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W.A. WENSINK 《Geophysical Prospecting》1993,41(6):671-696
The effective relative dielectric constant ?e, r and the effective conductivity σe have each been determined as a function of frequency in the range 1–3000 MHz at volumetric water contents of up to approximately 0.74 for clays, 0.83 for a peat and 0.56 for a silt. At frequencies above about 25 MHz (depending on soil type), ?e, rincreases with water content for all samples. However, at lower frequencies, ?e, ronly increases with water content as long as the wet density also increases, which is the case for water contents up to a critical value lying between 0.35 and 0.48. At higher water contents, ?e, rand the wet density decrease with increasing water content. Consequently, curves of ?e, rversus frequency for two wet samples with different water contents, at least one of them higher than the critical value, are seen to cross at about 25 MHz. Below the critical value the curve of the sample with the lower water content is below the other curve at all freqencies applied. At a given frequency, σe has a maximum as a function of water content. This is tentatively explained by assuming that σe is the sum of pore water conductivity (increasing with water content until all salts in the soil are dissolved into the water and then decreasing) and surface water conductivity (increasing with wet density and therefore increasing with water content up to the critical value and then decreasing). At frequencies higher than 1000 MHz, ?e, rdepends only weakly on salinity (which is represented by the measured conductivity). It shows an increasing dependence if the frequency is decreased towards 1 MHz. The highest values of ?e, rand σe, measured in this work, occur for a sample of wet, nearly saturated silt originating from a location below sea-level near to the Dead Sea, Israel: ?e, rdecreases continuously from a value of about 104 at 3 MHz to about 102 at 200 MHz, while σe rises from about 4 S/m to 5 S/m at these respective frequencies. The dependence of the wavelength on the loss-tangent is strong and the wavelength is considerably smaller than it would be in a dielectric. This is the only sample for which σe increases with water content, even if the latter is above its critical value. Therefore it is assumed that the pore water conductivity is greater than the surface water conductivity if the volumetric water content is lower than 0.564, the maximum value applied. The measurements give evidence for the presence of a relaxation at about 3 MHz for all samples examined. 相似文献
讨论了云南地区不同震级范围的小震频度在强震前的时间进程曲线,发现在介质比较破碎地区,震级偏小的地震频度显示出较明显的强震前孕震系统的非线性阶段,而在介质比较完整的地区,则震级偏大的地震频度反应较明显。为此,引入了频度比的概念,结果表明,强震孕震区的频度比表现为在强震前2—4年,持续增加或持续降低,在强震前1—2年,呈(增加后)降低或(降低后)增加的异常变化,曲线形态出现拐点。对频度比在实际预报工作中的预报能力,也进行了讨 相似文献
本文在10-3-1.5×102 Hz频率范围内测定并讨论了我国九省十四个地区130余块硫化矿石和石墨化岩(矿)石标本的复阻抗振幅和相位的频率特性。并对其中80余块标本作了镜下岩矿鉴定分析工作。对每条实测的相位频率特性曲线按Cole-Cole模型通过电子计算机进行了拟合。分析讨论了影响各种岩(矿)石频率特性的主要因素,特别是导电矿物成分这个因素。弄清了一些规律,为今后在三维条件下进一步研究矿物成分的区分问题提供了重要的物性基础。 相似文献
本文运用磁场的最小方差分析法和磁场-电子密度的相关分析法分析了欧洲空间局Giotto飞船对P/Grigg-Skjellerup(简称G-S)彗星弓激波附近磁场和电子能流的部分观测数据.结果表明彗星附近存在大量的频率靠近新生水族离子回旋频率的波动,它们是由彗星新生水族离子环流激发的低频左旋电磁波.波在近似平行于磁场方向传播,斜传播角小于15°.电子数据和磁场数据相关分析表明即使在离彗星很远的地方仍然存在压缩波. 相似文献
一、引言 在地球弓激波前存在着低频磁流体波。这种低频磁流体波是太阳风在地球弓激波上的反射粒子和太阳风粒子之间相互作用产生的。根据人造卫星的观测资料可以得到,在地球弓激波前,Pc3—4脉动频率范围内的低频磁流体波的主频率和行星际磁场强度 相似文献
重力固体潮观测资料中的零漂项,从整体上看,在缓慢地变化着,本文以朔望月的一半作为时间长工,分段对零漂进行线性模拟,之后,再进一步消除长周期潮汐波对零漂的影响,提出了零漂的变化,这是一种低频非潮汐信息,它负载于零漂之上,可能含有地震前兆。 相似文献
一、引言 在地球弓激波前存在着低频磁流体波。这种低频磁流体波是太阳风在地球弓激波上的反射粒子和太阳风粒子之间相互作用产生的。根据人造卫星的观测资料可以得到,在地球弓激波前,Pc3-4脉动频率范围内的低频磁流体波的主频率和行星际磁场强度 相似文献
K. MALLICK 《Geophysical Prospecting》1971,19(1):156-161
The interface phenomena for low periods, i.e. the initial oscillations, and the cut-off periods are two characteristic features in Magnetotelluric Sounding curves. A method is proposed to distinguish between transitional and homogeneous layered earth by means of these two features. 相似文献
南极中山站和戴维斯站均位于极隙区纬度附近,均安装了完全相同的感应式磁力计.选择两站的数据,1997年3月和1996年6、9、12月,运用信号互谱技术进行统计分析,结果得到:在中山站-戴维斯站,Pc5脉动出现时间范围较广,但以地方时中午/磁中午及磁午夜附近出现频次多,其振幅、传播及发生率季节变化不大.振幅白天变化小,中午有小峰,夜间有时有大值.传播方向白天以磁中午为界,晨侧向西传播,直至磁凌晨;昏侧向东传播,约在5:00MLT处转向.夜间约以20:00 MLT为界,之前向西传播,之后向东传播,磁黄昏附近,Pc5脉动传播方向变化较多,显得不规则.这些特征,反映了Pc5脉动在不同地方时段有不同的起源. 相似文献
本文研究了中纬电离层Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性和漂移不稳定性的基本性质.如果不存在中性风和背景电场,中纬Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性的增长率比赤道相应条件下的小.中性风和电场对中纬Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性有重要影响.当中性风速度达到10m/s时,其作用就超过了重力.漂移不稳定性也受到重力、中性风和电场的影响,离子-中性粒子碰撞能降低漂移不稳定性的增长率.本文的分析表明,在赤道电离层容易产生大尺度的Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性,在中纬电离层易产生小尺度的漂移不稳定性. 相似文献
本文研究了中纬电离层Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性和漂移不稳定性的基本性质.如果不存在中性风和背景电场,中纬Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性的增长率比赤道相应条件下的小.中性风和电场对中纬Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性有重要影响.当中性风速度达到10m/s时,其作用就超过了重力.漂移不稳定性也受到重力、中性风和电场的影响,离子-中性粒子碰撞能降低漂移不稳定性的增长率.本文的分析表明,在赤道电离层容易产生大尺度的Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性,在中纬电离层易产生小尺度的漂移不稳定性. 相似文献
A model has been developed to relate the velocities of acoustic waves Vp and Vs in unconsolidated permafrost to the porosity and extent of freezing of the interstitial water. The permafrost is idealized as an assemblage of spherical quartz grains embedded in a matrix composed of spherical inclusions of water in ice. The wave-scattering theory of Kuster and Toksoz is used to determine the effective elastic moduli, and hence the acoustic velocities. The model predicts Vp and Vs to be decreasing functions of both the porosity and the water-to-ice ratio. The theory has been applied to laboratory measurements of Vp and Vs in 31 permafrost samples from the North American Arctic. Although no direct measurements were made of the extent of freezing in these samples, the data are consistent with the predictions of the model. Electrical resistivity measurements on the permafrost samples have demonstrated their essentially resistive behaviour. The ratio of resistivity of permafrost in its frozen state to that in its unfrozen state has been related to the extent of freezing in the samples. Electromagnetic and seismic reflection surveys can be used together in areas of permafrost: firstly an EM survey to determine the extent of freezing and then the acoustic velocity model to predict the velocities in the permafrost. The necessary transit time corrections can thus be made on seismic reflection records to compensate for the presence of permafrost. 相似文献
利用1992~2001年华北地区多次GPS测量得到的该地区144个测站的水平运动速率和它们的误差估计,研究了该地区的水平形变,确定了华北现今主要活动地块的运动、整体变形、局部变形和边界带的活动强度和方式,并据此估计了强震危险性.在研究中水平位移观测值被分解成3部分位移的叠加,即第一部分是整个华北地区跟随欧亚板块的运动,这一部分可由NUVAL-IA模型确定;第二部分是研究区内各次级构造块体的相对运动和变形,它可以由本文推广的QUAD方法所确定一组点的位移观测值确定;第三部分是次级块体内的局部变形和误差,这一部分的变形可以用块体的非均匀应变来描述.文中详细介绍了方法和结果. 相似文献
本文提出岩石破裂时产生的低频电磁辐射起源于微破裂引起的电子发射,并用电四极子模型计算了近区电磁场的频率特性.结果表明,近区电磁场的频率与样品尺寸和初始裂纹长度有关,利用典型实验样品尺寸和花岗岩初始裂纹数据计算出近区电磁场的频率为50kHZ-1MHz量级.它与已有实验测量结果相符. 相似文献