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Controls on the spatio‐temporal extent of groundwater flooding are poorly understood, despite the long duration of groundwater flood events and distinct social and economic impacts. We developed a novel approach using statistical analysis of groundwater level hydrographs and impulse response functions (IRFs) and applied it to the 2013/2014 Chalk groundwater flooding in the English Lowlands. We proposed a standardized index of groundwater flooding which we calculated for monthly groundwater levels for 26 boreholes in the Chalk. We grouped these standardized series using k‐means cluster analysis and cross‐correlated the cluster centroids with the Standardized Precipitation Index accumulated over time intervals between 1 and 60 months. This analysis reveals 2 spatially coherent groups of standardized hydrographs that responded to precipitation over different timescales. We estimated IRF models of the groundwater level response to effective precipitation for 3 boreholes in each group. The IRF models corroborate the Standardized Precipitation Index analysis showing different response functions between the groups. We applied identical effective precipitation inputs to each of the IRF models and observed differences between the hydrographs from each group. It is suggested this is due to the hydrogeological properties of the Chalk and of overlying relatively low permeability superficial deposits (recent unconsolidated sediments overlying the bedrock, such as clays and tills), which are extensive over 1 of the groups. The overarching controls on groundwater flood response are concluded to be a complex combination of antecedent conditions, rainfall, and catchment hydrogeological properties. These controls should be taken into consideration when anticipating and managing future groundwater flood events. The approach presented is generic and parsimonious and can be easily applied where sufficient groundwater level and rainfall data are available.  相似文献   

Groundwater transit time is an essential hydrologic metric for groundwater resources management. However, especially in tropical environments, studies on the transit time distribution (TTD) of groundwater infiltration and its corresponding mean transit time (mTT) have been extremely limited due to data sparsity. In this study, we primarily use stable isotopes to examine the TTDs and their mTTs of both vertical and horizontal infiltration at a riverbank infiltration area in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD), representative of the tropical climate in Asian monsoon regions. Precipitation, river water, groundwater, and local ponding surface water were sampled for 3 to 9 years and analysed for stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H), providing a unique data set of stable isotope records for a tropical region. We quantified the contribution that the two sources contributed to the local shallow groundwater by a novel concept of two‐component lumped parameter models (LPMs) that are solved using δ18O records. The study illustrates that two‐component LPMs, in conjunction with hydrological and isotopic measurements, are able to identify subsurface flow conditions and water mixing at riverbank infiltration systems. However, the predictive skill and the reliability of the models decrease for locations farther from the river, where recharge by precipitation dominates, and a low‐permeable aquitard layer above the highly permeable aquifer is present. This specific setting impairs the identifiability of model parameters. For river infiltration, short mTTs (<40 weeks) were determined for sites closer to the river (<200 m), whereas for the precipitation infiltration, the mTTs were longer (>80 weeks) and independent of the distance to the river. The results not only enhance the understanding of the groundwater recharge dynamics in the VMD but also suggest that the highly complex mechanisms of surface–groundwater interaction can be conceptualized by exploiting two‐component LPMs in general. The model concept could thus be a powerful tool for better understanding both the hydrological functioning of mixing processes and the movement of different water components in riverbank infiltration systems.  相似文献   

Multi‐decadal groundwater level records, which provide information about long‐term variability and trends, are relatively rare. Whilst a number of studies have sought to reconstruct river flow records, there have been few attempts to reconstruct groundwater level time‐series over a number of decades. Using long rainfall and temperature records, we developed and applied a methodology to do this using a lumped conceptual model. We applied the model to six sites in the UK, in four different aquifers: Chalk, limestone, sandstone and Greensand. Acceptable models of observed monthly groundwater levels were generated at four of the sites, with maximum Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency scores of between 0.84 and 0.93 over the calibration and evaluation periods, respectively. These four models were then used to reconstruct the monthly groundwater level time‐series over approximately 60 years back to 1910. Uncertainty in the simulated levels associated with model parameters was assessed using the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation method. Known historical droughts and wet period in the UK are clearly identifiable in the reconstructed levels, which were compared using the Standardized Groundwater Level Index. Such reconstructed records provide additional information with which to improve estimates of the frequency, severity and duration of groundwater level extremes and their spatial coherence, which for example is important for the assessment of the yield of boreholes during drought periods. Copyright © 2016 British Geological Survey. Hydrological Processes © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

Flood hydrographs from ephemeral streams in arid areas provide valuable information for assessing run‐off and groundwater recharge. However, such data are often scarce or incomplete, especially in hyper‐arid regions. The hypothesis of this study was that it is possible to reconstruct a hydrograph of a specific point along an ephemeral stream with the knowledge of only the peak flow rate of a flood event at that point and that this can be done at almost every point along the stream. The feasibility of this approach lies in the shape of the recession stage of the flood hydrograph, which is known to be a repeating phenomenon. The recession stage comes immediately after the peak flow rate, when it begins its decline, and lasts until the flood is extinguished. A general shape of the flood recession stage can be provided. Because the recession stage represents ~80% of the duration of a flood event, it can provide a general idea of the flood hydrograph's shape. A simple model based on geometric progression is suggested to describe the repeating recession stage of a flood. The advantage of the proposed model is that it requires only one parameter: the recession characteristic at a fixed point along the ephemeral stream, termed recession coefficient q. By knowing the recession coefficient of a fixed point and the peak flow rate of a flood event at that point, one can plot the flood hydrograph. A good agreement is shown between the observed and computed values of the recession stage. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is highlighted in the past that the soil–structure interaction phenomenon can produce a significant alteration on the response of a bridge structure. A variety of approaches has been developed in the past, which is capable of tackling the soil–structure interaction problem from different perspectives. The popular approach of a discretized truncated finite element model of the soil domain is not always a numerically viable solution, especially for computationally demanding simulations such as the probabilistic fragility analysis of a bridge structure or the real time hybrid simulation. This paper aims to develop a complete modeling procedure that is capable of coping with the soil–structure interaction problem of inelastic bridge structures through the use of a frequency dependent lumped parameter assembly. The proposed procedure encounters accuracy and global stability issues observed on past methods while maintaining the broad applicability of the method by any commercial FEM software. A case study of an overpass bridge structure under earthquake excitations is illustrated in order to verify the proposed method. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Current climate change models for the southeast UK predict changing rainfall patterns, with increased incidence of extreme events. The chalk aquifer in the UK and northern France is susceptible to groundwater‐induced flooding under such conditions. In this methodological study we apply a frequency domain analysis approach to the chalk aquifer to derive a transfer function between effective rainfall and groundwater level from 7 years of monitoring data from the North Heath Barn site, near Brighton. The derived transfer function was calibrated and validated against monitoring data and then used to predict groundwater level for rainfall models for high, medium and low emission scenarios from the UKCP09 database. The derived transfer function is most closely comparable to the linear aquifer model, despite evidence for both matrix and fracture or karst water flow in the chalk, with transmissivity and unconfined storativity at the catchment scale of 1548 m2 day?1 and 1.6 × 10?2. The application of the transfer function to UKCP09 rainfall data suggests that groundwater‐induced flooding may be about four times more frequent by 2040–2069 compared with 1961–1990 and seven times more frequent by 2070–2099. The model data also suggest an increase in the duration of groundwater minima relative to the reference period. Compared to deterministic modelling which requires detailed knowledge of aquifer heterogeneity and processes, the transfer function approach, although with limitations, is simpler, incorporating these factors into the analysis through frequency and phase coefficients, and thus may have the potential for groundwater risk assessment in other areas. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lumped parameter models with a so called “gyro‐mass” element (GLPMs) have been proposed recently in response to a strong demand for efficiently and accurately representing frequency‐dependent impedance functions of soil–foundation systems. Although GLPMs are considered to be powerful tools for practical applications in earthquake engineering, some problems remain. For instance, although GLPMs show fairly close agreement with the target impedance functions, the accuracy of the transfer functions and the time‐histories of dynamic responses in structural systems comprising GLPMs have never been verified. Furthermore, no assessment has been performed on how much difference appears in the accuracy of dynamic responses obtained from GLPMs and those from conventional Kelvin–Voigt models comprising a spring and a dashpot arranged in parallel with various frequency‐independent constants. Therefore, in this paper, these problems are examined using an example of 2×4 pile groups embedded in a layered soil medium, supporting a single‐degree‐of‐freedom system subjected to ground motions. The results suggest that GLPMs are a new option for highly accurate computations in evaluating the dynamic response of structural systems comprising typical pile groups, rather than conventional Kelvin–Voigt models. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concept of polynomial‐fraction approximation is explored in this article to develop a nested type of systematic lumped‐parameter model for unbounded soil. Based on the optimal coefficients determined from the flexibility formulation, the reciprocal of the polynomial‐fraction is first taken to represent the dynamic stiffness function of foundation and then decomposed into a linear polynomial and another polynomial‐fraction. The nested division introduced in this study is operated to generate a nested form for this decomposed polynomial‐fraction, which directly corresponds to a nested discrete‐element model. The nested type of lumped‐parameter model is then easily constructed by connecting this nested discrete‐element model in series with another simple discrete‐element model corresponding to the linear polynomial. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sasmita Sahoo 《水文研究》2015,29(5):671-691
Groundwater modelling has emerged as a powerful tool to develop a sustainable management plan for efficient groundwater utilization and protection of this vital resource. This study deals with the development of five hybrid artificial neural network (ANN) models and their critical assessment for simulating spatio‐temporal fluctuations of groundwater in an alluvial aquifer system. Unlike past studies, in this study, all the relevant input variables having significant influence on groundwater have been considered, and the hybrid ANN technique [ANN‐cum‐Genetic Algorithm (GA)] has been used to simulate groundwater levels at 17 sites over the study area. The parameters of the ANN models were optimized using a GA optimization technique. The predictive ability of the five hybrid ANN models developed for each of the 17 sites was evaluated using six goodness‐of‐fit criteria and graphical indicators, together with adequate uncertainty analyses. The analysis of the results of this study revealed that the multilayer perceptron Levenberg–Marquardt model is the most efficient in predicting monthly groundwater levels at almost all of the 17 sites, while the radial basis function model is the least efficient. The GA technique was found to be superior to the commonly used trial‐and‐error method for determining optimal ANN architecture and internal parameters. Of the goodness‐of‐fit statistics used in this study, only root‐mean‐squared error, r2 and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency were found to be more powerful and useful in assessing the performance of the ANN models. It can be concluded that the hybrid ANN modelling approach can be effectively used for predicting spatio‐temporal fluctuations of groundwater at basin or subbasin scales. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a lumped parameter model for the approximation of the frequency‐dependent dynamic stiffness of pile group foundations. The model can be implemented in commercial software to perform linear or nonlinear dynamic analyses of structures founded on piles taking into account the frequency‐dependent coupled roto‐translational, vertical, and torsional behaviour of the soil‐foundation system. Closed‐form formulas for estimating parameters of the model are proposed with reference to pile groups embedded in homogeneous soil deposits. These are calibrated with a nonlinear least square procedure, based on data provided by an extensive non‐dimensional parametric analysis performed with a model previously developed by the authors. Pile groups with square layout and different number of piles embedded in soft and stiff soils are considered. Formulas are overall well capable to reproduce parameters of the proposed lumped system that can be straightforwardly incorporated into inertial structural analyses to account for the dynamic behaviour of the soil‐foundation system. Some applications on typical bridge piers are finally presented to show examples of practical use of the proposed model. Results demonstrate the capability of the proposed lumped system as well as the formulas efficiency in approximating impedances of pile groups and the relevant effect on the response of the superstructure.  相似文献   

This paper presents a wide parametric study aimed at elucidating the influence, on the computed seismic response of bridge piers, of two related aspects of the model: (1) the adoption of the classical hysteretic or the causal Biot's damping models for the soil and (2) the use of two different lumped parameter models of different complexity and accuracy to approximate the impedances of the pile foundation. A total of 2072 cases, including different superstructures, pile foundations, soil deposits, and seismic input signals, are studied. The results are presented so that the influence of the different parameters involved in the analysis can be assessed. From an engineering point of view, both lumped parameter models provide, in general, sufficiently low errors. The choice of the most adequate model for each case will depend not only on the configuration of the structure and the soil-foundation system but also on the assumed soil damping model, whose influence on the computed seismic responses is relevant in many cases. The nonphysical behaviour provided by the classical hysteretic damping model for the soil at zero frequency generates issues in the process of fitting the impedance functions. It is also found that larger deck displacements are predicted by Biot's model due to the higher damping at low frequencies provided by the classical hysteretic damping model.  相似文献   

Based on the approximation by polynomial‐fraction, a series of systematic lumped‐parameter models are developed in this paper for efficiently representing the dynamic behaviour of unbounded soil. Concise formulation is first employed to represent the dynamic flexibility function of foundation with a ratio of two polynomials. By defining an appropriate quadratic error function, the optimal coefficients of the polynomials can be directly solved from a system of linear equations. Through performing partial‐fraction expansion on this polynomial‐fraction and designing two basic discrete‐element models corresponding to the partial fractions, systematic lumped‐parameter models can be conveniently established by connecting these basic units in series. Since the systematic lumped‐parameter models are configured without introducing any mass, the foundation input motion can be directly applied to these models for their applications to the analysis of seismic excitation. The effectiveness of these new models is strictly validated by successfully simulating a semi‐infinite bar on an elastic foundation. Subsequently, these models are applied for representing the dynamic stiffness functions for different types of foundation. Comparison of the new models with the other existing lumped‐parameter models is also made to illustrate their advantages in requiring fewer parameters and featuring a more systematic expansion. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The delineation of groundwater discharge areas based on Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) data of the streambed can be difficult in soft‐bedded streams where sedimentation and scouring processes constantly change the position of the fibre optic cable relative to the streambed. Deposition‐induced temperature anomalies resemble the signal of groundwater discharge while scouring will cause the cable to float in the water column and measure stream water temperatures. DTS applied in a looped layout with nine fibre optic cable rows in a 70 × 5 m section of a soft‐bedded stream made it possible to detect variability in streambed temperatures between October 2011 and January 2012. Detailed monthly streambed elevation surveys were carried out to monitor the position of the fibre optic cable relative to the streambed and to quantify the effect of sedimentation processes on streambed temperatures. Based on the simultaneous interpretation of streambed temperature and elevation data, a method is proposed to delineate potential high‐groundwater discharge areas and identify deposition‐induced temperature anomalies in soft‐bedded streams. Potential high‐discharge sites were detected using as metrics the daily minimum, maximum and mean streambed temperatures as well as the daily amplitude and standard deviation of temperatures. The identified potential high‐discharge areas were mostly located near the channel banks, also showing temporal variability because of the scouring and redistribution of streambed sediments, leading to the relocation of pool‐riffle sequences. This study also shows that sediment deposits of 0.1 m thickness already resulted in an increase in daily minimum streambed temperatures and decrease in daily amplitude and standard deviation. Scouring sites showed lower daily minimum streambed temperatures and higher daily amplitude and standard deviation compared with areas without sedimentation and scouring. As a limitation of the approach, groundwater discharge occurring at depositional and scouring areas cannot be identified by the metrics applied. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interaction between groundwater and surface water in watersheds has significant impacts on water management and water rights, nutrient loading from aquifers to streams, and in‐stream flow requirements for aquatic species. Of particular importance are the spatial patterns of these interactions. This study explores the spatio‐temporal patterns of groundwater discharge to a river system in a semi‐arid region, with methods applied to the Sprague River Watershed (4100 km2) within the Upper Klamath Basin in Oregon, USA. Patterns of groundwater–surface water interaction are explored throughout the watershed during the 1970–2003 time period using a coupled SWAT‐MODFLOW model tested against streamflow, groundwater level and field‐estimated reach‐specific groundwater discharge rates. Daily time steps and coupling are used, with groundwater discharge rates calculated for each model computational point along the stream. Model results also are averaged by month and by year to determine seasonal and decadal trends in groundwater discharge rates. Results show high spatial variability in groundwater discharge, with several locations showing no groundwater/surface water interaction. Average annual groundwater discharge is 20.5 m3/s, with maximum and minimum rates occurring in September–October and March–April, respectively. Annual average rates increase by approximately 0.02 m3/s per year over the 34‐year period, negligible compared with the average annual rate, although 70% of the stream network experiences an increase in groundwater discharge rate between 1970 and 2003. Results can assist with water management, identifying potential locations of heavy nutrient mass loading from the aquifer to streams and ecological assessment and planning focused on locations of high groundwater discharge. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A portable Wavelength Scanned‐Cavity Ring‐Down Spectrometer (Picarro L2120) fitted with a diffusion sampler (DS‐CRDS) was used for the first time to continuously measure δ18O and δ2H of stream water. The experiment took place during a storm event in a wet tropical agricultural catchment in north‐eastern Australia. At a temporal resolution of one minute, the DS‐CRDS measured 2160 δ18O and δ2H values continuously over a period of 36 h with a precision of ±0.08 and 0.5‰ for δ18O and δ2H, respectively. Four main advantages in using high temporal resolution stream δ18O and δ2H data during a storm event are highlighted from this study. First, they enabled us to separate components of the hydrograph, which was not possible using high temporal resolution electrical conductivity data that represented changes in solute transfers during the storm event rather than physical hydrological processes. The results from the hydrograph separation confirm fast groundwater contribution to the stream, with the first 5 h of increases in stream discharge comprising over 70% pre‐event water. Second, the high temporal resolution stream δ18O and δ2H data allowed us to detect a short‐lived reversal in stream isotopic values (δ18O increase by 0.4‰ over 9 min), which was observed immediately after the heavy rainfall period. Third, δ18O values were used to calculate a time lag of 20 min between the physical and chemical stream responses during the storm event. Finally, the hydrograph separation highlights the role of event waters in the runoff transfers of herbicides and nutrients from this heavily cultivated catchment to the Great Barrier Reef. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of precipitation (D and 18O) has been widely used as an input signal in water tracer studies. Whereas much recent effort has been put into developing methodologies to improve our understanding and modelling of hydrological processes (e.g., transit‐time distributions or young water fractions), less attention has been paid to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation, used as input signal in these studies. Here, we investigated the uncertainty in isotope‐based hydrograph separation due to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation. The study was carried out in a Mediterranean headwater catchment (0.56 km2). Rainfall and throughfall samples were collected at three locations across this relatively small catchment, and stream water samples were collected at the outlet. Results showed that throughout an event, the spatial variability of the input signal had a higher impact on hydrograph separation results than its temporal variability. However, differences in isotope‐based hydrograph separation determined preevent water due to the spatio‐temporal variability were different between events and ranged between 1 and 14%. Based on catchment‐scale isoscapes, the most representative sampling location could also be identified. This study confirms that even in small headwater catchments, spatio‐temporal variability can be significant. Therefore, it is important to characterize this variability and identify the best sampling strategy to reduce the uncertainty in our understanding of catchment hydrological processes.  相似文献   

The computational demand of the soil‐structure interaction analysis for the design and assessment of structures, as well as for the evaluation of their life‐cycle cost and risk exposure, has led the civil engineering community to the development of a variety of methods toward the model order reduction of the coupled soil‐structure dynamic system in earthquake regions. Different approaches have been proposed in the past as computationally efficient alternatives to the conventional finite element model simulation of the complete soil‐structure domain, such as the nonlinear lumped spring, the macroelement method, and the substructure partition method. Yet no approach was capable of capturing simultaneously the frequency‐dependent dynamic properties along with the nonlinear behavior of the condensed segment of the overall soil‐structure system under strong earthquake ground motion, thus generating an imbalance between the modeling refinement achieved for the soil and the structure. To this end, a dual frequency‐dependent and intensity‐dependent expansion of the lumped parameter modeling method is proposed in the current paper, materialized through a multiobjective algorithm, capable of closely approximating the behavior of the nonlinear dynamic system of the condensed segment. This is essentially the extension of an established methodology, also developed by the authors, in the inelastic domain. The efficiency of the proposed methodology is validated for the case of a bridge foundation system, wherein the seismic response is comparatively assessed for both the proposed method and the detailed finite element model. The above expansion is deemed a computationally efficient and reliable method for simultaneously considering the frequency and amplitude dependence of soil‐foundation systems in the framework of nonlinear seismic analysis of soil‐structure interaction systems.  相似文献   

Alaa A. Masoud 《水文研究》2013,27(20):2987-3002
Eighteen groundwater well sites located in Kafr Al‐Zayat (Egypt) were sampled monthly from January 2009 to November 2011 for microbial content, Mn+2, Fe+2, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness, NO3?, and turbidity. The data were analyzed combining the integrated use of factor and cluster analyses as well as the geostatistical semi‐variogram modeling. The prime objectives were to assess the groundwater suitability for drinking, to document the factors governing the spatio‐tempral variability, and to recognize distinctive groundwater quality patterns to help enable effective sustainability and proactive management of the limited resource. The groundwater microbial, Mn+2, Fe+2, TDS, and total hardness contents violated the drinking water local standards while the turbidity and the nitrate content complied with them. Factor analysis indicated that the microbial content is the most influential factor raising the variability potential followed, in decreasing order, by Mn2+, Fe2+, TDS, NO3?, turbidity, and finally the total hardness. Turbidity resulting from urban and agricultural runoff was strongly associated with most of the quality parameters. Quality parameters fluctuate sporadically without concrete pattern in space and time while their variability scores peak in November every year. Three spatially distinctive quality patterns were recognized that were consistent with and affected by the cumulative effects of the local topography, depth to water table, thickness of the silty clay (cap layer), surface water, and groundwater flow direction and hence the recharge from contaminated surface canals and agricultural drains. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


River flow conditions in many watersheds of Iceland are particularly disturbed during winter by the formation, drifting and accumulation of river ice, whose impact on water encroachment and extent of inundations is not reflected in the discharge records. It is therefore necessary to use river discharge with great caution when assessing the magnitude of past inundations in Iceland, and to give attention to other flood magnitude parameters. A GIS-based methodology is presented that focuses on inundation extent as an alternative parameter for the assessment and ranking of the magnitude of past flooding events in the Ölfusá-Hvítá basin, known as one of the most dangerous flood-prone river complexes in Iceland. Relying ultimately on a macro-scale grid, the method enabled the reconstruction of the extent of inundations, the delineation of the flood plain, and, finally, some estimation of the likelihood of flooding of exposed areas that include marine submergences and river floods for both open water and ice conditions.

Citation Pagneux, E., Gísladóttir, G. & Snorrason, Á. (2010) Inundation extent as a key parameter for assessing the magnitude and return period of flooding events in southern Iceland. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(5), 704–716.  相似文献   

The groundwater hydrochemical behaviour of the Langueyú creek basin (Argentina) has been evaluated through a systematic survey, followed by application of hydrological and chemometric multivariate techniques. Ten physicochemical parameters were determined in groundwater samples collected from 26 wells during four sampling campaigns (June 2010; October 2010; February 2011 and June 2011), originating a tridimensional experimental dataset X . Univariate statistical and graphical hydrochemical tools (contour maps and Piper diagrams) applied to individual campaigns, allowed to reach some preliminary conclusions. However, a best visualization of the aquifer behaviour was achieved by applying Principal Component Analysis (MA‐PCA) and N‐way PCA procedures, Parallel Factor Analysis and Tucker3. Results were consistent with two‐term models, being Tucker3 [2 2 1] the most adequate, explaining a large amount of the dataset variance (50.7%) with a low complexity. The first Tucker3 [1 1 1] interaction (38.2% of variance) is related with (i) calcium/magnesium versus sodium/potassium ion exchange processes; (ii) an increase of ionic concentration and (iii) a decrease of nitrate pollution, all processes along the direction of the groundwater flow. The second [2 2 1] interaction (12.5% of variance), accounts for the predominant role played by conductivity, bicarbonate and magnesium in the dataset. The seasonal variations are closely related to concentration/dilution phenomena originated by the variations of the phreatic levels, although this point will require additional sampling to establish a definitive hydrochemical model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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