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The 33rd IGC was hosted jointly by the five Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland, and held in Oslo in the period 6-14 August 2008. This was the third IGC ever held in one of the Nordic countries after Stockholm in 1910 and Copenhagen in 1960. Over 6,000 delegates enjoyed the nine days of congress activities and social events.  相似文献   

While attendance at previous IGC‘s was remarkable, the more than 7,000 earth scientists, exhibitors and guests who met in Florence for the 32^nd International Geological Congress set an all-time record as the highest number of participants. They came from 120 countries and 75% were not Italian. This proportion of foreign attendees was the largest ever; in line with a trend of increasing nonlocal participation, it testifies to the vitality and international character of the IGCs.  相似文献   

The 32nd INHIGEO Symposium was held between 28 July and 5 August 2007 in Eichstatt, northeast Bavaria. This part of Bavaria is celebrated for many things, not least its diverse Jurassic fossils. Amongst the latter, the most famous is one of the great "missing links" in paleontology, the feathered Archaeopteryx with its reptilian teeth. Equally renowned is the lithographic limestone from Solnhofen that was used to produce the early illustrations of Archaeopteryx along with other countless maps and figures in publications well known to historians of geology. It was fitting that the symposium theme was "The Historical Relationship of Geology and Religion".  相似文献   

In the late 19th and the early 20th century, with expanding industrialism and urbanisation, the idea of the nation state grew strong in Sweden. In this nationalistic environment, nature and the natural sciences assumed an important unifying role. The search for natural resources and sources of energy inspired political support and research. The exploitation of nature was looked upon as a prerequisite for the modernization of the country, and indeed was to become the basis for Sweden‘s welfare. It was under these circumstances that, in 1906, the 11th IGC was invited to Stockholm in 1910. A request for a Government grant focused on the international development of science but also stressed the national importance. Sweden had, it was said, its ranking position among nations to defend, to uphold its position among civilized nations, and to maintain its distinguished tradition in the spheres of natural sciences and mining operations. The main topics of the Congress were iron ore resources, post-glacial climate change, glacial erosion, the Cambrian fauna, geology of the Precambrian, and geology of the polar regions. Three exhibitions and 24 excursions were arranged, and 41 guidebooks printed. The number of members present was 625, from 37 countries and six continents. The final cost for arranging the 11th IGC was SEK 125,000 (approximately ∈540,000 today). A novel experience in the tradition of the IGCs was the world-wide inquiries about the resources of iron ore and about climate change. Such thematic, worldwide investigations subsequently came to attract the attention of many IGCs. A proposition to establish a commission for the publication of an international stratigraphic dictionary was approved by the Congress, and a subcommission was set up with commissioners from ten countries, but it was not until 1956 that the first volumes of Lexique Stratigraphique International appeared. From a Swedish point of view, the Congress compelled Swedish geologists to carry out an inventory of the results of Swedish geological research of about half a century. The Congress was, in other words, an incentive to finish ongoing projects and bring together summaries of the major research areas. In the history of Swedish geosciences there is thus reason to speak about a pre- and a post-1910.  相似文献   

The 13th International Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group took place from 20 July-1 August, 2008 in Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia. The main goal of the conference was the demonstration of stratotype and reference sections of the Cambrian System on the Siberian Platform. Some of them are proposed or currently in preparation as GSSPs for Cambrian stages and series in the International Stratigraphic Scale.  相似文献   

Abstract: The aim of this study undertaken at Lake Muhazi in Rwanda was to determine and analyze the major elements present in water. ?The presence of many major elements (Al, As, Ba, C, Ca, Cu, Fe, H+, K, Mg, Mn, N, P, S, Si, and Zn) was determined by spectroscopic technique. The concentrations of the elements were measured in water samples taken from three different locations of the lake from May to August 2008. The lake is polluted by water flow from mountain sides surrounding the lake. Other causes of pollution could be the use of agrochemicals in the sugar land, which surrounds the lake, and human activities near the lake. Finally, we proposed the strategies that can be applied in order to ensure good conservation of the environment and to prevent augmentation of heavy materials into the lake.  相似文献   

Compared with the oceanic crust, knowledge about the formation of the continental crust (CC) is relatively poor. Although melting of subducted slabs in the early history of the Earth has been considered as the major way that shaped the chemical characteristics of the CC by most geologists, as the CC shares many characteristics with modern adakites, some geologists argued that Archean TTG was formed in the same way as modern arcs rather than slab melting, whereas others proposed that melting at the bottom of the thickened oceanic crust was more important. Recently,the debate is mainly focused on the unique subchondritic Nb/Ta value of the CC, and particularly, how Nb and Ta fractionated from each other and consequently how, in detail, the CC was built.  相似文献   

A wide variety of unusual mantle has been reported from podiform chromitite orebodies Cr-31 and Cr-74 in the Luobusa (罗布莎) ophiolite, Tibet. A detailed investigation of chromitite ore-body Cr-11, located in the Kangjinla (康金拉) district at the eastern end of the ophiolite, has revealed many of the same minerals, including diamond, moissanite, and some native elements, alloys, oxides, sulphides, silicates, carbonates, and tungstates. This orebody is particularly rich in diamonds, with over 1 000 grains recovered from about 1 100 kg sample of chromitite. More detailed studies and experi-ments are needed to understand the origin and significance of these unusual minerals because they have not been found in situ. It is a great breakthrough in mineralogical research that we have picked up more than 40 kinds of minerals from the Kangjinla chromite deposit in Luobusa. It is notable that a large amount of diamonds were firstly discovered from the Kangjinla chromite deposit as well as many other unusual minerals, such as moissanites, rutiles, native irons, and metal alloys. Especially, that diamond was found again in different chromitites In the same ophiolite belt provided new key evidence for discussing the origin of the diamond and the hosted ehromitite and ophiolite. The mantle mineral group in Tibet has great significance in mineralogy and geodynamics.  相似文献   

Groundwater is of fundamental significance for human society,especially in semi-arid areas in China.However,due to the fast social and economic development,China has been suffering from the shortage of water resource.In this situation,managed aquifer recharge(MAR)was considered to be an effective measure for the sustainable management of groundwater resources.Since 1960 s,China successfully implemented many MAR schemes for different purposes such as restoration of groundwater tables,prevention of seawater intrusion,increasing urban water supplies and controlling land subsidence.From those successful experiences China developed a scientific and applicable system to implement MAR project.However,there were still many challenges in this field,for example,treated waste water had been barely used for recharge.The present review summarized the achievements in MAR applications in China as well as the associated challenges within the past 55 years before the year 2016.  相似文献   

Detachment of the sliver-like Cimmerian terrane from eastern Gondwana in the Early Permian triggered mafic volcanism in many parts of the rift zone. To understand this tectonic episode we have carried out paleomagnetic investigations on mafic volcanic for-mations that were erupted on key terranes that now form part of Tibet. Specifically, we will present data from sections near Lhasa City (central Lhasa block) and Tuotuohe (central Qiangtang Block) as well as near Gyanyima (Paleotethyan sea-mount) that was emplaced onto the floor of Palaeotethys during the Late Permian. Paleomagnetic plots from each location will be used for tectonic calculations. Our new data will be used to evaluate regional scale models con-cerned with how the Cimmerian terranes in southern and SE Asia (from Iran-Tibet-SW China-Myanmar- Thailand-Sumatra) formerly abutted eastern Gond-wana.  相似文献   

The Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden have been closely connected for many centuries, not least from a geological point of view. Scientific cooperation as well as contentions have been common. The earliest known records of "geological" treatises are from the 16th century, but especially in the 18th century, when the natural sciences flourished all over Europe, Nordic scholars were in the forefront in geochemistry, mineralogy, and paleontology. This was also the century when "geology" started to be taught at the universities, and science academies were founded in Norden, adding greatly to "geological" studies. In the 19th century, like in so many other countries, national geological survey organizations and geological societies were founded. In Norden, geological research has long traditions within mineralogy and ore geology, paleontology and stratigraphy, tectonics and structural geology. During the last century, focus has turned also to Quaternary and glacial geology, igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, micropaleontology, petroleum geology, sedimentology, marine geology, geophysics, geochronology, and research related to geothermal energy and deposition of radioactive waste products. In many of these research areas, Nordic geoscientists have contributed greatly over the years to the development of the science of geology.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAs early as 1644 , Ren啨Descartes proposed thatsilver-,gold-,and lead-bearing veins were producedby the condensation of vapors emanating from theearth' s interior ( Williams-Jones et al ., 2002) . Butthe solubility of many metals is higher in liquid thanin vapor andtherefore the focus of research on hydro-thermal ore deposits was placed on hydrothermal sys-tems (Barnes ,1997) ,considering the fact that ore-forming elements may exist as complexes in hydro-thermal solutions . T…  相似文献   

Distributional characteristics of trace elements (V,Co,Ni, Cu,Pb,Cr,Sr,Ra) have been examined in sedimentary rocks of various ages in Turfan, an intermountainous basin in Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region, northwestern China. Two major cycles are generally recognizable with respect to the variation in trace element contents during the geologic history from the Mesozoic through the Cenozoic, Within the first cycle, the concentrations of many trace elements except Sr and Ba were relatively high in the Early and Middle Jurassic (J1 and J2^1-J2^2 ), which were characterized by moist climate and a large amount of organic matter. But an opposite trend was observed as the climate became drier and organic matter depleted in Late Jurassic Period (J3). Within the second cycle, Sr and Ba decreased as opposed to the increase in many other trace elements in the Early Cretaceous while the reverse was true for the Tertiary. The distribution pattern of thrace elements is thought to be the result of the interaction among a variety of factors, such as the mode of migration of the elements,palaeoclimatology, palaeogeography, conditions of the water-medium, and ete.  相似文献   

Northeastern China contains widely distributed Jurassic terrestrial strata that have yielded many spectacular mammal and pterosaur fossils, in addition to feathered dinosaur fossils and more recent discoveries from Jianchang, particularly from western Liaoning. However, the fossil-bearing stratigraphic succession, regional correlation, and age estimates of the fossils found in Jianchang County and nearby areas have been contentious. Here, we report on the vertebrate fossil-bearing Jurassic stratigraphy from Linglongta, Jianchang County, western Liaoning, including a SHRIMP U-Pb zircon date unambiguously associated with the fossil horizons. The primary goal was to determine the vertebrate fossil-bearing succession. A further aim was to provide age estimations for the fossil-bearing horizon as well as the earliest appearance of feathered dinosaurs, the eutherian–placental clade, and transitional pterosaurs. Field investigations showed that the vertebrate fossil-bearing stratigraphic succession in Jianchang County mainly consists of basal andesites overlain by rhythmic tuffs and tuffaceous lacustrine sediments, with the upper intermediate or acidic lavas interbedded with laminated more or less tuffaceous lacustrine deposits. This sequence correlates well with the Middle Jurassic Lanqi/Tiaojishan Formation in northeastern China. Detailed and accurate field observations showed that the well-preserved vertebrate fossils were buried in either the middle or the upper fine-grained laminated lacustrine deposits. Previous and current SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dates provide an age estimation of 161–159 Myr for the fossil-bearing horizon and vertebrates. This indicates that the earliest appearance of feathered dinosaurs here was more than 159 Myr ago and unquestionably older than Archaeopteryx from Germany, making these the earliest known feathered dinosaurs in the world. Furthermore, the eutherian–placental clade and the known transitional pterosaurs first emerged no later than 161 Myr. The vertebrate assemblage unearthed recently from Linglongta and neighboring areas in Jianchang County belongs to the Daohugou Biota. In addition to feathered dinosaurs, this biota was characterized by mammals, primitive pterosaurs, insects, and plants and was present in Inner Mongolia, western Liaoning, and northern Hebei in northeastern China during the Middle–Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Soils contain about twice the amount of carbon presented in the atmosphere, so a small change in the soil carbon will influence atmospheric chemistry and heat balance. The soil carbon ultimately exchanged with the atmospheric CO2 as soil CO2, which mainly exists at the depth of 0-20 cm. The transport of soil CO2 is affected by the sources of soil CO2. Thus, separation of the contributions of sources of soil CO2 is a fundamental need to understand and predict implications of environmental change on soil carbon cycling and sequestration. It is a complicated task, so that a number of different methodological approaches such as component integration, root removal, and gap analyses have been developed. However, these methods could not avoid changing soil characteristics such as air-filled porosity, soil temperature and soil water contents. Consequently, fractional contributions of respiration of living root and decomposition of soil organic matter to the total soil CO2 cannot be estimated correctly. In this study, based on mass balance theory of both concentrations and δ^13C of soil CO2, a trenching method with a stable-isotope technique was used to determine both soil CO2 sources at the depth of 3-13 cm in a Japanese larch forest area during 30 May to 7 October 2005 and fractional contributions of these sources. Experimental results showed that the amount of atmospheric CO2 invaded the soil air was not significantly variable while its percent rate in the total soil CO2 had significantly temporal variations with the lower values between 5 August and 1 September. The litter-layer decomposition was very small. The soil CO2 derived from the respiration of living root and the decomposition of soil organic matter showed significantly temporal variations with increase from 30 May to 5 Aug. and decrease from 1 September to 7 October, 2005; and it accounted for 82%-98% of the total soil CO2 in which the respiration of living root was in the range from 32% to 62%.  相似文献   

The Ninth Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral andEnergy Resources of Southeast Asia was held in KualaLumpur of Malaysia in August of 1998. After the Con-gress, the author participated in the geological fieldexcursion and investigation in the Langkawi Islands,and noted that the Carboniferous-Permian rocks con-tain megaclasts of metamorphic and pegmatitic rocks,which indicate the existence of pre-Carboniferousmetamorphism and magmatism. The observation resultsare as follows:  相似文献   

A new macrofossil Lagerstatte was discovered from the uppermost Ediacaran Jiucheng Member at Jinning and Jiangchuan of the eastern Yunnan, yielding numerous diverse well-preserved thallophyte macrofossils. These include the previously-known representatives of vendobionts, Vendotaenia and Tyrasotaenia, and the biggish multicellular benthos such as Chuaria-like and Tawuia- like fossiis, as well as Longfengshaniaceaens with diverse holdfast structures. There are still some other problematic macrofossils with peculiar configurations as well as uncertain relatives. The distinct dominance of the giant, unbranching thallophytes occasionally with holdfast structures distinguishes this assemblage from the other Ediacaran macrofossil Lagerstattes in the Doushantuo Formation at Miaohe, Wenghui and Lantian, and the contemporary assemblage in the Shibantan Member of Dengying Formation, Yangtze Gorges area. This paper outlines the characteristics of some of the multicellular macrofossils from the Jiucheng Member at Jiangchuan. They include some macrofossils with different types of holdfast structure, larger Chuaria-like and Tawuia-like morphology and questionable affinities as well. The discovery of greater diverse macrofossil assemblages from the Jiucheng Member of eastern Yunnan has further indicated that an important diversification and evolutionary radiation of metaphytes took place in the latest Ediacaran time. This radiation of largescale, benthic metaphyte along with phytoplankton was likely important contributors to the early Cambrian explosion of metazoans.  相似文献   

The name Calabrian was introduced in the geological literature by the French stratigrapher Maurice Gignoux in 1910, and later described in his important monograph (633 pages) "Les formations marines pliocknes et quaternaires de l'ltalie du sud et de la Sicile "published in 1913. Detailed data were provided on several sections (Santa Maria di Catanzaro, Caraffa, Monasterace, Palermo) and on their fossil content. The Calabrian Stage has commonly been used for over fifty years as the oldest subdivision of the Qua- ternary, notably in the time scales of Berggren & van Cou- vering (1974) and Haq & Eysinga (1987). However, after the GSSP for the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary (P/P) was approved by INQUA in 1982 and ratified by lUGS in 1984 at the Vrica section of Calabria, there was a decline in the usage of the stage name, and an increasing tendency by many Quaternary workers to question the boundary stratotype. This was because there was increasing evidence that it did not correspond to the beginning of the "ice age". In doing so, they were not complying with the recommendations presented at the 18th International Geological Congress (IGC) in London, 1948 (Oakley, 1950).  相似文献   

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