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Evolutionary masses corresponding to various evolutionary phases of Population I pulsating stars (89 Delta Scuti variables and 155 classical cepheids) are interpolated in the systems of tracks of Iben (1967) and Paczyski (1970). The evolutionary masses are larger in the latter system than in the former one. The uncertainty of the evolutionary mass of a star is estimated, when various evolutionary phases are possible for this star (a smaller evolutionary mass corresponds to a later phase). Semi-empirical period-evolutionary mass-colour (P-M e -C) and period-evolutionary mass (P-M e ) relations are derived for various modes, groups of stars, colour indices (and effective temperature), and evolutionary phases. For Delta Scuti stars, the uncertainty of evolutionary masses calculated from theP-M e relations for different modes, is estimated. The improvement of the evolutionary mass accuracy is estimated, when aP-M e -C relation is used instead of the correspondingP-M e relation. The theoretical and semi-empirical period ratios of radial pulsations derived from theP-M e relations for Delta Scuti stars, are compared. There is a relatively good agreement between theP-M e relations for the two types of Population I pulsating stars, but a gap exists between them. The evolutionary masses of these stars are closer in the two systems of tracks and are derived with a relatively higher accuracy in comparison with their ages.  相似文献   

Luminosities of Population I pulsating stars (Delta Scuti variables and classical cepheids) are investigated. From data for 80 Delta Scuti stars, semi-empirical period-luminosity-colour (P-L-C) relations and period-luminosity (P-L) relations are obtained for the four lowest modes of radial pulsations. The improvement of the accuracy of the stellar luminosity is determined when a P-L-C relation is used instead of the corresponding P-L relation. From data for 155 classical cepheids, empirical P-L relations are derived for short-period stars (logP1.1), long-period stars (logP>1.1), and s-cepheids. The comparison of the P-L relations for the two types of variable stars shows good agreement, but between them there is a gap with a dim nature.  相似文献   

The radiiR and surface gravitiesg of Population I pulsating stars (89 Delta Scuti-variables and 155 classical cepheids) have been investigated. Semi-empirical period-radius (P-R) and period-gravity (P-g) relations are obtained for Delta Scuti-stars (for the four lowest modes of radial pulsations) and for classical cepheids. For Delta Scuti-stars, the uncertainties of radius and gravity estimations calculated from theP-R andP-g relations for different modes, are evaluated. There is a good agreement both between theP-R relations and between theP-g relations for Delta Scuti-stars and for classical cepheids, but a gap exists between the two types of variables. From models of Delta Scuti-stars, theoreticalP-R andP-g relations for the four lowest modes of radial pulsations are obtained, in a good agreement with the corresponding semi-empirical relations. There is an excellent agreement between the theoretical and semi-empirical period ratios of radial pulsations as derived from theP-R andP-g relations for Delta Scuti-stars. It is not necessary to take into account the colours (in addition to the periods), in order to estimate the radii and gravities of the variables under study.  相似文献   

The current knowledge of the evolution of Population II stars, as observed in galactic halos and globular clusters, is outlined. The recent theoretical results provided by an improved physical understanding of the stars are reported, with a particular emphasis upon those stellar evolutionary phases which are the keystones of the interpretation of globular cluster stars. Within the up–to–date theoretical scenario, the luminosity of the turn–off stars and horizontal branch stars, which are of fundamental importance for distance and age determinations, turns out to be fainter and brighter, respectively, in comparison with previous theoretical computations. The predicted absolute magnitude of RR Lyrae stars is consistent with the bright values suggested from the long distance scale (Sandage 1993), but the slope of the relation between and metallicity ([Fe/H]) agrees with that suggested from the short distance scale (see, e.g., Carney et al. 1992, Clementini et al. 1995), at least with [Fe/H]-1.3. As to the globular cluster ages, the new computations provide younger ages ( 10 Gyr–13 Gyr), weakening the conflict with current cosmological estimates. The recent results derived from the fitting of HIPPARCOS parallaxes of field subdwarfs to the fiducial main sequence of globular clusters are consistent with the up–to–date theoretical models. However, the direct determinations of , which are based on the HIPPARCOS proper motions and trigonometric parallaxes of field RR Lyrae stars, give fainter absolute magnitudes than those obtained from the improved evolutionary models. This seems to suggest that the problem of the globular cluster distance and age is still open. Received 6 April 1998  相似文献   

The regularities of strong thermal waves moving in non-uniform media are considered in some detail. The application of thermal wave theory to Nova outburst interpretation is discussed.  相似文献   

Es wird ein modifizierter Index für das chromosphärische Aktivitätsniveau bei Sternen, A'Call, vorgeschlagen. Dieses wird auf Grund der in den H und K Ca II-Linienkernen gemessenen Strahlungsflußdichte berechnet, ist aber im Unterschied zu anderen bekannten Indizes frei vom Einfluß der Sternfarbe. Die Anwendung des neuen Indexes führt zu einer modifizierten Aktivität-Rotation-Beziehung bei Sternen im unteren Teil der Hauptreihe. Es ist nachgewiesen, daß im Koordinatensystem log A'Call, log Ro (Ro ist die Rossby Zahl) F-M-Sterne einer allgemeinen Beziehung mit dem Parameter α = 1.6 gehorchen. Die Kurve weist keine Zeichen von Aktivitätssättigung bei Sternen mit niedrigen Rossby-Zahlen auf, aber das Aktivitätsniveau strebt gegen einen konstanten Wert bei langsam rotierenden Sternen mit dünnen Konvektionszonen.  相似文献   

Radial velocities for 114 Hipparcos stars, mostly high transverse velocity binaries without previous radial velocity measurements, are published. Measurements are made with the CORAVEL‐type radial velocity spectrometer. The accuracy of measurements is better than 1 km/s. Two stars, BD +30° 2129A and HD 117466AB are found to be radial velocity variables, and three more stars, HD 119515A, HD 131597AB, and HD 153344, are possible radial velocity variables.  相似文献   

P. Maltby 《Solar physics》1977,55(2):335-346
The effects of the magnetic field as well as the velocity field on sunspot equilibrium are discussed. The gas pressure difference, P, between a spot and the environments in the same horizontal layer is primarily determined by the magnetic field. Using recent model atmospheres we find that P shows a maximum value, P max, at a depth of 650 ± 150 km below the photosphere. The value of P max suggests that the curvature of the field lines is important for the equilibrium.It appears that, at an optical depth of unity in the umbra, the density has a value close to that of the environment at the same geometric depth (see Figure 4). If such is the case the expression for the umbra temperature (Equation (15)) may be considerably simplified (Equations (17) and (18)) and compared with observations.  相似文献   

Life--as we know it--is a chemical process, based on water and carbon compounds. Complex organic molecules are made primarily from the biogenic elements--carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur--that formed deep within massive ancient stars. How did these elements travel from their stellar birthplaces across time and space to make up the life-form that is reading these words? In this article, we'll take a look at the chemical processes that set the stage for the origin of life.  相似文献   

We have collected almost all HdC, RCB and EHe stars up to date to investigate their infrared properties, in particular, their radiation mechanisms in the infrared, using the observational data from 2MASS, WISE and IRAS missions. Because HdC stars, RCB stars and EHe stars all belong to the category of extremely hydrogen-deficient stars and they definitely have some evolutionary connections.It is found from this paper that all RCB stars have infrared excesse in the wavelength region from the near infrared to the far infrared covered by 2MASS, WISE and IRAS due to dust while almost all HdC stars and EHe stars have no or little infrared excess.From 2MASS, WISE and IRAS two-color diagrams, it is also found that the majority of these three kinds of stars are around the power law distributions in the near infrared possibly indicative of their infrared radiations from the warm dust in the disk-like envelope. It is also found that in the mid- and far infrared regions some stars are around the power law distribution perhaps due to dust from disk-like envelope while some stars are around the blackbody distribution maybe due to the cold and extended nebulosity nearby.  相似文献   

This paper is the second part of an investigation into the mechanism for the origin of X-rays in early-type stars. Archival X-ray observations of 25 B stars, obtained by the XMM-Newton satellite, are analysed. We check two hypotheses on the origin of X-ray emission: the Magnetically Confined Wind Shock Model(MCWS) and Pollock's paradigm. For all studied stars, the mean ratio of the half widths at half maximum to the terminal velocities appears to be R ≈ 0.15-0.20 in contradiction to Pollock's hypothesis that R ≈ 0.5. We checked three possible consequences of the MCWS model: correlations between the hardness of the X-ray spectra for B stars and terminal wind velocities, mass loss rates and magnetic fields.It was shown that such correlations are marginal or even absent both for magnetic and non-magnetic B stars.  相似文献   

This is a study of observations of the photometric quantities Vt and Bt, reported in the Hipparcos catalog, for 15 standard stars in order to search for microvariability and rapid variability in their emission. The microvariability is found to be characterized mainly by smooth fluctuations in the brightness. Changes in the magnitudes of the stars HD 28355 and HD 130109 with a period of ~150 min and an amplitude <0m.02 appear to be caused by vertical shifts in their photospheres. Changes in the magnitudes with an amplitude of ~0m.01 and a period of 11.4d in the star e Eri were related to the rotation of spots. A similar microvariability period and amplitude in the star 51 Peg most likely originates in the influence of a planet.  相似文献   

The transition from a neutron star to a pion-condensed star is investigated in Newtonian hydrodynamics. It is shown that in a certain range of ultradense equations of state, there occurs a mass ejection with energies comparable with usual supernova outputs. But the ejected mass is only in the order of 0.02M . Therefore, the observable consequences of this transition are not so dramatic as conjectured recently. In a realistic scenario including a stiff ultradense equation of state and a weak effect of pion condensation the mass ejection disappears. Additionally the collapse of a stellar core to a neutron star with pion-condensed core is considered. In comparison with a standard supernova scenario we find only a slightly reduced explosion energy. Further, the possible consequence of pion condensation during the secular evolution of the bounced core of a collapsing star to the cool final neutron star is discussed.  相似文献   

Speculative connections have been made between Sakurai's Object andother hydrogen-deficient stars, principally the RCB stars and [WC]central stars of planetary nebulae. RCBs have also been postulated as the precursors of extreme helium stars (EHes). The question arises to whether Sakurai's Object will evolve down the [WC]-PG1159 evolution track, or the RCB-EHe-HesdO track. From a number of IUE observations, we have measured thesecular contraction rates and pulsation masses of several EHes. These are inconsistent with the predicted contraction rates for helium-shell burning giants produced by a final helium-shell flash (the [WC]-PG1159 track). Although there may be some similarities between Sakurai's Object and some RCBs, if the RCB-EHe conection is valid then these must be superficial rather than structural.  相似文献   

The spectral subtypes and luminosity classes are given for 15 comparatively faint M stars found on plates of the First Byurakan Spectroscopic Survey. Two of them are classified as M dwarfs. Most of the new M stars are probably Mirids.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 73–82, January–February, 1994.  相似文献   

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