mid-Holocene over northeastern Africa and Arabia. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 13 September 1999  相似文献   

We present a new palaeoenvironmental record of hydrological variability in Lake Baikal, based on re‐modelled δ18Odiatom values of diatom silica (δ18Omodelled), where the residual contaminants are identified and compensated for using electron optical imaging and whole‐sample geochemistry. δ18Omodelled interpretations are based on the balance between rivers with high δ18O values and rivers with low δ18O values. Isotopic variability is related to latitudinal differences in precipitation which feed these rivers. The δ18Omodelled record suggests that rather moist conditions prevailed in the Lake Baikal region during the latter stages of the Younger Dryas. Throughout the Holocene, episodes of low δ18Omodelled values are, in general, in good agreement with increases in percentage haematite‐stained grains in North Atlantic sediments (indicative of ice‐rafted debris events). Rivers with southerly catchments dominate fluvial input especially between c. 3.3 and 2 cal ka BP, concurrent with high precipitation in the Lake Baikal region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of the organic-rich sediments of Lake Illisarvik in the outer Mackenzie Delta indicates that formation of the lake occurred approximately 9500yr BP, with maximum expansion around 6000 yr BP. Sedimentation rates have remained relatively constant at an average of 0.3mm/yr. 13C results on biogenic and inorganic carbonates and organics indicate a change from dominantly terrestrial organics (?27 to ?28%0) to submerged aquatic vegetation or plankton (?18 to ?23%0) upon formation of the lake (9500yr BP), and a dramatic return to dominantly terrestrial organics at 5800yr BP (δ13C = ?27 to ?30%0). This latter shift is accompanied by a drastic reduction in the macroflora and fauna populations. 18O results suggest that a warmer climate than today existed prior to the shift at 5800yr BP.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphic and palynological analysis of two cores recovered from the ‘Grand Lac’ (New Caledonia), combined with 35 14C AMS dates, yields a paleoenvironmental record spanning the last 2000 yr. The lithology is represented mainly by clayey or laminated layers. A catastrophic event, which is marked by very coarse deposits, occurred probably between ca 1070-960 cal yr B.P. and possibly is associated with an unusually severe La Niña event. Before and after this event, a similar combination of the two main sediment types is recorded. The repeated alternation of laminated and clayey layers is interpreted as the response to local hydrologic forcing, which may reflect a shift from relatively wet to relatively drier conditions, respectively. Variable amount of micro-charcoal is detected all along the profile. Without additional evidence, notwithstanding the initial local human settlement documented since ca 2900 14C yr B.P., micro-charcoal occurrence and variability cannot be linked directly to an anthropogenic origin. No distinct palynological zonations in relation to the lithology are observed, and the vegetation changes may only represent minor transitions across environmental limits.  相似文献   

报道了大别造山带西南部湖北红安榴辉岩和罗田麻粒岩的氧同位素组成,并讨论了氧扩散作用对矿物氧同位素平衡的影响,结果得到,红安榴辉岩的全岩δ^18O值为6.4-7.3‰,罗田黄土岭麻粒岩的全岩δ^18O值为6.6-7.8‰,罗田惠兰山麻粒岩的全岩δ^18O值为3.9‰,这些榴辉岩和麻粒岩全岩的氧同位素组成保持了峰期变质条件下的平衡分馏特征,得到的氧同位素温度对于红安榴辉岩425-620度,对于罗田麻粒岩为740-945度。根据快速颗粒边界扩散模型计算的矿物对氧同位素温度不仅与大多数实测氧同位素温度一致,而且与岩石学测温结果相吻合,因此,这些岩石与东大别榴辉岩一样在形成后经历了快速冷却过程,退变质反应过程中没有外来流体加入。  相似文献   

The marine benthic fauna and the δ18Oc of foraminifers and ostracods from six sites situated on a west–east transect through central Sweden have been analysed in order to estimate the palaeosalinity and palaeocirculation in this shallow‐marine environment. The measurements have been undertaken on material from the early Preboreal, when the Baltic Basin was in contact with the North Sea through straits in central Sweden. The δ18Oc values have a more negative value towards the east, indicating decreasing salinity. This was the result of limited possibilities for marine water to penetrate into the Baltic Basin and the mixing with freshwater from the melting Fennoscandian ice‐sheet. Four water masses existed in the area: a surface layer of freshwater, marine water from the North Sea, brackish–marine intermediate water on the Swedish west coast and brackish Yoldia Sea water in the Baltic Basin. The chronology is based on radiocarbon dates of marine fossils and, at one site, on the occurrence of the Vedde Ash (10 400–10 300 14C yr BP). This is the first record from marine settings in Sweden. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Garnet grains from an intensely metasomatized mid‐crustal shear zone in the Reynolds Range, central Australia, exhibit a diverse assortment of textural and compositional characteristics that provide important insights into the geochemical effects of fluid–rock interaction. Electron microprobe X‐ray maps and major element profiles, in situ secondary ion mass spectrometry oxygen isotope analyses, and U–Pb and Sm–Nd geochronology are used to reconstruct their thermal, temporal and fluid evolution. These techniques reveal a detailed sequence of garnet growth, re‐equilibration and dissolution during intracontinental reworking associated with the Ordovician–Carboniferous (450–300 Ma) Alice Springs Orogeny. A euhedral garnet porphyroblast displays bell‐shaped major element profiles diagnostic of prograde growth zoning during shear zone burial. Coexisting granulitic garnet porphyroclasts inherited from precursor wall rocks show extensive cation re‐equilibration assisted by fracturing and fragmentation. Oxygen isotope variations in the former are inversely correlated with the molar proportion of grossular, suggesting that isotopic fractionation is linked to Ca substitution. The latter generally show close correspondence to the isotopic composition of their precursor, indicating slow intergranular diffusion of O relative to Fe2+, Mg and Mn. Peak metamorphism associated with shearing (~550 °C; 5.0–6.5 kbar) occurred at c. 360 Ma, followed by rapid exhumation and cooling. Progressive Mn enrichment in rim domains indicates that the retrograde evolution caused partial garnet dissolution. Accompanying intra‐mineral porosity production then stimulated limited oxygen isotope exchange between relict granulitic garnet grains and adjacent metasomatic biotite, resulting in increased garnet δ18O values over length scales <200 μm. Spatially restricted oxygen interdiffusion was thus facilitated by increased fluid access to reaction interfaces. The concentration of Ca in channelled fracture networks suggests that its mobility was enhanced by a similar mechanism. In contrast, the intergranular diffusion of Fe2+, Mg and Mn was rock‐wide under the same P–T regime, as demonstrated by a lack of local spatial variations in the re‐equilibration of these components. The extraction of detailed reaction histories from garnet must therefore take into account the variable length‐ and time‐scales of elemental and isotopic exchange, particularly where the involvement of a fluid phase enhances the possibility of measureable resetting profiles being generated for slowly diffusing components such as Ca and O, even at low ambient temperatures and relatively fast cooling rates.  相似文献   

南伊沟是林芝地区重要水源涵养区,研究南伊沟水体水化学和氢氧同位素特征,揭示"三水转化"规律,对提高林芝地区水体水文地球化学研究程度,支撑当地林水关系研究,服务高原地区水生态保护具有重要意义。运用水化学和氢氧同位素分析方法,分析了地区水化学特征、水岩作用情况和水循环特征。结果表明: 南伊沟水体为极低矿化度淡水,地表水水化学类型为HCO3-Ca・Mg型和SO4・HCO3-Ca・Mg型,地下水水化学类型为HCO3-Ca・Na型; 地表水和地下水的水化学离子成分主要受岩石风化控制,离子来源主要受碳酸盐岩溶解和硅酸盐岩风化影响,地表水中Na+、K+、Cl-主要来源于盐岩溶解,同时还受降雨影响,地表水和地下水中Ca2+、Mg2+主要来源于碳酸盐岩矿物溶解; 地下水和地表水水岩作用较弱,对比上游雅鲁藏布江和拉萨河地表水,大部分δ18O、δD值具有明显的高度效应和大陆效应; 南伊沟枯水年内强烈的不平衡蒸发作用是导致地区大气降雨线斜率和截距偏小的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

High-grade metamorphic rocks were used to explore oxygen isotope fractionations between pyroxene and garnet, and to investigate the effects on fractionation factors of the cation substitutions Fe3+Al?1 and Ca(Fe,Mg)?1. Recrystallized, granulite facies (725 °C) wollastonite ores from the northern Adirondack highlands contain essentially only the minerals clinopyroxene (a Di–Hd solid solution)+garnet (a Grs–Adr solid solution)±wollastonite, and exhibit a systematic dependence of measured fractionations on the Fe3+ content of calcic garnet: Δ(Cpx–CaGrt)=(0.14±0.12)+(0.78±0.20)XAdr and Δ(Wo–CaGrt)=(0.15±0.22)+(0.57±0.33)XAdr. In eclogites formed at T ≤650 °C, measured compositions of Ca-poor garnet and omphacite combined with experimental data indicate that Ca-poor, Fe-rich garnet is enriched in 18O compared to both diopside and grossular: extrapolating to 1000 K, Δ(Alm–Di)≈c. 0.2 and Δ(Alm–Grs)≈c. 0.5. Orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene from Gore Mountain, New York, show a constant fractionation that is independent of rock type, as expected if they have the same closure temperature. These data imply Δ(Opx-Cpx)≈c. 0.7 at 1000 K. Measured fractionations among Ca-poor garnet, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and hornblende in the Gore Mountain rocks further indicate an 18O enrichment in Ca-poor garnet over Grs (≈c. 0.5 at 1000 K). The new measurements are indistinguishable from expected equilibrium values based on experiments for the minerals enstatite, diopside, grossular, wollastonite and feldspar, but consistently indicate a significant isotope effect for the simple octahedral cation substitutions Fe3+Al?1 (Grs vs. Adr) and Ca(Fe,Mg)?1 (Ca-poor garnet vs. Grs; Opx vs. Cpx). Neither cation substitution has been directly investigated for its effect on 18O/16O fractionation with experiments in silicates. Chemical characterization of minerals is required prior to petrological interpretation of oxygen isotope trends.  相似文献   

湖南香花岭锡多金属矿床C、O、Sr同位素地球化学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
袁顺达 《地质学报》2008,82(11):1522-1530
对湖南香花岭锡多金属矿床成矿早、晚两期方解石进行了系统的C、O、Sr同位素研究。结果表明,成矿早期方解石具有相对较低的δ13CPDB(-5.4‰ ~ -1.4‰)、δ18OSMOW(+6.1‰ ~ +13.9‰)和较高的87Sr/86Sr值(0.7101 ~ 0.7230);而成矿晚期方解石则具有相对较高的δ13CPDB(+0.2‰ ~ +0.6‰)、δ18OSMOW(+19.4‰ ~ +21.5‰)和较低的87Sr/86Sr值(0.7101)。成矿早期方解石为岩浆热液与海相碳酸盐岩相互作用的产物,成矿流体中的碳源于岩浆碳和海相碳酸盐岩;模拟计算结果显示,成矿早期方解石为成矿溶液发生0.05-0.1摩尔分数的 CO2去气作用的产物。而成矿晚期方解石主要为矿区碳酸盐岩围岩低温淋滤的产物,流体中的碳主要源于矿区碳酸盐岩围岩。成矿流体中Sr源于矿区花岗岩和碳酸盐岩,从成矿早期到晚期,岩浆来源的Sr逐渐减少,而碳酸盐岩围岩提供的Sr比例不断增大。  相似文献   

The occurrence of early diagenetic Ca‐rhodochrosite [(Mn,Ca)CO3] is reported in association with ‘griotte’‐type nodular limestones from basinal settings in the geological record; however, without the comparison of analogous modern examples, the controls on precipitation remain speculative. Here the findings of four layers of primary Ca‐rich rhodochrosite recovered from a modern deep‐sea setting in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific, from bioturbated sediments 300 m below sea floor, are reported (Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 201, Site 1226). The mineralogy is similar to cements in burrows recovered during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 68 at Eastern Equatorial Pacific Site 503 and from Ca‐rhodochrosite laminae in sediments of the central Baltic Sea. Petrographic relationships and constant oxygen isotopic compositions in the Ca‐rhodochrosite around 5‰ at all depths indicate a shallow burial depth of formation. The onset of 1‰ heavier oxygen isotope composition of Ca‐rhodochrosite at Site 503, about 30 m below the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, further suggests that precipitation occurs in the range of 30 m below sea floor. The approximate depth of formation allowed an approximate empirical fractionation factor for marine Ca‐rhodochrosite to be constrained that strongly differs from previously published theoretical values. Based on the approximate precipitation depth, authigenic Ca‐rhodochrosite forms within the SO42?‐reduction zone. Moderately negative δ13C values (around ?3‰) and total organic carbon lower than 2 wt% indicate a relatively low contribution of CO32? from organic C mineralization within the expanded redox zonation in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific. It is suggested that the alkalinity is increased by a rise in pH at focused sites of Mn‐reduction coupled with S2? oxidation. High concentrations of Mn‐oxide can accumulate in layers or burrows because of Mn‐cycling in suboxic sediments as suggested for the Baltic Sea Ca‐rhodochrosites. This study demonstrates how early diagenetic precipitates document biogeochemical processes from past diagenetic systems.  相似文献   

通过测试分析了浙江江山灯影组碳酸盐岩的碳、氧同位素特征。结果显示δ^13C值在-2.11‰~2.71‰之间,底、顶部表现为负异常,主体部分比较平稳,变化频率不大。呈微弱的降低趋势;δ^18O值在-3.52‰~-8.76‰之间变化,整体比较平稳,从底到顶呈略降低的变化趋势。浙江江山碳、氧同位素的特征与国内外同期地层非常相似,具有全球可对比性,反映浙江江山地区在灯影初期海平面短暂下降,随后海洋环境相对稳定,直到灯影末期,与全球古环境发生强烈变化一样,本区海洋环境也发生了强烈变化。  相似文献   

湖北徐家山锑矿床方解石C、O、Sr同位素地球化学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
湖北通山的徐家山锑矿床产在上震旦统陡山沱组和灯影组的海相碳酸盐岩中.对该矿床中成矿前和成矿期方解石进行了较系统的C、O、Sr同位素地球化学研究,结果表明,成矿前方解石具相对较高的δ13CPDB(-0.7‰~ 2.0‰)、δ18OSMOW( 18.6‰~ 19.6‰)和Sr含量(2645-8174 μg/g,平均5656μg/g),及较低的87Sr/86Sr比值(0.7096~0.7097);而成矿期方解石具相对较低的δ13CPDB(-3.9‰~-2.1‰)、δ18OSMOW( 11.5‰~ 15.3‰)、Sr含量(785~2563μg/g,平均1571μg/g),和较高的87Sr/86Sr比值(O.7109~0.7154,平均0.7141).分析认为,成矿前方解石的C、O和绝大部分Sr来源于赋矿围岩--震旦系海相碳酸盐岩;而成矿流体为富H2CO3的溶液,它来自或流经富放射成因87Sr的下伏基底碎屑岩--中元古界冷家溪群浅变质岩;该流体与围岩发生水.岩反应导致成矿期方解石和辉锑矿的沉淀.  相似文献   

Carbonates often accompany lake and lake‐margin deposits in both modern and ancient geological settings. If these carbonates are formed in standing water, their stable isotope values reflect the aquatic chemistry at the time of precipitation and may provide a proxy for determining regional hydrologic conditions. Carbonate rhizoliths and water samples were collected from a playa lake in eastern Nevada. Pilot Valley (~43°N) is a closed‐basin, remnant playa from the Quaternary desiccation of palaeo‐Lake Bonneville. Water is added to the playa margin by free convection of dense brines to the east and forced convection of freshwater off the alluvial fan to the west. Both freshwater and saline springs dot the playa margin at the base of an alluvial fan. Water samples collected from seven springs show a range from ?16 to ?0·2‰ (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water), and are consistent with published values. The δ18Ocalcite values from rhizolith samples range from ?18·3 to ?6·7‰ (Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite), and the average is ?12‰ V‐PDB (1 ? σ SD 2‰). With the exception of samples from Little Salt Spring, the range in the δ18Ocalcite values collected from the rhizoliths confirms that they form in equilibrium with ambient water conditions on the playa. The initial geochemical conditions for the spring waters are dictated by local hydrology: freshwater springs emerge in the northern part of the basin to the east of a broad alluvial fan, and more saline springs emerge to the south where the influence of the alluvial fan diminishes. Rhizoliths are only found near the southern saline springs and their δ13Ccalcite values, along with their morphology, indicate that they only form around saltgrass (Distichlis sp.). As the residence time of water on the playa increases, evaporation, temperature change and biological processes alter the aquatic chemistry and initiate calcite precipitation around the plant stems. The range in δ18Ocalcite values from each location reflects environmental controls (e.g. evaporation and temperature change). These rhizoliths faithfully record ambient aquatic conditions during formation (e.g. geochemistry and water depth), but only record a partial annual signal that is constrained by saltgrass growth and the presence of standing water on the playa margin.  相似文献   

Sedimentary, palynological and diatom data from a dunefield lake deposit in the interior of Vanderlin Island in the Gulf of Carpentaria are presented. Prior to the formation of present perennial lake conditions, the intensified Australian monsoon associated with the early Holocene marine transgression allowed Cyperaceae sedges to colonise the alluvial margins of an expansive salt flat surrounded by an open Eucalyptus woodland. As sea level stabilised between 7500 and 4500 cal yr B.P. coastal dunes ceased to develop allowing dense Melaleuca forest to establish in a Restionaceae swamp. Dune-sand input into the swamp was diminished further as the increasingly dense vegetation prevented fluvial and aeolian transported sand arriving from coastal sources. This same process impounded the drainage basin allowing a perennial lake to form between 5500 and 4000 cal yr B.P. Myriophyllum and other aquatic taxa colonised the lake periphery under the most extensive woodland recorded for the Holocene. The palynological data support an effective precipitation model proposed for northern Australia that suggests more variable conditions in the late Holocene. A more precise measure of effective precipitation change is provided by diatom-based inferences that indicate few changes in lake hydrology. Such interpretations are explained in terms of palynological sensitivity to adjustments in local fire regimes where regional precipitation change may only be recorded indirectly through fire promoting mechanisms, including intensified ENSO periodicity and human impact.  相似文献   

硫氧同位素示踪污染物来源在济南岩溶水中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,济南岩溶水硫酸盐浓度逐年升高,为了对硫酸盐污染区域实施有效的防治措施,保障饮用水安全,识别硫酸盐的污染来源极其重要.在系统分析研究区水文地质条件的基础上,根据实际的采样测试数据,采用硫、氧(S、O)双同位素示踪技术,分析识别了济南趵突泉泉域硫酸盐的主要污染来源,并通过IsoSource质量守恒模型,估算了硫酸盐各污染来源的贡献率.结果表明:泉域内硫酸盐主要污染来源有大气沉降、污水和土壤;大气沉降来源贡献率最大,均值达到53.9%;其次是污水来源,均值为31%;土壤来源贡献率最小,均值为15.1%.该研究为北方岩溶区地下水硫酸盐来源的定量研究提供了一种新方法,为济南趵突泉泉域硫酸盐污染防治提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotopic composition of Stenomelania gastropod shells was investigated to reconstruct Holocene palaeoclimate change at Lake Kutubu in the southern highlands of Papua New Guinea. Oxygen isotope (δ18O) values recorded in aquatic gastropod shells change according to ambient water δ18O values and temperature. The gastropod shells appear to form in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with the surrounding water and record a shift in average shell oxygen isotopic composition through time, probably as a result of warmer/wetter conditions at ca. 600–900 and 5900–6200 cal a bp. Shorter term fluctuations in oxygen isotope values were also identified and may relate to changes in the intensity or source of rainfall. Further δ18O analyses of gastropod shells or other carbonate proxies found in the Lake Kutubu sediments are warranted. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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