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黄土高原塬区地表辐射和热量平衡观测与分析 总被引:13,自引:11,他引:13
利用2005年夏季黄土高原塬区陆面过程野外试验(LOPEX05)的观测资料,初步分析了甘肃平凉黄土高原塬区地表辐射收支和热量平衡特征。结果显示,黄土高原塬区地面长波辐射大于大气长波辐射,典型晴天、阴天和雨天情况下两者平均差值分别为65,25和8 W.m-2;对于地气能量交换各个分量而言,黄土高原塬上和塬下在相同下垫面下的差别不大,但裸地和有植被的下垫面差别很明显;在白天,潜热在净辐射中所占的比重较大,其次是感热,最后是土壤热通量。对能量平衡中的储存项如热通量板上层土壤的热存储和植被冠层存储进行了估算,结果表明,土壤的热储存项在-30~70W.m-2之间,而植被的热能储存项在-10~25 W.m-2之间。在考虑估算的存储项之后,能量平衡散布图斜率由0.68提高到0.79,相关系数R由0.90提高到0.93,两者分别提高了11.0%和3.0%,并对能量不平衡有明显的改进,说明能量储存项在地表能量闭合中必须考虑。 相似文献
利用黄土高原半干旱区"定西陆面过程综合观测试验站"2004年11月至2005年10月的各种陆面物理量综合资料,比较系统地研究了黄土高原半干旱区土壤温度、降水量、地表反照率、地表辐射分量和能量平衡分量的年变化和日变化特征及其影响机制。结果显示,黄土高原陆面过程特征与其他地区有很大不同。土壤温度变化向下传播速度约为2.5~3.5 h/10cm;地表反照率随土壤湿度的增大而减小,两者的相关系数达到了0.5338;而地表反照率随降雪量增大而增大,与降雪量的相关系数为0.6645;长波辐射年最大值出现的时间比总辐射迟1个月左右,年平均日变化中地表和大气对太阳辐射加热大约需要1个小时的响应时间;潜热通量夏季是冬季的5倍多,感热通量有了两个比较明显的峰值,潜热通量、感热通量和土壤热通量的日峰值比净辐射滞后30 min~1 h。 相似文献
土地利用和土地覆盖变化对气候系统影响的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
土地利用和土地覆盖变化(LUCC或LULCC)不仅对人类赖以生存的地球环境有重要影响,同时与人类福祉密切联系。人类活动对气候的强迫不仅包括温室气体排放导致的气候变暖,还通过直接改变地表物理性状以及间接改变其他生物地球物理过程和生物地球化学过程等对气候系统产生深刻影响。作者在此认识的基础上回顾了LUCC对气候系统影响的研究历史,结合新近的研究结果归纳了诸如森林砍伐、城市化、修坝等LUCC活动在区域和全球尺度的气候效应。LUCC具有高度的空间异质性,因此气候系统对它的反馈也具有明显的空间差异。由于全球平均后变化幅度相对区域上的小,LUCC对区域气候影响显著,而对全球气候影响不明显。它对区域气候的影响取决于反照率、蒸散发效率和地表粗糙率等变化的综合效应:在热带地区LUCC主要引起温度升高,在高纬度地区使温度下降。在全球尺度上LUCC导致气候的变暖主要通过减少蒸散发和潜热通量引起陆表水循环的改变,其次通过改变地表反照率导致辐射强迫改变。最后指出目前LUCC在气候变化学科中的研究所存在的问题。在此基础上提出了未来的研究首先需要评估的3个气候指标,并提倡多学科间的相互合作。 相似文献
Bo HAN Shihua LÜ Ruiqing LI Xin WANG Lin ZHAO Cailing ZHAO Danyun WANG Xianhong MENG 《大气科学进展》2017,34(5):663-678
A modified Bowen ratio(BRm),the sign of which is determined by the direction of the surface sensible heat flux,was used to represent the major divisions in climate across the globe,and the usefulness of this approach was evaluated. Five reanalysis datasets and the results of an offline land surface model were investigated. We divided the global continents into five major BRm zones using the climatological means of the sensible and latent heat fluxes during the period 1980–2010:extremely cold,extremely wet,semi-wet,semi-arid and extremely arid. These zones had BRm ranges of(-∞,0),(0,0.5),(0.5,2),(2,10) and(10,+∞),respectively. The climatological mean distribution of the Bowen ratio zones corresponded well with the K ¨oppen-like climate classification,and it reflected well the seasonal variation for each subdivision of climate classification. The features of climate change over the mean climatological BRm zones were also investigated. In addition to giving a map-like classification of climate,the BRm also reflects temporal variations in different climatic zones based on land surface processes. An investigation of the coverage of the BRm zones showed that the extremely wet and extremely arid regions expanded,whereas a reduction in area was seen for the semi-wet and semi-arid regions in boreal spring during the period 1980–2010. This indicates that the arid regions may have become drier and the wet regions wetter over this period of time. 相似文献
Carmen Emmel Eugenie Paul-Limoges Thomas Andrew Black Andreas Christen 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2013,149(2):133-163
The current outbreak of mountain pine beetle (MPB) that started in the late 1990s in British Columbia, Canada, is the largest ever recorded in the north American native habitat of the beetle. The killing of trees is expected to change the vertical distribution of net radiation ( $Q^*$ Q ? ) and the partitioning of latent ( $Q_\mathrm{E}$ Q E ) and sensible ( $Q_\mathrm{H}$ Q H ) heat fluxes in the different layers of an attacked forest canopy. During an intensive observation period in the summer of 2010, eddy-covariance flux and radiation measurements were made at seven heights from ground level up to 1.34 times the canopy height in an MPB-attacked open-canopy forest stand $(\hbox {leaf area index} = 0.55~\mathrm{{m}}^{2}\ \mathrm{{m}}^{-2})$ ( leaf area index = 0.55 m 2 m - 2 ) in the interior of British Columbia, Canada. The lodgepole pine dominated stand with a rich secondary structure (trees and understorey not killed by the beetle) was first attacked by the MPB in 2003 and received no management. In this study, the vertical distribution of the energy balance components and their sources and sinks were analyzed and energy balance closure (EBC) was determined for various levels within the canopy. The low stand density resulted in approximately 60 % of the shortwave irradiance and 50 % of the daily total $Q^*$ Q ? reaching the ground. Flux divergence calculations indicated relatively strong sources of latent heat at the ground and where the secondary structure was located. Only very weak sources of latent heat were found in the upper part of the canopy, which was mainly occupied by dead lodgepole pine trees. $Q_\mathrm{H}$ Q H was the dominant term throughout the canopy, and the Bowen ratio ( $Q_\mathrm{H}/Q_\mathrm{E}$ Q H / Q E ) increased with height in the canopy. Soil heat flux ( $Q_\mathrm{G}$ Q G ) accounted for approximately 4 % of $Q^*$ Q ? . Sensible heat storage in the air ( $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,H}$ Δ Q S , H ) was the largest of the energy balance storage components in the upper canopy during daytime, while in the lower canopy sensible heat storage in the boles ( $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,B}$ Δ Q S , B ) and biochemical energy storage ( $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,C}$ Δ Q S , C ) were the largest terms. $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,H}$ Δ Q S , H was almost constant from the bottom to above the canopy. $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,C}$ Δ Q S , C , $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,B}$ Δ Q S , B and latent heat storage in the air ( $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,E}$ Δ Q S , E ) varied more than $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,H}$ Δ Q S , H throughout the canopy. During daytime, energy balance closure was high in and above the upper canopy, and in the lowest canopy level. However, where the secondary structure was most abundant, ${\textit{EBC}} \le 66\,\%$ EBC ≤ 66 % . During nighttime, the storage terms together with $Q_\mathrm{G}$ Q G made up the largest part of the energy balance, while $Q_\mathrm{H}$ Q H and $Q_\mathrm{E}$ Q E were relatively small. These radiation and energy balance measurements in an insect-attacked forest highlight the role of secondary structure in the recovery of attacked stands. 相似文献
土地利用变化对长江流域气候及水文过程影响的敏感性研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
使用区域气候模式(RegCM3)和大尺度汇流模型(LRM), 研究土地利用/植被覆盖变化对长江流域气候及水文过程的影响。RegCM3嵌套于欧洲数值预报中心 (ECMWF) 再分析资料ERA40, 分别进行了中国区域在实际植被和理想植被分布情况下两个各15年 (1987~2001年) 时间长度的积分试验。随后, RegCM3 两个试验的输出径流结果分别用来驱动LRM, 研究土地利用/植被覆盖变化对长江流域河川径流的影响。研究结果指出, 中国当代土地利用变化对长江流域降水、蒸散发、径流深及河川径流等水文气候要素的改变较大, 对气温的改变并不明显。土地利用变化引起长江干流河川径流量在夏季(6~8月)有所增加, 并且越向下游增加幅度越大, 其中大通站径流量增加接近15%。总体而言, 土地利用改变加剧了长江流域夏季水循环过程, 使得夏季长江中下游地区降水增多, 径流增大。 相似文献
应用SPOT卫片进行县级土地利用调查的精度分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
由于地区经济的迅速发展,土地利用呈现出动态变化过程,利用遥感技术进行土地利用调查具有客观、快速等特点。其关键问题是卫片调查的精度问题。选取常熟市练塘等五个乡为试验区,用1994年SPOT资料作为信息源,采用人机交互式解译法进行县级土地利用现状分类。并将1994年调查结果与同年航空像片详查值作对比,进行了精度分析。研究结果表明:用SPOT卫片进行县级土地利用调查是可行的,土地利用一级分类精度在95%以上,但二级分类精度不够理想,有待于进一步提高。 相似文献
利用1974-2012年天津12个气象站的降水、气温资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料等,采用经验函数正交分解(EOF)和相关分析等统计方法,对天津春季的气候特征及主要影响因子进行分析。结果表明:1)天津春季降水空间分布主要有全市一致型和南北反位相型2种分布型,其总方差贡献接近90%,2013年春季为全市一致型。2)东亚冬季风、北极涛动(AO)和西太平洋副高是天津春季气候的主要影响因子。3)2013年,东亚冬季风偏强,AO冬、春持续负位相,春季西太平洋副高偏弱、偏东,均指示天津2013年春季降水偏少、气温偏低的可能性大。 相似文献
夏季我国干旱、半干旱区陆面过程能量平衡及其局地大气环流 总被引:18,自引:10,他引:18
利用NCEP资料分析得出,夏季我国干旱,半干旱区在整个欧亚大陆上是陆面感热通量最强的地方,与此对应的陆面潜热通量则最弱.陆面所接收的太阳短波辐射主要以感热和长波辐射的能量形式释放.该区降水量很少,降水量的年际变率也很弱;因此,该区的陆面热量通量都显出很弱的年际变率;然而,这些通量的年代际变率信号则比较显著.我国干旱、半干旱区大气环流的热力过程与其陆面过程特征密切相关.该区对流层大气的辐射冷却很强,达-3 K d-1.由于缺乏水汽和上升运动,大尺度凝结加热率、深对流加热率、浅对流加热率都非常弱.因此,600hPa以上的大气以绝热下沉加热来平衡辐射冷却;600hPa以下,陆面感热引起的垂直扩散加热率非常强,多达8 K d-1,它除了平衡辐射冷却以外还制造对流层低层的对流运动,以绝热上升冷却来平衡多余的垂直扩散加热.总之,我国干旱、半干旱区的陆面过程特征决定了该区大气运动的特殊垂直结构,即对流层低层对流上升运动及其上层的下沉运动.我国干旱、半干旱区陆面能量平衡及其局地大气环流的年代际变率,是全球气候系统年代际变率的必然结果. 相似文献
东亚地区降水离子成分时空分布及其特征分析 总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16
利用东亚酸沉降监测网(EANET)观测资料,对2001年东亚地区降水成分的时空分布特征进行了分析,通过与过去的观测进行对比,揭示东亚各地酸雨分布情况及降水化学特性差异,为东亚酸沉降长距离输送模式比较计划提供前期分析资料.分析结果表明:(1)东亚地区降水化学成分表现出明显的地域特征,滨海地区的日本降水含量中Na+、Cl-分别为219、208μmol·L-1居东亚地区之首,而中国西北地区Ca2+、NO-3、NH4+、SO24-、Mg2+、K+含量最高各为755、168、260、768、59.3、53.6 μmol·L-1;降水酸度主要受阳离子Ca2+、NH4+和阴离子SO24-、NO3-的影响.(2)东亚地区降水化学成分季节变化明显,除部分源自人为或工业排放源影响外(如北部地区冬季取暖),东亚地区气候呈季节变化也是影响的主要因子之一.春季沙尘源区沙尘、扬沙频繁,其上空存在较强的西风带,在天气系统冷锋影响下,沙尘粒子易随大风扬起而由锋前强烈抬升气流输送到对流层中层,在高空西风急流作用下输送到下游地区.(3)东亚地区酸雨区降水与以往主要以硫酸型酸雨为主的降水性质不同,除中国西南工业欠发达地区仍为硫酸型外,其他酸雨区均为硫酸和硝酸混合型.表征酸雨类型的特征参量[SO24-]/[NO3-]的比值在中国西南地区为3~5,东南和华南地区为0.5~3;其他各国均在0.5~3之间. 相似文献
Ryozo Ooka Taiki Sato Kazuya Harayama Shuzo Murakami Yoichi Kawamoto 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2011,138(1):77-97
The summer climate around the Tokyo metropolitan area has been analysed on an urban scale, and the regional characteristics
of the thermal energy balance of a bayside business district in the centre of Tokyo (Otemachi) have been compared with an
inland residential district (Nerima), using a mesoscale meteorological model incorporating an urban canopy model. From the
results of the analysis, the mechanism of diurnal change in air temperature and absolute humidity in these areas is quantitatively
demonstrated, with a focus on the thermal energy balance. Moreover, effective countermeasures against urban heat-islands are
considered from the viewpoint of each region’s thermal energy balance characteristics. In addition to thermal energy outflux
by turbulent diffusion, advection by sea-breezes from Tokyo Bay discharges sensible heat in Otemachi. This mitigates temperature
increases during the day. On the other hand, because all sea-breezes must first cross the centre of Tokyo, it has less of
a cooling effect in Nerima. As a result, the air temperature during the day in Nerima is higher than that in Otemachi. 相似文献
An analytic solution of an energy balance model (EBM) is presented which can beused as a recursive filter for time series analysis. It is shown that the EBM can reproduce the solution of a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) experiment. Contrary to the AOGCM, the EBM easily allows for variations in climate sensitivity to satisfy the full range of uncertainty concerned with this parameter. The recursive filter is applied to two natural and two anthropogenic forcing mechanisms which are expressed in terms of heating rate anomaly time series: volcanism, solar activity, greenhouse gases (GHG), and anthropogenic tropospheric aerosols. Thus, we obtain modelled global mean temperature variations as a response to the different forcings and with respect to the uncertainty in the forcing approximations and climate sensitivity. In addition, it is shown that the observed (ENSO-corrected) global mean temperature time series within the period from 1866 to 1997 can be explained by the external forcings which have been considered and an additional white noise forcing. In this way we are able to separate different signals and compare them. As a result, global anthropogenic climate change due to GHG forcing can be detected at a high level of significance without considering spatial patterns of climate change but including natural forcing, which is usually not done. Furthermore, it is shown that solar forcing alone does not lead to significantclimate change, whereas solar and volcanic forcing together lead to a significant natural climate change signal. Anthropogenic climate change due to GHG forcing may partly be masked by anthropogenic aerosol cooling. 相似文献
Michael Chenoweth 《Climatic change》1998,40(3-4):577-603
Two weather records kept at Nassau, Bahamas, from 1811 to 1837, and from 1838 to 1845, respectively, are analyzed and compared to 20th century reference periods. The average annual temperature of the period is 24.2°C (±0.65°C), which is 0.4°C lower than 1961–1990 and 0.1°C lower than 1901–1920, the coolest period in the 20th century. Cold periods occurred from 1812–1819 and 1835–1839. A warmer phase prevailed between these two episodes and another warm episode occurred in 1840–1842. Temperature fell after the volcanic eruptions of Tambora (April, 1815) and Coseguina (January, 1835). The maximum cooling after Tambora is estimated at 1.0°C (±0.56°) and after Coseguina is estimated at 0.4°C (±0.56°). The post-Tambora cooling is in line with previous estimates (Robock, personal communication). The 1810s were a period of extreme drought at Nassau and are unequalled in later years. Rainfall frequency was below contemporary (1812–1837) averages from 1812–1820 and 1836–1837 but was above average from 1821–1835. Moist (dry) periods occurred almost simultaneously with warm (cool) periods. The months of October, November, and April show the greatest (negative) deviations in precipitation frequency. Gale force winds were 85% more frequent than from 1901–1960. Much of this increase took place in the months of September through November and represents an increase in tropical cyclone frequency in the Nassau area above that of 1901–1960. Resultant winds show a tendency towards greater northerly components than in the 20th century, especially during the winter months. The increase in northerly wind components, temperatures below the 20th-century average, and reduction in rainfall frequency in the winter half of the year indicates a synoptic situation in which high pressure was more frequent over the southeast North American continent. 相似文献
分析了1985-1991年冬季雨雪的酸度及化学组份资料。结果表明,降雪的酸雪频率各年均有不同,但都比同季中降雨的酸雨频率低;降雪酸度也比降雨纸;降雪中弱酸性的酸雪出现次数最多,占总次数的4成;在酸雪中酸度值与电导率呈现显著的负相关。分析降雪的化学组份发现,降雪中SO4^2-含量越来越高,Cl^-含量呈下降趋势。阳离子中以NH4^+为主。 相似文献
三种大气可降水量推算方法结果的比较分析 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
以湖北省为例,分别用气象探空资料累加计算、地面气象资料推算(又有两种)、地基GPS探测资料反演等三种方法计算出该省空中水汽资源含量,并以探空法计算的水汽资源含量为基准来评估其他两种方法计算结果的偏差情况.结果表明:(1)与探空法计算结果相比,地面法计算结果偏小,恩施、宜昌、武汉等3站年平均空中水汽资源含量分别只偏小4.7%、2.9%、5.4%,且两种推算方法计算的月空中水汽资源含量变化趋势一致;(2)宜昌站GPS法比探空法计算结果偏大5.6%,同期地面法比探空法偏小3.5%;(3)对于有降水日的有效空中水汽资源,地面法、GPS法推算的整层水汽含量与探空法计算结果分别相差-1.4%和8.4%.可见地面法和GPS法推算空中水汽资源精度均比较高,可满足空中水汽资源推算要求,且站点多,从而可有效弥补探空站少的不足.总体上GPS法推算空中水汽资源精度略低于地面法,还可在今后应用中进一步订正优化. 相似文献