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西秦岭三个典型金矿床稳定同位素地球化学特征   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
据八卦庙金矿、李坝金矿、小沟里金矿稳定同位素研究,金矿床δ34S比正常沉积岩变化范围窄,比岩浆-火山岩型矿床宽,硫源是海水硫酸盐还原硫与深部热液来源硫所组成的混合硫。石英包裹体流体氢、氧同位素分布于岩浆水、大气降水的重叠过渡区,更靠近岩浆水区,岩浆水的同位素特征更明显。八卦庙金矿石英脉3He/4He高于地壳3He/4He值(n×10-8),低于地幔3He/4He值(n×10-5),为壳-幔混合源。上述同位素地球化学证据表明,金成矿与岩浆岩有一定的成因关系。岩浆岩与金矿床空间关系密切,矿区内脉岩发育,脉岩为矿体的上下盘。含矿岩石中发育斑点构造,斑点为黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、毒砂、绿泥石、石英、绢云母、黑云母、堇青石、红柱石、电气石、碳酸盐等热变质矿物和热液交代矿物,表明花岗岩为成矿提供热动力。据八卦庙金矿、李坝金矿、小沟里金矿稳定同位素地球化学研究,结合成矿地质背景分析和区域成矿地质特征对比,认为凤太、西成、礼岷地区金矿与微细浸染型(卡林型)金矿有明显的差别,该区金矿类似于岩浆热液矿床。  相似文献   

以工作程度最高的造山型金矿为例,通过对国内外大量实例的剖析、讨论和综合,认为热液矿床稳定同位素组成不仅受成矿流体源区的制约,还不同程度地依赖于成矿热液复杂的演化历程,包括流体在运移过程中与围岩的同位素交换、沉淀过程中的同位素分馏以及后期可能的改造等多种因素。硫同位素很易因水岩反应、相分离、氧化作用、多种流体混合等过程而发生同位素分馏,从而使同一矿床不同产状矿脉,甚至同一期黄铁矿的S同位素出现显著差异。碳同位素测试常用的碳酸盐矿物大多是成矿晚期热液矿物,特别是方解石,其经历了水岩反应、CH4和CO2不混溶的相分离和流体的长期演化,往往指向复杂的多来源特征。氢氧同位素易因水岩反应而偏离源区特征,也易受后期改造而显示出大气水混入等特征。金矿中含氮矿物中氮含量和氮同位素值大致与变质岩和花岗岩值范围重合,这方面的研究还需进一步完善。因此,不能简单根据测定结果直接投图判断成矿流体的可能来源,而需要综合多种方法并结合矿区地质实际情况剔除成矿过程对稳定同位素的影响后才能更好地约束造山型金矿成矿流体来源。深入研究同位素沿着流体通道的空间变化和各成矿阶段的时间演化或许不仅能够查明成矿流体的来源,而且能够揭示流体的演化轨迹和成矿过程。  相似文献   

We report here new sulfur isotope analyses from the Betze-Post-Screamer deposit, the largest Carlin-type gold deposit in the world. Carlin-type deposits contain high concentrations of arsenic, antimony, mercury, tellurium and other elements of environmental interest, and are surrounded by large volumes of crust in which these elements are also enriched. Uncertainty about the source of sulfur and metals in and around Carlin-type deposits has hampered formulation of models for their origin, which are needed for improved mineral exploration and environmental assessment. Previous studies have concluded that most Carlin-type deposits formed from sulfide sulfur that is largely of sedimentary origin. Most of these studies are based on analyses of mineral separates consisting of pre-ore diagenetic pyrite with thin overgrowths of ore-related arsenian pyrite rather than pure, ore-related pyrite. Our SIMS spot analyses of ore-related pyrite overgrowths in the Screamer zone of the Betze-Post-Screamer deposit yield δ34S values of about −1 to 4‰ with one value of about 7‰. Conventional analyses of realgar and orpiment separates from throughout the deposit yield δ34S values of about 5–7‰ with one value of 10‰ in the Screamer zone. These results, along with results from an earlier SIMS study in the Post zone of the deposit and phase equilibrium constraints, indicate that early arsenian pyrite were formed from fluids of magmatic origin with variable contamination from sulfur in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Later arsenic sulfides were formed from solutions to which sulfur of sedimentary origin had been added. The presence of Paleozoic sedimentary sulfur in Carlin-type deposits does not require direct involvement of hydrothermal solutions of sedimentary origin. Instead, it could have been added by magmatic assimilation of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks or by hydrothermal leaching of sulfur from wall rocks to the deposit. Thus, the dominant process delivering sulfur, arsenic, gold and mineralizing fluids to Carlin-type systems and their surrounding country rocks was probably separation of fluids from a magmatic source. Editorial handling: G. Beaudoin  相似文献   

祁雨沟地区金矿床稳定同位素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对河南嵩县祁雨沟地区角砾岩型金矿床和蚀变岩型金矿床稳定同位素研究表明,两类矿床具有同一成矿流体来源-岩浆水;在早期-主期成矿阶段成矿流体以岩浆水为主,晚期矿化流体加入了相当数量的大气水。铅同位素组成表明金矿床的成矿物质与区内钙碱性花岗岩成岩皆主要来源自上地幔,混合铅的存在指示了上地壳地矿物质加入岩浆热液中,参与了金床床的成矿作用。  相似文献   

我国右江盆地与美国“大盆地”卡林型金矿对比研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
系统的成矿背景、矿床地质特征、成矿流体和成矿物质示踪、成矿时代和成矿模式的对比研究,表明美国"大盆地"与我国右江盆地(滇黔桂"金三角")卡林型金矿存在许多相似之处.包括:(1)矿集区均位于某一盆地范围内,大地构造演化史类似,均经历了大陆裂解→被动大陆边缘沉积→挤压造山→伸展变形等过程.成矿发生在造山后的伸展阶段;(2)矿床成带分布和聚集,容矿岩石以含钙质沉积岩为特征,与岩浆岩没有成因联系,同生正断层和构造高点是重要的控矿构造;(3)成矿作用相似,热液蚀变具特征的去碳酸盐化,含砷黄铁矿是主要的载金矿物,金以显微-次显微状赋存于黄铁矿的富砷环带中;(4)成矿流体具中低温,偏还原,弱酸性的特点,同位素示踪表明流体和物质来源比较复杂,没有单一的来源;(5)矿集区内矿床形成于一个很短的时间段内,表明矿床的形成受控于统一的动力学背景;(6)均缺乏一个被广泛认同的成矿模式.同时,两地的卡林型矿床也存在若干差异:①成矿前的构造背景复杂程度不一样;②赋矿地层层位不一样;③成矿时代不同;④成矿模式中关注的重点不同.根据两国卡林型金矿对比的结果,认为我国滇黔桂"金三角"仍有很大的找矿潜力.成矿时代、成矿流体来源、成矿地球动力学背景以及成矿模式仍将是今后研究的主要方向.  相似文献   

海南抱板金矿铅同位素化探评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对海南抱板金矿几个切穿矿脉剖面的矿石和围岩的铅同位素组成分析。发现铅同位素组成与矿的产出具有相关关系。铅同位素的异常可能反映了成矿物质来源深度的差异,据此可进行铅同位素化探评价,提出了“正异常以深部找矿为主。负异常注意扩大横向找矿”的原则,土外山地区是地表的浅层金矿化,而二甲,北牛为深源金矿化,在土外山地区深部应可能找到对应于二甲,北牛的深源金矿化层。  相似文献   

Lead isotopes have been widely applied in geochemical exploration and evaluation of ore deposits, as well as in ascertaining the age of mineralization and the source of ore fluids.Long-term practice showed that the method of lead isotope targeting is somewhat efficient for macroscopic evaluation of forecasting areas, but not powerful enough for for ecasting concealed orebodies. As the contents of U and the variation of U/Pb ratio sharply decrease with depth in the lithosphere, U-Th-Pb isotopic differentiation must have occurred during the crust-mantle e-volution. Lead isotopic ratios show a wide variation range, varying in the front of mineralizationand shallow-derived ores, but maintaining very stable in the major orebody and being usuallyclose to the average isotopic composition of the crust and mantle of the continent block fromwhich the ores were derived. Therefore, the lead isotopic composition can serve as a measure for identifying the position of mineralization. The lead isotope geochemistry was applied to the ex-ploration and evaluation of the Baoban gold deposits of Hainan Province, China. The an alyticalresults of ore veins and adjacent rocks showed that there is a correlation between the lead isotopedata and the position of orebody. Based on the experience from the Baoban gold deposits and other ore deposits in Yunnan Province, an exploration principle has been established, that is,positive anomalies of lead isotope eigenvectors for prospecting deep-seated orebodies and nega-tive anomalies of eigenvectors for enlarging lateral exploration surrounding the known deposit.The ore beds in the Erjia and Beiniu mining districts should be as signed to the deep part of the orebody and those in the Tuwaishan mining district should be the shallow part, so ore beds cor-responding to those in the Erjia and Beiniu mining districts may be found in the Tuwaishan min-ing district.  相似文献   

抱伦金矿床的石英和方解石中的包裹体以气液包裹体为主,石英中舍大量CO2包裹体。成矿流体属Na(K)-Cl型。气相成分CH4、C2H6、H2S、O2、N2和心的含量反映属弱还原环境。液相成分中阴、阳离子分别以Cl^-、Na^+为主,舍少量CO4^2-、F^-,Mg^2+和Ca^2+。Au在成矿流体中以AuCl2^-和Au(HS)2^-络合物的形式迁移。均一温度主要为160-350℃,属中温范畴。流体水的δ^18O和δD值分别为-3.4‰-+9.8‰和-61‰-30‰,其来源主要为岩浆水与大气降水。石英的δ^18O值(+10.4‰-+15.5‰)与华南陆壳型花岗岩成因的钨、锡、稀有、稀土金属矿床一致。CO2和黄铁矿的C、S同位素反映C和S以花岗岩浆来源为主,少量来自志留系或更老的地层。综合分析认为矿床成因与印支期花岗质岩浆活动有关。  相似文献   

The sulfur isotope composition of sulfides (mainly pyrite and arsenopyrite) from gold deposits/prospects of the Dharwar Craton such as Hutti, Hira-Buddini, Uti, Kolar (Chigargunta), Ajjanahalli, and Jonnagiri has a narrow range (δ34S = +1.1 to +7.1‰). Such craton-scale uniformity of the above gold camps is noteworthy, in spite of the wide diversity in host rock compositions and their metamorphic conditions, and suggests a magmatic or average crustal source of sulfur for all deposits studied. In addition, our study points towards gold precipitation from reduced ore fluids, with near-homogeneous sulfur isotope compositions.  相似文献   

赵军  张作衡  刘晓阳  刘敏  张贺  朱维娜 《矿床地质》2012,31(5):999-1013
新疆阿吾拉勒成矿带西段的众多铜矿床可分为2种类型,即中、南部的次火山岩型和北部的中-低温热液脉型。文章对从南到北的2种类型的5个铜矿床(穷布拉克、奴拉赛、群吉、群吉萨依、109)进行了系统的碳、氧、硫、铅同位素研究,探讨了成矿物质来源及成矿环境。测试结果表明:次火山岩型矿床内硫化物的δ34S值变化很小,南部和中部的矿床分别为3.4‰~4.4‰和-1.6‰~0.2‰,反映出其来源单一,以岩浆源或地幔源为主;中-低温热液脉型矿床内硫化物的δ34S值变化较大,为-18‰~8.9‰,具有多源性。次火山岩型矿床内方解石的δ13C值为-1.44‰~0.8‰,δ18O值为11.87‰~16.99‰,可能为深源流体与碳酸盐岩地层发生一定反应的结果;中-低温热液脉型矿床内方解石的δ13C值为-10.1‰~-3.2‰,δ18O值为9.63‰~16.27‰,整体以幔源为主。中-低温热液脉型铜矿床内矿石铅为正常铅,以地幔铅占主导地位;赋存于酸性次火山岩中的次火山岩型铜矿床的矿石铅为富含放射性成因铅的异常铅,来源于前寒武系基底岩石;赋存于基性次火山岩中的次火山岩型铜矿床的矿石铅为壳幔混合铅,受到了地壳物质的强烈混染。这2种类型铜矿床的成矿物质来源表现出从南到北的明显差异,这种差异与各矿床赋矿地层和岩性组合的不同有很好的对应关系,反映了铜矿带南北成矿环境的不同。由于该区与铜矿有关的陆相(次)火山岩为晚石炭世-二叠纪伊犁古裂谷演化的产物,这可能揭示了区域成矿与二叠纪的裂谷演化紧密相关。在裂谷演化的不同阶段,该铜矿带南部和北部的构造体系具有不同的开放程度,从而形成了不同的火山岩组合和沉积地层,即矿源层。矿源层的差异和火山活动的强弱决定了在裂谷带南北不同部位形成了不同类型特征的铜矿床。  相似文献   

Geochemical studies of the Paiting and Miaolong Carlin-type gold deposits in the Sandu-Danzhai metal-logenic zone,Guizhou Province,have shown that the mineralized-altered rocks show LREE-enrichment patterns,generally displaying negative Eu anomalies(δEu=0.51?0.97) and unobvious negative Ce anomalies(δCe=0.86?0.99).Calcite and fluorite in relation with metallogenesis show MREE-enrichment patterns,generally displaying rather weak negative Eu anomalies(δEu=0.74?0.93) and weak negative Ce(δCe=0.70?0.98) anomalies.The δ13CPDB values of carbon in calcite are-1.61‰?-5.82‰,the δ18OSMOW values of oxygen are 13.97‰?19.24‰,and the δ34SCDT values of sulfur in stibnite are 17.72‰?21.68‰.In regard to δD and δ18O,ore-forming fluids pos-sess the characteristics of metamorphic water.The process of metallogenesis of the Carlin-type gold deposits is con-trolled by the Yanshanian tectonic activities.The Yanshanian movement promoted the migration and mobilization of metamorphic fluids in the extensively developed medium-to high-grade metamorphic rocks in this region,carrying primarily enriched gold and associated elements such as Hg,As,and Sb in the Sinian metamorphosed black shales and Lower Cambrian black shales.The ore-forming fluids found their way into a suitable metallogenic environment along the fault zone,followed by gold precipitation to form gold deposits.  相似文献   

Changes in water quality in the North Fork of the Humboldt River, Nevada are caused by weathering of waste rock from an inactive Carlin-type gold mine. Review of historical water-quality data, monthly water sampling, and continuous monitoring of water-quality parameters were used to quantify these impacts. River water pH, which ranged between 7 and 8, did not show statistically significant variation from upstream of the mine to downstream. Several constituents, most notably sulfate, calcium, and magnesium, showed statistically significant increases in dissolved-ion concentrations. These data, along with geochemical modeling, suggest that oxidation of sulfide minerals and in situ acid neutralization by carbonate host rocks are occurring. Large increases in dissolved-ion concentrations were observed twice a year—during spring snow melt and the onset of the winter precipitation season. These spikes are likely caused by flushing of pore waters that have reacted with waste rock during months-long periods when shallow groundwater recharge is not occurring.  相似文献   

胶东大庄子金矿成矿流体及稳定同位素研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
胶东大庄子金矿床位于胶北地体西南缘,中生代胶莱盆地北缘,西侧靠近郯庐(沂沭)断裂带.矿体产出在古元古界荆山群变质岩中,发育碎裂(糜棱)蚀变岩型和石英脉型2种矿石.流体包裹体显微测温表明,主成矿期温度为240~280℃,成矿流体盐度w(NaCleq)为7% ~8%,属于H2O-CO2-NaCl体系.包裹体显微测温及岩相学...  相似文献   

豫西东闯金矿床流体包裹体及稳定同位素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
东闯金矿床位于华北板块南缘的小秦岭金成矿带中部地区。矿体呈脉状、透镜状赋存于东西向压扭性断裂中,赋矿围岩为太古界太华群变质岩系。成矿作用可分为4个阶段,从早到晚,流体包裹体均一温度分别为296~342℃、257~341℃、250~314℃和175~267℃;对应流体盐度w(NaCleq)为5.23%~6.63%、1.63%~8.77%、3.38%~8.61%和8.55%~11.1%,以5%~9%为主,流体成分以H2O-NaCl-CO2为主。估算成矿压力为100~160MPa,静岩压力深度3.6~5.3 km。包裹体水的δDV-SMOW值为-49‰~80.2‰,多数在50‰~60‰之间,δ18O水计算值为3.33‰~7.88‰。碳酸盐矿物δ13CV-PDB为-5.1‰~-1.3‰,δ18OV-SM为9.9‰~15.29‰。矿石硫化物的δ34SV-CDT为-2.75‰~5.52‰,均值1.11‰,而其206Pb/204Pb=16.973‰~17.068‰、207Pb/204Pb=15.322‰~15.394‰、208Pb/204Pb=37.323‰~37.491‰。流体包裹体研究以及H-O、S、C、Pb同位素结果表明,东闯金矿床的成矿流体主要来自深部岩浆,矿质主要来自太华群地层。该矿床为低盐度、中成、中高温岩浆热液型金矿床。  相似文献   

New exploration techniques are vital to the search for new orebodies in mature terranes, as well as for extensions of existing orebodies. This research focused on application of low-temperature dating techniques (primarily apatite fission-tracks) and stable isotope measurements (carbon and oxygen in carbonate rocks) in and around the Pipeline deposit, a Carlin-type gold system. The primary purpose of the project was to assess whether these techniques could provide exploration vectors that might be used in conjunction with other geologic, geochemical, and geophysical techniques to determine the locus of fossil hydrothermal fluid flow, and the attendant possibility of finding economic mineral deposits.At Pipeline, measurements of apatite fission-tracks and (U − Th) / He geochronometry yield a clear indication of the elevated temperatures associated with the fossil hydrothermal system. The pattern is one of a central target (Pipeline deposit) with decreasing thermal effects as far as several kilometers laterally from the known ore zone. Because of the irregular nature of fluid flow through fractures, a significant number of samples are required to discern this pattern, but the pattern is quite clear from the 32 samples in and around the Pipeline pit.Stable isotope measurements of carbonate rocks yield patterns centered on the Pipeline pit area. Oxygen isotopes in particular are shifted toward lower values as the result of interaction between the hydrothermal fluids and carbonate rocks. Carbon isotopes show a pattern, but it is somewhat more difficult to interpret than the oxygen isotope pattern. As with the geochronometric patterns, isotopic indications of fluid flow are present several kilometers from the ore zone at Pipeline. Also as with the geochronometric data, a relatively large sample set is required to see the pattern. At Pipeline, the patterns are evident in approximately 45 surface samples and very clearly in the cross-sections containing approximately 100 samples.From these data, it is clear that thermal and stable isotopic measurements on rocks at a significant distance from the known Pipeline hydrothermal system record the passage of hot fluids through the rock. Both techniques provide a footprint of the Pipeline system that is several diameters larger than the ore zone (as presently known). Therefore, thermochronologic and stable isotopic measurements can be utilized in conjunction with other techniques as part of an overall exploration strategy for Carlin-type deposits. Although these techniques do not provide a direct indication of the metal content of the fossil hydrothermal fluids, they do provide an indication of the robustness of fluid flow and the potential size of a hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

白云鄂博碳酸岩墙碳氧同位素地球化学   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
对内蒙古白云鄂博 REE- Fe- Nb矿床周围碳酸岩墙中共存的方解石和白云石进行了 C和 O同位素分析。结果表明,方解石和白云石的δ 13C值变化范围一致,均为- 3.5‰~- 7.3‰,落在正常地幔δ 13C值范围 (- 5‰± 2‰ )内;而它们的δ 18O值可分为两组,第Ⅰ 组为 9.5‰~ 18.0‰,第Ⅱ 组为 20.6‰~ 22.6‰,均远大于正常地幔δ 18O值范围 (5.7‰± 1.0‰ )。第Ⅰ 组低δ 18O值样品中共存白云石与方解石之间的 C和 O同位素分馏均为负值,因此处于热力学不平衡状态,指示它们自形成后受到过后期热液蚀变,与先前的岩石学观察一致。相反,第Ⅱ 组高δ 18O值样品中白云石与方解石之间的 C和 O同位素分馏均为正值,处于热力学平衡状态,指示它们自形成后未受到后期热液蚀变,因此可能沉淀于晚期低温高δ 18O值流体。第Ⅰ 组碳酸岩墙中白云石的 C和 O同位素组成不呈线性分布,指示碳酸岩浆并非由幔源碳酸盐与沉积碳酸盐混合形成。应用水-岩交换模型计算得到,第Ⅰ 组碳酸岩在侵位后经历了碳酸岩浆期后热液的不均一蚀变,蚀变温度约在 220~ 800℃之间,蚀变流体的 CO2/H2O比值较小 (1/500),但水 /岩比值变化较大 (10~ 400)。由于低温下方解石与热液之间的碳氧同位素交换速率大于白云石,导致这部分碳酸  相似文献   

Quartz was studied with respect to its silicon isotopic composition and cathodoluminescence in micro-fine disseminated gold deposits in SW Guizhou and NW Guangxi.The results showed that quartz in wall rocks.ores and that in association with hydrothermal silicification are distinctive in silicon isotopes and cathodoluminescence characters.Quartz in association with primary silicification is non-luminescent while that in wall rocks and associated with secondary silicification exhibits striking luminescence.Based on the dynamic fractionation of silicon isotopes,it is suggested that the mineralization was accompanied by rapid transport of aprimary siliceous fluid along the major deep fault system into subordinate faults before ore components deposited in favorable strata via penetration and metasomatism.Therefore,a deep origin is implicit for gold deposits of this type.  相似文献   

Corundum (Crn), including sapphire, occurs in emery pods surrounded by marble on the island of Naxos, Greece. The emery formed from bauxite deposited in karst that was metamorphosed to 400–700°C at 20–15 Ma. Many of these rocks initially appeared well suited for refractory accessory mineral (RAM) thermometry, which uses oxygen isotope fractionation between a RAM – corundum – and a modally dominant phase with faster diffusion of oxygen – calcite (Cc) – to determine peak metamorphic temperatures. However, previous attempts at oxygen isotope thermometry were confounded by highly variable fractionations (Δ18O) measured at mm-scale and the uncertain calibration of Δ18O(Cc-Crn) versus temperature. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) permits in situ analysis of δ18O in corundum and calcite at the 10-μm scale in adjacent grains where textures suggest peak metamorphic equilibrium was attained. SIMS analyses of adjacent mineral pairs in eight rocks yield values of Δ(Cc-Crn) that systematically decrease from 7.2 to 2.9‰ at higher metamorphic grade. Pairing these data with independent temperature estimates from mineral isograds yields an empirical calibration of 1,000 lnα(Cc-Crn) = 2.72 ± 0.3 × 106/T2 (T in K). The new fractionations (2.7‰ at 1,000 K) are significantly smaller than those calculated from the modified increment method (6.5‰ at 1,000 K; Zheng, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1991, 55:2299–2307; Zheng, Mineral Mag, 1994, 58A:1000–1001), which yield unreasonably high temperatures of 630 to 1,140°C when applied to the new Naxos data. The new calibration of Δ(Cc-Crn) can be combined with published fractionations to calculate A-factors for corundum versus a range of 14 other minerals. These new fractionation factors can be used for thermometry or to constrain the genesis of corundum. A compilation of gem corundum δ18O values shows that many igneous sapphires, including important deposits of basalt-associated sapphire, are mildly elevated in δ18O relative to the calculated range in equilibrium with mantle values (4.4–5.7‰) and formed from evolved magmas.  相似文献   

昆明市黑龙潭岩溶泉氢氧稳定同位素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄华诚  刘宏 《中国岩溶》2015,34(5):445-451
黑龙潭位于昆明市北缘的五老山山麓,沿黑龙潭东支断裂带出露地表,该区分布三个岩溶泉,分别是:清水潭、浑水潭、小水潭,文章运用氢氧稳定同位素方法对它们进行连续的观测研究。通过对大气降水和泉水氢氧稳定同位素特征进行分析,揭示研究区岩溶泉水的来源及泉域含水层特征。得出以下结论:(1)通过大气降水δ18O -δD 关系建立当地大气降水线,大气降水线和泉水的稳定同位素分析表明泉水来源于大气降水,而且主要来源于夏季降水。(2)高斯混合模型分析结果表明,清水潭的补给不仅来源于野猫山地区,还包括径流过程中的入渗补给,而且入渗补给量并不小。浑水潭旱雨两季补给类型有所区别。小水潭除受北部二叠系灰岩含水层补给之外,很有可能也受东北部玄武岩山地的孔洞裂隙水补给。   相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘是一条著名的超高压变质带,带内矿产资源丰富.造山带金矿广泛分布于柴北缘带内,本文着重对柴北缘金矿的地质特征、成矿流体的温度和同位素及成矿时代进行研究.结果显示:柴北缘造山型金矿主要赋存在中元古界、寒武系和奥陶系变质岩发育的剪切带中,且多数矿体的展布与NW向的构造相关.大多数金矿成矿温度呈双峰态分布,少部分...  相似文献   

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