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Spectroheliograms in the L Mg xii line and in the Mg xi resonance (R) 1s 21 S 0-1s2p 1 P 1 line, intercombination (I) 1s 21 S 0-1s2p 3 P 1,2, line, and the forbidden (F) 1s 21 S 0-1s2s 3 S 1 line, have been obtained.Two Bragg crystal spectrometers were used mounted with mechanical collimators to obtain a spatial resolution of 1 × 3. The apparatus was launched on a sounding rocket on July 2nd, 1971. A particularly thorough study was made of the brightest active region (MC 11402).Variations in the F to I Mg xi line intensity ratio from one point to another in the active region did not reveal the presence of high electron densities.The observed intensities of the Mg xi R line, Mg xii L line and Mg x 1s 22s 2 S 1/2-1s2p 1 P 2s × × 2 P11/2, 3/2 S line are not well explained by an isothermal model. Good agreement between computed and observed intensities is obtained using the non-isothermal model proposed here.  相似文献   

We present here an extensive list of internally consistent oscillator strengths for Fe I lines. We have compiled and critically reviewed the oscillator strengths existing in literature. An attempt has been made to scale the oscillator strengths derived by different workers to that of Blackwell and his collaborators and prepare a single consistent set of oscillator strengths. We have calibrated a loggf- log λ- E 1- log I relationship that can be used for calculatinggf values for Fe I lines with nogf values available. We demonstrate that standard error of such a calibration can be considerably reduced by binning the data in 0.5 eV range in excitation potential. We also tabulate systematic corrections to be applied to the oscillator strengths of Kurucz & Peytremann (1975) for lines belonging to different multiplets  相似文献   

K. Matsumaru 《Solar physics》1973,28(2):351-360
In our electronic method, the circular sunspots are recorded on a magnetic video tape recorder, and then the recorded images of them are reproduced on a picture monitor and the video signals are simultaneously displayed on an oscilloscope. By means of a line selector, the waveform of a single scanning line of the total raster may be photographed immediately. From these successive waveforms we may directly calculate the relative brightness from the ratio of the voltage of the spot to that of the photosphere and the brightness gradient over the whole spot area. Usually we can get all these results of an individual spot within two or three days.As typical examples, as shown in Table I, we selected five circular spots of medium scale from many recorded data and explained their characteristics. We can get more accurate results if we would use a standard image orthicon camera. Our new method may be effective if being applied to a large telescope, and also it may be valid for several spectroscopic observations.  相似文献   

Sunspot activity is usually described by either sunspot numbers or sunspot areas. The smoothed monthly mean sunspot numbers (SNs) and the smoothed monthly mean areas (SAs) in the time interval from November 1874 to September 2007 are used to analyze their phase synchronization. Both the linear method (fast Fourier transform) and some nonlinear approaches (continuous wavelet transform, cross-wavelet transform, wavelet coherence, cross-recurrence plot, and line of synchronization) are utilized to show the phase relation between the two series. There is a high level of phase synchronization between SNs and SAs, but the phase synchronization is detected only in their low-frequency components, corresponding to time scales of about 7 to 12 years. Their high-frequency components show a noisy behavior with strong phase mixing. Coherent phase variables should exist only for a frequency band with periodicities around the dominating 11-year cycle for SNs and SAs. There are some small phase differences between them. SNs lag SAs during most of the considered time interval, and they are in general more asynchronous around the minimum and maximum times of a cycle than at the ascending and descending phases.  相似文献   

Y. D. Zhugzhda 《Solar physics》2008,251(1-2):501-514
Two competing theories of sunspot oscillations are discussed. It is pointed out that the normal mode (eigenoscillations) theory is in contradiction with a number of observations. The reasons for this are discussed. The revised filter theory of the three-minute sunspot oscillations is outlined. It is shown that the reason for the occurrence of the multipassband filter for the slow waves is the interference that appears from the multilayer structure of the sunspot atmosphere. In contrast with Zhugzhda and Locans (Sov. Astron. Lett. 7, 25?–?27, 1981) it is shown that along with the Fabry?–?Perot chromospheric passband the cutoff frequency passband and a number of the high-frequency passbands occur. The effect of the nonlinearity of the sunspot oscillations in the upper chromosphere and the transition region is taken into account. The spectra of the distinct empirical models of the sunspot atmosphere are explored. An example of the interpretation of the sunspot oscillations based on the revised filter theory is presented. Only the filter theory can explain the complicated behavior of the oscillations across the sunspot. The observations provide evidence of the nonuniformity of the sunspot atmosphere.  相似文献   

Using several density diagnostic Oiv theoretical line ratios and corresponding observed values for the same source by Sandlin et al. (1984) and Sandlin, Brueckner, and Tousey (1977), we find that an emitting region has a multidensity structure. We discuss several other line ratios for density measurement in sunspots, active regions, and flares.  相似文献   

The effects have been investigated of non-vertical radiative transfer on the formation of neutral iron spectral lines in inhomogeneous photosphere of the Sun. The non-vertical effects, as well as deviations from LTE, smooth the contrast of solar granulation in equivalent widths of solar absorption lines. For the central residual intensities of moderate and strong lines, on the contrary to weak lines, these effects enhance the granulation contrast. It was found, that the negative dependency of equivalent width on intensity in continuous spectrum decays due to the non-vertical effects for Fe I lines.  相似文献   

The Ultraviolet Spectrometer and Polarimeter (UVSP) on the SMM satellite has been used to record the linear polarization profile across the Mgii h and k lines, including its center-to-limb variation. Linear polarization with an orientation of the electric vector parallel to the solar limb is detected in the line wings on the short wavelength side of the k line and on the long wavelength side of the h line, in agreement with theoretical predictions of Auer et al. (1980). The predicted negative polarization (electric vector perpendicular to the limb) between the h and k lines is however not confirmed by the observations. Instead values close to zero are indicated there, although the statistical significance of the results is marginal.We have examined possible explanations of such a discrepancy between theory and observations. After having rejected other alternatives (e.g., opacity effects, different continuum polarization, or deviations from a plane-parallel stratification), it is suggested that the solution may be found in a treatment of partial redistribution of the polarized radiation with the quantum-mechanical interference between the two scattering transitions being included as an integral part of the redistribution problem.  相似文献   

Lidar observations of atmospheric sodium reveal a diurnally steady layer with a maximum concentration near 92 km of 3?5 × 103cm?3. These data imply that both Fe and Mg should have peak concentrations near 105 cm?3 on the basis of their relative abundance to sodium in chondritic meteorites. We review the available metallic ion data below 100 km and find typical maxima of 102 cm?3 for Na and 103 cm?3 for both [Fe+] and [Mg+] for undisturbed daytime conditions. We argue that enhancements of up to 104 cm?3 for Fe+ and Mg+ during aurora support the viewpoint that [Fe] and [Mg] both approach 105 cm?3 near 92 km. We briefly discuss the lack of spectroscopic evidence for such concentrations. In our review of the metallic ion data we find evidence for about a factor of ten diurnal variation in both Fe+ and Mg+ and probably Na+. Minimum concentrations of 102 cm?3 are attained just before dawn for [Fe+] and [Mg+].  相似文献   

Kumar  Brajesh  Jain  Rajmal  Tripathy  S.C.  Vats  Hari Om  Deshpande  M.R. 《Solar physics》2000,191(2):293-307
A time series of GONG Dopplergrams for the period 10–14 May 1997 from Udaipur and Big Bear sites has been used to measure the velocity fluctuations in a sunspot (NOAA active region 8038) and quiet photosphere simultaneously. We observe that the power of pre-dominant p mode is reduced in the sunspot as compared to quiet photosphere by 39–52% depending on the location of the sunspot region on the solar disk. We also observe a relative peak frequency deviation of p modes in the sunspot, of the order of 80–310 Hz, which shows a linear dependence on the magnetic field gradient in the active region. The maximum frequency deviation of 310 Hz on 12 May appears to be an influence of a long-duration solar flare that occurred in this active region. We interpret this relative peak frequency deviation as either due to power re-distribution of p modes in the sunspot or a consequence of frequency modulation of these modes along the magnetic flux tubes due to rapidly varying magnetic field structure.  相似文献   

We studied the evolution and dynamic processes in the chromosphere above a sunspot umbra. A relatively rarely occurring phenomenon of bright long-lasting emission observed in the umbra of a unipolar sunspot of the AR 9570 group on August 11, 2001 was investigated. It was found that during the course of the observation, emission was spreading, gradually occupying nearly the entire sunspot umbra. Based on the analysis of the observations from other observatories, we arrived at the conclusion that the bright emission was a sympathetic flare that occurred in the sunspot umbra. It was assumed that there occurred an interaction with a neighboring, rapidly evolving group that exhibited subflares on the day of observation. In the same umbra, there was taking place an oscillatory process of the type of umbral flash (observations from August 11 and 12, 2001). The characteristics of the oscillatory process in the presence of the flare were studied. As the bright emission propagated in the sunspot umbra, brightness fluctuations ceased to be seen in the umbral flashes against the background of this brighter emission. The character of velocity variations did not change substantially, although the oscillation amplitude did decrease.  相似文献   

Kupke  Renate  Labonte  B.J.  Mickey  D.L. 《Solar physics》2000,191(1):97-128
Time series of 2-dimensional spectro-polarmetric data were obtained with the intent of studying the temporal behavior of velocity, magnetic flux, and characteristics of the Stokes V profile in a small region of a larger sunspot. Full Stokes profiles in I, Q, U, and V were obtained. Velocity oscillations were found at frequencies of 3.3 mHz in each of the profiles. Acoustic power maps indicate that locations of highest power correspond to areas in which the polarization signal was greatest, therefore no conclusion about the type of wave mode participating in the oscillations can be made. Velocity amplitudes were I: 71 m s–1, Q: 47 m s–1, U: 65 m s–1 and V: 86 m s–1. Oscillatory behavior was also detected in longitudinal field strength, with an r.m.s. amplitude of 22 G, at 2.6 and 3.3 mHz. The power was localized at the umbral/penumbral boundary. A phase analysis indicates a –130° phase difference with Stokes V velocity oscillations at 3.3 mHz and a 75° difference at 2.6 mHz. Results are consistent with magnetic field lines swaying in response to a p-mode driver. No oscillatory behavior was seen in Stokes V asymmetry or amplitude splitting.  相似文献   

Some line identifications in solar disk and limb spectra are proposed on the basis of recent laboratory and theoretical results reported in the literature, including allowed lines of Mgi and Fexiv in the EUV spectrum and an expected forbidden line of Fexvii near 1190 Å.  相似文献   

Line emissions from nitrogen-like ions NeIV, MgVI, and AlVII have been studied as a diagnostic probe for the emitting regions of astrophysical plasma. Line intensities from these ions have been calculated and compared, in this study, with available observational data for solar plasma.  相似文献   

In view of the construction of new sunspot-based activity indices and proxies, we conducted a comprehensive survey of all existing catalogs providing detailed parameters of photospheric features over long time intervals. Although there are a fair number of such catalogs, a global evaluation showed that they suffer from multiple limitations: finite or fragmented time coverage, limited temporal overlap between catalogs, and, more importantly, a mismatch in contents and conventions. Starting from the existing material, we demonstrate how the information from parallel catalogs can be merged to form a much more comprehensive record of sunspots and sunspot groups. To do this, we use the uniquely detailed Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD), which is already a composite of several ground-based observatories and of SOHO data, and the USAF/Mount Wilson catalog from the Solar Observing Optical Network (SOON). We also outline our cross-identification method, which was needed to match the non-overlapping solar active-region nomenclature. This proved to be the most critical and subtle step when working with multiple catalogs. This effort, focused here first on the last two solar cycles, should lead to a better central database that collects all available sunspot group parameters to address future solar-cycle studies beyond the traditional sunspot-index time series [R i].  相似文献   

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