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Assuming homogeneity in alluvial aquifers is convenient, but limits our ability to accurately predict stream‐aquifer interactions. Research is needed on (i) identifying the presence of focused, as opposed to diffuse, groundwater discharge/recharge to streams and (ii) the magnitude and role of large‐scale bank and transient storage in alluvial floodplains relative to changes in stream stage. The objective of this research was to document and quantify the effect of stage‐dependent aquifer heterogeneity and bank storage relative to changes in stream stage using groundwater flow divergence and direction. Monitoring was performed in alluvial floodplains adjacent to the Barren Fork Creek and Honey Creek in northeastern Oklahoma. Based on results from subsurface electrical resistivity mapping, observation wells were installed in high and low electrical resistivity subsoils. Water levels in the wells were recorded real time using pressure transducers (August to October 2009). Divergence was used to quantify heterogeneity (i.e. variation in hydraulic conductivity, porosity, and/or aquifer thickness), and flow direction was used to assess the potential for large‐scale (100 m) bank or transient storage. Areas of localized heterogeneity appeared to act as divergence zones allowing stream water to quickly enter the groundwater system, or as flow convergence zones draining a large groundwater area. Maximum divergence or convergence occurred with maximum rates of change in flow rates or stream stage. Flow directions in the groundwater changed considerably between base and high flows, suggesting that the floodplains acted as large‐scale bank storage zones, rapidly storing and releasing water during passage of a storm hydrograph. During storm events at both sites, the average groundwater direction changed by at least 90° from the average groundwater direction during baseflow. Aquifer heterogeneity in floodplains yields hyporheic flows that are more responsive and spatially and temporally complex than would be expected compared to more common assumptions of homogeneity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Investigations of phosphorus cycling and transport in streams lend insight into potential mechanisms of nutrient sequestration and can help mitigate human impacts. In this study, we examined the relationship between transient storage and phosphorus uptake in a cold‐water stream in western Wisconsin. Hydrological characteristics, nutrient spiralling metrics, macrophyte biomass, and geomorphological properties were quantified in 7 reaches of Spring Coulee Creek using injections of a conservative tracer alone or with added PO43?. Fraction of median travel time due to transient storage (Fmed200) was correlated with macrophyte biomass (r = .794, p = .033), and PO43? uptake velocity was correlated with Fmed200 (r = .756, p = .049). Stepwise linear regression was used to build models for transient storage and uptake velocity. Macrophyte biomass, stream bed slope, and riffle to pool ratio accounted for 99.6% of the variation in transient storage (p < .001). Transient storage, canopy cover, and slope accounted for 98.0% of the variation in uptake velocity (p = .002). This study shows that transient storage, primarily resulting from macrophyte beds, can be a significant factor regulating phosphorus uptake in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Todd Redding  Kevin Devito 《水文研究》2010,24(21):2995-3010
Rainfall simulation experiments by Redding and Devito ( 2008 , Hydrological Processes 23: 4287–4300) on two adjacent plots of contrasting antecedent soil moisture storage on an aspen‐forested hillslope on the Boreal Plain showed that lateral flow generation occurred only once large soil storage capacity was saturated combined with a minimum event precipitation of 15–20 mm. This paper extends the results of Redding and Devito ( 2008 , Hydrological Processes 23: 4287–4300) with detailed analysis of pore pressure, soil moisture and tracer data from the rainfall simulation experiments, which is used to identify lateral flow generation mechanisms and flow pathways. Lateral flow was not generated until soils were wet into the fine textured C horizon. Lateral flow occurred dominantly through the clay‐rich Bt horizon by way of root channels. Lateral flow during the largest event was dominated by event water, and precipitation intensity was critical in lateral flow generation. Lateral flow was initiated as preferential flow near the soil surface into root channels, followed by development of a perched water table at depth, which also interacted with preferential flow pathways to move water laterally by the transmissivity feedback mechanism. The results indicate that lateral flow generated by rainfall on these hillslopes is uncommon because of the generally high available soil moisture storage capacity and the low probability of rainfall events of sufficient magnitude and intensity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The understanding of nutrient uptake in streams is impeded by a limited understanding of how geomorphic setting and flow regime interact with biogeochemical processing. This study investigated these interactions as they relate to transient storage and nitrate uptake in small agricultural and urban streams. Sites were selected across a gradient of channel conditions and management modifications and included three 180‐m long geomorphically distinct reaches on each of two streams in north‐central Colorado. The agricultural stream has been subject to historically variable cattle‐grazing practices, and the urban stream exhibits various levels of stabilisation and planform alteration. Reach‐scale geomorphic complexity was characterised using highly detailed surveys of channel morphology, substrate, hydraulics and habitat units. Breakthrough‐curve modelling of conservative bromide (Br?) and nonconservative nitrate (NO3?) tracer injections characterised transient storage and nitrate uptake along each reach. Longitudinal roughness and flow depth were positively associated with transient storage, which was related to nitrate uptake, thus underscoring the importance of geomorphic influences on stream biogeochemical processes. In addition, changes in geomorphic characteristics due to temporal discharge variation led to complex responses in nitrate uptake. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impact of urbanization on stream channels is of interest due to the growth of cities and the sensitivity of stream morphology and ecology to hydrologic change. Channel enlargement is a commonly observed effect and channel evolution models can help guide management efforts, but the models must be used in the proper geologic and climatic context. Semi‐alluvial channels characterized by a relatively thin alluvial layer over clay till and a convex channel profile in a temperate climate are not represented in currently available models. In this study we: (i) assess channel enlargement; and (ii) propose a channel evolution model for an urban semi‐alluvial creek in Toronto, Canada. The system is 90% developed with an imperviousness of approximately 47%. Channel enlargement is assessed by comparing 50 year old construction surveys, a recent survey of a relic channel, low‐precision surveys of channel change over a 15 year period, and high‐precision surveys over a three year period. The enlargement ratio of the channel since 1958 is 2.6, but could be as high 8.2 in comparison with the pre‐urban channel. When the increase in flow capacity is considered, the enlargement ratio is 1.9 since 1958 and up to 6.0 in comparison with the pre‐urban channel. Channel enlargement continues in the contemporary channel at an estimated rate of 0.23 m2/year. A five stage model is presented to describe channel evolution in the lower reaches. In this model the coarse lag material from glacial sources provides a natural resilience to the bed and incision occurs only after the increased flows from urbanization are combined with higher slopes as a result of channel straightening or avulsions. Further research should be done to assess stream behaviour close to an identified geologic control point. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Preferred infiltration is mainly perceived as vertically down whereas subsurface storm flow is thought to occur parallel to slopes. The transition from vertical to lateral flow in a layered hillslope soil is the focus of the contribution. Transient flow is assumed to move as a wetting front. Three time‐domain reflectometry (TDR) wave‐guides, each 0·15 m long, were mounted in the shape of a truncated tetrahedron with its peak pointing down. Each wave‐guide focuses the front velocity along its axis. The three front‐velocity vectors are decomposed into their x, y and z components, which are then assembled to the resultant velocity vector. The volume density flux of preferred flow is the product of the front velocity and the mobile water content. The latter is the amplitude of transient soil moisture measured with each wave‐guide. The resultant vector of the volume flux density is computed similarly to the velocity vector. The experimental approach allows for the rapid assessment of transient flows without relying on the variation of water potentials. The experiments indicate that the directions of the resultant vectors of velocity and volume flux density can be estimated if the moisture variations of the three TDR wave‐guides are strongly correlated during the passing of the wetting front. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explore the fluvial response to faulting in three low‐gradient, sand‐bed rivers in south‐eastern Louisiana, USA, that flow across active normal faults from footwall (upstream) to hangingwall (downstream). We calculate sinuosity, migration rate and migration direction in order to identify anomalies spatially associated with fault scarps. In two of the rivers we model one‐dimensional steady water flow to identify anomalies in surface water slope, width‐to‐depth ratio, and shear stress. In each of these rivers there is one location where flow modeling suggests potential channel incision through the footwall, as indicated by relatively high surface water slopes and shear stress values. In one of these footwall locations, the river straightens and width‐to‐depth ratios decrease, likely contributing to higher surface water slopes and shear stress. This is in contrast to previous studies that have proposed increased sinuosity across fault footwalls and decreased sinuosity across hangingwalls. However, in two hangingwall locations we also observe relatively less sinuous channels. Other planform changes on the hangingwall include topographic steering of channels along and towards the fault and one example of an avulsion. The most notable anomaly in migration rate occurs on the hangingwall of a fault where a river has cut off a meander loop. Although fluvial response to faulting varies here, comparatively large and small channels exhibit similar responses. Further, Pleistocene fault slip rates are orders of magnitude lower than the channel migration rates, suggesting that faulting should not be a major influence on the fluvial evolution. Nonetheless, notable channel anomalies exist near faults, suggesting that recent fault slip rates are higher than Pleistocene rates, and/or that low‐gradient alluvial channels are more sensitive to faulting than previous studies have suggested. Rivers appear to be influenced by faulting in this setting, however background rates of meander loop cutoff may be just as influential as faulting. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hyporheic restoration is of increasing interest given the role of hyporheic zones in supporting ecosystem services and functions. Given the prevalence of sediment pollution to waterways, an emerging restoration technique involves the removal of sediment from the interstices of gravel‐bed streams. Here, we document streambed sediment removal following a large, accidental release of fine sediment into a gravel‐bed river. We use this as a natural experiment to assess the impact of fine sediment removal on reach‐scale measures of transient storage and to document the responses of reaches with contrasting morphology (restored vs. unrestored) to changing discharge one‐field season. We conducted a series of conservative solute tracer experiments in each reach, interpreting both summary statistics for the recovered in‐stream solute tracer time series. Additionally, we applied the transient storage model to interpret the results via model parameters, including a Monte Carlo analysis to measure parameter identifiability and sensitivity in each experiment. Despite the restoration effort resulting in an open matrix gravel bed in the restored reach, we did not find the significant differences in most time series metrics describing reach‐scale transport and transient storage. We hypothesize that this is due to enhanced vertical exchange with the gravel bed in the restored reach replacing lateral exchange with macrophyte beds in the unrestored reach, developing a conceptual model to explain our findings. Consequently, we found that the impact of reach‐scale removal of fine sediment is not measureable using reach‐scale solute tracer studies. We offer recommendations for future studies seeking to measure the impacts of stream restoration at the reach scale.  相似文献   

Agricultural use of soils implies tillage and often compaction and therefore influences processes on soil surface and affects infiltration of water into the subsoil. Although many studies on soil surface processes or flow patterns in soils exist, works relating both are rare in literature. We did two tracer experiments with Brilliant Blue FCF on a tilled and compacted plot and a non‐tilled one to investigate water storage on the soil surface during simulated rainfall and changes of soil microtopography, to analyse the associated flow patterns in the soil and to relate both to tillage and compaction. Our results show that storage was larger on the tilled and compacted plot than on the non‐tilled one. After tillage, transport processes above the plough pan were partly disconnected from those underneath because macropores were disrupted and buried by the tillage operation. However, preferential flow along cracks occurred on both plots and the macropores buried below the tillage pan still functioned as preferential flow paths. Therefore, we conclude that the studied soil is susceptible to deep vertical solute propagation at dry conditions when cracks are open, irrespective of tillage and compaction. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil pipes are important subsurface flow pathways in many soil erosion phenomena. However, limited research has been performed on quantifying and characterizing their flow and transport characteristics. The objectives of this research were to determine the applicability of a streamflow model with transient storage in deriving flow and transport characteristics of soil pipes. Tracer data from pulse inputs were collected in four different soil pipes after a fluorescein dye was injected in the upstream end of each soil pipe network in three branches (west, middle, and east) of a main catchment and a back catchment in Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed in Mississippi. Multiple sampling stations were positioned along each soil pipe network. The transient storage zone model OTIS‐P was executed inversely to estimate transport parameters by soil pipe reach such as the soil pipe cross‐sectional area (A), soil storage zone cross‐sectional area (As), and exchange rate between the soil pipe and the soil storage zone (αs). Model convergence was achieved, and simulated breakthrough curves of the reaches were in good agreement with actual tracer data for eight of the nine reaches of the three branches of the Main Catchment and five of the seven reaches of the Back Catchment soil pipe. Simulation parameters for the soil pipe networks were similar to the range of values reported for flow and transport characteristics commonly observed in streams. Inversely, estimated soil pipe flow velocities were higher with increased tortuosity, which led to a smaller cross‐sectional areas predicted for the soil pipe flowpaths, while other parameters were not sensitive to tortuosity. In general, application of One‐Dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage‐P to this unique soil pipe condition suggested larger transient storage (As and αs) compared with most stream systems. This was hypothesized to be because of relatively higher ratio of the wetted perimeter to flow area in the soil pipe, the hydraulic roughness of the soil pipe, potential retention in collapsed portions of the pipe, and interaction with smaller preferential flow systems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface water–groundwater interaction in the hyporheic zone may enhance biogeochemical cycling in streams, and it has been hypothesized that streams exchanging more water with the hyporheic zone should have more rapid nitrate utilization. We used simultaneous conservative solute and nitrate addition tracer tests to measure transient storage (which includes hyporheic exchange and in‐stream storage) and the rate of nitrate uptake along three reaches within the Red Canyon Creek watershed, Wyoming. We calibrated a one‐dimensional transport model, incorporating transient storage (OTIS‐P), to the conservative solute breakthrough curves and used the results to determine the degree of transient storage in each reach. The nitrate uptake length was quantified from the exponential decrease in nitrate concentration with distance during the tracer tests. Nitrate uptake along the most downstream reach of Red Canyon Creek was rapid (turnover time K?1c = 32 min), compared with nitrate uptake reported in other studies (K?1c = 12 to 551 min), but other sites within the watershed showed little nitrate retention or loss. The uptake length Sw‐NO?3 for the most downstream reach was 500 m and the mass transfer coefficient Vf‐NO?3 was 6·3 m min?1. Results from 15 other nitrate‐addition tracer tests were used to create a regression model relating transient storage and measures of stream flow to nitrate uptake length. The model, which includes specific discharge and transient storage area, explains almost half the variability in nitrate uptake length (adjusted R2 = 0·44) and is most effective for comparing sites with very different stream characteristics. Although large differences in specific discharge and storage zone area explain inter‐site differences in nitrate uptake, other unmeasured variables, such as available organic carbon and microbial community composition, are likely important for predicting differences in nitrate uptake between sites with similar specific discharge rates and storage zone areas, such as when making intra‐site comparisons. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in the physical structure of urban streams can occur abruptly due to flashy high‐flow events and subsequently alter stream processes, including transient storage and nitrate uptake. We examined temporal variability in transient storage and nitrate uptake by exploring the effects of altered physical characteristics resulting from a single high‐flow event in three reaches of Spring Creek, an urban stream in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Study reaches of varying geomorphic and hydraulic characteristics were chosen to represent distinct geomorphic settings in terms of substrate size, sinuosity, bed slope, and degree of rehabilitation and structural controls. We performed detailed physical characterizations and multiple nutrient injections of Br? and NO3? to estimate transient storage and nitrate uptake in each reach. A comparison of pre‐flood and post‐flood data indicates that transient storage and nitrate uptake are highly context specific and mediated by interactions between geomorphic setting and flood discharge. In the two reaches that showed significant post‐flood increases in transient storage (250% to 350% increases in Fmed200), the pool‐riffle reach exhibited a significant increase in uptake velocity, while the channelized reach did not. In contrast, transient storage decreased post‐flood in the third reach containing hydraulic structures. These complex responses likely reflect reach‐specific differences in hyporheic versus in‐channel storage. This study shows that repeat injections are necessary to describe nutrient dynamics because transient storage and nitrate uptake can be highly variable over time (showing changes on the order of 100%) due to variation in discharge and geomorphically influential flow events. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In floodplains, anthropogenic features such as levees or road scarps, control and influence flows. An up‐to‐date and accurate digital data about these features are deeply needed for irrigation and flood mitigation purposes. Nowadays, LiDAR Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) covering large areas are available for public authorities, and there is a widespread interest in the application of such models for the automatic or semiautomatic recognition of features. The automatic recognition of levees and road scarps from these models can offer a quick and accurate method to improve topographic databases for large‐scale applications. In mountainous contexts, geomorphometric indicators derived from DTMs have been proven to be reliable for feasible applications, and the use of statistical operators as thresholds showed a high reliability to identify features. The goal of this research is to test if similar approaches can be feasible also in floodplains. Three different parameters are tested at different scales on LiDAR DTM. The boxplot is applied to identify an objective threshold for feature extraction, and a filtering procedure is proposed to improve the quality of the extractions. This analysis, in line with other works for different environments, underlined (1) how statistical parameters can offer an objective threshold to identify features with varying shapes, size and height; (2) that the effectiveness of topographic parameters to identify anthropogenic features is related to the dimension of the investigated areas. The analysis also showed that the shape of the investigated area has not much influence on the quality of the results. While the effectiveness of residual topography had already been proven, the proposed study underlined how the use of entropy can anyway provide good extractions, with an overall quality comparable to the one offered by residual topography, and with the only limitation that the extracted features are slightly wider than the investigated one. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Antecedent soil moisture significantly influenced the hydraulic conductivity of the A1, A2e and B21 horizons in a series of strong texture‐contrast soils. Tension infiltration at six supply potentials demonstrated that in the A1 horizon, hydraulic conductivity was significantly lower in the ‘wet’ treatment than in the ‘dry’ treatment. However in the A2e horizon, micropore and mesopore hydraulic conductivity was lower in the ‘dry’ treatment than the ‘wet’ treatment, which was attributed to the precipitation of soluble amorphous silica. In the B21 horizon, desiccation of vertic clays resulted in the formation of shrinkage cracks which significantly increased near‐saturated hydraulic conductivity and prevented the development of subsurface lateral flow in the ‘dry’ treatment. In the ‘wet’ treatment, the difference between the hydraulic conductivity of the A1 and B21 horizons was reduced; however, lateral flow still occurred in the A1 horizon due to difficulty displacing existing soil water further down the soil profile. Results demonstrate the need to account for temporal variation in soil porosity and hydraulic conductivity in soil‐water model conceptualisation and parameterisation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over a period of 12 months, soil moisture content and potential was monitored in an annual‐grass‐dominated 20 ha catchment in order to determine flow paths leading to exfiltration at the catchment outlet. Water was found to enter the catchment valley either through flow originating in the slopes or through surface infiltration during rainfall events. Although subsurface flow from the slopes to the catchment outlet occurred throughout the year, surface recharge was restricted to a few events during the wet season. In the deeper saturated profile of the valley, flow was directed upwards along the valley edges and gradually became horizontal towards the central axis of the valley. During the peak of the rainfall season, horizontal flow close to the catchment outlet intercepted the gradually sloping surface, resulting in exfiltration. Plants influenced the hydrology of the catchment by removing moisture from the root zone during spring and early summer, resulting in evapotranspiration losses from the vadose zone. Heterogeneities within the valley soil were evident as variable‐permeability layers that resulted in a seasonally confined water table within the valley. This investigation shows that the vadose zone plays an important role in redistributing surface recharge and emphasizes the importance of accounting for effective moisture in low‐yielding catchments with ephemeral surface runoff. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alluvial gullies are often formed in dispersible sodic soils along steep banks of incised river channels. Field data collected by Shellberg et al. (Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38: 1765–1778, 2013) from a gully outlet in northern Australia showed little hysteresis between water discharge and fine (<63 µm) and coarse (>63 µm) suspended sediment, indicating transport‐limited rather than source‐limited conditions. The major source of the fine (silt/clay) component was the sodic soils of upstream gully scarps, and the coarser (sand) component was sourced locally from channel bed material. In this companion paper at the same study site, a new method was developed for combining the settling velocity characteristics of these two sediment source components to estimate the average settling velocity of the total suspended sediment. This was compared to the analysis of limited sediment samples collected during flood conditions. These settling velocity data were used in the steady‐state transport limit theory of Hairsine and Rose (Water Resources Research 28: 237–243, 245–250, 1992) that successfully predicted field data of concentrations and loads at a cross‐section, regardless of the complexity of transport‐limited upstream sources (sheet erosion, scalds, rills, gullies, mass failure, bank and bed erosion, other disturbed areas). The analysis required calibration of a key model parameter, the fraction of total stream power (F ≈ 0.025) that is effective in re‐entraining sediment. Practical recommendations are provided for the prediction of sediment loads from other alluvial gullies in the region with similar hydrogeomorphic conditions, using average stream power efficiency factors for suspended silt/clay (Fw ≈ 0.016) and sand (Fs ≈ 0.038) respectively, but with no requirement for field data on sediment concentrations. Only basic field data on settling velocity characteristics from soil samples, channel geometry measurements, estimates of water velocity and discharge, and associated error margins are needed for transport limit theory predictions of concentration and load. This theory is simpler than that required in source‐limited situations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We use four stream segments along a wood-rich, pool–riffle mountain stream in the Southern Rockies of Colorado, USA to examine how spatial variations in wood load and variations in discharge during and after the snowmelt peak flow influence the magnitude of surface and subsurface transient storage. Segments range in complexity from a single channel with no large wood to an anabranching channel with closely spaced, channel-spanning logjams. Discharges at which transient storage was assessed range from base flow to snowmelt peak flow. To explore these relations, we used 10 geomorphic variables representing channel morphology and bed substrate, four wood-related variables representing wood load and associated backwater storage, and two measures of skewness from instream and bulk electrical conductivity breakthrough curves during tracer tests. Instream curves reflect surface and subsurface transient storage, whereas bulk curves primarily represent subsurface transient storage. Higher values of skewness indicate greater retention, and we used the values here as a metric of increased transient storage. Although limited sample size restricts the power of our results, our findings suggest that stream segments with greater instream large wood loads have more and larger pools, greater storage of fine sediment and particulate organic matter, and higher values of skew from instream conductivity. The results also suggest that the presence of instream wood, rather than changes in channel morphology associated with wood, is the most important driver of transient storage. This implies that river management designed to foster transient storage should focus on retaining instream large wood. We did not find significant correlations between geomorphic or wood-related variables and the skew estimated from bulk conductivity, which may reflect the relatively thin alluvium present in the field area and the prevalence of surface transient storage in this system.  相似文献   

Uncertainty in discharge data must be critically assessed before data can be used in, e.g. water resources estimation or hydrological modelling. In the alluvial Choluteca River in Honduras, the river‐bed characteristics change over time as fill, scour and other processes occur in the channel, leading to a non‐stationary stage‐discharge relationship and difficulties in deriving consistent rating curves. Few studies have investigated the uncertainties related to non‐stationarity in the stage‐discharge relationship. We calculated discharge and the associated uncertainty with a weighted fuzzy regression of rating curves applied within a moving time window, based on estimated uncertainties in the observed rating data. An 18‐year‐long dataset with unusually frequent ratings (1268 in total) was the basis of this study. A large temporal variability in the stage‐discharge relationship was found especially for low flows. The time‐variable rating curve resulted in discharge estimate differences of ? 60 to + 90% for low flows and ± 20% for medium to high flows when compared to a constant rating curve. The final estimated uncertainty in discharge was substantial and the uncertainty limits varied between ? 43 to + 73% of the best discharge estimate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The knowledge on particle deposition in streams is mainly based on investigations in mountain streams. No data exist from low‐gradient sand‐bed streams that largely differ in the morphological and hydraulic factors proposed to affect deposition. To identify physical control on particle deposition in low‐gradient streams, we assessed deposition of very fine and ultra fine organic particulate matter in 18 sand‐bed stream reaches. We added particles derived from lake sediment and assessed the mean transport distance SP and the deposition velocity vdep. Additionally, reach hydraulics were estimated by injections of a conservative solute tracer (NaCl). Among the low‐gradient streams, particle deposition kinetics were variable but similar to deposition in mountain streams. SP was solely related to the flow velocity. This relation was confirmed when comprising published data on deposition of fine organic particles. An association between particle deposition and transient storage factors was insignificant. We found significance of the transient storage to SP only for repeated measures within a single reach, when flow velocity and benthic conditions were nearly constant. Measured vdep/vfall ratios were much larger than unity in most reaches. Evidence from this relation suggests that the vertical transport of very fine and ultra fine organic particulate matter through the water column was caused mainly by vertical mixing. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Runoff from boreal hillslopes is often affected by distinct soil boundaries, including the frozen boundary and the organic‐mineral boundary (OMB), where highly porous and hydraulically conductive organic material overlies fine‐grained mineral soils. Viewed from the surface, ground cover appears as a patchwork on sub‐meter scales, with thick, moss mats interspersed with lichen‐covered, silty soils with gravel inclusions. We conducted a decameter‐scale subsurface tracer test on a boreal forest hillslope in interior Alaska to quantify locations and mechanisms of transport and storage in these soils, focusing on the OMB. A sodium bromide tracer was added as a slug addition to a pit and sampled at 40 down‐gradient wells, screened primarily at the OMB and within a 7 × 12 m well field. We maintained an elevated head in the injection pit for 8.5 hr to simulate a storm. Tracer breakthrough velocities ranged from <0.12 to 0.93 m hr?1, with the highest velocities in lichen‐covered soils. After 12 hr and cessation of the elevated head, the tracer coalesced and was only detected in thick mosses at a trough in the OMB. By 24 hr, approximately 17% of the tracer mass could be accounted for. The majority of the mass loss occurred between 4 and 12 hr, while the tracer was in contact with lichen‐covered soils, which is consistent with tracer transport into deeper flow paths via preferential flow through discrete gravelly areas. Slow breakthroughs suggest that storage and exchange also occurred in shallow soils, likely related to saturation and drainage in fine‐grained mineral soils caused by the elevated hydraulic head. These findings highlight the complex nature of storage and transmission of water and solutes from boreal hillslopes to streams and are particularly relevant given rapid changes to boreal environments related to climate change, thawing permafrost and increasing fire severity.  相似文献   

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