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本文是在1976年工作(1)的基础上,对吉林球粒陨石矿物学研究工作的小结。 吉林球粒陨石经化学全分析,属Urey及Craig分类中的H型球粒陨石,或为Prior-Mason分类中的橄榄石—古铜辉石球粒陨石。陨石中矿物种类较多,主要矿物常有多种变种,同一矿物晶出的形态变化多端,显示了吉林球粒陨石的矿物形成过程相当复 相似文献
Amino acids have been separated from and identified in the Jilin meteorite No.Ⅰ and Ⅱ by gas-liquid chromatography. Eight kinds of amino acid, i.e., α-alanine,valine, glycine, isoleucine, β-alanine, leucine, proline, and threonine are observed in meteorite No. Ⅰ Ten varieties of amino acids including serine, hydroproline, lysine and etc. are noticed from meteorite No. Ⅱ. A brief diseussion is given to the origin of these acids. 相似文献
陨石是一种天然的多相矿物体系,其主要矿物如橄榄石、辉石、陨硫铁、锥纹石等都是含铁矿物。穆斯鲍尔效应方法,对于非破坏性探测铁原子在各矿物相中的分布和存在的价态等是一种很有效的手段。1964年,S.S.汉恩(Hanna)和E.L.斯普雷克尔-西格 相似文献
吉林陨石的透明矿物 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Principal transparent minerals in the Jilin meteorite include forsterite (Fa 17.8--19.5), orthopyroxenes (mainly Fs 14.1-15.8), clinopyroxenes (clinobronzite, diopside and pigeonite), plagioclase (An 8--12), orthoclase and whitlockite. Among the 17 accessory and minor minerals recognized are: tremolite, zircon, sodalite, calcite, siderite,moissanite, quartz, christobalite and rutile. The chemical composition of olivine is relatlvely uniform. Of pyroxenes orthopyroxenc predominates while clinopyroxenes are rare. Optical measurement indicates a limited compositional variation for orthopyroxene. Feldspars occur mainly as microcrystals and glass chondrules have mostly devitrified into crystallites, microcrystals or even to perfect crystals. The outline of chondrules is partly clear or, in some cases,merely recoguizable. The Jilin meteorite should belong to the type of 4-5, basically type H 5, in accordance with the petrochemical classification suggested by W. R. van Schmns in 1967. 相似文献
吉林陨石也和其它陨石一样,通常都发育着一层黑色熔壳。这一层熔壳,记录了陨石体陨落过程中经历了熔融、气化、烧蚀、熔浆流动、微粒堆积和熔浆冷却过程中的分异、重结晶等物理化学作用过程,以及这些作用过程在陨石表面不同部位所反映出来的差异性。 相似文献
吉林陨石也和其它陨石一样,通常都发育着一层黑色熔壳。这一层熔壳,记录了陨石体陨落过程中经历了熔融、气化、烧蚀、熔浆流动、微粒堆积和熔浆冷却过程中的分异、重结晶等物理化学作用过程,以及这些作用过程在陨石表面不同部位所反映出来的差异性。吉林陨石熔壳从表面和剖面特征可分两 相似文献
Opaque minerals in the Jilin meteorite inelude kamacite, taenite troilite, chromite, ilmenite, schreibersite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and graphite.Five of the above-mentioned minerals have been discussed in more detail in terms of optical and physical properties, chemical composition, coexisting relationship, and the order of crystallization. It is indicated from this study that, with the exception of a small amount of Ni-Fe cbondrules, silicate minerals are the first to erystallize followed by chromite, ilmenite at the early stage of nebula condensation, while Ni-Fe phase in the matrix is considered to be of a more later erigin. At the late stage of nebula condensation troilite resulted from the reaction of Ni-Fe metal with residual H2S vapor. As indicated by the occurrence of coarse grained Ni-Fe metal, the recrystallization of troilite and the apparent Neumann lines in kamaeite, it is expected that opaque minerals in the Jilin metevrite have undergone different degrees of thermal and impact metamorphisms. 相似文献
吉林陨石的宇宙线照射历史 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自吉林陨石降落后,我国学者曾对陨石的矿物与化学组成、各矿物相中微量元素的配分、有机组分、物理力学性质、结构构造、同位素年龄、宇宙成因核素、运行轨道和形成演化史进行了多学科的综合性研究,发表有近百篇研究论文。国外学者也对吉林陨石进行过系统研究,发表有二十多篇论文。1981年作者、刘顺生、许自图、李肇辉与西德马克斯—普朗克学会化学研究所、核物理研究所的F.Begemann教授、T.Kirsten教授、A.El Goresy教授、G.Heusser博士等人合作,对吉林陨石的矿物成分、陨石形成的物理化学条件、陨石母体的热历史和宇宙线照射史作了系统研究。关于吉林陨石在行星际空间运行时受宇宙线照射历史的研究,在前人工作的基础上,我们对吉林1号陨石的各顶角部位选取了12个样品,其他(?)选取了10个样品,(?) 相似文献
在吉林陨石熔壳的形态和组构特征的研究过程中,偶尔在吉林江密蜂地区采集到的一块陨石中发现了一种黑色的细脉。这种黑色细脉很象陨石体内经常可以见到的那种冲击玻璃。但通过双目镜下的观察、扫描电子显微镜和电子探针的形态和组构 相似文献
在吉林陨石熔壳的形态和组构特征的研究过程中,偶尔在吉林江密蜂地区采集到的一块陨石中发现了一种黑色的细脉。这种黑色细脉很象陨石体内经常可以见到的那种冲击玻璃。但通过双目镜下的观察、扫描电子显微镜和电子探针的形态和组构特征的研究,发现它是陨石表面的熔壳物质渗入表层的张裂隙后冷却所形成的。作者目前尚未见到有关这种细脉专门研究的报导,本文为了叙述方便,将这种黑色的细脉称为熔渗脉。熔渗脉与熔壳连接在一起的现象在标本中可以直接观察到(图版Ⅱ—1,2)。 相似文献
吉林陨石的岩石学、矿物学、化学组成及球粒结构的研究表明,陨石主要由橄榄石、古铜辉石、铁纹石、陨硫铁、斜长石及少量的铬铁矿、钛铁矿、斜古铜辉石、白磷钙矿及玻璃等近40种矿物组成。橄榄石(Fa18.7%)及古铜辉石(En81.8 Fs15.3 Wo2.9)的成分比较稳定。球粒比较发育,约占20%,但大多球粒的轮廓模糊,有的球粒与基质难以分辨,球粒结构类型多样,组成球粒和基质的矿物成分基本一致。按W.R.范施穆斯(VanSchmus)的分类,吉林陨石应属于H_5球粒陨石。根据同位素地质年龄的测定结果,吉 相似文献
随着同位素年龄测试技术的不断提高和新方法的建立,使人们对太阳系星云的演化时间过程,陨石母体的凝聚年龄、受热历史和陨石受宇宙射线作用的历史有了更深刻的了解。目前根据高精度的初始Sr同位素比值测定,以及I^129-Xe^129,Pu^244-Xe136方法已能确 相似文献
Mierospecimons of troilite from the Jilin meteorite No. Ⅰ, weighing only 200--500 micrograms, have been determined for S, Fe, Ni and Co. The sample is firstly decomposed by 6 N hydrochloric acid mixed with hydroxylanine hydrochloride at room tcmperature. Simultaneously, tellurium ions (To^4 ) are added to combine with divalent sulfur into TeS2. Excess tellurium is determined spectrophotometrieally. The sulfur content is indirectly obtained by substracting the excess tellurium from the total amount added. After extraction and separation, each of the other elements is colormetrically determined. The results are satisfactory. 相似文献
comparatively evident chondritie structure is observed in the Jilin meteorite. Chondrules range from 0.2 to 3mm in diameter, averaging 0.6mm. Chondrules can be divided into the following types according to the principal minerals crystallized and structure-texture characteristics: (1) Olivine chondrules. In terms of their structure they can be subdivided into prophyritic, grated, barred, sub swirlling internal flow and granular chondrulcs; (2) Orthopyroxene ahondrules. Textural types found are fan-like, radial,parallel fibrous, porphyritic and irregular; (3) Olivineorthopyroxene chondrules; (4)Glass or devitrified chondrules; (5) Ni-Fe chondrules and (6) Troilite-olivine chondrules. Among them, porphyritic and granular olivine chondrules and various kinds of radial orthopyroxene chondrules are most common. In addition, also have been recognized the overlapping of two or more chondrules and chondrules coated with glassy crust. The structure and texture of chondrules indicate that they were originated from molten silicate droplets through rapid cooling prior to the formation of the meteorite parent body. Rapid fusion may be induced on the surface of a few solidified chondrules by solar impulse wave or nebula lightning and, if rapid cooling followed, this would give rise to the appearance of glassy crust. Collision between chondrulcs may result in a variety of chondrule fragments and crystal debris. In some cases, collision is also considered to be responsible for the entrench, inclusion and overlapping textures in ehondrules. After the formation of the meteorite parent body recrystallization of chondrules may take place as a result of thermal metamorphism. 相似文献
Five stages can be recognized with respeet to the evolution of the Jilin meteorite in the light of preliminary results available: (1) The stage of birth, fractionation and condensation of the solar nebula disc; (2) Formation of the parent body and thermal metamorphism; (3) Cooling of parent body and breaking up by impact; (4) Formation and orbiting of the Jilin meteor; (5) The falling of the meteor and the emergence of the meteorite shower. The process and characteristics are discussed at some length for each of these stages, 相似文献
用44块吉林陨石的钻孔样品进行古径迹研究。U-显微分布用裂变径迹技术来测定。使用铀含量非常低的超纯石英玻璃(≤0.1ppb)来代替白云母作为外探测器。通常辉石的铀含量大于橄榄石的铀含量。几百个单矿物颗粒的平均铀含量辉石为2—8ppb,橄榄石为0.15±0.08ppb。观测的高铀在某些磷酸盐相(白磷钙矿等)为110—250ppb。特别低的铀是不透明基质区域为0.5—1ppb。可以看出陨石中的铀是不均匀的。 相似文献
Isoprenoid compounds in the Jilin meteorite are isolated and identified by a combined chromatography-mass spectrometry. In the chromatographic part of this instrumentation, the open glass capillary is coated with SE^30 carrier. Chromatographic and mass spectrometric evidence of the existance of pristane and phytane in the Jilin meteorite has been presented and the possible origin of these compounds briefly discussed 相似文献
This paper discribes the extraction of porphyrin compounds and related pigments from Jilin meteorite with 9:1 (v/v) benzene and methanol mixture. After removal of sulfur and asphalts the hexane solution of the extract is eluted through a silica jel chromatographic column with hexane, benzene, and acetone successively.Nickel porphyrin, vanadium porphyrin and chlorins are found in the benzene eluate and their content are estimated to be 0.008 ppm, 0.006 ppm and 0.002 ppm respectively.The aliphatie hydrocarbons in the meteorite are estimated to be approximately 74pp.The results are summarized and discussed. 相似文献