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1 THE STRATEGY OF ECOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTION1.1 Active Ecological BalanceThe guidelines of current ecology are changing from balance, stability, homogeneity and small scale into imbalance, instability, heterogeneity, multi-scale, and hierarchy characteristics. The so-called ecological balance means that in the relatively stable status of an ecosystem in a specific time period, material and energy input equals to their output. Also by self-adjusting, the ecosystem can rehabilita…  相似文献   

Based on the theories of landscape ecology,landscape eco-environment in the coutrol watershed by reser-voir of Erlong Mountain in Heilogjiang Province was analyzed and assessed by using GIS technique and statistical model of Principal Component Analysis and Spatial Cluster Analysis.It is found that 100.08km^2(36%) of the total area is in the state of kilter,85.73km^2(31%) of the total area is in the state of general,and 47.26km^2(17%) and 15.48km^2(16%) is in the relatively poor state and ideal state.According to landscape ecological structure,there are three land-scape function areas being planned and designed.1) Agricultural landscape function area:its developmental direction is tour agriculture and high-benefit agriculture.2)Eco-environment protected function area:the direction of development and utilization of this region is to develop vigorously forest for soil and water conservation ,and try to increase the rate of vegetation cover.3)Forest landscape function area:rational cut and utilization of forest resources,space optimization disposal of category of forest ,foster of forest and protection of wildwood will become the main development directions for this region.This study trys to provide scientific foundation for ecological restoration of the whole valley and its sustain-able development.  相似文献   

Landscape ecological construction and biodiversity protection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landscapeecology,producedbyaGermannamedC.Trollin1939,wenttoresurrectioninthe1980safterhavingwaveredforoverfortyyears,andnowithasbeenanimportant,complicatedandcomprehensivecrossdiscipline.Inthe21stcentury,thesocialsustainabledevelopmentwillbethemajo…  相似文献   

The characteristics of water balance in arid regions is that the streams are formed in mountain area and continuously evaporates and infiltrates in the process of flowing to plain area, streams finally disappear in the desert or flow into the lakes, which are the low reaches of the rivers. But the distribution and transformation of water in Xinjiang, China have changed under the influences of human activities. The influences of human activities take place in a short time and regionally, especially in arid land where water is the key factor of environment. Water inside of oasis has increased, and water out of oasis or at the lower reaches of the river has decreased. Human activities have caused the environment changes in both positive and negative aspects by changing the circulation and distribution of water. Under the influence of human activities, oases in Xinjiang have expanded, meanwhile some lakes have contracted desertification is serious, natural vegetation has declined and natural environment out of oasis has degenrated. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(49771009). Biography: LI Xin(1940 -), male, a native of Anhui Province, professor. His research interest includes water resources.  相似文献   

The Tarim River Basin, located in the typical arid region, is one of the key regions of LUCC research in China and plays an important role in maintaining the sustainable development of the westem China. In recent years, the ecological environment of the Tarim River Basin has degraded greatly. In the lower reaches, in particular,the riverbed has been dried up for more than 20 years, which accelerated the desertification and has been a great threat to people‘s lives. Taking the section of the Tarim River between Qiala Lake and Taitema Lake as a typical region, an investigation on land cover changes was carried out with the support of remote sensing information of 1988 and 2000 respectively. The changes of land cover in this region were obtained: 1) Cropland tended to increase. 2)Urban or Built-up Area in 2000 was 324.4ha more than that in 1988.3) Waters expanded by 3476.51ha. 4) Woodland and Grassland decreased, while Barren Land increased by 3824.9ha. The total amount of land use/land cover change between 1988 and 2000 is small, which is only 0.355% of the total area. It shows that the developmental pace of the lower reaches of the Tarim River is relative slow. Based on these results, the authors assessed the landscape dynamics of this region and pointed out that the degree of desertification was strengthened and the landscape dominated by sand land was further characterized by salt desert.  相似文献   

As a result of environmental degradation,urban green space has become a key issue for urban sustainable development.This paper takes Liaoyang City in Northeast China as an example to develop green space planning using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model,landscape ecological principles and Geographical Information System (GIS).Based on the influencing factors of topography,building density and orientation,Shou Mountain,Longding Mountain and the Taizi River were selected as the urban ventilation path...  相似文献   

本研究系应用数字地球系统理论于中央山脉保育轴经营管理机制建置 ,并依 IUCN之保育区划设标准 ,作为未来研订中央山脉保育计划之分区准则与数字台湾系统建立之发展模式。数字台湾之观念乃源于数字地球突破传统信息空间、政策经营之多向度信息整合 ,同时考虑克服科技应用与时间效益以及决策兼蓄解决传统资源管理在空间地理与生态艺术上之综合性问题。  相似文献   

Landscape ecology: Coupling of pattern,process, and scale   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Landscape ecology provides new theoretical frameworks and methodologies for understanding complex ecological phenomena at multiple scales.Studies of landscape ecology focus on understanding the dynamics of eco-logical patterns and processes,and highlight the integration of multiple disciplines.In this paper,we discussed the problems and challenges that landscape ecology is currently facing,emphasizing the limitations of current methods used to describe dynamic landscape patterns and processes.We suggested that the focus should be on the integration of ground-based observation,mobile monitoring,transect survey,and remote-sensing monitoring,as well as improved coupling of experimental and model simulations.In addition,we outlined the research frontiers in landscape ecology,including scaling,integrated pattern and process modeling,and regional synthesis.Lastly,a brief review of pat-tern-process-scale coupling studies in China was provided.We concluded by pointing out that pattern-process-scale interactions,correlations between natural,economic,and social processes,and the coupling of human and natural systems will be major research areas in landscape ecology in the future.  相似文献   

Although the construction of underground dams is one of the best methods to conserve water resources in arid and semi-arid regions, applying efficient methods for the selection of suitable sites for subsurface dam construction remains a challenge.Due to the costly and time-consuming methods of site selection for underground dam construction, this study aimed to present a new method using geographic information systems techniques and decision-making processes. The exclusionary criteria including ...  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Ecological shelter construction (ESC) in the upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River has been an important component of Development Program of West- ern China. In recent years, most of the literatures dis- cussing the meanings and goals of ESC have been fo- cused on the macro-level, and the scholars have concep- tualized it as a comprehensive strategy to promote the sustainable development of regional economy, society and environment, in which forestry's construc…  相似文献   

llNTRODUCTION with a hlgherpercentage ofmlnorlty people.The aim o且the paper Is to trace out the ways ofnarrowing the gapsIn this paper,the central and western parts o且 between minority regions and eastern developed regions乙hlna mainly cover eight minority provinces and regions and of safeguarding social stability In China.(the bye autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia。Guangxi,Tibet,Xinjiang and Ningxia,and thr。e 2 CHAHA…  相似文献   

Based on data of questionnaire and field survey and two developing models of Business As Usual (BAU) and the Intensive Urbanization (IU), this article, taking Wuwei City, a medium size city and typical oasis arid area in Gansu Province with very vulnerable and sensitive natural environment but long history of oasis economy, as an example, evaluated the sustainability of its environment and analyzed the scenarios of Wuwei’s household energy consumption, waste discharge in transportation industry, primary industry, secondary industry, tertiary industry, by the integration of the systematical dynamics model Stella and Polestar language to simulate the future development of the research area. The results showed that, first, the developing model of IU was propitious to Wuwei City named for oasis economy and vulnerable natural environment. The strategy of "Intensive Urbanization" can change the structure of energy utilization, and improve the efficiency of energy utilization. Second, the proportion of domestic energy consumption will decrease with industrialization and economic development, while that of tertiary industry, secondary industry and transportation will gradually grow up according to strategy of "Intensive Urbanization". Third, the Wuwei City is facing a severe eco-environmental crisis under the conventional patterns of development and a better future under a sustainable urbanization scenario, in the next 10 to 20 years. The different developing trends were clarified and the relative countermeasures were put forward for the policy makers according to the driving forces. Foundation item: Under the auspices of Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90102013) and Key Innovation Sub-project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX1-10-07-04) Biography: YOU Fei (1972–), male, a native of Pianguan of Shanxi Province, Ph.D., assistant professor, specialized in regional sustainable development and ecological economy. E-mail: yofae@sina.com  相似文献   

The evolution of the inland lakes in arid and semi-arid zones is accorded with the climatic fluctuation. The humid climate is in harmony with the higher water level and greater lake water quantity budget while arid climate is in correspondence with the lower water level and little water budget. Based on the analysis of the lake fluctuation and lake budget change, with the aid of the data of geom'orphology, palynology, sedimentology and chronology, It is found that the climate experienced a warm and humid period during 7000-3500 yr. B. P. and showed a drying and warming trend in the last century in the Central Asia.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopmentoftheworld,waterdemandisincreasing,especiallywiththegrowthofpopulationinthelast50years,waterdemandforirrigationhasgreatlyincreasedforfoodproduction.Inthearidandsemi-aridareas,watershortagebecomesaheavierproblemtorestrictfoodproduction,localeconomyandenvironmentalprotection.China,with22%ofthetotalpopulationintheworld,hasonly8%offreshwaterintheglobe;watershortagehasaffectedagricultureandresident'slifeinthenorthernChina.SomescientistsindicatedthatChina'swaters…  相似文献   

1 THEANALYSISOFSOILEROSIONFACTORSTheintensityofsoilerosioninaridareavarieswithaltitude,moistureandheatconditionandsurfacelayer(Chen,1995).Inmiddleandhighmountainsections,thereisalittlemoreprecipitation(450-796.90mm),richervegetationcovermorethan60pe…  相似文献   

随着生态环境的逐步恶化,“数字地球”战略的形成和完善,数字生态应用系统逐渐引起国内外相关学者的关注。但数字生态的基本理论、框架尚未成熟,本文构建了由生态环境现状基础信息平台、生态领域专业基础平台和生态环境问题综合决策平台三大信息模块构成的数字生态总体框架体系,并详细阐述了三大信息模块的基本构架。最后,本文以防洪灾评估和生态环境遥感监测系统作为案例,阐述“数字生态”工程体系的设计,同时指出“数字生态”建设这一多层次系统工程需要相应技术支撑与标准规范的制约、政府宏观管理与政策法规的保障、复合型人才的参与。  相似文献   

从评价工作等级、评价范围等方面明确公路建设生态环评编制中易忽略的几个问题,籍为提高环评大纲及报告书编制质量有所裨益。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionChina has been carrying out 23 field experiments over the Antarctic since 1984 andmany observations on the aspect of oceanography were conducted. The changes of tempera-ture and precipitation in the polar regions have effecton global climate…  相似文献   

lINrnoDUCnoNConidorsaresPecialpatcheswithnarrowandlongshaPe,andoftenhavethefunctionsastransPOrtation,protection,resomeesandaesthetics(FoRMAN,l986;ALMO,l998).Conidorsconnectvariouslandscapesbytransportingmaterials,energyandinformation.NewconidorscreatedbyhumanactivitiesareimPortantfac-torsleadingtolandscapefragZnentation.Inthemean-while,theyarealsobanierstothecormectionsofdifferentecosystems(WANGetal-,1996).Theconi-dorshavefrhoentedthelandscaPe,andchangedtheoriginalsituationofthenatu…  相似文献   

Dynamics of wetland landscape pattern in Kaifeng City from 1987 to 2002   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is very significant for urban development and urban wetland protection and utilization to probe into the process and reasons of urban wetland landscape dynamics. Taking the information of remote sensing and detailed land survey data as the basic information sources, with the help of RS and GIS, according to the principles and methods of landscape ecology, this paper analyzed wetland landscape pattern dynamics and its reasons in Kaifeng City, Henan Province of China, from 1987 to 2002. The results show that the total wetland area in Kaifeng City firstly reduced by 20.1% from 1987 to 1990 and then increased from 1990 to 2002, with an average annual growth rate of 3.3%. At the same time, landscape fragment degree and landscape dominance degree increased, respectively from 0.64 to 0.72 and from 0.3754 to 0.5563, but mean patch area, maximum patch area, patch fractal dimension reduced. As far as single landscape element concerned, fi'om 1987 to 2002, patch area, patch number, patch density, patch shape and patch location changed in varying degrees in all wetland types in Kaifeng City, among which rice field changed most and others relatively less. In the recent 20 years, rice fields, lake wetlands, puddles and ponds had a higher stability, but river and bottomland wetlands were mostly transformed to land use types. The change of wetland landscape pattern was the result of the combined action of the Huanghe (Yellow) River, urban expansion, wide cultivation of rice, and rapid development of fishery. Among them human activities were the main driving factors for wetland landscape changes.  相似文献   

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