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A complex late Quaternary alluvial history was documented along Henson Creek, a low order tributary on the Fort Hood Military Reservation in central Texas. Three Quaternary alluvial landforms were recognized: terrace 2 (T2), terrace 1 (T1), and the modern floodplain (T0). The late Pleistocene T2 terrace may contain an array of sites spanning the entire known cultural record, while T1 may have sites spanning the last 5000 years only. Five fluvial units, three colluvial facies, two alluvial fan facies, and two buried paleosols were also recognized. Fluvial deposition was occurring approximately 15,000 yr B.P., 10,000-8000 yr B.P., 7000–4800 yr B.P., 1650-600 yr B.P., and during the last 400 years. Colluvial deposition was ongoing mainly in the early and middle Holocene, while alluvial fan aggradation was proceeding primarily in the middle Holocene. Because of erosional unconformities, there is minimal potential for recovering buried sites dating to intervals between depositional eposides for most of the drainage basin. Preservation potentials for buried sites are greatest in fine-grained fluvial deposits dating to the late Pleistocene, early Holocene, and parts of the late Holocene, and in fine-grained colluvial deposits dating to the early and middle Holocene. This investigation demonstrates that within the study area, and perhaps throughout much of central Texas, a greater continuum of sediments and preservation potentials exists in late Quaternary alluvial deposits of rivers than in low-order tributaries.  相似文献   

Alluvial and colluvial sediment deposition provide a vital record of environmental change during the Holocene. Firm chronological control on these archives is necessary to enable us to relate sediment dynamics to human activity and climate variability. In the Eastern Mediterranean, such relationships are hard to establish due to the lack of spatially well‐distributed sediment archives with good chronological control. This scarcity is problematic with respect to regional‐scale reconstructions of the temporal variation of sediment dynamics. Here, we present a radiocarbon database (n = 178) of geomorphological activity collected from multiple distinct sediment archives within the territory of Sagalassos in south‐western Turkey. The data were grouped according to their sedimentary facies for analysis using cumulative probability distributions (CPDs) and sedimentation rate (SR) modelling. Two small‐scale colluvial valleys, where chronological information was abundant, were investigated in more detail. Results show that sedimentation chronology differs between individual, nearby cores, as it depends strongly on the local geomorphic situation. A generalizing approach combining multiple core results yields more widely valid conclusions. High sedimentation rates coincided with the initial major anthropogenic disturbance of the landscape and decreased afterwards, probably due to hillslope soil depletion. CPD and SR analysis indicates that in general colluvial sedimentation rates did not change much from 2000 BC onwards. River floodplain sedimentation, in contrast, increased markedly during the first millennium BC and during recent times, and a significant time lag in enhanced sediment deposition between the upper and lower reaches of the river valleys was observed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first radiometrically dated evidence of Holocene alluvial landform development in Upper Wharfedale, Yorkshire Dales. Four river terraces are identified. Terraces 1 and 2 are closely linked to Late Devensian and early Holocene environmental change, with gravel reworked from local glacial and periglacial sources prior to cementation by carbonate‐rich waters. U‐series dating of cement provides age estimates for cementation of between ca. 5.1–7.4 kyr BP for Terrace 1 and ca. 3.6–>8.0 kyr BP for Terrace 2. U‐series dating of tufas overlying Terraces 1 and 2 produced ages of ca. 4.2–4.5 kyr BP and ca. 2.1–2.2 kyr BP respectively, and provide upper age limits for terrace formation. Terrace 3 marks a change in sediment calibre, supply and sedimentation style, and 14C dating suggests that the principal source of fine‐grained material may be agricultural expansion in the Yorkshire Dales from ca. ad 600 (1350 cal. yr BP). Radiocarbon dates indicate that Terrace 4 was deposited from the eleventh century, with initiation of the contemporary floodplain between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries ad. Both these lowest units contain sediments contaminated with heavy metals as a result of mining activities within the catchment. The evidence presented in this study is comparable to that of research undertaken in upland environments elsewhere in northern and western Britain, thereby adding to the corpus of information currently available for evaluating the fluvial geomorphological response to climate and vegetation change during the Holocene. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a radiocarbon‐dated sequence of alluvial terraces from the Teleorman Valley in the southern Romanian Plain and represents the first Late‐glacial and well‐constrained Holocene alluvial sequence from the lower Danube Valley of southeast Europe. The two earliest and most extensive terraces (T1 and T2) are dissected by large, high‐amplitude palaeochannels, which are dated to ca. 12 800 yr BP and are comparable to large meandering palaeochannels identified from other Late glacial contexts across northern and central Europe. The remaining sequence of alluvial deposits show changes in river activity and accelerated sedimentation around 4900–4800 yr BP, 4000–3800 yr BP, 3300–2800 yr BP, 1000 yr BP and within the past 200 yr. A phase of tributary stream alluvial fan deposition is dated to ca. 2400 yr BP. All these periods of alluvial sedimentation correlate well with episodes of climatic cooling, higher rainfall and enhanced river activity, both in terms of incision and greater lateral mobility as well as increased flood frequency and magnitude identified elsewhere in central, western and northern Europe. Human activity appears to have had little effect on this river environment and significant fine‐grained sedimentation is not noted until ca. 2400 yr BP, approximately 5000 yr after the first neolithic farmers settled the area. Whether this record of river activity truly reflects the impact of prehistoric societies on this catchment will only be elucidated through further, ongoing detailed archaeological research. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sedimentary changes during the last ∼2500 years have been reconstructed from cored sedimentary records from the deltaic floodplain of the Lower Tagus Valley and the Tagus mudbelt on the continental shelf offshore Lisbon. We used a multi-proxy approach consisting of sedimentology, grainsize, pollen data and magnetic susceptibility. In the floodplain grainsize coarsened and sedimentation rate and magnetic susceptibility increased during the late Holocene due to an increased flooding frequency and/or intensity. On the Tagus shelf the mudbelt grainsize fined, together with a higher sedimentation rate and increased magnetic susceptibility. The fining grainsize is explained by an increased suspended sediment flux towards the shelf and subdued winnowing. Floodplain and shelf records were correlated by radiocarbon dating and changes in sediment characteristics. We identified four depositional phases (∼2300/∼1600/∼1100/∼670 cal BP) on the floodplain and the shelf. These are tentatively explained by land-use changes in the Tagus catchment.  相似文献   

The Yamé river, in the Bandiagara Plateau, Dogon Country, Mali, is characterised by extensive alluvial sedimentary records, particularly in the 1 km long Ounjougou reach where Holocene floodplain pockets are inset in the Pleistocene formations. These alluvial records have been investigated via geomorphologic fieldwork and sedimentologic and micromorphologic analyses and are supported by 79 radiocarbon dates. The alluvial deposits of the valley floor correspond to a vertical accretion of 3–10 m. The reconstruction of fluvial style changes provides evidence of four main aggradation periods. From 11,500 to 8760 cal. BP, the alluvial architecture and grain-size parameters indicate a wandering river. This period included phases of pulsed high-energy floods and avulsion related to a northward shift of the summer monsoon to around 14°N after 11,500 cal. BP. From 7800 to 5300 cal. BP, a swampy floodplain environment with standing water pools within a Sudanian savanna/woodland mosaic corresponds to the culmination of the Holocene humid period. From 3800 cal. BP onwards, rhythmic sedimentation attests to an increase in the duration and/or intensity of the dry season, giving a precise date for the local termination of the Holocene Optimum period. During the last two millennia and for the first time during the Holocene, the alluvial formations are progressively restricted whereas the colluvial deposits increase, indicating strong soil erosion and redeposition within the watershed related to an increase in human impact. Four major periods are characterised by incision (I1: ante 11,500, I2: 8760–7800; I3: 6790–6500 cal. BP; I4; 2400–1700 cal. BP) pointing to dramatic changes in fluvial style. They result from high-energy flood flows during dry spells and confirm the capacity of the floodplain pocket in the upstream reach of the Sahelian belt to record rapid Holocene climatic change.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain downstream variations in the rates and processes of Holocene floodplain formation in a small to medium-sized, lowland catchment in Central England. Four macro-reaches were identified and horizons from at least one stratigraphic cross-section from each were radiocarbon dated. Considerable diachronism was revealed with the basal age and hence minimum residence time of the top two metres varying from 1000-9000yrs. The trend, a decrease in minimum residence time downstream, is explained by the basin-and-gorge bedrock long-profile inherited from the Devensian glaciation of the area. This is illustrated by a positive relationship between the mean floodplain accumulation rate and the SL index (slope-stream length product). Pollen analysis of the organic sediments shows that floodplain clearance took place around 1 300 BP, but probably locally, pre-dated and post-dated accelerated alluviation associated with agricultural expansion in the catchment. This study concludes that (a) different macro-reaches in this small to medium-sized catchment have adjusted in different ways to long-term catchment changes as part of autogenic floodplain evolution, (b) this has involved a change in the catchment's sediment conveyance characteristics during the Holocene, and (c) an important control on channel behaviour and floodplain sedimentation throughout the Holocene (as well as at present) has been the valley slopes inherited from the Quaternary glaciation of the area.  相似文献   

The early–middle Holocene lacustrine succession of Corvara in Badia (Italian Dolomites, 1521 m a.s.l.) records landslides and other watershed events before the onset of human pressure. The sensitivity of this archive to relate climate change, watershed processes and vegetation dynamics in the catchment has been explored through a stratigraphic study, including the analysis of sedimentological features, magnetic properties, palaeobotanical records and radiocarbon dating. A palaeolake existed between 10.1 k and 7 k cal. yr BP and was surrounded by a dense conifer forest. Long‐term forest dynamics driven by ecological processes and by climatic conditions favourable to upward forest expansion is recorded throughout the pollen record. Within the fine clastic sedimentation, distinct layers enriched in organic debris of terrestrial origin have been attributed to instant events produced by mass movements. Their age fits the chronology of large landslide events already known in the catchment, enabling correlation of the field evidence of landslides with the lacustrine record. Landslide frequency is controlled by geological and structural factors, but it is significantly modulated by the centennial–millennial climatic phases that characterise the Holocene in the Alps. The taphonomical properties of pollen and macroremains provided valuable insight on the mechanism of watershed processes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deposit modelling based on archived borehole logs supplemented by a small number of dedicated boreholes is used to reconstruct the main boundary surfaces and the thickness of the main sediment units within the succession of Holocene alluvial deposits underlying the floodplain in the Barking Reach of the Lower Thames Valley. The basis of the modelling exercise is discussed and the models are used to assess the significance of floodplain relief in determining patterns of sedimentation. This evidence is combined with the results of biostratigraphical and geochronological investigations to reconstruct the environmental conditions associated with each successive stage of floodplain aggradation. The two main factors affecting the history and spatial pattern of Holocene sedimentation are shown to be the regional behaviour of relative sea level and the pattern of relief on the surface of the sub-alluvial, Late Devensian Shepperton Gravel. As is generally the case in the Lower Thames Valley, three main stratigraphic units are recognised, the Lower Alluvium, a peat bed broadly equivalent to the Tilbury III peat of Devoy (1979) and an Upper Alluvium. There is no evidence to suggest that the floodplain was substantially re-shaped by erosion during the Holocene. Instead, the relief inherited from the Shepperton Gravel surface was gradually buried either by the accumulation of peat or by deposition of fine-grained sediment from suspension in standing or slow-moving water. The palaeoenvironmental record from Barking confirms important details of the Holocene record observed elsewhere in the Lower Thames Valley, including the presence of Taxus in the valley-floor fen carr woodland between about 5000 and 4000 cal BP, and the subsequent growth of Ulmus on the peat surface.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary history of the middle Caquetá River area in Colombia, northwestern Amazonia is described, based on observations of river bank sections, radiocarbon dates and palynological analyses of organic layers in floodplain and low terrace sediments of the Caquetá River. It is shown that the Late Pleistocene and Holocene climatic changes that took place in the Andean Cordilleras, were related to the depositional and erosional history of the Caquetá River in the Colombian Amazonian lowlands. The low terrace sediments consist of sandy and gravelly deposits covered by clays that sometimes contain lenses of peaty material. From these organic low terrace sediments, seven finite radiocarbon dates were obtained of Middle Pleniglacial age, between 56 000 and 30 000 yr BP. The coarse textured basal deposits of the low terrace apparently stem from the early part of the Middle Pleniglaciai period, during which the effective rainfall in the Andes was relatively high and the Andean glaciers had a considerable extension. Palynological data from silty sediments with organic remains at one site, show an interval when drier and more open types of vegetation on poor soils must have covered a larger area than today, but Amazonian forest was still the dominating type of vegetation. This interval might correspond to one of the Middle Pleniglacial savanna intervals from eastern Amazonia (Carajas). No organic sediments from the Upper Pleniglacial period were found and hence radiocarbon dates were not obtained. In the Andes this period had a very cold climate with low effective rainfall and in the east Amazonian Carajas area it is characterised by the relative extension of open savanna vegetation. The river run-off and sediment transport must have been much lower than in the Middle Pleniglacial and the Caquetá River cut itself down in its own sediments. Two Late-glacial radiocarbon datings obtained at one site (ca. 12 500 yr BP) indicate the existence of a Late-glacial sedimentation phase, separated from the Holocene sequence by a minor erosional phase. Organic layers in the Holocene floodplain sediments yielded 28 radiocarbon dates between 10 000 and 355 yr BP. Holocene sedimentation started with the rapid deposition of (sandy) clay possibly in a partly permanently inundated Caquetá valley. During the major part of the Holocene (silty) clays were deposited, with a dominant seasonal inundation cycle.  相似文献   

The alternation of terrestrial and marine deposits is an indicator of past environmental and sea‐level changes. The age of deposition is usually dated by means of radiocarbon. However, radiocarbon dates of molluscan shells from coastal areas may be complicated by various sources of carbon, and problematic for deposits of 40–50 ka or older. Herein, we apply the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating method to date samples from terrestrial and marine/coastal sediments extracted from three cores in the south Bohai Sea, China. Multiple‐ and single‐aliquot regenerative‐dose procedures using OSL signals from fine‐silt (4–11 μm), coarse‐silt (38–63 μm) and fine‐sand (63–90 or 90–125 μm) quartz were employed to determine the equivalent dose (D e). The results showed that: (i) OSL ages from quartz of different grain sizes and different protocols are consistent with each other; (ii) for Holocene samples, most of the radiocarbon dates agree well with OSL ages; (iii) for pre‐Holocene samples, radiocarbon dates cluster at 40–50 14 C ka BP, whereas OSL ages are in stratigraphic order from 11 ka to 176 ka. Because of the self‐consistency of the quartz OSL ages, the stratigraphic agreement in the three cores, and the clustering of the radiocarbon dates, we suggest that the quartz OSL ages are more reliable with respect to dating the samples from the south Bohai Sea. Finally, the four marine strata identified in the south Bohai Sea are likely to have formed during the Holocene, Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 3–5, MIS 6 and probably MIS 7, respectively.  相似文献   

 Ancient deposits of ferricrete (stratified iron oxyhydroxide or clastic sediment cemented by stratified iron oxyhydroxide) are present in headwater streams draining an historic mining district in the Rocky Mountains, USA. These deposits, which form under conditions of low pH and high metal concentrations, are present in streams draining many other mineralized areas. Radiocarbon dating of wood fragments entombed within the ferricrete indicates dates of deposition as old as 8840±50 years before present (b.p.). The ferricrete deposits provide evidence that natural, metal-rich acid rock drainage has been occurring in this mineralized region for thousands of years, due to the weathering and oxidation of exposed or near-surface massive sulfide ore deposits. The dating and chemical composition of the ferricrete deposits have applications to the environmental remediation of historic mining sites and to environmental issues related to natural background chemistry. In addition, the radiocarbon dates of the ferricrete deposits correlate closely with warm–wet periods in the Holocene record, showing that ferricrete deposits may represent a previously untapped source of paleoclimatic information. Received: 6 October 1997 · Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   

河流地质考古学是基于地层研究河流和考古遗址之间关系的学科.近年来我们在河南省内黄县开展的河流地质考古研究揭示了黄河复杂的演化历史,在此基础上进一步探讨了古代人类活动与周围环境的相互作用.本文主要介绍了2010~2016年我们在河南省内黄县3个全新世遗址(岸上、三杨庄和大张龙村)的地质考古工作中所取得的成果.研究区域内遗址的地层记录表明,许多考古遗址被深埋于地下,并可能影响了3000 a B.P.以来的河流沉积过程.我们在岸上遗址发掘了A、B、C、D共4处青铜时代的沟渠遗迹,这些沟渠的堆筑可能影响了后期的沉积过程并导致了遗址周边微地貌的改变;在三杨庄遗址识别出了多层不同时期的人为古土壤,包括新石器晚期、战国时期、汉代和唐代;在大张龙村发现了北宋时期黄河泛滥沉积物,其沉积过程可能受周边村落遗址的影响.根据测得的14C年代和沉积层厚度,本研究进一步对这3处遗址的沉积速率进行了估算,并与前人对华北平原沉积速率的相关研究进行了对比.结果表明,这3处遗址所显示的沉积速率自3000 a B.P.开始显著增加,与对早期历史时期黄河河道沉积速率的估算结果相吻合.因此,基于遗址的地质考古研究能够为探索人与环境的互动关系提供大量信息.未来的工作中,我们需要开展更多基于考古遗址的河流地质考古研究,以深入探讨华北平原的自然沉积过程与文明演进过程之间的关系.  相似文献   

The 170 km long river course of the Guadalete River (western Andalucía) provides an excellent record of Late Pleistocene and Holocene fluvial sedimentation dynamics. Furthermore, its floodplain sediments are very well suited to describe geomorphic changes forced by climate fluctuations, sea‐level changes, tectonic influences and human activity. Multiproxy investigations were based on field mapping and the study of 18 profile sections, mainly including sedimentological characterisation, soil‐chemical analyses and radiocarbon dating of 34 samples. Findings were complemented by drillings and electrical resistivity tomography. The lowermost 50 km of the river section are divided into an upper and lower part (each 25 km long), based on different sediment preservation conditions. The boundary corresponds to the disappearance of the Late Pleistocene river terrace. Significant floodplain aggradation occurred at around 10 000 cal. years BP, while dynamics were strongly affected by sea‐level fluctuations until the early Holocene. Furthermore, sedimentation starting at 8000, 6100, 4600, 2200, 900 and 400 cal. years BP is related to enhanced fluvial dynamics due to environmental stress that presumably was triggered by climate fluctuations, that is, aridification. However, the strongest intensity of sedimentation at 400 cal. years BP points to climate anomalies in the course of the Little Ice Age. In contrast, several periods of stability associated with alluvial soil formation took place during the Bølling and Allerød interstadials, prior to 8000, 6100 and 5100, and after 4300 and 2000 cal. years BP. The anthropogenic signal in floodplain evolution is not clearly distinguishable from that of climate. However, human land use had the potential to amplify geomorphic processes, especially during periods of climate deteriorations that caused increasing stress on the environment.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2006,183(1-2):1-13
Integrated sedimentological and micropaleontological (foraminifers and ostracods) analyses of two 55 m long borehole cores (S3 and S4) drilled in the subsurface of Lesina lagoon (Gargano promontory—Italy) has yielded a facies distribution characteristic of alluvial, coastal and shallow-marine sediments. Stratigraphic correlation between the two cores, based on strong similarity in facies distribution and AMS radiocarbon dates, indicates a Late Pleistocene to Holocene age of the sedimentary succession.Two main depositional sequences were deposited during the last 60-ky. These sequences display poor preservation of lowstand deposits and record two major transgressive pulses and subsequent sea-level highstands. The older sequence, unconformably overlying a pedogenized alluvial unit, consists of paralic and marine units (dated by AMS radiocarbon at about 45–50,000 years BP) that represent the landward migration of a barrier-lagoon system. These units are separated by a ravinement surface (RS1). Above these tansgressive deposits, highstand deposition is characterised by progradation of the coastal sediments.The younger sequence, overlying an unconformity of tectonic origin, is a 10 m-thick sedimentary body, consisting of fluvial channel sediments overlain by transgressive–regressive deposits of Holocene age. A ravinement surface (RS2), truncating the transgressive (lagoonal and back-barrier) deposits in core S4, indicates shoreface retreat and landward migration of the barrier/lagoon system. The overlying beach, lagoon and alluvial deposits are the result of mid-Holocene highstand sedimentation and coastal progradation.  相似文献   


Quaternary alluvial and colluvial sediments infill major river valleys and form alluvial fans and colluvium-filled bedrock depressions on the range fronts and within the Mount Lofty Ranges of southern Australia. A complex association of alluvial successions occurs in the Sellicks Creek drainage basin, as revealed from lithostratigraphy, physical landscape setting and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages. Correlation of OSL ages with the Marine Oxygen Isotope record reveals that the alluvial successions represent multiple episodes of alluvial sedimentation since the penultimate glaciation (Marine Isotope Stage 6; MIS 6). The successions include a penultimate glacial maximum alluvium (Taringa Formation; 160?±?15?ka; MIS 6), an unnamed alluvial succession (42?±?3.2?ka; MIS 3), a late last glacial colluvial succession within bedrock depressions (ca 15?ka; MIS 2) and a late last glacial alluvium (ca 15?ka; MIS 2) in the lowest, distal portion of Sellicks Creek. In addition, the Waldeila Formation, a Holocene alluvium (3.5?±?0.3?ka; MIS 1), and sediments deposited during a phase of Post-European Settlement Aggradation (PESA) are also identified. The age and spatial distribution of the red/brown successions, mapped as the Upper Pleistocene Pooraka Formation, directly relate to different topographic and tectonic settings. Neotectonic uplift locally enhanced erosion and sedimentation, while differences in drainage basin sizes along the margin of the ranges have influenced the timing and delivery of sediment in downstream locations. Close to the Willunga Fault Scarp at Sellicks Creek, sediments resembling the Pooraka Formation have yielded a pooled mean OSL age of 83.9?±?7?ka (MIS 5a) corroborating the previously identified extended time range for deposition of the formation. Elsewhere, within major river valleys, the Pooraka Formation was deposited during the last interglacial maximum (128–118?ka; MIS 5e). In general, alluviation occurred during interglacial and interstadial pluvial events, while erosion predominated during drier glacial episodes. In both cases, contemporaneous erosion and sedimentation continued to affect the landscape. For example, in the Sellicks Creek drainage basin, which lies across an actively uplifting fault zone, late glacial age sediments (MIS 2) occur within the ranges and near the distal margin of the alluvial fan complex. OSL dating of the alluvial successions reported in this paper highlights linkages between the terrestrial and marine environments in association with sea-level (base-level) and climatic perturbations. While the alluvial successions relate largely to climatically driven changes, especially in major river valleys, tectonics, eustasy, geomorphic setting and topography have influenced erosion and sedimentation, especially on steep-sloped alluvial fan environments.
  2. Luminescence dating of the Sellicks Creek alluvial fan complex reveals that sedimentation occurred predominantly during the later stages of glacial cycles accompanying lower sea-levels than present.

  3. Luminescence dating confirms that the stratigraphically lower portions of the Pooraka Formation are beyond the range of radiocarbon dating.

  4. Upper Pleistocene alluvial fan sedimentation at Sellicks Creek correlates with pluvial events in southeastern Australia.


In this paper we present Quaternary stratigraphy of the area around Chennai based on archaeological findings on the ferricrete surface, geomorphological observations supplemented by radiocarbon dating. The coastal landscape around Chennai, Tamil Nadu, has preserved ferruginised boulder gravel deposits, ferricretes and fluvial deposits of varying thickness. The area studied is approximately 150 km east to west and 180 km north to south with a broad continental shelf towards the seaward. Several rivers enter the Bay of Bengal along its shores like the Koratallaiyar, Cooum and the Adyar. Precambrian charnockite and Upper Gondwana sandstone and shale bedrock rim the shelf margin. For the most part, the Upper Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial sediments overlie an erosion surface that has cut into older Pleistocene sediments and ferricrete surface. Incised valleys that cut into this erosion surface are up to 5–6 km wide and have a relief of at least 30 m. The largest valley is that cut by the Koratallaiyar River. Holocene sediments deposited in the incised valleys include fluvial gravels, early transgressive channel sands and floodplain silts. Older Pleistocene sediments are deposited before and during the 120-ka high stand (Marine isotope stage 5). They consist of ferricretes and ferricrete gravel formed in nearshore humid environments. Muddy and sandy clastic sediments dated to the ca. 5 ka highstand suggest that the climate was semi arid at this time with less fluvial transport. The coarsening up sequence indicates deposition by high intensity channel processes. Pedogenic mottled, clayey silt unit represents an important tectonic event when the channel was temporarily drained and sediment were sub aerially exposed. Uplift of the region has caused the local rivers to incise into the landscape, forming degradation terraces.  相似文献   

The sequence of Late-glacial and Holocene alluvial sedimentation in the middle Caquetá River Basin of Colombian Amazonia is described, based on the study of the sediments and palynology of several river bank sections and on 30 radiocarbon dates. An early Late-glacial sedimentation cycle is recognised, followed by a minor late Late-glacial erosion phase. The Holocene valley fill consists of grey clays (often present in the lower part of the sections) deposited in open water and silty clays often with faint yellow mottling, deposited under a regime of seasonal flooding. The base of the Holocene sections is formed by sands, where exposed. In two places the transition of sand to open-water grey clay was dated around 10 000 yr BP and there is a suggestion that open water may have been more common at the beginning of the Holocene than later, when sedimentation by seasonal flooding became important. In many places much of the earlier Holocene sediments may have been removed by erosion and replaced by younger sediments, by a process of lateral aggradation. A considerable part of the present valley fill is younger than ca. 3500 yr. However, in several places older Holocene sediments are found, apparently only little affected by later erosion, lying below younger varzea silty clays. During the Holocene more organic sediments were formed in periods with reduced river discharge, related to drier climates in the Andes and possibly in Amazonia. These dry periods, deduced from data in the Caquetá River area, correspond well with dry phases in other parts of northwestern South America (e.g. between approximately 2700-1900 yr BP and approximately 3200-3800 yr BP). Rates of average net sedimentation, calculated from dated sections that apparently lack major hiatuses caused by erosion, were high in the lower Holocene, low during the middle Holocene and increase again in the upper Holocene. Levee deposits became coarser and the high river level of the Caquetá increased during the late Holocene. These phenomena may be explained by the increasing influence of man on the vegetation cover in the Andean headwater areas and possibly also in the Amazonian catchment area of the Caquetá River.  相似文献   

The Salvan‐Dorénaz Basin formed during the Late Palaeozoic within the Aiguilles‐Rouges crystalline basement (Western Alps) as an asymmetric, intramontane graben elongated in a NE–SW direction and bounded by active faults. At least 1700 m of fluvial, alluvial fan and volcanic deposits provide evidence for a strong tectonic influence on deposition with long‐term, average subsidence rates of > 0·2 mm yr?1. The early basin fill was associated with coarse‐grained alluvial fans that were dominated by braided channels (unit I). These issued from the south‐western margin of the basin. The fans then retreated to a marginal position and were overlain by muddy floodplain deposits of an anastomosed fluvial system (unit II) that drained towards the NE. Deposition of thick muds resulted from a reduction in the axial fluvial gradient caused by accelerated tectonic subsidence. Overlying sand‐rich meandering river deposits (unit III) document a reversal in the drainage direction from the NE to the SW caused by synsedimentary tectonism, reflecting large‐scale topographic reorganization in this part of the Variscides with subsidence now preferentially in the W and SW and uplift in the E and NE. Coarse‐grained alluvial fan deposits (unit IV) repeatedly prograded into, and retreated from, the basin as documented by coarsening‐upward cycles tens of metres thick reflecting smaller scale tectonic cycles. Volcanism was active throughout the evolution of the basin, and U/Pb isotopic dating of the volcanic deposits restricts the time of basin development to the Late Carboniferous (308–295 Ma). 40Ar/39Ar ages of detrital white mica indicate rapid tectonic movements and exhumation of the nearby basement. In unit I, youngest ages are close to that of the host sediment, but the age spectrum is wide. In unit II, high subsidence and/or sedimentation rates coincide with very narrow age spectra, indicating small, homogeneous catchment areas. In unit III, age spectra became wider again and indicate growing catchment areas.  相似文献   

Excavations were made in the colluvial deposits of seven kettleholes in a sandy esker at Kuttanen, northwestern Finnish Lapland. The Holocene history of forest fires and the associated colluvial activity initiated on the slopes of the kettleholes were reconstructed based on 131 radiocarbon dates from charcoal layers. These dates were supplemented by luminescence dating of colluvial sand layers. The first forest fires occurred ~9000 years ago following the immigration of Pinus sylvestris about 1000 years after deglaciation. Evidence of forest fires and colluvial activity increased with the density of the pine forest, reaching a maximum during the Holocene Thermal Maximum between ~8000 and 4000 cal. a BP, declining thereafter to a minimum in the last ~500 years. This multimillennial‐scale pattern corresponds with forest fires being triggered by lightning strikes during the warmest summer weather of the Holocene, which also produced heavy rain and slope wash from convective storms. The 50 forest fires identified over the Holocene indicate a long cycle in fire frequency of 1 in ~200 years, which appears to reflect the average successional recovery time of the forest. Complex interactions amongst vegetation, fire and climate may account for little or no association between 23 centennial‐ to millennial‐scale clusters of forest fires/colluvial events and Holocene temperature or precipitation anomalies. Buried podzols indicate five phases of soil formation and hence low levels of landscape disturbance. The kettleholes and their colluvial deposits therefore provide a unique geo‐ecological archive that has led to new insights into the geo‐ecological interactions that affect environmental change in the sub‐arctic landscape.  相似文献   

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