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以3个花生品种(开农49号、64号和69号)为材料,通过大田模拟试验,研究UV-B辐射增强对花生结荚期叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用效率(Ewu)日变化的影响,为筛选高产、抗旱、抗UV-B辐射花生品种提供依据.UV-B辐射设2个水平即自然光(CK,1.5 kJ·m-2)和UV-B增强20%(T,1.8 kJ·m-2).结果表明,UV-B辐射增强明显抑制花生的光合作用和蒸腾作用,与对照相比,UV-B增强条件下,开农49号、64号和69号Pn日均值分别降低19.4%、27.8%、24.7%;Gs日均值降低26.7%、42.9%、28.6%;Ci日均值降低27.2%、20.4%、23.1%;Tr日均值降低17.8%、23.3%、25.1%;Ewu日均值降低16.6%、23.2%、23.9%.UV-B辐射增强对3个品种生长都具有抑制效应,但品种间存在一定的敏感性差异,其中开农49号最不敏感,因此,开农49号在抗UV-B辐射方面比其他2个品种具有更大的优势.  相似文献   

茅台酒用高粱产量品质与气象因子研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究仁怀市茅台酒用高粱栽培基地气象要素对高粱产量和品质影响的关键因子和关键时期.采用空间曲面插值方法,对仁怀及周边气象站气象数据进行空间插值,得到100m×100m的高分辨要素空间分布栅格数据.然后应用种植在海拔370~1301m的127个地段高粱数据与气象资料进行分析.结果表明,温度、日照对产量影响主要在齐穗期后10d~40d;降水影响产量的关键时段在齐穗前50d到齐穗后40d.气象因子对产量的影响都十分显著(>99%置信度).降水、日照与单宁含量呈现较显著反相关(>95%置信度),并且都出现在齐穗前20d ~50d左右.但气象因子与蛋白质含量无显著相关.  相似文献   

利用阿克达拉大气本底站基准辐射观测站紫外辐射UV-A和UV-B数据,分析阿克达拉大气本底站紫外辐射和UV-B在不同时间尺度、云量和降水过程的变化特征。结果表明:阿克达拉大气本底站全年紫外辐射年总量达到321.1 MJ/m2,年均日曝辐量为0.88 MJ/m2,UV-B年曝辐量为5.3 MJ/m2,紫外辐射年平均值占总辐射年平均值的比例为5.6%。紫外UV和紫外UV-B的辐射强度的季节变化表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季。夏季紫外辐射曝辐量是冬季的2.79倍;UV-B夏季平均日曝辐量是冬季的8.10倍。积雪导致紫外辐射及占总辐射比值增大,积雪期与非积雪期紫外辐射占总辐射比值均值分别为6.53%和5.83%,积雪使地面紫外辐射增加25.89%。在多云与阴雨时可能由于水汽作用大量吸收波长较大的红外辐射致使紫外辐射与总辐射的比值较大。  相似文献   

在半湿润的南京地区,以微型马铃薯荷兰七号为指示作物,采用平地起垄覆膜的种植方式,分别选用黑色地膜(BM)与普通白色地膜(WM)做比较,并以不覆膜的平地作为对照(CK),分析不同处理对微型马铃薯生理指标、产量以及种植区土壤质量的影响.发现BM处理下微型马铃薯的淀粉质量分数和产量最高,较WM处理增产31.1%,较CK增产43.7%;覆膜处理显著降低了耕层土壤的速效钾质量分数,BM处理下耕层土壤的速效磷质量分数最低,但土壤铵态氮与硝态氮质量分数显著高于其他处理;覆膜处理有效提高了微型马铃薯出苗期的耕层土壤含水量,BM处理下微型马铃薯生育期内的表层土壤温度明显低于WM,且高于对照,对微型马铃薯的生长更有利.  相似文献   

延安冬季太阳辐射特征及对设施农业的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设施农业是延安农业三大主导产业之一,日光温室是主要生产设施,光是最直接的影响因子。通过对1990年以来的光照分析,延安冬季辐射呈递增趋势,12—2月中旬日总辐射约8 M J/m2。观测统计,延安日光温室的透光率40%~67%,南部大于北部,平均透光率约为60%。光照可满足强光蔬菜的种植要求,但光照不能满足棚内温度达到适宜生长范围,使温度成为影响蔬菜产量和品质主要因素。  相似文献   

王彦平  赵慧颖  李淑英 《气象》2006,32(S1):130-134
应用积分回归原理,对大兴安岭东部地区大豆产量与该地区大豆生长期内的土壌相对湿度之间的关系逐旬进行定量分析,结果表明:大豆全生育期0?50cm 土层中以20?40cm土层的土壤相对湿庋与大豆气象产量的多元回归方程的回归效果较显著,且不同时段土壤相对湿度对产量的影响效应是不同的,5月上句至5月下旬、9月上旬至9月下旬土壤相对湿度对产量的影响均为正效应,相对湿度每增加1%,产量分别增加2.69~19.74kg?hm-2和1.01?12.26kg?hm-2,6月上旬?8月下旬土壤相对湿度对产量的影响为负效应,相对湿度每增加1%,产量减少0.57?8.08kg ? hm-2.  相似文献   

为研究不同种植方式下高油酸花生小气候特征,于2020年在商丘国家基准气候站内开展花生分期播种试验,试验设计5月6日、5月26日和6月15日3个播期,按垄作和平作两种方式种植。在5月6日播种的垄上、垄下和平作的花生田内安装温湿度自动记录仪,对比分析不同种植方式对农田气温、相对湿度及产量的影响,研究农田温湿度与基准站气象要素的定量关系。结果表明,种植方式不同,花生农田小气候特征存在差异。不同发育期,垄上和垄下气温均高于平作的,且二者之间的差异白天的大于夜间的。下针-饱果期和饱果-成熟期垄上平均气温分别比平作的高0.5℃和0.9℃,日较差分别比平作的高1.1℃和2.1℃;田间相对湿度平作的高于垄上和垄下的,下针-饱果期和饱果-成熟期垄上相对湿度日较差分别比平作的高11.2%和15.3%。典型晴天和多云天,基准站夜间气温高于垄上、垄下和平作的,白天的气温低于垄上、垄下和平作的;阴雨天垄上气温高于垄下、平作和基准站的。3种天气条件下,平作相对湿度高于垄上、垄下和基准站的。高油酸花生小气候与基准站温湿度之间存在显著的一元线性相关关系。3个播期的垄作花生单株荚果数、单株果重和产量均高于平作的,且呈极...  相似文献   

气候变化可能不会引起我国北方冬小麦营养品质下降   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索未来气候变化对冬小麦营养品质的影响,采用开顶式气室与红外辐射器相结合的方法开展了冬小麦生长季增温和CO2浓度升高的复合影响试验,在6个小麦生长季模拟了21世纪中后期两种可能的增温和CO2浓度升高情景。结果表明,在生长季增温与CO2浓度升高情景下,冬小麦冬后发育期前移,生育期平均气温较对照的增加幅度远小于生长季增温幅度,灌浆期遭遇的高温日数减少,主要生育阶段的平均太阳辐射强度减弱。在增温与CO2浓度升高复合影响下,冬小麦籽粒蛋白质含量略有增加,籽粒淀粉与脂肪含量未显示规律性的变化趋势,增温对小麦蛋白质含量的综合影响弥补了CO2浓度升高对籽粒蛋白质含量的负效应。如果不考虑小麦品种变化影响,预计未来气候变化可能不会导致我国北方冬小麦籽粒营养品质下降。  相似文献   

通过对阿克达拉站2005年7月至2010年11月紫外线B波段实测资料的分析得出:阿克达拉UV-B 的日曝辐量年平均在26 159J/㎡左右。夏季值最高,为42 090J/㎡,次高是春季,为33147J/㎡,第三是秋季,为17476 J/㎡,最低是冬季,为11921J/㎡,呈现出较明显的季节性特征。无论是晴好天气还是其它正常天气条件下, 这几年的UV-B强度总体上呈现出上升趋势。紫外线辐射强度日特征:中午强,早晚弱,关于一天中最大值出现的时间呈对称分布,日变化特征曲线的斜率,夏季最大,其次是春季和秋季,冬季最小,一天中紫外辐射的止时间随着季节的变化而变化。  相似文献   

川西高原气象条件对稻米品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
彭国照  张勇 《高原气象》2004,23(Z1):156-160
为了研究气象条件对稻米品质(主要指蛋白质和氨基酸)的影响,利用优质稻品种"合系39号",在川西高原南部分期播种试验资料和稻米蛋白质、氨基酸等的实验室分析资料,采用正交多项式积分回归方法,分析了从齐穗前35天到成熟期间温度、日照、温度日较差等因子对稻米蛋白质及氨基酸含量的动态影响,建立了气候生态主导因子的动态影响综合模型.结果表明,温度的影响从齐穗前20天至齐穗后40天,温度日较差和日照的影响从齐穗前30天至齐穗后40天,且不同时期的影响系数不同,但蛋白质、氨基酸的变化基本同步.  相似文献   

UV-B辐射增加对小麦的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过观测,分析了UV—B辐射增加对小麦生长发育的影响,计算了UV—B增加条件下对作物群体生产力生态特征值发生变化的情况。分析结果表明,UV—B辐射增加影响小麦生长发育表现在:生育期推迟,叶面积、分蘖和开花数减少,植株矮化,绿叶数、单株干物重、叶重、穗重等减小;影响小麦群体生产力表现在:群体生长率、相对生长率、叶面积指数、叶日积、净同化率都在生育期的中后期有很大幅度的减小,从而使小麦每亩株数、每株穗数、每穗粒数、千粒重也明显下降,最终影响到小麦群体生物学产量及经济学产量。  相似文献   

The South-East Asian region experienced a haze episode in 1994 which was widely believed to be due to widespread forest fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan (Indonesia). Broadband measurements of the surface level solar ultraviolet-B, UV-A and Global radiation at Penang (Malaysia) are used to study the effect of the 1994 haze on effective UV-B irradiance. We find that during the haze episode, there is enhanced absorption of surface level UV-B radiation. The effect of haze on UV-A and Global radiation is much less. The reduction in absolute noon time UV-B irradiance (mostly cloud free) during the 1994 haze period was 23% relative to the UV-B irradiance during thecorresponding haze-free period in 1995. Even though the noon time radiation data minimizes the cloud effect in the results presented some cloud effect is still present.  相似文献   

针对当前东北地区过量施氮的问题,研究减量施氮对春玉米生长发育、产量及籽粒品质的影响,对优化氮肥的科学管理技术,促进春玉米生产绿色高效发展具有重要意义.本研究以丹玉405为试验材料,通过大田播种的方式,以农民习惯性施氮量为对照,设置11.1%、55.5%和100%三个水平减量施氮试验,分析春玉米生长发育、产量和籽粒品质对...  相似文献   

To assess the impact of ultraviolet B (UV-B) radiation under laboratory conditions on lichens from different biomonitoring sites, thalli of the lichen Ramalina lacera were transplanted from a clean air site to nine different polluted sites in Israel. Our objective was to determine the probability of synergistic/antagonistic effects on physiological parameters by considering two stressors: chemical contamination and UV-B. Exposure to both airborne pollutants in the field and subsequent UV-B radiation in the laboratory which led to a severe disintegration of cell membranes, followed by electrolyte leakage, indicate the probability of a synergistic effect. The impairment of the potential quantum yield of electron transfer through photosystem II (PSII) of photosynthesis indicated by a significant decrease of the ratio Fv/Fm, further demonstrated the synergistic effect of both chemical contamination and UV-B radiation. Besides enlarged amounts of stress-ethylene in lichens at contaminated sites, the reduced levels of ethylene production upon UV-B radiation in the present study suggest the likelihood of an antagonistic effect of xenobiotic elements and UV-B radiation as a result of an impaired ethylene-producing system.  相似文献   

Summary Statistical techniques have been developed to homogenise a broken series of clear-sky solar UV-B radiation, measured by a Robertson Berger (RB) meter over the period 1981–90 at Invercargill, New Zealand, and to analyse the series for long term trend. Statistical modelling of the quasi-linear UV-B/ozone relationship evident in the departures of daily clear-sky UV-B data and coincident satellite ozone data from their respective mean references has been used to provide a self-consistent de-seasonalised data set of UV-B and ozone departures, and to bridge a major gap in calibration that separates the data set into two periods, 1981–86 and 1988–90. The choice of UV-B reference is important to the quality of the results and particular attention was given to the methodology for defining it. Four alternative objective adjustment procedures for calibrating the 1988–90 period against the 1981–86 period were examined. Because our interest lies primarily in the higher values of summer, a UV-B-weighted procedure was chosen. The modelling and homogenisation techniques developed may have application in related analysis problems. Analysis of the data for the independent 1981–86 period showed large trends in ozone and UV-B, but this was mostly due to a period of very low ozone values during 1985. Over the whole period, 1981–90, the ozone trend was –4.7%/decade. The corresponding UV-B trend was +5.8%/decade, but this result is not independent of the corresponding ozone trend because the homogenisation procedure imposes the assumption of the derived UV-B/ozone relationship on the 1988–90 UV-B data. However, the evidence suggests there is little reason to doubt that solar UV-B radiation has increased at the site by about +6% per decade.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Daily totals of UV-A and UV-B radiation fluxes and global radiation were measured since 1981 at Jungfraujoch (3576 m) a.s.l.) and in Innsbruck (577 m a.s.l.) in their seasonal course. The altitude effect of annual totals yields 19%/1000 m (UV-B), 11%/1000 m (UV-A) and 9%/1000 m (global radiation) with reference to Innsbruck station. The ratio of the daily totals of UV-B/global radiation shows a significant seasonal course with the maximum in summer, whereas the ratio of the daily totals of UV-A/global radiation shows no significant seasonal variation. The biological effective doses of erythema reaction, delayed tanning and immediate tanning by UV-A and UV-B radiant exposure are reported in the seasonal course at Jungfraujoch and in Innsbruck.Dedicated to O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. F. Steinhauser.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Clouds are extremely important with regard to the transfer of solar radiation at Earth's surface. This study investigates Cumulus Solar Irradiance Reflection (CSIR) using ground-based pyranometers. CSIR events are short-term increases in solar radiation observed at the surface as a result of reflection off the sides of convective clouds. When Sun-cloud observer geometry is favorable, these occurrences produce characteristic spikes in the pyranometer traces and solar irradiance values may exceed expected clear-sky values. Ultraviolet CSIR events were investigated during the summer of 1995 using UVA and UVB pyranometers. Observed data were compared to clear-sky curves which were generated using a third degree polynomial best-fit line technique. Periods during which the observed data exceeded this clear-sky curve were identified as CSIR events. The magnitude of a CSIR event was determined by two different quantitative calculations. The MAC (magnitude above clear-sky) is an absolute measure of the difference between the observed and clear-sky irradiances. Maximum MAC values of 3.4 Win−2 and 0.0169 Wm−2 were observed at the UV-A and UV-B wavelengths, respectively. The second calculation determined the percentage above clear-sky (PAC) which indicated the relative magnitude of a CSIR event. Maximum UV-A and UV-B PAC magnitudes of 10.1% and 7.8%, respectively, were observed during the study. Also of interest was the duration of the CSIR events which is a function of Sun-cloud-sensor geometry and the speed of cloud propagation over the measuring site. In both the UV-A and UV-B wavelengths, significant CSIR durations of up to 30 minutes were observed. C 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.  相似文献   

为了明确设施番茄对CO2的生理响应及需求规律,以“美红2号”为试验材料,测定增施600、900、1 200 mg/kg的CO2后,番茄的开花量、单株果数、果重、含糖量、含酸量及维生素C含量。结果表明:增施CO2可以提高番茄花量25%~50%,提高单株结果数量,增产28.29%~51.04%,但对平均果重没有影响。与对照相比,增施CO220 d后,600、900、1 200 mg/kg处理的果实含糖量分别为5.27、5.49、5.65 g/kg,明显高于对照4.71 g/kg的含糖量;含酸量分别为2.48、2.23、2.02 g/kg,显著低于对照区3.03 g/kg的含酸量;维生素C含量分别为356.38、420.38、348.38 mg/kg,显著高于对照区260.88 mg/kg的含量,其中900 mg/kg处理对维生素C的提升效果最好。在温室中增施CO2不但能提高番茄产量,还能有效改善番茄品质,适宜的剂量以900 mg/kg为宜。  相似文献   

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