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赵成斌 《地震地质》2005,27(1):105-114
文中讨论了在浅层地震勘探中地质结构和构造的复杂性以及对浅层地震勘探成果要求精度较高的特殊性,指出了在浅层地震勘探中发展叠前深度偏移的重要性,并对相移法叠前深度偏移的基本原理和实现方法进行了详细论述,编制了相应的软件。通过使用该方法对 2种理论试验模型进行试算,获得的深度偏移剖面层位清晰,构造明显,较准确地体现了理论模型地质结构和构造的特征,效果良好。然后又使用实际浅层地震反射资料进行了叠前偏移计算,所得结果与已知地质结构和构造相吻合,也取得了较好的结果,证实了该方法及软件的可靠性和实用性,可用于实际浅层地震反射勘探资料的叠前深度偏移处理  相似文献   

The development of crosshole seismic tomography as an imaging method for the subsurface has been hampered by the scarcity of real data. For boreholes in excess of a few hundred metres depth, crosshole seismic data acquisition is still a poorly developed and expensive technology. A partial solution to this relative lack of data has been achieved by the use of an ultrasonic seismic modelling system. Such ultrasonic data, obtained in the laboratory from physical models, provide a useful test of crosshole imaging software. In particular, ultrasonic data have been used to test the efficacy of a convolutional back-projection algorithm, designed for crosshole imaging. The algorithm is described and shown to be less susceptible to noise contamination than a Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) algorithm, and much more computationally efficient.  相似文献   

From the wealth of information which can be deduced from VSP, the information most directly comparable to well logs is considered: P-wave and S-wave interval velocity, acoustic impedance, and the velocity ratio γ=Vs/Vp. This information not only allows better interpretation of surface seismic sections but also improves processing. For these results to be usable a number of precautions must be taken during acquisition and processing; the sampling in depth should be chosen in such a way that aliasing phenomena do not unnecessarily limit the spectra during the separation of upwards and downwards travelling waves. True amplitudes should be respected and checked by recording of signatures, and the interference of upwards and downwards travelling waves should be taken into account for the picking of first arrivals. The different steps in processing and the combination of results in the interpretation of surface seismic results are described with actual records.  相似文献   

The estimation of velocity and depth is an important stage in seismic data processing and interpretation. We present a method for velocity-depth model estimation from unstacked data. This method is formulated as an iterative algorithm producing a model which maximizes some measure of coherency computed along traveltimes generated by tracing rays through the model. In the model the interfaces are represented as cubic splines and it is assumed that the velocity in each layer is constant. The inversion includes the determination of the velocities in all the layers and the location of the spline knots. The process input consists of unstacked seismic data and an initial velocity-depth model. This model is often based on nearby well information and an interpretation of the stacked section. Inversion is performed iteratively layer after layer; during each iteration synthetic travel-time curves are calculated for the interface under consideration. A functional characterizing the main correlation properties of the wavefield is then formed along the synthetic arrival times. It is assumed that the functional reaches a maximum value when the synthetic arrival time curves match the arrival times of the events on the field gathers. The maximum value of the functional is obtained by an effective algorithm of non-linear programming. The present inversion algorithm has the advantages that event picking on the unstacked data is not required and is not based on curve fitting of hyperbolic approximations of the arrival times. The method has been successfully applied to both synthetic and field data.  相似文献   

叠前地震数据的平面波深度偏移法   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一套基于平面波分解的波动方程叠前地震数据深度偏移方法. 通过对共炮点道集和共偏移距道集地震数据的平面波分解,分别得到适用于单平方根波场外推方程和双平方根波场外推方程的共ps(炮点坐标平面波参数)平面波道集和共ph(偏移距坐标平面波参数)平面波道集. 在对共炮点道集和共偏移距道集地震数据的平面波分解时,不需要进行通常意义下的τ p变换计算. 通过对共ps平面波道集和共ph平面波道集的偏移效果对比,我们认为在速度弱横向变化介质中,两种平面波道集偏移方法的效果相当,但对于速度强横向变化介质,共ps平面波道集偏移方法的效果要优于共ph平面波道集偏移方法. 在计算效率方面,共ps平面波道集偏移方法与共ph平面波道集偏移方法基本相同.  相似文献   

Geometrical acoustic and wave theory lead to a second-order partial differential equation that links seismic sections with different offsets. In this equation a time-shift term appears that corresponds to normal moveout; a second term, dependent on offset and time only, corrects the moveout of dipping events. The zero-offset stacked section can thus be obtained by continuing the section with maximum offset towards zero, and stacking along the way the other common-offset sections. Without the correction for dip moveout, the spatial resolution of the section is noticeably impaired, thus limiting the advantages that could be obtained with expensive migration procedures. Trade-offs exist between multiplicity of coverage, spatial resolution, and signal-to-noise; in some cases the spatial resolution on the surface can be doubled and the aliasing noise averaged out. Velocity analyses carried out on data continued to zero offset show a better resolution and improved discrimination against multiples. For instance, sea-floor multiples always appear at water velocity, so that their removal is simplified. This offset continuation can be carried out either in the time-space domain or in the time-wave number domain. The methods are applied both to synthetic and real data.  相似文献   

In seismic migration, it is important to sample a range of dips around the local structural dip at each image point. Meaningful images are obtained only where this condition holds. For cross-hole seismic reflection surveys, the distribution of dips sampled at each image point is controlled principally by the survey geometry, including source and receiver array lengths and their element spacings. Using a real data set as an example, we show how survey geometry can limit imaging capability close to the boreholes and even in the middle of the section between the boreholes. At the processing stage, effective removal of direct waves and accurate estimation of the velocity field are essential for optimizing image quality. For migration, we propose a generalized Berryhill (GB) scheme which is based on the Kirchhoff integral and takes into account both the near-field and far-field terms. This should improve the ability to image close to source and receiver arrays, provided that the element spacing in the nearby array is small enough.  相似文献   

The so-called ‘enhanced migration’ which uses diffraction tomography as the ‘repair tool’ for correction of amplitudes (reflection coefficients) of migrated sections is discussed. As with any linearized procedure, diffraction tomography requires knowledge of the initial model. It is suggested that the initial model is taken as the migrated image. It will be demonstrated that diffraction tomography applied to the data residuals improves the amplitudes of the migrated images. Migration is redefined as the reconstruction of the wavefront sets of distributions (reflection interfaces), and the inversion process as tomographic correction of migrated images.  相似文献   

本文是文献[8]的继续,文中提出了地震勘探的带阻尼波动方程反演的新方法,应用此反演算法可以通过微机识别地层的波阻抗,这里把地层分成100层,地震数据含有10%的误差,且反演计算时间仅仅是正演计算时间的三倍.文献[1]-[4]的计算方法是基于波动方程的混合问题,而文献[8]所提出的反演算法是基于波动方程的哥西问题,许多例子充分说明后者更有效.  相似文献   

This paper describes a field evaluation of an algebraic reconstruction technique for the tomographic imaging of sub-surface velocity anomalies. We describe the construction of a three-dimensional concrete model and the acquisition and processing of seismic traveltime data through the model. Image reconstructions of the data sets, using an algebraic reconstruction technique and incorporating prior knowledge are presented and these are compared with the actual model. Reconstructions show that it is essential that accurate data are obtained as we demonstrate that relatively small errors in the traveltime data can seriously degrade the reconstruction. We also show that raypath effects are very important limiting factors to the analysis.  相似文献   

Three methods for least-squares inversion of receiver array-filtered seismic data are investigated: (1) point receiver inversion where array effects are neglected; (2) preprocessing of the data with an inverse array filter, followed by point receiver inversion; (3) array inversion, where the array effects are included in the forward modelling. The methods are tested on synthetic data generated using the acoustic wave equation and a horizontally stratified earth model. It is assumed that the group length and the group interval are identical. For arrays that are shorter than the minimum wavelength of the emitted wavefield, and when the data are appropriately muted, point receiver inversion (first method) gives satisfactory results. For longer arrays, array inversion (third method) should be used. The failure of the inverse array filter (second method) is due to aliasing problems in the data.  相似文献   

Elastic redatuming can be carried out before or after decomposition of the multicomponent data into independent PP, PS, SP, and SS responses. We argue that from a practical point of view, elastic redatuming is preferably applied after decomposition. We review forward and inverse extrapolation of decomposed P- and S-wavefields. We use the forward extrapolation operators to derive a model of discrete multicomponent seismic data. This forward model is fully described in terms of matrix manipulations. By applying these matrix manipulations in reverse order we arrive at an elastic processing scheme for multicomponent data in which elastic redatuming plays an essential role. Finally, we illustrate elastic redatuming with a controlled 2D example, consisting of simulated multicomponent seismic data.  相似文献   

Seismic data often contain traces that are dominated by noise; these traces should be removed (edited) before multichannel filtering or stacking. Noise bursts and spikes should be edited before single channel filtering. Spikes can be edited using a running median filter with a threshold; noise bursts can be edited by comparing the amplitudes of each trace to those of traces that are nearby in offset-common midpoint space. Relative amplitude decay rates of traces are diagnostic of their signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios and can be used to define trace editing criteria. The relative amplitude decay rate is calculated by comparing the time-gated trace amplitudes to a control function that is the median trace amplitude as a function of time, offset, and common midpoint. The editing threshold is set using a data-adaptive procedure that analyses a histogram of the amplitude decay rates. A performance evaluation shows that the algorithm makes slightly fewer incorrect trace editing decisions than human editors. The procedure for threshold setting achieves a good balance between preserving the fold of the data and removing the noisiest traces. Tests using a synthetic seismic line show that the relative amplitude decay rates are diagnostic of the traces’S/N ratios. However, the S/N ratios cannot be accurately usefully estimated at the start of processing, where noisy-trace editing is most needed; this is the fundamental limit to the accuracy of noisy trace editing. When trace equalization is omitted from the processing flow (as in amplitude-versus-offset analysis), precise noisy-trace editing is critical. The S/N ratio of the stack is more sensitive to type 2 errors (failing to reject noisy traces) than it is to type 1 errors (rejecting good traces). However, as the fold of the data decreases, the S/N ratio of the stack becomes increasingly sensitive to type 1 errors.  相似文献   

Multichannel filters are used to eliminate coherent noise from surface seismic data, for wavefield separation from VSP stacks, and for signal enhancement. Their success generally depends on the choice of the filter parameters and the domain of application. Multichannel filters can be applied to shots (monitors), common-receiver traces, CDP traces and stacked sections. Cascaded applications in these domains are currently performed in the seismic industry for better noise suppression and for signal enhancement. One-step shot-domain filtering is adequate for some applications. However, in practice, cascaded applications in shot-and common-receiver domains usually give better results when the S/N ratio is low. Multichannel filtering after stacking (especially after repeated applications in shot and/or receiver domains) may create undesirable results such as artificial continuations, or smearing and smoothing of small features such as small throw faults and fine stratigraphic details. Consequently, multichannel filtering after stacking must be undertaken with the utmost care and occasionally only as a last resort. Multichannel filters with fan-shaped responses (linear moveout filters) should be applied after NMO correction. These are the filters commonly used in the seismic industry where they have such names as velocity filters, moveout filters, f-k filters and coherency filters. Filtering before NMO correction may result in break-up and flattening especially of those shallow reflection events with relatively higher curvatures and diffractions. NMO correction is needed prior to wavefield separation from VSP stacks for the same practical reasons outlined above whenever source-receiver offsets are involved. Creation of artificial lineup and smearing at the outputs of multichannel filters is presently the common practical concern. Optimum multichannel filters with well-defined pass, reject and transition bands overcome the latter problems when applied before stacking and after NMO correction. The trace dimension of these filters must be kept small to avoid such lineups and the smoothing of small structures. Good results can be obtained with only five traces, but seven traces seems to be a better compromise both in surface and well seismic applications. The so-called f-k filtering and τ-p domain filtering are no exceptions to the above practical considerations. Residual static computations after multichannel filtering also need special consideration. Since multichannel filtering improves spatial continuity, residual static algorithms using local correlation, i.e. nonsurface-consistent algorithms, may be impractical especially after multichannel filtering.  相似文献   

利用联合反演技术进行反射地震的波速成象   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了根据反射地震数据进行波速成象的一种方法,其基础为多种反演技术的综合。由于要求的波速图象C(x,z)具有间断性,除利用走时数据T(x,t)外,在地层比较水平的情况下,还利用了均方根速度V(x,t)和统计子波W(t)的数据来成象。计算机层析成象过程分为三步:首先重做速度分析,取得与初次反射走时一致的均方根速度数据;然后用反射走时与均方根速度联合反演对应分析道的层速度和界面深度;最后由联合反演结果和反射面走时求波速图象函数的数字化版。文中还给出了波速成象方法在我国西北某沉积盆地上的应用及验证结果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了根据反射地震数据进行波速成象的一种方法,其基础为多种反演技术的综合。由于要求的波速图象C(x,z)具有间断性,除利用走时数据T(x,t)外,在地层比较水平的情况下,还利用了均方根速度V(x,t)和统计子波W(t)的数据来成象。计算机层析成象过程分为三步:首先重做速度分析,取得与初次反射走时一致的均方根速度数据;然后用反射走时与均方根速度联合反演对应分析道的层速度和界面深度;最后由联合反演结果和反射面走时求波速图象函数的数字化版。文中还给出了波速成象方法在我国西北某沉积盆地上的应用及验证结果。  相似文献   

工程VSP技术在三峡坝区中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对长江三峡枢纽工程坝区白岩尖1井的工程VSP测试,在采用四分量采集、双子波监控和复杂波场的波形识别等技术的基础上,提出反映岩石特性的多种动弹模量,综合解释井口周围复杂的花岗岩岩体内部风化带分布和裂隙及岩脉充填分布.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the vertical resolving power of a seismic signal is controlled by three aspects: the width of the central lobe, the side lobe ratio, and the side-tail oscillations. A comparative study of zero-phase signals covering the same frequency range shows that improvement of any one of these aspects inevitably leads to deterioration of one of the other aspects. An analytical simulation model is proposed of zero-phase signals free from side-tail oscillations, in which both the width of the central lobe and the side lobe ratio are adjustable. Analysis of the spectra of this model shows that, while the high frequency content of the spectrum is essential for obtaining a small width of the central lobe, the low frequency content of the spectrum plays an essential part in causing a low value of the side lobe ratio.  相似文献   

苏北大陆科学钻探靶区深反射地震的叠前深度偏移   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
由于深反射地震数据具有信噪比低和记录长度长等特点,叠前深度偏移方法的应用有许多困难.为此,我们研究了一种适合于深反射地震的叠前深度偏移方法;包括:用逆风有限差分方法计算程函方程;在常规速度扫描的基础上,用协方差控制提高速度分析精度;用联合反演算法计算层速度,再插值后得到初始速度模型;用Kirchhoff法作为偏移速度分析工具,求得最终的速度模型;最终的速度模型作为有限差分深度偏移的输入,求得最终的偏移结果.用该方法对“中国大陆科学深钻工程”东海二维深反射地震数据DH-4线进行了叠前深度偏移,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

小波分析方法用于地震宽角反折射资料处理 ,它可将地震信号的分辨率由传统的1 /2— 1 /4λ(波长 )提高到优于 1 /6λ .利用小波分析方法对沙雅—布尔津地震宽角反折射剖面资料进行处理 ,发现天山造山带的壳幔过渡带由 7— 8个高低速相间的薄层构成 ,平均速度较低 ,总厚度约 2 0km .而塔里木盆地北缘与准噶尔盆地的壳幔过渡带不具有这一特点 ,壳幔间主要以一级间断面实现过渡 .天山造山带与准噶尔盆地壳幔过渡带详细结构及其二者之间的差异特征为天山造山带地球动力学“层间插入消减模型”的建立提供了重要依据  相似文献   

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