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喀斯特地区的水文地质条件是生态环境保护和水土保持的物质基础。笔者等针对贵州典型喀斯特地区的第四系覆盖层进行相关水文地质研究,在普定陈旗堡村南的山坳坡地上,选择典型地质剖面,通过现场水文地质试验、室内渗透试验、物理性质试验以及矿物成分分析,测定土体的物理性质、矿物成分和渗透性,研究了喀斯特地区表层土体粘土矿物的环境指示意义。研究结果表明,喀斯特地区土体渗透系数受土体结构、粒度成分、矿物成分以及植物根系影响。同时土体中的蒙脱石遇水膨胀减弱了粘性土的粘聚力,并导致土粒易被冲蚀,不利于水土的保持,这也说明生态植被的保护和恢复对于水土保持非常重要。  相似文献   

以宁波市镇海区废弃矿山治理和矿地利用一期工程可行性研究为例,通过实地调查,分析了镇海区废弃矿山的类型、特征和存在问题。对规划治理的21处废弃矿山生态环境治理方式和矿地综合利用方向进行了研究,提出了削坡、固坡、喷播、种植绿化等多种常用矿山治理技术方法,组合应用的生态环境治理方式和土地利用型、生态修复型、景观开发型和资源利用型矿地开发利用思路。通过可行性研究对治理可产生的经济效益进行了预测,为宁波地区废弃矿山生态修复和矿地综合利用提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Deciphering the relationship between polyphase tectonic foliations and their associated mineral assemblages is significant in understanding the process from diagenesis to low-/medium-/high-grade metamorphism. It can provide information related to strain, metamorphic conditions and overprinting relationships and so help reveal the tectonic evolution of orogenesis. In this study, we predominately focus on the formation of foliations and their related minerals, as developed in two separate basins. First of all, two stages of axial plane cleavages (S1 and S2) were recognized in the Hongyanjing inter-arc basin, the formation of the S1 axial plane cleavage is associated with mica rotation and elongation in mudstones in the local area. The pencil structure of S2 formed during the refolding phase, the minerals in the sedimentary rocks not changing their shape and orientation. Secondly, in the Liao-Ji backarc basin, foliations include diagenetic foliation (bedding parallel foliation), tectonic S1 foliation (secondary foliation or axial plane cleavage of S0 folding) and crenulation cleavage (S2). The formation mechanism of foliation changes from mineral rotation or elongation and mineral solution transfer in S1 to crystal-plastic deformation, dynamic recrystallization and micro-folding in S2. Many index metamorphic minerals formed from low-grade to medium-grade consist of biotites, garnets, staurolite and kyanite, constituting a typical Barrovian metamorphic belt. Accordingly, a new classification of foliation is presented in this study. The foliations can be divided into continuous and disjunctive foliations, based on the existence of microlithons, detectable with the aid of a microscope. Disjunctive foliation can be further sub-divided into spaced foliation and crenulation cleavage, according to whether (or not) crenulation (micro-folding) is present. The size of the mineral grains is also significant for classification of the foliations.  相似文献   

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