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严成增  孙冠华  郑宏  葛修润 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):2064-2070
为了模拟岩体中裂纹的萌生、扩展,Munjiza提出了有限元法/离散元法(FEM/DEM)耦合分析方法。因为裂纹是沿单元边界进行扩展的,亦即裂纹扩展具有网格依赖性,为获得较好的裂纹扩展形态,需要划分密集的初始网格。为解决上述难题,基于FEM/DEM耦合分析方法,提出了基于局部单元动态劈裂的FEM/DEM自适应分析方法,以克服裂纹扩展形态对网格的依赖性。该方法在最初建模时无需划分很密的初始网格,随着荷载的施加,对裂纹尖端附近的局部单元进行动态劈裂,为裂纹的后续扩展提供了更多可能的扩展方向,使得裂纹扩展不必沿着初始网格的单元边界扩展,即可以沿着单元内部进行扩展,裂纹扩展形态更为平滑,与实际情况更为接近。同时相对原FEM/DEM耦合分析方法一开始就划分很密的网格而言,新方法可以划分较为稀疏的初始网格,计算成本降低。最后,通过巴西劈裂算例与原FEM/DEM耦合分析方法对比,分析表明,新方法在一定程度上克服了裂纹扩展形态对初始网格的依赖性。  相似文献   

This paper endows the recently‐proposed granular element method (GEM) with the ability to perform 3D discrete element calculations. By using non‐uniform rational B‐Splines to accurately represent complex grain geometries, we proposed an alternative approach to clustering‐based and polyhedra‐based discrete element methods whereby the need for complicated and ad hoc approaches to construct 3D grain geometries is entirely bypassed. We demonstrate the ability of GEM in capturing arbitrary‐shaped 3D grains with great ease, flexibility, and without excessive geometric information. Furthermore, the applicability of GEM is enhanced by its tight integration with existing non‐uniform rational B‐Splines modeling tools and ability to provide a seamless transition from binary images of real grain shapes (e.g., from 3D X‐ray CT) to modeling and discrete mechanics computations.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a procedure for the determination of parameters of non‐local damage models. This is to assure a consistent response of a non‐local damage model, as choice of the internal length and other parameters of the model are varied. Correlations between the internal length and other parameters governing the local constitutive behaviour of the model are addressed and exploited. Focus is put on the relationship between the internal length of the non‐local model and the width of the fracture process zone. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the rigour of the proposed method. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Formulation and algorithmic treatment of a rate‐dependent plastic–damage model modified to capture large tensile cracking in cyclic‐loaded concrete structures are presented in detail for a three‐dimensional implementation. The plastic–damage model proposed by Lee and Fenves in 1998 was founded based on isotropic damaged elasticity in combination with isotropic multi‐hardening plasticity to simulate cracking and crushing of concrete under cyclic or dynamic loadings. In order that the model can capture large crack opening displacements, which are inevitable in plain concrete structures, the excessive increase in plastic strain causing unrealistic results in cyclic behaviors is prevented when the tensile plastic–damage variable controlling the evolution of tensile damage is larger than a critical value. In such a condition, the crack opening/closing mechanism becomes similar to discrete cracking. The consistent tangent operator required to accelerate convergence rate is also formulated for the large cracking state including viscoplasticity. The validation and performance of the modified algorithm implemented in a special finite element program is exemplified through several single‐element tests as well as three structural applications. The last example examines the model in the seismic fracture analysis of Koyna dam as a benchmark problem and the resulting crack profile is compared with the available experiment. The numerical experimentations well demonstrate that the developed model whose modification is necessary to properly simulate the cyclic behavior of plain concrete subjected to large tensile strains is robust and reasonably accurate. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A discrete plastic–damage model is developed for cohesive‐frictional geomaterials subjected to compression‐dominated stresses. Macroscopic plastic strains of material are physically generated by frictional sliding along weakness planes. The evolution of damage is related to the evolution of weakness planes physically in connection with the propagation of microcracks. A discrete approach is used to account for anisotropic plastic flow and damage evolution, by introducing two stress invariants and one plastic hardening variable for each family of sliding weakness planes. Plastic flow in each family is coupled with damage evolution. The proposed model is applied to typical geomaterials and comparisons between numerical predictions and experimental data are presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study focuses on non‐coaxial flow behavior of cohesionless soil undergoing cyclic rotational shear, with a special interest in the effects of particle‐scale characteristics. To this end, we perform a series of 2D discrete element simulations with various particle shapes, inter‐particle coefficient of friction, initial density, and stress ratios. The validity and efficacy of the numerical model is established by systematically comparing numerical simulation results with existing laboratory testing results. Such comparison shows that the numerical simulations are capable of capturing mechanical behavior observed in laboratory testing under rotational shear. We further demonstrate and quantify a strong yet simple relationship between the deviatoric part of the normalized strain increment and the non‐coaxial angle, denoted by and ψ, respectively. This quantitative correlation between ψ and is independent of applied stress ratio, initial and current void ratio, and the number of cycles applied, but dependent on the principal stress orientation and particle‐scale characteristics. At the same , specimens with higher inter‐particle friction angle or smaller particle aspect ratio show greater non‐coaxial angles. A simple model is able to fit this ψ‐ relationship well, which provides a useful relationship that can be exploited in developing constitutive models for rotational shearing. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The shear behavior at the interface between the soil and a structure is investigated at the macroscale and particle‐scale levels using a 3‐dimensional discrete element method (DEM). The macroscopic mechanical properties and microscopic quantities affected by the normalized interface roughness and the loading parameters are analyzed. The macro‐response shows that the shear strength of the interface increases as the normalized roughness of the interface increases, and stress softening and dilatancy of the soil material are observed in the tests that feature rough interfaces. The particle‐scale analysis illustrates that a localized band characterized by intense shear deformation emerges from the contact plane and gradually expands as shearing progresses before stabilizing at the residual stress state. The thickness of the localized band is affected by the normalized roughness of the interface and the normal stress, which ranges between 4 and 5 times that of the median grain diameter. A thicker localized band is formed when the soil has a rough shearing interface. After the localized band appears, the granular material structuralizes into 2 regions: the interface zone and the upper zone. The mechanical behavior in the interface zone is representative of the interface according to the local average stress analysis. Certain microscopic quantities in the interface zone are analyzed, including the coordination number and the material fabric. Shear at the interface creates an anisotropic material fabric and leads to the rotation of the major principal stress.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe a meshless numerical method based on local collocation with RBFs for the solution of the poroelasticity equation. The RBF finite collocation approach forms a series of overlapping nodal stencils, over which an RBF collocation is performed. These local collocation systems enforce the governing PDE operator throughout their interior, with the intersystem communication occurring via the collocation of field variables at the stencil periphery. The method does not rely on a generalised finite differencing approach, whereby the governing partial differential operator is reconstructed at the global level to drive the solution of the PDE. Instead, the PDE governing and boundary operators are enforced directly within the local RBF collocation systems, and the sparse global assembly is formed by reconstructing the value of the field variables at the centrepoint of the local stencils. In this way, the solution of the PDE is driven entirely by the local RBF collocation, and the method more closely resembles the approach of the full‐domain RBF collocation method. By formulating the problem in this fashion, high rates of convergence may be attained without the computational cost and numerical ill‐conditioning issues that are associated with the full‐domain RBF collocation approach. An analytical solution is formulated for a 2D poroelastic fluid injection scenario and is used to verify the proposed implementation of the method. Highly accurate solutions are produced, and convergence rates in excess of sixth order are observed for each field variable (i.e. pressure and displacement) and field‐variable derivative (i.e. pressure gradients and stresses). The stress and displacement fields resulting from the solution of the poroelasticity equation are then used to describe the formation and propagation of microfractures and microfissures, which may form in the presence of large shear strain, in terms of a continuous damage variable which modifies the mechanical and hydraulic properties of the porous medium. The formation of such hydromechanical damage, and the resulting increase in hydraulic conductivity, is investigated for a pressurised injection into sandstone. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rock failure is observed around boreholes often with certain types of failure zones, which are called breakouts. Laboratory‐scale drilling tests in some high‐porosity quartz‐rich sandstone have shown breakouts in the form of narrow localized compacted zones in the minimum horizontal stress direction. They are called fracture‐like breakouts. Such compaction bands may affect hydrocarbon extraction by forming barriers that inhibit fluid flow and may also be a source of sand production. This paper presents the results of numerical simulations of borehole breakouts using 3D discrete element method to investigate the mechanism of the fracture‐like breakouts and to identify the role of far‐field stresses on the breakout dimensions. The numerical tool was first verified against analytical solutions. It was then utilized to investigate the failure mechanism and breakout geometry for drilled cubic rock samples of Castlegate sandstone subjected to different pre‐existing far‐field stresses. Results show that failure occurs in the zones of the highest concentration of tangential stress around the borehole. It is concluded that fracture‐like breakout develops as a result of a nondilatant failure mechanism consisting of localized grain debonding and repacking and grain crushing that lead to the formation of a compaction band in the minimum horizontal stress direction. In addition, it is found that the length of fracture‐like breakouts depends on both the mean stress and stress anisotropy. However, the width of the breakout is not significantly changed by the far‐field stresses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concurrent multiscale method, which couples the discrete element method (DEM) for predicting the local micro‐scale evolution of the soil particle skeleton with the finite element method (FEM) for estimating the remaining macro‐scale continuum deformation, is a versatile tool for modeling the failure process of soil masses. This paper presents the separate edge coupling method, which is degenerated from the generalized bridging domain method and is good at eliminating spurious reflections that are induced by coupling models of different scales, to capture the granular behavior in the domain of interest and to coarsen the mesh to save computational cost in the remaining domain. Cundall non‐viscous damping was used as numerical damping to dissipate the kinetic energy for simulating static failure problems. The proposed coupled DEM–FEM scheme was adopted to model the wave propagation in a 1D steel bar, a soil slope because of the effect of a shallow foundation and a plane‐strain cone penetration test (CPT). The numerical results show that the separate edge coupling method is effective when it is adopted for a problem with Cundall non‐viscous damping; it qualitatively reproduces the failure process of the soil masses and is consistent with the full micro‐scale discrete element model. Stress discontinuity is found in the coupling domain. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A fully coupled transient two‐dimensional model was employed to study fundamentals of flood‐induced surface erosion in a particle bed. The interaction of the liquid and solid phases is the key mechanism related to surface erosion. The solid phase was idealized at a particle scale by using the discrete element method. The fluid phase was modeled at a mesoscale level and solved using the lattice Boltzmann method. The fluid forces applied on the particles were calculated on the basis of the momentum the fluid exchanges with the particle. The proposed approach was used to model both single particles and particle beds subjected to Couette flow conditions. The behavior of both the single particle and the particle bed depended on particle diameter and surface shear fluid velocity. The conducted simulations show that the fluid flow profile penetrates the bed for a small distance. This penetration initiates sheet‐flow and surface erosion as the fluid interacts with particles. The effect of suppressing particle rotation on the fluid‐induced forces on the particle was also examined. Suppressing particle spinning may lead to underestimated erosion rate. Results of fluid and particle velocities were compared against experimental results and appeared to agree with the observed trends.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a 3D bonded discrete element and lattice Boltzmann method for resolving the fluid‐solid interaction involving complicated fluid‐particle coupling in geomaterials. In the coupled technique, the solid material is treated as an assembly of bonded and/or granular particles. A bond model accounting for strain softening in normal contact is incorporated into the discrete element method to simulate the mechanical behaviour of geomaterials, whilst the fluid flow is solved by the lattice Boltzmann method based on kinetic theory and statistical mechanics. To provide a bridge between theory and application, a 3D algorithm of immersed moving boundary scheme was proposed for resolving fluid‐particle interaction. To demonstrate the applicability and accuracy of this coupled method, a benchmark called quicksand, in which particles become fluidised under the driving of upward fluid flow, is first carried out. The critical hydraulic gradient obtained from the numerical results matches the theoretical value. Then, numerical investigation of the performance of granular filters generated according to the well‐acknowledged design criteria is given. It is found that the proposed 3D technique is promising, and the instantaneous migration of the protected soils can be readily observed. Numerical results prove that the filters which comply with the design criteria can effectively alleviate or eliminate the appearance of particle erosion in dams.  相似文献   

The cohesive‐frictional nature of cementitious geomaterials raises great interest in the discrete element method (DEM) simulation of their mechanical behavior, where a proper bond failure criterion is usually required. In this paper, the failure of bond material between two spheres was investigated numerically using DEM that can easily reproduce the failure process of brittle material. In the DEM simulations, a bonded‐grain system (composed of two particles and bond material in between) was discretized as a cylindrical assembly of very fine particles connecting two large end spheres. Then, the bonded‐grain system was subjected to compression/tension, shear, rolling and torsion loadings and their combinations until overall failure (peak state) was reached. Bonded‐grain systems with various sizes were employed to investigate bond geometry effects. The numerical results show that the compression strength is highly affected by bond geometry, with the tensile strength being dependent to a lesser degree. The shear, rolling and torsion strengths are all normal force dependent; i.e., with an increase in the normal force, these strengths first increase at a declining rate and then start to decrease upon the normal force exceeding a critical value. The combined actions of shear force, rolling moment and torque lead to a spherical failure envelope in a normalized loading space. The fitted bond geometry factors and bond failure envelopes obtained numerically in this three‐dimensional study are qualitatively consistent with those in previous two‐dimensional experiments. The obtained bond failure criterion can be incorporated into a future bond contact model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel three‐dimensional particle‐based technique utilizing the discrete element method is proposed to analyze the seismic response of soil‐foundation‐structure systems. The proposed approach is employed to investigate the response of a single‐degree‐of‐freedom structure on a square spread footing founded on a dry granular deposit. The soil is idealized as a collection of spherical particles using discrete element method. The spread footing is modeled as a rigid block composed of clumped particles, and its motion is described by the resultant forces and moments acting upon it. The structure is modeled as a column made of particles that are either clumped to idealize a rigid structure or bonded to simulate a flexible structure of prescribed stiffness. Analysis is done in a fully coupled scheme in time domain while taking into account the effects of soil nonlinear behavior, the possible separation between foundation base and soil caused by rocking, the possible sliding of the footing, and the dynamic soil‐foundation interaction as well as the dynamic characteristics of the superstructure. High fidelity computational simulations comprising about half a million particles were conducted to examine the ability of the proposed technique to model the response of soil‐foundation‐structure systems. The computational approach is able to capture essential dynamic response patterns. The cyclic moment–rotation relationships at the base center point of the footing showed degradation of rotational stiffness by increasing the level of strain. Permanent deformations under the foundation continued to accumulate with the increase in number of loading cycles. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the potential contact force proposed by Munjiza overcomes the difficulties inherent in the traditional discrete element methods, the physical meaning of the potential is not clear and the contact force derived from the original potential function is strongly dependent on the mesh configuration. In this study, we redefine a potential function and propose a new contact force calculation method based on a unified standard. Moreover, the new potential function retains all the advantages of the original potential function but has less mesh dependency. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical evaluation of three non‐coaxial kinematic models by performing Distinct Element Method (DEM) simple shear tests on specimens composed of elliptical particles with different aspect ratios of 1.4 and 1.7. The models evaluated are the double‐shearing model, the double‐sliding free‐rotating model and the double slip and rotation rate model (DSR2 model). Two modes of monotonic and cyclic simple shear tests were simulated to evaluate the role played by the inherent anisotropy of the specimens. The main findings are supported by all the DEM simple shear tests, irrespective of particle shape, specimen density or shear mode. The evaluation demonstrates that the assumption in the double‐shearing model is inconsistent with the DEM results and that the energy dissipation requirements in the double‐sliding free‐rotating model appear to be too restrictive to describe the kinematic flow of elliptical particle systems. In contrast, the predictions made by the DSR2 model agree reasonably well with the DEM data, which demonstrates that the DSR2 model can effectively predict the non‐coaxial kinematic behavior of elliptical particle systems. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison of a granular material studied experimentally and numerically. Simple shear tests were performed inside the magnetic core of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment. Spherical pharmaceutical pills were used as the granular material, with each pill's centre location determined by MRI. These centre locations in the initial assembly were then used as the initial configuration in the numerical simulation using the discrete element method. The contact properties between pharmaceutical pills used in the numerical simulation were obtained experimentally. The numerical predication was compared with experimental data at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. Good agreement was found at both levels. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For civil engineering structures with a tightness role, structural permeability is a key issue. In this context, this paper presents a new proposition of a numerical modelling of leakage rate through a cracked concrete structure undergoing mode I cracking. The mechanical state of the material, considered in the framework of continuum mechanics based on finite element modelling, is described by means of the stress‐based nonlocal damage model which takes into account the stress state and provides realistic local mechanical fields. A semi‐discrete method based on the strong discontinuity approach to estimate crack opening is then considered in the post‐treatment phase. Using a Poiseuille's like relation, the coupling between the mechanical state of the material and its dry gas conductivity is performed. For validation purposes, an original experimental campaign is conducted on a dry concrete disc loaded in a splitting setup. During the loading, gas conductivity and digital image correlation analysis are performed. The comparison with the 3D experimental mechanical global response highlights the performance of the mechanical model. The comparison between crack openings measured by digital image correlation and estimated by the strong discontinuity method shows a good agreement. Finally, the results of the semi‐discrete approach coupled with the gas conductivity compared with experimental data show a good estimation of the structural conductivity. Consequently, if the mechanical problem is well modelled at the global scale, then the proposed approach provides good estimation of gas conductivity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An extensive literature on the shear behavior of continuum–particulate interfaces has been developed during the last four decades. However, relatively limited work regarding the behavior of interfaces under different loading conditions has been published. This paper presents a discrete element modeling study, along with comparisons from experimental data, of interface behavior under axial and torsional drained loading conditions. Detailed studies allow for links between micro‐scale particle behavior and observed global response to be developed and for the latter to be evaluated in light of particle–particle and particle–continuum interactions. The results of this study indicate that axial and torsional interface shear induce inherently different loading conditions, as shown by the different failure envelopes, stress paths, and induced soil volume changes and deformations. Furthermore, the results presented in this paper indicate that particle‐level mechanisms, such as particle rotations and contact slippage, play different roles in axial and torsional shear. Coordination number, polar histograms, particle displacements, particle rotations, and local void ratio measurements provide further insights into the fabric evolution, loading conditions, and failure mechanisms induced by these two shear modes. This study expands the current understanding of interface behavior and discusses potential improvements to geotechnical systems that leverage the characteristics of different imposed loading conditions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

边坡稳定性评价方法有局部和整体两类,两者之间存在差异有其历史的局限性和存在的合理性。以极限平衡法和有限元强度折减法为例,分析了典型整体与局部稳定性评价方法在滑面搜索、平衡条件、安全系数的定义、材料参数和失稳等5个方面存在的异同。利用PFC算例揭示了真实边坡带有强烈空间和时间特征的渐进破坏特性,发现边坡失稳是自然地形的重塑、再造和稳定的过程,也是一个动势能转换和耗散的过程。针对边坡稳定问题及其特点,提出了基于广义软化的边坡稳定矢量和法的理论构架和技术路线,并进行了程序实现,克服了传统强度折减脱离实际材料劣化特征的不足,安全系数求解仅与应力状态相关,假设条件少,可以实现局部与整体稳定评价的辩证统一,可以反映边坡失稳的渐进特性和参数演化的时空效应。与传统极限平衡法(LEM)和强度折减法(SRM)在滑面和安全系数方面的综合对比发现,局部稳定揭示的滑面更稳定,获取的安全系数是全周期的,文中方法所得安全系数比整体方法的结果稍高,差异是整体方法的假设条件造成的。  相似文献   

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