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L. Brocca  F. Melone  T. Moramarco 《水文研究》2011,25(18):2801-2813
Nowadays, in the scientific literature many rainfall‐runoff (RR) models are available ranging from simpler ones, with a limited number of parameters, to highly complex ones, with many parameters. Therefore, the selection of the best structure and parameterisation for a model is not straightforward as it is dependent on a number of factors: climatic conditions, catchment characteristics, temporal and spatial resolution, model objectives, etc. In this study, the structure of a continuous semi‐distributed RR model, named MISDc (‘Modello Idrologico Semi‐Distribuito in continuo’) developed for flood simulation in the Upper Tiber River (central Italy) is presented. Most notably, the methodology employed to detect the more relevant processes involved in the modelling of high floods, and hence, to build the model structure and its parameters, is developed. For this purpose, an intense activity of monitoring soil moisture and runoff in experimental catchments was carried out allowing to derive a parsimonious and reliable continuous RR model operating at an hourly (or smaller) time scale. Specifically, in order to determine the catchment hydrological response, the important role of the antecedent wetness conditions is emphasized. The application of MISDc both for design flood estimation and for flood forecasting is reported here demonstrating its reliability and also its computational efficiency, another important factor in hydrological practice. As far as the flood forecasting applications are concerned, only the accuracy of the model in reproducing discharge hydrographs by assuming rainfall correctly known throughout the event is investigated indepth. In particular, the MISDc has been implemented in the framework of Civil Protection activities for the Upper Tiber River basin. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The rating curve model (RCM) proposed by Moramarco and co-authors is modified here for flood forecasting purposes without using rainfall information. The RCM is a simple approach for discharge assessment at a river site of interest based on relating the local recorded stage and the remote discharge monitored at an upstream gauged river site located some distance away. The proposed RCM for real-time application (RCM-RT), involves only two parameters and can be used for river reaches where significant lateral flows occur. The forecast lead time depends on the mean wave travel time of the reach. The model is found to be accurate for a long reach of the Po River (northern Italy) and for two branches of the Tiber River (central Italy) characterized by different intermediate drainage areas and wave travel times. Moreover, the assessment of the forecast uncertainty coming from the model parameters is investigated by performing a Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, the model capability to accurately forecast the exceedence of fixed hydrometric thresholds is analysed.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor C. Perrin  相似文献   

Many civil infrastructures are located near the confluence of two streams, where they may be subject to inundation by high flows from either stream or both. These infrastructures, such as highway bridges, are designed to meet specified performance objectives for floods of a specified return period (e.g. the 100 year flood). Because the flooding of structures on one stream can be affected by high flows on the other stream, it is important to know the relationship between the coincident exceedence probabilities on the confluent stream pair in many hydrological engineering practices. Currently, the National Flood Frequency Program (NFF), which was developed by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and based on regional analysis, is probably the most popular model for ungauged site flood estimation and could be employed to estimate flood probabilities at the confluence points. The need for improved infrastructure design at such sites has motivated a renewed interest in the development of more rigorous joint probability distributions of the coincident flows. To accomplish this, a practical procedure is needed to determine the crucial bivariate distributions of design flows at stream confluences. In the past, the copula method provided a way to construct multivariate distribution functions. This paper aims to develop the Copula‐based Flood Frequency (COFF) method at the confluence points with any type of marginal distributions via the use of Archimedean copulas and dependent parameters. The practical implementation was assessed and tested against the standard NFF approach by a case study in Iowa's Des Moines River. Monte Carlo simulations proved the success of the generalized copula‐based joint distribution algorithm. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High resolution radar rainfall fields and a distributed hydrologic model are used to evaluate the sensitivity of flood and flash flood simulations to spatial aggregation of rainfall and soil properties at catchment scales ranging from 75 to 983 km2. Hydrologic modeling is based on a Hortonian infiltration model and a network-based representation of hillslope and channel flow. The investigation focuses on three extreme flood and flash flood events occurred on the Sesia river basin, North Western Italy, which are analysed by using four aggregation lengths ranging from 1 to 16 km. The influence of rainfall spatial aggregation is examined by using the flow distance as a spatial coordinate, hence emphasising the role of river network in the averaging of space–time rainfall. The effects of reduced and distorted rainfall spatial variability on peak discharge have been found particularly severe for the flash flood events, with peak errors up to 35% for rainfall aggregation of 16 km and at 983 km2 catchment size. Effects are particularly remarkable when significant structured rainfall variability combines with relatively important infiltration volumes due to dry initial conditions, as this emphasises the non-linear character of the rainfall–runoff relationship. In general, these results confirm that the correct estimate of rainfall volume is not enough for the accurate reproduction of flash flood events characterised by large and structured rainfall spatial variability, even at catchment scales around 250 km2. However, accurate rainfall volume estimation may suffice for less spatially variable flood events. Increasing the soil properties aggregation length exerts similar effects on peak discharge errors as increasing the rainfall aggregation length, for the cases considered here and after rescaling to preserve the rainfall volume. Moreover, peak discharge errors are roughly proportional to runoff volume errors, which indicates that the shape of the flood wave is influenced in a limited way by modifying the detail of the soil property spatial representation. Conversely, rainfall aggregation may exert a pronounced influence on the discharge peak by reshaping the spatial organisation of the runoff volumes and without a comparable impact on the runoff volumes.  相似文献   

Estimation of design flood in ungauged catchments is a common problem in hydrology. Methods commonly adopted for this task are limited to peak flow estimation, e.g. index flood, rational and regression‐based methods. To estimate complete design hydrograph, rainfall–runoff modelling is preferred. The currently recommended method in Australia known as Design Event Approach (DEA) has some serious limitations since it ignores the probabilistic nature of principal model inputs (such as temporal patterns (TP) and initial loss) except for design rainfall depth. A more holistic approach such as Joint Probability Approach (JPA)/Monte Carlo Simulation Technique (MCST) can overcome some of the limitations associated with the DEA. Although JPA/MCST has been investigated by many researchers, it has been proved to be difficult to apply since its routine application needs readily available regional design data such as stochastic rainfall duration, TP and losses, which are largely unavailable for Australian states. This paper presents regionalization of the model inputs/parameters to the JPA/MCST for eastern New South Wales (NSW) in Australia. This uses data from 86 pluviograph stations and six catchments from NSW to regionalize the input distributions for application with the JPA/MCST. The independent testing to three test catchments shows that the regionalized JPA/MCST generally outperforms the at‐site DEA. The developed regionalized JPA/MCST can be applied at any arbitrary location in eastern NSW. The method and design data developed here although primarily applicable to eastern NSW can be adapted to other Australian states and countries. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River temperature models play an increasingly important role in the management of fisheries and aquatic resources. Among river temperature models, forecasting models remain relatively unused compared to water temperature simulation models. However, water temperature forecasting is extremely important for in-season management of fisheries, especially when short-term forecasts (a few days) are required. In this study, forecast and simulation models were applied to the Little Southwest Miramichi River (New Brunswick, Canada), where water temperatures can regularly exceed 25–29°C during summer, necessitating associated fisheries closures. Second- and third-order autoregressive models (AR2, AR3) were calibrated and validated using air temperature as the exogenous variable to predict minimum, mean and maximum daily water temperatures. These models were then used to predict river temperatures in forecast mode (1-, 2- and 3-day forecasts using real-time data) and in simulation mode (using only air temperature as input). The results showed that the models performed better when used to forecast rather than simulate water temperatures. The AR3 model slightly outperformed the AR2 in the forecasting mode, with root mean square errors (RMSE) generally between 0.87°C and 1.58°C. However, in the simulation mode, the AR2 slightly outperformed the AR3 model (1.25°C < RMSE < 1.90°C). One-day forecast models performed the best (RMSE ~ 1°C) and model performance decreased as time lag increased (RMSE close to 1.5°C after 3 days). The study showed that marked improvement in the modelling can be accomplished using forecasting models compared to water temperature simulations, especially for short-term forecasts.

EDITOR M.C. Acreman ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Huang  相似文献   

修建在河流支流入汇口处的水利工程,同时受干、支流洪水共同作用,其防洪水位不但与洪水组合特性有关,还与洪水、水利工程行洪的耦合关系有关.已有采用设计洪水重现期对应的特征洪水组合,或者直接采用经验洪水组合进行调洪计算得到防洪设计水位的方法无法有效反映洪水与水利工程的相互作用.本文结合防洪标准的本质,利用Copula-蒙特卡罗模拟方法对修建在支流入汇口处的水利工程的防洪设计水位进行计算,并以珠江流域西江支流郁江广西桂平航运枢纽水闸为例展开研究.结果表明:Copula-蒙特卡罗模拟方法可以有效考虑干、支流洪水组合特性及其与水利工程行洪的耦合关系,以其计算得到的防洪设计水位唯一且可保证达到防洪标准的要求,可有效克服利用洪水重现期确定防洪设计水位存在的不确定性;在干、支流洪水共同作用下,以设计洪水重现期的不同特征组合计算得到的防洪设计水位相差非常大,且与达到防洪标准要求的防洪设计水位相比完全偏离了合理的误差范围,不宜以设计洪水重现期确定防洪设计水位;利用经验洪水组合计算难以合理反映不同工程的洪水及工程特性.研究成果可为修建在支流入汇口处受干、支流洪水共同影响的水利工程防洪设计提供更合理的理论依据和...  相似文献   


Abstract After the destructive flood in 1998, the Chinese government planned to build national weather radar networks and to use radar data for real-time flood forecasting. Hence, coupling of weather radar rainfall data and a hydrological (Xinanjiang) model became an important issue. The present study reports on experience in such coupling at the Shiguanhe watershed. After having corrected the radar reflectivity and the attenuation data, the weather radar rainfall was estimated and then corrected in real time using a Kalman filter. In general, the precipitation estimated from weather radar is reasonably accurate in most of the catchment investigated, after corrections as above. Compared to the results simulated by raingauge data, the simulations based on the weather radar data are of similar accuracy. Present research results show that rainfall estimated from the weather radar, the radar data correction method, the method of coupling, and the Xinanjiang model lend themselves well to application in operational real-time flood forecasting.  相似文献   

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