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We report radiocarbon measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in surface water samples collected daily during cruises to the central North Pacific, the Sargasso Sea and the Southern Ocean. The ranges of Δ14C measurements for each cruise (11–30‰) were larger than the total uncertainty (7.8‰, 2-sigma) of the measurements. The variability is attributed to changes in the upper water mass that took place at each site over a two to four week period. These results indicate that variability of surface Δ14C values is larger than the analytical precision, because of patchiness that exists in the DIC Δ14C signature of the surface ocean. This additional variability can affect estimates of geochemical parameters such as the air–sea CO2 exchange rate using radiocarbon.  相似文献   

This study extends the 1991-1995 records of marine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and Δ14C values at hydrographic Station M (34°50′N, 123°00′W) with new measurements from a frozen (-20 °C) archive of samples collected between April 1998 and October 2004. The magnitudes and synchronicity of major Δ14C anomalies throughout the time-series imply transport of DOC from the surface ocean to depths of at least 450 m on the timescale of months. Keeling plots of all measurements at Station M predict a continuum of possible background DOC compositions containing at least 21 μM of -1000‰ (i.e., ≥57,000 14C years) DOC, but are more consistent with mean deep DOC (38 μM, -549‰; i.e., 6,400 14C years). These results and coral records of surface dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) Δ14C were used to estimate pre-bomb DOC Δ14C depth profiles. The combined results indicate that bomb-14C has penetrated the DOC pool to depths of ≥450 m, though the signal at that depth is obscured by short-term variability.  相似文献   

The newly-discovered prochlorophyte Prochlorococcus marinus is often numerically dominant in the euphotic zone of the tropical and subtropical ocean; however, its contribution to phytoplankton biomass and primary production is largely unknown. Using its unique pigment divinyl-chlorophyll a (Chl a2) as a chemosystematic marker, we show that Prochlorococcus is present at a station in the Sargasso Sea throughout most of the year. Whereas it is only found at depth during the early summer, it can be found throughout the euphotic zone during the rest of the year. Averaged over the year Prochlorococcus pigment-biomass constitutes about 30% of the total. Its growth rate, estimated from the incorporation of 14C into Chl a2 ranged from values of 0.3 day−1 in the surface layer to values less than 0.1 day−1 at the bottom of the euphotic zone. Averaged over the seasons, approximately 25% of the total productivity was due to Prochlorococcus. Prochlorococcus clearly is an important component of the ecosystem in the Sargasso Sea, and perhaps the world ocean.  相似文献   

The speciation of sedimentary sulfur (pyrite, acid volatile sulfides (AVS), S0, H2S, and sulfate) was analyzed in surface sediments recovered at different water depths from the northwestern margin of the Black Sea. Additionally, dissolved and dithionite-extractable iron were quantified, and the sulfur isotope ratios in pyrite were measured. Sulfur and iron cycling in surface sediments of the northwestern part of the Black Sea is largely influenced by (1) organic matter supply to the sediment, (2) availability of reactive iron compounds and (3) oxygen concentrations in the bottom waters. Biologically active, accumulating sediments just in front of the river deltas were characterized by high AVS contents and a fast depletion of sulfate concentration with depth, most likely due to high sulfate reduction rates (SRR). The δ34S values of pyrite in these sediments were relatively heavy (−8‰ to −21‰ vs. V-CDT). On the central shelf, where benthic mineralization rates are lower, re-oxidation processes may become more important and result in pyrite extremely depleted in δ34S (−39‰ to −46‰ vs. V-CDT). A high variability in δ34S values of pyrite in sediments from the shelf-edge (−6‰ to −46‰ vs. V-CDT) reflects characteristic fluctuations in the oxygen concentrations of bottom waters or varying sediment accumulation rates. During periods of oxic conditions or low sediment accumulation rates, re-oxidation processes became important resulting in low AVS concentrations and light δ34S values. Anoxic conditions in the bottom waters overlying shelf-edge sediments or periods of high accumulation rates are reflected in enhanced AVS contents and heavier sulfur isotope values. The sulfur and iron contents and the light and uniform pyrite isotopic composition (−37‰ to −39‰ vs. V-CDT) of sediments in the permanently anoxic deep sea (1494 m water depth) reflect the formation of pyrite in the upper part of the sulfidic water column and the anoxic surface sediment. The present study demonstrates that pyrite, which is extremely depleted in 34S, can be found in the Black Sea surface sediments that are positioned both above and below the chemocline, despite differences in biogeochemical and microbial controlling factors.  相似文献   

Strong seasonal patterns in upper ocean total carbon dioxide (TCO2), alkalinity (TA) and calculated pCO2 were observed in a time series of water column measurements collected at the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) BATS site (31 °50′N, 64 °10′W) in the Sargasso Sea. TA distribution was a conservative function of salinity. However, in February 1992, a non-conservative decrease in TA was observed, with maximum depletion of 25–30 μmoles kg−1 occuring in the surface layer and at the depth of the chlorophyll maximum (˜ 80–100 m). Mixed-layer TCO2 also decreased, while surface pCO2 increased by 25–30 μatm. We suggest these changes in carbon dioxide species resulted from open-ocean calcification by carbonate-secreting organisms rather than physical processes. Coccolithophore calcification is the most likely cause of this event although calcification by foraminifera or pteropods cannot be ruled out. Due to the transient increase in surface pCO2, the net annual transfer of CO2 into the ocean at BATS was reduced. These observations demonstrate the potential importance of open-ocean calcification and biological community structure in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope composition of particulate organic carbon (POC) from plankton, sediment trap material and surface sediments from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were determined. Despite low and constant water temperatures, large variations in the δ13C values of plankton were measured. 13C enrichments of up to 10‰ coincided with a change in the diatom assemblage and a two-fold increase in primary production. Increased CO2 consumption as a result of rapid carbon fixation may result in diffusion limitation reducing the magnitude of the isotope fractionation. The δ13C values of plankton from sea-ice cores display a relationship with the chlorophyll a content. High ‘ice-algae’ biomass, in combination with a limited exchange with the surrounding seawater, results in values of about − 18 to − 20‰. It is assumed that these values are related to a reduced CO2 availability in the sea-ice system. In comparison with plankton, sinking krill faeces sampled by traps can be enriched by 2–5‰ in 13C (e.g. central Bransfield Strait). In contrast, the transport of particles in other faeces, diatom aggregates or chains results in minor isotope changes (e.g. Drake Passage, Powell Basin, NW Weddell Sea). A comparison between the δ13C values of sinking matter and those of surface sediments reveals that 13C enrichments of up to 3–4‰ may occur at the sediment-water boundary layer. These isotopic changes are attributed to high benthic respiration rates.  相似文献   

We determined 15N/14N ratios of total nitrogen in surface sediments and dated sediment cores to reconstruct the history of N-loading of the North Sea. The isotopic N composition in modern surface sediments is equivalent to and reflects the isotopic mixture of oceanic nitrate on the one hand (δ15N = 5‰) and the imprint of river-borne nitrogen input into the SE North Sea (δ15N up to 12‰ in estuaries of the SE North Sea) on the other hand. We compare the results with δ15N records from pre-industrial sediment intervals in cores from the Skagerrak and Kattegat areas, which both constitute significant depositional centres for N in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea/North Sea transition. As expected, isotopically enriched anthropogenic nitrogen was found in the two records from the Kattegat area, which is close to eutrophication sources on land. Enrichment of δ15N in cores from the Skagerrak – the largest sediment sink for nitrogen in the entire North Sea – was not significant and values were similar to those found in sediment layers representing pre-industrial conditions. We interpret this isotopic uniformity as an indication that most riverine reactive nitrogen with its characteristic isotopic signature is removed by denitrification in shallow shallow-water sediments before reaching the main sedimentary basin of the North Sea.  相似文献   

Potential biogenic sources of ultrafiltered dissolved and suspended particulate organic matter (UDOM and POM, respectively) from the Sargasso Sea (SS) and North Central Pacific (NCP) Ocean were investigated using lipid biomarker compounds. Organic carbon (OC) concentrations were ~ 20–40 times greater in UDOM than POM and decreased with depth. However, total OC-normalized lipid concentrations were 2–3 orders of magnitude higher in POM than in UDOM. Particulate total lipids decreased 3–10-fold with depth, compared to 10–20% for dissolved total lipids. Total fatty acids (FA), the most abundant lipids, showed similar patterns as total lipids, comprising ~ 62–88% of the total lipids analyzed in UDOM and ~ 57–84% in POM.FA were dominated by straight-chain saturated compounds followed by monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and branched FA. Polyunsaturated FA were enriched in POM vs. UDOM and in surface vs. deep waters for both UDOM and POM, likely reflecting the algal origins and greater reactivity of surface-derived materials. In both UDOM and POM, sterols of planktonic origin dominated, including cholest-5-en-3β-ol (C27Δ5), 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)E-dien-3β-ol (C28Δ5,24(28)) and 24-ethylcholest-5-3β-ol (C29Δ5), with varying contributions from cholesta-5,22E-3β-ol (C27Δ5,22), 24-methylcholesta-5,22E-3β-ol (C28Δ5,22) and 24-ethylcholesta-5,22E-3β-ol (C29Δ5,22).Factor analysis of lipid biomarkers showed major differences between the UDOM and POM pools and for each pool as a function of depth, but not between the SS and NCP. While UDOM and POM biomarkers were both dominated by autochthonous sources, differences between the two pools suggest potential effects from some combination of source and diagenetic factors. The lipid biomarker data are further evaluated relative to previous studies of radiocarbon (14C) and elemental (C:N:P) characteristics of UDOM and POM in the SS and NCP.  相似文献   

The likelihood that the carbon fluxes measured as part of the US-JGOFS field program in the equatorial Pacific ocean (EgPac) during 1992 yielded a balanced carbon budget for the surface ocean was determined. The major carbon fluxes incorporated into a surface carbon budget were: new production, particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export, CaC03 export, C02 gas evasion, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) supply, and the time rate of charge. The ratio of the measured concentration gradients of DOC and DIC provided a constraint on the ratio of POC/DOC export. Uncertainties of ±30–50% for individual carbon flux measurements reduce the likelihood that a carbon balance can be measured during a JGOFS process-type study. As a benchmark, carbon fluxes were prescribed to yield a hypothetical surface carbon budget that was, on average, balanced. Given the typical errors in the individual carbon fluxes, however, there was only about a 30% chance that this hypothetical budget could be measured to be balanced to ±50%. Using this benchmark, it was determined that there was a 95 % chance that the carbon flux measurements yielded a surface DIC budget balanced (to ±50%) during El Nino conditions in boreal spring 1992, when the total organic carbon export rate was - 5 mmol C m-2 day- 1 and the POC export was 3 mmol C m−2 day−1. In boreal fall 1992, during cold period conditions, there was a 70% chance that the surface carbon DIC budget was balanced when the total organic carbon export rate was 20 mmol C m−2 day−1 and export was -13 mmol C m-2 day-'. The DOC to DIC concentration gradient ratio of - -0.15, measured in depth profiles down to 100m and in surface waters, was used as an important constraint that most (> 70%) of the organic carbon exported from the euphotic zone was POC rather than DOC. If a balanced surface DIC budget was used to test the compatibility of individual carbon fluxes measured during EgPac, then a three- to four-fold increase in total and particulate organic carbon export between spring and fall is indicated. This increase was not reflected in the POC loss rates measured by drifting sediment trap collections or estimated by234Th deficiencies coupled with the C/Th measured on suspended particles.  相似文献   

Incorporation of 14C-depleted (old) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on/into particulate organic carbon (POC) has been suggested as a possible mechanism to explain the low Δ14C-POC values observed in the deep ocean [Druffel, E.R.M., Williams, P.M., 1990. Identification of a deep marine source of particulate organic carbon using bomb 14C. Nature, 347, 172–174.]. A shipboard incubation experiment was performed in the Sargasso Sea to test this hypothesis. Finely ground dried plankton was incubated in seawater samples from the deep Sargasso Sea, both with and without a biological poison (HgCl2). Changes in parameters such as biochemical composition and carbon isotopic signatures of bulk POC and its organic compound classes were examined to study the roles of sorptive processes and biotic activity on POC character. Following a 13-day incubation, the relative abundance of the acid-insoluble organic fraction increased. Abundances of extractable lipids and total hydrolyzable amino acids decreased for both treatments, but by a greater extent in the non-poisoned treatment. The Δ14C values of POC recovered from the non-poisoned treatment were significantly lower than the value of the unaltered plankton material used for the incubation, indicating incorporation of 14C-depleted carbon, most likely DOC. The old carbon was present only in the lipid and acid-insoluble fractions. These results are consistent with previous findings of old carbon dominating the same organic fractions of sinking POC from the deep Northeast Pacific [Hwang, J., Druffel, E.R.M., 2003. Lipid-like material as the source of the uncharacterized organic carbon in the ocean? Science, 299, 881–884.]. However, the Δ14C values of POC recovered from the poisoned treatment did not change as much as those from the non-poisoned treatment suggesting that biological processes were involved in the incorporation of DOC on/into POC.  相似文献   

Changes from winter (July) to summer (February) in mixed layer carbon tracers and nutrients measured in the sub-Antarctic zone (SAZ), south of Australia, were used to derive a seasonal carbon budget. The region showed a strong winter to summer decrease in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC;  45 µmol/kg) and fugacity of carbon dioxide (fCO2;  25 µatm), and an increase in stable carbon isotopic composition of DIC (δ13CDIC;  0.5‰), based on data collected between November 1997 and July 1999.The observed mixed layer changes are due to a combination of ocean mixing, air–sea exchange of CO2, and biological carbon production and export. After correction for mixing, we find that DIC decreases by up to 42 ± 3 µmol/kg from winter (July) to summer (February), with δ13CDIC enriched by up to 0.45 ± 0.05‰ for the same period. The enrichment of δ13CDIC between winter and summer is due to the preferential uptake of 12CO2 by marine phytoplankton during photosynthesis. Biological processes dominate the seasonal carbon budget (≈ 80%), while air–sea exchange of CO2 (≈ 10%) and mixing (≈ 10%) have smaller effects. We found the seasonal amplitude of fCO2 to be about half that of a study undertaken during 1991–1995 [Metzl, N., Tilbrook, B. and Poisson, A., 1999. The annual fCO2 cycle and the air–sea CO2 flux in the sub-Antarctic Ocean. Tellus Series B—Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 51(4): 849–861.] for the same region, indicating that SAZ may undergo significant inter-annual variations in surface fCO2. The seasonal DIC depletion implies a minimum biological carbon export of 3400 mmol C/ m2 from July to February. A comparison with nutrient changes indicates that organic carbon export occurs close to Redfield values (ΔP:ΔN:ΔC = 1:16:119). Extrapolating our estimates to the circumpolar sub-Antarctic Ocean implies a minimum organic carbon export of 0.65 GtC from the July to February period, about 5–7% of estimates of global export flux. Our estimate for biological carbon export is an order of magnitude greater than anthropogenic CO2 uptake in the same region and suggests that changes in biological export in the region may have large implications for future CO2 uptake by the ocean.  相似文献   

The nearshore shelf of the Beaufort Sea is defined by extreme physical and biological gradients that have a distinctive influence on its productivity and trophic structure. Massive freshwater discharge from the Mackenzie River, along with numerous smaller rivers and streams elsewhere along the coast, produce an environment that is decidedly estuarine in character, especially in late spring and summer. Consequently, the Beaufort coast provides a critical habitat for several species of amphidromous fishes, some of which are essential to the subsistence lifestyle of arctic native populations. Because of its low in situ productivity, allochthonous inputs of organic carbon, identifiable on the basis of isotopic composition, are important to the functioning of this arctic estuarine system. Coastal erosion and river discharge are largely responsible for introducing high concentrations of suspended sediment from upland regions into the nearshore zone. The depletion in the 13C content of invertebrate and vertebrate consumers, which drops about 4–5‰ eastward along the eastern Alaskan Beaufort Sea coast, may reflect the assimilation of this terrestrial organic matter into local food webs. In addition, the large range in 13C values of fauna collected in the eastern Beaufort (nearly 8‰) compared to the same species in the northeastern Chukchi (3‰), indicate a lower efficiency of carbon transfer between trophic levels in the eastern Beaufort. The wider spread in stable isotope values in the eastern Beaufort may also reflect a decoupling between benthic and pelagic components. Isotopic tracer studies of amphidromous fishes in the Simpson Island barrier island lagoon revealed that terrestrial (peat) carbon may contribute as much as 30–50% of their total dietary requirements. On the eastern Alaska Beaufort Sea coast, the δ13C values of arctic cod collected in semi-enclosed lagoons were more depleted, by 3–4‰, compared to fish collected in the coastal Beaufort Sea. Calculations from isotopic mixing equations indicate cod from lagoons may derive 70% of their carbon from terrestrial sources. The δ15N values of lagoon fish were also 4‰ lower than coastal specimens, reflective of the lower δ15N values of terrestrially derived nitrogen (0–1.5‰ compared to 5–7‰ for phytoplankton). The role of terrestrial carbon in arctic estuarine food webs is especially important in view of the current warming trend in the arctic environment and the role of advective processes that transport carbon along the nearshore shelf. Biogeochemical studies of the arctic coastal estuarine environment may provide more insights into the function of these biologically complex ecosystems.  相似文献   

The post-nuclear time-series curves of Δ14C from corals at different locations in the surface of the Pacific Ocean show a variation in the shape, amplitude and timing of the peak, with the subtropical records peaking first, followed by the western, and then eastern tropical records with lower maxima. This work takes an in-depth look at the processes that shape the time histories of Δ14C in surface waters at different locations in the Pacific. A one-dimensional (1-D) model is used to examine whether convection and diffusion can delay the peaking of the Δ14C time series. Using the three-dimensional (3-D) MIT general circulation model (GCM), the distribution and evolution of Δ14C is simulated “offline” from 1955 onwards at 1° resolution globally. The GCM is used to tease apart the contribution of various processes, viz. advection, air–sea flux, convection and diffusion, to altering the Δ14C content of surface waters at different locations in the Pacific. A time history of 14C column inventories from the model is constructed to examine the role of horizontal advection in supplying tropical locations with 14C much after the peak atmospheric flux. This model analysis supports the idea of 14C-rich waters from the subtropics being transported to the western tropics via the subsurface, and then being advected eastward in the equatorial undercurrent and upwelled in the east.  相似文献   

An intense deep chlorophyll layer in the Sargasso Sea was reported near the center of an anticyclonic mode-water eddy by McGillicuddy et al. [2007. Eddy–wind interactions stimulate extraordinary mid-ocean plankton blooms, Science, accepted]. The high chlorophyll was associated with anomalously high concentrations of diatoms and with a maximum in the vertical profile of 14C primary productivity. Here we report tracer measurements of the vertical advection and turbulent diffusion of deep-water nutrients into this chlorophyll layer. Tracer released in the chlorophyll layer revealed upward motion relative to isopycnal surfaces of about 0.4 m/d, due to solar heating and mixing. The density surfaces themselves shoaled by about 0.1 m/d. The upward flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, averaged over 36 days, was approximately 0.6 mmol/m2/d due to both upwelling and mixing. This flux is about 40% of the basin wide, annually averaged, nitrogen flux required to drive the annual new production in the Sargasso Sea, estimated from the oxygen cycle in the euphotic zone, the oxygen demand below the euphotic zone, and from the 3He excess in the mixed layer. The observed upwelling of the fluid was consistent with theoretical models [Dewar, W.K., Flierl, G.R., 1987. Some effects of wind on rings. Journal of Physical Oceanography 17, 1653–1667; Martin, A.P., Richards, K.J., 2001. Mechanisms for vertical nutrient transport within a North Atlantic mesoscale eddy. Deep-Sea Research II 48, 757–773] in which eddy surface currents cause spatial variations in surface stress. The diapycnal diffusivity at the base of the euphotic zone was 3.5±0.5×10−5 m2/s. Diapycnal mixing was probably enhanced over more typical values by the series of storms passing over the eddy during the experiment and may have been enhanced further by the trapping of near-inertial waves generated within the eddy.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic processes sort and redistribute organic matter (OM) and minerals on continental margins. Density fractionations were conducted on sediments from diverse margins (Mexico margin, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River delta, Eel River margin) to investigate the nature, provenance and age of OM among density fractions. Mass, elemental (C and N), lignin, and surface area distributions, as well as stable carbon and radiocarbon isotopic compositions were measured. The lowest density fractions (< 1.6 g cm− 3) contained the highest organic carbon (OC) (up to 45%) and lignin concentrations (up to 8 mg g− 1) due to abundant woody debris, whereas high density fractions (> 2.5 g cm− 3) were OC-poor (%OC < 0.5) mineral material. Most sediment mass was found in the mesodensity fractions (1.6 to 2.5 g cm− 3) that contained the highest proportion of OC (up to ~ 75%) for each sediment. Stable carbon isotope compositions (δ13C − 25.5‰ to − 22.9‰) show terrigenous OC as a significant component of density isolates from the river-dominated sediments (Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, and Eel margin), whereas the Mexico margin, least influenced by riverine input, was dominated by autochthonous marine OC (δ13C ~ − 21.5‰). Radiocarbon compositions of density fractions indicate significant pre-aged OC (Δ14C as low as − 900‰) in river-influenced sediments but not on the Mexico margin (Δ14C > − 200‰). Ratios of vanillic acid to vanillin (Ad/Al)v among lignin oxidation products increase with increasing particle density suggesting variable lignin sources or selective degradation of lignin among the different density fractions.  相似文献   

In the spring and summer of 2002 primary production in the Chukchi Sea was measured, using 14C uptake experiments. Our cruise track encompassed the shelf and continental slope area of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas progressing into deep water over the Canada Basin. The study area experienced upwards of 90% ice cover during the spring, with ice retreating into the basin during the summer. Production in the spring was light-limited due to ice cover, with average euphotic zone production rates of <0.3 g C m−2 d−1. Values of 8 g C m−2 d−1 were observed in association with surface bloom conditions during the initial ice breakup. Considerable nutrient reduction in the surface waters took place between the spring and summer cruise, and although not observed, this was attributed to a spring bloom. Decreased ice cover and increased clarity of surface waters in the summer allowed greater light penetration. The highest rates of production during the second cruise were found at 25–30 m, coincident with the top of the nutricline. Daily euphotic zone productivity in the summer averaged 0.78 g C m−2 d−1 on the shelf and 0.32 g C m−2 d−1 on the edge of the Canada basin. These data provide an estimated annual production of 90 g C m−2 yr−1 in the study area.  相似文献   

Repeated measurements of depth profiles of 234Th (dissolved, 1–70 and >70 μm particulate) at three stations (Orca, Minke, Sei) in the Ross Sea have been used to estimate the export of Th and particulate organic carbon (POC) from the euphotic zone. Sampling was carried out on three JGOFS cruises covering the period from October 1996 (austral early spring) to April 1997 (austral fall). Deficiencies of 234Th relative to its parent 238U in the upper 100 m are small during the early spring cruise, increase to maximum values during the summer, and decrease over the course of the fall. Application of a non-steady-state model to the 234Th data shows that the flux of Th from the euphotic zone occurs principally during the summer cruise and in the interval between summer and fall. Station Minke in the southwestern Ross Sea appears to sustain significant 234Th removal for a longer period than is evident at Orca or Sei. Particulate 234Th activities and POC are greater in the 1–70 μm size fraction, except late in the summer cruise, when the >70 μm POC fraction exceeds that of the 1–70 μm fraction. The POC/234Th ratio in the >70 μm fraction exceeds that in the 1–70 μm fraction, likely due in part to the greater availability of surface sites for Th adsorption in the latter. Particulate 234Th fluxes are converted to POC fluxes by multiplying by the POC/234Th ratio of the >70 μm fraction (assumed to be representative of sinking particles). POC fluxes calculated from a steady-state Th scavenging model range from 7 to 91 mmol C m−2 d−1 during late January–early February, with the greatest flux observed at station Minke late in the cruise. Fluxes estimated with a non-steady-state Th model are 85 mmol C m−2 d−1 at Minke (1/13–2/1/97) and 50 mmol C m−2 d−1 at Orca (1/19–2/1/97). The decline in POC inventories (0–100 m) is most rapid in the southern Ross Sea during the austral summer cruise (Smith et al., 2000. The seasonal cycle of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research II 47, 3119–3140. Gardner et al., 2000. Seasonal patterns of water column particulate organic carbon and fluxes in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research II 47, 3423–3449), and the 234Th-derived POC fluxes indicate that the sinking flux of POC is 30–50% of the POC decrease, depending on whether steady-state or non-steady-state Th fluxes are used. Rate constants for particle POC aggregation and disaggregation rates are calculated at station Orca by coupling particulate 234Th data with 228Th data on the same samples. Late in the early spring cruise, as well as during the summer cruise, POC aggregation rates are highest in near-surface waters and decrease with depth. POC disaggregation rates during the same time generally increase to a maximum and are low at depth (>200 m). Subsurface aggregation rates increase to high values late in the summer, while disaggregation rates decrease. This trend helps explain higher values of POC in the >70 m fraction relative to the 1–70 m fraction late in the summer cruise. Increases in disaggregation rate below 100 m transfer POC from the large to small size fraction and may attenuate the flux of POC sinking out of the euphotic zone.  相似文献   

We used stable C and N isotope ratios of tissues from 29 fish species from a large subtropical lagoon in southern Brazil to examine spatial variability in isotopic composition and vertical trophic structure across freshwater and estuarine habitats. Nitrogen isotope ratios indicated a smooth gradation in trophic positions among species, with most fishes occupying the secondary and tertiary consumer level. Fish assemblages showed a significant shift in their carbon isotopic signatures between freshwater and estuarine sites. Depleted carbon signatures (from −24.7‰ to −17.8‰) were found in freshwater, whereas more enriched signatures (from −19.1‰ to −12.3‰) were obtained within the estuarine zone downstream. Based on our survey of the C3 and C4 plants and isotopic values for phytoplankton and benthic microalgae reported for ecosystems elsewhere, we hypothesized that the observed δ13C differences in the fish assemblage between freshwater and estuarine sites is due to a shift from assimilating organic matter ultimately derived from C3 freshwater marsh vegetation and phytoplankton at the freshwater site (δ13C ranging from −25‰ to −19‰), to C4 salt-marsh (e.g. Spartina) and widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima), benthic microalgae and marine phytoplankton at the estuarine sites (from −18‰ to −12‰). Our results suggested that fish assemblages are generally supported by autochthonous primary production. Freshwater fishes that likely were displaced downstream into the estuary during periods of high freshwater discharge had depleted δ13C values that were characteristic of the upper lagoon. These results suggest that spatial foodweb subsidies can occur within the lagoon.  相似文献   

As part of the 2002 Western Arctic Shelf–Basin Interactions (SBI) project, spatio-temporal variability of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was employed to determine rates of net community production (NCP) for the Chukchi and western Beaufort Sea shelf and slope, and Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean. Seasonal and spatial distributions of DIC were characterized for all water masses (e.g., mixed layer, halocline waters, Atlantic layer, and deep Arctic Ocean) of the Chukchi Sea region during field investigations in spring (5 May–15 June 2002) and summer (15 July–25 August 2002). Between these periods, high rates of phytoplankton production resulted in large drawdown of inorganic nutrients and DIC in the Polar Mixed Layer (PML) and in the shallow depths of the Upper Halocline Layer (UHL). The highest rates of NCP (1000–2850 mg C m−2 d−1) occurred on the shelf in the Barrow Canyon region of the Chukchi Sea and east of Barrow in the western Beaufort Sea. A total NCP rate of 8.9–17.8×1012 g for the growing season was estimated for the eastern Chukchi Sea shelf and slope region. Very low inorganic nutrient concentrations and low rates of NCP (<15–25 mg C m−2 d−1) estimated for the mixed layer of the adjacent Arctic Ocean basin indicate that this area is perennially oligotrophic.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the sources and fate of organic matter (OM) in the Pichavaram estuarine-mangrove ecosystem (east coast of India), stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) ratios and molecular lignin analyses were conducted in plant litter, benthic algae, sediment, particulate matter and in a variety of benthic invertebrate species. The δ13C signature of plant litter ranges from −29.75‰ to −27.64‰ suggesting that mangrove trees follow the C3 photosynthetic pathway. Sedimentary δ13C signature (−28.92‰ to −25.34‰) demonstrates the greater influence of plant litter organic matter on sedimentary organic matter. Suspended particulate organic pool was influenced by terrestrial source and also seems to be influenced by the marine phytoplankton. Enriched signature of δ15N in surface sediments (4.66–8.01‰; avg. 6.69‰) suggesting the influence of anthropogenic nitrogen from agricultural fields and human settlements. Spatial chemical variability in availability of nitrogen and plant associated microbial interactions demonstrate variability in δ15N signature in mangrove plant litter. Two (lower and higher) trophic levels of invertebrates were identified with and observed >4‰ gradient in δ13C signal between these two trophic groups. The observed δ13C values suggest that the lower level invertebrates feed on phytoplankton and higher level organisms have a mixed source of diet, phytoplankton, sediment and particulate organic matter. Lignin phenol analyses explain that the benthic surface layer was almost free of lignin. The ratio between syringyl phenols to vanillyl phenols (S/V) is 1.14–1.32 (avg. 1.23) and cinnamyl phenols to vanillyl phenols (C/V) is 0.17–0.31 (avg. 0.24), demonstrate non-woody angiosperm tissues was the major sources of lignin to this ecosystem, while aldehyde to acid ratios (Ad/Al) describe diagenetic nature of sediment and is moderately to less degraded. A two-end-member mixing model indicate that the terrigenous OM was dominant in the estuarine zones, while in the mangrove zone terrigenous supply accounts for 60% and marine input accounts for 40%.  相似文献   

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