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Properties of suspended particulate matter play a vital role in transport processes, but information from boreal lowland river systems with high organic loads is limited. This study analysed data from 2 years of sampling at 30 locations in Finland (204 samples in total) using suspended particulate matter samplers to determine effective and absolute particle size and organic fractions. Mean d50 value was 22 and 49 µm for absolute and effective particle size, respectively. The organic fraction content ranged from 2.1% to 36% (mean 9.6%), highlighting the importance of particle organic matter for suspended particulate matter flux in the region. The results indicated that the suspended particulate matter particle size distribution and load in the study region is dominated by composite particles. There were considerable spatial and temporal variations in transport of organic fractions, effective particle size and degree of aggregation (range 1.5–93%). Headwaters and, in particular, late summer and spring flood conditions with flow peaks produced the largest composite particles, whereas agriculture‐dominated sites produced smaller but more tightly compacted particles. Organic plant fibres appeared to play a vital role in floc formation in peat‐covered catchments, whereas in agriculture‐dominated catchments, land use‐derived aggregates dominated the composition. This study provides empirical evidence of the importance of effective particle size measurement in understanding the dynamics of suspended particulate matters in boreal lowland river systems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerous quantitative and qualitative variables control suspended sediment dynamics in karst systems. The objective of this study was to identify the hydrodynamic variables controlling the transport properties of particles in a karst aquifer (western Paris basin). The particle size distribution of suspended sediment infiltrating via a swallow hole was compared to that in discharge from a spring, allowing identification of the particle transport properties of the karst system. Hill and Smith analysis, a type of multivariate analysis that allows joint examination of quantitative and qualitative variables, was used to identify the hydrodynamic parameters controlling the transport properties of the suspended matter. The results demonstrate that the particle size distribution discharging at the karst spring is controlled by spring discharge and the hydraulic gradient of the system. The hydraulic gradient is defined by the piezometric level and the stage of the Seine River, which is in turn controlled by the tide. This study illustrates the use of Hill and Smith analysis to identify those variables which control suspended sediment transport. It also illustrates the application of this analysis to identify boundary conditions and evaluate variables which control the behaviour of the hydrologic system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

污染水体中悬浮物对菹草(Potamageton crispus)生长的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以菹草(Potamageton crispus)为对象,通过对植物鲜重、叶绿素含量、净产氧量、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的观测,研究了悬浮物附着对沉水植物生理生化作用的影响.结果表明,在苏州苗家河重污染水体中,高负荷的悬浮物对菹草的生长产生重大影响.实验25d,有悬浮物附着的菹草的生物量仅为对照样的63.93%,叶绿素含量及叶绿素a/b值仅为对照样的66.24%和63.88%;植物体内的过氧化物酶活性及过氧化氢酶活性也呈现下降趋势,分别为对照样的61.25%和40.30%.悬浮物是重建沉水植物的重要限制因素之一.  相似文献   

基于叶绿素荧光峰特征的浑浊水体悬浮物浓度遥感反演   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周冠华  杨一鹏  陈军  李京 《湖泊科学》2009,21(2):272-279
内陆水体光学特性复杂,其水质参数遥感反演是当前环境遥感研究的热点与难点.2004年10月在太湖实测了67个站点的遥感反射率与相应站点水质参数浓度,通过对水体反射率光谱的分析发现,秋季太湖悬浮物主导了水体光学特性,叶绿素荧光峰的特征主要体现为悬浮物浓度的变化.据此建立了基于水面实测岛光谱遥感反射率数据的叶绿素荧光峰特征与悬浮物浓度之间的拟合关系,发现二者具有很好的响应关系.具体分析了叶绿素荧光峰绝对高度、基线高度、归一化高度(分别归一化到560nm附近最大反射率波段与近红外810nm附近最大反射率波段)及荧光峰积分面积(包括积分总面积、基线以下面积与基线以上面积)等儿种光谱特征与悬浮物浓度之间的关系,其相关系数(R2)分别为0.8822、0.7483、0.8901、0.8547、0.8927、0.8877、0.8632,平均相对误差分别为27.25%、41.03%、27.11%、25.75%、24.91%、25.47%、27.54%.总体反演精度较高,其中总积分面积法效果最好,基线高度法效果最差,而叶绿索荧光峰波段的位移与悬浮物浓度之间不存在明显的相关性.研究结果表明叶绿素荧光峰特征在浑浊内陆水体悬浮物浓度信息提取中具有很好的应用前景,该方法可为浑浊的二类水体悬浮物遥感反演提供了一个新思路.  相似文献   


Based on data from five hydrometric stations, Pingshan station on the Jinshajiang River, Gaochang station on the Minjiang River, Wulong station on the Wujiang River, Wusheng station on the Jialingjiang River and Yichang station on the Yangtze River, a study has been made of the temporal variation in grain size of suspended sediment load in the upper Yangtze River. The results show that in the past 40 years, the grain size of the suspended sediment load in the main stem and major tributaries of the upper Yangtze River has had a decreasing trend, that can be explained by the effect of reservoir construction and implementation of soil conservation measures. The reservoirs in the upper Yangtze River Basin, all used for water storage for hydro-electric generation and/or irrigation, have trapped coarse sediment from the drainage area above the dam and, thus, the sediment released now is much finer than before the construction of the reservoirs. The downstream channels are all gravel-bedded or even in bedrock, with little fine sediment, and thus, the released flow can hardly get a supply of fine sediment through eroding the bed. Then, after the downstream adjustment, the grain size of suspended sediment is still fine. Large-scale soil conservation measures have significantly reduced sediment yield in some major sediment source areas. The relatively coarse sediment is trapped and, thus, the sediment delivered to the river becomes finer.  相似文献   

云南高原湖泊有色可溶性有机物和颗粒物光谱吸收特性   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
云南高原湖泊是我国湖泊分布最密集的五大湖群之一,不但湖泊数量众多而且类型多样.由于湖泊所处位置海拔较高,容易受只益增强UV-B辐射影响.通过对云南高原34个湖泊有色可溶性有机物和颗粒物吸收测定,分析其光谱吸收特性及对总吸收的贡献,有利于深刻理解紫外辐射在高原湖泊内衰减.不同湖泊间CDOM吸收差异明显,其大小与水体营养盐状况相关,CDOM吸收系数与水体总氮存在显著正相关.增加背景项的指数函数模型能最好模拟CDOM光谱吸收.除在浮游植物浓度非常高的杞麓湖、听湖、星云湖,颗粒物吸收系数在675nm附近存在一个吸收蜂外,其它湖泊总颗粒物光谱吸收大致随波长的增加吸收系数逐渐降低,呈现非色素颗粒物光谱吸收特征,整体上颗粒物吸收以非色素颗粒物为主.CDOM对总吸收的贡献主要集中在600nm以下波长,尤其是400nm以下的紫外波段,其在紫外波段(350-400nm)的贡献明显要大于光合有效辐射波段(400-700nm)(ANOVA,P<0.001).特别对于透明度SD≥1.0的清澈型湖泊,CDOM吸收对紫外辐射衰减的贡献更大,其吸收很大程度上决定了紫外辐射的影响深度.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations and possible sources of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in water and estuarine sediments from Gao-ping River in order to evaluate the environmental quality of aquatic system in southern Taiwan. High concentrations of heavy metals including Cr, Zn, Ni, Cu and As, ranging from 10.7 to 180 mg/kg-dry weight (dw), were detected in sediments from Gao-ping River. When normalized to the principal component analysis (PCA), swinery and electroplating wastewaters were found to be the most important pollution sources for heavy metals. Of various organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues detected, aldrin and total-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) were frequently found in sediments. The total concentrations of OCPs were in the range 0.47-47.4 ng/g-dw. Also, the total-HCH, total-cyclodiene, and total-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) were in the range 0.37-36.3, 0.21-19.0, and 0.44-1.88 ng/g-dw, respectively. The polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations in sediments from Gao-ping River ranged between 0.37 and 5.89 ng/g-dw. The PCB concentrations are positively correlated to the organic contents of the sediment particles. alpha-HCH was found to be the dominant compound of HCH in the sediments, showing that long-range transport may be the possible source for the contamination of HCH in sediments from Gao-ping River. In summary, trace amounts of POPs in estuarine sediments from Gao-ping River were detected, showing that there still exist a wide variety of POP residues in the river sediments in Taiwan. These POP residues may be mainly from long-range transport and weathered agricultural soils, while heavy metal contamination is primarily from the swinery and industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   

As the Mississippi River plays a major role in fulfilling various water demands in North America, accurate prediction of river flow and sediment transport in the basin is crucial for undertaking both short‐term emergency measures and long‐term management efforts. To this effect, the present study investigates the predictability of river flow and suspended sediment transport in the basin. As most of the existing approaches that link water discharge, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load possess certain limitations (absence of consensus on linkages), this study employs an approach that presents predictions of a variable based on history of the variable alone. The approach, based on non‐linear determinism, involves: (1) reconstruction of single‐dimensional series in multi‐dimensional phase‐space for representing the underlying dynamics; and (2) use of the local approximation technique for prediction. For implementation, river flow and suspended sediment transport variables observed at the St. Louis (Missouri) station are studied. Specifically, daily water discharge, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load data are analysed for their predictability and range, by making predictions from one day to ten days ahead. The results lead to the following conclusions: (1) extremely good one‐day ahead predictions are possible for all the series; (2) prediction accuracy decreases with increasing lead time for all the series, but the decrease is much more significant for suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load; and (3) the number of mechanisms dominantly governing the dynamics is three for each of the series. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于偏最小二乘法的巢湖悬浮物浓度反演   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
悬浮物浓度是水质评价的重要参数.对2009年6月巢湖实测的高光谱数据进行小波变换以去除数据冗余,减少建模时间.考虑到不同的小波基函数和分解尺度对数据压缩的影响,采用3个指标作为评价标准,最终选择小波基函数为Db4,分解尺度为4的小波变换,经小波变换后,原来的451个波段的光谱数据压缩为34个特征变量.利用小波变换后的光...  相似文献   

The wide range of studies describing the role of bank erosion in fluvial sediment supply have mostly lumped amounts of bank erosion into coarse temporal units, such as years. This paper investigates sediment yields from individual bank erosion events within the upper River Severn, UK (basin area 380 km2). Manual erosion pins and photo-electronic erosion pins were used to estimate bank erosion, and turbidity meters were used to determine suspended sediment transport. At the annual time-scale, the silt-clay fraction of bank-derived sediment accounted for an equivalent of 17 per cent of the suspended load, increasing to an average of 38 per cent at the monthly timescale, and then to an average of 64 per cent at the event timescale. This research highlighted that for an upland catchment, bank erosion was an important supply of suspended sediment, and that for some flood events bank erosion can supply more sediment than is transported. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

T. Furuichi  Z. Win  R. J. Wasson 《水文研究》2009,23(11):1631-1641
Among the large rivers rising on the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent high mountains, the discharge and suspended sediment load of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) River are the least well known. Data collected between 1969 and 1996 at Pyay (Prome) are analysed to provide the best available modern estimate of discharge (379 ± 47 × 109 m3/year) and suspended sediment load (325 ± 57 × 106 t/year) for the river upstream of the delta head. A statistical comparison with data collected in the nineteenth century (1871 to 1879) shows discharge has significantly decreased in the last ~100 years. Regression and correlation analyses between discharge in the modern period and indices of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) show a relationship. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of riverine suspended sediment is the integration of the weathering crust minerals, soil organic matter and erosion agency within a specific drainage basin, which has been largely disturbed by the human activities. Selected metal elements of the riverine suspended sediment in the Zhujiang River were analysed using inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry (ICP–AES) in three different hydrological phases from 1997 to 1998 at Makou and Sanshui hydrographic gauge stations, located at the lower reaches of the two main tributaries of the Zhujiang River, i.e. the Xijiang and the Beijing Rivers respectively. Organic carbon and nitrogen were also analysed using a conventional element analyser. The results demonstrate that the chemical composition of the riverine suspended sediment show obvious variability in different hydrological phases, which closely correlate to the organic matter content in suspended sediment. Intensified erosion in the flood phase results in lower concentration of the organic matter than that in the lower water level phase. The riverine suspended sediment with rich organic matter in the lower water level phase adsorbs some metal elements from the river water. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Senegal River is of intermediate size accommodating at present about 3.5 million inhabitants in its catchment. Its upstream tributaries flow through different climatic zones from the wet tropics in the source area in Guinea to the dry Sahel region at the border between Senegal and Mauritania. Total suspended matter, particulate and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen as well as nutrient concentrations were determined during the dry and wet seasons at 19 locations from the up- to downstream river basin. The aims of the study were to evaluate the degree of human interference, to determine the dissolved and particulate river discharges into the coastal sea and to supply data to validate model results. Statistical analyses showed that samples from the wet and dry season are significantly different in composition and that the upstream tributaries differ mainly in their silicate and suspended matter contents. Nutrient concentrations are relatively low in the river basin, indicating low human impact. Increasing nitrate concentrations, however, show the growing agriculture in the irrigated downstream areas. Particulate organic matter is dominated by C4 plants during the wet season and by aquatic plankton during the dry season. The total suspended matter (TSM) discharge at the main gauging station Bakel was about 1.93 Tg yr−1 which is in the range of the only available literature data from the 1980s. The calculated annual discharges of particulate organic carbon (POC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) are 55.8 Gg yr−1, 54.1 Gg yr−1, and 5.3 Gg yr−1, respectively. These first estimates from the Senegal River need to be verified by further studies.  相似文献   

G. Wotling  Ch. Bouvier 《水文研究》2002,16(9):1745-1756
This study provides an initial characterization of pollution associated with storm runoff in Tahiti. A thousand floodwater samples were collected from three representative catchments and subsequently analysed. The main pollution parameters chosen were total suspended sediment (TSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorus (TP). First, organic pollution appeared to be related closely to sediment, thus TSS could be used as a global indicator. Next, regression models between an event's TSS load and its hydrological characteristics were used to obtain annual load estimates. Great interannual variability was found to be strongly influenced by the few major floods that occur during the rainy season. Our results also emphasize the importance of the impact of urbanization on solid catchment exportation: from 60 TSS t/km2/year in a natural forested catchment, fluxes reached more than 700 TSS t/km2/year during preparatory urbanization earthworks before stabilizing at 140 TSS t/km2/year in a consolidated urbanized area. Clearly, runoff effects need to be taken into consideration for effective urban planning and for the preservation of the coastal environment in Tahiti. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A total of 1008 samples were collected from the eight major riverine runoff outlets in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) during 2005-2006 to estimate the fluxes of total organic carbon (TOC) to the coastal ocean off South China. The average dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration was 1.67 mg/L with a range of 1.38-2.13 mg/L. Concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) ranged from 2.66-4.12% of total suspended particulate matter (SPM). The fluxes of TOC and SPM from the PRD via the eight outlets were 9.2 x 10(5) and 2.5 x 10(7)tons/yr, respectively. Temporal variations in POC and DOC were observed at all outlets due to the large variability in runoff levels because of the seasonality of rainfall, and the riverine discharge amount was an important factor controlling TOC flux. The net contribution of organic carbon from the PRD to the coastal ocean represented approximately 0.1-0.2% of total organic carbon transported by rivers worldwide.  相似文献   

Many of the commonly used analytical techniques for assessing the properties of fluvial suspended particulate matter (SPM) are neither cost effective nor time efficient, making them prohibitive to long‐term high‐resolution monitoring. We present an in‐depth methodology utilizing two types of spectroscopy which, when combined with automatic water samplers, can generate accurate, high‐temporal resolution SPM geochemistry data, inexpensively and semi‐destructively, directly from sediment covered filter papers. A combined X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy approach is developed to estimate concentrations for a range of elements (Al, Ca, Ce, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Si, Ti) and compounds (organic carbon, Aldithionate, Aloxalate, Fedithionate, and Feoxalate) within SPM trapped on quartz fibre filters at masses as low as 3 mg. Calibration models with small prediction errors are derived, along with mass correction factor models to account for variations in retained SPM mass. Spectral pre‐processing methods are shown to enhance the reproducibility of results for some compounds, and the importance of filter paper selection and homogeneous sample preparation in minimizing spectral interference is emphasized. The geochemical signal from sediment covered filter papers is demonstrated to be time stable enabling samples to be stored for several weeks prior to analysis. Example results obtained during a heavy precipitation event in October 2012 demonstrate the methodology presented here has considerable potential to be utilized for high‐resolution monitoring of SPM geochemistry under a range of in‐stream hydrological conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

总悬浮物浓度(CTSM)是水质评价的重要参数.为了提高内陆Ⅱ类水体总悬浮物浓度估算的精度,利用主成分分析方法对2009年4月太湖水体实测高光谱数据进行降维处理,进而以不同数量的主成分作为变量,分别构建总悬浮颗粒物浓度的多元线性回归估算模型并比较这些模型的效果,从而确定最优的主分量个数;结合近年运行的高光谱传感器,对模型的适用性进行评价.结果表明:①前三个主成分(PC1PC2PC3)从不同侧面涵盖了悬浮物浓度信息,它们与ln(CTSM)的相关系数分别为0.728、0.401和0.403;②当主成分个数为6时,模型达到最优;模型的精度高于4个传统经验模型;③在400~850 nm之间,波段数大于45的高光谱传感器数据都能利用主成分分析的方法构建精度较高的总悬浮物浓度估算模型;此外,MERIS、HJ1-HSI、Hyperion和CHRIS这些常用的高光谱传感器的波段设置,都适合于主成分建模.  相似文献   

以江西鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区的2个湖泊——大湖池和沙湖为研究对象,分析不同季节和水位悬浮有机质的碳氮稳定同位素(δ13C和δ15N)及碳氮比值(C/N)的变化特征,甄别悬浮有机质的来源.结果表明:在不同水位条件下,悬浮有机质的δ13C和δ15N均存在差异显著性.沙湖5月水位上涨时,悬浮有机质δ13C最正,均值为-26.4‰±0.9‰,10月退水后,δ13C最负,均值为-31.2‰±1.1‰.悬浮有机质δ15N值在5月和8月较低(范围为3.5‰~5.5‰),10月也相对较低,均值为6.1‰±0.6‰,而12月相对较高(7.3‰~10.8‰).悬浮有机质C/N值在10月最低,均值为6.5±0.6,小于7,与其他各月的C/N有显著差异,而其他各月C/N在7.8~8.7之间,不存在显著差异.大湖池悬浮有机质δ13C、δ15N各月的变化趋势与沙湖类似,并且两个湖泊在相同月份的δ13C、δ15N或C/N均不存在显著差异,但大湖池的δ13C和δ15N比沙湖的δ13C和δ15N均值略偏正0.1‰~0.5‰,C/N比沙湖的C/N略偏低0~0.4.有机δ13C、δ15N结合C/N示踪表明,大湖池和沙湖的悬浮有机质在5月水位上涨和8月丰水期主要来源于河流运输的土壤有机质,表层沉积物对5月悬浮有机质也有一定贡献(16%),水生浮叶植物对8月悬浮有机质有一定贡献(25%);10月秋季退水后悬浮有机质主要来源于藻类(77%),表层沉积物有一定贡献(23%);12、3和4月冬、春季枯水期悬浮有机质主要来源于表层沉积物,候鸟粪便对12月悬浮有机质有较大贡献(40%),湿地植物碎屑对3和4月有较大贡献(47%和51%).  相似文献   

This study analyses archival discharge and sediment concentration data (1965–1988), monitored by Water Survey of Canada, to examine suspended sediment transport rates and their relationship to effective discharge (Qeff) based on daily discharge duration curves. Effective discharge was determined as the mid‐point of the discharge class transporting the greatest portion of the suspended sediment load (hence class‐based Qeff). Results showed that the concept of effective discharge was applicable to the Fraser River basin where the average class‐based Qeff occurred during 8·4% of the study period with individual values ranging from 0·03% to 16·1%. The durations of effective discharge classes ranged from 0·02% to 19·6% while the transport of 50% of total sediment loads ranged from 3% to 22% with an average of 14% of the time. Equations for predicting the class‐based Qeff in the Fraser River basin from bankfull discharge and drainage area are presented. The observed variations among stations in sediment‐discharge regimes based on subjectively selected 20 discharge classes, seem to reflect the influence of sediment controlling factors such as geology, physiography, catchment size and land use practice in the basin. Future directions of research on applications of the effective discharge concept are explored. As a solution to the problem of lack of an objective method for determining the effective discharge, the effective discharge should be determined from event based assessments of sediment transport (event‐based Qeff), avoiding any subjectivity in the selection of number of discharge classes used for its determination. In conclusion, it is proposed that continued use of the conventional method of determining Qeff should cease. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large rivers have been previously shown to be vertically heterogeneous in terms of suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration, as a result of sorting of suspended solids. Therefore, the spatial distribution of suspended sediments within the river section has to be known to assess the riverine sedimentary flux. Numerous studies have focused on the vertical distribution of SPM in a river channel from a theoretical or experimental perspective, but only a few were conducted so far on very large rivers. Moreover, a technique for the prediction of depth‐integrated suspended sediment fluxes in very large rivers based on sediment transport dynamics has not yet been proposed. We sampled river water along depth following several vertical profiles, at four locations on the Amazon River and its main tributaries and at two distinct water stages. Depending on the vertical profile, a one‐ to fivefold increase in SPM concentration is observed from river channel surface to bottom, which has a significant impact on the ‘depth‐averaged’ SPM concentration. For each cross section, a so‐called Rouse profile quantitatively accounts for the trend of SPM concentration increase with depth, and a representative Rouse number can be measured for each cross section. However, the prediction of this Rouse number would require the knowledge of the settling velocity of particles, which is dependent on the state of aggregation affecting particles within the river. We demonstrate that in the Amazon River, particle aggregation significantly influences the Rouse number and renders its determination impossible from grain‐size distribution data obtained in the lab. However, in each cross section, the Rouse profile obtained from the fit of the data can serve as a basis to model, at first order, the SPM concentration at any position in the river cross section. This approach, combined with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) water velocity transects, allows us to accurately estimate the depth‐integrated instantaneous sediment flux. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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