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The aim of this work is to research the influence of natural climatic changes on the evolution of the coastal zone in modern times and the possible implication of human activities on the configuration of the present coastline. Comparison of data of two very far and different areas, the Po River delta, Adriatic Sea and the Huanghe River delta, Bohai Sea, reveals the planetary diffusion of climatic fluctuations and their effects on coastal evolution. Contribution No. 820 from the Marine Geology Institute, C. N. R., Italy. Contribution No.2207 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地区地震强度小,频度低,但与之相毗邻的渤海地区却是华北地区强震多发区之一,地震强度大、频度高,成为影响黄河三角洲地区地震危害性最大最严重的区域。从地震地质角度出发,通过对深部地球物理场、构造应力场、地温场及断裂活动性等方面的研究,发现渤海强震构造区与黄河三角洲在这些方面存在明显的差异,这些差异造成了两个地区在地震活动性方面的差别,渤海更具备发生强震的条件。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地区地震强度小,频度低,但与之相毗邻的渤海地区却是华北地区强震多发区之一,地震强度大、频度高,成为影响黄河三角洲地区地震危害性最大最严重的区域。从地震地质角度出发,通过对深部地球物理场、构造应力场、地温场及断裂活动性等方面的研究,发现渤海强震构造区与黄河三角洲在这些方面存在明显的差异,这些差异造成了两个地区在地震活动性方面的差别,渤海更具备发生强震的条件。  相似文献   

There are two different opinions on the formation history of Huanghe (Yellow) River. One postulates that Huanghe River might have come into existence before Tertiary. The other supposes that it joined up into a long river only in the last stage of Late Pleistocene. The appearance of Huanghe River is believed to have close relation to the uplifting of Tibetan Plateau. It is not likely that it could have come into being before its high elevation riverhead was formed. Today Huanghe River occurred probably during the recession of the sea in glacial periods. In the last glacial age, the climate was very harsh in the area north of the modern estuary of Changjiang (Yangtse) River; some areas were permafrost and the others barren deserts. At that time, eolation was the major exogenic force on exposed shelf. Beginning from 12 Ka BP, the global climate warmed up, resulting in gradual disappearance of continental mountain glaciers retreated, and sea level rose. Consequently, Huanghe River was replenished with water to become modern river system. With continued rising of sea level, Huanghe River delta moved continuously eastward.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地区蕴含着丰富的中低温地热,为2000m以浅经济型地热资源,经计算,全区地热资源总量折合标准煤相当于125×10~8t,其中仅地下热水总储存量就达到4570×10~8 m~3,可开采储量超过750×10~8 m~3,至少可以开采100a。如果形成以东营、河口、孤岛、广饶为中心的4个大面积系统的开发利用体系,并注重地热资源的综合利用和梯级利用,对于缓解能源紧张、促进经济的可持续发展等方面具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The Huanghe (Yellow) River, with annual sediment discharge about 11 ×108tons, contributes about 17% of the fluvial sediment discharge of world's 21 major rivers to the ocean because its middle reaches flow across the great Loess Plateau of China. Sediment discharge of the Huanghe River has a widespread and profound effect on sedimentation of the sea. The remarkable shift of its outlet in 1128-1855 A.D. to the South Yellow Sea formed a large subaqueous delta and provided the substrate for an extensive submarine ridge field.The shift of its outlet in the modern delta every 10 years is the main reason why with an extremely heavy sediment input and a micro- tidal environment, the Huanghe River has not succeeded in building a birdfoot delta like the Mississippi. The Huanghe River has consistently brought heavy sediment input to sea at least since 0.7 myr.B.P. Paleochannels, paleosols, cheniers and fossils on the sea bottom indicate that the Yellow Sea was exposed during the late Quaternary glacial low-sea l  相似文献   

1 INTODUCTIONWetlandcanperformenormousfunctionsinre sourceandenvironmentadjustment ,anditisoneoftheimportantecologicalenvironmentsthathumanbe ingsrelyon .Internationalcommunitieshavealreadypaid greatattentiontothewetlandresearch ,andsomeforeignershavedone…  相似文献   

该文利用圆盘渗透仪,对辽河三角洲湿地4种不同的生境进行渗透系数的测定,并对4种生境的渗透系数进行老人分析比较,作出辽河三角洲湿地渗透系数的分布状况图。从图上可以看出,辽河三角洲湿地渗透系数值最大值为(3.2~3.4)×103cm/s,平均值为1.5×103cm/s。  相似文献   

Wetland biodiversity means mainly the types of wetland ecosystem and biological species diversity. Biodiversity includes all species of plants, animals and microbes, all gene possessed by them and all ecosystems consisting of them and environment. According to the origin and genesis, China’s wetlands can be divided into natural wetland ecosystems including mires, lakeshores, bottomland, seashore, wet meadow, etc., and artificial wetland ecosystem including paddy field. Then based on geomorphological type, these ecosystems can be divided into 15 subsystems, then based on soil substrata and ecological niche conditions, they can be subdivided into 15 classes, finally according to construction species of plants, several types can be divided into. They are not only the expression of ecosystem diversity, but also the base for biological communities subsistence. This peculiar ecological niche provides a complex and perfect special habitat for various animal and plant communities. In this special habitat, there exist various biological types from monomolecular microbes to higher plants and animals, especially some endangered and rare plants and animals. According to the statistics, there are more than 300 species of birds in China wetlands, making up one-third of the total number of China’s birds. Wetlands not only good place for waterbirds living, but also the important environment on which wild animals and plant rely for existence. There are 65 species of mammals, 50 species of reptiles, 45 species of amphibious animals, 1040 species of fish, 825 species of higher plants, 639 species of angiosperm, 10 species of gymnosperm, 12 species of pteridophyte and 164 species of bryophyte investigated in China’s wetlands.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONWetlandsaretheecosystemswithmanyfunctionsandhavebeenprovidinguswitharangeoffunctionsandbenefitssuchaswatersupplyflowregulationsendimentretentionmoderationofclimatepreventionofsalinewaterintrusionetc.Althoughwetlandoccupyonlyabout6%…  相似文献   

Based on previous studies on Panjin wetlands along the coast of the Bohai Sea, this paper adopts RS, GIS and GPS techniques and establishes the information system for Panjin wetlands. The system involves many functions, such as identification and classification of wetlands, calculation of the area of wetlands and storage of the information of the wetland management. Moreover, our study indicates that remote sensing technique is a useful tool for great macrography, speediness and accuracy to carry out the extraction, analysis, management and handling of information together with geography information system, which has prospective applications in similar kinds of research.  相似文献   

Numerical Study on Density Residual Currents of the Bohai Sea in Summer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M2 tide and density residual currents in the Bohai Sea were examined using the Blumberg and Mellor 3D nonlinear numerical coastal circulation model incorporating,Mellor and Yamada level 2.5 turbulent closure model.The tidal results showed good agreement with previous work.The model results indicated that the density residual currents are robust in summer;and that at the transition zone between well-mixed and stratified water,the horizontal velocity is high and the vertical velocity is positive.  相似文献   

在进行地质环境质量评价工作中,采用二级模糊指数评价方法所求取的评价结果具有连续性,定量化程度和可信度较高,更有利于进行地质环境质量的分析和计算机成图,便于在环境地质评价领域广泛应用。本文以山东省环渤海地区为例,选用此方法。将全区划分为3个环境地质区、36个亚区、679个网格单元,计算了各网格单元的模糊质量指数值,绘制了模糊质量指数等值线,在此基础上对全区地质环境质量进行了评价,并对该评价方法的合理性进行了评述。  相似文献   

The adjoint method is presented which could be used to estimate the time-varying contamination concentration(CC) from pollution source(PS). Then the pollutant flux is calculated. In order to guarantee the continuity of pollutant distribution and make the calculated results more accurate, the independent point(IP) scheme is proposed. The contamination concentrations(CCs) at some time steps are selected as the independent points(IPs), and only CCs at these IPs are optimized while CCs at other points are calculated through linear interpolation of the independent CCs. In twin numerical experiments, all the given distributions are successfully inverted with the adjoint method. The cost functions and the mean absolute errors(MAEs) in concentrations and pollutant fluxes decrease greatly after assimilation, and the cost functions are reduced by about 5 orders of magnitude compared with their initial values. The results indicate that the adjoint method is computationally efficient to recover CCs from PS. It is easier to invert the given distribution which is less complex. The inversion efficiency with IP scheme is raised compared to that without this scheme. The IP scheme is significant for the inversion result, in which appropriate IP number could yield better inversion results. More work will be done to apply this method to real experiment.  相似文献   

In the river systems, the environmental change always undergoes a process from quantitative to qualitative change. The upper limit of the qualitative change is called threshold. When the process reaches or goes beyond the limit, the original event series will be replaced by the other event series. Investigations show that the evolution of the Huanghe River alluvial fan and delta has also under gone a process from quantitative to qualitative change. The geometric forms in each process are roughly the same. This threshold of the geometric forms not only provides us a quantitative index for plotting the periodicity of the alluvial fan and delta, but also is of importance for estimation of the trend of natural environmental change.It is shown that there are three periodic alluvial fans of the Huanghe River since the middle Holocene and four periodic delta since 1855 A.D., the thresholds of their geometric forms are from 0.93 to 0.94 and from 1.2 to 1.21 respectively.The changing trend in the past and the na  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Ussuri / Wusuli River watershed is located in the southeast part of Heilongjiang Province of China, which joins remote regions of Russia. The watershed consists of approximately 26 000 000 ha, which is about two thirds of the watershed ecosystem in Russia, one  third in China. The Ussuri River forms part of the border between Russia and China, the shared border stretches more than 1100 km. Khanka/Xingkai Lake lies within both China and Russia. Its total area …  相似文献   

该文介绍了测绘地理信息档案分类法、档案实体分类和档案信息分类理论,并结合测绘地理信息档案的特点,探讨了它们在测绘地理信息档案管理中的应用,提出了包含数字档案在内的测绘地理信息实体分类方法,探讨了基于档案管理系统的测绘地理信息档案分类目录的组织形式。  相似文献   

低碳经济是世界经济发展的总趋势。当前,环渤海地区海洋低碳经济面临着制度建设缺位、产业结构失衡、科技研发困难等三大突出问题。为此,该地区海洋低碳经济的发展必须从完善制度法规、统筹产业规划、提升技术实力等三个方面夯实发展基础,从而为我国发展低碳海洋经济提供不同的发展路径。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲湿地景观格局动态变化分析   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
在RS和GIS技术的支持下,以黄河三角洲1986,1996,2006年的三期TM影像为数据源,利用遥感图像处理软件对近代黄河三角洲湿地信息进行了提取.借助于地理信息系统软件和景观生态学软件,我们对20年来黄河三角洲湿地景观格局的动态变化,以及影响其格局动态变化的驱动力进行了分析.结果表明:(1)近20年来,人工湿地面积有了大幅度的增加,而天然湿地的比重在降低.其中,滩涂和柽柳灌草丛景观明显萎缩.(2)一些重要的景观格局指数的计算结果表明,20世纪90年代以来,黄河三角洲湿地景观斑块个数、香农多样性指数、香农均匀度指数一直在增加.黄河三角洲湿地景观的破碎化程度在加剧,斑块类型更加多样化,湿地景观中没有明显的优势类型且各斑块类型在景观中均匀分布.(3)湿地与湿地、湿地与非湿地之间发生着类型转化.其中,18.1%的芦苇草甸转化为农田;26.6%的翅碱蓬草甸转化为盐田;11.9%的芦苇沼泽转化为芦苇草甸.(4)在黄河三角洲湿地演化的过程中,受到自然和人为方面演化驱动力的共同作用.其中,自然因素主要有:黄河断流、泥沙淤积和自身演替动力等.人为驱动力主要为农田开垦、滩涂的开发与围垦、油田开发和人工建筑等.  相似文献   

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