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First breaks of 2D deep reflection data were used to construct velocity-depth models for improved static corrections to a deeper datum level and for geological interpretations. The highly redundant traveltime data were automatically picked and transformed directly into a velocity-depth model by maximum depth methods such as the Giese- and the Slichter-method. Comparisons with the results of synthetic calculations and a tomographic approach using iterative inversion methods (ART, SIRT) showed that maximum depth methods provide reliable velocity models as a basis for the computation of static corrections. These methods can economically be applied during data acquisition in the field. They provide particularly long-period static anomalies, which are of the order of 20–40 ms (0.5-1 wavelength) within CMP gathers of an example of a deep reflection profile in SW-Germany sited on crystalline basement. Reprocessing of this profile, which was aimed at the comparison between the effects of the originally used and the new statics, did not result in dramatically improved stacking quality but showed a subtle influence on the detailed appearance of deep crustal events.  相似文献   

利用地震矩张量反演阿尔金断裂带现今运动学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
王卫东  李少睿 《地震地质》1999,21(2):76-175
利用地震矩张量反演断裂形变带运动学参数的方法,应用于阿尔金断裂带现今运动学特征的研究。结果表明,阿尔金断裂带以沿S14°E的压缩运动为主,压缩速率为1.13mm/a;同时,断裂带还以0.17mm/a的速率发生左旋剪切运动  相似文献   

Three-dimensional inverse gravity modelling is used to determine the structure of the Carboniferous sediments underlying the Jurassic and Permo-Triassic formations in the Cheshire Basin. The gravity effect of the Jurassic and Permo-Triassic rocks was first removed from the observations and the resulting residual gravity field was then inverted to map variations in depth of the Carboniferous formations. The inversion technique is performed in the frequency domain, enabling rapid computation of solutions for large gridded data sets. Evaluation of results shows that there is good agreement between calculated and observed values, with interpreted depths to the base of the Carboniferous in excess of 6 km. Gravity inversion results also delineate areas of faulting on the south-western and eastern edges of the basin.  相似文献   

为了对多条二维剖面资料进行统一分析和解释,本文考虑了各剖面交点处的约束条件,通过建立统一的偏导矩阵,将各剖面资料联立求解.利用该方法对中国地震局地球物理勘探中心在首都圈内6条人工地震宽角反射/折射剖面资料进行了重新处理和解释,得到该地区的地壳三维速度结构和构造特征.在此基础上,结合其他地球物理研究成果,确定了壳内存在的4处低速层(体)的空间范围及断裂的走向.  相似文献   

为了对多条二维剖面资料进行统一分析和解释,本文考虑了各剖面交点处的约束条件,通过建立统一的偏导矩阵,将各剖面资料联立求解.利用该方法对中国地震局地球物理勘探中心在首都圈内6条人工地震宽角反射/折射剖面资料进行了重新处理和解释,得到该地区的地壳三维速度结构和构造特征.在此基础上,结合其他地球物理研究成果,确定了壳内存在的4处低速层(体)的空间范围及断裂的走向.  相似文献   

邢台地震断层运动特征反演分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘洁  宋惠珍 《地震地质》1999,21(3):229-237
依据地形变测量资料,采用不均匀位错反演方法,建立邢台地区两个不同的断层模型,分别计算了 1966 年邢台地震时 3 月8 日6.8 级地震、3 月22 日6.7 级和 7.2 级地震及整个震群过程断层产生的不均匀错动量,并对结果特征进行了分析  相似文献   

微分方程反演声阻抗剖面   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文就一维波动方程反问题用折叠反演方法和CDP道集数据对地层声阻抗进行反演,制做了声阻抗剖面.为物探解释提供新技术.  相似文献   

本文就一维波动方程反问题用折叠反演方法和CDP道集数据对地层声阻抗进行反演,制做了声阻抗剖面.为物探解释提供新技术.  相似文献   

The inversion of a gravity profile associated with a twodimensional distribution of mass with constant difference in density is dealt with, in an initial approximation, by using a polynomial of appropriate degree. The method can be applied successfully, for example, to sedimentary basins. Some examples confirm the applicability of the method, which can be readily programmed on a computer.  相似文献   

Recursive inversion algorithms are described which facilitate (a) a direct inversion of a one-dimensional velocity distribution from finite offset data and (b) the related simultaneous reconstruction of a two-parameter, say velocity-density, medium. The suggested procedures are based on an extended format of the WKBJ-Bremmer scattering model. The attained accuracy levels and the limitations are highlighted by computer simulations against synthetic data.  相似文献   

A complex transfer function c (or generalized skin depth) can be derived from data for the secondary magnetic field measured by a dipole system with small coil spacing at height h above the ground. This function has a useful property: For a uniform or layered ground, the real part of c yields the‘ centroid depth’z* of the in-phase current system as a function of frequency. This parameter can be combined with the apparent resistivity ρa derived by conventional methods. The function ρa(z*), if known over a broad frequency range, yields a smoothed approximation of the true distribution ρ(z) without an initial model. The relations between ρa(z*) and ρ(z) are studied for a number of multilayer models. An example of the application of the ρa*) algorithm to data from a groundwater survey is given.  相似文献   

Utilizing electromagnetic data in geophysical exploration work is difficult when measured responses are complicated by the effects of 3D structures. 1D and 2D models may not be capable of accurately simulating the physical processes that contribute to a measured response. 3D conductive-host modelling is difficult, costly and time-consuming. Using a 3D inverse procedure it is possible to automate the interpretation of controlled-source electromagnetic data. This procedure uses an inverse formulation based on frequency-domain, volume integral equations and a pulse-basis representation for the internal electrical field and anomalous conductivity. Beginning with an initial model composed of a 3D inhomogeneous region residing in a laterally homogeneous (layered-earth) geoelectrical section, iterative least-squares algorithms are used to refine the geometry and the conductivity of the inhomogeneity. This novel approach for 3D electromagnetic interpretation yields a reliable and stable inverse solution provided constraints on how much the variable can change at each iteration are incorporated. Integral-equation-based inverse formulations that do not correctly address the non-linearity of this inverse problem may have poor convergence properties, particularly when dealing with the high conductivity contrasts that are typical of many exploration problems. While problems associated with contamination of the data by random noise and non-uniqueness of solutions do not usually influence the inverse solution in an adverse manner, problems associated with model inadequacy and errors in an assumed background conductivity structure can produce undesirable effects.  相似文献   

The pioneering work of E. T. Jaynes in the field of Bayesian/Maximum Entropy methods has been successfully explored in a number of disciplines. The principle of maximum entropy (PME) is remarkably powerful and versatile and leads to results which are devoid of spurious structure. Minimum relative entropy (MRE) is a method which has all the important attributes of the maximum-entropy (ME) approach with the advantage that prior information may be easily included. These ‘soft’ prior constraints play a fundamental role in the solution of underdetermined problems. The MRE approach, like ME, has achieved considerable success in the field of spectral analysis where the spectrum is estimated from incomplete autocorrelations. In this paper we apply the MRE philosophy to 1D inverse problems where the model is not necessarily positive, and thus we show that MRE is a general method of tackling linear, underdetermined, inverse problems. We illustrate our discussion with examples which deal with the famous die problem introduced by Jaynes, the question of aliasing, determination of interval velocities from stacking velocities and, finally, the universal problem of band-limited extrapolation. It is found that the MRE solution for the interval velocities, when a uniform prior velocity is assumed, is exactly the Dix formulation which is generally used in the seismic industry.  相似文献   

在深度偏移方法中,把二维隐式方法推广到三维,就会面对一个分块对角矩阵求逆问题. 通常,这种矩阵的求逆将耗费大量计算时间,严重制约了三维隐式方法偏移在实际资料处理中的广泛应用. 在螺旋边界条件下,该矩阵H具有Toeplitz结构的正定厄密矩阵,其快速求逆可由谱法LU分解或直解法快速实现. 本文结合谱法LU分解和直接解法方法的优点,提出了一种混合算法. 文中采用谱分解方法建立起矩阵列元素的谱分解表,并采用直解法的递推公式,可以快速给出矩阵的分解. 通过与谱法分解和直解法在分解精度和分解速度两方面的比较表明,本文方法与谱法相比,在非均匀介质中亥姆霍兹算子矩阵分解时的精度提高10倍;在计算速度方面,混合方法比简化后的直解法快. 因此,该方法的提出,在计算精度许可的条件下,最大限度地减少三维隐式差分偏移中矩阵求逆占用的时间,从而使得该方法能真正用于实际地震资料的处理.  相似文献   

The gravity anomaly caused by a deviation of a density interface that is of constant profile but finite extension (a so-called 2 1/2-dimensional structure) can be expressed in polynomial form that can be inverted. Numerical experiments with synthetic structures show the viability of this inversion method.  相似文献   

DEKORP 2-S is the first profile carried out in the German continental reflection seismic programme. Besides numerous reflections in the lower crust, the seismic section is characterized by strongly curved events that are interpreted as diffractions. These diffractions occur as clusters, mainly in two areas of the profile: the Dinkelsbühl and the Spessart area. This paper deals with the Dinkelsbühl diffractions where three-dimensional control is available. The control is provided by two additional profiles P-1 and Q-40 which run parallel and perpendicular to the main line, DEKORP 2-S. The type and the location of the diffractors are determined by traveltime-modelling using crustal velocity functions derived from in-line wide-angle observations. A model with inclined line diffractors provides the best fit to the data for all three profiles. Projections of these line diffractors to the surface show that they are aligned parallel to the strike direction of the Variscides. This suggests that the diffractions are associated with the suture zone between the Saxothuringian and Moldanubian geological provinces.  相似文献   

倾斜断层深部不均匀滑动的反演计算   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
根据倾斜断层走滑、倾滑及拉张运动产生的地表位移计算公式,利用Harris和Segall的反演方法,建立了倾斜断层具多个滑动分量的反演模型,编制了相应的计算机程序,实现了利用大地测量资料反演计算不同产状断层深部不同运动方向的滑动速率或滑动量。并以北京地区两条主要活动断层为例进行了计算,获得结果与北京地区区域应力场及断层应力场具有较好的一致性  相似文献   

利用川滇地区1991-1999年的高精度GPS观测处理结果,采用稳健 - 贝叶斯最小二乘算法与多断裂位错模型,分析研究了川滇菱形块体主要边界运动的定量模型.反演分析表明:川西鲜水河断裂带和安宁河断裂带的左旋走滑运动速率约30mm/a,倾滑运动(逆断层)速率分别约9-11mm/a;滇西红河断裂带、程海断裂带、鹤庆 - 洱源断裂带的走滑运动(分别为右旋、左旋、左旋)速率分别约、11、13mm/a,倾滑运动(正断层)速率分别约16、24、16mm/a;如将其视为弹性应力应变积累,则各断层每年有相当于6级左右的地震能量积累.依据上述反演结果,模拟了区域主要断层运动引起的水平位移、应变速率场图像,显示了边界断裂及其之间的相互作用.  相似文献   

川滇菱形块体主要边界运动模型的GPS数据反演分析   总被引:29,自引:7,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
利用川滇地区1991-1999年的高精度GPS观测处理结果,采用稳健 - 贝叶斯最小二乘算法与多断裂位错模型,分析研究了川滇菱形块体主要边界运动的定量模型.反演分析表明:川西鲜水河断裂带和安宁河断裂带的左旋走滑运动速率约30mm/a,倾滑运动(逆断层)速率分别约9-11mm/a;滇西红河断裂带、程海断裂带、鹤庆 - 洱源断裂带的走滑运动(分别为右旋、左旋、左旋)速率分别约、11、13mm/a,倾滑运动(正断层)速率分别约16、24、16mm/a;如将其视为弹性应力应变积累,则各断层每年有相当于6级左右的地震能量积累.依据上述反演结果,模拟了区域主要断层运动引起的水平位移、应变速率场图像,显示了边界断裂及其之间的相互作用.  相似文献   

Located at the bend of the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Haiyuan fault zone is a boundary fault of the stable Alashan block, the stable Ordos block and the active Tibet block, and is the most significant fault zone for the tectonic deformation and strong earthquake activity. In 1920, a M8.5 earthquake occurred in the eastern segment of the fault, causing a surface rupture zone of about 240km. After that, the segment has been in a state of calmness in seismic activity, and no destructive earthquakes of magnitude 6 or above have occurred. Determining the current activity of the Haiyuan fault zone is very important and necessary for the analysis and assessment of its future seismic hazard. To study activity of the Haiyuan fault zone, the degree of fault coupling and the future seismic hazard, domestic and foreign scholars have carried out a lot of research using geology methods and GPS geodetic techniques, but these methods have certain limitations. The geology method is a traditional classical method of fault activity research, but dislocation measurement can only be performed on a local good fault outcrop. There are a limited number of field measurement points and the observation results are not equally limited depending on the sampling location and sampling method. The distribution of GPS stations is sparse, especially in the near-fault area, there is almost no GPS data. Therefore, the spatial resolution of the deformation field features obtained by GPS is low, and there are certain limitations in the kinematic parameter inversion using this method. In this study, we obtain the average InSAR line-of-sight deformation field from the Maomaoshan section to the mid-1920s earthquake rupture segment of the Haiyuan earthquake in the period from 2003 to 2010 based on the PSInSAR technique. The results show that there are obvious differences between the slip rates of the two walls of the fault in the north and the south, which are consistent with the motion characteristics of left-lateral strike-slip in the Haiyuan fault zone. Through the analysis of the high-density cross-fault deformation rate profile of the Laohushan segment, it is determined that the creep length is about 19km. Based on the two-dimensional arctangent model, the fault depth and deep slip rate of different locations in the Haiyuan fault zone are obtained. The results show that the slip rate and the locking depth of the LHS segment change significantly from west to east, and the slip rate decreases from west to east, decreasing from 7.6mm/a in the west to 4.5mm/a in the easternmost. The western part of the LHS segment and the middle part are in a locked state. The western part has a locking depth of 4.2~4.4km, and the middle part has a deeper locking depth of 6.9km, while the eastern part is less than 1km, that is, the shallow surface is creeping, and the creep rate is 4.5~4.8mm/a. On the whole, the 1920 earthquake's rupture segment of the Haiyuan fault zone is in a locked state, and both the slip rate and the locking depth are gradually increased from west to east. The slip rate is increased from 3.2mm/a in the western segment to 5.4mm/a in the eastern segment, and the locking depth is increased from 4.8km in the western segment to 7.5km in the eastern segment. The results of this study refine the understanding of the slip rate and the locking depth of the different segments of the Haiyuan fault zone, and provide reference information for the investigation of the strain accumulation state and regional seismic hazard assessment of different sections of the fault zone.  相似文献   

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