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田立柱 《华北地质》2008,31(4):328-332
本文中笔者总结了多年来国内外中国东部陆架晚更新世地层结构研究的主要认识,系统阐述了层序地层与沉积环境演化.中国东部陆架沉积物输运量高、沉积作用受海平面变化影响强烈,是分析晚更新世沉积演化史的理想场所.末次盛冰期(22 ka BP)之前,海面的持续下降形成以浅海、三角洲及海陆交互沉积为主的强制海退体系域.进入盛冰期后,一个新的旋回开始,在海退体系域之上,相继形成了包括低位体系域、海侵体系域及高位体系域在内新的4级层序:22~15 ka BP盛冰期时期,海面降至最低,形成低位体系域,包括陆架深切河湖沉积及风成沉积,以及陆架边缘三角洲和潮流砂体等;盛冰期结束的15~7 ka BP时期,全球海平面快速上升,形成含河道充填、湖泊、盐沼、潮坪、潮流砂体及浅海沉积的退积型海侵体系域;约7 ka BP以后,海面与现今海面位置基本相当,形成高位体系域,主要为三角洲和潮流砂等近岸陆架的沉积.  相似文献   

青藏高原东部末次冰期最盛期气候的花粉证据   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
唐邻余 《冰川冻土》1998,20(2):133-140
青藏高原许多湖泊钻孔、泥炭剖面等所揭示的花粉记录为重建当时的古气候提供了可靠的证据.应用这些资料探讨青藏高原东部末次最大盛冰期植被和气候.大约25~15kaBP前后西藏东南部、川西若尔盖及青海柴达木和可可西里地区,气候寒冷干燥,年均气温比现今低6℃左右,植被以荒漠草原为主;在青海湖地区森林退缩演变为草原植被;甘肃临夏气候冷湿,年均温比现在低5~6℃,发育山地暗针叶林  相似文献   

The configuration of Alpine accumulation areas during the last glacial maximum (LGM) has been reconstructed using glacial–geological mapping. The results indicate that the LGM ice surface consisted of at least three major ice domes, all located south of the principal weather divide of the Alps. This implies that the buildup of the main Alpine ice cover during oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 2 was related to precipitation by dominant southerly atmospheric circulation, in contrast to today's prevalent westerly airflow. Such a reorganization of the atmospheric circulation is consistent with a southward displacement of the Oceanic Polar Front in the North Atlantic and of the associated storm track to the south of the Alps. These results, combined with additional paleoclimate records from western and southern Europe, allow an interpretation of the asynchronous evolution of the different European ice caps during the last glaciation. δ18O stages (OIS) 4 and 3 were characterized by location of the Polar Front north of 46°N (Gulf of Biscay). This affected prevailing westerly circulation and, thus, ice buildup in western Scandinavia, the Pyrénées, Vosges, and northern Alps. At the LGM, however, the Polar Front lay at 44°N, causing dominating southerly circulation and reduced precipitation in central and northern Europe.  相似文献   

A late glacial to early Holocene lacustrine and peat succession, rich in conifer remains and including some palaeolithic flint artefacts, has been investigated in the Palughetto intermorainic basin (Venetian Pre‐Alps). The geomorphological and stratigraphical relationships, 14C dates and pollen analyses allow a reconstruction of the environmental history of the basin and provide significant insights into the reforestation and peopling of the Pre‐Alps. The onset of peat accumulation is dated to 14.4–14.1 kyr cal. BP, coinciding with reforestation at middle altitudes that immediately post‐dates the immigration of Larix decidua and Picea abies subsp. europaea. Plant macrofossils point to the expansion of spruce about 14.3 kyr cal. BP, so far one of the earliest directly dated in the late glacial period of southern Europe. The previous hypothesis of an early Holocene spruce immigration in the Southern Alps from Slovenia needs reconsideration. Organic sedimentation stopped at the end of the Younger Dryas and was followed by the evolution of hydromorphic soils containing lithic artefacts, anthropic structures and wood charcoal. The typological features of the flint implements refer human occupation of the site to the end of the recent Epigravettian. Charcoals yielded dates either consistent with, or younger than, the archaeological chronology, in the early and middle Holocene. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Morphological analysis of the drainage system in the Eastern Alps   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
We study the morphology of the major rivers draining the Eastern Alps to test whether the active tectonics of this part of the orogen is reflected in the shape of channel profiles of the river network. In our approach we compare channel profiles measured from digital elevation models with numerically modelled channel profiles using a stream power approach. It is shown that regions of high stream power coincide largely with regions of highest topography and largest uplift rates, while the forelands and the Pannonian Basin are characterised by a significantly lower stream power. From stream power modelling we conclude that there is young uplift at the very east of the Eastern Alps, in the Bohemian Massif and in the Pohorje Range. The impact of the Pleistocene glaciations is explored by comparing properties of rivers that drain in proximal and distal positions relative to the ice sheet during the last glacial maximum. Our analysis shows that most knick points, wind gaps and other non-equilibrium features of catchments covered by ice during the last glaciations (Salzach, Enns) can be correlated with glacial processes. In contrast the ice free catchments of the Mur and Drava are characterized by channels in morphological equilibrium at the first approximation and are showing only weak evidence of the strong tectonic activity within these catchments. Finally, the channel profiles of the Adige and the divide between the upper Rhine and Danube catchments differ significantly from the other catchments. We relate this to the fact that the Adige and the Rhine respond to different base levels from the remainder of the Eastern Alps: The Adige may preserve a record from the Messininan base level change and the Rhine is subject to the base level lowering in the Rhine Graben.  相似文献   

Balancing lateral orogenic float of the Eastern Alps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Oligocene to Miocene post-collisional shortening between the Adriatic and European plates was compensated by frontal thrusting onto the Molasse foreland basin and by contemporaneous lateral wedging of the Austroalpine upper plate. Balancing of the upper plate shortening by horizontal retrodeformation of lateral escaping and extruding wedges of the Austroalpine lid enables an evaluation of the total post-collisional deformation of the hangingwall plate. Quantification of the north–south shortening and east–west extension of the upper plate is derived from displacement data of major faults that dissect the Austroalpine wedges. Indentation of the South Alpine unit corresponds to 64 km north–south shortening and a minimum of 120 km of east–west extension. Lateral wedging affected the Eastern Alps east of the Giudicarie fault. West of the Giudicarie fault, north–south shortening was compensated by 50 to 80 km of backthrusting in the Lombardian thrust system of the Southern Alps. The main structures that bound the escaping wedges to the north are the Inntal fault system (ca. 50 km sinistral offset), the Königsee–Lammertal–Traunsee (KLT) fault (10 km) and the Salzach–Ennstal–Mariazell–Puchberg (SEMP) fault system (60 km). These faults, as well as a number of minor faults with displacements less than 10 km, root in the basal detachment of the Alps. The thin-skinned nature of lateral escape-related structures north of the SEMP line is documented by industry reflection seismic lines crossing the Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA) and the frontal thrust of the Eastern Alps. Complex triangle zones with passive roof backthrusts of Middle Miocene Molasse sediments formed in front of the laterally escaping wedges of the northern Eastern Alps. The aim of this paper is a semiquantitative reconstruction of the upper plate of the Eastern Alps. Most of the data is published elsewhere.  相似文献   

青藏高原末次冰期最盛时的冰川与环境   总被引:40,自引:12,他引:40  
施雅风  郑本兴 《冰川冻土》1997,19(2):97-113
在16-32kaBp的末次冰期最盛时,青藏高原较现代降温7℃左右,降水为现代的03-70%。极地型冰川广泛分布,高原内部平衡线较下降值减至500-300m以内,高原东部,南缘及西缘可能以亚极地型冰川为主,并有小部分温冰川,平衡线下降800m以至100-1200m。初步统计,包括周围高山在内冰川面积在35×10^4km^2左右,为现代冰川的7.5倍,冰储量相当于全海平面变化24.2cm。其时,多年冻  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONA great number of records from ice cores andocean sediments ( Bond et al., 1993; Dansgaard etal., 1993; Grootes, et al., 1993 ) reveal that theearth has experienced an integrated cool warm cli matic cycle since the LGM, in the course of which aseries of rapid and high amplitude oscillations oc curred (Chondrogianni et al., 2004). These impor tant oscillations, known as Heinrich events, Youn ger Dryas event and last deglaciation, initia…  相似文献   


The multiply deformed Upper Austro-Alpine nappe pile of the Graz area is built up of low-grade metamorphosed Paleozoic rocks which are discordantly overlain by sediments of Santonian (Late Cretaceous) age (“Gosau” formation). Slices of Permo-Mesozoic rocks are absent. Analyses of structures, microfabrics, strain and shear directions were used to decipher the kinematic history; geochronological investigations to date the age of thrusting. K/Ar and Rb/Sr ages of synkinematically grown mica suggest an eo-Alpine (Early Cretaceous) age for the major deformation D1. D1 is characterized by non-coaxial rock flow which caused SW- to W directed nappe imbrication. Incremental strain measurements indicate the progressive superposition of D2 over Dl. In the higher nappe (Rannach Nappe) nappe imbrication continued during D2 changing the direction of nappe transport from SW to NW. Enhanced flattening strain in the deeper nappe (Schöckel Nappe) led to recumbent folds in all scales during D2. This study emphasized two interpretations : (1) The Alpine deformation in the Upper Austro-Alpine nappe pile of the Paleozoic of Graz started in the Earliest Cretaceous (about 125 Ma.). (2) The emplacement of nappes followed a curved translation path in the studied area.  相似文献   

In this article, Milkov and Sassen’s model is selected to calculate the thickness of the gas hydrate stable zone (GHSZ) and the amount of gas hydrate in the Xisha (西沙) Trough at present and at the last glacial maximum (LGM), respectively, and the effects of the changes in the bottom water temperature and the sea level on these were also discussed. The average thickness of the GHSZ in Xisha Trough is estimated to be 287 m and 299 m based on the relationship between the GHSZ thickness and the water depth established in this study at present and at LGM, respectively. Then, by assuming that the distributed area of gas hydrates is 8 000 km2 and that the gas hydrate saturation is 1.2% of the sediment volume, the amounts of gas hydrate are estimated to be ~2.76×1010 m3 and ~2.87×1010 m3, and the volumes of hydrate-bound gases are ~4.52×1012 m3 and ~4.71×1012 m3 at present and at LGM, re- spectively. The above results show that the thickness of GHSZ decreases with the bottom water tem- perature increase and increases with the sea level increase, wherein the effect of the former is larger than that of the latter, that the average thickness of GHSZ in Xisha Trough had been reduced by ~12 m, and that 1.9×1011 m3 of methane is released from approximately 1.1×109 m3 of gas hydrate since LGM. The released methane should have greatly affected the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract At the basement-cover boundary of the north-eastern Tauern Window (Eastern Alps), the following Alpine P-T-d development has been reconstructed on the basis of macro- and micro-structures as well as preferred crystallographic orientations, mineral parageneses and compositions.
During increasing P-T conditions in the greenschist facies a first period of deformation produced imbrication of the basement gneisses and cover sediments, and then monoclinal folds up to the kilometre scale. Tectonic transport was continuously top-to-the-ENE. A second period of deformation began at about peak P-T conditions of 9 kbar and c. 540–560°C in the south, and about 7–9 kbar and 490–500° C in the north; this continued locally to lower temperature. During the second period, transport was continuously top-to-the-SE. Crystallographic orientations of white mica and plagioclase give particularly useful information on the kinematic framework. In addition, data on the ductile behaviour of dolomite and plagioclase can be inferred. At c. 7–9 kbar, dolomite recrystallization starts at 450–480° C, and the beginning of plagioclase recrystallization coincides with the oligoclase boundary.
In general, the Alpine geodynamic history of the basement-cover boundary may be related to continental collision processes between a northerly plate (European or Briançonnais) and a southerly (Adriatic) one. The first deformation period possibly reflects subduction of the gneiss-sediment boundary toward the WSW, to a depth of 31–32 km. The second period may be a result of obduction toward the NW, followed by late-stage uplift. Most of the basement domes of the eastern Tauern Window appear as a result of the final stage of the first deformation, formed prior to the peak of metamorphism, possibly partly influenced by the final collision between the northern and the southern continents.  相似文献   

利用Milkov和Sassen的模型计算了目前及末次盛冰期时西沙海槽天然气水合物的稳定带(GHSZ) 厚度及资源量, 讨论了末次盛冰期以来海洋底水温度增加和海平面升高对西沙海槽天然气水合物储库变化的影响.计算结果表明, 底水温度增加使GHSZ厚度减薄, 资源量减少; 而海平面上升使GHSZ厚度增加, 资源量增加, 但底水温度变化对GHSZ厚度和资源量的影响比海平面变化的影响更大.西沙海槽末次盛冰期时GHSZ平均厚度约为299m, 天然气水合物资源量约为2.87×1010m3, 甲烷数量约为4.71×1012m3; 目前的GHSZ平均厚度约为287m, 天然气水合物资源量约为2.76×1010m3, 甲烷数量约为4.52×1012m3.由此可见, 自末次盛冰期以来西沙海槽的GHSZ平均厚度减薄了~12m, 大约1.1×109m3的天然气水合物分解释放了1.9×1011m3的甲烷, 这些甲烷可能对环境产生了重要影响.   相似文献   

Calcitic flowstones are present in fractures of a Pleistocene breccia near Innsbruck, Austria, and record periods of carbonate precipitation in the unsaturated zone between 101,500 ± 1500 and 70,300 ± 1800 yr, constrained by U-series disequilibrium dates. The occurrence of these speleothems, their low carbon isotopic composition, and the lack of infiltrated siliciclastic material demonstrate that the central Inn valley - which harbored one of the most extensive valley glaciers during the last glacial maximum - was ice-free during Marine Isotope Stages 5c to 5a. Climatically warm periods are separated by distinct drops in the oxygen isotopic composition of the speleothem calcite, attributed to strong and possibly seasonally biased atmospheric cooling. During these intervening stadials, which mirror those identified in the Greenland ice cores and marine sea-surface temperature records, calcite deposition apparently came to a halt, but the Inn Valley remained ice-free. The youngest calcite layer formed between ∼74,000 and ∼70,000 yr and places a maximum age limit on the likely expansion of alpine glaciers during the Marine Isotope Stage 5/4 transition, consistent with other speleothem records.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3D) lithospheric density structure of the Eastern Alps was investigated by integrating results from reflection seismics, receiver function analyses and tomography. The modelling was carried out with respect to the Bouguer gravity and the geoid undulations and emphasis were laid on the investigations of the importance of deep lithospheric features. Although the influence of inhomogeneities at the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary on the potential field is not neglectable, they are overprinted by the response of the density contrast at the crust–mantle boundary and intra-crustal density anomalies. The uncertainties in the interpretations are in the same order of magnitude as the gravity field generated by the deep lithosphere.After including the deep lithospheric geometry from the tomographic model it is shown that full isostatic equilibrium is not achieved below the Eastern Alps. However, calculation of the isostatic lithospheric thickness shows two areas of lithospheric thickening along the central axis of the Eastern Alps with a transition zone below the area of the TRANSALP profile. This is in agreement with the tomographic model, which features a change in lithospheric subduction direction.  相似文献   

In Argentina, loess/palaeosol sequences were studied from the two sections at Monte Ralo and Corralito, located near to the city of Córdoba in the east of the Pampean ranges. Infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating techniques were applied to set up a more reliable chronological framework for the Upper Pleistocene loess record. IRSL ages increase with depth and are stratigraphically consistent. The oldest loess exposed correlates at least to the penultimate glaciation. The luminescence dating study gives evidence for humid climate conditions with soil formation during the last interglacial period and the middle pleniglacial correlating to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 and 3, respectively. Three extended periods of soil formation are recorded in the loess/palaeosol sequences at the Corralito section. These buried soils most likely correlate with the last interglacial and early last glacial period. During the Middle Pleniglacial, two palaeosols are intercalated in the loess successions. In the Córdoba area, the periods of increased loess accumulation and deposition of loessic sediments correlate with more arid and glacial periods during the Early Pleniglacial, the Middle Pleniglacial and the Late Glacial. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Oberstdorf nappe of the Western and the Laab nappe of the Eastern Rhenodanubian Flysch (ERF) were independently identified as out-of-sequence thrust units by facies studies (Mattern 1999) and zircon analyses (Trautwein et al. 2001a, b, c), respectively. A new look at both areas reveals mutual similarities and new evidence for the out-of-sequence concept. Paleocurrent and heavy mineral data make it possible to reconstruct the sediment influx directions. From the Barremian to the mid-Campanian, the western and eastern basin segments were fed with south-derived garnet and north-derived zircon/”ZTR” (i.e., zircon, tourmaline, and rutile). Because both out-of-sequence units are relatively rich in zircon/ZTR they must have occupied the northernmost basin position. In the Western Rhenodanubian Flysch segment, the Sigiswang nappe occupied the central and the Üntschen nappe the southernmost basin position. In the ERF segment the central basin is represented by the Greifenstein nappe and the southernmost basin by the Kahlenberg nappe. Both out-of-sequence units do not occur in the northernmost and tectonically lowest position in their respective nappe piles as they were thrust over the other nappes. The reconstructed basin positions of the thrust units are suggested by the observation of a gradient in heavy mineral content in the thrust units. This paleogeographic arrangement is least problematic and renders models with differently positioned thrust units, requiring debris-shedding intrabasinal ridges, as unnecessarily complicated. Instead, we suggest that gradual changes in heavy mineral composition existed in across-basin direction. Garnet may stem from the Central Gneiss Complex of the Tauern window and formerly exposed lateral equivalents, all representing the southern Mid-Penninic zone. We assign the Falknis/Tasna nappe and formerly exposed lateral equivalents to the northern Mid-Penninic zone which served as the zircon/ZTR source. Interpreting Ebbing’s (Ph.D. thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, pp 1-143, 2002; Fig. 6.10) density section, we suggest that Mid-Penninic crust exists beneath the Central Gneiss Complex. During the latest Cretaceous much garnet was also N-derived. This may reflect processes related to the consumption of the North Penninic basin.  相似文献   


研究过去气候快速变化能为当前极端气候分析和未来环境预测提供自然背景理解。亚洲季风在北半球乃至全球的第四纪气候变化中扮演着重要角色,其演化是全球气候变化背景下的典型区域响应。然而,不同地质载体及不同指标所记录的亚洲冬、夏季风变化存在着较大差异,产生差异的原因及受到的动力机制是值得深入研究的科学问题。渭河盆地位于黄土高原和古三门湖沉积交叠的区域,是研究第四纪亚洲季风演化的理想场所。在盆地西南部西安市户县和长安县获取了两个黄土沉积钻孔,户县ZZC孔长4 m,长安县XFC孔长3 m,两孔的年代均超过25 ka。通过两钻孔的粒度和元素地球化学等代用指标研究,对比分析不同指标对气候变化的敏感度差异,反演了末次冰盛期(LGM)以来的区域沉积环境变化,并尝试探讨该时期发生的气候突变事件及反映的季风强度变化。结果表明,两钻孔的平均粒径从LGM到中全新世逐渐变细,中全新世之后少许变粗,空间上表现出一致性,总体反映了末次冰盛期以来的冬季风强度演化;Ca/Ti反映了与季风降水相关的淋溶强度,从LGM到全新世暖期夏季风逐渐减弱,并记录了若干次气候快速变化。粒度和元素比值变化表明,渭河盆地沉积良好地记录了末次冰盛期至全新世的大幅冷干-暖湿波动及若干次持续时间较短的快速水文变化事件,主要是受到太阳辐射和冰量等因素调控的影响。由于渭河盆地有上千米的新生代沉积,未来开展高分辨率研究有望揭示不同时间尺度季风变化特征及其与区域和全球变化的联系。


Zoned garnet and amphibole occur in metabasites of the KraubathMassif, Eastern Alps, that contain relic magmatic clinopyroxene.The amphibole composition gradually changes from core (XMg =0·83) to rim (XMg = 0·6–0·7). A numberof compositional varieties of garnet occur in the metabasite.An older porphyroblastic garnet (Py23–27, Alm41–43,Grs29–33) has two different compositional domains, onerelatively rich in Mg (Py27–30) and the other rich inCa (Grs35–38) with a low Mg (Py20–25) content. Theyoungest variety, which forms rims on, or microveins in, theporphyroblastic garnet, has high Ca and low Mg (Grs40–57,Py2–7, Alm46–51). The amphibole cores and garnetporphyroblasts are interpreted to represent minerals formedduring Variscan regional metamorphism under amphibolite-faciesconditions. Alpine metamorphism is represented by the most recentCa-rich and Mg-poor variety of garnet that coexists with theamphibole rims, epidote and chlorite. Fracturing in the porphyroblasticgarnet probably originated during retrogression of the Variscanamphibolite-facies assemblages. Textural relations suggest thatthe garnet in the microveins formed by dehydration of hydrousphases during an Alpine metamorphic overprint that reached PTconditions of 550–583°C at 1·0 GPa. KEY WORDS: microveins; garnet; metabasites; Kraubath Massif; Eastern Alps  相似文献   

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