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Determining aquifer type, unconfined, semi‐confined, or confined, by drilling or performing pumping tests has inherent problems (i.e., cost and complex field issues) while sometimes yielding inconclusive results. An improved method to cost‐effectively determine aquifer type would be beneficial for hydraulic mapping of complex aquifer systems like fractured rock aquifers. Earth tides are known to influence water levels in wells penetrating confined aquifers or unconfined thick, low‐porosity aquifers. Water‐level fluctuations in wells tapping confined and unconfined aquifers are also influenced by changes in barometric pressure. Harmonic analyses of water‐level fluctuations of a thick (~1000 m) carbonate aquifer located in south‐central Oklahoma (Arbuckle‐Simpson aquifer) were utilized in nine wells to identify aquifer type by evaluating the influence of earth tides and barometric‐pressure variations using signal identification. On the basis of the results, portions of the aquifer responded hydraulically as each type of aquifer even though there was no significant variation in lithostratigraphy. The aquifer type was depth dependent with confined conditions becoming more prevalent with depth. The results demonstrate that harmonic analysis is an accurate and low‐cost method to determine aquifer type.  相似文献   

In variably confined carbonate platforms, impermeable confining units collect rainfall over large areas and deliver runoff to rivers or conduits in unconfined portions of platforms. Runoff can increase river stage or conduit heads in unconfined portions of platforms faster than local infiltration of rainfall can increase groundwater heads, causing hydraulic gradients between rivers, conduits and the aquifer to reverse. Gradient reversals cause flood waters to flow from rivers and conduits into the aquifer where they can dissolve limestone. Previous work on impacts of gradient reversals on dissolution has primarily emphasized individual caves and little research has been conducted at basin scales. To address this gap in knowledge, we used legacy data to assess how a gradient of aquifer confinement across the Suwannee River Basin, north‐central Florida affected locations, magnitudes and processes of dissolution during 2005–2007, a period with extreme ranges of discharge. During intense rain events, runoff from the confining unit increased river stage above groundwater heads in unconfined portions of the platform, hydraulically damming inputs of groundwater along a 200 km reach of river. Hydraulic damming allowed allogenic runoff with SICAL < ?4 to fill the entire river channel and flow into the aquifer via reversing springs. Storage of runoff in the aquifer decreased peak river discharges downstream and contributed to dissolution within the aquifer. Temporary storage of allogenic runoff in karst aquifers represents hyporheic exchange at a scale that is larger than found in streams flowing over non‐karst aquifers because conduits in karst aquifers extend the area available for exchange beyond river beds deep into aquifers. Post‐depositional porosity in variably confined carbonate platforms should thus be enhanced along rivers that originate on confining units. This distribution should be considered in models of porosity distribution used to manage water and hydrocarbon resources in carbonate rocks. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pumping wells are common in coastal aquifers affected by tides. Here we present analytical solutions of groundwater table or head variations during a constant rate pumping from a single, fully-penetrating well in coastal aquifer systems comprising an unconfined aquifer, a confined aquifer and semi-permeable layer between them. The unconfined aquifer terminates at the coastline (or river bank) and the other two layers extend under tidal water (sea or tidal river) for a certain distance L. Analytical solutions are derived for 11 reasonable combinations of different situations of the L-value (zero, finite, and infinite), of the middle layer’s permeability (semi-permeable and impermeable), of the boundary condition at the aquifer’s submarine terminal (Dirichlet describing direct connection with seawater and no-flow describing the existence of an impermeable capping), and of the tidal water body (sea and tidal river). Solutions are discussed with application examples in fitting field observations and parameter estimations.  相似文献   

Steady interface flow in heterogeneous aquifer systems is simulated with single‐density groundwater codes by using transformed values for the hydraulic conductivity and thickness of the aquifers and aquitards. For example, unconfined interface flow may be simulated with a transformed model by setting the base of the aquifer to sea level and by multiplying the hydraulic conductivity with 41 (for sea water density of 1025 kg/m3). Similar transformations are derived for unconfined interface flow with a finite aquifer base and for confined multi‐aquifer interface flow. The head and flow distribution are identical in the transformed and original model domains. The location of the interface is obtained through application of the Ghyben‐Herzberg formula. The transformed problem may be solved with a single‐density code that is able to simulate unconfined flow where the saturated thickness is a linear function of the head and, depending on the boundary conditions, the code needs to be able to simulate dry cells where the saturated thickness is zero. For multi‐aquifer interface flow, an additional requirement is that the code must be able to handle vertical leakage in situations where flow in an aquifer is unconfined while there is also flow in the aquifer directly above it. Specific examples and limitations are discussed for the application of the approach with MODFLOW. Comparisons between exact interface flow solutions and MODFLOW solutions of the transformed model domain show good agreement. The presented approach is an efficient alternative to running transient sea water intrusion models until steady state is reached.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical model for describing the tidal effects in a two‐dimensional leaky confined aquifer system in an estuarine delta where ocean and river meet. This system has an unconfined aquifer on top and a confined aquifer on the bottom with an aquitard in between the two. The unconfined and confined aquifers interact with each other through leakage. It was assumed that the aquitard storage was negligible and that the leakage was linearly proportional to the head difference between the unconfined and confined aquifers. This model's solution was based on the separation of variables method. Two existing solutions that deal with the head fluctuation in one‐dimensional or two‐dimensional leaky confined aquifers are shown as special cases in the present solution. Based on this new solution, the dynamic effect of the water table's fluctuations can be clearly explored, as well as the influence of leakage on the behaviour of fluctuations in groundwater levels in the leaky aquifer system. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical solution to tide‐induced head fluctuations in a two‐dimensional estuarine‐coastal aquifer system that consists of an unconfined aquifer and a heterogeneous confined aquifer extending under a tidal river with a semipermeable layer between them. This study considers the joint effects of tidal‐river leakage, inland leakage, dimensionless transmissivity between the tidal‐river and inland confined aquifer, and transmissivity anisotropic ratios. The analytical solution for this model is obtained via the separation of variables method. Three existing solutions related to head fluctuation in one‐ or two‐dimensional leaky confined aquifers are considered as special cases in the present solution. This study shows that there is a threshold of tidal‐river confined aquifer length. When the tidal‐river length is greater than the threshold length, the inland head fluctuations remain sensitive to the leakage effect but become insensitive to the tidal‐river width and dimensionless transmissivity. Considering leakage and transmissivity anisotropy, this study also demonstrates that at a location farther from the river–inland boundary, head fluctuations increase with increasing leakage and transmissivity anisotropy; the maximum head fluctuation occurs when leakage and transmissivity anisotropy are both at their maximum values. The combined action of the 3 effects of loading, tidal‐river aquifer leakage, and inland aquifer leakage differs significantly according to various aquifer parameters. The analytical solution in this paper can be applied to demonstrate the behaviours of the head fluctuations of an estuarine‐coastal aquifer system, and the head fluctuations can be clearly described when the tidal and hydrogeological parameters are derived from field measurement data or hypothetical cases.  相似文献   

The Ganga–Mahawa sub‐basin, which has an area of 1280 km2 forms the western part of the Central Ganga Plain in the Moradabad and Badaun districts of western Uttar Pradesh, India. The Bundelkhand granite forms the basement complex, overlain unconformably by the upper Vindhyan sequence, which is further overlain by the Neogene (Middle and Upper) Siwaliks and finally by Quaternary alluvium. Four geomorphological units, the Varanasi older alluvial plain, Aligarh older alluvial plain, terrace zones and the Ganga recent floodplain, abandoned channels, channel scars and meander scars represent various landforms. The hydrogeological cross‐sections indicate the occurrence of a single aquifer down to 120 m. Some influent seepage from the River Ganga could be seen around Gangeswari, but the rest of the River Ganga is effluent. Groundwater‐flow modelling was carried out to assess the degree of Ganga river and aquifer interaction. The River Ganga marks the western boundary; boundaries to the northeast and southeast are set as fixed heads to simulate lateral inflow into and outflow from the sub‐basin respectively. The eastern boundary is simulated as a no‐flow condition. The Mahawa and Badmar rivers are considered to be effluent. The area modelled is covered by a grid of 34 rows×46 columns with three layers, viz., an unconfined aquifer, an aquitard which is underlain by a semi‐confined to confined aquifer. The permeability distribution was inferred from morphometric analysis and pumping tests. Natural recharge due to monsoon rainfall forms the main input. The River Ganga stage data at Ahar, Naora and Ramghat has been used for assigning surface water levels and river bed elevations in the model. Abstraction from all existing deep and shallow tube wells has been assigned as output at various cells. A steady state flow simulation was carried out and calibrated against the June 1986 water level; subsequent transient conditions were calibrated up to May 1995. The computed groundwater balance was comparable to that estimated from field investigations. The aquifer modelling study has attempted to integrate all available information and provided a tool that could be used for predictive simulation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water level changes in wells provide a direct measure of the impact of groundwater development at a scale of relevance for management activities. Important information about aquifer dynamics and an aquifer's future is thus often embedded in hydrographs from continuously monitored wells. Interpretation of those hydrographs using methods developed for pumping‐test analyses can provide insights that are difficult to obtain via other means. These insights are demonstrated at two sites in the High Plains aquifer in western Kansas. One site has thin unconfined and confined intervals separated by a thick aquitard. Pumping‐induced responses in the unconfined interval indicate a closed (surrounded by units of relatively low permeability) system that is vulnerable to rapid depletion with continued development. Responses in the confined interval indicate that withdrawals are largely supported by leakage. Given the potential for rapid depletion of the unconfined interval, the probable source of that leakage, it is likely that large‐scale irrigation withdrawals will not be sustainable in the confined interval beyond a decade. A second site has a relatively thick unconfined aquifer with responses that again indicate a closed system. However, unlike the first site, previously unrecognized vertical inflow can be discerned in data from the recovery periods. In years of relatively low withdrawals, this inflow can produce year‐on‐year increases in water levels, an unexpected occurrence in western Kansas. The prevalence of bounded‐aquifer responses at both sites has important ramifications for modeling studies; transmissivity values from pumping tests, for example, must be used cautiously in regional models of such systems.  相似文献   

Hu LT  Chen CX 《Ground water》2008,46(4):642-646
Concurrent existence of confined and unconfined zones of an aquifer can arise owing to ground water withdrawal by pumping. Using Girinskii's potential function, Chen (1974, 1983) developed an approximate analytical solution to analyze transient ground water flow to a pumping well in an aquifer that changes from an initially confined system to a system with both unconfined and confined regimes. This article presents the details of the Chen model and then compares it with the analytical model developed by Moench and Prickett (1972) for the same problem. Hypothetical pumping test examples in which the aquifer undergoes conversion from confined to water table conditions are solved by the two analytical models and also a numerical model based on MODFLOW. Comparison of the results suggests that the solutions of the Chen model give better results than the Moench and Prickett model except when the radial distance is very large or aquifer thickness is large compared with drawdown.  相似文献   

A confined aquifer may become unconfined near the pumping wells when the water level falls below the confining unit in the case where the pumping rate is great and the excess hydraulic head over the top of the aquifer is small. Girinskii's potential function is applied to analyze the steady ground water flow induced by pumping wells with a constant-head boundary in a mixed confined-unconfined aquifer. The solution of the single-well problem is derived, and the critical radial distance at which the flow changes from confined to unconfined condition is obtained. Using image wells and the superposition method, an analytic solution is presented to study steady ground water flow induced by a group of pumping wells in an aquifer bounded by a river with constant head. A dimensionless function is introduced to determine whether a water table condition exists or not near the pumping wells. An example with three pumping wells is used to demonstrate the patterns of potentiometric surface and development of water table around the wells.  相似文献   

Spane FA  Mackley RD 《Ground water》2011,49(6):794-807
Many contaminated unconfined aquifers are located in proximity to river systems. In groundwater studies, the physical presence of a river is commonly represented as a transient-head boundary that imposes hydrologic responses within the intersected unconfined aquifer. The periodic fluctuation of river-stage height at the boundary produces associated responses within the adjacent aquifer system, the magnitude of which is a function of the existing well, aquifer, boundary conditions, and characteristics of river-stage fluctuations. The presence of well responses induced by the river stage can significantly limit characterization and monitoring of remedial activities within the stress-impacted area. This article demonstrates the use of a time-domain, multiple-regression, convolution (superposition) method to develop well/aquifer river response function (RRF) relationships. Following RRF development, a multiple-regression deconvolution correction approach can be applied to remove river-stage effects from well water-level responses. Corrected well responses can then be analyzed to improve local aquifer characterization activities in support of optimizing remedial actions, assessing the area-of-influence of remediation activities, and determining mean groundwater flow and contaminant flux to the river system.  相似文献   

Hydrologists have long recognized that changes in barometric pressure can produce changes in water levels in wells. The barometric response function (BRF) has proven to be an effective means to characterize this relationship; we show here how it can also be utilized to glean valuable insights into semi‐confined aquifer systems. The form of the BRF indicates the degree of aquifer confinement, while a comparison of BRFs between wells sheds light on hydrostratigraphic continuity. A new approach for estimating hydraulic properties of aquitards from BRFs has been developed and verified. The BRF is not an invariant characteristic of a well; in unconfined or semi‐confined aquifers, it can change with conditions in the vadose zone. Field data from a long‐term research site demonstrate the hydrostratigraphic insights that can be gained from monitoring water levels and barometric pressure. Such insights should be of value for a wide range of practical applications.  相似文献   

Much of what is known about groundwater circulation and geochemical evolution in carbonate platforms is based on platforms that are fully confined or unconfined. Much less is known about groundwater flow paths and geochemical evolution in partially confined platforms, particularly those supporting surface water. In north‐central Florida, sea level rise and a transition to a wetter climate during the Holocene formed rivers in unconfined portions of the Florida carbonate platform. Focusing on data from the Santa Fe River basin, we show river formation has led to important differences in the hydrological and geochemical evolution of the Santa Fe River basin relative to fully confined or unconfined platforms. Runoff from the siliciclastic confining layer drove river incision and created topographic relief, reorienting the termination of local and regional groundwater flow paths from the coast to the rivers in unconfined portions of the platform. The most chemically evolved groundwater occurs at the end of the longest and deepest flow paths, which discharge near the center of the platform because of incision of the Santa Fe River at the edge of the confining unit. This pattern of discharge of mineralized water differs from fully confined or unconfined platforms where discharge of the most mineralized water occurs at the coast. Mineralized water flowing into the Santa Fe River is diluted by less evolved water derived from shorter, shallower flow paths that discharge to the river downstream. Formation of rivers shortens flow path lengths, thereby decreasing groundwater residence times and allowing freshwater to discharge more quickly to the oceans in the newly formed rivers than in platforms that lack rivers. Similar dynamic changes to groundwater systems should be expected to occur in the future as climate change and sea level rise develop surface water on other carbonate platforms and low lying coastal aquifer systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater in coastal areas is commonly disturbed by tidal fluctuations. A two‐dimensional analytical solution is derived to describe the groundwater fluctuation in a leaky confined aquifer system near open tidal water under the assumption that the groundwater head in the confined aquifer fluctuates in response to sea tide whereas that of the overlying unconfined aquifer remains constant. The analytical solution presented here is an extension of the solution by Sun for two‐dimensional groundwater flow in a confined aquifer and the solution by Jiao and Tang for one‐dimensional groundwater flow in a leaky confined aquifer. The analytical solution is compared with a two‐dimensional finite difference solution. On the basis of the analytical solution, the groundwater head distribution in a leaky confined aquifer in response to tidal boundaries is examined and the influence of leakage on groundwater fluctuation is discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The standard practice for assessing aquifer parameters is to match groundwater drawdown data obtained during pumping tests against theoretical well function curves specific to the aquifer system being tested. The shape of the curve derived from the logarithmic time derivative of the drawdown data is also very frequently used as a diagnostic tool to identify the aquifer system in which the pumping test is being conducted. The present study investigates the incremental area method (IAM) to serve as an alternative diagnostic tool for the aquifer system identification as well as a supplement to the aquifer parameter estimation procedure. The IAM based diagnostic curves for ideal confined, leaky, bounded and unconfined aquifers have been derived as part of this study, and individual features of the plots have been identified. These features were noted to be unique to each aquifer setting, which could be used for rapid evaluation of the aquifer system. The effectiveness of the IAM methodology was investigated by analyzing field data for various aquifer settings including leaky, unconfined, bounded and heterogeneous conditions. The results showed that the proposed approach is a viable method for use as a diagnostic tool to identify the aquifer system characteristics as well as to support the estimation of the hydraulic parameters obtained from standard curve matching procedures. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The article presents semi‐analytical mathematical models to asses (1) enhancements of seepage from a canal and (2) induced flow from a partially penetrating river in an unconfined aquifer consequent to groundwater withdrawal in a well field in the vicinity of the river and canal. The nonlinear exponential relation between seepage from a canal reach and hydraulic head in the aquifer beneath the canal reach is used for quantifying seepage from the canal reach. Hantush's (1967) basic solution for water table rise due to recharge from a rectangular spreading basin in absence of pumping well is used for generating unit pulse response function coefficients for water table rise in the aquifer. Duhamel's convolution theory and method of superposition are applied to obtain water table position due to pumping and recharge from different canal reaches. Hunt's (1999) basic solution for river depletion due to constant pumping from a well in the vicinity of a partially penetrating river is used to generate unit pulse response function coefficients. Applying convolution technique and superposition, treating the recharge from canal reaches as recharge through conceptual injection wells, river depletion consequent to variable pumping and recharge is quantified. The integrated model is applied to a case study in Haridwar (India). The well field consists of 22 pumping wells located in the vicinity of a perennial river and a canal network. The river bank filtrate portion consequent to pumping is quantified.  相似文献   

This article investigates the quantity of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) from a coastal multi‐layered aquifer system in response to constant rainfall infiltration. The system comprises an unconfined aquifer, a leaky confined aquifer and an aquitard between them and terminates at the coastline. An approximate analytical solution is derived based on the following assumptions: (i) flow is horizontal in the aquifers and vertical in the aquitard, and (ii) flow in the unconfined aquifer is described by nonlinear Boussinesq equation. The analytical solution is compared with numerical solutions of the strictly two‐dimensional nonlinear model to validate the model assumptions used for the analytical solution. The SGD from the leaky confined aquifer increases with the inland rainfall infiltration recharge and the specific leakage of aquitard. The maximum SGD ranges from 1·87 to 10·37 m3 per day per meter of shoreline when rainfall infiltration ranges from 18·2 to 182 mm/year and the specific leakage of aquitard varies from 10?9 to 10?1 l/day. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC‐11, CFC‐12 and CFC‐113) and tritium (3H) content in groundwater were used to date groundwater age, delineate groundwater flow systems and estimate flow velocity in the Hohhot basin. The estimated young groundwater age is fallen in the bracket of 21 ~ 50 a and indicates the presence of two different age profiles and flow systems in the shallow groundwater system. Older age waters occur under the topographically low areas, where the aquifer is double‐layer aquifer system consisting of shallow unconfined‐semi‐confined aquifer and deep confined aquifer. This reflects long flow paths associated with regional flow. Groundwater (range from 21 to 34 years) in the north piedmont and east hilly areas, where the aquifer is a single‐layer aquifer consisting of alluvial fans, are typically younger than those in the low areas. The combination of CFCs dating with hydrogeological information indicates that both local and regional flow systems are present at the basin. The regional groundwater flow mainly flows from the north and east to the southwest, the local groundwater flow system occurs nearby the Hohhot city. The mean regional groundwater flow velocity of the shallow groundwater is estimated about 0.73 km/a. These findings can aid in refining hydrogeological conceptual model of the study area. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to hydrochemical and isotopic data of 34 groundwater samples. This allowed the reduction of 20 variables to four significant PCs that explain 81.9% of the total variance; F1 (47.1%) explains the groundwater mineralization, whereas F2 (17%) shows isotopic enrichment and nitrate pollution. Based on an iso-factor scores map of F1, three water zones were delineated: Zone A (F1 < ?1), with fresh groundwater from the unconfined aquifer; Zone B (1 > F1 > ?1), with moderate mineralization from the confined–unconfined aquifer boundary; and Zone C (F1 > 1), with the most mineralized hot water from the confined aquifer. The iso-factor scores map of F2 delineates positive values representing samples from the unconfined aquifer, with freshwater and nitrate contamination associated with stable isotope enrichment, whereas negative values represent samples from the confined aquifer. The results clearly demonstrate the usefulness of PCA in groundwater hydrochemistry investigations.  相似文献   

This paper considered the tide-induced head fluctuations in two coastal multi-layered aquifer systems. Model I comprises two semi-permeable layers and a confined aquifer between them. Model II is a four-layered aquifer system including an unconfined aquifer, an upper semi-permeable layer, a confined aquifer and a lower semi-permeable layer. In each model, the submarine outlet of the confined aquifer is covered with a skin layer (“outlet-capping”). Analytical solutions of the two models are derived. In both models, leakages of the semi-permeable layers decrease the tidal head fluctuations. The outlet-capping reduces the aquifer’s head fluctuation by a constant factor and shifts the phase by a positive constant. The solution to Model II explains the inconsistency between the relatively small lag time and the strong amplitude damping effect of the tidal head fluctuations reported by Trefry and Johnston [Ground Water 1998;36:427–33] near the Port Adelaide River, Australia.  相似文献   

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