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In this paper, the dynamic response of an infinite beam resting on a Pasternak foundation and subjected to arbitrary dynamic loads is developed in the form of analytical solution. The beam responses investigated are deflection, velocity, acceleration, bending moment, and shear force. The mechanical resistance of the Pasternak foundation is modeled using two parameters, that is, one accounts for soil resistance due to compressive strains in the soil and the other accounts for the resistance due to shear strains. Because the Winkler model only represents the compressive resistance of soil, comparatively, the Pasternak model is more realistic to consider shear interactions between the soil springs. The governing equation of the beam is simplified into an algebraic equation by employing integration transforms, so that the analytical solution for the dynamic response of the beam can be obtained conveniently in the frequency domain. Both inverse Laplace and inverse Fourier transforms combined with convolution theorem are applied to convert the solution into the time domain. The solutions for several special cases, such as harmonic line loads, moving line loads, and travelling loads are also discussed and numerical examples are conducted to investigate the influence of the shear modulus of foundation on the beam responses. The proposed solutions can be an effective tool for practitioners. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用基于Mindlin板理论的8节点等参单元和Newmark逐步积分法,对Winkler地基上的弹性薄板和厚板在移动荷载作用下的动力响应进行了分析,并与已有的薄板有限条法分析结果进行了对比。考察了荷载移动速度、地基基床系数、系统阻尼比对地基板动力响应的影响。分析结果表明,系统存在固有的共振速度,地基基床系数是确定共振速度的最重要因素,薄板与厚板的挠度响应模态有很大差异。结果证明了该方法的有效性和准确性,对实际工程有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

A closed‐form deflection response of a beam rest is presented in this paper using the integral transform method. The theory of linear partial differential equations is used to represent the deflection of beam subjected to a moving harmonic line load in integration form. The solution is finally carried out using the inverse Fourier transform. To evaluate the integration analytically, poles of the integrand are identified with the help of algebraic equation theory. Residue theorem is then utilized to represent the integration as a contour integral in the complex plane. Closed‐form deflections and numerical results are provided for different combinations of load frequency and velocity. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于弹性地基梁理论的冻胀作用下管道应力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
穿越冻土区的埋地管线在遭遇冻土差异性冻胀时,管道会发生翘曲变形,管线将面临很大的安全隐患。为此,基于弹性地基梁理论建立冻胀条件下的管-土相互作用模型,分析了管道在冻胀及其影响因素作用下的应力分布规律,探讨了冻土地基特性(弹性模量、泊松比及地基系数)与温度的关系,对比了不同地基系数、冻胀量、管径、壁厚、温差以及上覆土厚度等特定条件下的管道应力峰值状况。计算结果表明:管道在过渡段与冻胀段及非冻胀段交界处有最大应力值,各类影响因素对管道交界处的应力影响最显著;地基系数的值越大,差异性冻胀量越大,管径越大,温差越大,管道交界处应力峰值也越大;管壁越厚,在管道交界处的应力峰值越小;管道上覆土层越厚,管道受冻胀作用弯曲应力越小,即加深上覆土层可降低管道由于冻胀抬升所产生的应力,可减缓管道变形。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the dynamic response of infinite double Euler–Bernoulli beam supported by elastic foundation with stochastic stiffness subjected to an oscillating moving load, which is the first research in relevant literature review. In this matter, equations of motion for double beam are formulated in a moving frame of reference. Moreover, by employing the first order perturbation theory and calculating contour integration, the response of double beam is obtained analytically and validated by a stochastic finite element model. Sensitivity analyses on the various parameters of closed form solution such as velocity, load frequency, coefficient of variation of soil foundation and rail and slab bending stiffness show the significant effect of load frequency on the dynamic response of the doubled beam. From practical point of view, the obtained results of the present study can be utilized efficiently in analysis and design of slab track systems. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The construction of twin tunnels at shallow depth has become increasingly common in urban areas. In general, twin tunnels are usually near each other, in which the interaction between tunnels is too significant to be ignored on their stability. The equivalent arbitrarily distributed loads imposed on ground surface were considered in this study, and a new analytical approach was provided to efficiently predict the elastic stresses and displacements around the twin tunnels. The interaction between 2 tunnels of different radii with various arrangements was taken into account in the analysis. We used the Schwartz alternating method in this study to reduce the twin‐tunnel problem to a series of problems where only 1 tunnel was contained in half‐plane. The convergent and highly accurate analytical solutions were achieved by superposing the solutions of the reduced single‐tunnel problems. The analytical solutions were then verified by the good agreement between analytical and numerical results. Furthermore, by the comparison on initial plastic zone and surface settlement between analytical solution and numerical/measured results of elastoplastic cases, it was proven that the analytical solution can accurately predict the initial plastic zone and its propagation direction and can qualitatively provide the reliable ground settlements. A parametric study was finally performed to investigate the influence of locations of surcharge load and the tunnel arrangement on the ground stresses and displacements. The new solution proposed in this study provides an insight into the interaction of shallow twin tunnels under surcharge loads, and it can be used as an alternative approach for the preliminary design of future shallow tunnels excavated in rock or medium/stiff clay.  相似文献   

This paper is interested in the hydro‐mechanical behaviour of an underground cavity abandoned at the end of its service life. It is an extension of a previous study that accounted for a poro‐elastic behaviour of the rock mass (Int. J. Comput. Geomech. 2007; DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2007.11.003 ). Deterioration of the lining support with time leads to the transfer of the loading from the exterior massif to the interior backfill. The in situ material has a poro‐visco‐elastic constitutive behaviour while the backfill is poro‐elastic, both saturated with water. This loading transfer is accompanied by an inward cavity convergence, thereby compressing the backfill, and induces an outward water flow. This leads to a complex space–time evolution of pore pressures, displacements and stresses, which is not always intuitive. In its general setting, a semi‐explicit solution to this problem is developed, using Laplace transform, the inversion being performed numerically. Analytical inversion leading to a quasi‐explicit solution in the time domain is possible by identifying the characteristic creep and relaxation times of volumetric strains with those of the deviatoric strains, on the basis of a parametric study. A few numerical examples are given to illustrate the hydro‐mechanical behaviour of the cavity and highlight the influence of key parameters (e.g. stiffness of backfill, lining deterioration rate, etc.). Further studies accounting for more general material behaviours for the backfill and external ground are ongoing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Measurements on a 14.5‐m diameter bored tunnel have shown that the mechanised assembly of a segmented tunnel lining results in a permanent longitudinal bending moment in the tunnel lining. An analytical model for the beam action of the tunnel lining during the construction phase of bored tunnels is presented. The model incorporates many of the essentials in staged beam construction. It takes into account the influence of forces from the TBM, the loading of the tunnel lining by the grout in the liquid phase, and linear elastic properties of the tunnel lining and soil. Calculations are compared with measurements at the Groene Hart Tunnel (GHT), 20 km south of Amsterdam: the bending moment curve and vertical inclination of tunnel lining segments were compared. The measured bending moment curve is well reproduced. The measured vertical inclination of the lining segments is found to be governed by the beam action of the tunnel lining plus the influence of shear force in the lining. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the analytical layer element solutions for deformations of transversely isotropic elastic media subjected to nonaxisymmetric loading at an arbitrary depth. The state vectors for the nonaxisymmetric problem are deduced through the substitution of the Hu Hai‐chang solutions into the basic equations for the transversely isotropic elastic media. From the state vectors, the analytical layer element of a single layer is obtained in the Hankel transformed domain. The analytical layer element is an exact and symmetric stiffness matrix whose elements are without positive exponential functions, which can not only simplify the calculation but also improve the stability of computation. On the basis of the continuity conditions between adjacent layers, the global stiffness matrix is obtained by assembling the interrelated layer elements. The solutions for the multilayered elastic media in the transformed domain are obtained by solving the algebraic equation of the global stiffness matrix, which satisfies the boundary conditions. The actual solutions in the physical domain are further obtained by inverting the Hankel transform. Finally, some cases are analyzed to verify the solutions and evaluate the influences of the transversely isotropic character and stratified character of the media on the load–displacement responses. The numerical results show that the variations of the elastic properties between layers have a great effect on the displacements of the multilayered media. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is dedicated to study the dynamic response of a thin‐plate resting on a layered poroelastic half‐space under a moving traffic load. Based on the dynamic poroelastic theory of Biot, the general solutions of the homogeneous poroelastic foundation are obtained by Fourier translation. By using the transmission and reflection matrices method in the frequency domain, the equivalent stiffness of the layered poroelastic half‐space is presented. Kirchhoff's hypotheses are applied to obtain the vertical displacement of the thin plate. By using the inverse Fourier transform, the time domain solution is obtained. As an example of three layers, the influences of the load velocity, the material properties of poroelastic layers, and the flexural rigidity of the plate on the response of the pavement system are examined. Analyses show that a soft intermediate layer results in the significant increase of vertical displacement of road pavement. Comparison with the existing work validates the present model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘俊卿  曹书文  孙莹  王炜 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):993-996
求解了无拉力双参数地基上厚、薄板受任意移动荷载作用下的动力响应问题和板的脱离问题。从板-地基接触系统的分区广义势能泛函出发,通过建立和分析板单元区、地基单元区和连接板-地基的接触单元区的势能泛函,给出求解无拉力双参数地基板受任意移动荷载作用下的动力响应问题的分区广义协调元法。利用纽马克(Newmark)法经MATLAB编程叠代数值计算,验证了文中方法分析无拉力双参数地基板的动力响应问题是有效的。  相似文献   

Previous work on three‐dimensional shakedown analysis of cohesive‐frictional materials under moving surface loads has been entirely for isotropic materials. As a result, the effects of anisotropy, both elastic and plastic, of soil and pavement materials are ignored. This paper will, for the first time, develop three‐dimensional shakedown solutions to allow for the variation of elastic and plastic material properties with direction. Melan's lower‐bound shakedown theorem is used to derive shakedown solutions. In particular, a generalised, anisotropic Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion and cross‐anisotropic elastic stress fields are utilised to develop anisotropic shakedown solutions. It is found that shakedown solutions for anisotropic materials are dominated by Young's modulus ratio for the cases of subsurface failure and by shear modulus ratio for the cases of surface failure. Plastic anisotropy is mainly controlled by material cohesion ratio, the rise of which increases the shakedown limit until a maximum value is reached. The anisotropic shakedown limit varies with frictional coefficient, and the peak value may not occur for the case of normal loading only. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wave propagation and localization in ordered and disordered multi‐span beams on elastic foundations due to moving harmonic loads are investigated by using the transfer matrix methodology. The transfer matrix, as a function of the frequency and velocity of the moving harmonic load, of the periodic beam is formulated in a coordinate system moving with the load. The expressions of critical velocities, cut‐off frequency of an associated uniform beam without discrete spaced supports, are determined through the analysis of the wavenumbers, and the dynamic responses of the beam are also examined. For the ordered and disordered case, the propagation constants and localization factors are respectively employed to identify the velocity and frequency pass bands and stop bands in order to examine whether the perturbation can propagate along the structure or not. The effects of the periodicity, disorder level, excitation frequency, and moving velocity are studied in detail. The validity of the obtained results is confirmed by evaluating the transverse deformation of the beams through the finite element simulations. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a non‐linear interface element to compute soil–structure interaction (SSI) based on the macro‐element concept. The particularity of this approach lies in the fact that the foundation is supposed to be infinitely rigid and its movement is entirely described by a system of global variables (forces and displacements) defined in the foundation's centre. The non‐linear behaviour of the soil is reproduced using the classical theory of plasticity. Failure is described by the interaction diagram of the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation under combined loads. The macro‐element is appropriate for modelling the cyclic or dynamic response of structures subjected to seismic action. More specifically, the element is able to simulate the behaviour of a circular rigid shallow foundation considering the plasticity of the soil under monotonic static or cyclic loading applied in three directions. It is implemented into FedeasLab, a finite element Matlab toolbox. Comparisons with experimental monotonic static and cyclic results show the good performance of the approach. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冯又全  杨敏  陈俊岭 《岩土力学》2014,35(10):3027-3034
弹性地基梁法常用于研究土和结构的相互作用,对于均布荷载和边界条件简单的弹地基梁,采用理论解即可方便地进行计算。侧向荷载作用下桩体、嵌入式挡墙一般根据弹性地基梁理论进行分析,并假定基床系数随深度增加。对于基床系数呈线性分布或呈均匀分布但边界条件复杂的弹性地基梁理论求解困难,通常采用有限差分法或有限单元法近似求解。采用有限单元法计算线性分布基床系数弹性地基梁时,若单元划分数量不够,就存在计算精度不足的问题。采用加权余量法推导了更为精确的2节点5次位移函数和相应的单刚矩阵,得出了线性分布荷载作用下挠度的5次多项式近似解,从而实现只需划分很少的单元数,节点位移及单元内位移的分布即可达到较高的计算精度,极大地提高了计算效率,单元内力的分布可直接由位移函数导出,简化了后处理计算程序。  相似文献   

A semi‐analytical method for calculating the response of single piles and pile groups subjected to lateral loading is developed in this paper. Displacements anywhere in the soil domain are tied to the displacements of the piles through decay functions. The principle of virtual work and the calculus of variations are used to derive the governing differential equations that describe the response of the piles and soil. The eigenvalue method and the finite difference technique are used to solve the system of coupled differential equations for the piles and soil, respectively. The proposed method takes into account the soil surface displacement along and perpendicular to the loading direction and produces displacement fields that are very close to those produced by the finite element method but at lower computational effort. Compared with the previous method that considered only the soil displacement along the loading direction, accounting for the multi‐directional soil displacement field produces responses for the piles and soil that are closer to those approximated by the finite element method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions are derived for a three‐invariant Cam clay model subjected to proportional and circular drained loading histories. The solutions are presented for a specific volume, and volumetric and generalized shear strains. In the case of a proportional loading only straight effective stress paths are considered while in the case of a circular loading the maximum possible change in Lode's angle is π/3 due to plastic isotropy. Additionally, a concept of deviatoric stiffness is devised and an analytical expression for the generalized hardening modulus is derived. Qualitative and quantitative analyses are carried out in the form of direct comparisons between analytical solutions for drained and undrained loading histories thus offering an improved understanding of the three‐invariant model. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical solution for the deflection and internal forces of an existing tunnel because of tunneling underneath is presented. The existing tunnel is modeled as a Timoshenko beam resting on a Winkler foundation, which takes into account the contribution of shear deformation to the total deflection of the existing tunnel. The validity of the analytical solution is verified by a centrifuge test, and the merit of this analytical method is confirmed by comparison with the conventional Euler–Bernoulli beam model. Influential factors on the behavior of the existing tunnel are investigated by consideration of the variations of subgrade modulus, ground loss induced by the new tunnel construction, vertical clearance between the new tunnel and the existing tunnel, and relative existing tunnel–soil stiffness. Results show that the proposed analytical method is a valid and effective method to evaluate shearing‐induced deformation in existing tunnels with large diameters. Results also show that the pattern and the amplitude of the response of the existing tunnel are affected largely by ground loss induced by the new tunnel construction, vertical clearance between the new tunnel and the existing tunnel, and relative existing tunnel–soil stiffness. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic response of an axially loaded Timoshenko beam coupled with a multilayered transversely isotropic (TI) half-space subjected to a moving load. An axial force induced by the thermal expansion is taken into account in the Timoshenko beam. The half-space considers the alternate distribution of an arbitrary number of TI elastic and poroelastic layers to model foundation soils with different properties and moisture conditions. To solve the governing equations, Fourier transform is adopted. The stratified foundation is formulated by extending an “adapted stiffness matrix method” to a more general scenario with an arbitrary number of layers. The beam is then coupled with the foundation to derive solutions to the system in the frequency-wavenumber domain. The final results in the time-spatial domain are recovered by the inverse Fourier transform. After confirming the accuracy of the method in this study, the influences of the pore water existence, the transverse isotropy of different parameters, and the axial force are investigated. It can be observed that the effect of pore water existence on the maximum beam deflection can reach 22% in this study. The transverse isotropy of the elastic and shear moduli influences the critical speed of the beam deflection by altering the phase velocity of the first wave propagation mode of the beam-foundation system. The vertical permeability coefficient is more important than the horizontal one in determining the excess pore pressure. The rise of the beam temperature (axial force) decreases the critical speed and magnifies the vibrations.  相似文献   

A new method of analysis of piles in multi‐layered elastic soil subjected to a torque at the head is developed. The differential equation governing the angle of twist in the pile is derived using the variational principles of mechanics. The method of initial parameters is used to obtain closed‐form solutions of the angle of twist and torque in the pile as a function of depth. The inputs required for the analysis are shear moduli of pile and soil, pile geometry and thickness of soil layers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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