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A new genetic facies model for deep-water clastic evaporites is presented, based on work carried out on the Messinian Gessoso-solfifera Formation of the northern Apennines during the last 15 years. This model is derived from the most recent siliciclastic turbidite models and describes the downcurrent transformations of a parent flow mainly composed of gypsum clasts. The model allows clearer comprehension of processes controlling the production and deposition of clastic evaporites, representing the most common evaporite facies of the northern Apennines, and the definition of the genetic and stratigraphic relationship with primary shallow-water evaporites formed and preserved in marginal settings. Due to the severe recrystallization processes usually affecting these deposits, petrographic and geochemical analyses are needed for a more accurate interpretation of the large spectrum of recognized gravity-driven deposits ranging from debrisflow to low-density turbidites. Almost all the laminar ‘balatino’ gypsum, previously considered a deep-water primary deposit, is here reinterpreted as the fine-grained product of high to low-density gravity flows. Facies associations permit the framing of the distribution of clastic evaporites into the complex tectonically controlled depositional settings of the Apennine foredeep basin. The Messinian Salinity Crisis occurred during an intense phase of geodynamic reorganization of the Mediterranean area that also produced the fragmentation of the former Miocene Apennine foredeep basin. In this area, primary shallow-water evaporites equivalent to the Mediterranean Lower Evaporites, apparently only formed in semi-closed thrust-top basins like the Vena del Gesso Basin. The subsequent uplift and subaerial exposure of such basins ended the evaporite precipitation and promoted a widespread phase of collapse leading to the resedimentation of the evaporites into deeper basins. Vertical facies sequences of clastic evaporites can be interpreted in terms of the complex interplay between the Messinian tectonic evolution of the Apennine thrust belt and related exhumation–erosional processes. The facies model here proposed could be helpful also for better comprehension of other different depositional and geodynamic contexts; the importance of clastic evaporites deposits has been overlooked in the study of other Mediterranean areas. Based on the Apennine basins experience, it is suggested here that evaporites diffused into the deeper portions of the Mediterranean basin may consist mainly of deep-water resedimented deposits rather than shallow-water to supratidal primary evaporites indicative of a complete basin desiccation.  相似文献   

Controversies around the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) are because of the difficulties in establishing genetic and stratigraphic relationships between its deep and shallow‐water record. Actually, the Sicilian foreland basin shows both shallow and deep‐water Messinian records, thus offering the chance to reconstruct comprehensive MSC scenarios. The Lower Gypsum of Sicily comprises primary and resedimented evaporites separated in space and time by the intra‐Messinian unconformity. A composite unit including halite, resedimented gypsum and Calcare di Base accumulated between 5.6 and 5.55 Ma in the main depocentres; it records the acme of the Messinian Salinity Crisis during a tectonic phase coupled with sea‐level falls at glacials TG14‐TG12. These deposits fully post‐date primary gypsum, which precipitated in shallow‐water wedge‐top and foreland ramp basins between 5.96 and 5.6 Ma. This new stratigraphic framework results in a three‐stage MSC scenario characterized by different primary evaporite associations: selenite in the first and third stages, carbonate, halite and potash salt in the second one associated with hybrid resedimented evaporites.  相似文献   

Astronomical tuning of the Messinian pre‐salt succession in the Levant Basin allows for the first time the reconstruction of a detailed chronology of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) events in deep setting and their correlation with marginal records that supports the CIESM ( 2008 ) 3‐stage model. Our main conclusions are (1) MSC events were synchronous across marginal and deep basins, (2) MSC onset in deep basins occurred at 5.97 Ma, (3) only foraminifera‐barren, evaporite‐free shales accumulated in deep settings between 5.97 and 5.60 Ma, (4) deep evaporites (anhydrite and halite) deposition started later, at 5.60 Ma and (5) new and published 87Sr/86Sr data indicate that during all stages, evaporites precipitated from the same water body in all the Mediterranean sub‐basins. The wide synchrony of events and 87Sr/86Sr homogeneity implies inter‐sub‐basin connection during the whole MSC and is not compatible with large sea‐level fall and desiccation of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Messinian evaporites, which resulted from the salinity crisis during the final closure of the Mediterranean Sea, are exposed in SE Turkey. These evaporites formed in two isolated sub-basins, Iskenderun-Arsuz (IA) and Hatay-Samanda? (HS), which belong to different depositional configurations and tectonic structures. The Neogene fill of these sub-basins consists of a thick sedimentary succession that started with Early Miocene terrestrial clastics, followed by reefs (Middle Miocene) and shallow water siliciclastics (Tortonian - Early to Late Miocene) and finally Messinian evaporates. These sub-basins accumulated in a diverse range of depositional environments from very shallow to deeper water. Evaporite facies in the IA sub-basin consist of sabkhas, saline lagoons and ponds. They are mainly represented by chemical deposits such as scattered gypsum nodules and balls, nodular bedded gypsum, laminated gypsum (Type-A) and selenites (Type-S1). Evaporites in the HS sub-basin mainly consist of detrital gypsum composed of gypsum laminae (Type-B, C), gypsum arenite-rudites and deeper water selenites (≤ 20 m), and resedimented selenites (Type-S2), which were deposited on a sulfate platform with a slope-basin transitional zone. Secondary gypsum with alabastrine and porphyroblastic textures as well as satin spar veins is commonly associated with the sabkha-type evaporites of the IA sub-basin. Deeper-water clastic evaporites of the HS sub-basin have generally remained as primary gypsum or have only been slightly affected by diagenetic alterations. The isotope values (87/86Sr; δ18O SMOW; and δ34S CDT) from the different kinds of gypsum lithofacies of the sub-basin are similar to those of the Messinian evaporites in other peri-Mediterranean basins, indicating an origin from marine water without external or basinal contributions.The Messinian evaporites examined in this paper are overlain by Early Pliocene (Zanclean) deposits composed of shallow- and deep-water siliciclastics and carbonates with local intercalations of Lago-Mare-type strata. Throughout the Messinian evaporitic stage, the IA sub-basin was mainly comprised of shallow water evaporites, while the HS sub-basin underwent deepening related to regional tectonics induced by the Dead Sea Fault during the construction of the Hatay Graben.  相似文献   

The Periadriatic foredeep (Italy) was generated by Neogene downbending of the Adria Plate under the Apennine Chain. The basin is filled with Plio-Pleistocene siliciclastic turbidites. Its substratum consists of the carbonate succession of the southwestern Adria Plate margin. The influence of the basin’s morphology on sedimentation and subsequent tectonic evolution is investigated in the Abruzzo sector of the foredeep (Cellino Basin). The substratum is composed of Messinian evaporites that dip towards the Apennines (W). A NNW component along the depocentral axis is divided into four blocks with different depths. The substratum was also affected by a Messinian extensional fault system, not involving the overlying Pliocene sequence. This morphology controlled the distribution of the turbidites in the lower part of the Cellino Basin. The Plio-Pleistocene compressional deformation of the foredeep produced an inner complex structure (Internal Structure), involving the foredeep substratum and an outer imbricate thrust system (Coastal Structure), detached over the faulted Messinian evaporites. This thrust system is parallel to the extensional faults, suggesting a strong influence of the substratum morphology on the development of the compressional structures. The overall structural setting was validated with a balanced cross-section. Out-of-sequence thrusting and non-coeval deformation within each thrust sheet characterize the local tectonic history.  相似文献   

Outcrops, offshore wells, electric logs and seismic profiles from northern Tunisia provide an opportunity to decipher the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Strait of Sicily. Messinian deposits (including gypsum beds) near the Tellian Range reveal two successive subaerial erosional surfaces overlain by breccias and marine Zanclean clays, respectively. In the Gulf of Tunis, Messinian thick evaporites (mostly halite) are strongly eroded by a fluvial canyon infilled with Zanclean clays. The first erosional phase is referred to the intra-Messinian tectonic phase and is analogous to that found in Sicily. The second phase corresponds to the Messinian Erosional Surface that postdates the marginal evaporites, to which the entire Sicilian evaporitic series must refer. The Western and Eastern Mediterranean basins were separated during deposition of the central evaporites.  相似文献   

The salinity crisis of the Mediterranean during Messinian time was one of the most dramatic episodes of oceanic change of the past 20 or so million years, resulting in the deposition of kilometer thick evaporitic sequences. A large and rapid drawdown of the Mediterranean water level caused erosion and deposition of non-marine sediments in a large ‘Lago Mare’ basin. Both the surface loading by the Lower Messinian evaporites, and the removal of the water load resulted in isostatic/flexural rebound that significantly affected river canyons and topographic slopes. We use flexure models to quantitatively predict possible signatures of these events, and verify these expectations at well-studied margins. The highly irregular shape of the reconstructed basin calls for a three-dimensional model. Near basin margins, plate-bending effects are most pronounced which is why flexure is particularly important for a relatively narrow basin like the Mediterranean. We focus on one specific sea level scenario for the Messinian Salinity Crisis, where most of the evaporite load was deposited during a sea level highstand, followed by a rapid desiccation. Evaporite loading at current sea level is expected to cause subsidence of the deep basins by hundreds of meters and simultaneous uplift of continental parts of the margins. Differential uplift may lead to significant slope angle changes and thus gravity flows. The relative scarcity of Lower Evaporite sequences along the margins may be a result of these phenomena. Normal faulting of Lower Evaporite and older sediments and rocks is expected on the margins. Desiccation enhances erosion of the freshly exposed continental shelf and slope. Subsidence and riverbed sedimentation occurs on the continental margins, and significant uplift towards the basin center. Reverse faulting is predicted at the margins. Finally, regional isostatic uplift following Zanclean flooding is predicted to destabilize margin slope deposits, and to cause marginal uplift, river down-cutting, and normal faulting.  相似文献   

The space/time evolution of the Umbria-Romagna-Marche domains of the northern Apennine Miocene foredeep is proposed. In this period, the turbidite siliciclastic sedimentation is represented mainly by the Miocene Marnoso-Arenacea Formation, which generally ends with mainly marly deposits. From the internal Apennine sectors (Umbria-Romagna domain) to the external Adriatic Margin (Marche domain) the siliciclastic succession overlies hemipelagic marly deposits (Schlier Formation). The whole depositional area can be considered as a single wide basin with depocenter or main sedimentation areas progressively migrating eastwards. This basin is characterized by some morphological highs which did not constitute real dams for the sedimentary flows (turbidity currents). Multiple feeding (arkose, litharenites, calcarenites) from different sources is related to palaeogeographical and palaeotectonic reorganization of the most internal, previously deformed, Apennine areas. The activation of the foredeep stage is marked by the beginning of the siliciclastic sedimentation (Late Burdigalian in the most internal sector). This sedimentation ends in the most external sector in the Early Messinian, pointing to a depositional cycle of about 9?C10?Ma. The diachronism of the base of the siliciclastic deposition proves to be almost 5?Ma. The syn-depositional compressional deformation, which shows a marked diachronism, affected the internal area of the foredeep in the Early-Middle Serravallian, and progressively migrated up to Late Miocene, involving more and more external sectors. The deformed siliciclastic sedimentary wedge constitutes an orogenic pile incorporated in the Apennine Chain, represented by different tectonic elements superimposed by means of NE-vergent thrusts. The main stratigraphic and tectonic events of the Toscana-Romagna-Marche Apennines are presented in a general framework, resulting also in a terminological revision.  相似文献   

Messinian evaporites in Cyprus resulted from the interplay of Mediterranean-wide and eustatic sea-level changes and local tectonics, in an inferred above-subduction zone setting. Distinctive Tortonian-early Messinian pre-evaporitic facies include diatomaceous marls and microbial carbonates, overlain by a variety of gypsum facies and then by lagoonal-lacustrine deposits and local palaeosols. Facies analysis and comparisons allow construction of a simple model, in which evaporites formed in semi-isolated small basins not far below global eustatic sea-level. Coarsely crystalline gypsum formedin situ along the margins of small basins and within shallow-water lagoons (< 10 m deep); this comprised common banded-stacked (i.e. layered) selenite, swallowtail selenite, botryoidal selenite and sugary-bedded selenite. Fine-grained gypsum precipitated widely and was reworked into basinal areas (< 70 m deep) by weak traction currents and low-density turbidity currents. Shallow-water derived selenite was also reworked basinwards by high-density turbidity currents and debris flows. Slumps indicate tectonic instability. More detailed basin analysis can be achieved by study of individual sub-basins. In the Polemi sub-basin in the west, a Lower Unit (up to 60 m thick) comprises basinal gypsum, interbedded with gypsum turbidites and mass flow deposits, with slumps. This is overlain by an extensive mega-rudite (up to 20 m thick) including up to metre-sized clasts of marginal gypsum facies. Above, the Upper Unit (up to 70 m thick) includes shallow-water gypsum (e.g. swallowtails), marl and minor microbial carbonates. The Pissouri sub-basin in the south-west exposes marginal facies of the Upper Unit, including deltaic elastics and palaeosols. The Maroni sub-basin in the south exhibits a basinal lower gypsum unit, with laterally equivalent marginal facies (up to 50 m thick), overlain by an extensive mega-rudite (up to 20 m thick). Finally, the Mesaoria subbasin in the north exposes relatively marginal gypsum facies in an unstable tectonic setting. Formation of the Polemi, Pissouri and Mesaoria gypsum sub-basins relates to coeval extensional faulting and graben development. Evaporites in south Cyprus (Maroni sub-basin) formed in elongate basins between former compressional lineaments created by localized Early Miocene thrusting. In the sub-basins of west, south-west and south Cyprus, large-scale slumping of marginal gypsum facies took place towards depocentres (to form megarudite debris flows), triggered by one or several phases of extensional faulting.  相似文献   

In natural resource exploration, Ca–Cl basinal brines are important for understanding the origin and spatial and temporal distribution of hydrocarbons and sedimentary ore deposits. Little attention has been paid to the possible connection between fossil basinal brines and paleo-seawaters and to the implications for reconstructing paleo-seawater compositions. Secular variations of Ca/Mg and Ca/Sr ratios in seawater have been documented mainly using fluid inclusions in halite, calcareous fossils and mineral analyses. However, brines and other sedimentary records connected to paleo-seawater or its evaporated residues may be chemically affected by burial diagenesis or the effects of continental waters of meteoric origin, thus complicating interpretations of the analytical results. To investigate these effects on fluids and minerals related to the Messinian salinity crisis of the Mediterranean basin, we re-evaluate published data from: (1) brackish-to-brine waters from onshore (Northern Apennine foredeep; Levantine basin) and offshore (porewaters from the Deep Sea Drilling Project); (2) Messinian parental seawater deduced from calcareous fossils, fluid inclusions and sulfate minerals; (3) meteoric waters dissolving evaporites. The compositional trends related to seawater evaporation, diagenesis and mixing that affect the Ca/Mg and Ca/Sr molar ratios of the basinal brines are effectively discriminated on a binary plot depicting the proper fields for seawater and meteoric-derived fluids. Brines showing stronger dolomitization start from Ca/Mg and Ca/Sr molar ratios of Messinian seawater deduced from the published analysis of fluid inclusions and open ocean fossils, that are therefore here validated ex post.  相似文献   

This study investigates the controls on three-dimensional stratigraphic geometries and facies of shallow-water carbonate depositional sequences. A 15 km2 area of well-exposed Mid to Late Miocene carbonates on the margin of the Níjar Basin of SE Spain was mapped in detail. An attached carbonate platform and atoll developed from a steeply sloping basin margin over a basal topographic unconformity and an offshore dacite dome (Late Miocene). The older strata comprise prograding bioclastic (mollusc and coralline algae) dominated sediments and later Messinian Porites reefs form prograding and downstepping geometries (falling stage systems tract). Seven depositional sequences, their systems tracts and facies have been mapped and dated (using Sr isotopes) to define their morphology, stratigraphic geometries, and palaeo-environments. A relative sea-level curve and isochore maps were constructed for the three Messinian depositional sequences that precede the late Messinian evaporative drawdown of the Mediterranean. The main 3D controls on these depositional sequences are interpreted as being: (i) local, tectonically driven relative sea-level changes; (ii) the morphology of the underlying sequence boundary; (iii) the type of carbonate producers [bioclastic coralline algal and mollusc-dominated sequences accumulated in lows and on slopes of < 14° whereas the Porites reef-dominated sequence accumulated on steep slopes (up to 25°) and shallow-water highs]. Further controls were: (iv) the inherited palaeo-valleys and point-sourced clastics; (v) the amount of clastic sediments; and (vi) erosion during the following sequence boundary development. The stratigraphy is compared with that of adjacent Miocene basins in the western Mediterranean to differentiate local (tectonics, clastic supply, erosion history, carbonate-producing communities) versus regional (climatic, tectonic, palaeogeographic, sea-level) controls.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the Vena del Gesso Basin (Romagna Apennines, Italy) integrating field analyses and analogue modelling. This basin represents one of the best‐preserved top‐thrust basins in the Northern Apennines foreland and is one of the few examples where primary evaporites, related to the Messinian salinity crisis of the Mediterranean, widely crop out. The structural style affecting the Messinian gypsum is examined to get insights into the mechanism responsible for the overall deformation features recognizable in the area. The evaporites are completely detached at the base and widespread back‐thrusts, repeatedly doubling these deposits, strongly contrast with the regional forelandward vergence of structures in the Apennines. On the basis of the comparison between field data and experimental results, the features characterising this area can be described as the result of the deformation linked to the sequential activation of an obliquely propagating passive‐roof duplex. Analogue models evidenced the major role played (1) by syntectonic erosion that promoted the development of passive‐roof duplex style, as well as (2) the role of décollement level pinch‐out that determined an oblique progression of deformation. Finally our data lead to reconsider the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction concerning the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

How the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) ended is still a matter of intense debate. The Terminal Carbonate Complex (TCC) is a late Messinian carbonate platform system that recorded western Mediterranean hydrological changes from the final stages of evaporite deposition till the advent of Lago-Mare fresh- to brackish water conditions at the very end of Messinian times. A multidisciplinary study has been carried out in three localities in south-eastern Spain to reconstruct the history of TCC platforms and elucidate their significance in the MSC. Overall, this study provides evidence that the TCC formed following a regional 4th order water level rise and fall concomitant with an opening-restriction trend. It can be subdivided into four 5th order depositional sequences (DS1 to DS4) recording two phases: (1) from DS1 to DS3, a tide-dominated ooidic to oobioclastic system with stenohaline faunas developed as a result of a 70 m water level rise. During this period, the TCC developed in a shallow sea with close to normal marine salinity; (2) in depositional sequence 4, a microbialite-dominated platform system developed. This is indicative of a significant environmental change and is attributed to a 30 to 40 m water level fall in the basins under study. These restricted conditions were coeval with intense evaporite deformation and brine recycling. The syn-sedimentary deformation of evaporites had a major impact on platform architecture and carbonate production, affecting the Messinian series throughout south-eastern Spain at the end of the TCC history. At that time, the TCC developed in a lake with fluctuating, brackish- to hypersaline water. These findings suggest a temporary restoration of marine conditions in the western Mediterranean marginal basins due to Atlantic water influxes prompted by a global sea level rise around 5.6 Ma. Whether marine conditions extended to the entire western Mediterranean still needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

Abstract Six evaporite–carbonate sequences are recognized in the terminal Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian Ara Group in the subsurface of Oman. Individual sequences consist of a lower, evaporitic part that formed mainly during a lowstand systems tract. Overlying platform carbonates contain minor amounts of evaporites and represent transgressive and highstand systems tracts. Detailed sedimentological and geochemical investigation of the evaporites allowed reconstruction of the depositional environment, source of brines and basin evolution. At the beginning of the evaporative phase (prograding succession), a shallow-water carbonate ramp gradually evolved into a series of shallow sulphate and halite salinas. Minor amounts of highly soluble salts locally record the last stage of basin desiccation. This gradual increase in salinity contrasts sharply with the ensuing retrograding succession in which two corrosion surfaces separate shallow-water halite from shallow-water sulphate, and shallow-water sulphate from relatively deeper water carbonate respectively. These surfaces record repeated flooding of the basin, dissolution of evaporites and stepwise reduction in salinity. Final flooding led to submergence of the basin and the establishment of an open-water carbonate ramp. Marine fossils in carbonates and bromine geochemistry of halite indicate a dominantly marine origin for the brines. The Ara Group sequences represent a time of relatively stable arid climate in a tectonically active basin. Strong subsidence allowed accommodation of evaporites with a cumulative thickness of several kilometres, while tectonic barriers simultaneously provided the required restricted conditions. Subsidence allowed evaporites to blanket basinal and platform areas. The study suggests a deep-basin/shallow-water model for the evaporites.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》1999,123(1-2):1-7
The result of sea level fall at the margins of the Mediterranean during the Late Miocene `Salinity Crisis' was the creation of an extensive erosion surface. However, the shape of this `Salinity Crisis' unconformity reflects local factors and in turn significantly determined local conditions during subsequent reflooding. At Sorbas, in southeast Spain, erosional overdeepening of a pre-existing basin during drawdown created a depression over 200 m deep with an incised floor patterned by 30-m-deep gullies. During reflooding this semi-enclosed palaeovalley temporarily became a barred basin in which gypsum was deposited. These Sorbas evaporites thus resulted from local basin sculpture. Diverse local effects elsewhere during drawdown and reflooding account for marked stratigraphic variations that continue to complicate recognition and correlation of the `Salinity Crisis' in marginal successions. The drawdown erosion surface is itself the key indicator of this important event in marginal Mediterranean basins.  相似文献   

A full understanding of the Mio-Pliocene palaeogeographical and palaeoenvironmental changes in the circum-Mediterranean region during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) is at present hampered by the lack of reliable chronostratigraphic correlations between the Mediterranean and Paratethys regions. Here, we present magnetostratigraphic ages for the Upper Miocene to Pliocene deposits of the southern Carpathian foredeep in Romania. These ages are in good agreement with those recently obtained from the eastern Carpathian foredeep and define a new chronology for the eastern Paratethys. The Meotian/Pontian boundary is not biostratigraphically constrained in our sections, but according to the geological map of the region arrives at ∼5.8 Ma. The Pontian/Dacian boundary is dated at c. 4.8 Ma and the Dacian/Romanian boundary at c. 4.1 Ma. The main part of the MSC (5.96–5.33 Ma) is thus represented by the Pontian Stage, but the observed palaeoenvironmental and biostratigraphic changes in our sections of the eastern Paratethys do not indicate any relation with the dramatic desiccation and reflooding events of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

During Serravallian through Messinian time, marine carbonates flanked topographic highs that rimmed Neogene basins in the Western Mediterranean. Middle to upper Miocene carbonate strata in the Las Negras and Nijar areas (southeastern Spain) are 50-150 m thick and display 50-200 m of shelf-to-basin relief over 1-2 km. Detailed studies in those areas document the effects of relative sea-level change on sedimentation, biotic composition, and reef development. We identify three previously unrecognized, regionally correlatable depositional sequences (DS1, DS2, DS3) that occur between the underlying basement and the overlying Terminal Carbonate Complex. The lower depositional sequences (DS1, DS2) are mostly normal marine shelf (ramp) carbonates deposited on the flanks of basement highs. The basal part of DS2 locally contains some megabreccia reef blocks composed of Tarbellastraea and Porites. These blocks are the first evidence of reef growth in the area and represent a previously unrecognized period of reef development prior to the fringing reef development. The reef blocks probably formed as upslope patch reefs that were eroded and transported to distal slope locations. The upper sequence (DS3) is characterized by clinoform strata of a Porites-dominated fringing reef complex that prograded basinward in a downstepping style with successively younger reefs forming in a topographically lower and more basinward position as a result of a net sea-level drop. Regional correlation of Miocene shallow-marine strata between basins in Spain and elsewhere in the western Mediterranean is complicated because basins were semi-isolated from adjacent basins making physical correlation impossible. In addition, age-definitive biostratigraphic markers are poorly preserved in most of the Miocene shallow-water strata; basinal sediments that are more easily dated by microfossils do not typically interfinger with the shallow-marine strata in outcrop. Even where datable microfossils are found, resolution of dating is poor. Our studies in the Las Negras and Nijar areas illustrate the usefulness of integrating sedimentological, geometric and biotic data with locally derived relative sea-level (accommodation space) curves for correlation. The relative sea-level curves for each area show remarkable similarities in shape and magnitude of sea-level changes. These curves indicate several relative sea-level fluctuations during Miocene carbonate deposition prior to the major sea-level drop at the end of DS3 deposition that culminated in the exposure of the basin margin deposits and the deposition of evaporites in basinal areas during the Messinian. The depositional sequences in the Las Negras and Nijar areas may correlate with depositional sequences of similar age throughout the southern Cabo de Gata area, in Mallorca some 600 km to the northeast, and possibly in other Mediterranean locations. The widespread occurrence and possible correlation of the depositional sequences suggest regional processes such as eustacy or tectonism for their formation. The integration of sedimentological, palaeontological and sequence stratigraphic studies, and the construction of relative sea-level (accommodation space) curves may help in the interpretation of depositional histories of shallow-marine carbonate complexes and correlation of these strata between isolated areas. Other dating methods, in addition to microfossil dating, may allow for better age determination of the sequences and aid in identifying the importance of eustacy and tectonism in sequence development.  相似文献   

This study represents a preliminary investigation of the late Messinian subsurface Marsa Zouaghah Formation in the Western Libyan Offshore, Central Mediterranean Sea. The formation was deposited in three major environmental settings: (a) Marginal Sabkha; (b) Open Lagoon; and (c) Hypersaline Lagoon. The marginal sabkha and open lagoonal settings are locally interrupted by intertidal oolitic shoal deposits. The marginal sabkha facies is replaced in central parts of the Libyan offshore by a narrow zone of aeolian-fluvial facies, the distribution and thickness of which is entirely controlled by a local uplift, the Tripoli Nose'. The marginal sabkha facies broadly defines the late Messinian palaeoshoreline lying parallel to, and north of, the E-W Jifarah fault system which dominated the southern part of the Libyan offshore. This fades is, thus, interpreted as being structurally controlled by fault systems. The hypersaline lagoonal facies is developed in areas of relatively higher rates of subsidence than that of adjacent facies belts. It is therefore, related to restriction formed by continuous subsidence and evaporation. The Marsa Zouaghah Formation constitutes saltern evaporates deposited over a wide platform in sabkha and lagoonal settings, forming part of the 'basin-wide-evaporites' of the Mediterranean Basin deposited during the Messinian salinity crisis. The evaporites formed during a major relative sea-level fall within a subsiding basin situated on the northern continental margin of the African plate. Local, vertical and lateral variations in lithofacies and thickness within the Messinian deposits of the north-west Libyan offshore were controlled by contemporaneous strike-slip movements in addition to sea-level change.  相似文献   

Extensive deposition of marine evaporites occurred during the Early–Middle Eocene in the South‐eastern Pyrenean basin (north‐east Spain). This study integrates stratigraphic and geochemical analyses of subsurface data (oil wells, seismic profiles and gravity data) together with field surveys to characterize this sedimentation in the foredeep and adjacent platform. Four major evaporite units were identified. The oldest was the Serrat Evaporites unit, with a platform‐slope‐basin configuration. Thick salina and sabkha sulphates accumulated on the platform, whereas resedimented and gravity‐derived sulphates were deposited on the slope, and salt and sulphates were deposited in the deep basin. In the subsequent unit (Vallfogona evaporites), thin sulphates formed on the platform, whereas very thick siliciclastic turbidites accumulated in the foredeep. However, some clastic gypsum coming from the platform (gypsarenites and gypsum olistoliths) was intercalated in these turbidites. The following unit, the Beuda Gypsum Formation developed in a sulphate platform‐basin configuration, where the topography of the depositional surface had become smooth. The youngest unit, the Besalú Gypsum, formed in a shallow setting. This small unit provides the last evidence of marine influence in a residual basin. Sulphur and oxygen isotope compositions are consistent with a marine origin for all evaporites. However, δ34S and δ18O values also suggest that, except for the oldest unit (Serrat Evaporites), there was some sulphate recycling from the older into the younger units. The South‐eastern Pyrenean basin constitutes a fine example of a foreland basin that underwent multiepisodic evaporitic sedimentation. In the basin, depositional factors evolved with time under a structural control. Decreasing complexity is observed in the lithofacies, as well as in the depositional models, together with a diminishing thickness of the evaporite units.  相似文献   

Detrital particles were found as a sand-silt layer in a deep-sea Messinian Stage (Upper Miocene) salt deposit in the Mediterranean Basin (Balearic Sea). These particles include worn and limonite-coated quartz, feldspar, glauconite, volcanic glass, reworked Messinian foraminifera and some lutecites. The lutecites are not original to the salt and taken in their association with the other detritus, especially the foraminifera, suggest syndepositional reworking of exposed Messinian evaporites.  相似文献   

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